OlWCIOjf CITY ENTERPRISE FRIDAY AUGUST 7 1903 5 sYour Banking ? THE BANK OF M No matter how him nil 3 n no matter how largo, A OREGON CITY 3 M rl w, will nivo it carclul at- g leniioii. nun incHHiigo n wr. . n y apiilicH to th(j men and A ti . 'A H tint U'Dinmi nliL'H - B 2 Oregon City Enterprise TOLD IN SIDEHEADS. Cummkkiiai. Man Wrm W. A. (id more, a commercial aah-Hoian, hiiiI Kiman Cures, l Nan Kraiicim-o, were married in IIhn cily Tuemlav afternoon at (lit reaidence i tint nlllciatiiig clergyman, Kttv. J. II. lli-nvenit. K x III 111 I H HllllTKII I'llKl:. Ill urillT In t'lll'Olirilge X ll I ll t'lTM HII'I attendance HI thti Mate (,iir, tint Soul li.Tfi I'acille Com niiy will t'linnporl nil exhibit, includ I n if livtt mIih k. Id iiml from the ( In-gon stale fair (rct of flmruH. Exhibitor should ship ill mm I to tlin fair grounds, where they will II ml ample facilities for Unloading nil exhibit. Ikji iukm I'hdvui Fatal. K. W. Ilamiictl, u( 1 i ikIiImikI, died Saturday morning Imiiii tiit injiiiii'it Iih atiatained laat Monday when he fell from tlin roof of hi barn. The deccaaed waa t)4 yi'uri of age and Imil reaiilcd I rM 1 1 i h county for over twenty year. Hit I inn vi vis I by a willow hut leave no children, liuriul took place ut Highland Hutnlay. ' letters" with onit cent pontage, Coin pllsnctt Willi thl ruin ami I hit placing of I I lilt proper postage Oil Mil littler III till ili'li vcrril liy the rural rarriera will fnci 1 1 -i t ilit lliii wni k of tint local tifllrti uml in sum the prompt delivery of alh lellttr. ' ( M her w inn letter mil. properly Htnitiptl t I nniHt Iih Imlil fur pontage. j Annual Mkktino. TIih annual meet I ing of the "lock holder of llmCiipcn Mi on . Company will lie lutlil on ' l iii'Hijuy, A iik. II. I'.HKI. hi tin company's ollleo at V 1 1 - ! lament-, (begun, Thaininii koii Kkoatta Tint Oregon Cily liomi loam la tialniiig nightly for tint regatta race to tut In-Ill nt Astoria the iiiIiIiIIh of the inontli. Five blanket were donated lint hoy thl week by tint Oregon Cily MHiiiiliictiirlii( ('oininiiy mill tint nii'iiilifM of t Iih team greatly ap preciate tint m m i i, ? ' i , ..a i ltt'NAWAY KkKOIiM N'lllMII, l!(IVg KrtsI Mutiton bihI Kttrl Mumlmll, two ph capttil i-liHri(i'" of th itlnle rtiforin m liool, wertt cilnriil in IIiImciIv litnt TlinrxiUy ni(lil liv l'olice Ollli-em Slmw mill Noli lilt. Million uml Muriiliiill, tugi'llu'r with Frank Klk'tCiim, lio wmi ritplun-il lew liny hku Rt Murqintni, witrit uki-n buck to the ri-furiimlory. Thin is the mvonrt time within month that yolliiK Malnon Ima evailetl tint ollirttr at the Bcliool and maile Ilia iKi'aitt. Coi'l.n Fink no Kudkm'k Slntriir Ktorey, of Mnltnonmli roiimy, w Ma In lh city onit nihl laat week in eean-li of evi-di-iifu mimimt tint four men who ara un der arrext in Portland for tint liolil up of the .Sellwooil car on July H. It waa tlioiiidit hy tint oIlii-i-rH that the IiIkIi-wayim-n iniht have iliitpoheil of Home of their hooty in thia viiy ami aci-oidiiikly all of the dei'onil liaiiil atorea wero vieit etl hut nolhinK waa foiiml that could bo lilted in evidence annml the aiiapectN. The liaiidita are nut believed to have bartered any of the utolen jewiilry liere. Won.i) not Cook Mkaiji. llerHUHe ahe reftnted to i-ook Ida iiimIh, liecaniH drunk with bad men in tlin prettence of t'leir children, waa cruel and inhuman in tier treatment towurda him, K. C. (olden, of I'lirllHiid, Iiuh brmittlit a Kiut for divurctt from Carrie li. (Jolden, in the Clarkamua county rirciiit i-ourt. The tiarliea were murriud at Wilcox, Ne LraHkn, in IHICI. Three yeara later they removed lo Portland where (iiihli-n now n-si'li-B, the woimin hiivint; (Ii-hitIciI him IhhI July. I'luiiitill'axka for a decree of divorce and lint custody of three minor children. Ilia attorney in II. K. Sar gent, of Portland. 