Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 12, 1903, Image 1

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    Oregon Gri
VOL. X 'NO. s:
Iitnl Title ml 1 .nix I orilcc
I liimliicn"ti Hi .cclnlty
Will juiictlcr in nil CiiiiiU of tho Stale
Koum .1, Wi iiilmtd Wdg.
op. Com t lliiunr, Oirgon City, Oregon
t or ruriirt ri in xr.
I)t1u in in (ir.ni Cllr Kiit. f-ri
i n, C, i:nvt M i l.
A'lHiHM.Y , I I. A V
( heg 'it I i! i
Will I .
('Uiie til I'mili
In n!. 1 1
1,1 I. ml.:
s r I ill the ili-
(;i:o. T. HOWARD
At H.-.l 1
I'-nl, i
in nun City,
milt 1 Inline 1.1'K k,
I In nun
J II H .1 I I
JVm 11.
c. CAMrr.Ki.i.,
ATlwii.ShV AT LAW,
fttUil cirr.
i: in. II, r !i
rb p. iii i ..nil. 1 1
tiftKuorr. i
' ! I..' i -.irl ot tin ililg. Ot- i
I in .lia.
"The Shoe Man
Of Oregon City. Will Dispose of his Entire
Stock of Boots and Shoes.
Sail- will l.-in mi Tlmrsilay .Mar. 10th, at 10 o'clock
a. in, and will continu.' until all 'oo.l.sarc f-old. We in
vili' all i.ur friend (and that inean ever) hod v) in
Oregon City, tin-.. Helmut Clackamas County and in
iWtlaml; t- attend this mm;. All our pmds aru
lieW illld Uli-tu-datf. We Will lint inmln t.vtn.j l.,.r,.
anvtiiiir in the !h- line within the
I'll! if Vnii hi i d
friend, hiji
tinn hut
hroadi-r I'n
In us will i
n e , t n x 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -( it will pay ymi to l,uv now. ';
take this ...ortuii!!y of thanking our inany friends
for their liheral patronage during the l.i-t II years.
We an- verv hhiv lohae to hleak the in:mv t"i. of
that has m - led lutui i-n us for so lon a
deem it win to extent our loudness to
d-;. -A lt i nit- lindili' iheiiiM-lve indebted
ea-ccall promptly and settle their account.
n 1 1 1 ! Iter ii-1- thrill an once Evi-rv Ixyt
jm iii iI figures m mu can
ample pair of every
' ni t r . a iii Mm-
. :a i .a von. a
"i mi c mi i.nli tin-
Am- parti, i bobbin
ami Hi, in iii the In, ii-.- u lU 1
' "t II plain what the
...... o, ... ..u nn up. ii y,u ,,, !,.( ii,,. yl)U waI,t
...nwv. u i- vu.i ii jv- h liiiiiiU r i.l hrU on hand wj th:. all can U
waited on promt. tly. Tl.r . urln-r m,u .our- th-.- more choice you have.
I'lcnse remember the date--
TlmiMlay .March loth, loaij
Yo-.irs to Cammand,
McKITTRICK. '-The Shoe Man"
Noxt Door to Dank of Orouon Citv
N. II -Tim .1 will .4r in Sundays Oncouciu
SiKTcssful f:.lilhit of (lacka
limn Count)- Si-liooN.
ll.niii.ny School 1 t.L- Hrt l'rlf
Sfvmij Dtp tih-r InilOlilual
A "ii-ill Are .M.nlf.
Thf ll.iriii'iinf .rhirf.l ,n tin. (irMt
1'rijw, iMn-fi,.,i ft ,,, t, Cla-kaoia,
"""' V "-ho..l xh.Ml that khh hfia Ht
y m rl,, l i-y, i .flinf .-ai ur-
I-' ' ol Williwii.-tt
1 (,ri.. i.ii ..(
i'- r o'ii of ilie ll.iii-lav
" .Ti:y-liv.. ttlit-r
vhIimI .rk ami f.f'f
tli am..
