OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE FRIDAY JUNE 12, 1903 Correspondents are. reipieated to re new their work. We will supply all necessary stationery. The news (nun your ntiltlHrlio(Hl shuuld appear in these columns every week. The busy season i past you should renew your correspondence work. l.ojan. The weather is warm, warm, wanner, warmest. Cherries ami strawberries are getting ripe. Miss Elsie Falleit spent Saturday ami Sumlay at her home near I.oan. Neal Smith, of Loisan, w ho was badlv hurt by a log rolling on him, is reported a little belter. Miss Iva Olmstead, who is attending business college in Portland, came out to the luange on Saturday, the tith inst. Mrs. Spn gue Logan is the pos-sessor of a brand new surrey. Some low-down miscreant tore down the mail boJes betweeu Stone and Lo gan on a certain Thursday niht, about 9 or 10 o'clock. Some one w ilt be put on bread and w atei diet if he don't go Blow. Who fays we are not becorninii me tropolitan. One beggar and two agents in town lately. The climate here does not seem to agree with book agents. F. S. Hutching has improved the en trance from the road by some tine stone Heps to the front gate. A great many people from here attend ed the session of the State Grantee at Oregon City. Next tune a delegation of Grangers visits your town perhaps hotel keei eis will learn that Urant-ers have appetites and prepare accordingly. Harding Grange met in regular se f ion on Saturday, lit ti inft. Fifty-six aM-enitileU lor the work of the order. nr visitors were present. Five candi dates received the degrees of the order. Committee reports consumed considera ble time, and w hen dinner was announc ed everyone had a good appetite, which was soon relieved, for there was enough and to spare. A iienerons box was rilled and sert to an altlicted family. The contest between the ''Harding flust ers" ami "Logan Lookouts" was con cluded in the afternoon in favor of the ' Hustlers" by five points. At the next meeting the "Lookouts'' will serve a treat for the "Hustlers." The young lulks weie tendered a vote of thanks foi the entertainment they had furni-hed the members and the interett manilest ed. They have made great improve ment in six months. Mrs. Fred Geiber spent Saturday anil Sunday at Gresham with her husband, who is employed there. btafturtl The school is making preparations for a weight social on the evening of rrulay, the 1-th, to raise money to get a school rla!, a praiseworthy object, and should he liberally patronized. Mrs. Weieenborn and daughter, Mrs. Polivka, and Mrs. Borland visited at Mrs. Game's Wednesday. On Saturday, the tith, Bee Gage, who has been attending the Stafford school and will shoitly return to ber home in Tiliamook, entertained twelve of her young schoolmates from 1 till 5 P. M. Gaines under the trees and swinit in the big barn helped to pass the ail-too short aiternoon, and after a lunch all returned to their homes, tired ljut happy. Those present were Clara and Carrie Whealtie, Martha and Mary Scherive, Susie and Anna Schattz, Gertrude KlleKsen, Julia Weddle, Ellen Coudit, Clara Uldenstadt, Matie l'emperine, and Lottie Borland, and Miss Norman, the teacher, and .Miss Whealtie, the minister's daughter, who kindly helped to entertain the young gir's and make it a red letter day in their lives, long to be remembered. Mark Baker is very handy to have ar&und in gooseberry time. It is safe to bet