Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 17, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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coKKEsroNDEN'CK l hona Hair
r,' ' j " ANnit a year ro
"II ! S cowinc cut vV:y fa-t,
Correspondents are reii'li'sted to
new their work. W
necessary stationery,
your neighborhood
theae columns every
will supply
The new from i
should appear in l
my luir was
so I bought
a rott'e or Aver s ti.nr pier. 11
sapped tl'C la!! ni; nt'd mule my
hair prow ;'rv iapi.l v, until now it
is 45 inches in lt?.v.,jh." .Mr. A.
Uo dston, Aic'i ise'.i, Kar.s.
Scott Mill
The Punch li rae l.an.l. As there is
gre.st nisny young men in Hie Will mi
etie Viiiley not yet out t their teec who
itiinwx tt :0 to lastoin Oregon
or txiiuh gras as they 0 1 1 1 it, Aoik
through ihe hams! season ami earn a
small fortune. Theieby 1 warn yon
against i 'hasu g ibis pintom tl ike from
tour years of my own cxpeiien.'e ami ob
servations, ll you will listen for H in i-
t ry to give a bunt ide what
8 There's .mother hunger
than that of the stomach.
Hair hunger, tor instance.
Hungry hr.irnceds food,
need:; hair i;or Aycr's.
This is why we say that
Aycr's Hair Vi;;or always
restores color, and makes
the hair crow lor." and
."aW. il.CO l Mil. All dnill.
As Ibis little router of lb lib be has
tiol bu ll repi i solitod loi seino tllne, 1
I wiil grip my Man ll i'. nil semi in a lew
sclilii lit a, ll eveiy olber em icHponiloiil
' in the slate hadn't ahead)' pilot mjM yoll
; ol the bit, I Would begin by s.i lug ibat
haying is t he older ol the day. (lint
i that Is I lie unier ol tlie dav .)
j Mis. Ilniiler, who h is been ipiile sick,
; is about all nulil again, tie are glad to
; li. t'. l'alinei , of Maple
' fi lends heie lasi .Mm, lav a
; Fred I lui 'cm es had the misf.ii Inno In
spiaiii his lo.il la.-t Sunday H bile plat ing
base ha I.
lane, visited
i J Monday,
Tin" l In
: it'jj last vr
1 1 1 Mil lit Si
i.l hoaiil held a special Ineet-
k nil. I ll'.ill d I I n' V. tel.U,il
li ml grounds bin i i !u ai no
II' v,.cr il:ii"- t comet ruimiIv von.
semlus on ileil.ir mi.l tt will express
von a iiott lie sure ami give ti.e intuit
ol your ii"osr rteri'ss oiih-p. Aiiurem
J. ('. A V!".K .. Lowell, .Man
stieeessfiil haying
A. 0. New ell, who lias been borne i
spending the holidays, returned to l'ort- j
land .Motnlav.
me it t 1
il is like. The avenue wages paid is $2
pei day and you work from 1". to hi
hours io earn it under a hmnitu sun and
a w ind that never is Mill which is cou
tinually filling the eyes, ears and nostrils
with that miserable alkali dust. In the
place of having a eomtortable farm house
to stop in and a uood bed to sleep upon,
you have what they eall a rook waon
with a canvass structure built on a
wauon drawn by four horses from place
to place and oft lines you can write your
name en the kitchen table in the white Too much rain for
duet. Your sleeping apaitutetit consists but tine (or potatoes.
of a pair ol dirtv blanket and a bundle
of etraw; vrJnr room is ceiled wilh slars I
and at 10 p. m. when you lie down to
rest voiir wearv form, ihe ever wlii-tliiu
wind soon fans you to sleep. At 3 a. m. I We aie w'la.l lo repoit that J. A. lioyer
sharp you hear the unwelcome voice of is fast recovering from his late illness,
the foreman ervinc all out bovs. You ,,. ... , , ,
roll overorce, nil. vour eves, then p-t '',ln C ',"kt ,',t"T M
tip. euiiy and harness ,r horses, yrease U eather, of ( om-ord.
your wairoti, bieaklast at four then l'O to ! A. 0. Cooke and wife, of l'oilland,
woik. Mow my reader, you can picture I was visiiiiir' his brother A. W. Cooke
lor Yourself wnat life is in an Kastern ! and family last Sunday.
