Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 12, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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; Your Banking?;
" A
No matter how b m a 1 1
no mutter how 1 a rgo ,
will givo it careful at
tention. Thin message
applies to the men and
the women alike.
0 0 from I lid same source. Mr. Alhrlibl
in especially fortunate, and explains , his
K'Kxl luck hr aayliitf that others wlui
urlve. for llii prlr.es are not acquainted
with hia system. Two yearn hko Mr.
A lluiulil auhmrlbeil lor iIin paHr and
diew it H gold watch, TliU year Iib
rci.i-wed lliu subscription and captures
i4( I ll.'iO ulano. A jealous rivitl snlmeriliiir, j
Ml who I in a been lakintf ih Mint) paper (or
L4 nineteen years hikI lias not drawn m)
id ni'icli as a poslaue clump, diielares that
H Mr. Albright's lilriluliiy fulln on 1-Vbru-
I ury I'll-
)oi:tooknkiiiaj I'ahhkm Awav Stout
Chamberlain, wlio died Monday nia-hi nt
Ullt llOIIIH 1)1 Ilia HUII, TIl'MIHia Chamber-
liiln, t Fulln View, waa H7 vh rn ol a-e.
Death resulted from old aire mi waa run
i tiiliu'cd to hy 1 tin extreme warm weath
er of IIih pHHt week. The deceaaeil mine
to California (luriiiif the gold exciU'inent
of I sill, ami resided in Oregon since
1 H70. He ia survived liy one ami, Thou,
CliMinliHiliiln. I'lineral services wi-m (
In III Wednesday Hllll t 'II r i H I Waa lllil in
Mountain View cemetery.
m a
m A w
m nrs. iaura
C . re" 4rir c i f " r
inl.K a I'.ti vi I.K. llailauil Davis huh
a nested Tuesday, charged with the Ur-
i-ny of Iim y-l) from a resident at Can-
liv. JlaviN la a barber ami tmrrowed tlie
w IimjI to come to lliia city, where, he
U f.ii ncd It lor 110. Shortly after hia ar
La i hi . Pavia received a money order for
' f ZO from relatives in Washington, lie baa
y l iMiiu'iiitHnl tlm him ond-haiid dcalrr ami
ii ncr ami tlif
I'ltvin in mnl
i-Hloinl lliH h lii-el to tin
iim- m not iiroHi'i iiU-il
to i'oiiih from a kim"! I -in 1 1, v
Oregon City Enterprise
Pkatii at HrniMivt Ami. Mia. M.
l.inli'iim A. Ki-lli-r, Hlioiii-il at linr Iioiiih
m ar SriiiiAuli-r, Kriilay, waa aiti-il 41'
-ii, Ciiiiniiniiliiiii HUH tlm rannM of
U-aili ami 1 1 ir iIhi-iimi1 i aiirvivnil liy a
linrliiiiiil ami u rliililri'i). l-uni-ral ai-r-
Mc I'll f IU Ill-Ill MIII'I.IV.
hriKMHn iiiAwiiKiiifv. Mra. (inivi-n,
of (iii i-n I'oinl, ii-inrnil'Hii-il tlm i'H'ht
Una vifi k Willi a box ol i lioii'ti atrnwln-r-
til'. 'I III- I'llllltH WI'IM H'llt f I 'III tl.i-
fiimi-il IIom.I ltivi-r ai-rtimi laat u,toln-i
ami ari- of I In- Cl.u k Si'nlliiiK Vani ty. It
uiihii lriiKilii to fiiinili- tlm Iirrni-K,
wl-hli i n- lnr.ii-, wril uintil'i il mnl lu-ri'li-illy
i-i'k tin
(tN f-rll'M.. Conn 'ICiM'ION. Stnti
Suin'tiiili'ii'li'iit J. II, A i ki-iimiri liinl
I'niiiitv Siiiii-i iiili-nili tit Z;iiM'r
iIii'cb tin- .i'iiili! of ImikId t'n-i
i-vi'tiiiiK on tl'i' nil ji rt nf roni-nli-lallon
1. 1 iui.il ilii-trii Ih. I In- ihIhiiih of Cur-rinnvilli-
hiiiI uilj'iiniiiit ili-lnrtii urn inti-r-
l-Nll'll ill till- III I ' HMHlt ll II 10 1'OIIHollllllll-
UifllirlB in lliia futility 10 tlm iuiinv(
ini'iit ol tin- i'"ii'Ht. i, hiuilv ami tint ln-t
ti r n-rnita liil fullon.
