Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 19, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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'jt ! chuiiueil
tlit address of liia paper bit
0 W wWWwwO
bunged In New Yoik fit y wlntrs he will
I HI Maliollfll fur the II 111 i hit iik pastor of
IIih church of the 1 nli'ri'fHHiort. Rev.
William wan formerly a resident of ililn
rl'y w here lis had charge of St. Caul's
Episcopal I'llllH'll,
I YourBanking ?
Want to
Hart Sduflntr
ty Mjrx
No mutter how h ni a 1 1
no mutter how 1 u r go ,
will j;ivo
applies to
it direful at-
1 in.s
r! tlit! women alike.
Uixm ;z ;x: Kz;.a,'2-i'2i a:
Oregon City Enterprise
In Mm v in iiik Kvk. Charles I'..
Him ii", .1 r. , it 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! ' i'm in Hie miii hnn
room ol llio Willamette pulp ,4 I'uiH'r
'olllpilli 's plullt, "II II 'Tl' I u It 1 1 1 fill ill'
jury In ,iii i'ii S u 1 1 1 1 1 1 it y . A pine ol
steel pilirtlalid tin' I Vr I'.ill, I u t forti.
Imlrly did Hut ilrs'mv lint sight. The
Inl-eli! Hun niri'i'H-liil extracted, j
.It' in. I. ( i A I IOWA V I I.I. I III A 1 1:. J IliljO
Willi lltl t iltllliM IIV, of I llIN I' 1 1 V , I HI M m'
I... I lli iii uil ni Imi I uill itilivr
tin' iiiiiIiiiii hi llii I onrtli of July i'i-Ii-
liriilion to In' In-Ill lit Tillamook. 'I'h ih
in mi exchange n( oiiitnrri of tin lw
rilU'M fur Iudi M'tiicnco 1'ny since lino
1!. I.. I'.ddy, ol Tillmiiouk. in to ln Hit'
oiiilor lor the I hi goii City ileinoiihlratioii.
I'kaiii at Nkw K ii a . William Casni
dy , iiifl 71 i'mih, ilii'il itt Iiib lioiiie in
New Kra last week, of ratanh of I ln
hIiiiiihiIi. 1'or twenty-eight continuous
yearn tlit iIi'i'i'iihimI wan n ri'Hiili'iit of
(!lin kiiiiuiH (iiiiiuy, foiiiir.g to Oregon
fiom lantern Tciine.neit. IIk Ih Mti r
vivrl ly a widow mill It'll children, four
other children having ilit'il. Iturial m r
vires were lit'lil Friday mill tiiti-iim-iil
wan had in mil cemetery.
Ran Awav Kiiom IIomk Chief of
fnlitrw Ilii'iiH Monday afternoon nppie
lii'iiilt'ti a young until named I very who
run it way Iroiu Ins liomii ni IliitlevillH a
few tliiyti iti'o. Iti'Utivt'H of Ivery, wlio
Ih h (i'i'IiIh ihIimIi'iI yuulli, returned lim
hoy to li in home,
Ham (Ionk to Alaska. 1. N, Winner,
Milled Milieu I li.li ('nlliiiil-H)lii'r loi
this district, It'll Monday fur Siiitlli
where lilt Hill join Special United htitti
()llllllllhH10ll Hint llllM lil-l'l appointed I
investigate hiiiI report on tint llnlnng in
illlMlry of Alaska. The parly sailed (roin
Sl'Ultltt 1 1 1 IH Week Mill will lie in Alaska
between two and tlift'e inonlliii.
