Personal Mention MIhh li.ilh.wny li'lt Piii'hiluv lur mi nut lily lit Newport. .mini' Win. I illmmy -a iim ii visitor loj lc t In tut Monday. 11. W. (if., wn l, li.r N, i ill pull. Ililllilv IciiV,. I" Xt nl I'.. I'r. i ii'; Ml III II. i I i I V ...I r, v iln ,1 ..f 1 1 I ., . .Y. I. .Hi .11 1, i l I'M l; (' . i I and I .III fl!l I II. I, ,m I. Am;;,. I I I, ',(.. I ii. I, II i, .,1 U'. I i, ii ll.ll'l, w .'. .. in 1 1 , Mr II., C."'ll ( ilv I..M ml..' Mi. A. K. Il'in.iil, nl Im vikiMhi! .it tin1 li'imi. ol W.illit W'ltti... Wi-1'.li. Mih I'. I'. Tin. i n mi. I .iii, of I'i.i 1 1 ' nl, viili',l will. Iririiil" in iIiim citv List Sun day. Mim. ), I', 'I linn phuii, o( 1 r t ! i it 1 . Wiih ii pint. ri.j;. r In U ill. Oil SpilliiiH llun Hrrk, K. T. iiHiili mill I'. I'. Mmi'V luivi. Uiiiii. ,i l:,,.u n,,; I;. M r (,.r a lew ilu' llrl.ll K, II. I. Iiiinlt'.u mill fiiinilv Hpciit Sim- day lit CoIIiii'm Hut SpiuiKH on tlm Co- 1 11 111 1 ii . Mr. Bii.l Mrn. ('. It. Moor.'" Hiid noim, luivi mini, to Ni'Wpott to upend tin" Hiiinnii.r. Hoy Clink, u( r.iindon, Hpent tin week In tlimcity, v iM i tin n liln iiiotlnir, .Mth. T. W. ClarK. Mibh WilliaiiiM linn noun to Sea aiilti lorjtn imtiiiK, and will return nlioiit Atinut 15. MIkm (iitnrtjia Wliil., of I'urtlaiid, at teiiJi'd tin I'liirodiira (lull party lant Frl tiny niitlit. Mr. and Mm, Tom K. Cow init have j (, .'nyiH( and family, Mm. J. Mever Ki.nii tn Ocean Turk 'or a week'a recrea- , hr., all ol linn city, and Mrn. Iv K. J.a tuin vinili jtoiirette, of Ni-Hpcliiiiil, WiiHlili.iitou, Mra. Moore", ol Portland, waa H.j, I leave toinoirow inKlit for an oiitii.K at week the l'iichI o icr HiHlcr. MrH. Me- Cow 11 in thin citv. l. C. I.atuiirctti' ami lamilv will leave. 1 ah., ill Au"il IS f ir an niilini; al Mi ln tyre, near .Ml. Ilund. M r-.. I lei. C. Iirownell and Hon, Am-tiio-e, lelt Weilueiday f.u I Im el 11I111I1I Cainp Im an imliiik'. Mr-. 1'. I.. .Iul:ii-..ii and dauhlii, I ' i 1 1 i e, h.ivi' 1,'iui" to '-ilve' lur a vi-il w ill. rel.t'ivea. I' i,.nk I In i", o Sitl. in, i-it. l ill tltiw cilyliet l-nday, lii-nii! mi Inn way to Seai-ii'e I" I nil 1. 11 11. 1. Mr . J I'. llcdevM and rhil.Iieii left Slllnlav ..r h.-.tltle W line tin )' Will Hpelid a im. 1. 1I1 with Ii ieiul.. Slu-nir ,1. Ii. Shaver allended the Mae, ah. e p,, ni,-.u,.l ha'v,-t .clival at Highland laHlSat.ird.iV. Itea NurriH left W. di.enlav liiL'ht for 1 San l iaiie, sco, where he will attend the 1. i...i: ...1 ...i Ic.'. Mi-sen I o!!i Cro-s, Mary Sandstroui and la.'e hoos linve e.iite to 1 .(iiiiini , Peach I'.r a two weeki' nulim;. Mi. I'.cs-ie Kellv ilr, inn. allied Wold, of Fucc 1 an out 1 ui.'. IV her lec.-l.t lli has L" ,i r In Si si. Ml' .side I' Mil,. S. ('.. licit... W...idwnrib, of Tin 11 111a, W is in Ihe citv In-t week t In iruot of her hi. ml. Mim. '.I. I.. Mis. Belle Mav, of Orei'..n City, is vis ilnie? with I111 pan-ill-', Mr. and '.lis. K. M. M'-xley, hi It-is city. lir.iwnsv.l.e Tltlies. Mrs. 11.11. Channaii an I Mrs, Ocn. Wishall, i.t-ci.-nipiiliieil bv their families, have t'oiie lo Seaside for their tiniiiinl OUHI K- Mis. S. Piiinhill und daiiebli r, .Miss I.olUil and Mrs. W. W. Aildn dre, una h, ni.iv, me rii 11 1 1 -i 11 n ,,. niiiiilh of the .Molilt'la. II. nrv Corn, 'Ver, of Salem, w bo is in the 1 1 1 1 p 1 1 . y ol Ial.t 1,1 ll I'.n.s., the h.,p dealciM, was in lliu city U'cilnesdav on busiiicaH. 