Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 26, 1903, Page 10, Image 10

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(From N. Y. Herald, January 14, MOi)
"The widow of Dr. I-jizoaro, who, in
the employ of the Oovcrnnicut, went
to Cuba, was inoculated with Yellow
Fever t limuirh nuwiuito bites, and d ied,
applied to Congress for relief to-dny."
The above tells of the sad culmina
tion of a series of experiments by the
Government, all of which proved con
clusively that the familiar mosquito is
a dangerous vehicle for carrying Ma
laria, "Yellow Jack," aud other uialar-
lal tevers.
Those who are exposed to mosmiitos Fomth be turned over to the Heppncr
orothermalarial intluencesshouldtake people, it. W. lirace favored such a
warning. Iron is the tiehtinp element plan but thought those who had sub
in the blood ami provides nature with scribed to tim celobiation fund from
putllcient resistance to ward ofl disease, busmen point of view eliould have the
But if the blood is impure or impov- privi'cs- ol wbhdrawir-ir part of their
erished, or if there is weakness, it subscription if they so desired. Mayor
means that the fighting qualities of the pimirk explained that only such part of
blood have been lowered, and conse- the celebration fund could be diverted to
quently there is danger. If you would the lleppner people as the subscribers
escape, keep the blood pure and prop- themselves expressly directed. Dr. J.
erly nourished with
Tr. Hatter's
Iron Tonic
It supplies the blood with iron in a tight to divert for expenditme elsewhere
Datura! wav. It is recognized every- money that had been raised for a cele
where as the best blood purifier aud hration here in Oregon City and for
touio in use, aud it has been used for which arrangements had been made to
half a century. j ward which the people were looking. J.
r,,,. .. t- a, i iom N Cooke suggested that the proper and
115 ' eqm'able wav by which the Heppncr
)Ay Ironomcmeandin"? lo;.le should he relieved was by indi
'fcy family for over twenty-five Tears, and reft taxation-and suggested that the city
17 can hirtlly recommend fu 1 r.'Brd It ,,,,,.41 apuropiiate and Hie countv
tf Krtt?iverietOWarJUl,Ula- make up the balance of .fund of UHH.
I J. H. Hatki, The motion of Ir. Powell was defeated
' Land find Emlsratlon Agt., Frisco Llue. mdlhe meeting decided to proceed w ith
(SS.MO (oirtatn tost abort leiiiaoslil It ftaalM.) the celebration. A number of those who
were so enthusiastic for a celebration
; here piO.)8' d tbat an additional sub-
! VohKiiJoj Wliut Vu l-:at? scription paper be started for the Hepp
; tier people and agreed to subscribe to
1: von don't vmir (.'.! d.:e not d you . Bn,., tt .aiwe. an amount etiual to their
li si li good. Ivoilol 1 y-i ensia l"urr ;s
ti ' tcie'dy tiitt ewrvine si im'il tike
te n tbeie is anything o g ai'ii" tl.e
.nacli. TheieisnowfV to unintain
I eailh anil sTrnjih of min i and
!v except by iioii i-l'in-r t. There is
vv.ty lo noiiri-li I throng'i the
:n.ieh. The M ni.icli nin-t be kept
i. thy, pure and sweet or the strength
. let down Mid iliea-e w ill tier up.
appetite, loss of Mrenat'i, nervous---.constipation,
bid b'ea h, sour rt
j , rifting, indige-rioii, ilyspepsia and
stomach tronhiea are (uickiy cured
he use of Kodul I)spep-ia Cure.
- 1 by Geo. A. Ilaiding
111 l.ut Hope itealixel.
I From, the Sentinel, iiebo, Mont
In ths firsl opening 01 Oklahoina to
set'lers iu the editor of this paper
a:i among the msny seekers after for
tune hi niade the liig race one fine d y
in April. During hiii traveling a! out
and afterwards his camping upon his
claim, he encountered much bad water,
which, together with the severe heat,
gave htm a very severe diarrhoea which
it seemed almost impossible to check,
and along in June tlio case became so
b id lie expected to die. One day one of
bis neighbors brought him one small
bot'l of. Chamberlain's Colic, Cho'era
and Diarrhoea Remedy as a last hope.