Wrin iiik Mystic f-iiin.M;lii The
Kin nieiH IimiI a g-iod lime in I'orlliim
lunl f-ltt 111 il.tV llilll. MfSHIS Itlll llHIIHII
I ,t i 1 1 on . furl I , Ryan, Walker bihI
KiniiHir'l were among the local Winners
wlio participated In (lie li'Mi villi' of tin'
ih'cnnioii. I onnty hurveyor Imiii mI
Hands, of thin t ily, w jh oiid ol llie eighty
t'liiiiliiliilt't llial wciu iniliiitfil 'luriliK tlie
Maivaiikkh Ki.ki t Oi kh kkh. TiihIh
tin Tent, No 74, KiiikIh o' llie Miirr
Int'it, lii'l. I an elitrtlon of ollirtTn lunl
'I'htii c. I ..y I'VeniiiK Willi Hie IoII.ihuih '('
milt: Ciiiiiiimiiilir, Jeff" lit'ore; lien
teniliit 1'i.iiiliiHliiler,, K I' Miller; rerun,
keeper, K. T. Tuvlor; liiiuine keeper, M
Hunt; 1 1 v if i it 1 1 , I'r. Soinmei ; limp
lain, M I.. Miiit ; m ru'i'Mit, ll II. ( oiirt
Hey ; inutier at Hrnin, J M Tilinei; lir.l
iinitit r ol cnar.lH, ( Ioih. Cutln ; .f 1. 1
liniHitT-t.f hiuihIm, 's.m rmt'loil; n-nli-liel,
I-. 1 1 I'.t It ; pirkel, J. V. Wenloli.
K' i ii i ii or .Ii i v ( HAit'ii. lion, 1',. I..
Two Ii'atiih Si'.vinv. ('. I'. Witter
mini, Hk'i-il l.rl reuif, .In-. I SiimlnV kt tin
I H j 1 1 it l reliitlvt-H itt W iIUiiiihIh Kul
I lilt ileri Ht.e.1 t'ulliu lu t lilH I'lly lot I'll : I
liilll xrolnili for tint lient'lil ol lii
lit'itlili. Il'itlli ri'Miili-.l from dmp-y
v oiiHiiiiipiiun c.iiim, ii die iiea' ii oi u
yoiin man i.aimil I'.ot't iliel I ni Utt'K"
-atiliil,iy ihkM. Ilnitrrlit'l'l Wat ulioui
HHiBO.il an. nimtil ci'ivh.'S were
In lil ut t'hHtxo Moiulay.
foil A in of lli.ri'M.H I'l.ol'l r.. lirii.e
('. I'nriy, city reionler, ciiinlalnl a nnli
n rilioii p 1 1 it i Tiiimliiy hihI miH'il ovt i
f:'lKI lor II, ti teliil of Mm llepplitr rtnll. r
em. It wan lirnl propo"t'. to iiluin.loii
(lie l oiiMlii.f .Inly ii'li lirall.'ll uinl -
iri pi litie I lie f uti'l tlntl liuil lieen litiiti il
lor Ihtt ill iiiiiiibIiiiIioii lo Hie relief tit tin
fleppnei people. riilii ril'erH veiy jn
eraliy iiurei'il lo nueh n trniiffer of 1 1 1
I ii ii 1 1 lint it ileveliipi'.l Hull Hie Htmni
menu lor tint Iiiilepeiiilenen I lay relu
Imilioii liail proreit'il I. hi lar. l-ollo-lliii
Hi In l ion Iiimiiii, un ilnlepeinlelit Hub
nrriplion huh nliuteil with lint Bilrci-t-H
noted ubove.
W. IiiIImtI lleuitle ami Mil't urn pubxttn
Hern on tint Ciiy of leiltiB on tlieir way
to tlit'Koii iNty , where llie I'rofeHHiir hat.
ari'epleil Hie priiM'ipitlHhi in a (jra. It-tl
pnhlii: bi'IkmjI. 1'roiehtor lleaitii! Iian
lunl fliarne ol the Wran'eli euiiool the
punt two yearn, and the manner ill whirb
lie lmn atlvunteil hia pninU lian lieen
very hatinlai toiy anil mIiohh liini to be a
thorough neholar ami able innlriirtor.
Both the l'Toli'Mtor anil Ii ih wile are lead
ers in I'liiiri h Hoik, ami will be mUnetl
in llial hoe. 'I lie hext w inhrn ol the
Sttiitinel at t'oiiipiinv lliein to their new
lit'lil. Alunka f-unlinel, Wiaiiitell, Alas
ka. An Ivmn huso AmcAt TioN. The
Allen Slm k l 'oiii.iiny, wbii li linn lieen
oiTiipyiliK the hnanln at htvely's thit.
