Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 31, 1903, Page 6, Image 6

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Legal Noticea.
tstacrlfTa Wale on lUmitlciti .
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
con. for the County of Clackamas.
The Hank of Oregon City, l'laintih,
A. W. Howard. H. H. Johnson,
r'red K. Charman, W. H. Cook
and YY. T. Intlock, Defendants.
fr-TATa or OmtuoN, (
Cotim or CiacilasI is,l
By virtu of a jnilcmvtit oreer, decree
ami an xecution. duly issued out of and
under (he seal of Hie above entitled court,
in the above en in If ,1 r, to me duly di
rected ami dated the 'Hi day ol May, PHI,
Uhmi a judgment rendered and entered In
Mid court on the I'-lh day of January, IW,
in favor ot the Hank of Oregon City, plain-
lift, and against A. W, Howard, It. H
Johnson, Fred K. Charman. VV. II. Cooka
and VV. i', Whitlock, delendants, for the
sum of -s with interest theieon ai the
rale ol 10 per cent per annum from the 1st
dev of (K-tober, !, and the fu ther emu
ot as attorney's fee, and the further sum
of Jl c't and diabursements and the
o."lsofan.l uiHin this rit, c inniandiiii;
we out ol the personal property of said de
ten.lanta, and If sutticient could not be
found, then out of the real proerty he
loiiKiuft to said ilele'idauts on and alter the
date ol said judgment to satisfy said sums
as above set forth, and alx. the costs
Upon this said a rit.
No, therelorc. by virtue of sai l execu
tion, judgment order and decree,
ai.d in compliance arith the com
mands o( said writ, twins unable to
rj.id any ieroial property of said de-
len lants, I old, onttierd day ol -v.
.., duly levy upon the followm describ , The following d.-.-rined premi-e. iuale
l real property of said delendanla. sun-1 in CUrkamas I'ounly. State of r.-g"n and
ate and being m the county of Clackamaa, I being a portion ol the Ponation I. mid Claim
and stale ol Oregon, town : i of Kira Kisher and wile the aan.e being
The following described premises, situate ,,,. ,, ,he , ,,) yMa lf ,,e,l
in Clackamas cm ty. slate ol Oregon, and I Stales snrvevs as notification No. ,vt.' cer
beuiR a portion ol the llonation t.antl nticatf No. a:T riarnii S.t. -14 in m-ii.tn
I'lairo of Kira Kisher and ife. the same , n, sj and :tl ol low i.. hip two south of
heing known on ti.e maps and flat of the , r,,lpil ,w0 o( Willamette Mendian,
I niteni Stales stuvevs as Notincalion No. jto-wit:
St.", Certificate No. and Claim No. 41, Hegiiming at a tiot which is .it chama
in sections i. : 3.' and of toansVip ' j , frilll) ,n, lirt, t
two (:' south, ot range tt:') east, of the , c.mer of said claim and running thence
Willamette Meridian, town: Isouih .( degrees -Jo minutes eat !i
Itegiiiniiig at a,)int l:t chains south. I ctl4, ,.,(,., ,, ,lrrrr wr ,s .
SI .leg. east Irom a point, which is ;". .V ch51,: thence north l degree' '.'' minutes :
chains south, 1 dt g. nest, from the north- j WP j ,.(, allM; ,r M rll, jrgre,east !
acsi corner ot sai.l claim: running ttienc j ;,i chains to the place of b-t;iiiiiii.g con ;
north I deg. ea-t I'.Jn chains, thence north i laming I.:" acres,
SI deg. 1" nmi. west, a.o-ig the north line Alx iteginning at a point 2 ' chain,
of a tract of land s ld by Kira Ki'her aid j 9,mt ( degrees lo n. mutes esi from a,
wife to Ueurge Abernerhv. ti.4! chains: i ,, ,(,,,. :M f,..,,,, ,tlUl j degree:
thence south I .leg. west 5.T.. chains; thence ! P j,-,,,,, ltl, ,., mp n,rrr ( ,,j
J.uih ,Vdeg. east J .Hi chains; ttience south i claim; running llience south 1 degree ti-e i
,.s deg. ;.) nun. east 2.u chains; tnence j parallel with the west line of said rlaim ,1 Vi 1
..-i ii.ai.ii-, iiiriitr ..uiu .irs. ,
1 sT chains to the place of In-din ing, con-
taming ttvl seres: No beginning at a point
sxuith deg. east lO.'W chains from a Hint j
which is cOchains south 1 "leg. west Irom J
tiie noriliwest corner of said claim: run-
rung theme north ri deg. west along the
south line ufa tract ol land sold by Kira
Kisher and wife tj George Abernethy. I..V
chains; thence north 1 degree west 2..a 1
chains; thei.re south deg. ' nun. east ,
l.tii chains; tience sotiti. 2.21 chains to the
place of begun. it g, containing. 4 10 of an 1
cr'- . . I
aw ur,iiini.. . a s.,ii -s' ttiiu j
mju.u i .ira 10 nun m.- i r"' "
wnicn is.vcnains souin 1 aeit wesi irom
th northwest corner ol said claim; thei ce
arut h 1 deg. west 5.40 chains; thenceeast
80 100 chain; thence south oS deg. east 1.22
chains: thence north 1 deg. east ft.isl
chains 10 the n rtli line of a tract nf land
old by Kzra Kisher and wife to (ieorge
Abernethy; thence north t4 deg. 15 nun.
west 1 Mi chains to pUce of beginning, con
taining one sere more ir less.
