OREGON CITY ENTKRPRISR, FRIDAY, JULY 10, ly03 5 to A ijYour Banking ? No matter h w small no matter how 1 a r io , 'I'"."""'1"" r i THE BANK i r, A i UF OREGON CITY Hand Injiiiih iiv Haw. W. I'oitnle lor, hii emplove lu h local planing mill, It i 1 IiIh led hand hin 1 1 v Im-eiati'd Friday inniliiug :V Iim vtittf 1 1 ii' ii count ') II t in t MUll H I III II i KIIH' HlHl lie Kill lip eritlng. 'I In' lirt two flngeia with hi mom severed. A ii A': II, .... ... I.,., ...... VI I.' w A Ii. I' ri ni'li, ugcd 41 years, illnl at Out family limiie in fit f ilu', ii suburb of A lliin'i'v, In"' Tlniioiliiy night, of con- Tllll lll"'l'lMIl I'HIIIII to flllH Dakota about four year hih. Mill lll.lVl'H II IiIIkIiHhI Hllll I III I'lllllllKM. I' lllH llll Sl'IVII C l'll' Ill-Ill I'li'l.lV MlIlT- I.ii hi mill 1 1 I i un lit took I im In Moun tain icw i t iiiclt ry ni-iir i Ii In city. VI U'tUinll. a j n 1 it to it ea refill at Huh nicH.sajj;! the men und i L'X kii-iixai'ii'ik'; tho women alike. 'A A A A a ..id aJ3 Oregon City Enterprise TOLD IN SIDEHEADS. Nkw IIhiihik Ovkk Clack ima. A rang of litMnH const ruetora In the em ploy n( tint hiiiil linrn l'ni'illc Company has about completed tlm removal of tho company'a bridge ncroKH tlm Claekama river font Mow tbia city. TtiH olil at ma ture will Im replaced by an elegant mod ern steel bridge of ttrctlve design, routing several iliouaul dollars. Mom Dramas Chawcm During Hie week Hloneaall J. Vaughan old bis lull internal In Ik local liver; stable to Harry Moody. The consideration it reported to have (wen flL'.V). George Koru-un, who lor aeveral months baa been Conducting Ida poototHoe cigar alnre, ha diaaed of the same to I Mr. Wllaon, of 1'orlland, wno baa taken cliaru. Wood Ciion-a IIkchhm Iniank Wm. 1'tkt, aged 40 year, wee taken to the lnaana aaylum at Halem Tuesday night. Pike baa been an loniata of the Clackamas county jail lor eevwraj weeks, having been held from tlia justice court to the circuit court for a misdemeanor, l'ike waa employed a wooduhnpper for the WillametU) I'ulpi Paper Company. I'kki-aiiino Fob Chautaiuia. The Boulhem Pacific Company ia having the old (ilallorm at the Chautauqua grounds removed and ia substituting tberelorone of granite sand. Arrangementa have also been mule by the railroad company for keeping an nrstor at the Chautau qua depot during the 13 days' Assein lly. for the accominiHlaliun of the gen eral itihliu. Ikni'Kcti'd r,iiii".K The tnMiilir ol the Clm kunmn t-oiinty court unt to Ni'-ily ViMlm"iily, mhi-ru llu-y were juilicd hy th" Merino c unity court hihI proo'i-ilt'd on mm nmpt'ciion ol tlii VHrimiH bruit!1' over I'lidding river nnil l!utle creek that are jiiinily owned by Him two conntim A uuiiiher o( lhent HtrurtureH are ri'pnrleil to he in h'iioiih need ol re puliH. mill vill he pi opei I v htri-iKtheni'il hihI I'I.utiI ill I'oiiiliiinn fur tiuvel. FMt'KitN Won tiik I'tnijr Fiank Frei iiiiiii went to Alhanv "tiixi l-ridny, v. heie, in the evei.lni!, lie whh iiiven Hie decision over a hii iil boxer limned Me Oiiniel nt the c!oi of the fonrih round in wlnit win l have been a ten round con teHt. The hunt wan the lire! boxing con teHl ever held in A Ibanv and waa lihrr ally piitriiinzi'd. The Herald, in ita re pent of the event, mu there veie eveil lailif x in the iiildiein e while leading: hliai liens men and prnfeHxionul men of the city were to he neon on the front feiita, 1'ohti.anii I'AMllKa I'lVomil'-Oiia lit ill . ol I'lirtlariil, wuh divorced WeilueH day Iroin Fmiiia t ill on the ttroundN.nf Hllffd I lieiit it and other imiik' iiilie". II y