Wci'k, in one tif the hext Mori; eoinpaiiit''
now ttaveliiiK. The atleinhiiiie in iie
tit'.iinu an the week linen hy, innl it in
ipillu Uallli.il Unit It thhoiilil lor llie
rhar.ti'ter of the pel (oi iiiitin en beiiiw;
Ol llnlvcaliMi, Iriu.
"Wine of Curdul It Indeed i blciilnt
to tired women. Ibvini( lulfcred for
even yran with we.tknei and ber.
lnt( (Jown paini, and liavii ( died lev
eral dnlvn nd difitrriit remediei
whh no u(ren, your Vs ice of Cardul
wa the only thinn which helped me,
and eventu. Ily curt-d me If icemrd to
build up the weak parti, itrenthrn
the iyittm and correct irrc i(u!aruiei."
i Hy "tir -1 women" Mrs. A'lams
Mieami niTvoiiM women uh0 have
tlinorilereil lot hh-m, falling of the
womb, ovarian troubles or any of
thi'iM) ailmeiilH that women have.
Jon ran cure youru lf atliome with
thuifreat wonn ii i ri'ineilv, Wino
of Carilui. Wi.-nt of Carilui baa
cun if tinm tan. !s of runt'i wliieli
dot-torn have la, .',1 loheni !,t. WliV
Hot hefill to pet well today? All
iniK':.ri-l:, have r'l.i.il hi!tiiM. For
any ntiiimu h, liver or liwe dinur-il'-r
Tht'dford'a Ulatk-braught
viioiihi he used.
K'TH.Ivl -i.Tel htTritTir",d'Tr' irlrlnr
in. ni. 1 1.- i'i. ', .
i luitiM. i
I'.ihlv ol I Ibiimonk will tlelner the I'oiir' h I (jivi'ii in llie cuiine. Tint r.,iii;mny nl
of .lii.v on tun in co n.t' t on w th
the loral i elcbi.il lull. Then' will he tin
nidi. final parade in Ibe 1 1 1 . . r 1 1 1 1 1 . cporln,
i t : c 1 1 1 1 i if it Cnlirf of liifi'luill helwi'tli
the Mnii..i;riiiiiH and Hie (ireoii t'ity
nine Hi the alleinooii ami il urand pyne
tei liiilc ilinli'itv at liiiiht. One of the
fealuii " of Hie ihiv
lie Hie leap (r.lin I
into the W lllamellltt river by aoint) local
c. include il n eiiKiiiri-iiit'iit in f la-city w il h
,t bill loniiiht and Saluiday lnr'lil and a
matinee S itunlay nfleinooii. Tomorrow
iili;lit HH niiiioiuii ed the coinpiinv Hill
ihni libiite canh priiH anioilnlin to
lo thuse IioIiIihk the laient liilinher ol
couponn. 1 be ban.l uii.l t.r. In -lra 1 1 1 n I
n entertainment w ill I m rat nr. I hy thin i.rirainz iliun aie ainoiii;
ie niiHpt'iinion hiiilt;e I the hen', ever hi'tini here and are alone
worth the price that in churned lo Ibe
theiitriral perloriminre.
Si -11001, ConsiiIiiiatios. l'.iit:le ('reek
hall Han roinlortably tilled h ridny rven
it n to linieii to a ilincunnioii of nrhool
i Hiliilniioii by Superintendent J. (',
.nicer. Many Indies weie inlerented
liniemrn. l'our dinlricta wpie repro
Heliled, The iiri'ntent liiirmoliy of nenli
ini nt n vaili d. l'mt lollow lnn commit'
tee wan np oililed to rrpoil to a Himilar
lneeliii at ( iirni.fviile, Saturday even
iiiKi a feiiHibht plun of conHolidiition,
which ui 1 then he nuhminetl tolhenev
eral thnlrirla. I'linrles .et k, Harton ;
J Kly, I'm rnirtville ; Itnten, Ttarey
Hcliool; lloll'ineiNter, Sitmly Kitltjc.