Oregon harvest field. Moral: If vouch) , .... . ,, , ,
out lo harvest, trade vour bl.w.kets' lor 1 . Mr,?- ,Vn Cr,"1"1 r"tlln,,,-li to '"'r ,K1"U'
lantern. The average harvest season ' 'I1 ly"" "r"" aU.rd.,y.
lasts front 40 to (U days. Py the time I I'tulpa Ur !hu accompanln her.
expetise is del'rai ed to and from home i ll.m't forget the haive't picnic lo be
you only have about or 7") clear juivenl'V the Modern Woodmen some
bo you see H pays the rural wehfoot to j time in August. Kxuet dale nol yet
Bin k to a dubar and ten hours a day. ; made known.
About fifty invited t-'m's's. assembled
at the home of Mrs. II, llilieaiy Monday
eveninti in honor of the .Misses Abi e and
lllatich Siephens, of lire-ham, and spent
the evening i" Hinging and playing social
aher which a dainty lumli was
i served and then all departed for their
homes leeling that they had been well
entertained and hoping for a repetition
of the same iu the nol distant future.
Saturday, June 11th w as a hit; day
anionic the km liters of Iiamaseus as quite
number assembled on the beaipiful
banks of the Clackamas river at Henry
Kreighaupt's in the torm of a picnic and
to talk about enjoyment they bad it, but
the main feauue of the day was the.
dinner to which all did ample justice.
Woodw ard, the t M rt d ill
anii" , ol tlieou Cu , w as in our bum
'oiiiheSh. lie Ink iMIM buna line
display of the speckled beauties.
! Mr. Ilegleu, of roriland, who came i
out here III the hope ot ohtaiimu bett-r
I beallh, was obliged to return to I'oitlnnd
j to be under the constant cue of the doe-
I tor. Me lots dropsy of the heart ;pol small !
j hopeB for his recoveiv aie eiiterlained. j
L The Colion boys now have a baseball
."team, wilh Will llargieaves as manager. J
I We learn lhai the James brothers now i
1 have their new s ore iiinuuitt in full hlat I
at Cedaidaie, or lower Cmtoii. Here's
our hand (or success, bovs. ,
I Sot:tet:rms -. c ;io
I n'.i!i:Pi? 1 f. -. t
: V V -i
It v t.i ;;tr mfiit' ti
jl Whcr.' v.- 'ii,sri:
i I I vl: li '.l lie w.'s -.'. ilc
il ciititti'ii ; ! c
) It ts lit ;- i
Hir 'iJ id e
i. Ms ted iii the
It t for f.me
v.lio y I"-;, i ! ty
el trt l:e:il:!l.
'.be atltiii iit by
t n it u, not nu
ll ".I'ti'c indices-
i it He
Union Hall
John Thomas and w ile went to Oreson
City on business one day last week.
Miss Dai'V I'helps is home on a visit:
-iilb Iter narvnts. Slip bus bnn twneh. tfUies
inu school in Eastern Oregon for some
J. Webb and family, ( f Portland, are
visit it g .Mr. and Mrs.H. S. C. l'helps.
People in this part of the country are
anxious for the sun to shine once more
so they can Gave their clover hay.
Mrs. Anna Tice is visiting her mother
Sirs. J. D. Wilkerson.
Orren Adkins and w ife wpre up from
the Columbia to spend the Fourth wilh I A. Newell says ''he wouldn't
their parents
Alf Smith, of Prime Hill, was calling
on friends of this place one day last
J. D. Wilkerson went to Can by on
business one day this week.
Hiss Tillie Mo'zan came np from Port
land to spend the Fourth at Can by.
John Thomas is mowing hay fur F.
missed that bin eat tor a dollar."
here," says Key White.
I tint in
form of
X"si n il I'n'ilv'" ii not a
;'.,.! to ttiiie with. The
not be fatal, i
re cm be po
U of diseawd I
ll which does ,
K. V ' 'I PC e : ry Itll it phvs
Cv,V ' , -' j i. I s 'Hid weakness.
