Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 19, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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mmt '
There Is no dlsoaso so insinuat
ing, so slow but sure, as kidney dis
ease, orso wMe-sproiul. The symp
toms Rfe so slight as to gvnerully
escape notice.
The first indications appear in
theuriuc. with varied fleets. The
quantity mav bo increased or de
ceased; it Is likely to be highly col
ored and scalding; it may be pale
or thin, or thick aud milky with a
sediment. Ijtter on more pro
nounced symptoms will be present,
such as dizziness, bloating, etc.,
with marked bladder and urinary
Poisonous waste matter Is collected
by the blt from ll parts of the sys
tem mid carried lo tlie kldiH'.v. where
It ! separated ami cast out through ttie
urine. The kidneys den I with the blood
onlv, deriving nourish inert there
from. Hence, If the blood It bd the
kidiievs are not only overworked, bu.
underfed. Hovr necessary Is It, there
fore. Hint the purity and vitality of the
blood should be maintain ed. Itlaplain
why the Rreiit blooS purifier and
strenulliener-Dr. Hurler's Iron Tonic
has been successfully uted In treating
kidnevdiseiotes and In preventing same.
In purifvmis the blood the ki(lnes are
gratlv relieved, while, at thesametlnie.
new sirenittti and vitality are given
tbese organs. The following letter tells
very old story:
Fine Knot, St., June 25, 1903.
IV Dr. llMirr Medicine Ox, Dasiton, O.
Gentlemen: I bad severe case of
typhoid fever six yean ago, which left
my kidue.vi la bad order. I have tried
a number of remedies and taken treat
meat from doctors, but Dr. Ilarter's Iron
Tonic has done me more good than
everything else. C Cokdell,
Merchant and Mine Operator
There are thousands of just such
cases as the above that are treated
without results because they are
wrongly treated. Mr. Cordell's
conditiou resulted from an exhaust
ing fever; the kidneys, as well as
the rest of the system, had been
wasted bv disease. No wonder Dr.
Harter'slron Tonic promptlvcured,
because it purified and enriched the
blood, and such blood carried new
strength and vitality directly to the
kidneys and to all the organs.
! i on i:uj'j M ini vii n i?
Ii' von don't vor.r fo"d ilie not do jou
rii'lig'io.1. lv.!il ly-ei's'a Cure is
t'.e remedy that ctvni-ne shon d tke
w h !! 'here i-i ttny !iir' :u l" 'h the
e' .' ir'.ch. There I- no ' iv to in niiwiili
t I ealth :i i s'reng-li of mind iind
I v except Inil'i-1 mi.'' t. I : ere
I I ,1 CV to li.'li'l-ll excel t tllonu'h till"
f !H o il. St 111 n il 1)1 ' t I tie ket't
! 'by. pii'c .ii'd -ct or i' e iiire;'gth
v :.. .ft down ,iii I !!eaSM wiii set up.
;i;ipe'ite, 1 - oi -treiii't'i, nervous
i s, ctist ip;ii'on , Imi) b e;i h, s nir r'.--i
..--i. ritftitf. iii.t;ge.i.,u, hs)-pt:t and
i S'omai h tnoilile- nr.. ij lick v clued
I v tiie u-e of K .'! .l I'vsj epM.i Cure
i d by (ieo. A. ILoilit fe-
V, ILL KL'DKb IC 1 1 L I IIEli: t III KIT,
Oregeiidiy Me h d sts Finn In't ris!
inir elvie f r Stt d iy.
TijFir-t M.-thn.list Chun-li of this
f i'y Viil be re. Indicated with approprin'e
! vices next Sui'day m.irnlng. .Inne 21.
leiiica'orv services will be conducted in
t:ie morning by 1'islmp Ksrl t'ran-t u
' end in the evening a sermon will be
I Teached by I!ev. J. K. T. I.alhrop. if
I'ortland. At 7 o'clock in the even ng
there will be a special league, service to
be conducted by A. F. Hegel, of I on
ian.!. A cordial invitstion is extended
to the public to attend the services of
the da .
Koilul CiiveM trengtli.
by enabling the digestive organs to di
ces',, assimilate and transform all of )ie
w holesome food that may be eaten into
the kind of blood that nourishes the
nerves, feeds the tissues, hardens the
muscles and recuperates the organs of
xthe entire body, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
cures Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Catarrh of
the Stomach and all eioioach disorders.
o!d by Geo. A. Harding.