I.ocAi.n Iajnu Aoain. The Mono
rainn of i'ortland, Sunday ufternoon,
tlefeatetl the ();riton City team in the in
torntate haneball Iraiiiitt by a ncore of 8
to 4. Superior leain Wtuk anil general
iilitviiiK by the vinilora won for thein the
(lamewhii li wan theirs at almont any
Btae of the voulent. There weiu no
jiartijiilar featurea in the kiiiiio. A iien
erul re-ort!Hiil.ation of the loral nine took
plare dining thin Week ami a Hi router
nine In. the protliict. .Many of the bent
playem in Ibe oriiiiiial team have ninni'd
Willi tho new organization, which will he
fnrtl'cr improved by Ibe addition of
available oulnide plnyeia. Willi the
rliaiiuen that are contemplated, the loral
team expneta to retrieve ita reputation
an one of the leading teaina In the inter
atate league.
Mr. CAi'ftKt.D Was Ka-iM.Ki'TKn.
Chas. II. Caulield was on Monday elect
ed a member of the Oregon City school
board to succeed himself. There was
only a small vote cast and Mr. Caufleld
had no opxsition. A number of women
taxpayers exercised the right of Iran
chine in the election. Mr. Caulield 's
re-election as director without any oppo
sition, is a recognition of his valuable
.services during the past five Jfcars in the
position to which lie has been returned
for another term. It was largely under
Mr. Caolield'a llnancieiinn and direction
that the plan of consolidating the tenth
and eleventh grades in the public schools
was accomplished ana the building of
additional rooms, which otherwise would
have been necosnary, dispensed with.
Jo the reorganization of the course of
study ill the city schools and some slight
changes'in the salary of the teachers, a
considerable saving to the district has
been made and the efficiency of the
schools has not suffered in the least.
IVaron W. I. Williams, of Little Kock,
Arkansas, writes the Enterprise retpiest-
I-'oIimhhi y I.ivkd Hkkk A prens ilia
patch lo Tacoina dated, Sitlnrday, June
Kl, aiiya : "A remarkable anil latul air
ride lit occurred on the Taroina A Kant
ern Kailway at Kapownin Ihia evening.
Wliiht a number of pernona were Btand
iiitt on the main line a runaway train
loaded with iuiinennu loirs cranhed Into
them, iiiniunlly kidiMir Marry 1. Vuoi
heen, of Taromit, but loriiierly of Detroit,
M it'll., and ponnihly fatally injuring
(ieoiuit 1' . 1 ' 1 1 1 1 ' i ) , Ii it-it I manager of the
ttrilhn Car Win el Company. Mm. C.
II, I' orner wan alno no nei iounly injured
Hint nhe tlietl within 'M miiiulen. The
party was ohnerviui; the wotk of a con
ni i net ion crew and the escaping nteaiu
of the enyintt prevented them from hear
ing tho runaway train." Mrs. Korner,
who wai among the killed, was formerly
lleHter Kohh and renidetl in Oregon City
for many yearn. he was the sinter of
Min. Kietl rainter, of this city. The re
mains of Mrs. Korner arrived in this city
Tui'nday and were buried at Canemah.
A Kakk Inhi hanck Comtanv. Secre
tary of Male Dunbar, an slate innurance
comminaioner, has addrennnl to the
prrHH of the mate ami the various agent
of regularly lieenned innuranre compan
ies a circular letter calling their atten
tion to the operation within this state of
the "Union Fire Insurance Company"
of Chicago in violation of the statutes of
the state. The co operation of thone re
ceiving the letter is asked that the illegal
operation of this company in competition
with reliable and license companies
may be curtailed. The following excerpt
is taken from Secretary Dunbar's letter:
"The requirements of the laws of this
stale are not sj onerous, or so expensive
as to deter any solvent, honest company
from complying. When company un
dertakes to do business in this state sur
reptitiously, in violation of law and with
out submitting to its obligations, It is a
justifiable conclusion that it ia either too
dishonest to willingly submit to its re
quirements, or is in an insolvent finan
cial condition. In the event of loss or
the refusal of such a company to pay the
holder of policy, he would be compelled
to go to the state where it ia located to
bring suit and collect judgment. If also,
for any reason, he should desire to can
cel his policy in an unauthorized com
pany, he would have no means of com
pelling the return of unearned premiums.