'Iv. .,A
KaliH hi.
I f z- f.
r ii.
!; I l
1 1 o V; r
m I...-.I
"y c'-ii" 1 1 v i!i!ril,ni(.,l atnoritf
m. .-. Ii-ii. i,j tin. -,,llv
;i ;ln! I. ri.nirv H.Uiihii
( tl,,it (.- I.e. ,n IihI I m (
t Ml.. I 'In- rri.i,t ,!,. ,i-yi,n,
h. Of ti t- i.'U .,-i.,i,U 11) lilt!
n'y-. in- ni-ii. it-(.ri-i-iiiHi in
11 I ti, ij.iahty triil j n -i i t i ' y
t i 'i-:, of the
I mi i-iu, llari-iiv ami
hii'ili. all ha, I Urv'tf iI;ioiI:ivh.
1 h" f.j..,, , , .,!,! ina-l. txh'hilH:
Mamuku-. lower j v'iri. Krl.j. turif,
M'-j,-i j:r.,-.k. W.-Ht OrHi;.ii City, ',
toii. C:,Hri villi-, Saii.lv, llaruimiv, liiv
"'!. S.i'i-f -Mill, P..ir-u.r, Ki-'liani,
M.ttiii'ii, SinmiM,!,., lun.aMin, lli-mirl,
I'lii' v, Wilhiiiictte ami I'arn-tt Miiuri-tain.
ex; i-r-,r,.
..nil', i . t ,
ttie nthii.
i.t .x
i-l.il'nil, t
h -f'linln
lUl.hi work Kimt prix, box nUtion
ery, Hownil and Jone; won by Hamas-
fin School.
Woxl or metal I'ri.. rarn-e,it..,l
ro-fclnu chair; Frsnlt Hunch, won by
W'tltcr Yomiif, Milwaukm Sclnjol.
Collection Ciai kaiiian County wool
Kirat prize, pixketkrulH, Wilnon k Uooke;
on by lioyal Hickman, Willamettn
Si-hixil. Hecoiul prize, ridiiitj bridle, C.
A W'illey; won by Johnnie Jxioney,
Mead-jw hroik H hojl.
Collection ol Indian relied First pr;ze,
dozen IJ 50 photo. Wmnor: won
I bv Harmony Schord. Second prize, $1
' worth nelei led from utore ol ieoriH A.
j H.tl li.K ; won tiy Milwankie .Schixil.
I High Hehnol lllrl.li.n.
I Irainir Kiret pri., fl delected from j
Kl"re of .Mi!e it Mi ilahan ; won by j
, 1'i rry (.'auti., Hari-lay School. Securi 1 ;
: .r;z, re. rioti'in . won by Carl llarri
: bi"U, ll.irclay vchoiil.
l;.K,kkee,ttiir. tie.iteit net of books
Fii't .r .., "Kn L-e ol th- (i i-U," (i. A.
l..ir,z; v jn hv I'.cm, e ilUn, Went
Ore-.,11 ( iy S. iiil. Sfcoicl i'rizn, red
rihoon; won by I.iIIim Sclnii.ilii.
IU-t '.olanii-nl i:o It i.timi Kir-l priz"-,
haii'lkerciiict 't, ll.ine'l A Joiie" ; Won
btr Hjrmoriv S. lr.ol. i'ond prize, any
h l rent arin-l.; in ll,e xtore. V. llarri:
lily Kt- ( won by Miiwaukiit S..lnj!.
f .enernl.
I'.et wbol exlilhit t irst prize (to ko
t- fcnuol; best ad wool II ij (ruin io,len
Kule llnzaar ; won by Harmony Si-honl.
S."cond pr-z-i 'to tl to njoni;, colored
photo of Willauiflni Fall, frani'd, J. II.
t nriiey ; won t.y Mii-i N'efz.-er'a room,
liari-iay Srholjl
l!ent ratlii hat First priz-, five
There Is A Deadlock In HuilJ
in of .South End Itouil.
ilthnutth Mmify llcnt Mud a
Arailihlc for lmpriTomcnt, (oin
rll Committee SU.I 0iiiHtn.