LVV ";. x. i';'. 1'ietce's Coliieii
t k. '. -t .i .... i i,:
'-. olber lor
Jlrs. E. F. Ginlher and son Henry at
tended camp meeting at Sellwood Sun
day. 5Iiss Lydia HornBcbuch was the guest
of Miss Hazel blather last Tuesday.
Rev. Essig preached an interesting
seinton in the CmiKieealional church
Nearly all the (aimers are busy mak
ing hay.
E. F. Ginther has purchased a cream
0 Inskeep, of Carus, Is giving our
school house a coat of paint which it
needs badlt .
Tlie I'ouinlalion ol lleillli j
Nourishment is Hie foundation of!
healtn life strength. Kilol 1'yspcp-
sis Cure is Ihe one treat medicine that j
enables the eloii.ach and digestive or-1
gans to digest, a-siiuilat p.nd translorm
all louds into the k'lid of blood that nour- i
ishes the nerves and feeds the tissues.
Kodol lays the foundation for hea'th,
Nature does the rest. Indigestion, dvs-
In Hi it
ti e:; !
tl.li :n.
nw.o' i'
Pierre's ( : .
tillle nl" it I
tile li'ltHi. 1
cured. Ili-t.i
This gran i
a tliorotilt
toil IMscovcrv
riii:esiion and
rms ot disease
in.; the stomach
and it -s i.llicd organs of
p.gcsiioti and niurition.
bit s the pel feet rlige
tnd UiMinilatiou of
i n 1 v mrnK'ine ilnit
..!. I trie, I cvrrv
et to rutr ni'ln." -i
n , n'v Ihri-wlr
I in .-till ol iKK ior
.' ai tv n iul io : a
I' un ' It .in ilniier
in ll toe an, Uu'V
work in
ives t!'1;
ttoti ;
r. (. .. . l
Xfj "T'tank In Pr. rirrrr's Ootc!
1 M ih. tl Ml" evrrv." ritr ?
T C 'i o'.- it. i . riv ill, of I.t lilt: lit.
- It 1- I III-
ive ion !
i:M ihieL
.mi 1 I
,. TI--1
.l..!i .it ; i
A Few Hot Weather
PUT UP AND S1.I.L what w
believe to be the HKST 1 1 : 1 1.0 1 1 IC
Cl'KI! ill the woild. That is K broad
,st .tteiui ill but wo icalh believe it istitie.
We ate to jiositive that wc guarantee il
cine, or your iiiouev buck willumt u
in iii-in nr. Tho nainc of our lica.bu he
remedy is H. & Js'. HEADACHE
TABLETS. I'1"' I'liic is Twenty
tivc cents a box. if you buy tilt in and
they don't cHect cure alter taking four
yvc want you to come buck and get your
twenty-live cents. We don't my this
because we think you'll want your
money back but because wc know you
IF YOU ARE TIRED After the ride
get a glass of Soda Water. It's just the
thing to brace you up. It's made of
pure caiboitaled water flavored with
licit fruit juice llavors. Cleanliness is
one of the good points about our soda
itnl ft ti li tn i il . You cant cpoct to get
pure sod.i win io everything is untidy,
etc., you can i-r iditwte lliim with
ROACHINE the only goods that
will cull insect lioin their nets mid
immediately kill them. II kills Koin li
es, lied Piles, l'olulo litl.'l, flies, Mean,
l.lce, Spiil. is, Ants, Carpet ol ins, l lc.is
oil dos and cats, I, ice oil holies, cattle,
touts and swine. Pi ice 50 eta. per pint
f .'.jo a gallon.
ON COliNCi TO BED Take hah' a
wineglass lull of Nile's Celt ry Nervine
Dining the day take two or three nunc
doses. In n vciy nhort time the blood
will be pure; your npctile excellent;
your nerves strong; your liver and stom
ach disorder all gone. It will make the
people w ho take it well mid strong, Huy
it now. Price one dollar.