that each girl gets lots of berries when Mark helps. Miss Kate Wetd is visiting her silsr, Mrs. Weddle. Henry Schattz has a promise ol a large I crop of onions for the size of the pate i put in. C. M. Gage, of St. Helen's visited at the old home, returning down the river Wednesday afternoon. He reports the river rising rapidly at St. Helens and the mill shut down. The weather went op to the superla tive deuree, but on Tuesday it took a slump. Possibly the committee got enough names upon their petitition to submit the rjuettion to the people, the tirst successful referendum in Oregon. Little Switzerland could do no better. Carni. Cams is having very warm weather at present. Mr. F.d Howard and family, Frank Shoenbnrn and Nell Stevens spent Sun day at Mrf. Faust 'a. Mr. and Mrs. Slater, of Portland, and Mr. Eastman, of Oregon City, took din tier at B. Faust's Monday. Chris Bull and Mary Hornslmh, of Oregon City, spent Sunday at 11. Horn shuh's. The Maple Lane nine played the Cams nine Sunday afternoon. A large crowd witnessed the game. Mother's Ear a womo im moTMmm-m mtm i mnmrn mummmtt ah imrtmr, ako im rum month that com aoa that run, SCOTT'S EMULSION mummvmm Turn kmtha mrmtmoTM Amo uuwixvorr mo mmcmtmr mom rum HMALTM Of MOTH MOTHER AMO CHILD. Send for free sample. STWT KOW.NE, ChenrHtt, 409-41$ Peari .-itreet. N ew York. yjt. and 1.00 ; an druggiau. Colds " I had a terrible cold and could hardly breathe. 1 then tried Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral, and it gave me im mediate relief." V. C. Lr.vton, Sidcll, 111. t 1 .... 11' . 1 . How wi,'l your couh be tonight? U'ors?, prob ably, for it's first a cold, then a cou;.;h, then bron chitis or pneumonia, end at last consumption. Coughs always tend downward. Stop this downward tendency by taking Ayer's Cherry Pec toral. Tarn iltM : 2k.. Stt. St. Alt entity Cotuutt your doctor, tf he urt take It, then rio ai mt. If lie tell't you mil l take II. tln-n don't uke II. He kuuwe. Leeve II with him. We ar wllllne. J. C. AY KK CO.. Lewell. Maaa. Emma Inskeep took dinner with Ber tha Spmigler Sunday. v Martyri Christenson, of Union Mills, was the guest of Winnie Howaid Sunday evening. Alice Purant took dinner Sunday even ing with Kachel and Maggie 1Cwn. Viola. C. G. Stone and family have moved to Vancouver. Miss Jennie Exon was visiting her giandpareiits. Mr. and Mrs. W. X. May, at Oregon City, one day last week. Charles Miller is having his house r modeled. Charles Tallman, of CUrks, bought three Jersey cows Irom J W. Exon last week. Wm. Brow n has gone to Albany for a few days. The S. T. R. R. Co. very promptly and satisfactorily settled with J. W. Kxoti for smashing his wagon. Eva Mattoon la working for Mrs. Geo. Hicinhhthem. J. Sevier is slowly recovering from his sickness. ilnmaarus. Pretty warm here Sunday; the ther mometer registered ninety-lour. F. M. Osborn and w i fe attended church at Stone Sumlay. Earl Elliott and wife, of Powell's Val ley, were guet-ts of .'