A big doe was given him while he was
rolling about on the ground in great
agony, and in a few minutes the dose
was repeated. The good effect of the
medicine was soon noticed and within
an hour the patient was taking his first
ound sleep in a fortnight. That one
little bottle worke 1 a complete cure, and
be cannot help but feel grateful. The
ceaon for bowel disorders being at hand
euggests this item. For sale by G. A.
Mid-Sommer sale. Every
d iced. Miss C. Goldsmith.
hat re-
Pcre Aro Seme of the Convincing
Facts That Canned us to Take
the Agency for the Fulton Com
pounds, the First Thing Known
that Cure Chronic Kidney Dit'
Fl-st, let It b d.stlnctly understood that
rn.-ry one of tb cases Leluw had beeudlaKnoscd
toy ona or morn physicians as chronic and In
curable; sectud, note the oertalnty of the re
sults as shoD by the recovery aLso of the
friends they told who were similarly afflicted
With suppled lrcuraMe kidney diseases.
N. W. Hpau:ding, President Spauldir.g Saw
Co , San Franclnco, bad a recovery In his own
f;: Til v and Kid several others who recovered.
Auolpb We-ke, capitalist, ban i-'runcihco,
recovered himself and loid two friends who re
Vr. Carl D. Ziele, pioneer dru?irlt, 522 Paclfio
street, ban Francisco, recovered himself aud
gave it to more than a dozen patients who re
covered. C'barles Enielke, editor of the German paper,
Ban Francisco, recovered himself and told it to
number who recovered, one of them being
Coarles F. Wacker, the Sixth street merchant.
It. M. Wood, editor Wine and Spirit Kerlew,
recovered himself and told it to several who
recovered, among them being an old-school
Jward Short of the 6 an Franolsco Call re-
mvered. also three of sis friends, viz: William
Martin, Captain Hubbard of the Honolulu rout
r.a William uawun of tne u. o. tuarier
tuater'a Lx partmeot ef Ban Franciseo.
John A. Pnelps of the Hotel KepelieT, Sao
Francisco, and two of bis friends, etc. etc
Tne kidneys are the sewers that strsia the
poisons out of the ystem. W can stand the
derangement for a abort while, but whn the
tnterfarenoe aecomea chrome (perioanent), as
Brst explained by Bright, It is only question
Df bow long before death will ensue. It la then
called Brlgbt Disease and Incurable. All
kidney troubles aerato into tbla Ions aooul
tne sth to knh snontk. Tke aboe cases were
Inourable by all other known means.
baring kidney disease should begin at drat
the on!
onir Knows mine Mat win
care It If It bee
reaobed the serious stage. Fttl tea's Renal
ibed the serious stage. Ful tea's Renal
isoend for Bright'! Sid Kidney Diseases, II :
Diabetes, i so. John J. Falton Co., -
WubiuiH strMt, 8s irMisoo. sole som-1
E. tS?i!r W '.
"a tufsu.. ,
JUh Meeting r t tlix. ns Decides Ad
terxely in Proposal to Divert r'uuil.
At d mass meetinu of citir-cns held t
the iiiy hull Monday niiiht it was do
oiiled to proceed with lliu celebration of
the rVurih in this city originally
planned. A movement was started dur
ing llic week to divert the money to the
Heppncr tlood cnlVi'iers ami abandon a
Im'nl dcnionMmlior. oil Iniiepeiideni-e
lav and it " to finally determine the
disposition of the funds that the 'mass
meeting wa held Monday niht. All of
the ct ninuitees are now liam at won
and will labor to make the local celebra
tion the most aiH'i'csHiul one ever held In
this citv.
J. J. IVokit called the meeting to or
der and named A. S. Dresser for chair
man. The meeting pioceeded at once to
a consideration of the propcsilion. II.