'Fred Miles bus returned from Port land and resinned his dinner position in the local ollice ol the, Wells, Porno Cointiany. . C. B. Krissell, local anent for the Houtbern Pacillc Company, accompanied by Mrs. FriHuoll, baa none to Newport for an outing. W. A. Huntley, accompanied by Mrs. Huntley, lelt Monday niiflit on a busi nvsa trip to Denver. He will be none about a week. Mr. and Mrs. French, of Oregon Citv. returned home Monday, after a brief visit with Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Davis. Sil vertonian. Mr. and Mri. J. V. Loiler, Mrs. Peter Mclntyre arid dauKhter, Mim Mary, left Wednesday for Cannon Beach for a two weeks' outing. Mra. Mary Hallnway and daughleig, Misses Myrlla and Mararite, ol Walla Walla, are visiting at the home of Ed Story in this city. Dr. Leavitt, of Molalla, waa In the city Wednesday to attend a meetinr of the county board of pension examiners, of which he is a member. Hev. A. i. Hegen, of Portland, form erly of the .Salvation Army, will preach in the Congregational church at Ely next Sunday at 11 a. in. Miss Stuart and Miss Vira Stuart, of Albany, who have been guests at the home of Dr. Norris, in this city, have returned to their homes. James Church, who returned recently from Waila Walla, has gone to Wheat land to lake charge of a warehouse for the Portland Flouring Mills Company. Rockey D. Hodgkin, who lias lor a number of years held a place in the pa per mills, went to Portland Tuesday where he has accepted a clerical position in the freight department of the South- urn Pacliu,. Company. Pol-key' iniiny j friends here ('onuratulalH lilin on the ; iiiiiiiuliiiii. ! Mrs Jit. A. Miration, of I'lirtlHinI, was ; it visitor in lids en y this week. Dr. II. H, Mount, II. K. Draper, T. (t"inuiid hihI I. ivy Stipp leave Saturday fi r it tlii cm week' Hulling it ii ' I hunting Ii li In t In- A Inch nun' ty. Mrs. Ii. , K mi;, ni Orcein I Ill l' III" "llllllll'T Mil lilT CilV, is I'liri'hN, i ni'i.'h Mr. mi. I Mm I'l 'ii 1 1 , in 1 1. n i in S.'a'i inn. in. Ih.iIi. ,1 . 1,1. i; ... I !l, f, ,i .1 I.. , ii t ii. in i i , l i. . I''. ... 1,.,. i-,i in r..i;!.ui.i l ' i i I. . 'A l 1' Ii. i.,i i ri in ii.ii i,j I: , ii 1 1. III, Ml.'. r l.,ir, iiti.l .I.tili l.,:l'.i ft li. Ii.itr i'.ii... to ( , ,'i,i I'. iik In. a inn iTki' uwj . J'li.. I.. 1 1 w.oii hv' r. .ii- : H'Vllll.'" nil I tll.'lr Ollllil W.l-i lllnlkl I ,iii I in i ii i al,l ti lin. I llinvnr.l M. Iliownrll liu f-'liii to tit ' upper ( 1,1. K, uii. .-i u lu ll. In' h ill minium H (li.j;llt 1 1 I out Inn ill tin Hill. li 1,1 II IH will. I muni! iitlior at tli" ttiiilti lUh 1 1 ii I t-l ! i y i Il.ll 111 I'll HIl 'l llll-ll. MinM Kllii liiiiciii.iii, of Salem, Hp.-nt I iiitiiii; tlm iil....i ii of tlm p mtor, . v. . iivm lliu Ltltiir pull i,f l,nt w.i k'j.S. Iiiiihi.iil'. I). ) , of I'o r t hi ii.i , will tlm kuii of .Mi.iii Kllirl ttnil l.tron.i Canlield. .Mlm Km, 0111111 rcturncl lo i lirr lioini" in S.ileni Mondiiv. ifrt lUtiill, u citr painter in tlit! : ciiiploy ol tliti S.iut liirij I'rtialic Company 1 mul luciite'l Hi Oakland, nirived in tin. city .Monday for a vacation viHit that will 1 lit. hjM iit Willi li in relativcH al .Molulla. Will li. I.otfiut relumed Saturday from ('utilise (irovtt w lur lliu p.tHt month Im Inn. liecn actinif an tcleurapli oiH-rntor lor Hit ri'itular operator. .Mr. j.oiim Iihh lenuiueil wink witli lliu telerapli uoiu pany in I'm tlainl. K. J. Meyer, ciiMl.ler ol tli Coninier, 1 cial Itank, ai'coiiiiianied liy 1 1 i m family, ", m " 1 " ."miiu.o.i niiore. Mim. (icrliudo ColliiiH, teaelier (if the Itioil.cii pi IhmiI wiih iniiiiii her pareiitn at Orci;iiii ( 1 1 y dunni! the week Her Hihiei, Mi. Metla Kinlev, Ht.-niirnplier al iln 1 1 1 11 ti 1 -1 1 in leeovei'iiit! fn.lii Pnlli . I'.iper Mllla, liijli i.-m r.-.'.-lv.