OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE FRIDAY JULY 17, 190: Ueyal Notices. Slii rlUN Sale. Di tleO-oiit Court "he State of Ore- J j,., I.ir the tVm.ty t Clackamas, .ilia K. Cu well, I'Uu.iiH. v-. I V; r.nn W. M'l.en.is wie. J.iiin r. Mill r mill Oior I Iml.t l o'e, IVO h.iai i.-. J !-tvik ( v Our.-fN, I Col TV I C. U KM s I I'll M n,' ti ti i-i'.u'i i oner, t . r i 1 hu : I ,, (,',, :-s -ii"! , :l .1 at.d U'i-'T : ,':.'e , 'i..,. c t f .-:, I i I '' ,x,i i: l i .i -v i J ii. 1 , ii g M I 1 !.? l-l.l-T. I HI S'l I C. '.ut m. tin- I-' .:.v of ';' I' -I, I'l HV.'t 0 .lula !'. C.,i...'!. I ' : st i i i : . . in .t i.L'amst T'.n'i" M'. M: ' r i i M ..- W Mi '.or. K . ::.. .1 ,.'.ii I". Aid . in I i.l 'M .! i i'.' i . ,-.' :. tut i..o -uni .f f '. v.; ij. i r .-l root. Ce r'i '" " ' : " '' I" r a .nii.ii i 'in i'" l-i -i.iv i Al..y, :. i. ! 1 p r;iicr si..u d -J ' Vs1 'i-n.:.i: e.i 1 I, e I inner - .! : 1. '.I ,' .-:s ;': I i! s- b ,'M'IH, I 'Is, fill III"' II''1 I'l d 'ip"U tl is v. tit. o.'in.i .n -Ii mo .i iesK vile tl t -e ic...'owi: g ; r."fi to. I J r.i: t r v. Mill it. i t'li Cll'l J .'I I i.C K.UV'.-. .-ta'C I'' 0 -u .... t.i lM' . i;. 1-c n.u i ! i i1' '! I1 '1'n'i.." land I" I'm ..' Sr. .-i M I ir h :. 11 he va .1. iiu r. In- i.' -t1: i'l S.i i. in I A' Shi . u ., i ..i ,. l.i it. .-!., - S. . ; i; ,!. ' i . ... I vVi ' i . ti'f M. r;.i...n. I ' V .1 I ! . I' ! tie N,.ru. . .- ' oi .; " !:"' " 'f . i i! ll ,i o ' ..m -.1 ' I :io""i. '. M II' r ! y .!f r ,'.' i.. . .1 r i- '7 i pi Y. i. II .'I ! )- li.,i i i i.i t i.. i, iV ,r( ,.; lac S ate ..I t "I' ll ... I...- i;.,kui.i- Cap ty. m , .i ''. s.. I : i, r,.ii f..:.f. V I"- 1'- ! C' :l!' l'i.'!i I' f N r ll W',-t ii'l: .r 0! t it .v,.i it"" I ,!,.! I' .nil .'I J . ia A-i- I.' - 1 sa .1 I o i r.-tii p in, i i in tin1 I't-i I." 1. ,.tr o; i In- c . . ; . 1 1 . y r.u.l , runiii'i: i: o e V. -i i'i links Mi'lif N r:., K.i-t o...:..t l t..O ll.l'.l .'! lilt. I I'V -:i:,l I'll. I. .MS M. M;- . - t o Mt .' a: : i I (' . ty ilio.l ro- 0 I iii I. ..! '" i f lf..i at .ttsc t r l. i-' l.ao t.l (i at t S. l.i . . .'.- O'l .11 r' .lit'.'i S -' .Tit- ".. ., .".. um. ;o I i.f NMit i E it t ttrnor r n. .1 M.",''.m.ios l..tN,i t'.t. rtol; tl.e'o. M . t i:i ' It cl;.ui:s lo llio Soiilh Wost cirner 01 n.1 trnot ; iltonoo S. S.c5 cliiiins lo the ii Ii tr o.irrer of the K.ti halt i.f sai l t limit I Miller. II. I.. C. ; Hience Ill Je f:i. E 42 oiiaitis tD ' ho Soiitn K.ist coner i. Mllti-rl. I.. C; ll.ei tv N. 15 legroos I. .ii II olmiiu; Uitiu-o N. Ill tlotros K. fl.oi'is to (ilaie twu-iniunj; coiildiniiij; 7 .Ml acea more it le. riitrto-e. I'v vir'ne if s li.i o.ici'ii tii'n. j itlcnioni orilt r ant! tletr-e, ai ti in Cii:ii(.'Ui.i'e viitli tlio roniiia.ids of a:J nt. 1 ill on Tnefiiay. t e 2TH DAY (K Jl'I.Y, VM t' the hour ol 10 o'clock M., a' the front d " -r of the r.nin y I'titirt r!ou-e in the C'ly 0 ' 'rtfiin l':iy. i'l'saitl t ". m m y ami Mi e s.ii at 1'iiDiio iincii "ll. Mihj-vt lo rodpnui t'. ., to the hklif-t lutliler. tor V. S. I c ii. .'a-h in a ..l. all the rUnt, irl and 1 t-ro-: whirli ihe nitliiii ii.un.ti i.t:t-i.il-a ri or ei'.I.er I'tliein. h;i I on t io ilu'e of t o nior'i:ni.'e iit-rei'i it !rre Ii nl in or lo t e Httove ilt'SCIihe I rral T. erlv tir any r. r: (hereof, in s t'i-ty ?ai i execnioii, ju i j iient on), r. ilecree. iiiteiejt, cosis ami a I accruing cost. J. ft. SlUVEtt, Sheriff of C'trkaniao Ci umv, tiriron. By K. C. HuKtiT, leniiv. Oated Ortgoii Citv, uirun, June Jiiih, 13. SIMI ."!. In the Circuit Court of the Stile of Ore pi i for OaiHi ainii (Joumv. i rederitk 1). Love, Flaintifl,') vs. Elizabeth A. Love, Defendant. J In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby rt'iired to apiejT alio answer toe coinpidini I'le I against you in the ab ire ei tilled siii on or Oelore the -Sth day ol .August, llVi. which is the time iires -ribet! f. r answenni in the order of publication ol tki9 summons and if you fail to anpeur a'i i answer t ie coiniilaint the iilainlill will ai ply lo the C "lit lor the relief demanded therein, to nil : Kor a ju L-meiit and decree direver dis aoiving itie bonds ol nialrnnony now exi-t-i g beiween said jilai: till and de.'em ant a d lor ?nch other and lurlher relief as may b.' e'iuahle and jus'. This Sinn nion- is publi-bed by order of ti e Hoiiorahl- Tbomas A. 1 cririd, duly made on the lhtu day ol only. llWi. The date of tue lirst pii'iiica'ion of this summons beiti: the July Ihe ITtl, l'XJi, and t ie data of the la-t publication thereof be ing the 28:b dav of Au n". V&. ED MENDEN'HaLL and A. K. ilESUKXH ALL, Attorneis lor Plaintiff. Nl'.V.n0.1!i. In the Circuit Court of the Stale of Ore gon for the County ol Clackamas. Ada Piggott, Plaintiff, i vs. V Jobn F. Piggott. Defendant) To John F. Piggott, above named defend ant: In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you in the above entitled suit on or