And I will, on -
Saturday, the 8th day of Auiutl, 1903,
at the h.mrol In o'clock a. 111.. at tbe front
Urwir of the county court house in tbe city
of Oregon (.'it. . in said county and state,
a II at public auction, subject to redemp
tion, to the highest bidder, for I,
gold coin, cash in hand, all the right,
title and interest which the witliin
named defendants, nr either of tb m,
had on the dat ot said judgment or since
hid in or to the ahoye described real ro
erty or any (.art tfureof, to satisfy said
plaintiff's judgment order, decree, interest,
Costs and all accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas county, Oregon.
Br E. C. Hack ett, deputy.
Dated Oregon City, Ore., July 10, !:(.
In the Circuit Conrt of the Stale of Ore-
fo.i for Clsckamas County,
rederick I). Ixive, Klainttll,
T. )
Elizabeth A. Love, Defendant, j
In the name of the State of Oregon you
are hereby required to apear ana answer
the complaint hied against you in the above
ei titied sui' on or belore the 2th day of
August, l!si. which is the time .res"rioe!
for answering in the order of publication ot
this summons and if you fail to so appear
an! answer the complaint the (daiutill will
apply to the Court for tire relief demanded
therein, to Tit:
Kor a judgment and decree forever dis
solving the Donas 01 matritnonv now ensl-
ii.g between Baid plan till and defendant !
a. in lor sucn otner ana turiner reuei as may
be erpntahle and jus".
Tfiis summons is ptibli-hed by order of
the Honorable Tbornaa A. I't liride, duly
made on the lOtn day of 5ulv. I'.si.'i.
Tiie date of the first publication of this
summons being the July the I7th, I'M, and
!e date of the lat publication thereof be
ii.g tiie 2:li tla v of Am ut. l'S'.'i
Kl) M KN UKN'll s I.I. and
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon for the County ol Clackamas.
Ada I'i(.'gott, l'laintilJ,
vs. ,
John F. I'iggott, Defendant)
To John F. I'iggott, above named defend
ant: in the name of tbe State of Oregon you
are hereby required to appear and answer
the complaint tiled against you in the above
entitled suit on or before the 22nd day of
August, I!iu3, and if you fail to so appear
and answer, the plaintill will apply to the
cjtirt for the relief demanded in the com
plaint, to-wit: for a decree dissolving the
bonds of matrimony berntolore and now
existing between you and plaintiff and for
a further decree awarding plaintiff the cus
tody and control of the minor children
Frances 1'iggott arid Katherine I'iggott.
This summons is published by order of
the Hon. Thomas F. Kyan, County Judge
of Clackamas County, Oregon, which order
is dated the 2nd day of July, I'n'i and di
rects the . publication of this summons once
a week for six weeks.
First pubhc8tion July 10, W(t.
, Attorneys for I'laintilf.
sllce ol I'luul fsieillemeiit.
Notice is hereby piven that David Long
executor of the estate of Michal Long, de
ceased, has tiled bis final report as such
eiecu or ol said estate, and the county
court has fixed the time of hearing said re
port on Mo . day, the 7th day of September,
1!j3, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the fore
noon of said day in the county court at tl e
court house in Oregon City, Oregon. Any
persons having objections to said report
are hereby notified to present tbe same to
the court at said time and place.
July 30, IM.
DAVID I)NG, Kxecntor.
Attorney (or Estate.
fa her I IP a Malta I-: teem Ion.
In theclrcuit court of the stale ol Oregon,
lor the county of Clackamas.
Th Rank ol Oregon Citv
William T. Whit lock and
Annie II. V hillock.
Statu or Okkuon, I
Coi-ntx or Ci.ackam is i
Kv virtue of a Judgment order, decree and
an execution, iiulv issued out of and under
the seal of the above entitled Court, In the
above entitled ran, to me duiv ditected
and deled the '.'-'ml day of May, pvt, iihtn j
a judgment rendered and entered in sal I ,
court on the l.ih dav of January, Ism, in
favor of The Hank of Oregon Cllr. I'lainlill'
and against William T. Whitlock and
Annie II. ".'hillock. IVfeiidaiils lor the
tin) nh i.,i.r..i ih.re.,,. .1 ii,,
j r,,. .,1 .a ..r .,. annum from me 1st
,(,,- January , lSC. and the further mm
ot attorney's lee and the lurther sum
, fp) r,,,,,, and disbursements, an.l the
; i u.Km mrl. cwmiimn.lmii
n-eout of the monl t,rv.rtv ol ai.l de ' ' "' w attorney a l.-e. and Hie f.inher
fendanle, and if .uthYletit could not 1 ' M "u "d dibureuieiit, a l
found, then out of tire real proper! t Iwlon. thecoiol an.l Uon thi aril. ...n.n.ai.d
innto atd .lelemlanls on and alrer Ihe dale I ''"' "'"k "'" lolioarti.it de
ol naid judgment to atl!v eaid euina an i real .Mity. ait.ial' In the county
above el forth and a No thecoMj upon thu C:ackania.alal ol Itrekon. toait:
Aid ant Couiniitici'it on the So.tin lii.r of the V.