In short he is unprotected by the laws
of this state. In the rase of a licensed
company, a policy holder has the secur
ity of the deposit made by them and can
sernie service in case of suit, nin the
resident general agent of the company."
5s S.l
VHI' MM II...II. , - hi - i.,T,t
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Dim .Nati hai. I k A t ii. itur an in-
ventigation SaUirdav night, Coroner
lloliiiitn eoncliiile.l that Hut death if
I it-orge Williainn, w ho wan h und dead
in neil at bin renideiire near Canby dur
ii i! the afternoon, reMilted from natural
caw-en. ..i ii iiuect wan coniden d
lie.-i'BHary. Williams wan about 7") yearn
i age ami leaven no relatives in thin
The most notable of all recent storie
.f the sea is Alfred Soiinichnen's "Ileeit
Sea Vagahoinln." The author in a San
Krancisran born and bred, who nil
away from home when a hov, wan a
captive among the Filipinos, has sailed
on every neu, und haa been stranded in
many porta of many lauds. He ban, he-
niden, not a little literary skill, and has
selected Irom hit varied experiences In
cidents and incidents and anecdolen.
roup eil with vivid hits of description,
which make the hook a very interesting
one. An extended review, with msnv
liiola'ionn, appears in the Argonaut for
June 15, I'.m:,.
...7 :
V- i
"""Wtaal.'WWt. mm
. Gel
obtainable, such as
Took a .iskty Foot Ihtoi1 While
ininxirated, Dar. lleer, of Silverlon.
walked oil" the hlnlTat the foot of Fifth
street Saturday afternoon and fell to the
railroad truck below, a distance of ninety
eel, and escaped nnii iured. I hat the
man escaped with his lite in miraculous
r the Idiill at llie Hrenu of the mishap
is almost precipitous and is of rorky for
mation. In falling, lleer collided with a
ciuinp of willows that arrested Jiia fall
or lie would surely have lieen dashed to
death on the railroad track. lleer has
f'.r a number ol years been employed on
the liver steamers on the Willamette
and i .iine to thin i it v from I'tirlluud.
CC'SJOGwQCCOOOOOCOCOOO cooocococccocsogccq
f V.'!
h - - 1
tV-'iJ f'-:
tcyrn'iii ivj i.) Ii., t;iii.:
We are headed for the goal of J
your approval. We'd like to
hive you give ns a chance to Jf
win your patronage. We have w
the stock and we keep moving O
to ttie front. We'll win of Q
course ; wont yon help ui? We
aim to hit I lie suit tastes of all f-
kinds of men, and we are do
lm il. We aim to irive von
I better tpiality and style than O
your money will buy anywhere
else. We are doing that too. Q
Wa biiv the he it merchandise
Hart, Schaffner & O
Marx Clothing O
W. L. Douglas q
Shoes q
Monarch and Cluett O
Shirts and Collars O
Havves $3.00 Hat q
You won't find a better audi
ence fur your money than we O
give you, for we appreciate
your wants an I value yo'ir J
pattonnge. i
and the celebrated
JAl T)tnck Clothier and Haberdasher o
1T1 l 1 ItC Cor. 6th and HainSts., Oregon City O
2,(XX) miles of ong dis
tance telephone wire in
Oregon, Washington .Cali
fornia and Iilaho now in
operation by the Pacific
Station Telephone Com
pany, covering 2,250
towns. ,
Quick, accurate, cheap
All the satisfaction of a
personal communication.
Distance no effect to a
clenrtunderstanding. Spo
kane and San Francisco
as easily heard a Port
i Oregon City office at
Ifimling's Dni Store.
on Main Street, opposite
Electric Hotel. Formerly
occupied by the Colnmbia.