An nnlliiaiicM iirovi'liiiK for 1 1. i ly'nK
(ml liiiil'liiiK of tOi-alk on uiiiniruvl
Mii-ruiii (iri-Kon t'lty.
OkKOIIN I'lTY t"K lUIIIAIN AH H'l, ! ():
hi-i-, I. I lia City Ooiini il may tii-ii-atter
. H'IIImiii?!- tlm IiiiiIiIihk nl milewnl. four
I li-rt In aiittli, uiion any of tlm iiniiiiiriivril
l 'rii-ii witlini tlir cororaia liuiita of Ora-
', iI in .'i y.
; Sit. Hui li aiilrjwulka aliall lie con-
I nnn li-l liy la lux Ihrw atriniccr, four hv
I I lit inrlic in mi, tlnnlv Hit- irniiiiii),
' aiiirli alinll lii llrt pronrrly li-vi-li-il toi-on-,
irin mi dourly as ikihiIiIh to lliu i.atural
' i iiiiiimr of f ncli iiiiliniriivri Mm In, 'l lic
' f r (nil ijimliiy of llm iUiiklii to Ih tli"l
. hi tin- roin.lrnrt!kii ol mii'ti tiiur fool ai-'r-
.t I li , ami tin- niHiincr ol Wviiik ami Kink
Hi 'I.iH ii tlm hiiiiii- h 1 1 ii 1 1 roiil'iriii in nil rr
' l"'tli-iit onn anil niniiin-r of laying fl'iil
: li'iil'lthK milinlkii ol olhi-r aliltha III ()r
U'i'1 t'ltw r&ri'i't tttnl tl h!iu!l ii'it lm m-ci'-,
niy I i Imvi- i-urh in the tiin.'-liilir ol Ii-
;k "f lour IrW In with ii mcli iii.lm-
-r i.nl -Ir.itH in lr-i"in III.'. Milt tin
! i'IIIi of tin- ti mr In lull I not M-ci-.l ri;l,l
; 1 1 ii tii'M,
i-- I. All ortllinOii-i-i mnl purt of ori!
', naiii'i in roil lllnl ailli II. ii oiiliiiani'v ur
! I. iti I.-,- r-'i'i'iil- i.
lNu'1 tr-l ti'iu mnl ufli-r-'l ' i I'll tln-'l nt
j n rffulHi' 'iii-itint' nf tin- Cily t'lHinril ol
; i iii-L-.m I 'n v In I I J inn- I'm I
j lit iiiiIit ol lln- I ilv t .iuin il of Ori-Kon
iiiuvi: c. ci i:i:v,
oiiiuvtM i:
Km a at hriii'iin.. Kim on Snmlay j
ili'i-lrnvi"! the hhm mill I'lmit ami a ipiaii- I
lity ol ol liiinlii'i l.i'lfiiiuiim to William i
MiM'linkii, of Muiliiil, Una county. Mr.'
Mni-hiikn had otdy iwpntly Hiu'nil hia
mill Willi 1-om-iilt-raliln lu-w iiiHrlnntiry I
and i-aliinalea hia loaa at I'.'.'idO, Willi m
iiiMiranre. Tlm Urn alaitnl from a iilt-
ol InirtiitiK bhWiIiihI, tlm .llaint'a liviiiil !
rmivrvrd to tin null by the wind. Mr. :
Miii-liiiki' waa iiinonn ho aiilli-rpra in the j
liuihrr firi-a Ihhi fall, whi-n hia Inline and
oilii-r bnililitiKa wt-ru hiirtii-d at a lona ol j
llKnl'N WoiiK on Kli.l. A lare force ;
of ini-ii -ni'lii.M-il by the Oregon Water I
1'owi-r ami liulluay ( iiiiiiaiiy ban bi'ttnn
innkiiiK the exti'liHive lill that ban in-i'ii
limlirlakcn by I be cniiiiiny between the
('lackaniNH liver and Una city. About
one ami a iiiaitt-r inllr of Irt-nllu will be
irplii I by ilii I lill. Karth for inakinit
the till in beiiii; olitaiiu'd at Kern Knlc
ami traiiapoited by Hal cara to I he plare
ol liradititf. The iiraila of the atreet Car
cniiiiany'a track w lien the lill baa born
inaile, will be about tlm name ai that of
the Southern Pari lie railroad track.
