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About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1903)
6 Legal Notices. mnno.Ks. Id the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, for the County o( Clackamas Charles K. 8tolta, Plaintiff, ' VS. Isaac Farr, Mcatinnville College, oorponiUon. Kila Broderlck nd John Broderlck, Defendants., Tn John RmHerlrk. Defendant: In the ntm of ths state of Oregon: ou are hereby required to appear and answer ths oom plaint tiled against you in the abort otiUed eausa on or before Monday, the tilh day of July, 190$. aud if you fail to so ap pear and answer, for want thereof the filaintirl will apply to the court for the re lef demanded in bit complaint, to-wit: That the plaintiffs title to the eouth half of tha southwest quarter of section 24, in township J eouth, of range 3 east, of the Willamette meridian, aitnateii in tbecoun ty of Clackamas and atate of Oregon, be forever quieted against the claim of you or ny one claiming tha aame by, from, through or under you, and that you and they be forerer restrained from selling up any claim or title la and to said premises or any part thereof, and that plain ti rt may recover the cost of this suit and for such other relief as to the court may seem meet and aonitahle. This summons it published by order of Hon, Tbos. F. Kyen. juuge or me county court of Clackamas county, dirty made aud entered on April 14, 1903. First publication Mar 15. 1993. W. A. HUiiLi ana r. r. ium c i , Attorney tor Plaintiff. May 15. 1903. SLM.TlO.liS. In the circuit court of tbe state of Ore gon, for tbe county of Clackamas, G. W. Sherman and E. L. Har mon, partners doing business as Sherman & Harmon, Plaintiffs, Tl. George W. Freeman and Mattie F. Freeman, Defendants. To Georse W. Freeman and Mattie F Freeman, tbe above named defendants and to each ol them : In the name of the state of Oregon, yon are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you by the above named plaintiffs in tbe abore entitled suit, in tbe above entitled court, on or before tbe last day of tbe time prescribed in the order for tbe pub lication of this summons, towit : On or before the 26th day of June, 1903, said date being the expiration of six weeks from the first publication of this notce, tbe first publication as prescribed in said order being the loth .lay of May, 1903; and If you so (ail to appear and answer aaid complaint the said plaintiff (or want thereof will apoly to tbe above entitled coort for tbe relief prayed for In toe complaint, to-wit: For a judgment against you and each of you for toe sum of $271.00, with interest thereon at tbe rat of 8 percent per annum from June 20, 1899, in U. S. gold coin, and the fur ther sum of $40.00 as attorneys' fees, to gether with tbe coete and disbursements of aaid suit; that tbe mortgage described in said complaint and executed by yon on June 20, 1899, in favor of plaintiff, be foreclosed; tbat the land therein describ ed, to-wit: Commencing on the south line of the W. F. Matlock Donation Land Claim and 330 feet easterly of tbe oath west corner of said Donation Land Claim : running thence easterly on the eouth line of said claim 20 rods ; thence northerly at right angles to last described line 40 rods; thence westerly at right angles to last described line 20 rods; thence southerly at right angles to last described line 40 rods to place of begin ning, containing 5 acres, sll in section 9, township 2 sontb, range 2 east, of the Willamette meridian, in Clackamas county, state of Oregon, be sold in tbe manner prescribed by law and tbat from tbe proceeds of such sale there be paid to Plaintiffs tbe several sums of money above named. And further, for a decree barring and foreclosing you and each of yon from any and