before tne 2-nd day of August. KW3, and if you fail to so appear and answer, the plaimirl will apply to the court for the r. lief demanded in the com iilaint, lo-it: for a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between you and plaintiff and for a further decree awarding plaintiff the cus tody and control of the minor children Frances Piggott and Katherine Piggott. This summons H published by order of the Hon. Thomas F. Hyan, County Judge of Clackamas County, Oregon, which order is dated the 2nd day of July, l'H)3 and di rects the puhlii ation of this summons once a week for six weeks. First publication July 10, 1W5. JlELHiEti A GRIFFITH, Attorneys for Plaintiff. police lor lulIlfat ion. Timber Land Act, June 3, 1878. United Mates Land Ollice, Oiegon Citv, Oregon, May l'J, VMi. Notice ie hereby jjiven that in compli ance with the provinions of the act of Congress of Jun 3, 1S78, entitled "An act for the fiale of timber lumlis in the rtateH of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," an extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, lH!-2, F.VEHETT V. UOKDEN', of Portland, county of Muitnomah, State (or Territory) of Oregon, has this day filed in this office 1 j irt sworn (statement Ho. 0144, for the purchase of the NEJof Section No. 13 in Township No. 2 ,S., Kange No. 7 E, and will olfer prjf to f how that the land sought is more valua ble for its limber or (done than for agri cultural purposes, and to establish his c aim to said land before the Keller and l.'t'celver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Monday, the 17th day cf AllgUht, PKlo. He iiatiies a-i itri("'-s: J. C. Burke, cl Molalia, Or(v".n ; Ed Iiurke. James JiU'.er and fcobert Osborne, of Portland, Oregon. Any and all f-rs ns claiming adversely tl.e Hbove-'li'-cribed lamli are n-'juesti-d t i'.it tl.eir clii ms in tliis ollice on or be ijT? Btiid 17th day of August. Fj3. Al.'.tKNO.N ti. Ll't-KB. Jlegisler. NhrrilPa Mnl tin I'.irriilioii. In tbecironit ctiuri of the stale ol Oregon, lor the cout. tv of Clackamas. The Pank ol Oregon Ci'v ) Plaintill. v. 1 William T. Wliillook a id j Annie 11. Wltiiltn k, lVlendant't. j Statk or OiiKH"N, I ss I'lH'SU or O.ACK AM IS. I ' l! v virtue of jmlciiicnt order, divr. e a' tl an extt'Mi'in tin v i-fiied out of and umler tht' -t in nl Ihe al'i'ie eiiiitle.l Court, in Ihe ah.. vt' eiiiltird i iiiht', to nio tiitiv dtttvt ' I mid lintel the '.'-Yd tluv ol Mm, l.'.. np."i a iOvimclit ifiiilt'it'.l iinil rut. 'it'll in -ill I c.'uit i'h i'ie 12 Ii d.iv oU iii'ia'-y, l1. in fin. u nl Ml.' I!..' I. ol On -.mii Tilv. 11 in I' 1' iinil a.-ai: si Wil'i-im' I'. W i'i '.'k a ' d An.!.' 11 Wluii.'ik, l..lt"i.Ui't tnr the i'imii ol l0, m'li inlert'-t then'i'il n" the rite ol !'' pi r cent, m r am ntn Irom ttio l-t iiai ol ,1 mmiry, i-''7, and the or.i,,r hmi ol ".') a- a.t irnt'i 's I. e. ami the lii't ier sum .:lo oi'-ts an ! d:-iiir-eint'iiis. a".l the 0 s ..( an.i ii.,o. ilus mi!!. I'onu. iinilini; n o onl rl 1 ti o t rn'iinl pr.mi i t V ol ,li. I tie ! n.l.Hf l, and if i:lli, irtr i .'iild he ft'iii'tl, l!'t :i nut ot the real 4 ) r: h. 1 'Ug ii g to said tit Itiidaiits on and lifer the ila'o ol -.mi jil I -int" t to Mili-iy said sums a ai'ovo set lorth a: .1 al.-,i the co-ts upon tlii sai I w r t Now, riieiol-.re, by virtue of said extvu lion, judgment order and ilecret', and in i'oii 'l.ii! ii' with Ihe ri'ir.ittunils of s.tid r i. In iiu oi"il lo In li' .l any n r-onal : r . oitv ol - ud d ':o t's. 1 did on t ie .' ti iiiiy ol M.iv. i'l. di, v l.-iv upon t"e t. 1 ."i ii'.." d- Hi, d r. il in. p. rty of said tie !. ' .'a t-. u: ue if ,1 in ii li I'ie C-.lltitv of ( Ilk in :i-. a i I m i e '! I'lei' in, tit-wit : 1 . t' l.i'lim Ii i; ill M-ri'ifd itoii i-.'s Mluil'e in I'i.i kan, i- I'.nii'iv. oe t.l (trtgun and b. i g ,i ! or in ; o: llif I'.'ii.'tt i ' 1 1 1. m l Claim 01 I -T i l'l-her ir d ni'e li.o -tine t-.-ii k: o n n , v. ti e maps and pi it "f the Cnili'd S'a'i's siirvoi s as ni'tnii'iiU'Oi No. S '2 oer nii. -elf No. Ii" aid fii'in N . II in sections 2 2t. and .'CI ..I p.ii' -hip I t.l south of ra--ge two ea-l of the Will.tim tte Mi'ri.iiiin, to-wit: lit ginning at a point which is chains smith 1 degree west from the north west Corner of said claim and running thence south !l degrees 2" minutes east 2 '.d chains: thence south 1 decree west 5. .Ml chains: thence north si degrees 2"i minutes we-i 2 .VI chuiiM; thei ce north 1 degree east ." Vi chains to the place of beginning con taining 1 :!? acres. Alo beginning at a point 2 V) chains south fii degree 15 minutes east from a (mint hi. h is 20 chains south 1 degree west from Ihe north west corner of said claim ; runtime thence south 1 tlegree west parallel with Ihe west line of said claim A .VI chains; thence south So degrees ,S7 minutes east ,t l," chairs: thence north 1 ilcuree east para li'l with West line of claim :'s chains t the north line nl a tract ol land sold t" John Naught by N. W. Handall: thence north M degrees lo minutes west tiling the in'rih line ol said tract ;l.l chains to the 1 ice of hi'gimiiiig cont lining 1.71 acres. ANo Beginning at a poiul 1". chains s m 1 Ii nJ .agrees ea-t Irom a point will 'h is '.'