Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1903)
1 OREGON CITY ENTKIU'RISk, FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1903 7 txxxxxxxxxxxxxxx j j YourBankin g ? t j No inatlt No matter li o w 8 in a 1 1 no matter how lario. THE BANK OF REGON CITY ili'Rl was not cinicliiili'il until Ust Hidur day. J lie iihw arrangi'iimnl will l.e to (tin dcrldi-d hi) vnntKf ol Inuriats to thia SIM'liOII u( till) VhIIcV III llllit tlitv will be enabli'il to iniikM the trip ohm wav h v boat hiiiI leiiirn by Ilia cur. Assistant Hiiperlntriiidwil Fields, ol tin O. V. 1'. A Hv. Company, aiiiKiiiiii t-n that the roiii iih n y will provide free ni'iTtuln- I ini'iit at Chih nmli I'ark every Holiday throughout the sijiniiier. An organi! linn ol fulurnil jubilee singers ami Instru mentalists was the Nltt m'tion lnl H u ii -duy. will give tention. . appIieH to it careful at Thirt meSHago thu men and tho women alike. Oregon City Enterprise . TOLD IN SIDEHEADS. IllllKI'TUH C.UKIKI.II KwnllN Iw. At mn'Cinl iiiiii'tiiitf ill tht Oregon City shool ImihkI Monday uIiitiiokii, C'Iih". ll. (' fir 11 . the hi'wlv eleclwl number, Him sworn in, lr. W. K. Carll siiriredH to tliu cIih ir iiiuiimI ii of the board. An ml Jcuriied meeting will I lipid Idtiir this week when a principal nf the F.tham school will ha el"'t-d ti) Micrecd Minn li. T. Smith rimigiird. Tim iomthh of utility will Im rrvihril mid the leat hers assigned t the Kitin meeting. i i-if - Itiie the great PhlykzdiciheJ Hanii Hoys (ikt Kcits. The ineinhera of tlm Oregon City bend have, tecelved new uniforms of an attractive pattern 1 lis suits are made of dark green mate rial with wide black lirald trimmings. Tbwae uniforms will probably 1 Initiated t the local fourth of July celebration. I .out Axotiiiu Oamic. Oregon City liMit the Sunday gsme 61 baseball to the Vancouver Maroona by a wore of 8 to 1 The name waa played at Vancouver and waa witnessed by a number of Oregon City people who accompanied the local bine to that city. Will Bt'Y Koad Maciiinkkv. The Clackamaa county court la negotiating for the purchaae of a combined rock crusher and mud roller a a meana of furl tier promoting (be building of good roada In this county. At the tTt-m-nt time the county la poorly equipped with road building machinery. JaI'KHON StMKKT Imi'hovkmknt. The city council Monday night awarded to John dinner, of Una city, the contract for improving J nek no n nlreet for $7(H4.LM) The contract calla for the grading of the a tree t for a distance of eiitlit block with crushed rock. Marry J one, also of tbia city, waa the only other bidder. Ilia proposal was for $7SH0.IS. Kkmimiikhku tii N'kxiiy. Oregon City people tutmcritM-d $22".!.60 in cbhIi for the relief of the ileppner flood aurvi vora and the amount baa beeu forwarded to the proper disbursing committee. In addition to thia cash subscription by the reaiderita of thia city, the management of the Oreuon City Manufacturing Com pany eulmcnbed $100 north' of blankets for the needy of Heppner. Ha Station at IUihimi. The Oregon Water l'ower A Railway Company estab lished an ullire at llorinv Monday morn lri(. (ViiHtruction of the company' road bed to thia point baa been (iniahed and a freight depot and other neietwary build inifa will be conntructed there bv the compMiiy In a tihort time. J. K. S'obln, of thia city, liaa been nppoinlHd ancnt for the company and anaumed churns of the olllce Monday. Kok Kwkkt ClIAMITV 1 lie Ifpppner benefit baneliall umiie nlayed at Cane mall I'ark Mind ay afternoon bet weni the builmra and clerka and the leainntera, reunited In a victory for the teamriterH by a aoore of It) lu (I. Threatening weather reduced the attendance which would otherwim have been In run. About $10 waa realized from the gntne and that amount will he forwarded to tho Hepp ner iliHliurrtinu committee. K. K Taylor, the tiopular ciar aalenman, wa atrnck on I lie