all right, title and interest in and to said real property, except the statutory right to redeem, and lor suun other reiiet as may be eauitable. This summons is published by order of Hon. Thos. F. Ryan, county judge of the state of Oregon, for tbe county of Clackamas, duly made and filed in the above circuit court on the 11th day of May, 1903. B. L. GLISAN and W. W. BANKS, Attorneys for Plaintiffs. May 15, 1903 Sheriff" Sale. In tne Circuit Court of tbe State of Ore gon, for the County of Clackamas. X. F. Bilsy, Plaintiff, vs.' Hiram E. Straight, Mollis Straight, Wm. E. Straight, Margaret Grata and Grata, bar husband, Jacob Straight, James Straight, Jobh Straight and Hiram X. Straigbt.administrator or tbe estate of Hiram Straight, deceased, Defendants. Stats or Obkooh, 1 County of Clackamas.) By virtue of ludgment order, decree and execution, amy issued out oi ana un der tbe seal of the abore entitled court, in the above entitled canse. to me duly di rected and dated tbe 2nd day of June, 1003, noon a iudement rendered and entered in aaid court on the 2nd day of June, 1903, in favor of E. F. Riley, plaintiff, and against the abore named defendants, foi the sum of $476.66. with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from tbe 2nd day of June, 1903, and the further sum of $9.83, with Interest thereon at per cent Irom the 2nd day ot June. 1903, and the further sum of $00 00, as attorney's fee, and tbe costs of and upon Ibis writ, com manding me to make sale ef the following asacrlbeo real property, situate in tne county of Clackamas, Bute or Oregon, to wit: The southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section twenty-two (22), in town ship two (2) south, range two (2) east, or ine Willamette Meridian in ciacaanias conn v. Oregon. Mow, therefore, by virtne of said execn- Bon, ludgment order and decree, and in compliance with tbe commands of said writ. I will, on Monday, the 6th day of juiy, law, itttis hour or l o clock p. m at tbe front door of tbe county court bouse in tbe city of Oregon City, In said county and state, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U. H. gold coin, cash in band, all tbe right, title and interest which tbe within named de fendants, or either of them, tad on tbe date of tbe mortgage herein, or since had, in or to the above described real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, judg ment order, decree, interest, costs and all accruing costs. J. R. SHAVER, Sheriff ol Clackamas county, Oregon. Bt E. C. Haciitt, Deputy. Pated Oregon City, Ore., June 5, 1903. Contest ."Vtlc. Department of the Interior. United States Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon, June 4, 1903. A eutlicient contest altidtivir Having been tiled in Ibis office Dot. 2S, 1901, by Jacob 11. Scliiuitt, contestant, againat Homestead Kntry No. PJ-oO, made July 12, 1898, for the S. E..', Section 2t, 1. S 8., K. 1 E., by Lester K. Sabine, con testee, in which it is alleged that con testant "knows the present condition of the same, also tbat said Lester K. Sa bine lias abandoned said land for more than six months last past, that he has not resided npon, cultivated nor im proved said land for more than six months last past ; that in fact said Lester E. Sabine has never since1 making said entry, resided upon, cultivated or im proved any portion of said land in any manner whatsoever, nor has any one done so for him, and that said alleged absence from tbe said land was not due to his employment in the Army, Navy or Marine Corps df the United Ltatea as a private soldier, officer, seaman or mar ine during tbe war with Spain or during any other war in which the United States may be engaged." Said parties are hereby notified to ap pear, respond and offer evidence touch ing said allegation at 10 o'clock A. M' on July 18, 1903, before the Register and Receiver of tbe Uuited States Land Of fice at Oregon City, Cregon. The said contestant having, in a proper affidavit, filed May 27. 