( Stevens moved that the entire sub-
' sciipiion that had been raised tor the
W. t'owell came 10 me renei 01 me aim-
I ation and sncuested that all money col
lected ou the celebration fund be tor
warded to Heppncr except such subscrip
tions sb the individual subscriber desired
I to withhold. This was seconded. Mr.
Haranden, of the K(iy Kandy Kitchen,
A. KnanD and others thought it was not
: l oiirlh of July contribution.
I A rousing meeting of the various
I Fourth of July committees was held
Wednesday 11 ght and details for the
ll'K-al demons: ntion pi n ed ell in band.
I K-poits weie receive 1 fioni the different
I nub-committees show tng that numerous
j attractions have been engiged and every
I indication points lo a most successful
iv.eiiraMon wun a large program 01 novei
ami inieiesting feature, lion. I!. L.
Kildv. of Tihaniook, will be the orator of
the da v.
Al a meeiiug of the legal voters of the
Cone 'id M-hixil. hehl June i5. it was
umnin.onily voted not to consolidate
with tne M.iwankie sch'xil.
Kotlol (divert NlreBS'l.
hy enabling the digestive organs to di
ges'., aisimilate and trnform all of the
wholesome food that may 'be eaten into
the kind of blood that nourishes the
nerves, feeds the tissues, hardens the
mUM-les and recuperates the organs of
the entire bodv, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
cures Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Catarrh of
the Stomach and ail stomach disorders.
Sold by iieo. A. Harding.
If the employees in the local Western
Union anil Weft's Kargo Company's office
do not keep tool this summer it will not
be the faolt of their landlord, Charles
Albright, who bas installed in that office
an electric fan.
Hundred of Oregon City
er find It Mo.
The bustle and worry of business men,
The hard woik and stooping of work
The woman's household cares,
A re too great a strain on the kidneys.
Backache, headache, sideache,
Kidney troubles, nrinary troubles fol
low. A citizen tells you how to cure them
J. Carflon, of Portland, employed at
the Portland Lumber Company, foot of
Lincoln street, who reiddes at 3fitf First
street, says: "I was feeling miserable
wi'h a depreHHing lameness around the
small of my back all last summer. At
tirst I did not pay much attention to it,
but it continued to grow worse and
finally bei anie so bail that I thought I
would have, to lay oil" work. To bend
or move quickly caused severe twinges.
I was often attacked with diz.y spells,
specs appeared before my eyex, and I
had no ambition or energy. In the
morning I arone as tired as when I went
to bed. In fstct, I bad all the symp
toms of a very cane of kidney trouble.
When I was suffering the worst I read
about Doan's Kidney Pills and procured
a box. I soon noticed the improvement
in my condition and the pain and aching
across my back soon disappeared. About
six weeks ago was laid up with a siege
of the grip for two weeks. Symptoms of
kidney complaint made their appear
ance again, and I resorted to Doan's Kid
ney Pills a second time. They just as
thoroughly freed me of the trouble as in
the former case. I cannot express what
a change they have made in me. I sim
ply feel like a different person."
Plenty more proof like this from Ore
gon City people. Call at C. G. Hunt
ley's drug store and ask what bis cus
tomers report.
For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents.
Fosler-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole
agents for tbe United State.
Remember tbe name Doan's and
take no substitute.
Notice to Water Consumers.
Tha naa of water for lawn, garden and
it reel sprinkling for tha season ol 1903
will be governed by tbe rules in force
last season.
Consumers are required to pay the
itrs. charze for such oao. darimr tbe
first ten days in June. By order of
Ths Boabd or Watm Comm;ssioks.
4t ,noe 19'
r'i,'vr" r ' ' 1 " "" '""" 1
I f J X 1
I 11 ' I
Mrs, F. Wright,
is another one of the million women
who have been restored to health by
Lydn K Pinkham's Vegetable Compound,
Orcrshiidowlnir indeed is the success of Lydliv 11. I'lnkhiliu's VejfO
table Compound compared with it, all other medicines for women ara
expert meats.