aide of the head by awiflly tliiown ball and quite painfully bruin-d. The hoy denerve credit for their work Sundiy in behalf of the Ilotipner flood Ritllernre. The iimne waa played in a driictling rain but the playera were too much enthiiaed In the Kline and the worthy caino for which they were labor I ii if to mind a gontle dowtiouring of Oregon mint. I ant Friday afternoon, Ralph Holtnea, of I'ark place, waa kicked and aeverely bruiaed by fraulioua horae thai he waa attempting to hitch up. Although no Ix'iiea were broken, Mr. IJolmea waa quite badly bruiaed. The littie aob of C. K. Naah, who Uvea on Seventh tlreet, auntained aurioua acalp wound laat Thuralay afternoon that required a uurutier of atitchea for ita treatment. I lie little fellow waa play ing in the barn loft when he fell through an opening in the floor, atriking hie head againat aoine acentlinK bv which hie acalp waa badiy lacerated junt above I lie eyea. Thwlfurd'a Jiliick-Drauglit luia aaved docUrrn billi for more tliun aixly ycttm. Tor tlie common fam ily ailincntn, auch an coiiHtipation, liidijfi'ntion, hard cold, IjowcI com pluinU, clniU and fever, biliona tKwi, liciul.u hc and other like coinpliiiiila no other medicine in neciwwiry. It invijoraU-a and rejf ul.itci tim liver, ax lint (lijcntion, atiniiilut'i ai-lion of Uj) kidiu.'yt, tmrifie the blood, tnd pur(re the bowl of foul wxuisiulutioiia. It cure liver complaint, indigeiitkm, our atomaih, dizzincin, clulU, rliiMiinatio paina, iidcucho, back ache, kidnnvtroublin. combination. diarrho-a, LilioutiieM, jnlca, hard cold and lic i l.i !ie. Lvery druff (fist has'l'hclf.jrd'a I!lack-LrauKLt in 'Oi cent piicl.-ntfca and in mum moth nine f it tl .00. Never mwvt a int.'tutc. Jnuixt on bavinff the ori'inid mude by the Chattauooga ilolicine Company. I believe Thtdford! Black-Draught U the but medicine on earth. It U good for any and everything. I have a family of twelve children, and for lour year I have kept them on foot ana neeltny wHh no doctor but Black Draught A. J. GREEN, Ktwara, La. KanSdiafTncr V Mjrx HindTiilorcd The little daughter uf Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Cowing, Jr., while playing with a hand cycle Friday afternoon, very nearly aevered one of the toet on her left foot. Clackamas Couuty Court. Continued 1'rom 1'agc Hii. Tkaciikhs at Pahki'i.ack. The board o' diivctora lor the l'urkplace ecbool IhhI Week held the annual election of teacti ern. I'rof. II. L. McCann waa re elected principiil and Mra. Iliickaud MinBChlldn were retained aa grade teacberH. Minn WiIhdti, recently from Michigan, and MifM Tliompaon, a graduate of the Aab land Normal achiMil, were named to mi'" ceed Mikh Williams and Mine Marahall who bud realgned. I'Kor. Ghaiiam an Attn!. The Mar qtiain (irand 'theatre in l'ortland laat huturday night waa hardly large enough to accommodate the many friends and admirer of i'rof. William Wallace dra ham, of thia county. They bad ance mbled to enjoy a concert given liy Mr. (iraham. Oifteil and accomi liabed that be waa bo fore going to Kurope, a six years' atndv tinder the great muaters hue developed I'rof. (.fialmni into a tnanlerfiil iierformr. The length of the exoellent program waa doubled by the repeated encores that were renponded to. Mra. Rose Block Ibiuet sang a number of selections and I'rof. Kdgar ('oilmen accompanied the violiniat. (ittKAT Amoi'nt ok Tbavkl "Tho sale ol tickets in the Oregon City ollice today has been the largest of any average day in yeurs," said C. II. Krisacl, local agent of thu Southern f'acilli: Company Mon day ilternoon. "It waa juat a year ago this month that the faro in this state was reduced from 4 to 3 cents per mile, and in spite of the reduction the aggregate of the receipts of the ollice is larger than a year ago. The receipts of this ollice from the enie of tickets is continually increas ing." Local travel waa never better than at