.l..Vi i hains south 1 degree e-t from the north west corn r ol sail claim: running thence north 1 dt-nree es-t IL2H chains: t eine north M drgnes l't minutes west nl ii i ihe north line of a tract ol land sold bv Ezra Kisher and wife to (ieorge Alii-r 1,'rth..- li t: Chains; ilience s null 1 degree west .1. To chaii's : thence south .Vi degrees east 2 chains: thence south 7S degrees :M minutes ea-t 2 On chain-; Ihrnce south 2 24 chains; thence south S i degrees ea-t l.s" chsins to the place of beginning containing 4 I3 acres Al-o - Beginning: at a point south de grees east lo.'IS chains from a ioint which is 30 chains soiuh 1 tlegree west from tne north west comer of said claim: running thence north so' legrtes we-t a onir the soiuh line ol a tract ol land (old by Ez'a Fisher and wile to George Abernethy LM chains; thence north 1 degree west 2 '15 chains; thence south 71 degrees .30 niinutes east 1 IW ol ains; thence south 2 21 chain- to the lace ol Beginning. containing 4 10, if an acre. Also Beginning at a point 5.ii." chains south (4 degrees IS minutes east from a point which is 20 chains south 1 degree we-t from the noriti west corner of said claim: thence s u'h 1 degr-e we-t ri.lo chains; thence east chains; thench south fix ile-groesea-t 1 22 chains; Ilience north 1 degree a-t ') " eh a' n io i lie imr'li line of a tract of I tn I lo! I by Ezra Fisher ami wile to deorge Abernetlii : t hence noitn -4 degiees loinin i.t .-swesi 1 .! chains to the place of begin ning containing one acre more or less. Also Beginning at a noint 2.M) chains south degrees")? minutes east of tne south w est corner of a tract of land sold by N. W. Randall to John Naught the deed for which iarecordedatpage.il" Volume "X" of rec ordsol deeds for Oackainas County, State ol Oregon; running thence south ' degrees 57 minutes east on south line of said tract 3.15 chains thence north 1 degree east 4.00 chains; thence nonb 85 degrees 57 minutes west 3.15 chains to Mrs. H. M. Whitlock's corner; thence south 1 degree west along the east line of Mrs. Whit ock's land 4 00 chains to the place of beginning containing 1 J acres. Also Beginning at a point 25 50 chains south 1 degree wist from tbe no'th west corner of said clai-i: thence south 84 degrees 2.1 minutes east 2.50 chains; thence south Ho degrees57 minutes east 3.15 chains; thence ea-t 80 links; thence Bouth 58 degrees east 1.22 chains; thence south 55 degrees east 2.30 chains; thence south 78degrees3') nun uieseast 2 On chains; thence south 2 21 chains; thence south 80 degrees etst 1.87 chains; thence south 1 degree west 45 link: thence north 5 degrees 57 minutes west 2.32 chains; thence north 2.24 chains; thence north 7S degrees 3d minutes west 1,'iO chains; thence north (3 degrees west 1.27 chains: thence north 85 degrees 57 minutes west. 5.ii5 chains thence north 1 degree east links lo the place ol beginning, and I will, on baturday, the 8TH DAY0KAL'GU.ST,1!'j3, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door of the County Court House in the City ol Oregon City, in said Comity and Htate, sell at public auction, subject lo redemic tion, lo the highest bidder, for I.'. H- gold coin, cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which the within named defend ants, or eit ler ol them, had on the dale of said Judgment or since had in or to the above described real property or any part thereof, to Katisly said plaintiffs judgment order, decree, interest, coats and all accru ing costs. J. R. SHAVER. BherifTof Clackamas County, Oregon. By E. C. HACKE IT, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, July 10th, i:i3. Assignee's ."Vol lee, fn the Circuit Court of the State of Ore eon lor CI .ckamas County. In the Matter of the E-tate of J G.-orge T. Howard Insolvent V Debtor. I Notice is hereby given that the under sig' elbas been duly appuin'ed Assignee ol tne estate of the above named Insolvon' Debtor under and by virtue of an act of the Legis. alive assembly ol tbe State ol Oregon, entitled "An ac to -ecure. to cedi ors a just divi-i. hi ol the estates of debtors who con vey lo assignees for tne benelit of creditors" approved Octoner H. Is7t, and amend ments thereto. All persons h vlng claims agiiii-l said estate are hereby notified to pren t Ihe same to me at my i.tlue in the Court llo'i-e in Oregon City," ir'i-jun, duly vei:d as re',i.in d l.y U .v and within three lie .ri'hs from the d te tierpot, I t.itt-i ;,t f),-e,'i,n i'y, Uregoii, this 10th day of July, A. D. Y-i TllnS. F. RYAN A-'cn-e tjt'i E-.'a'.e of O .