-.l III h f.ill Irolii ..11 el... i.!i., cidewalk. St llelen'H Mi-t. , SI, III Mniver a'lei.. li nt ll,.:,i.,i,, 1,1-1 the M .tccalice Sittuid.iy hi.. I leer, -s T 1. ,11 ti v plrlllr Ml' nt Ti I ,,r the e en,.!i. 11 111 : I ! 1 1 H 0 "11 tl llli-ctitl; eel vicc at I .lad f,,l!iotiiii .Mr, 1 Shaver n- 01 1 it iai.- ,il!"ii,.iiice a' the i-it 1 11 1 iiiei-i 1 1 at Ola, I Ti.pnj.'H, which i beiuti coiulii. led j-miily l.y tin. .Mi-tho ilisls nnd ll,. SnU.illeii Ariov. He re pints llint there were fully 25 H) people on the ijioiinds Siind iv. , ,, M(H ,, A s ,,. aV(, r( turned fruin tl... JI.ihI J h.-v wereah- '-nl t hr.-e 111111' Iih and 1! 111 1111: that time 1 Ir. Soiiuner did post c,,, dilate work a. III,., I, ,1,11 It,, 1, u I., u 1,, .1,11,1 i I'. .In,,,,,,,, I he al a-i.icl 1 iim 1 1 s lieiieral llosp'lal III I'.osiijn ami the I'.-niin ivaiiia lio-pilal 11 1 j Philadelphia. I'nriiitf I'.cir s..j. .11111 ill lie F, el visiti-.l vaii'ius poiiils ol llitelesl t.l.t ri till 11 lo Olefin. Illolc pl.-ll-ed Ihall e cl V. il Ii the clluial IC I'.HI ilili' in and aiKaulai-H thai pre vail here. ! Mis. I!,ira Il --,n, V. ho lor scveial 1. ion! hs past has I .ecu vi -iti'i Willi her dai:'!itiT, M 1 s, R. I llolmin, iiillii citv, led T.'iiiis.! iv lur Seat'le. Altera Willi li i.-iids , 11. the Sound City, Mis. Ilixsoii will piocicd to New Yoik City, wlicte sin will he the unci t ui all 0! her iliniLhler, Mrs. ,1, P. limes. Record Sulisci ib l. I 1 The Cl... I;. mi. i'i Cuiitv Record Kavil.u' j sll J .' 1 1' I' ' I pllli'lc.i! i. 'II,! he llh'-ci iheis o! thai papei who this w.-cl; re, eivethe' FnO I I 1 l-e, w ill llll.l, 1 -land that the Fill ei p. IM- t a k es t he plil if t he I! 11" O'l. ' A li' one ice -ivii.g the Fnte 1 1-e under t ne.-e ( ,i,d,i ; .!i ni ' I let wauling it w ili J.le..e Hoi liy this. Illi-e. j I I 1; ni) r ExcniMos baths. To I Me Seaside ami .tliiiiutaiii Resul ts for the Summer. The Southern Pacilio Company has placed on sale at very low rates round trip tickets to the various resorts along its lines, and also, in connection with the Corvallis A Eastern Railroad, to De troit and the seaside at Yaquina Bay, latter tickets good lor return until Octo ber 10th. Three day tlck-ts to Yaquina Bay, good going Saturdays, returning Mon days, are on sale at greatly reduced rates from all points Eugene and North on both Mast and West Hide Lines, enabling people to spend Sunday at the seaside. Very low round trip rates are also made between Portland and same points on the Southern Pacific, good going Satur days, returning Sunday or Monday, al lowing Portland people to spend Sunday in the country and theoutof town people to have the (lay in Portland. Tickets from Portland to Yaquina Bay good for return via Albany and East Side or CorvalliB and West Side, at option of passenger. Baggage checked through to Newport. A new feature at Newport this year will be an up-to date Kinder garten in charge of an experienced Chi cago teacher. A beautifully illustrated booklet dis crihing the seaside resorts on Yaquina Bay has been published by the Southern Pacific and Corvallis & Kasturn Rail roads, and can be secured from any of their agents, or by addressing W. E. Co man, (t. P. A., H. P. Co., Portland, or Edwin Stone, Manager C. & E. R. R., Albany, Oregon. Yours truly, W. E. Comas, Gen. Pass. Agent. Subscribe for the Enterprise OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE Social Events Mr. hihI Mrs. Win. E. LcwthwHit. wen tin- recipients of ii d.lightlnl mil-lii,-e Tliiiiciluv i-vciiiiik in celcbi.tiioii of III!' "lid M IM i i M I - ny nl ilii-ir we I fin Till' 1,1 Mi- -Min I1..1 ,1 Mr. 