the present time. Kach outgo ing and incoming train is comfortably filled and frequently crowded. An in creased settlement of this section of the state, coupled with the more prosperous conditions now prevailing here, are re sponsible for this condition in transpor tation circles. District No. 12. Koad bo perviaor Sprauge instructed to proceed with improvement in accordance with hla plan. in Ilia matter ol the trillion ol I. L. Jamea for a county road and for vacation ol part of the Kagan A (iarrett mill road. Ordered that board of county road view era meet on the 27th ol June, 11)03. In the matter ol aasiatance to Sarah Carr, indigent person. Ordered that Joseph Carr, of Newherg, and Ainoa Carr, of liridal Veil, be notified to care lor aaid Sarah Carr, their litter. In the matter ol the careof Mrs. Valen tine and C. C. I-ewia, indigent a r ons. Ordered that warrant issue to aaid Mra. Valentine for $18 tier month for care of aid pwnoiis until furtner orders. In the mutier ol the report of viewers ol 1'. ('. Miller road. Head first time and laid over until tomorrow for teconJ reading. In the matter of the rep trt ol viewers of J. Strous road. Report read first time and laid over until morrow for second reading. In the matter of the application of Jos. Simon for redemption of land from sule of taxes lo Clackamas county. Ordtfred that aaid Joseph Simon be permitted to redeem raid land lor years 1 !!, I IK0 and liHil, upon payment lit the sum of $440. In the matter of lumber for Ahernethy road. Ordered that otl'ur of W. II. Hon ney to furnish lumber at t(i.75 per tnou Band, to the extent of 100,000 (cut deliv eied on auid road as may be directed by W. 11. CouiiKell, the superintendent. In the matter of bids for construction ol addition and changes in court house, itids were oened at 2 o'clock and weie aalollowa: K. li. 'White. $4832 ; J. Ze iiello, $4741 8f; Johnsen A. Andrews, $11204. Ordered that clerk return certi fied checks to K. ii. While and J. Zenel lo, and that bid of Johnson & Andrews be taken under advisement. In the matter of the appointment of denulv abends bv Sheriff John U. Miu- ver. Ordered that appointments be cou- j Kidney Trouble firmed and such deputies to act without of P. C, Miller road. Report read sec ond time and report accepted, and road ordered otiened with work of petitioner, and expense account of survey be paid by Clackamaa county, aa follows: ("has. Ieiigbertv $2 40, E. Albright $2 60, E. K. Judd. $2.H0, Amos Johnson $2, Scott Canter $2, II. W. Uagby $2, John W. Meldrom $10.40. In the matter of the report of viewer of John htrous road. Report read eecond time, and a claim for damages being Bled by H. F. Bridges for $100. it is ordered that J. R. Morton, W. II. Boring, A. W. Cooke be appointed view eta ol damages, to meet June IK, 1003.. In the matter of the petition of John F. Jennings for cancellation mortgage taxes for 1H02 and 1HU3. Ordered that Upon payment of fifty per cent of said taxea the same be canceled. In the matter of the petition of (ieo. rlrown for a private road acroea lands of Melissa llinkle. Ordered that board of comity road viewers meet on said premises on the 17th day of June, 1903. In the matter of land deeded to Clack amaa county by John W. Meldrnm for bicycle path. Ordered that county clerk issue to John W. Meldruin a quit claim deed for all county's right to said property. In the matter of the petition of John Stewart for rebate of taxea on double as sessment. Ordered that said matter be taken under advisement. In the matter of petition of Eastern Investment for return of money paid on double assesameut. Ordered that said matter be taken under advisement. In the matter of claim of C. F. I'olivke for Ions of a horse. Ordered referred to i district attorney for Opinion as to liabil-1 Ity ol county. In the matter of Rtitdiong & Co. for i book typewriter and nssessmont rolls. I Ordered