1903. set forth (acts which show tbat after due diligence personal service of this notice run not be made, it is hereby ordered and directed tbat such notice be given by due and proper publicatiou. Alokrnon S. Drxsskh, J'. W. Draper, Register. Att'y for Contestant Schmitt. Notice to OeHlor!. In the County Court of the State of Ore gon for Clackamas county. In the mstter of the estate of John A Swanson. deceased. Tbe undersigned having been appointed bv the fount v Court or tbe Slate ol Oregon, tor Clackamas County, Administratrix or the estate or John A. Swanson, ueceaseu, notice is bereoy given to the creditors of, and all persons having claims againtt said deceased, to present them ventied as re quired by law, within six mouths after the hrst publication ot this notice to said Ad ministratrix at ber residence, Damascus, Clackamas Countr, Oregon. MARIE J. SWANSON', Administratrix of the estate ol John A. Swanaon, deceased. Dated May 23, 1903. Kamael Shepherd IXute. Notice is hereby given tnat the under signed, as executors ol the estate or Samuel Shepherd, deceased, have hied their tinal account and report in the County Court lor Clackamas County. Oregon, and that Mon day, the 6th day of July, 1!"XS. at 10 o'clock A. M., at the court room oi saia court in tbe court house at Oregon City, in said Clackamas county, Oregon, has been fixed by said County Court as the time and place for the hearing of objections to said linal account and report and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published June 5th, 1903. A. MATHER and DAVID B. GRAY, Executors or the estate of Samuel Shep herd, deceased. W. A. CLELAND, Attorney for Executors. Police of Final Nettleiueut. Notice is hereby given that the under signed, executor of the estate or Martha A. McConnell. deceased, has riled his ti al ac count in said estate in the county court or the state of Oregon, for Clackamas county, and tbat the judge or said court has ap pointed Monday, July G, 1903, at 10 o'clock a. m. lor hearing objections to said ac count and for settling said estate. JAMES E. MAROl'AM. Executor ol tbe Estate of Martha A. Mc Connell, deceased. GEO. C. BROWNELL. HOWARD M. BKOWNELL, Attorneys for Executor, Administrator's) Notice. Notice is herebv given tbat the under signed has been duly appointed by tbe Judge ol the county court lor tne county of Clackamas, State of Oregon, administra tor or the estate ot Koss barker, deceased, and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present them, with the proper voucher, within six months trom tbe date or ttiis notice to the under signed administrator at tbe otlice or (i. B. Dimick in Oregon City within said county Dated this 29th day of Mav, 1903. , J. L. SMITH. Administrator. Notice of Filial Settlement. In the County Court or tbe State of Ore gon within and for the county ol Clacka mas. In tbe matter of the Estate of Henry Klise, deceased. Njtice is hereby given tbat the under signed bas rendered to the said County Court and filed bis final account as admin istrator ol the estate or Henry Klise, de ceased, and tbat bis petition for a final dis cbarge and distribution of said estate has been tiled with said account, and that Monday, tbe 6th day ol July, 1903, at 10 o'clock A. M., has been appointed by Raid Court for the settlement of said account and hearing ol said petition, and or any ob jections that may be filed thereto by any person interested in said estate. Dated this 4th day of J one, l'.m. WM.H. HUSBANDS, U'BEN Si SCHUEBEL, Administrator. Attorneys lor Administrator. Notice for I'ublieallou. Timber Land Act, June 3, 1878. United States Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon, May 19, l'JO.'J. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1H78, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in tbe States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1802, EVERETT V. BORDEN, of Portland, county of Multnomah, State (or Territory) of Oregon, bas this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 6144, for tbe purchase of the NElof Section No. 13 in Township No. 2 8., Range No. 7 E, and will offer proof to show that tbe land sought is more valua ble for its timber or stone than for agri cultural purposes, and. to establish his claim to said land before tbe Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Monday, the 17th day of August, 1903. He names as witnesses: J. C. Burke. of Molalla, Oregon; Ed. Burke, James Miller and Robert Osborne, of Portland. Oregon. Any and all pers"nsclaiming adversely tbe above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or be fore said 17tb day of August, 1903. Algernon b. Drkhskr. Register. CI INITIO. In th (Ion ni v Court or the State ot Ore gon tor the County ol Clackamas. In the .v alter ol me tuti'soi j. it. neniy, deceased. To Editl' M. Kelllyaml Helen .M. Keiny, heirs ol the said J. It. Kellly, deceased . aim to all other heirs and devisees of said J. It. Keillv, deceased, unknown, il any such there be, Oreetings: In the name ol tne Pia'S or Oregon, You are hereby cited and required to ep uf iii tint mii'intv ifinri ol the state of Ore gon, for the county of Clackamas, at the July term ot salil court, ai iuvkuh voy, Oregon, on Wednesday the 13th dayof July, 1903, at Iu o'clock A. M. of said day, then ....I rhdn. l.i ilinw HB1KM ifanV IIt. WtlV an order of sle should not be made of the real properly belonging to the estate oi J, tt. Keillv, deceased, as prayed in the petition tiled by E. K. Kiley, administrator of the s 1.1 estate, in the said county court on the 9th day of June, 1903. The lollowing is a description of the said real property: . aii undivided one-third of the East hair of section 2T, township 4 south, rang 5 East, in Claekamss County, Oregon. Witness, the Hun. Thos. F. Kyan. Judge ot the County Court ut the State or Oregon, for the county l Clackamas, with Ihe seal of said court aittxed this 9lh day of June, lU Attest: F. a. SLEIGHT, Cleik, l)v F. W.OUKENMaN, Deputy Clerk. Cut, limine anil Hums 4(utc-ky Healed . Chamberlain's Pain Balm is an anti septic liniment, and when applied to mm l.pniuritf mi,! hnrnu i'm iiHtMt them to heal without maturation and much more) quickly than by the usual treatmeut. r or sale by U. A. naming. AduilnUlra'or a Notice. Notice is hereby given that John C. El li.iti h iill his tinal renort as admiiiistra tor of the estate of William P. Sklrrin, de ceased, in tne county court oi iiariainas cotintv, uregon, ai.u me conn nas uxeu m .l. i, ni lnlv 1MVI mt the hnu or 10 o'clock a. ni. or said day to bear any objection 11 any mere oe iu sain rrfiurw Administrator or the estate of William P. bkirviu, deceased GORDON K. HAYES, Attorney for Estate. Dated this 4th day of J one,' VXW. Kxerutor'a police. Notice Is hereby given that the under signed. John P. McDonougb. has been ap pointed executor of the Issl will and testa ment ol Charles McUovern. deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of the said Charles McUovern, deceased, are hereby untitled to present the same to the executor or to his attorneys. Snow A Mo- Camant. 33 Concord Building. Portland Oregon, or at the office of the "Oregon City Enterprise, Oregon City, Oregon, wlluiu six months trom the dale ol this notice Dated Junell'th, V.M. JHHN P. McDONOUGH, SNO' & McCAMANT, Executor. Attorneys for Executor. I.Oftt. Samuel ltenihard died February 27. 