1,1 vk Stock Sai.k. The Rreedera' Com bination auction in It- of live atock to be held at the Oregon atate fair thia fall will be one of the Kr'"'''Hl anlea ever held on the Pari lie cohhI. All of the iarne hrend era, inch aa Chaa. K. I. add, W. 0 Mi nor, C. li. Wade, Alex Clialiuera, I). II. Ixioney, Chaa. Cleveland. I'. A. Frakea, llazelwood Company, W. J". Townley, J. Malty, J. II. Stump, Atkinaon l!roa., are ending Borne of their heat atock on their reapeclive farma to thia Bale, which will Hive the furmei and ainull breeder a Bplendid opporiiinily of buying aome ciioice atock rilit at borne. Mil Bucki.kin Takkh a Partner. Phil Bncklein, the reliable proprietor and manager of the Oregon City Machine Shop, haa atHix-iated with himtielf in the business a partner. Mr. R. W.Witt schen, recently from Turner, Marion comity, and an expert niachiniat, has purchaaed an in tercet in thia live enter prlne, and in'tlie manaKement of thia im portant buainena in the future will be as aocialed with Mr..l(ncklein who, in a res idence of many years in thia city, baa built up a reputation for relinlile work of the higheHt character of workmanahip. The new firm will he known aa iiuck lein & Willachen, mil the lnatitiition will continue aa in the pnat to do a gen eral buHineHB along the line of making and repairing all kinds of machinery ,and in thia connection the general patronage of the public is solicited. Tint attention of farmers la especially called to this an-noncement. Put on Two Cknt Stami'. Poatmaster Randall reports that many patrons of the Oregon City ollice are not informed as to the stamping of letters to he deliv ered hy the free rural mail delivery that was recently eHtahliithttd from the Ore gon City oilicn. All letters for peraons reached by the rural routes muttt be stamped with a two-cent slump, the same as are all other letters for trans portation throughout the country. The rural mail service does not include "drop Wn.i, IIkcomk a Citukn. Tliouias P. Hurl, after a filty-two yean' realdence in tli la county, declared bia intention Monday of becoming a citizen of the Culled Hlalea. Mr, Kurt ia a native of Kngliind, and during a reaidttnee In this atiile of half a century baa never enjoyed the privilege ol a full-lleilged American citizen. Musky foil TllK r-cilooi.H. Countv Tri-KNimir Cnhill last Monday received from Stale Treasurer Moore $ll!,-U.'I.L'0, Hint being Hie amount apportioned to Cliickaunia cniiniy by the stale land iHnird (mm the common school fund lull-nut, Tint apportionment amounta lo 1 1. lit) per capita fur each child of eligible Hclinol a iih in the county, and Ibis aiiiounl will be dishorned to the l'.'O districts of thih enmity on the name liaaia. Wn.i. I i vi ik tiik Pkockkiis. Com pany A, Third Ui-giuieiil, O. N. (J., of llila cily, baa been linallv iliangaiiii-d At a meeting Monday night Lieute nuAt Knrn, John lli-intli, (His llnylan. Juek Cuulii ld and W. Howell were conatituted a committee to sell the property In-longing lo the company, the proceeds derived from Ilie ante lo he divided among the meiiiheia of the lulu military company. The disb.iiiilcd company hint paid all billa and is now an organization of the pant. THE ORIGINAL i LIVER MEDICINES A aull, iv imnml; u. w ..... An., , , iif-nn, biliousness and a roaUnl tongue are cominun indicutiona of liver and kid-iey diseases. Ktoma(;h and Ikiwi-I troiihlea, w-verr as they are, j m kivo iiiiuituiiie warning ny pain, inn iivit ami Kinney iroumcf, though less painful at the start, are much harder to cure. Tliedford's llac.k-lrnuj;lit never fails to hene fitdiacasMl liviVund weakened kid neys. It stirs up the torpid liver to throw oil the trerins of fever and ague. It is a ceil.