READY l'or Summer Complaint. It is
decidedly wiser to ply twenty-live ccnU
lu getting ready than snll. r gn at dis
tuss ami pain ami p.iv big doctor bills
by neglect, Tlie way to pn p.itc is to
biiva bottle of black bet ty Oai miiiiit ivr.
buy it iir,ht nour. All finals of innim r
complaint have a disagreeable ba'iit ol
coining when you me not thinking
about them; olteti tin y i ntiu' at night
when the iloch.t t at .ill in bed .in.t the
thug slotcs cl.isi-d.
The Point We Want to Emphasize Is
It 111 11 v sound egotistical to hear a man praise himself but that does not alter facts. A little self pride
is nil right if it is honest . We ask fur vour trade with the distine' understanding ib.it w e w i I try harder In
give you satisfaction than auv other druggist. We are Irving hind to make tins the best drug stole; we
don't care to be the biggest but the best,
tlt.lt is S'.'t i
tmt f?..bhy :..
oertiiitie. cor. ;
hie fore.'.
Acccot tin s
it-al !)..-. - ti
as giMid " '
blood ,-ind" 1:
1 r. 1 n -,
1 ; 1
t .
' I
i ir
. . 1 .11 1:.. . .1 t 1. I
pepsia, aim an uisoroeis ui ink moiiou-o ; gtjp;,t;oii ;
any, digestive organs are cureu ny tne :
Use of Kodol. Sold by beo. A. Harding.
rt !'-
I t
cue cotj-
flow It Warn Sin
Th" how ;is 11-0
rssii.Mcs it c irioi
hum of horn, g
ill- ntltl I ftl'
Tr J lirHiuru. I
1 by Asiatic hoi-semen
is sl;.;;o. They worn
norallv btilTalo hoiti,
The rain of last Saturday and Sunday
may catch ll.e farmers wiih lots of hay
down. At this w riling the weather is
favorable. The sun is shining and it
locks like hay making once more.
A. J. Kilzmiller has L'ljO acres of land
for sale cheap. If any one wauls a slock
'arm this is what you want; well wat
ered and e t iu while clover six milts
from railroad.
the new
is painting
Guy Woodle
The crops of all kinds are good.
Mr. Eip-ks. who went to Vancouver to
epend theFuurlh, has not 'leiurn-d yet.
George Kilztniller bought a riding
pony last week.
John Strow bridge, of Firwood, has
beet) ill for some time.
V. M. Roberts has bought him a new
mowing machine.
Making hay seems to be the order of
the day.
H. H. Hargreaves folks left Monday
to attend the Chautauqua.
Justice Dungen, of Mo'alla, came over
Friday to officiate in the appraising of
the Johnny Doland estate.
Print Hall is painting the new Cedar
dale school house which greatly improves
the looks of the corners. ' hat is nee'l
ed now is a nice neat fence around the
James Pr, s. had quite a trade last
week especially Saturday. Looks like
business had really commenced.
Thnre w-as no ball game Sunday owing
to parties of the east end causing a mis
understanding as to where the g.tui
would be.
Uncle John Arrpntt is sido-ring wi h
a fore foot caused by a com 011 his to
becoming inllatiied ami has swollen his
leg to his body resembling blood puiou.
An in'fresting game was played Sun
day on the Colton baseball field between
the El wood Slars and the Colton boys,
resulting in a score of 10 to Pj in favor
of Elwood. The Colton boys have plaved
a few previous irn tries Hgilili"t Elwood
and Molalla with pick up teams mostly
new though very promising material.
After the iMiiio Sunday a regular team
was organized and a captain anil treas
urer eleeled. Wi'h a li'Me lively prac
tice the bovs will develop a very (air
team They expect to soon be able lo
play a winniriL' gam" with any team of
their own rank. Games will piobably
1 be played in the near future with rieiish-
boring teams, among which are Elwood.
I Highland, Spiinirwater,' Molalla, S 1 1 1 1 1 I
j and possibly the James brothers, of Ibis
I locality, w ho expect eight of the hrothers
Orexmi Ulr Market lieporl.