-ore T. How a'-i. I risolve-.t Ochior. Date ol list puhlicdtiou, Aug. '-4. iii.Kiri"N ti.i:. In th. Circuit Court of the' Stale of Ore- i gun for the County of Clackamas. t C, W. Sherman and E. I. ! llaiinan parlneia doing business as Sherman ,V llurinaii, l'laiii ills vs. .lien, W, Freeman and I Malt :v F. Freeman, lViciiilaiiis, I Stuk tf Okku.in, ( ni County ol Clackamas i ' " 1 By iiliie of a ju.Uu ent oilier, itet'ive ami ' an cM'i'iitMii, dull i--u. d out nl and umier Ihe seal ol ihe it'i ne entitled court. III the i!n ve t'lilitit.l riiu-f, to i:-e tlu v ilni'i'itfd unit d;il -.1 tin' H. h tin v nl July, I""., upon a li'gllicut n lit I'd and eull red IO Mill i'oiiii on tin '! ii onl oi J "1 , I'1' ;. in tutor nt C. W. Slu iini'li inn' I'. I.. lU' in.in part lit i s ,!.' i' I ll-li t'-- a- .Ni, l in in ,V 1 1 ll III to I'iiiini nl -. m d iii-iii 1 1 -I in '" ue W . Fiet'iiiiin ami M i'l ' I' ti n an. l't fi n hints, h r loo sum ol f.'.'l 1", .Mil inti V. -1 I 'eit'Oii at l In la o ol per t'cni per iinnuiii ll' .in I in 20, h d..v "I J line, 1-ami Hie lui'ihcr .sum t.f Jli'iiit) a-nitiuni y's It o, mid Ihe lurilier 1 sum td c si and iii-luirseinenls, a nl the onsis i l an I upon this will, i iiniiiiauil lug mo tn mi it hi sice tl the h'l'oivng do-si-iii e.l re il prn.'t'U , -I'uiii.. in the iviiiuy ol C ,i. kamiis, slate ol Oregon, to-wit : Coiiinion.'i ig on Ihe S. null line ol the W. ! 1'. Mall.H'k 0. I- '' "ml ;t.:o leoi i; t-lerlv of ; the South West conn r ol said Donation 1 l.antl I'litini ; running thence E.i-teily on j the Son"! iine nl s:ti.l oI.ii. ii 2t r.i.i-; llienoo ; iiorilii r y hi ruht angles 1 1 lasi tie-, r. he, I hue 10 roil-; Hi, ii.'i' W e-n riv ut right am 1 s tn.l.ist .le-i'ii: ed line 'n i.i.l-; inem't' Sniil i !e ft nt rii:ht an-'i s t ' l i-l ilf-cnlied hn 10 rods in p ae." nl hi'L-iiii .' ".Inn li l' hie ai-ies nli pi S.'t ti.m 0, f 2 s., KauKo 2 K , nl the Will iieiie leii.liaii. Now I lit'tt lore, hy lit ie ol s ti 1 e en ' linn, jll h.'.llli'lil i I'di-r anil decree, and I'l c .in pnance Willi the comnuiU'ls ol sid I r.l, 1 will, on S ifur-luy the i In I'll l'AY OF Al'iiCSr IIUVS; j at lie hour nl 10 o'clta k A. M.. nl the Iront ! il. or nl Ihe V uui'y Court llnuse in liiel'itv 1 ol i 'regnn Cny. in said C iunly and Stale, j sell at pill lu' audi hi, sill jet t to reilempliiin, I to the hig.iesi hidder, lor I' S gold com Cash in hand, all t ie right, tide ami interest ! whi.'h the within named tieieiidaiiH or either of them, had on ih date ol the luortgau'e herein or since had in or to the above tlesorilied real propei IV or any part thereof, to satisly said eecuti.in, jiiifgineiit order, decree, interest, costs and all accru ing costs, J.K. SHAYEU. Shetiil ol CI ickanias C.niniv, 1 'rego-i. Hy K. C. II ACKEI i. D-puty. Dated, Oregon Uity, tire., July 17th, 11103. 4'ont't .nllt''. Department of llio Interior. United States Land Ollice, Oregon City, Oregon, June 4, P.kVi. A mitl'ii'icnl coiitf.-t alii lavit having been tiled in this ollice O t. -S, lnOl, by Jacob 11. Siliniitt, colitos'aiil, iglinet Iloint'-'te.iil Entry No. 12L"!!I, nuido July 12, I!"S, for the S. E. 'j, Seoliun 2(i, f. 3 S., K. 1 E , by I.t stt-r E. Sabine, con-testt-e, in whii ll it is alleged thai coll teslant "knows the (itespnt i oinlilion of the name, also that said Lester E. Sa bine baa atnuiiloned said land for more ttiau eix months last past, tl at bu has not resiiied upon, cultivated nor im proved said land for more than six months lust past; that in fact said Les'er E. Sabine has never since making said entry, resided upon, cultivated or im proved any portion of suid land in any manner whatsoever, nor baa any one done so for him, ami that Said alleged absence from Ihe sit'd land was not due to bia employment in the Army, Navy or Marine Corps of the United Ltales as a private soldier, olficer, seaman or mar ine during the war with Spain or during any other war in which the United States; may be engaged." Said parlies are hereby notified to ap pear, respond and idler evidence touch ing said allegation at 10 u'clock V. M' on July IS, l'.lll;;, before the Register anil Receiver ol the United Slates Land Of li;'e t Oregon City, t'regnll. Tbe said contestant having, in a proper alii. lavit, filed May 27, P.MI3. set foith facia w hich show that after tine diligence personal service of this notice cut not lie made, it is hereby ordered and directed that eueh notice be given by due and proper publication. Algernon S. Dkksskk, J. W. Dkapkr, Register. Att'v for Contestant Sclimitt. Police or AImliillrutor'i IrU rule Mule of Iteal IXate. Notice is hereby given that the under signed, as administrator of tbe estate of James E. Currie, deceased, has been au thorized by order ol the county conn ot the state of Oregon, for the county of Clack mas, dated the 23rd day ol June, III 3, to sell at private sale, for cash in hand, or on approved security, the following described premises belonging lo the estste ol said