No, Therefore, hv virtue of aid eje,-u T. Mull.H-k l. I.. C. an.l .tin trei Kot. rlv of
tion. Judgment order and de-rre, and in I the Nnth Weal corner ol l I iLwallon
itn pliaiu-e atith the coinuian.li of fai.l ! '' Claim : rui.nln n.em-e r:t.-ily..n
writ, heini; unable to Hint anv prronal ! 'e Sunn line of aai.l . Ui.n .M nnla. Iliviire
.roirtv ol said defrndant'a, 1 did on the ! nonhrrly at ri.'ht ai'irlra .. U.i .irTihed
iir.l dav of Mav. l:kU duly lew noon li.e i ''n- id r.hl.: tli. n. e.l. ri ai hkM aiiirlra
lolloainc tleerribed real i.rooertv ol aanl de-
lendanti, s.luale and twin In the Counlv
' of t'lai-kama', and Male of lreuon. to wn:
rnaina; then.- soiitli S.. dei!ree .T luliiu:es
ea s.l.s , -hairs; Ihem-e north 1 degree ea-t
,,r,iM with West line of claim :w chains
, , ,.,,, ln, , , lrio, , ,,( ,,,1,1 ,
jt, N 1 . ar t I by X. W. Kan.lall; then.-e
mr,tl ,( degree's 1,'j mini tes west at ng the
n.rth line of said trai t .1.1. ' chains to the
of beginning cot, tuning l.Tl acres.
Also-Hegmning at a point I.I chains
,, v; ,rt,Trf, ea-t Iron, a H.int which is
j;iVi chains south I degree t from Ihe
rtn Wrst ,rrr o) ctl
in: running
thence norm 1 degree east n.20 chains.
t'.ence north M degrees l'i minutes west
nnng tne north line of a tract ot lau.l sultt I
nv r.zra r is her and w if in (itNirire A her '
,,-ih.- t .1 ,.i., ii,,,.,.. . ,il I de.rre '
aesl 5.7S chains; thence south of. di gres-a
ea-t 2 Mi chains; theme aoutl. " degrees H) I
in inules ea-t 2 U chains; thence so. itn 2 .'t
chains; thence south .i degrees e-t l.7 j
chsins to the place of tH-gini.lng I'ohtall.ll.g 1
Also -IteTtitmlhg at a point south .! le- j
irreeseasi lu.i;s chains from a imint which la .
3ciiattiamh 1 degree west from Ine north i
west corner of said claim: runnini then.-e I
north sl degrees we-t a'ong the south line
ol a tract of laud tnld ny Kxra Ki-hi r and
wife to tie.irge Abernethy I.M chalna;
Ibence north 1 degree west 2 115 chains;
theiif-e south 7' degrees .10 minutes east I 1H1
chains: ibence south 2 21 chain- to the .ace
ol beginning, containing 4 10. f an acre.
Also Beginning at a Kitnt .V's'i chains
soiitli ft degrees 5 minutes east from a
ixiint which is .IJchaina south 1 degree west
from the n.irtb west corner of said claim:
thence smth I degree west 5. to chains;
thenceeast ." clialna ; thench south M de
grees east 1 22chains ; thence north 1 denree
-ast 5 'ocha'ns to ihe unrih line of a tract of
lan lfoM by Kzra Kisher and wife to f.eorge .
Abernethy: thence nortli M degrees 15 into-
iiteswestl JSOchaiiis to the place of begin-
ningcontaininoiie acre more or less. I
Also Beginning at a imjIiiI 2..'rt chains
south s-'i degrees 57 minutes east of t tie south I
west corner of a tract ol land sold bv X. W. !
Kan.lall to John Naught the deed for which
is recorded at page (!7 Volume "X" of rec
ordsof deeds for Cackamas County, Ktate
of Oregon; running thence south H- degrees
57 minutes east on south line of said tract
.'i. 15 chillis thence nortn I degree east 4.01)1
chains: thence iiorh 5 degrees 57 minutes
west 3.15 chains to Mrs. II. M. Whitlock's
corner; thein.-e soutii 1 degree west slong
the east line of Mrs. Wrut.oek'i land 4 .'aj
chains 1 1 the place of begitining c.jutaini ng
1.3 acres.
Also liegitining at a txiut 25 W) chains
south 1 degree w at from the north west
corner of said clai"i : the' ee south hi degrees
2. minuies east 2.50 chains; thence soutn '
degrees 57 minutes east 3,15 chains; thence
eat hO links: thence smith 5 rleirrees tts!
1.22 chains; thence south 55 degrees east
2.30 chains; thence south 7 d-grees 3d nun-UK-srast
2 05 chsins; ttience south 2 21
chains; thence south j; degrees e.t 1 "7
chains; thence south 1 degree west 45 link:
ttience north 5 degr. es 57 minutes we-t 2.32
chains; thence north 2.21 chains; thence
north l'i degrees .'l'i minutes west 1.00
chains; thence north 'A degrees west 1.27
chains: thence (lorth Kt degrees 57 minutes
west 5. 'ichains thence north 1 degree east
50 links to the place of beginning,
and I will, on Saturday, the
H Til DAY OK ACOl'.-ir, 11103,
at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., at the front
door of the County Court House in the City
of Oregon City. 111 said County and State,
sell at public auction, subject to redemp
tion, to the highest hi lder, for I'. S. gold
coin, cash in baud, all the right, title and
interest which the within named defend
ants, or either of them, had on the date of
said Judgment or since had in or to the
above described real property or any part
thereof, to satisfy said plaintiffs judgment
order, decree, interest, costs and all accru
ing costs.
Sheriirof Clackamas County, Oregon.
Uy K. C. HACK KIT, Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, July l'Jth,
A WHlifnee'si otlee.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
eon for CI ickamas County.