-iiu preventive of cholera and l!i Vht's diw-aae of the knlneva. With k itinera re inforced )iv Tiiedford'a lilak 1 irauirht tlioiisandH of icrsons have uwell iinniiiin! in the initiator yel low fever. Many families lire in perfit-t health ami have no other doctor than Tiiedford'a I'lm k- liraught. It is always on hand for Use in an eiiiertfeney ami saved many expensive culls of a doctor. Mullim, S. C. March 10. 1001. I have uwd Therlford'a Blatk-Drauht lor inrcc vrjri and I have not hta to o tq doctor time I have been taking it. It It the be it mrdicine for me that li on the market for liver and kidney irouniri ana avpoila and other complaint!. Ktv. A. 0. LEWIS, ft ' X tf'' I GREAT CLEAN-UP SALE Wo will oiler to the public fur the next I'O days record break ing bargain h, in odds and ends, of our immense atock of up-to-date merchandise. Note a few of our many specials: 50 pair of V. L. Douglas cele brated $3.50 shoes and Oxfords to go at $3.00. 25 two-piece Outing suits, regular price rang ing from $8.50 to $12.00, re duced to 16 25. Many up-to-date styles of the reputable Mal Iory $3.00 hat reduced to $2.25. We have also many odds and ends in ladies' and children's shoes to be sold at the very low est figures. A few odds and ends in Hart, SchafTner & Marx clothing to go at bottom prices, and many other spectals too numerous to mention. Come early and be convinced. J. M. PRICE Clothier and haberdasher Cor. Clh and Main Oregon City Hart Schiffner if Mine Mind Tailored pip t.:-. -M -.t w. I v.tw"" . Copyright 1903 bf Hart Scuaifoer Marx Caiiiiiki) no I.N-aiKANci!. The farm lesideiice, together with all of its con tenia, a windmill, belonging to A. Trtllie, a farmer near Wilsonville, were burned Nkw Commamikk Ki.KcrKli. Monday I "'l'l!',"l'd one day last week. The night J. Doreinua was elected command- 1 damage amounts to about $1000 and Mr. r ol Meade Poxl No. (i. A. li., ol this Trilbe hail no insurance. cily, In succeed Jiislah Marlin, who has removed lo Astoria. J. It. Williams was elected chaplain to mieceed Mr. Iiiiiemns, promoli-tl. (Quarter Maater Harding repoMeil to the Post that the per capita lax thai was levied on all . A. K. I'tiala in the state, bail been paid by Meade Poal ami the prtajeSils for warded to tint lleppner flood aulA-rers. Ht'UAL Mail Pkmvkhy Stakteii. The inilial rural mail delivery to he estab lished out of Ibis cily waa atarted laat Saturday, and others art in prospect. Ity the rou 1 e the people of the New Kra neighlKirhotel are aerve I. The route ia about twenty miles in length and 156 families will receive their mail daily, teorge It. Call II". of thia city, ia the car rier. A petition ia on file at Washington asking for the establishing of a free de livery route for the service of the people of Stone and Ixigan. A petition is being circulated asking that a route be atarted that will serve the people of Highland and Mulalla. n7 rii -II Z f ... It 2 f-.ji. mill PLUMBING CHARCES On Kvanuki.istic Tot a. A Salvation Army corps Iroiu Oregon Ci'v, consisting ol ('apt. Knsign Crahlree, I .it- lit. Man neia ami .Mrs. Until K. Sweek and her daoi'hter, stopped in the citv yesterday while on a tour south, engaged in evan gelistic work. Thev held m-rvices in the Chrintiau church last evening Silver-Ionian. Kkckiits Wkhk I-AkiiKK - A large In crease in the receipts over thoae for the month of June is shown in the monthly reMrt ol the local land ollice for the month of July. In June the aggregate of receipts waa alamt $:IMK) while for the monlh jiiHt closed fIl.IJIO were received iroin the various aourcea. Twenty-nine timber anil stone land entries were made in July as againat only four (or the monlh before. There was a decrease in the number of homestead entries from M in June to lift for July. The sales of public lands laat month, amounted to $ 1 0.7 Hi I'l and represented an acreage of 4IIH5 ). Commhsions were received for pl.'ti HH acres and commissions for ten final homesteads were received, embrac ing an acreage of 1312. 