de cedent, together with Ihe tenements and appurtenances thereunto belonging or ap pertaining, towiti- The north est quarter of section twelve 12, in township tnree 3 south, of range live 5J east, of the Wnlameite .Meri Man, containing one hut tire. I and sixty I0OJ acres, situate, lying anil being in the coun ty of Clackamas, state of Oregon. Therelore, by vinueof said order of said county court," and of the law pertaining thereto, I. as said administrator of the said estate ol James E. Currie, deceased, w ill from and alter the lirst day of August, IlSi.'i, at my office in Salem. lOregon, proceed to sell at private, according to law, lor cash in hand, or on approved security, the real priperivof said esfaie a above described and set out. A. M. CRAWFORD. Administrator, Dated at Oregon Citv, this 2:;rl day of June, A. I). Ih03. ii;n.noit. In the circuit court of the stale of Ore gon, for the county of Clackamas. State of Oregon, Plaiutllf,) vs. r John Doe, Defendant.) In the name of the slate of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer tbe complaint tiled against you in the above entitled action within lilteen days Irom the date of the service of this summons upon you, and if you fail so to appear and an swer, for want thereof, the plaintill will take judgment against you as praved for in the petition in this behalf, namely, judgment of confiscation, condemnation and sale of certain gill-tu ts, described as follows: One diver-set net, 80 feet long, 12 ply twine, machine made corks, and having I lead line and eads. I One diver set-net, 00 feet long, 7 inch ine-h.O ply twine, inixeil hand and machine made corks, having lead line and leads. One diver set-net, DO leet long, ii inch meh, I2- Iv twine, band inane corks, and linving It-ml line ami leads. One flatter fcet net, 75 fe' l long, yyt inch Inesii, 12 ply twine, inai-lii t... made corks, and having lead line and lend". One set-net, I'l feet long, 0 inch. inf"h, H ply I wine, machine made corks, and having lead line ami l ads. Witness, my lou d and the seal ot ss. the circuit court of Clackamas county, Ongun, t tin 27'h day of June, V.ii;. F. A SI. II'. Il l , Clerk of the Circuit Court, Clackamas county, Oregon. July 3 71. Nlici-HP nl. In thei'irruit court nl Ilia stat oof Oregon, for Clackamas eoutify, William Kiilienow, I'htiiilllV, vs. Wihihbiilne 1! ihentnv, as evecu Irix ol the estiite ot W ilhelin liahenotv, deceased, Wi lab I ml lie Kitheiiiiiv, Ki.'ltiii.l liitln now, Anna Weiss, and F.'idl Wi i-s, her husband, Emma I. amlers, an . John Lan ders, her hnshiiinl. Maty Fhieip li lt, ll' d (I itll't'l. I'l ici'lelt, her husband, Aug us; a Knliehu, W il linieiie Knliehu. and I'. ml !v 1 I. hn. her human. I Aiii:u-I bod l ni and Altieil Kmil.tn, llelemhllds I by i too of no ei'cul' Oi. judcmeiit. or ih i and d. c ee Onl , n-iiul n n ol ami on tie! Ihe seal tit I lie ll'iol e etltli il d C Ol rl . it II-1 in the ii'ii'ic out l!el ci"'i I i mi' il ii I v ill lifted, da I'd Ihe I Ml o.'IVt.l J n o, ll' .'i. upon a I I If mi 1 t and tlii lie I'lM'll, Inn If, it iiitfte. I, ue d eiiletttl in suid I'ntiii mi 1 1 1 1 1 1 tli .hn ol J tine, pn I, iii Iii i or ol William Kahclioii, phllnlilt. iltld llfitill-l 1 ie di.teliil anis aiiovt' s. nut, ho the sum ol f Vm', u ttii li t ne-t thereon ai 7 pet tent. irnniMay 2s, 'H, in nil I. ii tie sum nl JTil i 01. ihe same to hear iineri -l nl 7 pi r el I limn the time nt s.ii.l ilei ree, and tor Ihe luliher sum tilliOat a', t irnei ' Itts. ami inslsaiiil ili: h.ir.-t ineiits taxid ir ?", mid upon the iv i. c.'iiiinaii ling me to iinik.i s.iie ol Hie lollo.iiiig des, ri n.l i. nl i r o . r;v lo w i : r.efilinilig ill Ihe -olllhcrl-t .'i'l mr "I Hit snutll. il-t ii'l ir'et ol seiilol. .'s in lownslilp 1 -i nth, in. i; :l c -t, ol Ihe llliiinet'e M, lull in. tun.. ll.g III. ...i.' mi' 1 ll 2.' Cuius t il I tk-: I cm c " f 1 I n ill ii " In i s' l .e ; t'llfi. iil'l'li:.! chai;..' lo II -I il.c ; , hi : i e ea-l Id chains to Mm place nl lu'enming cotton. . tug bsi iicies. n.oie or le-s, tit,.! I it c au. I neii in I la. kam I-county an, I ,-l.tlc n! t'l. I'.il., sill jefl . llio in; I nl di It iidin. Is, A ii-'u-t K itlhin ami Alln tt K in lni. w 1 1 ii i n a rea-n' a.'l' lone In c iltlie saw tiiuncr .V sail real ptnpert I , and I o se I and r.'ilinve s ,l I s um. ill, and the ti l" lo suid iiiiibt r. il cut anil reuifiveil wohlii ; a leii-uiialile Inn.', and suid saw mnl. il re move I n Pino a le.i-tinal'le lime, lo ho p Ii'oui any hum ansii g out ol any sale under said decree. Now, tin rehire, under ami by virtue of said j'l.'gnietil. execution, onlt r. decree ami writ, ami compliance therewith 1 wil , on Saturday, tint I Ml Ii tiny of July, IIMIll, at the hour of lo n il a'k a. in., al the cunt house door of the cotiiitv court bouse of said county mnl slate, sill al put lie sue lion, snnject to redemption, lo the highest bidder lor cash in baud a l the right, title and interest which the above named tie lendanls or either or any of them had al the date ol the mortgage nieiilimieil In said dot ree, or since had in the ahoie. dt-ctlbed real properly, or any part tbereol, lo s.ittsly said j idgmo t, execuiinn, order ami tie cree, together w il i Ihe attorney's fees, and co.