'I. Ci I A.I.,... of ll. i,n i,. ..... i i. I: 1 i I v i- i'1 i ,. I '. ' ! ,1 ,,' .Ir .'' , '. I ' ' : I I , V A i , I f ' II II ' , I ill . ' , , , I '. i i.' In ,'! Ii t'.f , "HI, ..' I .i.i'l, ':!. I .'i Mr. I, I.. I il- .1. . ( In:,.', iiii'l 11 H II.IIIVI Oll.'.!! City 'iil. ' Ii" i" it ni".l ."'miiil'l" yi'H.r.' ,,iii ,n mi'! Ii. r fi:.-'i I- .in Lvioii. T'i" i,'i"i.iii i-.iiiii. lo Oi'v,)ii ('ilv ill.,, lit l(ii,.. .- ii nu'. itii.l M t iiii'tnl.i-r ol tli.' linn ',l A 111 Ml M l',f i , Kill, .if tin lr,...l, llllHI- 1 1 i.ih liniiH of tlm city. Jin in wry f I vu knmtn HI I, mm. ..-I uinl l',ci:il , rirci.'H. THE LOCAL NEWS. I I uri'iipy tin i,iilpit hI lliu l'rt-liv!criaii I rlnireli Sunditv inoniiiijr, I!, v. .1, K. 'il-.,u. 1) , A tit:. Hill and ., ol l'oitland ! ' i on .-..iiiouy, n.iir. 10. 1 . 1, ... 1 ... . .... i,. , J. W. Jont'H paid a fine of $l.r in jrni-tit-c court tii in week lor anHitult and Imt lery, tli.' coiiiplmiiinir witni'HH heini' Street Couiniiii"iotier (ireen, wTiohh 10 year ol.l mm Clarence, wbh the victiai of tin uHHutilt. 1 lie trull!, I took place at a haM'liall iianm at .Maiile I.ane laHt Sun- I day. The con 11 1 y court convened Wedtiei- i (I iv in regular i-CMiioii lor the innnlli ol ' Aiik'UHt. HondH were approved and ! lupior IrceriHeii were iniicd to Canper .I.iiinker and II. J.icpieH, of Sandy and OxweiM, rcMitclively. It waaordeied that the tipper Sandy Itr i t K lie cloned until the lurtlicr order ol the court. The Or.-Kon City hraneli of the Lew iH .1 ( Woineii'M t.'luh at a meeting WediieHilay afiernoon decided to defer until the election ol a Male I vii-i-i.rcHideiit. tu which the local tiruan i.,,ti,,n IH ell'ill.-.l, to Mlcceed the late .M'h. I!. A. .Mi: Icr. No i! 1 -1 i 1 1 r will lie In id l.y the CI11I1 diiii-nt Auj;u-t. C. II. A iiliiiuiH, who is favorably k now 11 in I Ins ci;y , when he lormeilv r. id cl, Im" hi en .n.poinied ( )'.-", n t 'it v ci, I ii-s.ondci,t to the Portland Telct'ialn. ,Mr. Williams has had colitldurahlc cx 1 1 ri. nee ,ih 11 newspaper n po.ter and w i!i 110 d'.ul't veiy siitii-faetiiri!)- serve Ihe paper in wIiohc employ he has been relumed. C. iiie and have a jjoo I time at Willi. , it : Sprmirs on Saiurd.y, Auciint 15. The! new 1 1 :i 1 11 -1 11 U pavilliui will be dedicated! --"rorit i.rnss ami .-.riiu iian i l-iee danciiiL' and tiri-W'iiks in the even inn. Admission to the grounds, . cents as usual yivnii; the ptivilive of the liioiunls Saturday ni.'ht and Sunday. F. W. Mel. ciian, Propiietor j F. ('. Hamilton, w ho recently return ed fioui Alaska, has purchased of O. Ii Rippcv iV Co. tlm stock of good" Im in.-r Iv ' i'W l ed by (ico. T. ll'OMtrd, of the Red ! Fiont. Mr. Hamilton took charge Thiirsilny and expects to conduct 11 t.ank rnpt sale lor nhoil! ten days when lie 'will old ! , coinpleli stock of general merchaiiili-e mid conduct the business , at the old stand. Mr. Hamilton w as ! formerly engaged in business hen ami Ins many liiemls are glad to welcome i him hack in the local business cilcles. A I nlifiiniiii Visitor Mi. ( i co, S. Port.