the t 11 of a Htipulation the defendant i aw Hided the rceiitelice prop erly m-eupied by the i,ir t ii-n in Kant l'ortland, ai d the cuntndy of thy three minor children for the etippnrt of which the plaintiir Iimk to pay lr Jier month until they ntliiiti their majoiity. Tlie parties weie married ut Vancouver, WtudiiiiKtuii, in Fehinary, I8."), and the. nh'ited ciilel treatment ilatea from the year following the tnarriaiie. lioth par ties now reHiin in Portland. New liiiAstiK Oiii.amii ii. Ui. J. H. ' t'li-iu, niiiiii ilepuly n.iifior I'liirmm il 1 1 Ii ii, and i y , lep'iila the i rioit or.'iioi. i r 1-hi al lliiilow of the T wi nin th (Vnliiry t i i ii n, i' Willi , W. ,lem, maaier U'nl .Ml I'e-Hit. Slii-,i-ii( M'i'leliliy. The In-HI I Iinir n lull liM-itl ur.tnue w ill be held July '.'! Ihi ieam iiovr eiiililei'M Itranu'i in 1'l.n Liiunia cuiintv ami I'"- nun t lniiii.-e niet wlrti il.e Mi.uanki'e iranttu U'ediienliiy, July K, i A 1 mk: ft MtMffl BUY THE "Sv : x A V IT If i (II i Yin i i - . .1 1 J. : . It- ? IfowAitu Htock Isiiiunkii. Mr. K. J. Iloniird, w He of ISenrtie 1'. Howard, the kiui-er) man, who lelt thia cliy tbiee week HU' iA chuhb of fliiuni'ial troiihlea, baa iiunle an anniunineiil in favor ol the creilitorH. Howard .ecently iuiili-rre.1 on hia mluih" power of alioruey and iu that capacity the aHrigi.tnent waa niado. County J inlye T. F. Ityan waa named aa the HHHinec, and haa titken charuM nl Ihentoi k and other aV.nlaUe a-i-i'lf. An lnveiiloiy id lloa'ard'e tiro eery alock and .oilier property ahowa the arxelN of torn riiale to be ahoui f-t'iOO. Cliiiiua aainnt Howard will aKKruitutu (MHO. I)ki.inui:kmt Tax Hai.k, Monduy Sheriir Hhaver conducted a ale of all property lli.it wa bid in by the county lor delinquent taxea for the year 1 Mill. T bi Hale waa conducted under the pro viaiona of a la enacted by the elate IcKialatnra in l!K)l, which author i.ea coumiea to veil at puhliu auction to the bi(het bidder all prorty that la ac quired by the county at delinquent Us eale, when the time for redemption aw.aU bave expired. The property wild In tbla county Monday repreaented laxea amounting to about ll'K) which, witb the accrued Interest and penalty charg-ee, aggregated 3'JM). Hop Caop Will bk Ijoiit. Rati mate a to probable bop yield in Clackaaiaa oounty tbie year are conflicting A con aervative eatiinate place the crop at not to exceed fifty er cent of laat year'a yield. Many yardi will not produce more Ihao a third of the crop ol laet year while bill yardi will yield better. An unprecedented number of miaaing ti I lie) In nearly every yard la reported. The large par centage of unproductive vlnea In Clackainaa county yarda ii not ex plained for the' reason that the aeaeon baa been favorable to the Krowth of the crop. No lice or other peat have ap peared fi tbia county. Qi'kkm F.i.mnor I. Mia FVeanor Williams, of thin city waa elected to represent the Oregon City Woodmen at the Carnival to he hold In I'm I land July 14 2'. The voting al the clone ol the content, which ended with the counting of the. hallolH Weilneailuy morning, wae npiriti'd Ihoiifli good imluicd. Tint Vote rail for the dillereiit candidatea waa aa follow: Miaa Williaina, H'1; Mlaa Saiumin, ol'.l; Mra. Harliog, Mich M.imhall, 14". The Hin-ceHcful candidiite w ill he fiiiiiihlied her regal robes nod eiiti-riiiinineiit while ii I'oilhuid mid Iihk Hie piivilege ol liatninn two iii.iiiIh Iu uic,uiimny her and they will alro be en tertained while the gucnte of the l'ort land raintv.il cominittee. Contlipalion in notliinrr more llimi a ' ("; ii" t: t!,( ho-.vi-!.