-ts ami dishtirsenients, and nil atvniii.g co-It. Dm ed Oregon Cilv, June Id. I'"1! ' J. K. MUVEK. Sl.ertll HI Clackamas cnuuti, tiii-gon. 1 1 v F. I'. II" k i.i r, Pepin i . June l.i, It il. Mit-rill" Mule on Dtcciilloii . In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Ore l'.iii. lor the County id Clio kiiiuas. I he Bank of Oregon City, I'laiulill. vs. A. W. Howard, H. H. Johnson, Fred K. Charman. W. H. Cooke andW. T. W hillock, Deleiitlants. J Statu or Oiikoon, J Cot'NTV or Clackamas,! By virtue of a judgment orcer, decree and an execution, duly issued out ol ami under ihe seal of the aliove entitled court, in the ahove entitle 1 cause, to me duly di rected ami tialed Hit 22ml day ol May, VM, upon a judgment remit red and entered m said couit on the 12tb day ol January, D-us, in favor ol tlie Bank ol liregmi Citv, plain till', and against A. W. Howard, 11.11. Johnson, Fred R. Charman, W. II. C i iktf and W. r. Wlniloi k, delend nits, tor the Mini of fVm, Willi interest inetenn ai the r ile id 10 per ce d per unnniii Iro n Ihe 1-1 dav of llcl iher, l-l'o. ami I n- In ther sum ol f75 as alt irtiey's h ",u .d the lint o r s ol fl.'i costs anl dt .... -c 'i. ut , and the Coslsnla.il ilpiiu In- ri , f in maudlng Ille out (ft I tie pt r l ft ' of sai I ih- leiidaitts, and II ih i n mid not lie found, then out id t e u it properly he longing to said del-mlanls ."i In I ali o tlie tlale ol said juilg'e 'I '" t -iv suls'ims as above set ( r n, a... I ulso tlie costs upon this said w i it. Now, therefore, ot iiiiini of sai 1 execu tion, Judgment Hr 'er and decree, and in compli.i ce " . the com mauds of said wt.t. ntng unable to find any personal prop, r y n said de lendanls, I Hid. nnt'ie'.Mnl dav of May, 11103, duly levy upon I .Mowing describ ed real proia-ily ol -aef .b l-ndaiil'. sit i ate ami being in the con it of C'l ackamas, and state of Oreg i, in vp : The (oil iwing e-, MD..I premises, situate in Clackamas c.u t v. suite ol Oregon, ami being a portion oi n.e lljuatiun Land Claim of Ezra Fisiier and wife, the same being known on the maps and plats of the United States suivevs as Notification No. 8.32, Certificate No. I'l7. and ('.aim No. II, in settions 28, 2i), 32 ami 31 of township two (2) south, ol range two (2) east, of tlie Willamette Meridian, lotvit: , Beiilnning at a ioint 13 chains smith, 80 deg. east Irom a point, which is2!!.V chains south, 1 (leg. west, from the north west corner ot said claim; running thenc north I tleg. east !.2o chains, thence north 81 deg. 15 niin. west, along the north line ol a tract of land sold hy Ezra Fisher and wife 10 George Abernethv, 0.11 chains; thence south 1 deg. west 5.75 chains; Ilience Joiith ,Vi deg. east 2.30 chains; them e south 7K (leg. 30 mill, east 2.05 chains; thence south 2.21 chains; thence south SO deg. east 1 s7 chains lo tlie place of beginning, con taining I 3 acres; also beginning at a point south SO deg. east 10.0S chains Irom a point which is 30 chains south I deg. west Irom the northwest corner of said claim; run ning thence north S'l (leg. west along tlie south line of a tract ol land soil by Ezra Fisher and wife to George Abernethy, 1.55 chains; thence north I degree west 2.35 chains; thence south 78 deg. 30 min. east 1.00 chains; thence south 2.24 chains to the place of beginning, containing 4 10 of an acre. Also beginning at a point 5 05 chains south si deg 15 min east from a point which is 20 chains south 1 (leg west from the northwest corner ol said claim; tbet.ce south 1 (leg. west 5.10 chains; thence east SO 100 chain; thence south 58 deg. east 1.22 chains; thence north 1 deg. east 5.05 chains to the n irth line of a tract of land sold by Ezra Fisher, and wife to Georg Abernethy; thence north SI (leg. 15 min. west 1 SO chains to place of begiiiiiing.coii taining one acre more or less. And I will, on Hittiirdny, the Mil day of August, lllOfl, at the hour ol I'l o'clock a. in., at Ihe front door of the county court house in the city of Oregon City, in said county and stale, sill at public auction, subject to redemp tion, to the highest bidder, lor C. S. gold coin, cash in hand, all Ihe right, tille and interest which Ihe within named defendants, or either of th in, had on the date ol suid judgment or since had in or lo the above described real prop erly or any part tbireof, to sati-ly said pla'ititill's judgment order, decree, interest, costs and nil accruing costs. J. 11. SHAVER. Sberill'of Clackamas county, Oregon. Bv E. C. Hai ki.tt, deputy. Dated Oregon Cily, Ore., July 10, l'io.3. The Enlnrpriee tl.ol) per year. WASTING AWAY. AN ATlimirS SAI) F ATM. 71ns is the i leiv nl' n '.tuny: num. lie bad U'cn captain m ln i Ti nt bull eleven and a i i.n k nil .itnnml u j.letc llo was the piiluio nl tn.ii'ii l'.f.illli mid vigor, Ctivi'.'d bv lin il .'