fine Hiljourninu, Friday, the county court
awanli d to JoluiHon iV Andrewa, of thia
city, Die contract for buildiiiK an'' addi
tion to Ihe rouit hoiirie and reinoiieliiiK
the interior of that building for flMOO.
The original bid of thli firm waa $lL'!i4,
but an erior in Iheir vntiinalH waa ilia
covereil that made I he total of the bid
t:j7h'. The ci tut ave the bid to the local
til in for $:MIK), aiuce I lie next hiulieHl bid
waa about l4.ri(H). Work will la-uin al
once and the contract will be
by September. The recitation of Mini
tiupHic Minlilock na deputy county t rum
mer waa accepted and hereafter the
woik ol that department will lie per
formed by I'reanurer Culiill.
IIiinouki) Fhatkknal k a i Willam
ette Kulln ('limp, Woodmeii of the World,
of thia city, conducted annual iiu'inoriiil
aervirea Sumlay in honor ol the deceiiced
liiemberK of the local IoiIl-c. No death
An ordinance lo d-thm the lire litnil o'
in-k-on ( ilv ami pr-iliioii ttie rriciion mnl
ii pair of wooileii Iji t 1 tl i tiK1 iltuii ancli
I 'lllon.N ClTV Imi iikIHIN A Fnl.lrfiwa:
I liai tin- a ll ilt-ol KliH-lm nuiiil'-ri-il One
1 1 1, To (;'). Three Four tl), Five CO,
sn (ii(, Seven Ci, Ki-lit (a. Nine !lj,
rntv-iine fj, Tweniy two 2J), Tireniy
three (."!, Twenty lour Taenty live
rweiilv-eix Jlij, Twenly.w vrn I'.T),
I'aeniv eitrii t f JJ, and Twenty nine iij ol
Oreuiiii City, Oreiion, he ami are hereby ile
rlareil wnlilii ihe lire limits ol Urrgon City,
fec 'J. All linlldiiiK herealter erected
a lliiri Ihe Iiih llniili liail have thur cull-
, nlei walls and party walla male ol brick
i -nun- or ullirr IniMinhiiKtilile mat) rial, ami
; mi ll oiiI-iIiIh walls ami narty walls sliall
jeii-ml from Hie loiiu latinn Id the top ol
anil iliri'ii):1! the root ol sanl liuil lint.-s, anil
j i nr r.itn snail nt- rin ereu wu n no or anuie
nili.T l r 1 1-. 1 1 I 1 1 -1 ilile man rial, and the
alls nluill be so r.iii-.ruiii'il as to separate
' a I wood work, Ihinoulily and coni hirlv
it i he irterlor and exterior ol such build-
j ma. Irnm all and every part of the interior
i anil rderior of any no joiniiiK bulhliiiK.
Sec .'I. All repaiis lo huililiiiK" construct-
'edufbiirk, atone or other incoiiitiuslible
I materliil, sliail be made to cunlorm to this
' No wooden liulUlinirs within the aaid tire
i limns shall be altered or chafed without
the written periiiiaion of the Cliief Knui
; neerol (he Fire Department, which permit
' ftiail specify fully the alteration or change
I ri ipilri'd, and no audi permit shall be given
i: any Increase will he made by the pro
i Meii chanite or alteration in ilie air.e ol
; in i y wnndeii huililiiiK within the said fire
limits, or if such repair) or alterations w ill
I inert bm' the value ol audi tniililins more
I linn Tbiity-three per cent.
I I lia application therefor and a copy ol
I each ol such permits shall be tiled i i the
I I illice of the Cilv iiecorder by the Chief
I I Inducer ol Ihe Fire Department.