Tece Are Seme of the Convincing
Facts That CauscJ us to TaUc
the Agency fof the Fulton Com
pounilK, tl:s I'lrst Things Known
that Cure Cir-oni; KlUncy Dis
eases. rirst, let It b i -tii.c'.lT usiW'tooiJ that
rrry on o? theci1- ic-!ow 1 ad be'rndiiiKDOSed
by one oriLore pLj.d-t s clirouio and In
curable; fcw rd, Li'le tie certainty of the rc
:ilu ts sL.jv. i 17 the recovery al-a of tho
frionds they lo.il wLo wro simlliirly fcttlicied
wilh supi'-sei! ii curiiilu l.Mr,ey dis:asc.
K. W. .SyauWiz. Pn-ii.ieLt Sauldlcg Saw
Co, San F-Bociwo, ta-1 a r-:ov.rj In hln own
family and t,id several others who recovered.
Adolph U'e-ke, cauitlii, Sun Francmco,
recovered inniselt and to.ti two friebda who re-
"iJr.'cirl D. Ziele, pioneer druinrlit, 62S Paotflo
treet, ban Francisco, recovered himel( and
pave It to more tnan a dozen pailenu who re
covered. . ..
Charles Eneellie, editor of the German paper,
San Franciaco, recovered hlmoelt and told it to
number wbo recovered, one ot tbem bainf
Charles F. Wacker, the Siitn street merchaat.
K M. Wood, editor Wine ana Buirlt Review,
recovered filoMeU and to 4 it to asveral who
reoovered, among them being aa old-acbool
Edward Short of the Sao Franelsoo Call ra
eovered, also three of bis friends, vis: William
Martin Captain Hubbard ef tua Honalubs auow
mad William Hawkins of tna TJ.. aarva
maKter's 1 parttnenlof Sao iranclaoo.
JobD A. Ituops of tb lUitel Kepaltar, BsB
, A nfh,,,.n1, art- L
w raociscw. " , . .
TD kidneys ara the aawers Ikat strata ta
boIsods out of ihe sysMm. Ws can stand th
cWansement for a snort while, but wi tba
. . . i .i,K.ni. ,nnnMfttl u
Orel explained by BrlM, it Is only a onestlon
. , k .mi,i It Is then
, u,iui,,a immu and Incurable. All
kidney troubles develop Into this form about
the th to Krth month. The above cases were
Incurable oy an omer 11
kavlng kidney disease should begia at Brst wltB
tneonly known thing that will cure It if U has
reached the serious stare. Fulton s Renal
Compound for Brlrhfs ai d Kidney Diseases, 11 ,
fnr fjiabetee, I! W. John J. Fulton Co., V
Washington street, San Francisco, sole com
pounders. Send for naoitUn, YV ar U.S aol
seiW lof UUs git.
Mrs. Tillie Wills, of Oanby,
Takts Her Own Life.
Despondency, Kesultlnir Vrom Keren
( rimlual Ass.nl', Cause Of
It a ti ri- -A
Mr. Tillie Wills, of Canby, in a tit of
despondency, suicided falnrday after
noon by taking carbolic acid. Poison
was procured a Ml 1 11 o'clock that morn
ing, but body was not discovered until 3
o'clock lu the afternoon at the borne of
her father. Colonel Hair. Coroner llol
man held an inquest and Itlie jury re
turned a verdict' of death by catholic
acid poisoning, taken with suicidal In
tent. .Mrs. Wills was a widow and leaves
two children. Kor several months she
had been making her home with her
father at Canhy, i Saturday morning she
obtained a small stun of money Irom her
father on the excu.-e that sheex,,ected
to pick straw hemes aud debited to get
her dinner. Her absence from home at
the noon hour did not excite any suspi
cion, and it was not until her little son
leturned to the home late in the after
noon that the body w discovered cold
in deaih w itiiln the bouse, w hich was
locked. Testimony at inquest developed
the fact that the poison ws puuhased
about 11 o'cloct in the morning at a lo
cal drug store. The contents of the vial,
containing an ounce and half, were
-The case is peculiarly a sad one. Mrs.