1003, and before death he lost or deposited with some friend certificate nf leiosit, (lank or Uregon City , o. Si,4&, for S300: certlfi cate of deposit, First National Bank. Port- land, Oregon, No. lM,5tt5. for $itil. The holder will please advise I lien Jt Bcbue bel, Oregon City, Oregon. May 8, 1U03. Notice to Creditor;. In the Count Court of the State of Ore gon for Clackamas County. In the matter of the Estate of Mrs. S. J Fancher, deceased. The undersigned having been appointed by the County Court of the Slate of Oregon for Clackamas Comity, administrator of tbe Estate ol Mrs. 8. J. rancher, deceased, no tice is hereby given to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against aaid de ceased, to present them verified as required by law, within six months after the first publication ol this notice to said adm nis trator at Box ZV), Oregon City, Clackamas County, uregon. DaVID FaNCHER. Administrator of the Estate of Mrs. S. J. rancher, deceased. Dated June l-!tli. 1903. oiiui.vA.ii: . An Ordinance authorizing tbe purchase of crushed rocx, vit.-ihed brick, sand, aspbal- turn ami tar. Oreooh City dors numiM vnt.i That the committee on s reels and public property is herebv authorized and empow ered tnjmrchase loOu cubic yards of crushed rock. vitrified brick, saud.asplialtiim and tar, said rock, brick and other mate rials to be used in the repair ol streets in Oregon City. Read first time and ordered published at a special meeting of the Cciuncll of Oregon City held June tl, 1903. BRUCE 0 CURRY, Recorder. By order of tbe Councilor Oregon City. Notice of Payment oi Newer As- seMment. Notice is hereby given that sll persons owuiiik property in dchw uismci no. a, 01 Oregon City, Oregon, which said property has been assessed tor the laying ot sewers, who desire to take advantage of the bond ing act, to pay their assessment by install ment, are required under the law to make application to the recorder ol Oregon City within ten da s from the first publication of this notice. BRUCE O CURRY, Recorder of Oregon City. Published first time June 26, 1903. 21 A new line of children's hats and baby bonnets. Miss Goldsmith. Treasurer's Notice T nfitv Iibva mnnev tn liav finnnt warrants endorsed prior to Dec. 1, 1900. Also roaa warrants enuorsea prior to Anril 1. 1903. Interest will chuba mi such warrants on tbe date of this notice. J-.NOB CAIIU.1., Countv Treasurer. Oregon City, Or., June 19, 1903. June 2U. Saloon License. Notice is hereby given that I will ap ply to the city council of Oregon City at the regular July meeting for a saloon license at my present place of business corner of Main and Fourth streets. June 20 W. E. Wilson. For Hale, At a low price, the Methodist church property, including one acre of land, and all situated on Molalla road, near C'arus, Oregon. Fine point for starting country store, building being well adapted lor that purpose. If interested, make an of fer to C. T. HowAKi), Mulino, Ore. June 20. NberlfTe Male.- In the circuit court of the stats of Oregon, for Clackamas county, William ltabeuow, Plaintiff, va. Wllahlmine Kaheuow, as execu trix ol the estate nf Wllhelm Kahenow, deceased, Wllahlnilne lUbenow, Richard ltabe uow. Anna Weiss,, and 1 : hi 11 Weiss, her husband, Emms Landers, and John Lan ders, her husband, Mary Ehren telt. and Uottlieb Ehrentelt, her h us band , A ti g u si a Kol le h n , W 1 1 liineue Kollehn, and Paul Kol lehli, her husband, August Hod Ion and Albert Rodlon, Delenilants. By virtue of an execution, Judgment, or der and decree duly Issued out of and un der the seal ol tbe above entitled court, ami tn the above entitled cause, to me duly di rected, dated the Ulh day or June, ituf. upon a Judgment and decree