I n the Matter of the Kstate of J
George T. Howard Insolvent
Debtor. J
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has been duly appointed Assignee
t.i ttia pstMt of the ahnvff tiMfn.! f ,til i.tnt
Debtor under and by virtue of an act of the
Legislative Assembly of tbe State of Oregon.
entitled ''Anac to secure to creditors a just
j division of the estates of debtors who con
I yey to assignees tor the berielit of creditors"
approved October Iij, li7H, and amend
ments thereto. All persons h iving claims
against said estate are hereby notilied to I
fire-ent the same to me at my ollice in the
Court House in Oregon City, Oregon, duly I
Assignee of the Estate of George T. How
ard, Insolvent Debtor. j
Date of last publication, Aug. 28.
veriueu as require.! uy jaw a.oi wiuuii ujree ; jt the tiawil passage lor dWirrlitil troll.
month from the d-te hereof. , u h ,'lon vr,.,,Me Cream lialm in
Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, this loth 1 .- ' , , ' r . - u Jh! r, ,., ,
day of July, A. D. 11)03 1 '?'i"n "h kn1ow1n JT
' THOK F HVAV I Liquid Cream lialm. I'nco including, the
In thj Circuit Court of the Wat of Ore
gon for the County ol Clackamas.
C. W. Sherman and K I.
Ilariui7 partner doing
busbies aa ("hernia" .V.
Manual), l'laln it's i
v. I
t)eo, V, Kreeinan and
Maltie K, Freeman, j
Petri, danlt J
Srt or Oaa.e.si, I
County ol Ciackamasf
ly virtue of a lihUn nl unler, ilvcrr and
an riecuti.m, duly Issued nut of and under
th teal ol the above entitled court. In Hie
above entitled cause, to ivr liiiv directed
and dated the tlih day of Julv, !'(, upon a
. judgment rem rre.1 and r..irre. In .m l
; "V ' -V"- V '" Uv,,r
! ' w Sherman end K. I.. II, mi, an part
nert doing tnsin.a aa Sherman A Herman
i I'lainlilN, an.l against t.ro.ne VV . r rtssiaau
j Metlie Kreeinan, 1 eleii.iania. lor the
I ,llm tin "t r.-si merron at ihe
' " lr ,'"M" lr annuin lr..u. t e '.HKh
' '' J'". Is:'. nt H'e lunher of
: ' 'le-"tHf.l line .n r.nlv Otrorr h-uitn
eilv at r Ik.-lit anclx t I .'I ilev-rilird line Id
nHl-. to pia.- ol l-k-ii.tiii.t- isiidaii li'ir tlv
acre all in Section '.. t J S , KaiiK'e 'J K ,
ot Ihe Wi 1.1 I. rile Mefnl-an.
Soar l lierelore, by virt-ieof said ex-ru-lion.
Judgment orvl.-r an.l de.-r.-, nu.l Hi
compliance aith the. .-,iinuau.li ol anil
aril, I Kill, on SHur.lav the
I.W'll lA Y K At tit'Sr l Vt,
at lie hour. l lOo'cliMk A. M.. at the Ir.ii-l
d.Hir of the C iiin'y t nun II .me In tne I'll.
ol ireitoll City, in ai I C b ..'.. Mie,
sell at public and tun, u tje. t to r.den. plioti,
to the h l .rl t.i l.ler, for (' s K d I coin
rafi in hand, all t'.r n- .l. ii,l.- un.l inirrext
al.i'h Hie aitlilu luimr.l i.rleii'tanli or
eit.'u r of tnein, had tn n. date ot the
n.orUak'e herein or atn.-e had in or to the
atx't .lev-nixs! real .rni rlv i anv part
thereol, to ill(y said re'..li .... jildgnienl
order, decree, iideret. C'.ia and all atvru
li.g rols.
Sneii'l ol t'U. aaina f .'.-oy nreo-t,
llv K. C. II At' K I- I I. li. p.it v.
iMIe I, Urecon I lly. Or.-., Juiv ITlii, pa.l.
! .olice of t diiiliislriitora rl
i lute ulr ol ICral IStnlr.
1 Xollce is herehy given that the under
! signed, as adiniiosiraior of the es'aie of
1 James K. Corr.e. de.eased, has hewn au
I th.ried by t.r.ier ol ihe eounlv co.ir. ol Ihe
sla'eut I'rrgou, hr Hie com tt ol fleck
' mas. date.' toe 2 r l day d J
1'-. 10
' sell ai private sale, l,.r . a-n ;i hand, or on
a. proved security, the lo.loa 11. g ile.cfil.l
I premises hel.nguig 10 the est le ol said de
. cedent, to-ther wilt the lenr.neiits and
es thereunto belonging or at-
1 .1 ... .. .,
T... ,,,,n. ...,.ri..e .,1 ...v.
.'J, in ma nshlp three .t; soirli, ( range
ti Vr- .'. east, 11 1 the V. ula.iie te Meri lisn.
ronialning one hut dre-i and silly li'
acres situate, lying and ttng In the conn
ty (. t iackamaa, slate of O eg.m.
' Therefore, hy virtue of said order of anl
cnmtv court, and of the law iriu.i,g
ther -lo, I. as said adminisiraior of the said
estate of James K. Cu'rie, ilersaar.1, will
Irom and alter the llrst la ol Angusi, l'
at ny nttiee In Malem. .liregnn. priM-es-d 10
sell at private, ai-cirdlng to law, for caai. Ill
linn. I, or 011 apprised security, llie real
pr ierV of said esiatf. as also e described
and set out. A. M. I It A o KOItP.
Paled at Oregon Cite, this 2 :r 1 day ol
June, A. I), bil,
l IUOss
In the circuit court of the state of the
goti, lor the county of Clackamas.
Mie nf Oregon, I'laiulilf,)
Jot,,, Doe, llefendant 1
1 11 the name of the state of I 'regno : You
are hereby re.iil.e. to appear sod answer
the complaint tiled against you in the above
entitled action within titteeu davs from the
dale ol the service of I his summons UMm
you, and If you fail so to appear and an -
ser. for want thereof.the p'aii till will lake
judgment against you as 1. raved for in the
petilii.h in tins te-half, namely. Judgment
of confiscation, condemnation ami sale of
certain gill-ntts, descril-ed as follows:
One diver-set net, Hi fret long, 12 ply
twine, machine made corks, and having
lead line an.l esds.