Sec. S. No bnilititiK within said tile lint
. i i ns snan ne leinoveo except ui a Hruoil oi
I erio men ; ,., nll Ri,,.i, it mn hav hLoihI In
make riMim lor more permanent improve
ment, or to a point without the lire limits
iml tin liiilliliiiK shall he moved into (he
lire limits.
Sec. ti. Whenever any ImildinK ahull be
M' any means so much injured as to be, in
the jiidniuei t of Ihe Chiel Mutineer of the
fire Department a danuirniiB nuisance, or
when any wnoileu lui liliii w ilnin the lire
Inn III shall, in the JmlKinent of t.n- Chief
Knirmeer ol the Kire lepartinent be ilam
ni il to the extent ol oio'-IihII or more ol its
having occurtetl within the, iiietnberidiip i "''"'a1 'a11"-- " '"(, I'.uKimerol (be lj.re
of the Oregon Cily lo.lne durinu lliu past ' ""1'iir'me.it shall ininiVhatt ly cause to be
1..M Mil 1.. I.u o ..nil,-, l
iuiveiled, but tloral tributca were diafri
buled upon Hut graves of depurted tiu-tn-beia
ill Moiiiiluin View ccnietetv by the
liu-nibi ra of the local cauin. Therit are
inleireil in the local ceineti ry tin-follow-drceilHi'd
liicmlieis: II. S. Strange,
J. Stock, Ii. K. l aniher, .1. l'l itrluird,
l. I), l'liine, C. Pciiner, J, K. Shepherd,
W. ('. Iliilta, Maurice Urodenck, II.
Kicheii and S. Slimlle.
'i Hi t ml t hern if, a notice reipurinK such
ow ner or per-on to remove said iliunnKeil
hniidinK loithwith, ami the owner or per
mn rii.eivini! su h noltee shall, w ithin ten
il'iys iilier receivliiK (he saine, comply with
the ri-'iuiri'inents lln ri-. f.
Sic. 7. Dwel.ui houses us dittoed in
t lits i r ilnanee are excepted Ironi (he pro-vi-ti
nis ot this oritinanti'.
I lie term uwellinn PTrTise ahull only np-
Tiik Latk Mkk. IIaiu'k. Mra. Mar
)iart I liaick, of l'oitlnnd, died laht Friday
ni'ht at 1 10 homo ol her ijmiyliter, Mrs.
Otto I'euto, in this city. She waa about
ti'.) years old and had reitided in Oregon
for" i!5 yeara. I'eatli reaulled from a
atroke of apopotdoxy the previoua Satur
day eveuiiiK. llur husband died in 1SK2
and Bhe leaves aix dannlilera as follows :
Mrs. Anna Joelinke, of Mount Pleasant;
Mrs. Matilda Meiiteand Mrs. Otto Deute.
ol Oregon City; Miea Clara itarck, ol
ChicBKo, Mrs. Minnie Duniwayand Miss
Helena Itarck, of 1'ortland. lturiul took
place Sunday, after funeral services con
ducted at the First l'reatiyterian church
in this city. A great profusion of floral
ollerinx" toetiliud to the hi;li esteem in
whirli the de.eased was behl in this
community, wlie-re the resided, for bo
many years.
ply lo luiilillnL's erected frrr and used exclu
Mvely as a hitntly hahiliition and shall not
nii ly to iniildiiiKH occupied -iiy mora than
two latnilies.
Sec. M Tne provisions of this ordinance
shall apply lo the owners of all bmldiiit;s,
situated within the limits prescribed In sen
ium one ol this ordinance, the aijent of said
owners, the occupants of said buihlirfi:s ami
I tie builders and con tractors of all huihliiiKS
in course of construction or repair within
said limits; ami any owner, ant, occu
pant, builder, con tractor or person violating
any of the provisions of this ordinance shall
lie deemed guilty ol a misdemeanor and
upon conviction' thereof before the Mayor
i.r Recorder be punished by a tine of iiot
less than Twenty-live Dollars or more slian
One Hundred Dollars or hy imprisonment
in the city jail not more than ninety days,
or hy both such fine and iniprisovnient,
atid the continuance or maintaining of such
violation shall he deemed a new ollense tor
each day on which the same ii so continued
or maintained and shall be punished ac
cordingly. Sec. tl. The Chief Engineer of the Fire
Department la directed to see that the pro-
ti i .. xi . 1 H.n ..i i ina oi in is ordinance areemorceii.