7'J. Had Pi.knty ok Dimes. Albert Legge and II. C. Nelson, wanted in Portland lor burglarizing the ollice of the Holmes Ice Woika. were arrested in this city Satur day night by Chief of Police Hums and returned to Portland the following day. The lads, w ho are aged about 18 years each, were seen spending' more or less money, and the fact their funds con sisted entirely of KVeent pieces aroused the suspicions of the ollicers, who de cided to detain the boys pending an in vestigation. Word was soon received from Portland calling for the arrest of the pair. When taken into custody Legge anil Nelson had 7..r0 and l 60,-respecl- ively, in (times, the lads gave their residence in Portland as follows: Legge, 3KJ.'J Hast Pine; Nelson, 3L'li Kant Morrison. Wax Construct Fish Ladder. II. Q. VanDusen, state fish warden, passed through this city Tuesday evening from Salem where he had been to attend the monthly meeting of the state fish com mission. He reports that the commis sion has directed J. W. Motliit, of this city, to propare plans for the list) ladder that ia to be installed by the state at Willamette Falls in this cily. Mr. Van Dusen says the ladder will be constructed at the falls here as soon as plans can he adopted, since the river has probably reached the extreme low stage for the year. An appropriation of $o000 was made available lor this improvement by the last legislature. With the operation of the ladder it is expected to make pos sible the reaching of the upper Willam ette river hy the salmon which are so plentiful belQW the falls. Coi'ntv Teariikkb' Inhtitutk. Coun ty School Superintendent Zinser an- nniiiki.na lhat IhA annual pnnntv ieflph. erB' institute for Clackamas county will be held at the court house in 1111s city September 15-17, inclusive. It is ex pected that from 150 to 200 teachers of the county will be in attendance. Among the prominent eduaatorsof the state that will have places on me programme are Kioto SiiituarinlMtnlent J. 11. Ackerman. who is scheduled for a two days' attend- . i . mice, liicluiiing an evening lecture. Frank Itigler, city superintendent of the Portland schools, also has prominent as signments on the programme. Mihs Ve da W Hliams, ol this city, win nave cnarge of tlin mtiaii-al nart of the lirottramme. Superintendent ,inser expects to an nounce the full programme within a few days. lUaCioNK Out op Ucsinkhs. A six months' old infant in the Oregon City newepapcr field has succumbed by rea son of lack of tupport, an ailment with which all attempts at publishing third paper in thia county have been frustrat ed. Half a year ago a sheet waa atarted in thia city under the name of the Clark amaa County Record. It now occupies a place in the newspaper grave yard. With a circulation decidedly limited, without influence or patronage, its exist ence wa necessarily brief. E. E. Iirodie waa the editor and proprietor of the pa per which aa issued by the Record Publishing Company. Mot Over Wis Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you cat. This preparation contains all of the digcstanls and digests all kinds of food. It Rives lnst;;nt. re'ief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the 'ood you want. The nt sensitive stomachs can take It. By Its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been Tired after everything else failed. It 6 unequalled for all stomach troubles. It can't help but do you good Prepared only by E. C. IipWitt; Co., Chicago The U. bottle contains ! t i tutu tbe 50c mat. BEST FOR THE BOWELS If yon haven't a rernlr. bltby morainetit of h0 bowel every dy. Ton'ro tli or will b. Kep you bowel ojxn. tod &e welL Fore, In the ahftpe of violent phytic or pill poison, la danfremn. Th t moot be t, eaatest, moat perfect way o kf Iflt'.g th bowela clear and clean la to taka CANDY CATHARTIC N. rani PIONEER There is an old allegorical picture of a girl scared at a grass-hopper, but in the act of