-! inn I ii'iliMi!.' Iiv tl mi vital btai'- I'lition or (i, ;illi if not relieved. It every . i .tii.-.ted r i,,. n r could r' .ilie ti.nl lie in iillowii if poi -ono'H l itii I ) ri-iuain in lm fVt"IU, lie Would ii , t relief. I'oii'-tiiulion invitu nil lind of coiilnoion. Jh ;nl;ii In a, hilioitf neaa, coldi and inunv other ail lio'iiti di: ;,;-, nr when runnti tia'i'd bowi Ii a; e relieved. 'J lu d Ioni a !l.-ii:k-irnut'lit lliorouuhly ch uiia (ait the bow-ela in an euiy and mitiiriil inaiim-r w ithoiit the luri!iii( of ciilomel or othur vio lent I'Jllll.irtirH. U ure thut yon pet fhe origi nal Tlimlford'a i!,-iik-Jiniti"ht,' lniuli) hy The ( hatliinoo(.'n .Medi cine Cy. Sold by all dni(,'t'iiita iu 1 ci.'iit and 81 .(A) i;nk:iy-!i. Jt'ircaa. Ark., liar '.I, innl. Iriuin'ar-r,iiiii, u I J'li,,iT,t' lllark. llramlil I.miIiIIii,. a.-pll Inmr tii'ut all llirlllut an J lia, auil II i,r llirlaat ' ! jfar. I iiMrr mj rhllilm Uif ollirr lainllir. think I rld rirrs uif l work Kllhiat It a arrnunl r 'h Iit innlilril nllh rxiotipaiioa. lour Mrdlrlna U , I au Itu. kftn ni ' $3.50 T mm a lhl VwiOw nnrly quirtnr of VV.L. DOUGLAS S3.50 SHOE UNION MADE- 53.50 Cood ihmlarethe result ef cood hidtrnnt nd extwrlisnca. Our S3.50 ihcx-i rcvfi.il oricinil nlrcty, nn-is ,'mtii t in eipcnrnce of t o r-r i centur,. They till tl.n fiice CI hii'h-t.rir'd . llioa hoi.autn Ihjr .re Jutl at povl. Our Ifrimrn.e Bttltf prove in-.i tTrt r f- ln tor tho moil ttlltri ar.d i-rrvicrntie Urx:t at trie lowe--i price. . rf pO.OU Compared wi-.hot'icr makes, W. L-Urtigiu (bueifce Wb.lti itor7 90,UU I : fl CLOTHIER V - ' I'M s-.'k 'V p. i1. AND HABERDASHER fl X Oregon Citv. Oregon SEWING MACHINE M Do Hot be (h e, ived by tlirnf v hrriid- Vi iti a Jijo.uj Hi iiii Mm Iiirit' for ?Jt.d'l. This kind ( fa m-n-liine r-nti bt; bntiL'ht flout n ' or ,-inv i.f o:,r duiK-M fr i' 'j. '') WE MAKE A VARIETY. THE NEV HOKE IS THE BEST. The I-'i-ed (lefiTlniiii-ii the ftrenijtli or wimUiii--. of Sowing Mm hitn . ')"ho Doilllfc I ' Oil Co:. I. in. -I lih iitlier sti-oiii; aiiiiU ma !t- J ! 1 1 Home the lxl Hi wiir' M.-.i-bii.e tobiiv. iSIUI I'llbU We inatiUfueuire ;iiiJ j i A t-Iimrhi'r fhn dlf y I r. itt I.-m if ' A' V Hi; Af.tl imieej i heuiiC ilAl"i U.tltllg THE HEW BOMS 11 MACHINE CO. OftANcc, wa 8t Union Kq. !f. Y., :i.-ajn., I H., A 'Junta, Ua, Ht. Luula,Mo.t italltta,T--X.,Man Kr.tni-iK-o, Ciil ro sale ay C. H. CHAN K, ;r0 .llorriaon Street, Portland, Oregon. S flrfinnn Citv Manhinfi Shni 5 , m w -J w w v w I Philipp Bucklein, Prop. Rear of Pope's Hardware Store' Next to Oregon City Foundry Building and Repairing of Machinery and Engines of n.l kind. Manufacturing as (specialty the Free PaU-t Rotary Engine. AIho keeping in stock, Shafting I'ullifH, liolting etc. ... . . Orders by Mail or Telephone promptly filled, PRICES MODERATE lOOD WORK WARRANT ! . i; i rani, PIONEER . Lewie, Comtn'rAgt., 242 Alder Kt., l'ortland, Ore. Write for the novel and catchy Seaside pamphlet, juat iaened, telling all about Hummer liirls.Hea Her pente and Hunseta at Seaside. roil muTEiTios hy farsem Rcpreaentatlre hbellej'i Warrhou.e Hill Went Inte Effect July 1. Hi .ckti-ra House Bill No. 73, passed during" Uie laat aesaion of the legislature, and which provides for tLe regolaUng and bcenaing of the business of storing grain for hire, and requiring the furnishing of properly approved undertakings, went Into effect on July 1. Under the new law the bai lee or baileea, before engaging in the busineaa of storing grain belonging to any other person, w bet her for couiiensa tion