Hki.d Li thy Nt miikr. Id the annual . . . ,,lpH ...uu,.,,. .
distribution of priaee hy a California pa , (l nieetlK of tne council held
jier, Chas. Albrinht, ol this city, M one j ;t i hi, hy order of (he City Couucll of
if the lucky subscribers. He lias been
notilied that lie wins a piano. Two years
ago a resident of this city received flO,-
OreKOii (. .IV, Urruoii.
S. Webb,
TIse-t'isenlilenC Womm'a firm
rrHllr iiitiaol ormer Olilu,
"I ircttii the change of life which
wu lid a;jiro4i.hlii(. I nutictd Win
of O'llti, fiul dcudtd to try a bot
tle. I experienced torn relief (he
llrtt munih, io I kept oa Ukiat, it far
three miinthi and now I mcnttruaU
with no pain and I thill U.c it off and
on now until I have pancd the climax."
Female weakness, disordered
inensei, falln n i f tl.u womb and
ovarian troubles do not wear off.
Tlicy follow awotuan to thechanife
of I. fe. Do not w,;it bat taliu Wine
of (.'iu-'lui iio'.v iiuil avoid the trou
ble. Uineof ( ardiii never fails
to benefit a snf fi ririflr woniiui of
any aie. W ine of Cardui relievivl
.Mrs. Webb w hen she wni in dan
ger. When you route to the chunp-n
of lifii .Mrs. Webb's letb-r will
moan more to you than it does
now. Hut you nmy now avoid the
sulferinr; i-lie endured. Ifriit'iiist.-!
U'llfl bottles oru me of ( itrdui.
O '-v j u Mux
O am sia-a-l.i.
I V nvill III IIIHk.lV I 1M
-4 a p -mim
We are offering special opening price inducements that will
save you money at the beginning of the season.
Highest Quality
Lowest Price
Can they go together? This is a question naturally every one could
ask, because to the average mind bigh pi ices wiuld mean bight
quality. But is that right? No. So many stores get a reputation for
high quality by charging high prices because the idea of low prices
brings the thought of mean quality. New our store is an ardent
example of the fact that high quality and low prices can go together.
. We have just received a new addition to our immense stock
that is the celebrated llawe's New York f$ oo Hat, which we have
in all the latest styles, and every hat bears a full gaurantee to give
good wear or money refunded. A visit to oar store will convince
Clothier ahd Haberdasher
Corner 6;h and Main Streets OREGON CITY, OREGON.
Kxpi-tislve Krror-i (invc
t -sl In Viicniit-r
l.xpensive enora on (He part of the
local li-.im in theliist two iuimiijN cost
the t liejiiiu ('it team th- nntne lat Sun-
I .i y In the Vancouver Maroons in the
Inn rst.iie l.ea.'iu- bv the f ore of li to 4.
I.etto, fur Ori-L'nn City, pitched the be-t
name that w as ever witnessed at Cine
mall Park but ui'h a dioti!.tiiix -d team
w.ih pootly ailppoiied. lln etrm k out
nine men and kvive, tlm nin-in ti-atn
tint three lii's Howard, for Ihe visitnri".
pei milted the home teem to score nine
Inta The Vancouver Iwitler, however,
bad splendid support. The batteries
were Howard ami Suras, for Vancouver;
I.HI0 and Kreitz lor Oieon City. Chas.
(ilels, of Portland, umpired the name.
The score bv iiiniiiL'S waa as follow a :
Maroons '.'1010101 0 (i
Hits I 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 l-;i
Oreunn City 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 :i 4
Hits 0 10 2 110 1 3 It
Mil lee nf Atuinnl School .Mpetitu.
:.. I i .. i .i
police ia nereov (fiven io ine le-iai votJ
era ol Sclimd District .No H2. Clackamas
conntv, State of Oregon, that the annual
school meetiiiK for said district will tie
held at the conniy court room in Oregon
('ilv, On-iron, to beitin at the hour of
7 :o0 o'clock P. M. on the 3rd Monday,
bein the l.'ilh day of June, l'.ni;!, for the
purpose ol eutiinittinu the annual report
of the ilirectora and cletk and the Iran
aactiiiK of netieral business, and at the
Hit mi limu tin question of refondiiiK
000 ol the exiating indebtednrsa nf the
diatrict which matures July lat, i"03,
will be submitted to the ical voters
present for action .