-r, w is 111 the city lh-. his I ' 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 s , ti,e .Ml; Kale 1 Porter. Mr. of I.os Angeles, rt cck , I lie gu. s! 01 s Fannie ( '. and Po'ter isengai;e,l in iln- oil business In Cailionia, and lnis is Ids hist tup lotlns jiait 1 tne Pacific coast. ,Wr. Porter attended the meet ing of the Mystic Shriucrs, at Saiatoga, New Yoik, and accepted the opportu nity w lule en route home to stop off" in begin) City for a visit w ith relatives. He reports that the oil industry of the (olden State is being developed on a laiKOBcale. The Misses Porter, accom panied by Mr. Porter, left Thursday for Seaside to spend a lew days. (ot Off Willi h Light Fiue- Editor Enterprise: It seems to me that the unwarranted beating of a Id- year old boy by a lull grown man is not snlhciently punished by imposing a nne of $15. The .striking of my eon Clarence, by J. W. Jones last Sunday was coward ly in the extreme. A $15 fine would not appear so insignificant but for the fact that this ia the second or third time Jones has struck young boys recently. No one ever heard of Jones striking a man of his size. Boys are evidently the ones he is alter. Yours for a fair deal, John Urken. Water rontiuiiern lim e I lie lir ten l ijh of melt iiiomli la wlilc-h lo iin- lliolr Miller re 11 1, 11 nil will Miyclhc trouble mill filiense l" IuivIiik Hie water kliut oil" IT pit 1(1 wllliiu Unit limn. 'I lie rollei-lor M ill rect i o Mime at "ily rne Mlore. Bargains T hat Are Bargains. E. C Hamilton, purchaser of the Howard slock is oil'ering Some genuine bargains at the Red Front. Here are a lew : Laundry soap, per bur .1 cents. Lion collee, per pound 11 cents. Bulk roasted collee per pound 10 cents. Sugar lS'a pounds for $1. Basting threads, per spool 1 cent. Corsets "5 cents and up. Subscribe for the Enterprise. FRIDAY AUGUST 7 1903 I WHEN WOMAN PROPOSES. Ilrlboiti f thm lliinicnrlaa Grpalc lit llurnipm Mnlilrna. Ill Eliulllllll leap JfllP Is HllppOKed td confer upon tin- f :i Ir nx the privilege of clnKi-'iir,' In t life pirtiu r for b-ttci ir fur win (ic. hut tlm c.stoiii Is more h'.i 'I In li i' 1 j i . . ; 1 1 than in 1ln id i r nine. in;':iry. T ! I !mi t fit . especially ,i- ii v.-ry i-..! all to .. In if in. 'I : (.f I . 'I.: ' ii i in i ll , i: 'i ! luf !. : :l :i ii. :i !i c.-i r : ; r i;ta f a ni,-V.y y.-.Wi-from wlioi'i Ii; I i r'n;- uf yu !,',". :!,,. p. ln' il ' i n .; in li.-r xvlii-lo-.v .',! Ii!;;llt It It kin. UII IIS "t!i I.'lli.p of I'nc" mid miiIoh nil ti.osi. youtlix n i'f. -;i rn I : . . t fur tli! order of Ii"in. (i;. t. In huii'iv Andalusia t!ic K-asant itirl licart Iiiih liecn nlolen liy il Ktahvart .vnuni; liuliaiidiniin prepare!-' D taity piiini'l.iii caki mid Kftid. It tc l.iit lioni". If lie cats It cid tlit Anda l'wlan t'lrN take (rood care to niiil; It Iiljild.v cdll.Ii-tin jialr nro forthwith l.etrotlit'd. Loinlnn '(Ierapli. ( IrnnlineuM and Amenle. In Ptyrin mid Carinthiii there U much arm-nlc eathii; iiiiioiik the peu.-nrits. The women take It to i;lve theiriselves a K'H'd complexion and to make their hulr line nnd flossy. Tho men take It be cause, they believe that it jtlvm them wind In cllmhliiB In the flume after chamois. There la nothing of this sort In Cornwnll and Devon. In Styrla and Cnrinthla It Is known thnt'nn arsenic enter can never be bro ken of the habit und that If arsenic tie compiilsorlly kept from the enter death rapidly ensues. It Is believed In the Tatuiir and this Is perhaps true that on arsenic worker Is fit for no other work. He must remain at this occupa tion. Ilenlth nnd br.-nth fail Llm at other employments. Eventually It may be that chronic arsenical polsonlnp en sues, lint this may be staved off. If i:ot wholly prevented. Py scrupulous clean liness, by care taken not only to wash In tlie "ehniiclne, Iimisp," but to bathe freely nt home. As mic of the foremen said to the writer, "Against arsenic the best antidote Is soap taken externally.'' Chambers' Journal. rurt-ly fur Ornament. The trained nurse has to meet nin:iy eiirlotis conditions wl.Ieli arise among her iiom-er patients. One of these faith ful t women who