heedlessly treading on a snake. This is paralleled by the man who spends a large sum of money building a cyclone cellar, but neglects to provide his family with a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as a safe-1 guard against bowel complaints, whose victims outnumber those of the cyclone a hundred to one. This remedy is every where recognized as the most prompt and reliable medicine in use for these diseases. For sale by U. A. Harding. Running Albany Mills. The Albany woolen mills have begun operating again 1 after having been idle for several months. ! The Rannockburn Manufacturing Ouin pany of Portland, which purchaaed the I plant, has put it in shape for work and lias added machinery which will enable j the null to put out fine cloths. Hereto- j fore the finer patterns have not been ' manufactured in Albany. The mill is under the temporary managument of the Oregon Cily Woolen Mills Company, ! which will operate the Albany mills un til the Oregon City mills, which were re- j cently disabled by tire, have been re-1 paired and are ready to renew 0ierations. ' m$kt and Ejefe, Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE are no higher t bad those in any other trade, and ours are no higher than ser vice rendered demands. What we undertake to do in athoroogh and satisfactory manner. There will not be found after our workman get through with a job any defective joints, leaky pipes, loose connections or othei evidences of "scamped" work. Every part will be perfect, and look perfect, and when the hill comes in you'll not ask for any deduction. F. C. GADKE THE PLUMBER 5 CAT 'EM LIKE CANDY Pleuant, Palatable. Potent, Taate Good, V Good, hw 81eken, Weikea or Ortpoi It, ts aul K eenti pr box. Write tot fate aampla, aaa toua letoahulth. Addnaa 41 Starling Retnetfr Compaitf, Chieaoo sr New Tort KEEP YOUR ELOOD CLEAH E. I. SIAS DEALER I? Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Spectacles. All kinds of Repairing neatly done and warranted. CAJJBY, OREGON Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor ana cneeriumess soon disappear when the kid neys are out of order or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it Is not uncommon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kid neys. If the child urin ates too often. If the urine scalds the flesh or If, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon It. the cause of the difficulty Is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these Important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased conditional the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the Immediate effect ol Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold by druggists, In fifty- cent and one dollar 1 sizes. You may have a sample bottle by mail free, also Damohlet tell- In? all about It. including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmei & Co.. Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remem ber the name,Swamp-Koot, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Koot. and the suitress, cing bamton, N. Y., on every bottle. W!ite Sewing nn I uaennes 6 Home of Swunp-Roni. We have the very latest, the new style, automafic lift, Family Rotary Machine. It is the most perfect and up to date machine made. The woodwork is artistically executed and exactly in line with modern high class furniture. It has many new improvements, such as stitch regulator, automatic ten sion regulator. The patent tension indicator, dust caps, runs in ball bearings, has very large bobbin. Is capable of running at a very high speed, very simple to thread, runs very easy, is noiseless and we guarantee it to give satisfaction. We sell them on the installment plan. Come in and get our prices on the different styles. BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN, Suspension Bridge Corner THE OREGON CITY JEWELERS.