Dated l ti is 5th day of June, l!0.!.
C. H. Cai-fiki.d,
C. O. T. Williams, Chairman.
Distiict Clerk.
2,'iHJ miles of onj -lis-!
tatice ti-li-jilioup wire .i I
Orcfion, Washiiiptoi ,C'ali-!
fornia nii'l Iilalio now in !
oM-ratii)ii W the laci tic '
Stittinn Teli-plione Com I
puny, covering 2,'2"i1j
Quick, iiccurate, chea
All the satisfaction of 8
personal communication j
instance no etieel to a
clear understanding. Spo
kane and San Francisco
as easily heard as Portland.
Oregon City office at
Harding's Dru Store.
on Main Street, opposite
Electric Hotel. ; Formerly
occupied by the Columbia.
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and
All kinds of Repairing neatly done
and warranted.
Double and Single Rigs, and mi
die horses always on hand at the
lowest prices. A corral) connected
with the barn for loose stock.
Information regarding any kind or
stock piotnptly attended to by person of
letter .
Horses Boueht and Sold.
Horses Boarded and Fed on reason
ble terms.
A Mc-rlous, .M Intake.
E. C. DeWitt k Co. is the name of the
firm who make the genuine Witch Hazel
Salve. I e Win's is the Witch Hazel
Salve that heals without leaving a scar.
It ia a serious mistake to use any other.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cures blind,
bleedinif, itching and" protruding piles,
burns, hruinea, eczema and all skin dis
eases. Sold by (ieo. A. Harding.
Kodak and Kodak Developing Machine
Makes Photography very Simple
Put a Kodak in Your Pocket
and slip a Developing Machine in your suit case
and you are prepared to take and finish anywhere
The latest novelties in millinery,
on Miss (joldhinith.
Thonsand3 Hare Kidney Trouble
and Don't Know It.
'vv'' J W t Xf"il unhealthy condi-
rrrfi H.y-W.V tion of Uie kld
XXlXWtfWfW ney: tf it stains
now To Find Out.
Fill a bottle or common gla.-a with your
water and let It stand twenty-four hours; a
. rt . . sediment or set-
I ' r-- . 7 llincr tn.firat an
your linen it Is
evidence of kid
ney trouble; too
frequent desire to
pass It or pain in
the back is al:o
convincing proof that the kidneys and blad
der are out of order.
What to Do.
There Is comfort In the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every
wish In curing rheumatism, pain In the
back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part I'
ol the urinary passage. It corrects Inability
to hold water and scalding pain In passing
it, or bad effects following use of liquor,
wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant
necessity of being compelled to go often i
during the day, and to get up many times
during the night. The mild and the extra
ordinary effect of Swamp-Root Is soon
realized. It stands the highest for Its won
derful cures of the most distressing cases.
If you need a medicine you should have the
best. Sold by druggists in 50c. and $1. sizes.
You may have a sample bottle of this
wonderful discovery
ana a dook mat tensip-' ;,rrw t
more aoout it. bom sent -
absolutely free by mail, iSyb
address Ur. Kilmer ec Room of swamp-Root,
Co.. Blnghamton, N. Y. When writing men
tion reading this generous offer In this paper.
Don't make any mistake, hut remem
ber the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Koot, and the a.lJret-s, Bing
bamton, N. Y., oo every bottle.
tf 5s mi I
Pocket Kodaks
Large Size Kodaks
Kodak Developing Machines
Broyiie Camera
Brownie Developing Machine
from $G.0O to $25.00
$5.00 to $75.00
$GO0 to $ 7.50
$1.00 & $ 2.00
We also have the Toco, Premo, Korona and Century
Cameras, which we ofler at greatly reduced prices.
Our Stock of Photographic Supplies is always fresh
We give instructions free. Any one wishing to do
their own work are always welcome to use our dark room
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ideal Bicycles
and a full line of Bicycle Sundries
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Burmeister & Andresen