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and
All kinds of repairing neatly done
and warranted.
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
Pouble and Single Rigs, and ead
die horses always on hand at the
lowest prices. A corral) connected
with the barn for loose stock.
Information regarding any kind ci
stock piotnptly attended to by person of
Horses 3ou?ht and Sold.
Horses Boarded and F'ed on reason.
ble terms.
About twenty-live thousand acres of j
hind in t'lai k a in us county isheld hv 1. I
II. Marlay, et al, under tax titles, which
will noon rioen into good titles if not
defeated I hereby agree to defeat Bny
of those titles for about one-half llie sum
demanded for a deed by said 1'. II. Mar
lay et al. Otherwise no charges made,
ti. 15. IiMK-K, Attorney-at.law,
Oregon City, Oregon.
A fcicrloiii, MUtulie
E. ('. PeWitt & Co. is the name of the !
firm who make the genuine Witch Hazel
Salve. Pe Witt's ia the Witch Hazel I
Salve that heals without leaving a srar.
It is a serious mistake to use any other. !
DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve cures blind, j
bleeding, itching and protruding piles, i
hums, bruises, eczema and all skin din-'
eases. Sold by Oeo. A. Harding. - '
r rr
The latest novelties in millinery,
on Minn (ioldsmith.
Over-Work Weakens
Your Kidneys.
Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood.
All the blood In your body passes through
your kidneys once every three minutes.
I ne kidneys are your
blood purifiers, they fil
ter out the waste or
Impurities In the blood.
If they are-slck or out
of order, they fall to do
their work.
Pains, aches and rheu
matism come from ex
cess of uric acid in the
blood, due to neelected
kidney trouble.
Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady
heart beats, and makes one feel as though
they had heart trouble, because the heart li
over-working In pumping thick, kldney
polsoned blood through veins and arteries.
It used to be considered that only urinary
troubles were to be Iraced to the kidneys,
but now modern science proves that nearly
all constitutional diseases have their begin
ning In kidney trouble.
If you are sick you can make no mistake
by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild
and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy il
soon realized. It stands the highest for Its
wonderful cures of the most distressing cases
and is sold on its merits
Wu .11 A. r. r,i-tm n III,,,
cent and one-dollar siz- IHirri ffir
es. tou may nave a
sample Dottle by man Bom ot smnp-Rooi
free, also pamphlet telling you how to find
out If you have kidney or bladder trouble.
Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer
& Co., Binghamton, N. Y,
Don't make any mistake, but remem
ber tho name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, and the address, Bing
hamton, N. Y., on every bottle.
m,-, -.-J
We Have Devel
oped Our MMm
watch mmm
In the last few years
BUT WE are not going to stand still, we propose to double it this year. And in
order to do so we are offering special inducements, such sb enlarging our stock,
felling on the installment plan, making a payment when you purchase the
watch and pay the balance in monthly or weekly payments, selling at special prices
and guarartee every watch, both the quality and price. And you can depend upon
our guarantee as we have had years of experience in dealing in'watchts and watch
repairing. If you do not know us,
Ask Your Neighbor About Us.
He Has Always Found Us Reliable
We are etpecially proud of our stock of gold filled watches at this time. It is by far the
largest we have ever shown before. We just received a lot of the newest patterns.
They are of the best makes, such as the Boss and Crescent Cases fitted with Walthaui
and Elgin movements.
We are offering a good reliable Gold Filled Watch for $12,00. This is not a cheap
gold plated case with an imitation movement, but a good (jo:d Filled Case guaranteed
to wear 20 years, fitted with an Elgin or Waltham movement. Then we have others of
better grades at $15.00, $20.00 and $25.00. Silver watches from fo.10 up. Nickel
watches from $2.50 up.
Ahnilt RpnlirinO We bel'eve in doing work right.
nuuul IVp men are skilled and conscientious,
grumble at the price either. All our work guaranteed.
Our work
You'll not
M j
Suspension Bridge Corner
(1 fl H' ll