One diver set net. On feel long, 7 inch
me-h.i; fdy twine, mixed hand and machine
madecorks, having lead line an.l lea Is.
One diver set-net, !) lert long. II Inch
me.h. 2-plv twine, hand made eras, and
having lead line and leads.
Ons Hosier set net, 75 feet long. i Inch
mesh, 12 liy twine, ho.. Inn madecorks,
and hsvii g lea l line and leads
One set. net, 40 feet long, 0,',' Inch uiesli,
H lily twine, inacliliir made corks, and
tiavjeg lead line and leads,
VVitne.s ruv hand and the seal of
ss the circuit conn id ( lacksiuas
county, Oregon, t'n 27m dav ol
June, pdl. K. A Sl.Kh.ll I',
Clerk of the Circuit Court, I lu. kaiuas
county, ' irg on.
July3 7t.
In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Ore
gon, for Clackamas County.
Maude Lillian Fleming, plauitill.j
vs. ,
Glen Hamilton l leming, ileleinlant.)
T j (ileti Hamilton Fleming said defend
ant, 1 11 the iiHine of the State of Oregon you
are herehy commanded to appear and
answer the complaint filed airains' you in
the ahoye eoiith d soil on or before the 31st.
day of July, lr, and if you fail to so a li
near and answer for want thereof the
I 'I m 1 11 ti tl will apply to the Court fur the re
lief de in a ruled in the com plaint to- w it :
Kor a decree of divorce dissolving Ihe
bonds of matrimony existing let ween
plaudit! and defendant and f ir costs and
disbursements of this suit.
Tins s iiimons is published by order of
tbe Hon. Thos. K Ityan Judge of the
County Court of the Stale of Oregon for
Clackamas County commencing with the,
issue of June llith, Hn'i and ending with
the Issue of July 3st, 11)03.
Dated this Ilth day of June, I!i03.
(i0KIMs K. Havks,
Attorney for i'laintill.
jV.'ls.'il Catarrh quickly yield to treaU
ment by Ely's Cream lialm, which is agree
ably aromatic. It is received through the
DOHtriU, cleanse and heal the whole sur
face over which it diffuse itholf. Druggist
sell the Wc. size; 'Trial hi.n by mail, 10
cent. Test it and you are. sure to coiitinuo
the treatment.
To accommo.lato tbohc who are tmrtiitl
to t),e use of iibmiizers in lipplyinf li'Uid
a - praying tube la 7.ceuU. Drtiggita or by
mail. 'The liquid form embodies Die nied-
icinal propertica of the wMd jjrejyaxation.
The bride", mother unit vlaliltm he,
and totfollicr tlicy anl In the ai'wlui
rsxuii. The I'rldo ,va ftxlntf tlin aUvye
lining of licr luiMluind's ovorewt.
"Wi'll, I thltik tlml'a a ncnl Joli," re
innikcd the lrldc, a alio llnlslnsl licr
't'lin iiioihcr i-vaiiilii.-.l It and sin"
kt 1
her Intiil solciiinly.
You ilout Ilk. UT augwoal.'sl tti
"It's ton well itono," wita Uie reply.
Too well done?"
"Voa; K'a a tnllor'a J0I1."
"Hut If I ran l U aa well aa a trill
"Why. thou, of coiirae, you'll hnre to
k.s-ii.Mi doing Ihlligaof Hint aort. th.
k..M- ..It nlumf I! I filed It mvas-lf
when 1 .vna first innrn.sl, and Inter I :
hn.t to ruin two eonla la-foro I coul.1
hrcuk ur futlier of the luildt of hrliu;-
U e 1 1 t hing 10 Hi"'- Just listen to 1110
vol.v of expel -li-iHt'. dnugliler, and iiuiko
a Imiigllug J0I1 of Hint, own If you hnve
to tear It nil 01K nml do It over ngilii.
It's 110 tnuilde ill nil to illai-oiii'iige hint
now, 1ml It will lc eir r so Inter.
It la of the utmost Imp.u tniiee Unit a
woin.iii sli.'ii'd l..'i.'iii iiwirrl.-d life
right. "- Clii.-.i;;.! I'osl
I llom lie. ... l.-r.
"How's till tie f.ill.s ',' "
"All w .11. l ilt the III. 'il te
II.'IMk.I IiihmI "
"W.-ll. ).ui oror I'e 1l.1111l.f11l
"1 h-.'Uoli o. I lt t w.'e ull
die," Allant.i t 'oiisfltutlou
. l:tualaa ltr ll4.
Illlle I'.l'otll.r I whose nlsl.r Is
lug cards with a g. nil. in. up Mr
J.r, .La s .Minnie play ennls well'
Mr Sm l.r V.. very well Indeed
I.IUle Urolh. r Then you hud heller
ka.L out. M ilnlll.'l s.l 1. 1 If she d:i)t.
cr cards Well she wutild c:it.'h you
..!lr lor I'MltllrMlloM
Tiuiher land A. t, June. :!, J -s7S
Cnlle l Mt.- I and Hill
fin, Oiegon, May I'.t, l''.:.