or otherwise, shall procure a license from the county court of the county in which audi (huaines ia lobe located, the license to be conspicuously displayed In some part of the building used a a warehouse. The county court is to fix the amount of, and to require annually from ibe per hods securing the liccnaea. an undertaking, the amount to be not leaa than $1000, nor more than f.'iO.CMM. After the undertaking ia ap proved by the county court, it ia to he recorded in tho county comiDicBioners' court journal. On June 15, of each year, a statement miiHt be tiled with the county cleik, show ing the quantity of grain in atore, aUo a Htateineut of the quantity of graiu , represented by oiitKtanding warehouse I rereililH. Thet-e Htatemeiita are tile I for t the heii-fk of the public and ahull he open io inapeciion. The new law- ia a teanlt of the many ehortani-R which have occurred in dillcr- Wi .'iik Vi Hv I. lour. The warehoiiKes during recent yeara. ami 1 1 Enterprise and W. Oregonian $2. franker and Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE It you don't get the E.nteri bibk you doa't get the news. , R. L. Hoi m n, leading undertaker Oregon City, Oregon. March 27-lf - Subscribe for tbe Enterprise. r 2,000 miles of ong dis tance telephone wire In Oregon, Washington, Cali fornia and Idaho now in operation by the Pacific Station Telephone Com pany, covering 2,250 towns. Quick, accurate, cheap All the satisfaction of a personal communication. Distance no effect to a clear understandings Spo kane and-San Francisco . as easily heard aa Port land. Oregon City office it Harding s Drug Store. James Brothers S. J. V AUGHN, jNsEW stoke On Milk Creek opens July 5th with a new, fresh etcck of goods. Uroceries, Pry Goods, Hardware, Drug Patent Medicines. Notions, etc. We buy for cash. Our expenata will be small such as rent, insurance and taxee, tbe same aa in the city. Therefore we do not ex pect to be undersold by any other retail merchant in the county. Call and see na. Bring your produce. JAMES BROTHERS E. I. SI AS DEALER IN ! WatchesJ Clocks, Jewelry and Spectacles. All kinds of Repairing neatly done and warranted. CAN BY, OREGON Livery, Feed and" Sale Stable ORECONCITY. LOCATED BETWEEN THB BKIDGI AK CIPOT. . Double and Single Rigs, and sad die horses always on hand at the lowest prices. A corral) connected with the barn for looee stock. Information regarding any kind 01 stock piolnptly attended to by person of 'etter. Horses 3out?ht and Sold. Horses Boarded and Fed on reason" ble terma., ' . 1 1 n'.'giegiiie of the receipt) of the Oregon I t'liv land nlli.-t' from all founea ni the j mini Hi of J nun waa t:il.'-l .'U. Tliia ih the inn.illiHt ninount of money that haa been received at the local hind olliie for any 'other one month in f"iir yeitra. I.axt i niootli the total of the receipts was fSIHKl, while for the t wo inonlha preced ing more than fhl.dOO each uionl Ii w aa taken in. T he lereipt of the cilice fur (everal moiitlia immed iatelv preceding June tang'-a from $Sii0t) to $1:1 0,H). Kx planation for tbia ilecreaae iu the icceip'ta ia fiiiiml in tlie fact that ail cumin tiled 1 homeHead filtnga are lieing heM up i enlini! nn invi rtiuiitioii that ia being ' minhi by the government. I'ei-auae ot Whs paKM-il to protect Uie laiuicra against ' Ititilie Iota. Rain In-ii hks Khcit anii Giiain. The continued rain of tlitf laat few-days haa iiractically ruined the cherry crop. The Koyal Anne variety, of which there waa an abundant crop, has been rendered nn matke.iihle, Ibe fruit having cracked badly ami Is now fermenting