. C. Elliott Suudav Frank Grimm, of Molalla, was visiting relatives and friends here Saturday and Sunday. W. J. Howlett and wile, of Eagle Creek, made A. W. Cooke and wife a pleasant call last Thursady. Hairy Feathers has purchased a fine new buggy. Now, girls, get ready ; see who will get the first ride. We are glad to report that Mrs. Fritz Matthias lias so far recovered from her late illness that she is able to be up again. The dance given by Herman Ritzau Sa'urday, June tith, was a complete suc cess, both socially and financially. It Bounds real nice to hear the Bob White ii tils whistling. Tne first one was heard in this vicinity Sunday George Derry, wife and daughter vis ited Mrs. Merry's mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Starkweather, of Concord, Sunday. Dyspepsia Cure Diaests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestams and digest all kinds ol food. It g ves instant re'icf and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the 'ood you want. Tlu; most sensitive stomachs can take it. Hy its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It A unequalled for all stomach, troubles. It can't help but do you good Propared only hy E. 0. ImsWitt k (C, Uilrano TJie 1. tioVUb contains!! ',4 UnieattiuuUc Ma If you want to buy a mower nr hay rake, get prices at Wilson & Cooke be fore you buy. You will save money. The Oregon City Band meets regularly for practice and is developing into a musical organization of which the city may feel proud. It is now up to the cit izens and business men of the commu nity to arrange for the giving during the summer of band concerts several even ings each week. The boys are willing to furnish the music, which is certainly enough for them to do. They think the citizens should provide a suitable place for the holdings of these concerts. At the present time the city is without a band stand, hut the people of the com munity should Bee that such a building is erected that concerts may be given regularly throughout the summer. Bhubel. Shubel school closed last Friday. Mrs. Moennke has taught a very successful term. An interesting program was ren dered and was followed by a pie social ; $10.50 was raised for the purpose of buy ing a flag for the school. Miss Mildred and Elnora Ginther were home on a visit for a few days last week. Miss Lena Hornschuch, who has been visiting friends at Salem, has returned Lome. The people of our neighborhood were called from their homes at noon Sunday to b!p put ont the fire which broke out in Will Moehnke'a sawmill. The mill was burned down, and all that was saved was a few loads of lumber. t ight Will lie HUtor. Those who persist in cloning their ear against the continual recommendation of Or. King a New Ihaeoverv (or Conuiut tion, wilt have a long and bitter light with their troubles, if not ended" earlier by fatal termination. Read what T. K Heal I, of Beall, Miss., has to sav : "Last fall mv wife had every svinptom of con sumption. She took IV. King' New Discovery after everything else had hilled, linprovemeiit came at once and four hnttles entirely cured her. Guar anteed by tieo. A. Harding, Hrutigist Price ROc and fl tX). Trial bottles free For Young Men and Young Women, There is nothing that will arouse the ire of a young mat) or woman soipiick as to have interior laundry work put oil nu them. They may dress ever so well, but if their shirt front or shirt waist is niussv, their neat apitearance is spoiled The Troy Laundry makes a specialty of ls.dlt'9 ami gentlemen a line wotk. There can be no belter work than ia done at the Troy. Leave your orders at John son's barber shop. If you don't got the Entbhi kisk you don't get the news. O WAV Ol T. ItcslilriitM of On-tfon City ,4r lio u th Hay, Only one way to cure a bad back . Liniment and plasters may relieve it; Tliev won't cure it. Backache means sick kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills cure all kidney ills. Read a case of it : Mrs. J. l. Kennedy, who resides at "SO Corbetl street, Portland, ssns: "I have been altlicted with kldnev trouh'e for thirty years, and for the past twenty vears I have never beeo entirely (roe from it in some form or other. I suf fered terribly from backache and could hardly stoop over ami got Up again. Trouble Jroin the kidney sscretions ex isted. At times I was greatly blunted, my feet swelled to twice their natural si.o, mid 1 was seldom without a luster on my back to ease the pain. 1 dm tor ed a great deal and used morn medi cines than any one person could carry. Go to Wilson Cooke for Aardeii tools, such as hoes, rakes, Ac. If you want strictly up-todate Milli nery, call on Miss C. Goldsmith. THE LOCAL NEWS. Cups and mirrors free at Chanmin A Co.'s drug store. See their adv. The 12-year-old of James Man tell Tuesday and received a severe scalp wound. Bob. fhe three-fourths Pendn-on stal lion, will make the season ul l'.H).! at my place, 2.'.. niihs northeast of Corrinsville. Terms: tt to insure in foal, navahle when 1 mare is know n to be in foul or purled with. J. W. Dowry. Falls City Lodge, A. (). U. W., will serve refreshments to the members Sat urday evening, June 13, l'.Mj:j. There w ill he an impromptu program. Wilson Sc Cooke carry a complete line of all kinds of funning implements, such as plows, harrows and cultivator'; also hay tools of all kinds, such as hay forks, carriers and pulleys. Beaver Creek. G. Thomas has conquered his wild bronchi , and has now started to haul wood. We are all very sorry to hear that the Michael Moehuke Si Son sawmill burned to the ground last Saturday morning, at a loss of !()II0, without any insurance. This is the second time for this unlucky lamiiytobe burned out in less than a year. Won't the fire ever stop? John Wolf was parading the streets here this week. A large number of the Beaver Creek young folks attended the pie social at the Shubel school house, and all enjoyed a good time. Rev. Bruce, of the Presbyterian ch'irch, will deliver a sermon to young men, and w ishes all to attend. Come one, come all, and bring your girls. Beaver Creek and Shubel have organ ized baseball teams. Go to Wilson Sc Cooke buy a sickle grinder. if you want to The best washing machine that was ever invented is carried by Wilson & Cooke. Fully guaranteed, All Pattern Hats reduced. J5 Miss C. Goldsmith. Oregon I'llr Market Report. (Corrected Weekly.) J Wheat- No. 1, 70c per bushel. Flonr Portland, $4 00 per bbl. $1.05 per sk. Howard's Best, $1.05 per sack. Oats in sacks, white, $1 to $1.25 per cental, gray, Hay old Timothy, bales, $15 per ton; loose, $8 to $11 per ton. Clover $12; Oat, $10; mixed hay, $10. Millstuffs Bran, $22.00 per ton shorts, $23.00 per ton ; chop, $21.00 per ton, barley, rolled, $20.00 per ton, Potatoes 40c to 50c per hundred lbs. Eggs Oregon, 14c to 15c per dozen,' Butter Ranch, H0c to 40c per roll. Onions, choice, 5d to 75c per cwt. Dried apples.Oc to 7c per lb. Prunes, (dried) petittv3c per lb; Ital ian, large, 5c per Ib.'mediutn, 3Jc; Silver. 4. Cabbage (new), 2!c per lb. Rhubarb 2c per pound. Gooseberries 5c per pound. Apples, 75c to $1. Dressed chickens, 10 to 12 c per lb. Livestock and dressed meats; beef, live, $4.00 to $4.50 per hundred. Hogs, live 5)2 to 0 cts; hogs, dressed, 8 to 8jc; sheep, 3to3c; dressed, 7to8cts; veal, dressed. 