Noine la In r.'I'V gn.-n that in c lupil
an. e With the provin.i.tia of the a. I of
Congress ol Juno .1. I7, enliild "An
act I if the sale of liiiiher lands in the
Males .1 Cal l ri.lu, Ongoii, Nevada,
and Washington Tei rit. .')'," aa ettetnl.-d
to all the 1'iil.lic Land .Slate l v act of
I August 4. I vi-J,
of t'ortland, canity of Mililiioluali, State
lor Territory ) of t irrg.ui, has Una day j
filed in Una ulli. e l is sworn statement
No. Iil4t. lor the purchase of the NK'4 of :
S.-.tion No 1:1 111 Township N'o. '.' .,;
Ksnge No. 7 K. and will olfr pr..( lo
show that II. e. land sought la uiorevalua-
hie lor its tliul.r or atone than for agrl.
cultural puriH.aea, and to establish Inai
claim to said land U l ire the Kegislei (
and lleeeiver of this oilier, at tliegon.
City, Oregon, on Monday, the Kill day !
of August, l'U. ' 1
II. liaini'B as w Ittiessea : J. ('. Iliirke, ,
l Molalla, Oregon ; K.d llurke. Jauiea
Milier and Kolrl tl.U.rne, of I'ortland,
Oregon. 1
Any and all -rs naelaitiiing adversely '
Ihe aleive-diwerilri-d lands ate ri"ji. ste. '
to file their claiiua in this ultiee 011 or ho- 1
fore said 17th day ol August. I'sXt
AloKMNU pi. Hts.KH.
Tu lite Seaside and Mmintaln 10 sorts
for the Nil inner.
The Southern Tacitl.- Company haa
placed on sale at very low rates round
trip ticket to the various resorts along
its lines, and also, in cmiie. tio.i w ith
the Corvallts A Kasi.-rn Hailroad, to De
troit ami tins seaside at Yaqutna I'.uv,
latl.-r ticket good lor return until Ot to
tier 10lh.
Three day tick Is to Ya.pl. na I'.av,
good going Saturday, returning Mon
days, ate on sale at greatly te.l.i, ,., rt.-s
from all points Kng.-n.i and North on
both Fast and West Side Lines, enabling
people to s'iid Sun. lay at tb" s.-asi lo.
Very low round trip rates are also made
between l'lirtland and same sints on
Hits Southern I'acille, gnml going ra'ur
days, reiiiriniig Sun. lav or Mo-dny, al
lowing l'ofl!,i!id .eo.le Oi apend SilinLiy
in llie country and Hie out ol tow n people
to have the day in I'mtlaiid.
To kels from I'.irtland t Ya.piin lUv
giei l for return via Albany and FaM Side
or CoivmIIis and Wrsg Side, al opiioti o
pa-enger. I'oiggage checked tin. High to
.Newport. A lie feature at New ,rt
this year will he; an up to date Kinder
garten in charge of nti experienced ( In.
cago leacli.-r.
A beaiitifulty illustrated booklet .lis
eriliing the w-aHide resorts on Yauuiiu
II iv has been published by the SoiHhern I
I'aeiflc and (,'orvallia cV F.nnlorn Uail-I
roads, and can lie secured from any of!"'1'1"
ttieir Hgenis, or oy addressing VV, K, Co
man, i. I. A., H. 1. Co., I'ortland, or
F.dwin Stone, .Manager C. A K. IC. It.,
Albany, Oregon.
Yours truly,
W.-F Comas,
fien. I'a. Agent.
police of I'IiihI Mrillemrnl.
Notice is herehy given that Maiy Hehacht
nas men ner iniai reKirl as administratrix
of the estate of Jol.aiin K. Schaeht, de
ceased, wit the county clerk of Clackamas
ocuiiiy, Oregon, and the court has hied
Monday, the Jtli day of September, :i., ss
me nine inr Hearing said report. Any and
all person having objection ui the same
can be heard at said lime in Ihe county
court room at the court house in Oregon
City, Oregon. ,
liated this 30lh dav of July, I'm.'!.
Administratrix of the estate of Johaiiu K.
Hehacht, deceased,
Attorney lor Kstate.
.toller of I '1 1111 1 Nelllement.
Notice Is hereby given that the under
signed administratrix of the estate J-;, H
.Mcl'liney, Deceased, haslil.il .r final ad
moot in said estate in the County Court of
the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County
and thai the Judge of said Court has aie
pointed Monday, September 7, pg,;), gl n,
o'clx:k a, m. for hearing objections to said
account for settling said estate.
. . A,l'"iulslratrix.
Attjs, for Kstate.
For Want of a Hail The
Shoe Was Lost.
Rvery hUcVsniitlt knows that atoty f
the neglected nail, the ct alioe au.t the
ruined hotae. In old couniiy auuihv'a
rau may are the Irnnul lu.lrly Nmtr,t
nr chalked on the wall as a reminder
to riut.mtris lh.it It pava to tare for
hotara' ah.H-s, and that a little ih-kW.
