Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1903)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY JUNE 26, 1903 AY TV U7 fr3 Ln nJ i i n i i i T5 MORE ATTRACTIONS to the square foot than was ever displayed iu the state. Every feature will be worth coming to see. 3 BRASS BANDS. Fireworks that will Paint the Sky Red. The amusements will be so concentrated that you won't have to wait. rfi 0. R. & NL Oregon Short Line and Union Pacific THREE TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY Through Pullman standard am! Tour ist sleeping cars daily to Omaha, Chicago SKkatiL'; tourist sleeping cars daily to Kanr-as City; through l'ulliuan touris sleeping cars (personally conducted) weekly to Chicago, Kansas City, St Louis and Memphis, reclining chairs (seats tree to the cast daily, From Portland Dkpa rt Chicago Portland Special 0:20 a. in Salt Lake, Denver. Ft up i. .. f .. .. w urin,w maun, as City, ISt. Louis, Chicago anil Kant. Atlantic Kxpren H ; V p. in via Hum. lugion. Ht. Iaul Kant Mail ti p in via 6Mikane TIMK BCIIKDDLEM Salt Lake, Denver, Kt. Worth, Omaha, Kan sas City, St. Uiuis, Chicago and Kast. Walla Walla, l-ewis-ton, Spokane. Min neapolis, Si. I'aul, Dulnlli, Milwaukee, ('IncsKii and Kant. Aaaivi 4 ;:I0 p. in ;.) a.m. ::i5 a. if. 70 Portia n d HOURS to Chicago No Change of Cars. Tickets east via all rail, or boat and rail via Portland. GO TO THE ENTERPRISE FOR YOUR PRINTING COLUMBIA RIVER SCENERY Regulator Line, Steamers -BETWEEN Portland and The Dalles Steamers "Regulator" and "Dalles City" leave Alder St. warf, Portland, daily at 7 a m. for Moflett's and St. Martin's Hot Springs, Cascade Locks, Stevenson, Collins, Hood River, White Salmon, Dinger, Lyle, The Dalles, and all intermediate points. Steamer "Metlako" leaves Alder St. warf daily 7 a. tu. for all points on Mid dle Columbia river west of Warrendale, Oregon. 1 V All steamers arrive in Portland at 5:30 p. ni. DAILY ROUND TI PS TO CASCADE LOCKS Steamers make direct connection at Lyle with Columbia River & Northern Railway lor Wahkiaens, Daly, Center ville, Goldcndale and all Klickitat Val ley points'. Excellent Meals v- Best Servics. For detailed informatityi of rates, berth reservation etc, call or write to agent at warf. General Offices, II. C. Campbell, Portland, Ore. Manager. Ocean and River Schedule FROM PORTLAND I p. m. Daily Kx. Sunday. 8 p. 111. Saturday 10 p.m. All Bailing dates sub ject In change. For -an Francisco Sail every 6 days Oolumbia River Mtennien To Astoria a' d W ay LandiuRS. 4 p. m. 4 p. m. Ex. Sunday, C. W. Stringer, City Tkt Agt. 3rd and Washington ts. A. L. Craig, Gen. Pass. Agt., Portland, Oregon. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. DAILY TRAINS. D'ly Kx. bat. r.M. 7 00 8 OA S 20 8 3rt 8 44 8 60 8 68 9 tw 9 111 9 37 10 00 10 OS 10 W 10 3i D'ly Effective .July 5, im AM 8 00 Lr 9 or 9 18 9 3A 0 4(1 9 fill 10 00 10 10 10 21 10 M 11 6 11 10!. It tttl... II 30 Ar . Portland .Ar ...Gobi Rainier .Pyramid.. . . . Maygsr .... . Quincy .... 'lalakanie. . . Marshland. . . . Went port . .. . Clilton I . Knappa .... . 8vnten .... .John Day . .. . . Astoria. .Lv D'ly A.M. 11 10 10 0AI 9 92 9 36 9 37 9 17 9 08 ,8 68 8 4! 8 S3 8 1H 8 07 7 56 7 V D'ly r.M. 9 40 8 35 8 20 800 7 64 T 4rt 7 38 T 38 7 17 7 02 6 42 6 32 8 20 6 10 8KASIDK DIVISION 11 35 a. m.. 6 50 p. ni . . 11 30 a. m .. 8 15 a. ni . . 8 15a. m.. 2 30p.m .. 5 00 p. m . 9 40 a. ni . ASTORIA 8EA8IDE L....1 40 a. m ... 4 OOp.m .. .10 30 a. ro ... 6 50 p. to ...12 30 p. m ... 7 20 p. m ... 1 30 p. m ... SOa.m SCHEDULES OF TIME 80 GT HERN PACIFIC RAILWAY NOBTIi BOUND. - :00 a. m. 9:22 a. m. (Albany Local) 8:10 p.m. BOUT II BOUND. 9:38 a. in. 4 :50 p. m. (Albany Local) 9:14 p. in. Daily River Excursions -or- OKEGON CITY BOATS. Leave PORTLAND Foot Taylor 8t, 830 A. M. 11 SO " 3 00 P. M! - 6 15 daily schidcle: Leave OREGON CITV Foot Eighth St. 7 00 A, M. 10 00 ' 1 30 P. M. 4 30 " RO0ND TRIP 25 CENTS, Oregon City Transportation Co. CONNECTIONS All trains make close connections at Gofcle with all northern Pacitio train to or from tba Kast or Sound Points, At Portland with all trains leaving Union Depot. At Astoria with I. R. & N. Co.'s boats and rail line, and Steamer T. J. Potter, to and from Ilwaeo and North Beach Points. Ticket olllce, 2.VS Morrison t., and Union depot. J. C. MAYO.Gen. Pass. Agt. V Astoria, Or Dancing School! TURKEY will conduct a dancing school at Beaver Creek II a 1 1. Meet every Tuesday E vening. Dance starts at 8 o'clock sharp; close at 1 2. A d m i s b i o n 5 0 Cents:: : : LADIES FEEE : Subscribe (or the Enterprise The Y. P. 8. C. E. of the Presbyterian church la planning to give an old fash ioned Japanese wedding in costume July latShively's ball. The music to be rendered will be from the comic opera, "The Mikado," and in connection with the social at the close ice cream and cake will be served. The people of Astoria are making elaborate preparations lor their annual