(Corrcclfii Meekly.) I
Wheat .No. 1 , 70c 'r bushel. j
Flour Portland, I OH per bM. t a'i '
per sk. Howard's Pest, $ .(','1 per s o k. '
On'" ill nicks, white, Jl tol.l,riper
cenliil, gniy, $1.10
Hay old Timothy, hales, $1(1 j.er Ion ;
loose,' $10 to $IJ per toll. Clover$l:';i
Oal, $o; mijt,., bay, $IJ. !
.Miilslulls llran, $:'.' IK) per ton.
1.1 two pieces, joined by 11 wood ui cell
f'P. ;it:d when uiistnilig had the font)
nf 11 cttpital C, which enabled llioin In
be hung over tin' nnn on lior.sobacU.
When strung, a dilliciilt font lo Ihiwe sboils, $J1! IHI per ton ; chip, $.'l 00
unused to them, they took the double ton, barley, rolled, $JL' .'ill Per ton.
riirvo of tin' anlbiui' bow lis seen ill the Potatoes New, lo lo l'4 per pound
representation ( Cupid. This was the; Egg-Oregon, V.,t- In i in-r dor.en
"Tartar s bow." tlsod bv the ScytlihiiK ' Hiiter-iiaii. il. .k: 10 nu per ro
I'itrthi.'ins and Persians mid up to ipilte,
recent times In India. It was drawn
to arrivo from distant parts before long
Previous lo the last game the Colton
I tenm has been known as .James Prothers
1 as one of Ihe latter has pliyed with the
i buys and kindly furni-heil lh .lames
brotlier s iinifo.iii. Ihe hovs will soon
b" able to turn out in their new uniforms
1 ..I. ,.,,;A1rt .M,.l,la tn 4.,.t
.. , 1 ilS. 11 V UI.H 1 11 .lio.V J"
'eoj. ,,, , , ,,,,, ,!, . 1, : ,,.-.
The weather has again cleared up ami I aj;iy ar0uiatic. It is received through the
the farmers w ho had their by dow n are nostrils, cleanses and heals the whole stir-
earing a pleasant smile. fane over which it dilTusos itself. .Druggists
Mr. and Mrs. John Giesv. of South j - the Wc. size; Trial m by mail, 10
Her,,!. WHsbinirion. returned borne, after : cculs- leHl Buu alK oluD
a short visit with relatives ami friends
here and at Aurora.
Mrs. Wm. Morland'and daughter S
the treatment.
To aecomuioduto those who are partial
;'a ; to the use of atomizers in applying liquids
into the nasal passages for cnUirrhnl, troiu
Hood View.
J. S. Barnes wns out several days the
past week breaking 10 Ins new bunch
grass horses.
Miss A lift Todd returned from Kansas
Ci'yi Missouri, on Wednesday after an
absence of 7 years. Si.e was accompan
ied by her gramlparen's w tio will make!
their home wilh Mr. and Mrs. A. P.
Dan Slahlnecker went to Portland
Saturday returning Sunday.
M. Tauchrnan raided his new chopping j
mill on Monday. He expects lo run it !
by water powe. j
M TilllnlVil.l.l'ulrur r.l Will.,,,. otto I
Falls spent Sunday with tier parents.
Grant Lichtenthaler made a business
trip to Portland Monday.
Stanley and Lolita Lamb, who having
pent a conple of months with their
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Wood,
left oti Saturday to resume their work
on the theatrical stage.
Mrs. William Kakritz left for Portland
ftom'ay after several days visit with her
mother, Mrs. F'. Krause.
Kelson McConnell made a trip to Aa
ron on Tuesday.
spent Monday in Oregon City.
Mesdames S. O. Miller, of Aurora, and l-ropnetors prepar, .Cream Jtol .in
Pervine. of Salem, visited friends le-re "l11"1'0. "h.n wlU ',e. k' OW,n Ul 8
A fishing party, consisting of Mr. and
Mrs. . U. Noe, Mr. and Mrs Frank Hil
ton, Inez Hilton, Mary Mitts, Mr. A.
Miller and a few others from this place,
left for the North fork of the Molalla river
last Sunday. They expected to have a
iii.nr n.u I i m u u 1 . 1 ik u u iiru VTt r W fanrrir
Liquid Cream Halm. Prico including the
spraying tube is V cents. Druggists or by
mail. The liquid form embodies the med
icinal properties of the solid preparation.