may have a veiv s-u.ma tesnlt. Hut the
l.lackamiltt la. aa a luic, like the k.wI
I I deacon, who iwssra on the pastor's
i tiuncialloll of Ilia own lolhlrs (. ailiie
one tle ll i'rrr in . in to nun f lake
the arimon home t himself. The Ida. k
smith haa for e.ampte a hllle touch of
"itoma. h liouhle " Ills l.aal areuia to
r i 1
Is lu it;.- . v 'f lv , ! I
I r t . ., . la- jr t -
- p -i n r Tvi''
i lie like a lun p 111 ln stoma, h. It frr
. iiiruta and gu.a off g is's wltuh tauar
1 liiili .lis. oml.'it sud unc.i-.oi. sa lie Ima
viux an-1 totter (tsinga, 01 "water biash
: Hut Una in .n who knows and pir. bra
th daitg' i of iirIr.1 In the I.im id a
nail from a li..i-e' di.- g.a-t light along
1 ucalectiug sMnptiiina wlu.h lu smri
j sou huil'.l.'ts of cava aic (tut rillllirta
of a pujacal birak down
That's tin distune of glrat many
indolent people They aa "It will go
! away a'tri bit w hru iaulloiir.1 to " i.i
iinethiiig " f-u tin ir ailim nl Just
liuaiur a ( .. in.-r l.aikmg over the frn. e
al Luc spioii'.iug wre.lt III his 10111 ami
tayiug "th- il go away aftri bit
Dtacaart air like wrrda. All thry ask
I aclrct am I thry will grow and llour
ialk. Krglrct the hist tllllptomaof illa
raae of the '... 111.1. li an l It will not I
louj bcl'.fr o'hrr org.ns are liivolve-l,
because rvery orgui of the body la lr
pcudeiit on the atoilid.il and Its lilr
uratua ("I uulritioll lieu tin stomach
aikl other org , tit of iligrstt.ui and liutil
tiosi air dii.ssrl the .l ratrit la
rvsl petfrttlv d.geatr.l and awiuiilatr.l
Hence their s lo-a of nntritioii by the
lasly; a loss l,i- Ii atoms tl w-U in I.m of
flesh, an I r ' .. 'd w. i.,;'it an l that bna
of nutrition ,s s'nrr 1 t.y e,-ry orw;aii of
t)M body, h-n... lungs, liver, kliinrv.
elC As a ei)Triurllee wlirti tilt- stom
ach U disrate ,, the hentt It liable to t
involved, ""e lungs, kidurMor liver.
These fact rm.litir the danger of
neglect of o il U pojrtilarly trrmnl
"torna. h trc ible."
Tiie timely use of Ir. I'l. rcc's Cml.lrn
MsJical Iimi - rrv will geurratly irtult in
actsmpo tr c" cof .lisaM-of the stoma. Ii
ami other o..ntof diratiou ami tiuUt-
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
I' lv 1
File, t.ve
J.iiy l i.'
Ii'li Ol.
e m.
s ... ,v
. . I.ohle
l'i rami. I .
M svi'i-r
IJiiii i y
M arshiand
K nspha
S. ens.-n
John I in y
A si. inn
A. ,1 lo Ii
M O.'l
!l n.'. .
H '.'O
s ,s
H 'o
0 I
i f,
t" . .
1 1 T.
it i:
M ,
10 0
, Il ns lo In
i It l'i In '.'I
I ti :t; lo At ..
lo no 1 1
lo OS 1 pi '
10 .11 1 1 0.',
lu 3o ii :to ,
a I .
s .11
s p.
a n;
0 I.'
o .p.'
t . i, p
, ti
a. ii
p. Ill
4 isi ,.. n
.10 .'to o
. .' : p. ii
.1.' Kl p. o
. 7 -il p. n
.. I .".op.,,
-. ''i a. ii
1 1 'Kl a. m
H l.'i a. in
I l 'i a. in .
2 .HI p. ui .
-'i 'i p. Ill
I) 10 a. m
ASTf lt I A
. """'sniaae close c.mneiition, al fiobb
with all Mirthern racilir; ariaimt to or from
the hast or hound I'.uiils.
Ipot ""'1""1 " ,,'V,,K I'nloi
At Astoria with I. . ,t; y , .
rail line, and Mteatner T. J. I'otter, to an
Irom llwae., ami North lles. l, I'omts
li ket ollice . i!V. Miirr, t , and llnlon
deputy J,( MAV(),(is. Pass, Agt
Astoria, Ore
All, .
Ailiiilol.irHtur a Nule.
al,o ."'r"''y ?lv,-M 'he under-
Ki.ed, adminisiraior of Ihe estsleof J (
leilly.de.i.a,,.,,, , rm,lnw J l;
onic-r of tl
"""UllfV f'liiiri i.l ii. .
treg,,.,r , Iscksm,,, ,l uru!h r
forsale.ndsellit ,,rjvB J' "
Su tc !,'!!"'l"vl of the 'eo, ,, "a i
sul.i '.t to the ,lH,.r n,,.,,., f j
u,e oic. , zrzwzzn:
inns I iiiii.iv o ' . 1 ' on na-
' o.r iny ,l ();
Oregon Cily
de rilH., real . , V. "illowing
"is. Riiinitn
II Til V 1 t . . .
estate, towit: ' ' '"longing
to said
flon BU.l will retatillah tl wi.
illti.m of sound ami vlK,,,,Zh7'
-I was taken wl, r.ii, .1 V
ulte.1 In stoma, h and Cl 1 "
write. Mr. T, k. Ca.idlll
AiirKi,.yco..N.c. -i;?::m
,1. .anything . K.N1( )w
wrote to hr, J'lerc, JuMI," L" I
aavlUK full tonlhlrm, ,,, ,-.-' ""-,
lie alviael me to lP i.
I.. I tu--...M -i .
'''ft Mb).
had fiul.he, the kr. mid J,u . , I
10 feel la-tter. I hay,
lailtlcat ami am well. i
imis'T Kxri-.aivMHT with v
., .,,,,. r .. . ... . .
a waste of lim.
nonet a
a Jourtiry to a leitain
"Wtl. V.ul ...
tin ran inai will a,,,,!- !,.
1. 1.' .
Y011 don't turn ,i,i. Vn
tiieut cut 1 r.,. .imply u,,, W
f.s..l. 1 hr f.m, v (,,11,,, . 'W
which lead, to wt )1u
tl lhat way with me.IHi.ea C
you want the way whl. I, r.., Tj
.t and au.e., , 1
you Will lullow ,)lt JJ
nllda who lu,, ,J
IVt.e'. C,..l,r
Dt. .very and hay,
" ,l ma K'eal tila
tiie to inloiin ,,lB j.
tsrnrl.t. Hut I hay r
ird liolli the ,
'Col.lrll Mr.ll,, I h
riv1 an.l l'le,,
his " wrilrt Mi, J r
1 ink, of Yost, K.iwanCa
N. C. " Last wiutrf J -
Uil off tl( I i..
it llii.saail,Ir for tiifiu"
until spmig J , ltlf
li k In lamiaiy and u..