given, made, rendered, and entered In said court on the 1 1 tli day or June, l!KW, In favor of William Rahenow, plaintllt, and against the defend ants above set out, for tha sum ol 7iH', with Interest thereon at 7 pei cent, irom May ti, 1901, in all lor the sum of 7w.o, the same to bear Interest at 7 per cent Irom the date ol said decree, and for the further sum ortlOOaa attorney's revs, and costs and disbursements taxed at and uon the wilt commanding me to make sale of Ihe lollowing described real proiwrty to wi): Beginning at the southeast corner ol the southeast quarter of section I'M, In township 1 south, range S east, or tha Willamette Meridian, running thence north S5 chains to a stake; thence west 40 chains to a staite; thence south 1!3 chains to a stake; thence east 40 chains to the place ot beginning, containing 100 acres, more or less, ami lying and being in Clackamas county, and state of Oregon, subject to the right of de fendants, August Rodlon and Alliert Rod lon, within a reasonable time to out the saw timber on said real proerty, and to sell and remove said sawmill, and the title (o said Umber, If cut aiul removed within a reasonable time, and said sawmill, if re. moved within a reasonable time, to tie free troui any lairu arising out of any sale under said decree. Now, therefore, under and by virtue or said Judgment, eieoution, order, decree and writ, aud compliance therewith 1 will, on Saturdr the ISIh day of July, l01, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. tu., at the court house door of the countv court house or said county and atate, sell at pudio suc tion, subject to redemption, to tha highest bidder lor cash in hand all the right, title and Interest which the above named de fendants or either or any of them had at tbe date of tbe mortgage mentioned In said decree, or since bad In the above described real prorty, or any part thereof, to satisfy said judgment, execution, order aud de cree, together with the attorney's tees, and costs and disbursements, and sll accruing costs. Dated Oregon City, June It), 1903. J. It. SHAVER, Bherlff of Clackamas county, Oregon. Bt E. C. IIackitt, Deputy. June 19, 1'.nJ. Retire for Fubllrattlou. Timber Land Act. June .1, 1H7H. United States Und nfTioe, Oregon City, Oregon, March 31st, 1903. Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions or the act or Congress of June3, 1878. entitled "An act lor the sale or timber lands In tbe states of Califor nia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter rllory,'1 as extended to all tbe Public hand btates by act of August 4, W2, ERNEST 8. KRl'bK, of Stafford, county of Clackamas, Htate ol Oregon, bas this day tiled In this otlice bis worn statement No. Hull, for tbe purchase of theSEVi of NWW: NE'4 ol SW'.; and tots 5 and 6, ol Section No. 3'J, In Township fto. 4 South, Hangs r.o. 0 test, and win ol (er proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable lor lis Umber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim tosaid land before tbe Register and Receiver ol this otlice at Oregon City, Oregon, on Monday, tbe linn day or July, 1903. He names as witnesses: Tom i' Randall, Otto Erickson, Frank Forslierg and A. W. Cheney, all ol Oregon city, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-descrllied lands are requested to rile their clal'i in tins otlice on or belore said 10th day of July, 1903. CilAS. B. MOORES. Register. CLACKAMAS COUNTV COL UT Huslnes8 Transacted at Regular June Term. Be it remembered, That at a regular term ol tbe County Court of Clackamas County held in tbe Court House in Ore gon City, for tbe purpose of transacting County business, cn the first Wednesday of June, the same being the time fixed by law for holding a regular term of said Court, Present, Hon. Tbos. F. Ryan, county judge, presiding, T. B. Killin and Wm. Brobst, commissioners, when the following proceedings were bad, to-wit; Abernetby Precinct. JTApperson $ 3 00 J P Morgan 3 00 Henry Nachand 3 00 James Brown. 