.ml .lir.itfil by ivnui.'ll. One ilav bo - i.i!.:: ;; a piactisc spin oil tbe liver ii.t-'i ii iliciii ling t.li ti in ciiilit- up. Wbcii If I' I '.rnc.l In the bnat tlittiso lie Mt :n. mild in his wot ll Hint la rs-f U i- Q F ' :: :..-;T,ai .1 MM AV-'ri7 " l! i t- " ll Ut ' jlHl'liu'Rcii'i l:'':!;'.;!!i "tti'i :: ;!,,;;i,j!i.ii-i!l"l!l"liii;iiiiji won't be thrown off. In time lie finda :ie hasn't the ambition he formerly bail. Kie'cise wearna Imn. lie is losing wri';ht. It is not very long ladoie He ill it himself weak nil 1 ruiacinlod, trriehcd out iu u cl. iir knowing that be A wasting ,i iv d i)- by d.iy find bour by Hour, ll seems il It nit; any lto'0 that :'n:iir to the ft it I it i i mid tin- lii.iniond, a i rat clung'- fr..::i Cut d ipping athlete in the b. il lino..' to this iii.tk mid wasted ini.ili.l. but t'.ie wav is indeed rrry h'.uut. It i a w.iv which t'.i.iii.viiids I :red net v vear nn.l the beginning of the way wliic'.i (tails in s.n h a teid t ii.iiiij; ia A TKOCM.I.SU.UK Cul l. II. No in. in or woman is an strung as to be able to treat lightly an ailment which ia the U -ginning of Mich a scitous di fti.se. Thc.c is a iite for cough how ever alublsirn, titid that cure is Iloctor Tierce's Collcil Medical Discovery. "I am feeling; quite well," writes Mia Dotras A. Lewis, of No. I Wo. Jdlh St., Washington, D. C, "and I owe it ull to Dr. Pierce's C.obleil Medical Discovery. I cannot any too much in praise of the medicine. 1 bad been quite a sulferrr for a long time, mid after reading Dr. Hlerce'a Common Sense Mcdie.il Atlviwr thought I would try his C.tililcn Med ical Discovery." I coiiiinetn ed taking it in May, iSoii. ll.ul not lat ii sleeping well for a loin; time Took one tea ajxxxifitl of 1':. Fit n e'a Collcil Mciictil Diacovery and a'cjit nearly till night withoutcoiigl .it;.;. so I continued Inking it, I am in y ai s-uipithv uiih every body who sol with a ciiiigh. I had Iwen a nuff. re tor more than ten years. I tried lots .i Jillcrent iiit-diomi-s and (lifTereut (ioct .r-,, but did tint led much hefter. 1 couched uuti.' I commenced spitting hiss!, but now I feel much itronger and am entirely wen. ir. I'ierce'C,oliln Medical Discovery is the beat medicini I have ever taken."' Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. IJAILY THAINH Ks. 1 ly Hat. Etleelive July 5, t:m2 e m. 7 00 S U.'l H 20 h ;w S II S fiO S 5S II IIS 0 III II 37 10 no 10 OS 10 211 10 30 AM S IS). I) 05 11 Is, !l 35 !l In II 50, III ())' 10 10 10 21 10 3; 11 57 11 10 II 05 II 30 bv Portland Ar lioble ... . Banner I'vraiiiid . . Mayger . . . (Jiuncy . . . .. laiskauie . . . Marshland . . . . . . West port , ... Chiton ... . . . Kuappa .... Hvensen John Day . . Ar . Astoria. I.v HKASIDK III VISION II 35a. m...l f ... VI p. AHTOBIA 1 1 30 a. m 8 15 a. m . 0 15a. in. 2 30 p.m . 5 Ml p. in !) 40 a, 111 I:.' :) 8EA8IDK CONNECTIONS. All trains make close connections at Oolile with all Northern l'acilic trains to or from the East or Hound 1'oints, At I'urtlaud with all trains leaving Union Depot. At Astoria with I. It. it N. Oo.'s hoals and rail line, and HleatnerT. J. Poller, to and from llwacoand North Beach 1'omts. Ticket ollice, 255 Morrison at., ami I'nlon depot. J.C. MAVO.Oen. Pass. Agt. Astoria. Ore Mi rlfl 'iil ol'ltenl IMiilt-Mttltl fur 'l'n et. Notice is hereby given that on Monday the 20 b day of J uly, l!'3 at Ihe hour of 1130 a. 111. al the front door of the Cliiekn mas County Court lloti-e, ( iregon Cily, Oregon, I will oiler lnr sale, all property io which Clackamas County has acquired idle by virtue of purcha-e at tax sale, and u pou which the period ol redemption has ex pired, to the highest bidder lor cash. Said sale will begin at the time and pine stated iiml will I... adjourned Irom day to day un til completed. Dated this June 10. I'" i. J. B. SiiAVr.H. Kheriir. OASTOT1IA. Boars lbs ) IM fc.o ten xm mn K34 BigDatara of without a t.i lit "i tl in. 'ft. What 1 1 COtlld llUtt III.:. ' 1 if '. " ''I I. ltd 11 iv.iK" ,i i.i i'c he tl.-vol.ij'cs a little b.iiKiii;: i in, o wlucll muiii how . to !' ,:.. H, : 1 '. ' ' i- ' sr - e ...'; ... vr.":s,W.t IhsU j . . ii Y .i " V 1 A , c" - ' 'i X A I r-r Iv'SM . S 0 'to iii! i Jl,l . 'II I vm ti if: f.j 1 ft 1 ir . tw mm mm 11 ICV'ile' 1 D'ly D'ly jHy II HI, II tl ill 05l .1. 1 11 52. H 20 "Coliloii Medical I itrrry U not la Ik- classed Willi unliiiarf "cough medi cines." When the cough ban Wen ob stinate Iltld deep miilid, When tlirtr have Iteon wcaknt-ss, iii;hl-swral and riliaoiatinii the use of IXa'tor I'irru-' Cnldon Medical Discovery lorn la-eil the mentis in liuiiibeds of cases of a restoia tttiil In polled health Tic reason for this sucicss is that tbe " Discovery " striUHt lions the sttiin.ii h mid puiilits (lie bliHsl, thus cnnbliiig the bull. ling up m' the wasted (issues. All ticiitmellts of iiiu tiiiiiptiiiii rcn'i;tiie the net tl of limit idiinciil. Tbe ice of cod liver oil is only mi ii'lctiipt In i 1 1 1 '. 