Wills was the daughter of Col. Hair, for
mer commissioner of Clackamas county,
and was highly respected. About five
weeks sgo she was the victim of an out
rtge committed at her home by a brutal
hobo. The fact that the brute was success
ful in his vicious assault is said to have
preyed on the victim's mind and was di
rectly responsible for the suicide.
Tliis is the third suicide, in audition to
one unsuccessful attempt at self destruc
tion, that has taken place iu this county
in seven weeks.
S lit involving Title to GOO Acres in
tilad-toue Will Sunn be Decided.
Tie" suit to quiet title of the t I'iid-totie
Ileal K-itate AsMH-jtttioii against T. F.
Kvan, b.is been concluded before Judge
.Mi'i'nide. This is an important case
an t involves the title to the lands be'ier
known h those upon which are looted
the Willamette Vall-y ('hRUtanqiia
building1. Judge Mcftride has taken
the ca-e nmh r advi-einent.
There is involved in the su t 12ll lots
and b'll acres of land in what is known
ss lildstone I'aik Addition, amounting
in all to ai'iiiit i t'O acre-in it are valued
by the A--uciali"ii at $ii I IKI'I. The Ihxcs
on !he!.e binds fur the year '.SiK were not
pai I and ihey were snb-eq lent:y sold
lor de n q lent ta.-s, .lodge Kyn lid
cii.' 'he i.nd in lor f 4-o. I'ne defeie
bv the Asioci.ition is ihat the title
sought to he acquired to the lands by
I: van cannot he oh'ained f ir the reason
that the assessment against the lands
was void aud the proceedings leading up
to ami including t'ie sale of the propeity
were irregular, Hecaose of the great
value ot the lauds mvolwd, the case was
one of the most vigorously fought tlmt
was ever heard in CUck.nuis couutv.
II. K. Cross, (i. H Dirnick and i. ..
Hayes repicented the Association at
t ie trial and J. F, Hedges appeared for
Judge Kvan.
Fish Ladder Will .'tot He Installed at
Willamette Fa'h for rresent.
Deputy Fish Warden If. A. Web
ster has made an inspection of the pro
posed site for the fish ladder to be in
stalled at Willamette falls al this city to
enable the ealmon to leach the upper
Willamette. It will be impossible for
the B'ate fish commission lo place the
ladder until the low water season arrives
late this summer, but the lite is being
watched as the stage of the river falls, in
order to determine the best pla?e for the
Mr. Websster says the ladder will be
more of a natural means of ascent for
the salmon than the usual contrivance,
with great amount' of superstructure.
The current of the stream w here the
ladder is to be installed is sj severe that
the uual construction cotil I not be
maintained. Instead, a succession of
lasins will be blas'ed in the tolid rock,
about three feet ppart. With a series of
these natural wa'er basins, the fish will
be able to reach the' unper river with
ease Tlie lat legislature made an ap
priation of $-)000 for the ladder.
IN I.tf-t Iloi- l(ealiz-il.
From the Sentinel, (ieho, Mont.
In the first nppfiiyg oi Oklahoma to
BPitlers in 18S9, the editor of tbis pHper
wan among the many seekers after fur
tune who made the big race one fine diiy
in April. UurinK bia traveling about
and afterwards bis camping upon his
claim, he encountered much bad water,
which, togetber with tlie severe neat,
gave him a very severe diarrhoea which
it seemed almost impossible to check,
and along in June the case became so
bad he expected to die. One day one of
his neighbors brought him one small
bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
nd Diarrhoea Kemedyas last hope.
A big dose was given bun while he was
rolling about on the ground in great
agony, and In few minutes the dose
was repeated. The good effect of the
medicine was soon noticed and wltbin
an hoar the patient was taking' bia first
wend sleep in fortnight. That one
little bottle worked a complete care, and
be cannot help but feel grateful. The
season for bowel disorders being at hand
suggests tbis item. For gale by G. A.
Sotlce to Water Consumers.
The use of water for lawn, garden and
street spriDkling for the season of 1903
will be governed by the rules in force
last season.
Consumers are required to pay the
extra charge for such use, during the
first ten days in J une. By order of
Tiik Board or Watkb Commihhioneks.
I--'s-.;c.)l I . pAw'..f
A prominent Southern lady, Mrs.