4'iilurrli ol the Moiuiwli.
When the stomach is overloaded;
when food is taken into it. that fails to
to hear thai Mrs. Noe and sister Mary ; digest, it decays and inflames Ihe 111U
were badly hurt wbiie going, by a bridge cons membrane, exposing the nerves.
giving way w bile their learn and waon and causes the glamls to secrete mucin,
by the thumb uloiie, 011 which the nrch-;
rr wort? a broad, thick ring of horn,;
Ivory or coriiolliiii, on whose etlgo the;
bowstring rested.
The long bow yv;is also much In ti-.o j
Btiiong Iiidiiin 1 11 f:i ntry of tin- mlddlo
nges, but neither they imr liny olhe
Asliitlca iipio:ir to have done such exe.
t-ntloii iii tin- lOnu-lisli nrchci-s of the!
sumo period. P.eriiier says, d'oscrihina j
n battle botu-iM'ti A tir.-iin.'.ob mid his'
brolbi'i- Iiar.i: "'I'.'.oy draw tln'lr tir'
row-si v.iih a marvelous swiftness, one
pkoi being nblo to draw si of lliem
befovo a iiitis;oo,'r cm discharge
twice; but. to say truth, their arrows
llo but little oM'rlllion. More of tlc'llC
nrf lo t In the ;iii- or broken on the,
ground ti tin hit." j
The bow, in fact, requires more than
npy oilier Yvcupou oonslant pructlee;
from ebildhood. 11 ml strung English-1
men of the present day are quit? unn-'
file to Use the hows of the half human;
Mineopies of the Andaman.-C haul'
hers' .lotii mil.
Simple i;noiiuli.
r.orttm I want to Interest you In a
financial scheme, this morn
Mereluint -Not this morning. I
haven't time.
I'.orem -Why. it won't lake you a
minute. All you hnve got to do Is to
lend men dollar. I'lilladelphln Press.
were 011 it.
Those who are (rnlnlncr f'eih
and streriKtn by regular trht
rnent with
Scott's Emulsion
should continue the treatment
In hot weather; smaller dose
and a little cool milk with It will
do away with any objection
which Is attached to fatty pro- '
ducts during the heated
Send for free umple.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemlstt,
409-415 Pearl Street, New York.
50c. and J1.00; ill dniggisu.
I instead r,f the natural juices of digestion,
This is called catarrh of Ihe stomach,
caused by indigestion. Hoctors and med
icines failed to benefit iriR tint il I used
Kodol Iiyspepsia Cure J. K Khea,
Coppell, Tex. Wold by G. A. Harding.
I'liolerti 1 11 fa ntimi.
This has long been regarded ss''one of
the most dangerous and latal diseases to
which itdaiits are suhjei:t. It tan be
cured, however, when properly treated.
All that is necessary is to give Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera are! Diarrhoea
Remedy and castor oil, as directed with
each bottle, and a cure is certain. F'or
sale by G. A. Harding.
All diseases of Kidneys,
Bladder, Urinary Ori;aos.
Also Rheumatism, Back
ache, HeartDlsease Gravel
Dropsy, Female Troubles.
Try Tillman's roasted coffee,
licious. At Harris grocery.
Its de-ti
Don't become dlsconrairiM. There ! a
Cure for you. If lieeessury wrltn lr. l-enieT
lie tins spent a 1 1 f m lime curing Just aucti
cases as yours. Ail corisuliatlons Free.
"Eight months In bed, heavy backache,
pain and soreness across kidneys, also rlieu
mutism. Other remedies fulled, I'r. l en
ners Kidney and Haekaciie Cure cured me
completel y. 11. WATKKH, Hamlet, N. V."
Driiirulsts. Wle., II. Ak fort'ts Hook-Free.
For Sale by
Cbartnan & Co Huntley Brothers
Putter Kamh
California onions, $1 (HI perewt.
Iried apples,lii! to "e 'r lb.
Prune, (dried) petite, lie per lb; Ital
ian, large, fic per Ih. medium, 3'uc;
Silver. 4'.