on the trees. If the rain does not ceape soon, extensive damage will re.nilt lo hay and grain throughout the county. With a change to favorable weather conditions, Clacka inaa county will this year yet harvest one of the must bountiful crops that w as ever railed'. TUaKiiAi.t, Gamr Cai.i.b 0r. The game of tiRHeball between the Dayton and Oregon City nines announced for Monday has been cancelled because of the inability of the up-vally team to se cure a river steamer with which to give an excursion to this city. An attempt waa made lo gei a game with the Cho mawa bulimia but the Reibkina decline to plHV on Sunday. Manager Shark, of the local team, will go to l'ortland Thursday and if possible arrange for an other game with the Monograms to be played in this city next Sunday. Wn.t, iik a Tkst Cask. Mrs. Kate L. Newton, ol this city, waa arrested Wed nesday under the provisions of city or dinance for tailing to make required newer connections in Sewer District No. 2. She pleaded not guilty in tlie city recorder's court and the trial has been net for Julv 30. This is the first arront under the ordinance which authorizes the arrest and fining of property owners who neirleci to connect with aewera in . A. Iliir.llns Will Itiij It li'U. You assume I o risk when roil buy ' Chambcrlain'ii Colic, Cholera hikI Diar-1 rhoea lieuiedy. G A. (larding will re (nnil your mtiey if jon are not satisfied I after using It. It is everywhere admitted to be the most successful remedy in use: foi hnwel complaints and the only one' th it never laila. It ia pleasant, sale and , reliable. , J i -ii Drake, the old reliahle bootblack. haa moved his stand and ia now located thiH, the proving up on then" claims baa j at G. II. Young's Log Cabin on South been almost cntiifc.lv siiNpoii'lcil. During the month of June ibeie were four titn her land entries, ,V.l hoimisieud filinga, repri'senting 8lilil il',1 acres, one tinal hoinestead proof, and forty timber laud applications. The aggregate of business of all kinds, that was transacted in the Ori gan Ctiy land ollii-elast month was considerable leaa. than for any other one month in years. Fait Through Train Sonic:' llitwccn 1'iiit'nnd mid all Uench 1'iiIiiN on and after Miiiulay, July Vlli, In Connection with 1 heap Ex- -cttrsiou Rate Commencing Monday, July (ith, tbe Astoria & Columbia Kiver Railroad Co.- will resume its summer special Seaside schedule, and train leaving Union depot Portland, at 8 a. m., daily, will run through direct without transfer at Asto ria lo all Clatsop beach points, arriving at Astoria 11:30 a.N m., Gesrhart l'ark 12:20 p. ni and Seaside 12:110 p. ni., making direct connection at W'arrenton for Flavel. Hi-ginning Saturday, July 11th, and every Sattird-.y thereafter the popular Portland Seaside Flyer will leave Union depot at 2::i() p. m., arriving at Astoria 5::i0p. m., Gearhurt l'ark 0:40 p. m., and Seaside ti:.r0 p. in., making di rect connection at W'arrenton for Fla vel. In connection with Ibis improved ser vice, round-trip season excursion tickets between Portland and nil Clatsop and North Reach points are sold at 4 for round trip, and Saturday specaial round trip ticketa, between same points, good for return passage Sunda, at $2.50 for round trip. Special eeason commuta tion tickets, good for tive round trips, from Portland to all Clatsop and North Reach points sold for $15. Reach excur sion ticketa. sold by tbe O. R. & N. Co. Main street, w here be will be pleased to have all of his friends call. Thousands nave Kidney Trouble and Don't Know It. their respective