referred to county judge. j In the matter of claim of I'. J. Riding i and son for supplies furnished indigent j person. Ordered thai same be laid over i until orders for same are returned to ' clerk. I In the matter of claim of II. A. Vor phal. Ordered that it he laid over 1 until statement legarding same is re- ceived from supervisor, who contracted I same. In the nutter of the resignation of Oussie Maddock, deputy treasurer. Or dered that same be accepted. In the matter of the resignation of A. S. Dresser, judge of election. Ordered that same be accepted. In the matter of construction of addi tion and alteration of court house. Or dered that contract be let-to Johnson A Audrews for all iniiirowtneiits accord ing to plana and specifications for $3400. DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK? pay. lu the matter of the appointment of board of county road viewers. Ordered that I). W. Kuinard, John l.ewellen, be appointed to act with John W. Meldruin, county surveyor, as auch board. In the mailer of the funeral expenses of (ireenleaf Chute, indigent soldier. Ordeied that upon certilicato of com mander of .Meade 1'ost. U. A. R , that said Oreeuleaf Chute was an indigent soldier, without means or property, and that Mineral expenses amounted to $45, that clerk issue warrant to Biid com mander for said expense. In the matter of deeds from R. Scheu bel and Lottie Schuebel for lands for road purposes. Ordered that said deeds be accepted and that they be recorded without charge. In the matter of the petition of L. Woodcock for removal of obstructions in Oerdue and Struthers road. Ordered that supervisor remove obstructions from said road as per survey to be made by county surveyor. In the matter of the case of P. II. Mar lay vs. Clac'"B count. Ordered that taxes for ycrs I8I':(. 18i'4 nJ be canceled. , . . In the matter of the petition of G. W. Scramlih for telephone privileges on certain county roads. Ordered that pe tition be granted subject to provisions of laws regulating same. In the matter of the remonstrance of I'' zens of Boting precinct against grant- Canemah between both the cars and the i in j I quor license in said Boring precinct, boats. There have tieeii rumors for some ', Otde-cii 'hat remonstrance be placed on time that the combine here indicated I file, a- no petition for liquor license has would lie formed between the O. W. 1. been fil d. & Ry. Company and the boats but the ' In the matter of the report of viewers Hakes You Miserable. IIavb tub Samb Sciikdui.e. Begin ning last Saturday, June 20, the O. R. & H. and theO.C.T. Company river steam ers raised to 45 cents the round trip fare between Portland and this city. Tickets sold under this schedule are interchange able over the river steamers and the O. V. P. A Ry. lines. The usual Sunday rate of 25 cents for the round trip will nrevail. Connection will be Tnade at ml raJ 1 111 C0COCCCOCCO0CCC0CCCO O -a o o u o o o o a o a o p o o o o o o o o o o o o o c o o o o o o o o o o Q ccooccoococcccocccco c 7 Cf; WmwmiK I pi iff tu- urn- w m i IV I 1 I I -orrflil idj bf Hart dcbaltoer ti Mara I J. M. Price l1 0f. . ! o o () o () () () o 8 o o o () o () () o () () Q O O () o 0 0 o o o o o 9 Clothier and Haberdasher o Cor. 6th and Hain Sts., Oregon City O 0 We Wantto Win. We are headed for the goal of your approval. We'd like to jhave you give us a chance to jw in your patronage. We have Hie siia a aniljwe keep moving to ttie front. We'll win ol :ourse; wont you help us? We tim to hit the suit tastes of all kinds of men, and we are do ing it. We aim to give you better quality and style than vour money will buy anywhere Mse. We are doing that too. We boy the bert merchandise ibtainable, such as Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothing VV. L. Douglas Shoes .Monarch andCluett Shirts and Collars and the celebrated Hawes $3.00 Hat Yon won't find a better audi ence lor your money tnan we Hive yon, lor we appreciate yonr wants and value yonr . 