Why hts it the greatest record for absolute cures of tiny female medicine
in the world? Why has it lived and thrived and done its florlnus work
aitionif women f r a quarter of a century? Simply Ix-eimse of Its Merlin
worth. The reason t'uit no other medicine hns ever reached its success is lo
cause there is no other medicine so succeMful in curing- woman's ills, l'.e
niemlHT these Important facts wheu a druggist tries to sell you aoiuething
which he says is just us good.
A Younqr New York Lndy Tells of n "Wonderful Ctirei
J niln
s. No
as si.k
ihilo I
Vcirotulilo Coin
I fdt better nftor tin; tirst two or three doses; it seemed us though a
weight was taken otf my shoulders; I continued its uso until now I
can truthfully say I am entirely cured. Yoiin girls who are nlwav
iwyuig doctor's bills without fettin;; any lielp ;is I did, ouht to tako
your medieine. It costs so much less, nnd it is t,uro to euro them.
Yours truly, Adelaidg 1'uahl, 174 .St. Ann's Ave, New York City."
"Women should not fall to profit hy Miss Adelaide Prnlil'a
experiences; just us surely us him was enred of tlio troubles enu
merated iu her letter, just so certainly Mill I.ydla V. I'lnkhaiii's
Vesetatilo CoinpouiKl euro others who miffer frtini womb tnu
bles, inflammation of tlio ovaries, kidney troubles, nervous exci
tability, and nervous prostration; remember that it is Lydht R.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound that Is eurlii women, und don't
allow any druggist to sell you unythintr else in its phice.
If there is at.ythln;r in your ease nbloit wblcb you would likft
Special advice, write freely to Mrs. I'inkhain. She ean surely
help you, for no person in America lias sueh a wide experience in
treating ieniuie ins im sue nan
her advice is free and alw&y helpful.
FORFEIT If W8 ranoot forthwith prod urn the nrfrltnl liittar u flffnatar of
aUv twluuouisU, vliicb will pro lti aholtit gnnntf' -.
Ljdim K Flukhaiu MvtUciua Co, Lynn,
ftii worK given our prompt
and careful attention. , . .
Price s Reasonable
Oregon & -Washington State Fair Victories
Oregun statu Fair l!)il- Washington Stale Fair 1002
I-4-3 on Cock Birds, 6 in Competition We only sent 3 pullets, I hen and I
1st on Hen, 10 in Competition Cock and won on every entry but one
1-2-3 on Fullets 40 in Competition besides specials, including best pen in
and on. . .Cockerel 21 in Competition the show. Prizes won 1st Cock, 1st
1st on pen, 11 in Competition Hen: 1st and 2nd I'ullct; 1st pen.
1st in American Class
Haviwon 1 st on pull.t. th. p.t 8 Inhibition Block . sp.cl.lt, Horn,
years. Stock for sain, eggs in season. S'and pullets for sale. Kegs 3.00
I J. MURRQW& SON, Oregon City. Oregon-
The U. S. Dispensatory says, conium PARALYZES the motor nerve; aco
nite reduces muscular strength; belladonna produces PARALYTIC symptoms;
hyoscyamus and stramonium are the same as belladonna;' opium lessens the
peristaltic motion of the bowels, "Do not excercise any curative influence."
Some of these sre contained in all of the ancient pile medicines.
Of E-RU-SA, the only non-Poisonous Pile cure, over 4 druggists and
doctors of the highest standing, say in substance: .
Dr. L. Griffin in n years experience I hare no knowledge of any medicine
curing piles except your Bun-narcotic Pile cure. I khow it Cukes.