localities and the case Wl, he honored on trains of this com will likely be a test one. H. E. Cross ,,. in either I la liaa been retained bv the defendant Other arrests on the same charge will probably be mafie within a few days. direction between Port- am! aiel Astoria. For additional information address J. C. Mayo, G. F. & P. A., Astoria, or E. now To Find Oat. Fill a bottle or common glass1 with your water and let It stand twenty-four hours; a , sediment or set ' tllng Indicates an r-3 unhealthy condi J, Y r tlon of the kid-1 ICyS, II 11 51M1II3 your linen. It is ' evidence of kid- : ney trouble; too frequent desire to i ria II nr naln In IX " ,ha bck is ,!io ' j cdnyinclng proof that the kidneys and blad-1 oer are out ot order. j What to So. i There Is comfort In the knowledge so ! often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- j Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every I with In curing rheumatism, pain In the I back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability ! to hold water and scalding pain in passing 1 It, or bad effects following use of liquor, j wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant i necessity of being compelled to go often j during the day, and to get up many times j during the night. Tho mild and the extra- ordinary effect of Swamp. Root Is soon ; realized. . It stands the highest for Its won- ; derful cures of the most distressing cases, i If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists In50c. and$l. si;es. You may have a sample bottle of this ' wonderful discovery fM1". ! and a book that tel!srWf4.,;.::.7 j mor about It, both sen'.n rHH'' ''-H : absolutely free by mail, Z!zjaS2 address Dr. Kilmer & n,m of Bwrr-Rix i Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing men- j tlon reading this generpus offer In this paper. Don't make any mistake, but reraem-1 ber the name, 8wamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's j Swamp-Root, and the address, Ring-1 hamton, N. Y., on every bottle. We Have Devel oped Our WATCH BUSINESS In the last few years- I TO A HIGH POINT OF PERFECTION BUT WE are not going to stand still, we propose to double it this year. And in order to do so we are offering special inducements, such as enlarging our st ick, Felling on the installment plan, making a payment when you puri-'.a'e tlie watch and pay the balance in monthly or weekly payments, veiling at special priced and gnarai tee every watch, 'both the quality and price. And you can depend upon our guarantee as we have had years of experience in dealing in watches and watch repairing. If you do not know us, Ask Your Neighbor About Us. He Has Always Found Us Reliable We are especially proud of our stock of gold filled watches at this time. It is by far the ( largest we have ever shown before. We just received a lot of the newest patterns They are of the best makes, sucb as the Boss and Crescent Cases fitted with Waltliaiu and Elgin movements. We are offering a good reliahle Gold Filled Watch for $12.00 This is not a cheap gold plated case with an imitation movement, but a good Go d Filled Case guaranteed to wear 20 years, fitted with an Elgin or Waltham movement. Then we have others of better grades at $15.00, $20.00 and $25.00. Silver watches from $6. 0 up. Nickel " watches from $2.50 up. fl Ahnilt I?Pnflirif10 We believe in doing work right. riUUUl lV.puil men are skilled and conscientious, grumble at the price either. All our work guaranteed. Our woik You'll not BHRMEISTER mm F-753 THE OREGON CITY JEWECERS. Suspension Bridge Corner F-1372 )