regatta which will be held this year August 19, 20 and 21. Present indica tions are that the program this year will urpass that of any previous year and this is say inn a great deal. A hose team from this city will compete) in the fire men's tournament that will be held in connection with the regatta. The hoeemen of Oregon City held held a meeting Tuesday night and decided on the organisation of a team to visit Astoria and compete in the regatta races to be held there during August. C. W. Pope was elected captain and L. Ruconich manager of the team. Entrance will also be made by tbe team in the Fourth of July races to be held in this city in connection with the Independence Day celebration. Oregon City formerly bad the best boee team in the state. AMENDED COMPLAINT IS FILED. A. Luelling , Renews Action Against Clackamas County for Deputy Hire. Under the terms of a stipulation sub scribed to by the respective counsel for the parties to the action, A. Luelling, former recorder for Clackamas county, has filed an amended complaint against the county in a proceeding brought to recover about $1900 alleged to be due for salary of deputies employed in that de partment. Judge McBride sustained a demurrer to the original complaint of Luelling but gave the ex-county official until June 21 in which to further plead. In his amended complaint, which has been hied by Diuiick & Story, his attor neys, Luelling sets lortu that there is due him for the salary of deputies the sum of $1243 which with accrued interest amounts to about $1900. Luelling was the Populist recorder for Clackamas county for tbe term from July 1896 to July 1898 and the pending action has re sulted from the failure of the county to audit the claims of that officer for deputy allowance to which he alleges he was entitled. The demurrer will be heard and the rase further disposed of at an adjourned term of Judge McBride's court which will be re-convened July 9. lows: Scott, 254 Montgomery street; Sundt, 408 '. E. 8th street; Fraser, 504 East Stevens. When arraigned in the Woodbnrn Jus tice court, the lads waived a preliminary examination and were held to the cir cuit court. They could not lurnish the required bonds of $200 and were taken to the Marion county jail at Salem. The Ladies Aid Society of the Presby terian church will serve a chickea pie supper at the Y. M. C. A. building on Friday evening, June 26th from 5 to 7 p. m., at 23 cents a plate. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy ! Is everywhere recognized as the one remedy that can always be depended upon and that is pleasant to take. It is especially valuable for summer diar rhoea in children and is undoubtedly the means of saving the lives of a great many children each year. For sale by U. A. Harding. CHARGED WITH ROBBING STORE. Four Lsds Arrested Here Sunday With Stolen Plunder in Possession. Oliver Scott, Charles Sundt, George Fraser and Claude C. Dillenbeck, four youths whose ages range from 14 to 18 years, were arrested in this city Sunday evening by Chief of Police Burns on the charge of burglarizing the general mer chandise store of G. H. Bee be at Wood burn last Saturday night. Entrance to the store was gained by breaking into a rear window. A considerable amount of dry gooils, clothing and shoes were taken. When arrested, the greater part of the plunder was found in the posses sion of the lad who were earning the same in sacks. The quartet was returned to Wood burn Monday where ttrsy will be given an examination on the charge. Dillenbeck claims that his home is La fayette, Yamhill county, while tbe other three lads give Portland as their home and state their residences to be as fol- The troubles of the Brown School, District No. 63, culminated at tbe an- -nual election Monday in the election of Robert Brown as clerk, and Gilbert Randall as director to succeed Mr. Stanley. By a vote of 15 to 13, a motion calling for the resignation of Richard Dunders, as director, was passed by the meeting. Hare Ton Seen the Seaserpeut! Watch for tbe unique and catchy pam phlet just issued by the General Passen ger Department of the Astoria and Col ombia River Railroad Co., which tells a little summer tale about tbe Summer (iirls, Seaserpeots and Sunsets at Sea side. The story is short but well told and handsomely illustrated. Place your order early and avoid tbe July run. Copies mailed free upon application to J. C. Mayo, G. F. A P. A. Astoria, Ore. Mrs. Emma Galloway, state organizer of Women's Lewis & Clark clubs, was in Monmouth Friday evening where she formed another club with a good charter tueuibersoip. There was something doing in tbe Ore gon City police court the latter part o( last week. Three Indians, cha'gd with being drunk, paid fines of $5 each. The first victim of the anti-bicycle sidewalk ord nance appeared in tbe court the same day. Walter Hoekins wae the lad and he paid a fine of $2.50 for riding; on, forbidden territory.