('abbage (new), 40c to flOe pertlo.en,
(ireen peas, I'ui: lo "1: per pound.
Raspberries, 4c per box.
Koval Anne, Ping and Kentish cher
ries, 4c per pound. Other varieties from
lie to ll' ic
.Cauillower 40c to OOit per dozen.
I)ressel cfiickens, 111 lo l-'j c per lb.
Livestock and dressed meats; beef,
live, $: .Vllo f 1. 00 per hlllldreil, Hogs,
live "i 1 j 'to (i els; bogs, dressed, 7!..c;
..1 ... . Til ' ... '... .1 1 I ' ... n ..... .
soeep, 'j, to i ; uresweu, o; tocip,
veal, dressed, li toll'..,c; lambs, hve,
'.').ji: ; lamhs, dressed, fi'c to 7
'I I m- 1 11 .In pun.
The .lapalies I . ide the twenty folii
hours Into twelve pi-rlml-,. of which-six
be'ong lo tin- uilil and six lo the day.
fhelr day bi'inniiig at sunrise and end
illg lit Slllisel.
Whether the day or Plg-o be long 01
shoit, there are always si periods In
eneli. To nll.iin this the ch'.i'acteis 01
liuinei'iils on the scale 11 ro adjustable.
Two of I hem lire set. one lo. agree
wilh Ihe sunrise, the other w ith siinse,
lll.il the four ehnracler.s belweeii their
divide the space Into eipial portions.
Thus when ll.e period of da.tllt.bt b
loiiL-er ! I lit it the ui'ht the day hour
will be pioportiomili.ly longer than
those at night.
Another peeiilinrlty In their so;;h' I
th:it they use only six characters Ihoa
from four to nine, mid these read buck
ward.- Loudon Fl press.
-iiid.ri Mote f,n 'iini..
A tyiii' nl ioti; h boy. apisl ihlrtei n,
was committed lo ,1 cci'talii asylum nol
long ago by a city magi Irate.
"What did you do thai they sent you
here'" iished ihe superintendent mild
"Huh! Tlu-y sent me up Just for
phiylng a gaiiie," snarled the hoy.
"What gaineV" asked the suerln
"diet kers wltl de police." he ex
plained. "It wns me mow, an" I didn't
Biove, so dey jumped mo."
lie had been in-rested for loitering.
New York T;il line.
are no higher t ban those in any other
trade, ami ours are no higher than Ser
vice rendered demands.
What w e undertake to do in a Ihoroiiirh
and satisfactory manner. There will
not be found lifter our workman get
through wilh a jib any deleclive joints,
leaky pipes, loose Connections or othel
evidences of "scamped" work, livery
part will be perlt-Pt, and look potfect,
mid w hen the Itill comes ll you'll not
ask for any deduction.
Wmul Wanted.
Notice is hereby given that the county
court will receive sealed bids, at the of
lice o( the county clerk, up to 5 o'clock
p. m. of Wednesday, 'the fith day of Au
gust, lot):!, for .V cords ol gisul, soiiml ,
wood, cut from green trees, old growth
timber, to be first-class in every refpect,
to be delivered in the court house yard.
The county p. nrt reserves the right lo
reject any or all bids.
To he paid lor in cash, Iiy order of
the county court.
F. A. Si.Kidiir,
County Clerk.
July f), Pin:;. July 17.
SpeUe the Professor.
"Culture." ncntontlnusly observed the
doctor, "Is like charity. It begins at
"res," said the professor, "but It li
usually finished abroad. " Chlcsgd
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you cat.
This preparation rontaltm all of tho
digesUitiis and digest all kinds of
food. It gives Instant relief and never '
fallH to cure. It allows you to eat all
the 'jod you want. The must sensitive
stomachs can 'take it. lly Itsuso many
thousands) of dyspeptics have been
cured after everything else failed, lb
A uuequnlleij fur all stomach troubles.
Itcan't help
but do you good
Pr-p"1! only by E. CI. I rr Witt It Co., 1 :iilra
Tbatl. buttle coduidsI timet tbeWusiaa,