Blanchard, of Nashville, Tenn., tells how
she was cured of backache, dizziness, pain
ful and irregular periods by the use of
Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
"Dkah 31k. I'inkitam: Gmtitiulo coinixls iiid to ncknowli'tltfotlio
fny:U merit of your YeiMaMo CoiiikiuuI. 1 have siillcrcil fur four years
with irregular ami painful menstruation, alsotlizincss, juiius in tlio'biu k
ami lower limbs, mul lltful uleep. 1 dreailcil the time to conic which
would only mean sufferinjf to inc.
" H-'tter health is all I wanted, nnd euro if possible. I.ydln T. rink
hatn's Veyrctahlo Compound ln nijclit me iieallh Rwl iiaiqiiness in tt
fw short months. I feel like another crson now. .My aches mid pains
have left m l.ifo seems new ami sweet to me, ami everyiliin stems
pleasant an 1 easy.
"ix Isittlis brought me health, ami was worth nwn than months
unilerthf? doctor's eare, whit h really did not limtit meat all. I am sat
Isth'd there is no mrilieino so j;ooil for sick mi im n as jnur tt-1 .tl ki
Compound, an I I a h ornte it to my lady f i u i n is in in vd of iiu dii .il
he'lp.' Mat. 11. A. Hlantiiaki), 4 J J llro.id M., Na.-hville, Tenn.
When women are troubled with irrcular, snpprcv-cd cr pninful n.cnstre
t:on, wenktie-s, leuco rrlnra, dNplaccuunt or tilc iation of the womb, that
bearin-do.vn feelinif, iiilhinniiatinii of the ovaries, backache, blunting (or
flAtuleace), jfouerai debility, indi.'est:on, mid in rvoi.s po ..trutii n.or arc U-sl
y V ' J JJ nearly ready fo e;!ve up, but seeing
n 1 s y"r advert iserni'iit I pun lifts d mm botllo
rif voiir medii ine, at.d it did nie so liuith
good that I purchased anotli, ,-, ami the result was so rati factory ll at I
bought six more bottles, and am now lectin1,' like a i w vw man. I ,-liull
never be wi'liout it. I linjn- that my testimonial v.iii 1 1 1. mre women
that your Ve.tiilile ('omiiwiil is the frreiitcst lu' ii i'ie in tic voild
for falling of the womb or anv other female coinj 1. ,." 3ii:s. iUv
Couv, -2m Iiirch St., rhiladeljihia, l'a.
Iteni'Mitbcr, every woman is cordially lnv!f'l to write to Mr.
Pinkhar if there is unyt hiny about bcr syniploni-. :,;.(: loes not
Understitiid. Her address is Lynn. Mass., her a-'v- is free aud'
Cheerfully riven to every ailing womuit who asks for it, .
All work triven our prompt
and can ful attention. , , .
Price 8 H e a . o n a 1 e
Oregon Washington State Fair Victories
TTjgontate Fair U)02 Wasliingloii Stale Fuir 102
I-3-3 on Cock Birds, 6 in Competition We only sent 3 pullets, I hen and I
ist on Hen, io in Competition Cock and won on every entry but one
i-i-3 on Fullets 40 in Competition besides specials, including best pen In
and on. . .Cockerel 21 in Competition the show. Prizes won ist Cock, 1st
ist on pen, 11 in Competition Hen: ist and and Pullet; ist pen.
ist in American Class ....
. . , , . . . . . Exhibition Stock a specialty Rome
Hare won 1st on pallets the past 8 jj.mi . r 1
years. Stock for sale, cs;s In season. grand pullets for sale. Kfgs ai3.0U
J. MURROW & SON. Oregon City. Oregon.
1 -
The U. S. Dispensatory says, conium PARALYZES the motor nerve; aco
nite reduces muscular strength; belladonna produces PARALYTIC symptoms;
hyoscyamus and stramonium are the same as belladonna; opium lessens the
peristaltic motion of the bowels, "Do not excercise any curative influence.'
Some of these are contained in all of the ancient pile medicines.
Of R-RU-SA, the only non-Poisonous Pile cure, over 4000 druggists and
doctors of the highest standing, say in substance :
Dr. L. Griffin in 30 years experience I have no knowledge of any medicine
curing piles except your non-narcotic Pile cure. I know IT CURES.