Italll all ,,-rr 1't. .1
was laMrd, and sajj m
llvrf was out ot nnU.'
- Hr gave inr aoiur iimIlsJ
hut It did me u.i Mj
1 glrw steadily
could md rat as imh0
one bite of birm wnj
(!"' 'n. and wws
liiiuglv all the titni that 1
thouglit I yesild tt art 1 1,
dratll. My ,rv! vbsj,
Illy aiioiil.irit ailiM J
Was. i.m My l,ti, iaj
to inn. It that tlinula
I wat alm.sit I name
roul.l n.el alrep I'igbta only adiirrt at:;)!
at a tiuir, on'. I get up iii.aiiui;t K
weak ami nrivont, 1 could t, ariTlv ttial
lu tint way 1 tiillrird, 1 think, sWt tee
nioiilht, whru a filrml of mme iudtxts!
inr to wnlr to 1H. l'lrnr i alim
wild II I did. Ilia answer t. tint 1 Ktd
lti.igrati..u and liver roiupUiiit, iwl i
vising llie to take lilt ' t .oldm Mn'.Kil
Difcovrty ' 1 followed the IvntaT'
.lnr.ti.oit t l.iartv, ami In a few ilsri
could lliai ovrf that 1 w at Krtllitg brlttl
tlowly l.vrty day 1 frit just ( tit'lt
Is-ttrr, thru 1 could lgin to rat t bitlt
light tlirt. Thru I la-geil to tleeji
little )rtrr at night and III the moreinj
Would feel lefirthrd and teitrj. Nrfl
I lagan to gather I Illlle firth, are) tbei
I l-gaii to Improve riifi..'r 1 tost
right Uittlrtof 'l.ol.lrti Mrdi, al Purot.
rry'aml aevrral vlalt of 1'lrawnt M
Irta,' ami I frit that 1 wat well fooort
to have off itirdiclne and go wVi
which I did with pleatuir I hsr M
taken any tnr!i. inr since eireiA t
rincr't I'rllrla 1 ran rat anything tt
m inu.lt at I want and it orvrr aoe
liuita me a jwirtlcle " j
There la no alcohol in "Colors klti
1. al lntt uvriy.'and It la free flora opts
OMaltie, and all other natcotiel
may tnrau a arrt.ms Iota of money ftt
the tame way with a hole la the beahi.j
It may inran srnoti hnt of vitality tMj
vigor. 1'r. rici. r't CommoO hentt Hr
leal Adii r trai lirt how) to UlfbJ li
liralth. a well aa how to prtent di
rase Tint bulky l.k, containing led
l'Ke J'aKe. ' ""'I ou 'rvTiJ tJ
stamp, tn pay risrnse of mailing itr)
Srnd .tl otie celil ttauiai f. th boi
clMli-lsniinl, nr only ai atatui fur U
lsik iii t-t-rr c.oria AliisDl. S.T.
l'lrrte, llullalo, N. Y,
Portland and The Dalles
Al l. WAY I.AM'INti
"lUileV (illl.ert"
" Ksiiiltitor''
"ihiiiK City
Coiiiiectmg at I. vie. Wa-li . ai'h
!'..lnilib., Kiver and Norlhefli K' '"'
Ni.kkea.oe, Dalv. Cel. t.-r villf . ...,.leD
1 .bile ami all Ci. ketat Y alley '"0.l.
1 S!co,cr l. svi s r.irllainl iliulv ''r,'P,
Sniiduy) for Tim Dulles 7 lu.. arrive"
The Ihille tl rill p. III. ; ateatiier cni.ll,
' with C 11. A N. train at l.yle lur
li inliil.i -'Mealner leaves The
dully vexcept HumUv) (of I"'1!'"1
.'III in., arrive I'm-llmul 11 I'
V. It A N. Iiaiu leaving (.ol.l.ndale
(1:15 coiitiect with the steamer l"f "'
Mini. I.
! Sir "Metlako" make ilatl)' '""
Iripa b, tweMi Catcade Lock, and
iDailes; leave Uck l ".
: bp. in
! The ralitiulKti.iiiir"l!sil.'y;'i' '
leaves I'o.tlHli.l diiilV (except ' , " i!
Hilltla tn., Holiday l a. ni '"r,"", ,
ba ks ii ml rolurii, aironlinK
opportunity lo View
Cyliiiniiia Ulver.
Mi 'I'M IT f
Excellent meal aervetl on all "''";.
hum accoiiiinodatioim '"f ,I'H"1
Wagon. , ..iff
loi detailed Information ol r . .
hcrlli rew-rvatiniift, rnilrotid and (
coiiiieclliui write lo or 'H "I""1 ' "
ilonald, agent. Alder street wliarl. '
II. C.
i;a,mi iii'-i ,.
I'orlland, ''
Tn-iisuiiT'it Mill If
I now have, money In rv .'"J'J
warranta enilorsed prior to J" '. w
Also road warrant einlorsed I' "
May 1. l!H),'l. Interest iM
mich warrant on the date of '"nim
Kno t-a
( Iri'k""1'
Tn...,,... ..I rl...l,...iaa Collllv
i ZSh1
. irsni.ici ,'1 l ' " - nyl't
Oregon City, Or., July !!.