3 00 Orant Olds 3 00 John Huertb.i 3 00 John Page 3 00 A F Parker 3 40 I D Taylor 3 00 Ralph Holmes 3 00 John Kent 3 00 Barlow Precinct. HTMelvin 5 75 W W Jesse 3 76 D B Yoder 8 75 WSTull 3 75 R Zimmerman 3 75 Chris Kocber 3 75 James Ogle 0 00 M W Shepherd 2 00 Beaver Creek. O A flchuebel James Shannon 95 75 76 David Jones 3 Charles Spence K W Horoscbub. 75 75 Emil Uunther 8 75 Bull Run. TD Phelps 4 Jas Fegles 9 H Metiugin 4 EF Andre 4 AC Thomas 4 HEBramhail 4 A C Thomas 1 Boring. W H Boring 0 8 E Card 3 WMDeen 3 Milt Lake 3 Ole Aemmisseger..; 3 Geo Epperson 3 EHickey 3 Cherryville. L E Palmer 9 WE Welch 3 Ml O Schllecllwr H Ml Thomas Brown H 50 W K Stone 3 Ml C 1" Weir ;i Ml J T Mclnlyre :i Ml Canyon Creek, Press Boniuiy 3 M) D Hoheaon 3 Ml John Wright 3 M) W K ( liu ret t 3 Ml V 8 Dix 3 Ml John Oorher 7 M) Wm Bouncy ;j f,o Prone llonimy, hall rent. a 00 Clackamas. J K I-amli'S John llalliiry.,, (icorge Webster U It llolVninb tl Millard Isaac Johnson Alex Thomson W A Mills Sol linel Fred inner M Uallney 3 00 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 K Clark Cascade. J II Wewer 8 D Coalman P P lllea Ira K lliMlgn Albion Mtdnlg Herman Bruna , J 11 Revenue ... Meinig Bros., hall rent v Can by 8 V Fisher V I. Mack A M V in yard W 11 Pair (ieorge Knight, L K (irater 11 A R Fa n ton Wm Vorphal A K Shank A tl Phelps KC Slmll i J A Orsham, deputy sliunll Wm. Kuiglit, hall rent ..... Cauemali. W LMi.llam Fred Painter John Painter..,. C W lianong J Partlow 1) Kinnard Damascus. E 11 Biirghardl K H Johnson John F. Hiefer II Breithaupt 8 C Young. WO llrich Eagle Creek II (Jibson II Hotrinejster J W Dowty II Heinle 8 3 3 3 3 3 3 1! 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1! 4 4 4 ti 4 4 J K Burnett C Vancuttan B K Farrester Garfield. II 3 3 6 3 3 3 3 3 H 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 0 4 4 5 3 3 3 3 3 M Marshall Edwin Bates J C Duns Edwin Linn (1 M Pelmeteer C C Miller J C Tracy, deputy slieriir.... (ieorge, Peter Held Wm Unildenxopf Hans Klinki John K Smidt E Nitchman Peter Paulsen. Harding, A II Johnson J C 8 prague F P Wilson 0 1) Bobbins W P Klrchetn John Rowan Highland. E Harrington 8 Hutcbenson 7 M Holland... G R Miller 8 M Dtinlap WH Karr Killen N Blair 8 R Taylor A Anderson II N Bobbins RC Grim John Watchman Mart Robbins Maple I.atie M McUeehan A Mantr. W O Dickerson John Darling KW Damlolph W F Harris Jas Shelly, deputy sheriff. .. Molalla 1 A Wells E E Jmld () W Robbins M 8 Himgate Chas Daugherty H 8 Kamsby Wm Thomas Wm Vaughn WisfX Htathlinger J R Cole Wm Mackrell W W Everhart Fred Shaver (dup sheriff) . . . Milk Creek Dr Goiicher John Dennison John Evans A W Woodslde C T Howard A I. Larkins Jas A Davis Macksburg G W Hcramlin A D Grihble A Kiel , OH Wright A H Reynolds J L M unlock M Campbell tdep sheriff) . . . Marijtiam 7 3 3 3 3 3 ti 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 (I 40 3 00 3 (NI 3 00 3 110 3 IN) 3 00 3 INI 3 (10 3 00 3 (10 3 (10 3 00 3 50 3 M) 3 B0 3 50 3 M) 6 no 3 50 5 ) 3 00 3 (N) 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 T Drake 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 6 00 (i (N) 3 (N) . 