I: -nl a sick girl In cliar;:i hi a ml oral. Ii tenement hoiw. j noticed that tl e oranges which had bis'ii provided for the f.'ver pati' iit were not eaten. They were placed hi nil old cracked blue bowl on n little ta ble by tin sick girl's bed. nnd there they remained untouched. ".Mary," said the nurse one day. "dini't you like oranges?" "Oh, .ves'm." answered the girl. "You haven't eaten any of these," the nurse .Miu-gcstcd. Mary's mother answered. "Oh, miss," Bin said eag-rly. ".Mary, she c't n half, an' me un' Jimmy, we e't the other half, tin' M.-iry an' lite, tve s.-iys we won't eat nii.v more "cause it looks so nice an" wealthy to have oranges scttin' round.-' Youth's Companion. I'oilirlly of Drunkards. A professor of I'.oiin university hi tracing: the posterity of habitual driinh urtla has found s::i descendants from a woman who for forty years was "a thief, n drunkard nnd a tramp" i:n-l whose miserable life came to an cm in the last year of the eighleenlh century Thr wr has tracd the lives of Til.' of this woman's (I.'scendaiils from youth to nld .-iL", and of tlu so 1 12 were beggars and ill more lived on charity. There were in the family To convlc'.s. Including 7 murderers. The professor estimated that In seventy-live years this family has cost the Ceruian au thorities in almshouses, law courts, prisons and other Institutions about fl,2.50.00U.-Cliicngo Journal. Friendship. There an two elements that go to the composition of friendship, each so sov ereign that I detect no superiority In either, no reason why either should be the first named. One is truth. A I friend Is a person with whom I can be slncort'. The other element of friend ship Is tenderness. When a man be comes dear to mo I have torched the goal of fortune. Emerso. A Vearnlnar Fur Courtetr. "Why do you sigh for great riches?" "Well," answered the mild mannered mnn, "I don't value money for Its own sake, but I'd kind o' like to be In a po sition where the subordinate employees of large enterprises will say 'Good morning, sir,' Instead of 'Step lively!" -Washington Star. A Cold Faet. The Cannibal King (his teeth chat tering) What was It you served with the last meal? I've had a prolonged chill ever since. Royal Cook That, sire, was a female rnlssilonary from Boston. Smart Set The Wr With Life. Ef you set down on a board with a tnek In It the harder you set the more tiic you git, nn' that's the way with life It's full o tacks, an' don't yon for-1 get lt--"The Substitute." A man who Is eternally squaring Min celf must be Just a little crooked. Atchison tilobe. KEAIi ESTATE TRAShFEKM. j FurnlshM E?erjr Wk hj the ("liirkn- max Almtracl It Tru-t Company. W I. (iol.b to J N Elliott, part of 1 Oh'iIMcI el, 2 :U, 111 acres . G,50o i it i c I. ; to i ii ni.nijfiiu-r.Hc '4 i l nc!4' ec 1 I. a 1 , 'lii a ;) A; IC Co l,i T II S HHl.ti r m '4' 1 III III1,,' Wl' I C,H 1 C ) .1 , Joli ii !.. ill-r in Tim -.1 ci,a:f.r, ii i 1,1: ,a k ,. i::,.,. II-, -Ms ori:',. ; . .! ,,,',' 1 : i:s :: . p. a ... . I I I ,', ir. I., - I' 1 !.., I t .,( v.' w;!. ,., . s :; i T ;;. i ! , i i , t ,,; , - ' l...,.: i ! ! I- r , I i r .-. 2 i 1,-ii ; 1 , I' ,. i: I. 1, 1 . M i y I. .-tc-' ; V; i 1 ,., -..-r 1 ! 1 l: y C Ui .ru. , h '., 1,1 . liellj .(.' ' i .1 '. ( ' r'.i:,.- r ! , - I I 1 I i. ', i a.. . I ' in Im. 1 ,;i i.t t-.-i: '.'.I l! k I i' h i a luo lie- j ii.ev lo i- 1.,- t Ai h.-v si-c -"., s I e ') a ' 100 Will. Co lo Will. I-'ruit Co blk. td and li.' I'nio. .land ... . 