'patronage. ? 2,000 mileB of ong dis tance telephone wire in Oregon, Washington, Cali fornia and Idaho now in operation by the Pacific Station Telephone Com pany, covering 2,251) towns. Quick, accurate, cheap All the satisfaction of a personal communication. Distance no effect to clear understanding. Spo kane and San Francisco as easily heard as Port land. Oregon City office at- Harding's Drug Stora NEW YORK GALLERY S. J. "VAUGHN, HAS MOVED on Main Street, opposite Electric Hotel. Formerly occupied by the Colnmbia. TURNEY, FOTOGRAPER E. I. SIAS DEALER IN Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Spectacles. All kinds of Repairing neatly done and warranted. CAXBY, OREGON Livery, Feed and Sale Stable OREGON CITY. LOCATED BETWEEN THE DKPOT. BRIDGE AKB Double and Single Rigs, and sad die horses always on hand at the lowest prices. A corral) connected with the barn for loose stock. Information regarding any kind cf atock promptly attended to by person ol letter. Horses Bought and Sold. Horses Boarded and Fed on reasona ble terms. iirf'tiitlft'Tf1"1 WAV'.- Vv v I Zfs : . o ' V ;.r t We Have Devel oped Our WATCH BUSINESS In the last few years Almost everybody who reads the news papers is sure to know of the wonderful cures made by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the treat kidnev. Itvi-r L and oladder remedy. ii is me great mea cal triumph of the nine- teenth century; dis- t covered after years of TTjui)' scientific research by fvij'xg Dr. Kilmer, the emi nent maney ana Dlaa der specialist, and is wonderfully successful In promptly curing 1 ame DacK, aianey, Diaaaer, uric acid trou bles and Brlght's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Is not rec ommended for everything but If you have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found Just the remedy you need. It has been tested In so many ways, In hospital work. In private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer In this paper and send your address to ur. Mlmerai;o.,bihg-.! -" h&mton, N. Y. The -'-iiiil-A reruiar titty cent and Ronwor Bwunp-Root. dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists. Don't make any mistake, but remem ber the name.Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-KiMt, and the address, Bing bamton, N. Y., on every bottle. TO A HIGH POINT OF PERFECTION BUT WE are not (joint? to stand still, we propose to double it this year. And in order to do so we are offering special inducements, ench as enlarging our stock, selling on the installment plan, making a payment when you purchase the watch and pay the balance in monthly or weekly payments, selling at special prices and guarantee every watcb, both the quality and price. And you can depend upon our guarantee as we have had years of experience in dealing in watches and watch repairing. If you do not know ns, Ask Your Neighbor About Us. He Has Always Found Us Reliable We are especially proud of our stock of gold filled watches at this time. It is by far the largest e have ever shown before. We just received a lot of the newest patterns They are of the best makes, such as the Boss and Crescent Cases fitted with Walthaui and Elgin movements. We are offering a good reliable Gold Filled Watch for $12.00- This is not a cheap gold plated case with an imitation movement, but a good Cioid Filled Case guaranteed to wear 20 years, fitted with an Elgin or Waltbam movement. Then we have others of better grades at $15.00, $20.00 and $25.00. Silver watches from $ti.l0 up. Nickel watches from $2.50 up. I Ahnilf l?Pnn innO' We believe in doinir work right. nuuul ItJail lllj;. men are skilled and conscientious, grumble at the price either. All our work guaranteed. I Co--- J F-Z-53 he m Our woik You'll not .OSS k IDIS1 THE OREGON CITY JEWELERS. Suspension Bridge Corner F-1372