5 to (ic; lambs, live, ic; lambs, dressed, 6,'c to 7 Wanted Competent stenographer and typewriter. Box 340. bregon City. Ore gon City girl preferred. AT THE TOP. Tt la a laudnlilr ambition to reach the top of the ladder of success. Hut many a tnaa wno rrafnta me topmost rung 6uils bi position torment initi ad of a triumph, lie has aactilii'rd Ilia feraltll loaiiccesa. A man ran sue cred and be strung if he llrriU Nalliir'a warn ings. Whrn tliiMe is imliKe'lliin, loss of appetite, ringing in thr ears, di.jinrM, puts hi'ioir li e evra ir palpita tion of til- IiimiI : any or all of thi-r svrrip lorus point lo w rus point to r:uiu 1 v;'v i III lna of ntilutliill. Al(..'J r. PirUT'C..i!drn Mivj. fvr"', nl IliM-tivriy la t u c f v i ami Dr. icnl medicine to tin 11 to. iJ.ooorOKIIllTmtlbe paid liy the W01I1I a I'm prnssry Mrdual A-. . nation, Pioprir'.nta, Huf. falo, N. Y.,il"lliry rmtmt aluiw the tit initial na ture of the iinlivulti d volim - ternnu the testimonial Ik-Ihw and iiImi ul tin- voili i.nl every U'sutnoumi iiuiotig- trie thou sands which lliry aie constantly puhtisll- ing, tliua pmviiiK tlirir (frniiimneaa. "I'or shout lo nr I mi Ternt from a rrry olialiiintr i-i.r ol il .r (.-.( 1 " wntr K. K. Siiimf, . ul it I' iil.-ui r . Top r. 1. liiitnrlo. M trietl a strut lurulw' ,. rtmrihr without atic- cr I Rim.-!v l..-.t i.oili iu thrra all. I w fur xoiie I1. at I con.. I not . i a l,.:,a liuir l.rur anv oltil i.m .1 in mv nriiin, )i; Irll iiirlutu-lioly atut ilrreiu ! Coel.l hot iorri not loilotv mv lKvliuiti.n. S.ne tour mo-itli. .u;o a Irlrml mtiiiiiiiriiitr.l .,iir t..it,ti-n Mr.'u.il IiK-ovt iv. After a wroL R t If :l lilt-Tit lilt. I rlrnvr-l mi much beitrtit Hint I co:uim;. tl . ii.r .tcit'r . I Inivc taken Ihlec U.tll.. - . 1 n lit c. io in l It ll.il ill my caw u.co!iii'ti-:M ! .1 im-yiii,i 111 cure Call coil-Klclltlou.lv rrtolunieuil It to tor lllou- aaintot iIi-ikoiu-. t' 1 -i m 1I.1 i.uit - The "Com mi in Sct.se M. dical Advi-cr,k lor later puce. 111 j aper i-oi-cra, ii ci-.t on receipt of ;i i.tu n .s'.i-iini o piv ri. peiwe ul ri' Hut; 0'1'y. Adult l)t. K. V. icrct, lluil.iiu, M. V. The Knterpri-e $1.50 Mr year. BEST FOR THE BOWELS If jtin htTn't ri lr, blitiy tnnvftcDntnf th bownii ovry tlr, you' t 1U r will bo, Kp youff bowii ci-rtt, Biid fi wl. Porro. la tti lift,' vtolnnt phytlo or pill iolou. U tlitfrtm. Th mtMithfMt, iMlrtt tit at twrlVrl way wX llMpiuj Xh9 bowala civc ti4 cUu la to uk CANDY CATHARTIC EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY riMK'it, I'alalalila. Potent, Tmta Onnil, T O.mhI, .Sovrr Sicken, Waa-D orOrlu 19, la anil llenti p-rbui. V.'rltnfurroaam(ila,aail tKM'k luloa health. Aildma til ttarllnt Rcnttfr Comcarrr, Chicago r He York. KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN jt'iixul Catftrrli quickly yieWi to treat ment by Kly'a Croam Halm, which ia ngn--ably aroinntio. It is received through tho noutrils, cleai'KCS and heula th whole sur face ovor which it dilfuai-a itnelf. DmggiaU ill the Me. Bite; Trial sis by until, 10 cents. Test it and you are suro to coutiuue the trcatuii lit, Announcoiiioiit. To accoimnoilatu thoso who are partial to tho use of atimii.ors in applying IniuiiU into tho DOKftl panHnge for entiinhul truiu Ui t, the proprietors prepare Cream Halm iu liquid form, which will be known as Kly's Liquid Cream Halm. Price including tho praying tube i 7."centH. DniggisU or by mail! Tin) liquid form embodioa Uia mod iciual proportit of tho solid preparation. A 4'tl) llUluhe. Blunders are eoinelirnes very ex'n Hive. Occasionally life ilaelf is iIih price of a liiistHke, hut you'll never be wrong if you take Pr. King's New Life I'ilN fur l)Hpepsia, I )i . 