1,00 C lii'tr.or to It Cirtuer iot 5 hili 15 ! SuiiMft City 71 10 I-r-d S Morns' to O W I Co pt I of Campbell c 2 2 100 j lleiij Mel in-tror to II McKicanders (urt of sec 4 '1 s ,'i e I a 100 F A Slight 10 Will. Fruit Co blks 21 and tl I'mneland 3,750 ; C M Ware to C lliniiuer pt sec 20 I 2 fi e l.'J.r) a 500 i O li Taylor to W 1 1 J'ark bw,'4' of aw'4 and lot 5 aecs 15 and 21 4 4 124 a 600 II L A Sturm to Anna Hurdt pt of sec IS. 3 2 22 a 20 ) Thog K Miles to J A Mortennen t'-2 of Hesec4 73 H0a '. . 400 J A Martson to Win .Martcnnen of re4 aec 4 7 a 2 0 80 a .. .. 200 Sycamore Ileal Estate Co to J T Mclntyre awjf of nw' sec 36 2 C30a 1 I, E Preston to O W P Co n' of 8w'4'ecl4 2 3 80 a 1 J F Wilrnarth to () W P Co ei of ne'4 ec 11 2 3 80a 1 Stillwood Land Sc Improvement Co to E B Carson lots 1 and 4 tract 45 and lot 1 tract 6-S Oak Grove 450 THE CLACKAMAS ABSTRACT 4 TRUST CO. are the owners of the copy ritcht to the Thorne system of 1 strac indexes, for Clackamas county, and oave the only complete set of abstra ts in the county, can furnish information as to title to land at once, on ap;i icalion. Loann, investments, realeetateabetracts, etc. Olliceover Bank of Oregon City, Cell and investigate. A Difference. Miss Pan-avenue Are yon going to the musicaie nt the Pe Rcjnallos' to night? ' Miss L'taplace I don't know. Are tVy gfiiig to have music or is Gwendo lrn solmr to sin--"' - richnn. New To-Day. 31 onev to loan at lowest rates. Hkih.ks i Griffith. Wanted some good hay. Inquire at the Enterprise office. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 7 per cent. Farm security. U'Rk.v & Sciiuiiel. HP I iCES ,v CKIFFITII, (otliresin the Weinhnrd liuilding,) have the choicest city, siilmrimn and country property tor siualle.-l 1, rices. MONEY TO LOAN-l HAVE SEVERAL j sums of money belonini! to private! individiials which I am authorized to) loan, on lonn time at ii and 7 per cent. Cost oi loan w ill be made very reason- I able. II. E. Ckoss, attorney at law. OREGON'S BLUE RIBBON I State I Fair SALEM SEPTEMBER 14-19, 1903 The greatest Exposition and Live Stock Show on tht Pa cific Coast. High Class Racing every afternoon $12,000 in Cash Premiums on live stock and farm ! products. ' All exhibits hauled free over the Southern Pacific Reduced transportation rates on 1 all lines. 1 Live Stock Auction Sale. held in connection with fair. 1 Fine camping ground free and re- duced rates on camper's tickets , Come and bring your fam- ' Hies. For further in- 1 formation, write fl. D. Wisdom, Secretary Portland, Ore. ! 8 it - - i Y 'i '. ' iw h r m ; j ) ' f J M o:.t f,r in 'he 1. !: f. it i.. ; :,va t, v. :.iu, ia ' y s'ir ,..'!-r. i!ut II.- i', lo-.k- :!"!! tin' i in I. " U' i : ir, 11:1 I. li'--!o 1 J- p.r tie- to v roi :g .'': :on. It i a c .r.iuion thinjf for ;;otne one who 1. is lis d Dr. Pierce's Ooldi-n M fl ic:! 1 i.'ovi -ry for "s'cmich trouble "to find that when the diseased stomach ia cured the "weak" heart is made sound, the sluisli liver stimulated, and the throbbing nerves tranquil i.ed. This fact alone suggests the truth which every leading medical scientist knows and rec ognizes that diseases which seem re mote, from the stomach are often caused by the disease of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. When the diseased stomach and the digestive and nutritive system are cured of disease, the other organs are cured with them. Food is the basis of life and of strength. But it is not the quantity of food eaten which supports the life and health of the body. The body is sus tained by that portion of the food which after being eaten is converted into nourishment and properly assimilated. When the stomach and its allied organs of digestion and nutrition are diseased or "weak," only part of the food eaten is converted into nutrition, and the body and its organs are therefore only partly nourished. Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery cures the diseases of the stomach and digestive and nutritive sys tem which prevent the proper nourish ment of the body. In that way the body is once more strengthened in the only way possible, by food properly digested and perfectly assimilated. Any person suffering from disease in chronic or aggravated form, is invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter fre All correspondence strictly private and con fidential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N'. Y. There is no alcohol in "Golden Med ical Discovjery," and it is entirely free from opium, cocaine, and all other nar cotics. Accept no substitute for "Golden Med ical Discovery." The main motive of substitution is the desire of the dealer to make a li'.tle more profit out of you by Selling' you a less meritorious medicine. A2LE TO WCnX AGAIN. Mr. John L- Cought-nour, of CWntavasre, Som-vr t Co., Peitru., wnU-s: WI had b-m !'; fir ntK.ut a v.-nr and g half, tx-ing tnKiltie lo wjrk niot ol" the time.' -The tlxtur Mid I h.v! hrart (iiwa-f and iittligv.tion. It bcLran with a th'-kine and oppressed tVelinp in tiit- client ; later on I wa ::om!cd with a htni'.'ry ff-clinp. and I seemed to Ikt raw from my threat citar down into my stomach. My appetite was unirMKil.y pwr. I wan w cat an if nervous, and my he trt kept throbbtni: continually, and I was short ot" breath. Finaily I wrote to you for advice. I did not think your diagnosis was rifrht. but I ordered six t-Jiticsof ' Goldeu Med ical In-cnvery' and be-in its use. Alter usine three bottles" I began tn improve slowly and soon went to work, and I have been working ever since." "SUFFERED ALU THE TIME." I feel that I would be doing an injustice t you if I did r. t send v -i a statement of my cue. ".writes Mrs. lavi.f W. Cuice. of Hamburg, hrankjn Co., Mi-s. "I h:i i liver complaint and in-ii-evii n. Kvi-ryt -nni: t"it I nte di-ancd witii iyt. I s;i::".T''.l ail t:.c ;ii::c with swimming in my ; hear; !r.t ' u fast: my feet and hands were ct'i l al! t!ie tune. Did not skep well at ail. Was able to yiet about but venr little, f c iinnif-TK -d t- v.-r J r. 1'ierce's ("ob'en Mciiicii! -rv un,'. !.v lvce It.,, t wislji- Mav. ! ;,:, frrt at., '-.I wtr-. ever jok-l- t i 1!Y.' I r -iv,;:- l'n-rce's a. r.'K-r I conl.l l-iciT. to c been (loinir my v, rk i:' F' el t.t-tttT "t!l:.l. I .. mi Hi rt-o.imnrmi Dr. !-o a- tn-iiMe'l ns I 1 ars o'ul ami I th,.ak ..;. y r.lil atiii c:ne. r. Pellets assist the .ry " and should be xative is needed. was. 1 :i..i t; you nie-; ka Dr. Pierc 's PI-.- iction of tlie " Disc ised with it when .- WILLAMETTE GROCERY MILES & McGLASHAN, Props. 95 Cents 2-gal Cans Table Syrup 70 Cents 20-bar Box Laundry Soap 5 Cents Large Bottle Blueing 121 Cents Pound Fine Rio Coffee 10 Cents Box Vim same as Force i We handle a full line of Pic nic lunch goods. Agents for YAKIMA Flour. ."Notice of Final Nell lenient. Notice is hereby given that the under signed, the executor of the last will and testament of ('. R. Rlnearon, deceased, bas tiled in the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, bis final account as such executor, and that Monday tne 7th day of September, at the fioiir of Id o'clock A. M. at the County Court liouse in Orejon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, has been appointed as the time and place for bear ing and determining any and all objectiois to said account. Aug. 7, lyo3. PETER R1XEAR30N, Executor. A