1 1 1 in. in isliui:iit iind mi .ticu. lli tn the u, ding body nl p. a loud Put it is nil t m-i i-.-iu-v fond. In il l very I. dill it ic. . .; nic, tl Weak in v, of lie M, ,111,1, ll. "('...licit Mod ii .ll 1 ll ,. in e;y " l.i It lii't'iicll'i t lie l.toltl.1 '. 11 .-;-(. in Ih. it I I IH tlijjci'r!! I. " , I a n. I iis'i.i...,i .i.i. I I', r la-gins t put on I i. . i, i, .. n i .1 Li ,,.i,,oii ' "' """ t" ". I'omi .i back lie nil. Int Nin.n UN rAlTS. Tbo claims innds lor M'.i.ldcii Mclicd Dlsoov eiy" nio Hot liii.ii'in.ilivc or tin int -ileal. Every claim l l cult- is ollll'lrd on a enbd fat I, it wiittrtl rcct a 1 1, yl the chip of tlet-n- M-.ltt'tl tbugba, weak lull;:'', lit nun llt.igei, rtiiiicintioil ,111't tilllel follllH til tllMltO which il in t totl or un si iliully tn atcd Iind a 1 it l ti itlilualloil ill coll- SllttlJ'tioll. " I b i 1 n cough and nl;:!ii sin ats, nlsn siililti.; ol IiI.kkI ; no I 'c,'' wntt a .Mis. M. A.Caiv.nl (linb.iil lid.), F! at kiMssl, Aawiu- U.i.i ii-.t N. W. Ty. "I could ind boll liny weight; in v hamuli is would give 7' '' w.iv; bad ptickiug I'.iIipi r, ' ... .i i. ...i ..i.. ......I i jtl in mt . in -t, t . it. il I ll nini cniisiil'iiunii. I U-giin using Dr. Fieice'a C..)bloii Meitic.il Disiovety mnl fur the tiiat two or three days 1 arrinrd worse, and then all my nenrea felt numb, us if tin y were la-ing roiisctl up. Used about tell laittles of Medical Discovery." lime of Favorite l'levnptiiill,' ulid four vial of Dr. l'leice's I'loassiiit l'cllota, and six Isitllt of Dr. Slur's Catatib benic.ly. Now 1 have imtie t.f the oil M'liiptiiun. I urn, so far, us well us rvi r Is lore. I shall iit'tiiiimcml lr. l'icrce'e niedlcinfi to my fncnils." Di. l'leiec sC.t.llcii Metlit iil Discovorv is cniiliilcnilv rei tdiimcinlt d b.r puluiou uty (Um-.ix mid ilisr wcs of the oiyiiui of icsj. nation getici.illv. It alwuya helps. It alllli ist ill ways Clues, It I'l tiot a Ionic men l v, but a ll sh lm miiig, body building medicine, containing lm ul'f 1ml, Ulltl la-ing absolutely flee lioin opillW, cocaine and all other narcotics. . l'Ki:i! Tt) Till! SICK. Fersons suffering from disease (a chronic forms me invited to consult Pt. Fierce, by letter, nr. AH correa)ond elice held a strictly private and sacredly contideutial, Atltlrcss Dr. K. V. l'ietc, llullalu, N. Y. .Sometimes a dealer temiiled by Ui little more profit juid by K-a meritoii ous medicines will oiler a aubatitute for "Gulden Medical Discovery," cluitnlnc it ia "just as gixsl." Do not allow yourself tola: imMM-il uion. luairt 0 gcttiiij; the "Discovery." WHAT iil Olff TO BK. Frank J. Snittli, of 413 Van Rlcllsl Avenue, ilronklyn, N. V., any: "Tbe Medical Atlviscr nui;it ti be i tvrry housih.iU. I liiive already got some very 1h1.tl.lt- iiiformatioii ft mil it which iiloiii- has mote tli -tu 1 slid for tbe oust ot the IxMik." Tl1isgrc.1t work,.'SStitainiiij in A page and over 71 illustratU'is, ia sent ftte on receipt of stamps to j-iy eetise of mailitig only. Send .,1 one- ent stampe for the clith Isnitnl volume or only ai stamtis for the book in puper coteis. Address Dr. R. V. Fierce, lluffalu. N. Y. COLUMBIA RIVER SCENERY cIRpriiilatnr Line Steamers Portland and The Dalles ROUTE A 1.1. WAY I.ANDIN'liS "Jiuil. y Cittcrt" "Dales City" "Kcgiil.'it.ir" "Mctliiko" Com ting at l.yln, Wash , with tbo ('oliuiilna KiverHiul Norlbeni Uy. for NiikkcisiiH, Daly, Centerville, Ooldiin dalc and all ( Iii kettit Valley pointH. Steamer leavea I'orilatid daily (except Sunday) for Tim Dallea 7 a. 111., arrives: The Dalles (1:110 ). in. ; steamer connect!! with (! It. A N. train at l.yln for Uol deiiilale. Sti-ainer leaves The Dulea daily icxccpt Siindnv) for Irirllmid ut 7 :;J0 a. m., arrives Portland II p. m. ; (I. KAN. ti Hid leaving (iolleinlalo at (l;l.ri connect with the sleuiner for Fort land. Sir "Metlako" makes daily round tlipa In tweeii ("iiicade Locks and Tbe Dalles; leuvea Docks (i a. 111., returns ii p. 111 The Palititil Steamer '"Iliiibiy (tut.ert" leaves Po.tland dailv (except Monday) H:;;0a. m., Sundays !l a. 111.. (or Cascadti Ik ks and return, iillurding an excellent oppoitunilv In view the ecenerv af Ihe (.'ylinnni" liiver. Kxcsllent iiii-mIh seiveil on all stciiini-ra 1 1110 acciiiiiiiinilatiiiiia for tennis and WBgOI.H. For ili'ltiilcil iiiformatioo of rates, berth resell nt inns, railroad and Htagti coiiiioclioiis w rit" to or call upon S. Mc ilonald, accnt. Abler sheet w hurl, or II. C. IM.Ml'llEI.I., Malinger, I'm I iund, Die. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Thfl Kind Ynu Havn AlWoV? Rnncrht j Boars the I Signature of 1 f It y J i l ll' C..,l,lell