3 00 00 0 00 R Hubbard M I) Leabo J A Ridings W WDoores W A Albright P Jones (dep sheriff) Milwaukie J W Graale Henry Theissen George Huntley C K Ballard II G Starkweather A K Dimick John K Klsley, J R Kelso 7" Nw Era II McAilluir J M Mattocks Frod Cliiuii 0 8 lUmlall Woo Ilium-hard Herman Antlinny (dep slierot Warner Grange, hall rent,.. Needy Kuuono Mitts J 8 Yodor (! W Nol.lilt F Fiah J Killer 1 J Biglow Oswego Oswego Orange, hall rent ... J J Johnson P II Zuiunoriiiaii Jhiiii' Coon A II Bullock M A Coon .v. Hugh linker Oregon City Nu 1 n W Church II W Troinbath J 0 Bradley ('has. Schramm J E Rhoades E D Kelly II V Steven F A ToepMlinaiin tl K II Miller J S Piirilom , . . , . V. A lj-inlilon W M Sbiink Oregon City No 2 CCBiiticock Eli Maddiak J i! Hedges Wm l-ogos II A Bauds - John Kelly N N Robbins .; Ernest Rands David Caulleld .1 P Keating W R Log u Oiegon City No 3 i J Harrington , J WeiHinanilel 8 Y Francis (ieorge Ely Frank Ke.lner Marion Darling Pleasant Hill J M Wood S M Kelao F F Seely A W Camelil C A ItHker W F Bldierg S E Hilliiian (dep sheriff) ... Springwater Wm Tucker John Meyers K l,aey Wm lwellen Win liainl II Dubois J A Shelby ,dep sheriff). Soda Springs FW M l.aron 11 F Boyles Chas HiUer I. Nightengale t Carter ,. . AI CriHtami Jiiines Marts (dep sheriff).... Tualatin C Wngner Fred Baker () I Sharp , Jaa Turner J I. Kriiso II F Weddle Eriaeat Kruse (dep sheilff)... Union (M) (HI (XI (HI HO (H) HO Oil IM 00 10 n 75 7i 75 75 75 75 60 00 IH) IN) 00 00 00 (Hi 00 Oil Ik) 0(1 00 IKI Ml M) Ml 50 M) Ml M) 15 00 00 I'll IK) 00 00 (K) 75 75 75 75 75 75 50 50 Mi 50 50 50 80 00 00 00 00 00 Jacob Miley W A Criasel Isaac Miller , It II Crirell , W L White J I. Hely ;dep sheriff) Yiola Win Stone Green Maylluld W C Ward A M Kirchein Wm ltiiiherford Geo Armstrong ' Edward Miller (dep sheriff).. West Oregon City J lliiinplirys Ira Jones , Otto Olson , M llyUt. Wm Davis , E Mass CA Miller R I. Greaves , T J Gary , II C Stevens, election Harding Grunge, hall rent... A F Stokes, hall rent , 40 (H) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Road Dlst No 1 Austin A Western Co.. , 42 75 Oscar Wissinger 1 00 Road District No 10 Vigorit Powder Co 10 30 Frank Biiscli 4 60 Springwater Lumber Co 25 1)2 (1 W Dodish 7 01 Oregon City Enterprise, printing 215 06 11 A Randi, Viola road imp 10 00 George Armstrong, Viola road Ira 2 00 Thos F Ryan, county judie 220 42 In the matter of the funeral expenses o (Clyde Phillips, an indigent person. Ordered that warrant be drawn in favor of Mrs. Phillips for $15 for payment of same. In the matter of repairing the Randall and tPetinian hill. Ordered that if Mr. Randall and Mr. Penman contribute 125. and if ttie road supervisor considers it necessary, that there be $-5 out of county fund contributed. In the matter of repairs of Hoi man bridge in District No. 19. Ordered that supervisor build a new bridge at said place. In the matter of a bridge on Oregon City and Silverton road, near Weisman dul's, in District No. 25. Ordered that siipirvisor of said district repair said bridge. In the matter ot the petition of James Lavelle for a county road. Ordered tbat the board of county road viewer) meet at place of beginning on 25tu day of June, 1903. in the matter of tbe petition to vacate part of Shockley road. Ordered tbat hoard of county road viewers meet on June 25, 1903. In the mstter of the Kruse bridge, in District No. 31. Ordered that super visor of said district rebuild same. In the matter of repairs to Hpringwa- Contlnucd on Page Seven. 4 (VI 3 dO 3 75 3 7ft 8 11 8 7ft 3 75 II 00 8 00 8 7ft 8 7ft 7 3ft 8 7ft 8 7ft 3 7ft 8 00 7 00 tl 00 II 00 (1 (H) tl 1)0 0 00 3 00 3 (N) 3 IX) 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 INI 3 (X) 3 00 3 (X) 3 00 3 00 8 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 8 00 3 00 a oo 3 00 3 CI 3 00 BO 60 50 60 50 50 6 (10 3 00 BO 50 50 60 50 50 10 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 8 00 3 00 8 00 3 00 ! 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 (N) 3 00 3 75 3 7ft 3 75 3 75 6 75 3 2ft 3 '.'5 3 00 3 IN) 3 00 0 00 U 00 0 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 2 20 3 00 3 00