1 iii'mh . Ileudaclie, Liver or Bowel troubles. They are gentle, yet thorough. -); ut lieu. A. Huriling's llrug Stole. I Mil i r I ii 1 .1 Ih Mniicy to I.iiiih. At (1 and 7 per cent. Call on or write J no. W. LoilKII, Cireguil City Oregon Stevens' building. j Dancing School! TURNKY will conduct a dancing nchool at Beaver Creek II a 1 I. Meet every Tuenday Evening. Dance BtartH at S o'clock riharp; cIoho at 12. A d in i 8 8 i o n CO Cents: : : : LADIES FEE E : DR. FENNER'S KIDNEY and Backache All diseases of Kidneys, Bladder, Urinary Organs. A Ln D t...ma.l am tlanl. CURE ache.HeartDlBOaHB 6ravel. Dropsy, ttmo.it Troubles. Don't become dlieonraged. Tbera li cureforyou. If ii:iHsury wrIW 1 Jr. reiiner lie lias nperit a lite IIiiih riirirnt Just aucli cases as yours. All consultations Free. "Eluht months In lied, lieavy liuckache, pain and soreness aM'niss kidneys, also rlieu matism. Cltber ri-rnedles failed. I'r. l-en-ner n Kidney and II. irk hi-he Cure cured me completely. II. WATKIW, Ilamlot, N. V." r)riieitlsts.50c.,ll. Aik forf'onk Hook-Fres. CT UlTHC'flAL'PC Hiir:ure.Clrriilr. Iir Ol.VIIUO UAflULKcuiior. O'ridouiu.N.y For Sale by Cbartnan & Co Huntley Brothers IiiIm a Doctor Sponge lias u very largo prnctiro, lut it would ho imicli larger if jkoj1o only know what an excellent t.hyBiciun hois generally ami how moderato aro hin ohargon. Those who tlo know him thoroughly cmihln't ho iiuluc ttl to givo him up. llo comeH in all wies at all prices you may huy a hig mift upon go forTftc and you may buy a soft spongy sponge for Tie. You may also get soft ppongy sponges in tlillerent sizes ami prices be tween these. When you 'buy a spongo from us you get just the kind of a sponge you want ut just the prieo you want to pay. Wo aro especially strong on sponges, and tho knowledge wo have of tho article is knowledge that is worth money to you. Try ono iu your hath to morrow try one on the baby use it for everything. Buggy sponges at special prices. j : HOWELL , Reliable (lardo CIIAMHKIH II0WKI.L 0. R. & H-i Oregon Short Line and Union Pacific THREE TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY Through I'ullmati atiiinlard and Tour ist sleeping cum daily to Oiuiiha, Chicago "jiokaiic; tiutrit alecping cur a daily to Kun-aa I ity; through l'ulluiiin tmiria slcejiing cars (personally conducted) Meekly to Chicago, Kansas City, St Louis and Memphis, reclinitiu chairs (sent In-c to the cast daily. l'nnil 1'ortUtiil Pcraar TIME HCIIKHULKM Aaaiva ( lii r ii tco I'orlla ml Soerial ):.i) a. m Atlantic Kjpresk H, l.i II. Ill via limit Initioii . Ni. I'aul Fa-t Mail li p III via Spokane Salt Lake, llmiver. Kt Wnrlli.i linalia.han tnn I'llv, St. Lulus, Cldcaitu and Knit. 4 ,:io p. Salt l.akr. Iienver, I t. W'ortli.i iinalia.Knii as I'll)', SU hiiua, Cliicai(o ami Kast. 10,10 a in. Walla Walla, Uia- Inn, Spokane, Mln urHpolia. St. I'aul, lliilulli, Milwaukee, Chu'Sk'o and Last. i:X a, in. 70 HOURS Portland to Chicago No Change of Curs. Tickets cast via nil rail, or lioat and rail via Port land. Ocean and River Schedule l-ROM l'ORTLANP B p. m. All Siiillng iliiti-n mill I Ji-i-i t" ctianire. Kur an KrHliriuro Mail every ftiliiya 4 i. m. llnll.v Kx.i Sunday. f M i. III. SHliinlay . In p. in. ! Colli mill a River hleaiiifra To Aa'oria a it Way Latnliioia. I p. in. K. Sun iliiy. C. W. Stringer, City Tkt Agt. 3rd and Washington Sts. L. Craig, Gen. I'nss. Agt , I'ortlauil, Oregon. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. IAIL,Y TUAINH. Illy Kx. Hat. D'ly Kflectivfl July .', I!C' D'ly D'ly P.M. A.M. A,M P.M. 7 mii M (10 l.v. Portland Ar II In H ll.'ii 0 (ft! (lotila 10 ti'ij II 10 8 :v H 20; I) Isj... Kainier .... M H .'Oti I) . . . I'vrainlil .... I) Xi H II !l 41)1.... Mayifer .... 0 Ti 8 20 8 no 7 M 8 Wll 0 Ml .... Quiucy .... II 17 H M 10 (Xj ... ''latskanie ..0 7 4i 7 :w 7 28 7 17 7 tn n 42 U 32 fl 211 fl HI UOH.IO Id ... Marshland .. S fit 9 !l 10 HI .... WestKirt . .. 8 4'l II 37 10 .'HI (,'lillmi 8 .Tt 10 00 II 7 .... Knappa.... 8 PI 10 H II Pi Hvensen ... 8 117 10 2011 Ur.... John Day... 7 fift 10 7i' , 1 1 .U) Ar.. Astoria . I, v 7 4.'i 8KANI lK JMVIHION 11 3.1a. m. S .V) p. m . II .'Ma. m. 8 l.'i a. 111 . fl 15 a. in . 2 30 p.tn . A 00 p. 111 u 40 a. ni . 7 40 a. m . . .4 oop.m ...10 30a. 111 . . . SMIp, iu ...12 30 p. m . . . 7 20 p. m ...I 30 p. m ... 60a. in ASTORIA bKASlDE CONNECTIONS. All train make close conuectioni at Oolile with all northern I'acilic trains to or Irom the Kast or Bound i'oiuts. At 1'ortland with all trains leaving Union I 'p pot. At Astoria with t. R. .t N. Co.'aboatiand rail line, ami Steamer T. J. I'otter, to and Irom llwacoand North Ileach I'ointa. Ticket ollire, 2'i5 Morriann at., arid Union Heiot. J. (J. MAYO.Oen. 1'as.Act. Astoria, Or Subscribe, for the Enterprise & JONES DriiRnUts Building I.I N.N K. JoNKS PLUMDINC CHARCES are no higher I ban those In any other trade, 1 I ours are 11" higher than nor-vii-e rendered demandN. What mm underlake to do iii a llmroutlh ami atif.ii'tor y manner. Tbera will hut be found alter our workman get through with a J ibany delective joints, leaky pipes, loose coiiuei'tiniin or other evidein ea id "iu'amped" work. Kvery p,irt w ill he perlert, and look p"ifi-rt, ami w hen the bill cullies in you'll not ask for any dediictinii. F. C. GA KE THE PLUMBER SCHEDULES OF TIME SlIUTIIKKN r-Ai mC. KAII.WAY Noiiiii not mi. :iki a. 111. 11:22 a. in. (Albany Local) 0:10 p, 111. SOUTH llllt'NII. !i :22 a. 111. 4 :.r)il p. 111, (Albany Local) it :l l p. 111. Daily River Excursions or- nlti'.liON CI I'Y II (ATS. IKII.V nt'll Kill' I.K . ' liare I'DltTUM) Foot Taylor Ht, 8 to A. M. Il.'lo " 3 ini i'. m: II l.'l " Uave tlliKliON CITV Foot ICightli St. 7 00 A. M. Ill oil I 30 P. M. 4 30 " KOiTND TKIP Zr, CKNTS. On-Kiin I lly Trun.iorliUlon Co. COLUMBIA RIVER SCENERY Line Steamers UETWKRN Portland and The Dalles Rtcainera "Regulator" and "Dallca City" leave Alder St. warf, Portland, daily at 7 a. in. for Molfctt's and Ht. Martin's Hot Springs, Cascade Locks, Steven-ton, Collins, Hood River, White Salmon, Dinger, Lyle, The Dalles, and all intermediate points. Steamer "Metlako" leave Alder St. warf daily 7 a. tn. for all points on Mid dle Columbia river west of Warrendale, Oregon. All steamcrj arrive in Portland at 5:30 p. m. DAILY ROUND TIPS TO CASCADE LOCKS Steamers make direct connection at Lyle with Columbia River & Northern Railway lor Wahkiaens, Dnly, Center ville, Goldendale and all Klickitat Val ley points. ' Excellent Meal. Best Scrvics. I'or detailed information of rates, berth reservation etc, call or write to agent at warf. General Offices, II. C. CamprBU,, Portland, Ore. Manag