J. H. TuouT, M. D., and druggist, Los Angeles.
R-RU-SA cures piles or f 50 paid. Worst cases cured with one box. On
ly reliable up-to-date druggists sell E-RU-S A. Viz: Ajo.
with suiii vm pb 'ins ii s hi. ,:ncs, fnintiirss, las
situde, excitability, irritability, nervousness,
slecplo-:n s-,, ii.i lancholy, "all-'one" mid
" want to-be-li (t-uiolic " fcclillfs, 1 lues lllld
hi'pclc-.Mic--N, they shou'.il n u i u bcr tlieie is oi c
tried and true remedy. l.,tiia I .. I'illklllUnW
Vegetable Compound nt one icn.nv,?, mi, h
trouble. Kefuso to buy uuy other uaUuine, fur
you need the bt t.
A Severe ("use of Womb Troublo Cured
in I'iiil.oli lpbia.
"Pkar Ii:s. 1'imiiiam: I have lrrn
cured of scie female troubles ly
the use of I.jdia 11. IMiikhiim's
A circtable (' n m no u n 1. I uhs
Court House Clock
Uriinswiek House & Restaurant
Newly Furnished Rooms.j
Meals at All Hours. Prices Reasonable.
Opposite Suspension Drldge.
Only First (Muss Restaurant
J n Town.
Fu Kink Canimi s, N'it,
Y Kkfits, Ivri'., ('all On tiik
. , -.mm . mm m
2L. a jl' i a 2i
uf inenstriiittlon." They nro Al K S
wnmniil.iHHl, lodiiiif (Icuclopmcnt of or'ion ami IhIv. ,o
known remedy for women cipiiils them, liiiiiiot do liurm llfn
becomes A plcumir... $1.04: VIM ItOX 11 Y .MA II Sold
by tlrtltfisu. lilt. MoTTStlli:.Ml'.AL.CO.,Clevcloud,Ohlo.
Kor SU ul Hl'M l.KY'W
y 'yV -; ALLKNDSCf
A. Tnanr MlflMl
wfi, . Designs
"rHM1 Copyright Ac.
AnTon n"'!! rig a pltrMi unit rtcirripiion mny
quit klf naVi'Muiii mir ii'iui"n frt-f wln-llifr mi
itiv-i'tif l'H t iri.lui(il iMlwiruMn. C uri'liiiifiifri.
iiMrm-tfM-iir'-','ii'",i'inl. HAMJhUDK "n
cut fri'H. ttM.-ni iitctn-r l-ir fccniiiiif iiiIimm.
I' tli'Mtn tukt'ii throiili Mimil U t n. rmlVI
rptruti notice, w tt 1m ut tvlm-Kir, In lUtt
Scienlific American.
rillnliiitl of l"r tirli-ritllli- t"iirril. 'I . t'l . Ii
y.'ir: fftttr M. rt(U,4i. HulU b) nil I - i i - r-v.
fi'UNfl & Co.36"5""1"- New York
UrillH ll Mill ,!, i''J V Ht., WunliliM'o", I'. -
al ft .
pow, eot; ms pile mm t
nj Jj 1iA. i mul ; l , 1 1 1 i u I'lli's. 11 nl".'.n Ihn Munuru, lillavn Him
ll r4 rf i?ll 1,1 ,,U1 ' "' "m:i't C'l'-i 1 tiKiaiit rriirf, I-.vitv luix in wiirrniitiil. S,,lil
II 'J-1 -v V ) I villi, i " NttN liiull on r'-elpt vt .rlrc. N) t-culK and ! lit
We are located in our large new store and with a
larger and more complete stock of better goods, are
better prepared than ever before to furnish you just
what you want at prices lower than the lowest.
1'lM.ST ('iKK'Ol.ATK C'UKAMrt 3
in tiik City. A'.soCniAKs 1
ami TobAct'o. !a
Thry overcouio Wcnlc
iichs, h'nviihii'ity and
iiiuiiutlouH, Incrca-oi viir-
or and bi uiili " ouiu.
ICS'' to (rii la tit
a.vd a:;; rocx vzaler fox
Curl A. ChiiH. M.
1'iitzliiir Moflinko
;C0 O 00 O GO:
'"1LI.IAMS M FO. CO., Props., Clovolunil, Ohio.
All kinds of Building
Material, Sash, Doors
Moulding, Etc. - -
Main St., OREGON CITY ij