J. H. Trout, M. D., and druggist, Los Angeles.
ODTTCA k.'I.. l.A : .3 W'rak raa rfirrl U.-ittl ona bOK. On
ly reliable up-to-date druggists sell E - RU
of Oclwcin, Iowa,
"l!p.vit Mi;s. I'inkiia.m: My tnuiMo wn.1
with the ovaries; I nm tall, ami tlioilni.tox
Hi'id I jrivw too fast fur my Mii'iiKili. I
sul'fiTiil thvaut'ulh' from iiillaiiiinalioii ami
doctored continually. I id pit no ludp. I hiif-
n il from ti irilile that', ruii sensations ut!i
most awful naiiis low ilown in tin1 siile ninl
us in tht1 bark, and the most aniiihijj i I-
one knows v. hat 1 eiiiluri 'l. Otteii
to tlio rdomai-li, ami every liitln
vouM s too Met: to go to work for
three or four days; 1 work in ix lariresUne.
mid I Kupi'st Htandinjj on my feet ull
day mado mti worse.
"At t!:o BiHTestiou of a friend of my
I lHirati to t ike l.vilin I). I'fiiKliitin'.s
ihuiiiiI, and it is simply wonderful.
iitiu. auuti-m j.t i.jnii, .uuns. ,
Court House Block
- SA. Viz: Aao.
Itrmiswick House k ltisiuurant
Newly Furnished Rooms.
Meals at All Hours. Prices Rea nablo.
Opposite Suspension Bridge.
Only First Class: Restaurant
In Town.
pj Von Fink Canimf.s, Nuts,
M Kuril's, Etc., Cam, On thk
1 or ami lil.nlsU "paiu.
of menstruation." They are "Lll'i: KAVICKS" to plrla at
womanhood, aiding dorulopmcnt of organs and bislv. I,'o
known remedy for women eipials them. Cannot do burnt life
beuomea a pleasure. $I.(M 'i:it ll()X ItV MAII. Hold
by clrilfKlsts. ML MoTT'S CUKMKAb CO., Cleveland, Ohio.
Kor Sale at II UNTI.K Y'M
aX '. i ML
JH 4 Traoc Marks
V Designs
"Mil" Copvriomts Ac
An?oni nrt!nf nktrh and dnrrintton mf
qnlrklf MM'tjrtjiiri rur (ipiniott frM lifihfr n
IrifffitVtn Ik prnhntilf pnlpnrnhM. ('irninitirtlm
tUnilriCtlFrtinriMi'lf.l. HANDBOOK " l'n(t
mit frt, oidi(t Nfrincir fur nfurniff pnistni.
'tBiit Uktti ilirouuh Mutin A Co. rwwlM
tpfUikwtUi without clmnfa Iu lUn
Scientific American.
A hnnf1iiornlf II ,nrt mt m! wpfklr, l.nripat rlr
rulfilluii of anr Bcionttn Jnnrtml, 1 erruA, H
vfur; friiir mnfitbsi, L tSoiabyull nHwahnlirfi.
MUNN & Co.36,B""1-'- New York
ilrsucb oniiw, tat t Ht, Wsshlnsiun. 1. U
I 1
1 'X
1 ysH
We are located in onr large new store and with a
larger and more complete stock of better goods, are
better prepared than ever before to furnish yon Just
what you want at prices lower than the lowest.
y Vi mis.
i -i -i
IV Till," T'lTV A I Ult Pill i l.'J IJ
AM) Toit.UTO.
They overcome Weak
nisi. Irregularity and
omiiuiiouM, Ineruase vltr.
t Carl A.
ChftH. M. :
:co o oo o cos
r mm rsm pile ora &
liiiXniHl Ifrliinu 111 li iitiMiriiM Die tiitiiori, ullnv th
lti liini( lit tiiitt:, (hvcn Intitrtnt rt;lf(tf. t.vcry liox 1h wrrn(l. IHohl
lv ilni'nNfH Sent hv nmll urt rci iilpt of prlct'. 50 vnnn and l IK
Ik r k,x. VILLIAMS MFO. CO, Propa., Cloveluua, Ohio
Vr Sain J 1 U MLJiY'
All kinds of Building
Material , Sash , Doors
Moulding, Etc. - -
main OL, UlltUUII bll I Csl