There la a deadlock on in the hiiildinif
of the fvinlh Knd road. At ita meeting
Wednemlay niifht the council by a virtu
of four to three instructed a warrant to
be drawn lor JUKI Ion the city tre.mnry.
tuaf mn-iiint having heretolor' been ap
propri.ted bv the coiiiii!:!, and that the
a.uiiH be made availuhle at once for the)
I.Uil.'inu of the proio-.e. South Ivid
road, totf-'lher with ahonr. i'.'iHltliut hn
i to-en rained for the nm-l bv private niih
, ncriitiiiu Ttie rcHoliuiori ainu pr.v ded
j that the iiimiey i M be expended nn-
I der the dire. t, in of the coiin.-il co ninit
' tee on "tret-u and public iiropeity, iliiH
I coinmieee to net in corj inction w ith
clti.t'tis' comniitfee, II, at wra ine rlintri
i tul in raining t tie $I"i'hJ private icitMcnp
. lion, hai.h i oueniltee co'irita of three
; mi-nibcrn and every member of Iheconn
uil coinmittee on Hlreets and public prop
erty ia known to he poHitivelv o,(Mael
' to the boil linij of the roi l tindur the
I prexei.t planH, The nieinbera of the citi-
zen' coiiiiinttee are eqiially a deter
j mined that the work Hhail be couiiiimicej
j en the road in the very near future. The
! ultimate renlt of the nendiinr contio
Miiindfl mixed ralfu, T. J. Ciary : rn t verey id tliilt.riilt of prediction, hut
1 lie .,hoinir in a comiilt-te lint of the , "Y 1-"HI'" .ker, hasilmm Scho.
the priz-M aa awarded :
I'rlmarx llepartiiirnt.
'Inrlu linif lirt three (trades.)
Paper aork Firnt prize, U bux
oiii tj
a;.i,-n, i.an-iav rlneil. cr.Jti, iinze
JVl-c.-ni box e. caridv. Miia Smvih: won
l.y Mib Nelzjer, ll.'irrliy Schoijl.
Sew inn T i ret poze, (1 Ihjx of fancy
liote-paiar, Uai ket Store; won by I.ilhau
A. Steel, I i-thHiii Set ool. Second priz-,
re I ril, lion ; won by Loia llaritfan, Mil
w aukie S hool.
Ki phla work Fi ret priz, Iwttle of
t'eiliiine or no.xla (elected, Charman &
Co ;won by l.avena .Mi-Hrew, Milwau
kieSi hool. Sec ii,d prize, $1 wortli se
Itvte I from ctore of A . llibertsm; on
by tjeoiiiie Mrj-er, Webt Urejjoii City
Nea'et copybook First priz. 1
worth Kelected from store of F.iy A Car
ter; won by Anita 'Dixon, Kasthatn
.S-hool. Second pnzw. red ribbon; won
by Alma Vocderahe, Barclay School.
Ilc.t ilrawinir book Firet prize, 1
worth selected from more ol E. I'. Car
ter; won bv (.rare Stanzer, llarclay
School. Second prize, ribbon ; won by
Nellie iMinie, KaNthain School,
Vffl collection number work First
priz-1 1 wor'.h Helec'ed from store of i.
W. t J rce ; won bv Mary Culoha, Mil
Waukie School. Second prize, red rib
bon ; Won by Joe llednes.
Neaie-'t wiitteii fe-ller First piiz,
M L'.') worth delected from st'ire of Geoije
T. lloH.ird; wo'i by Helle Ca-eed, I'.ar
riy S.hoo'. eoll,l prizi. $1 delected
from ftore of tierce T Howard ; won hv
Kutii Hu.Uuii, l'itrct No. -IS, H.iruiunv
l . 4 I'.e 1. i'ii: KK i in
ATToliN 1-: VS AMI
UAIH Kimr ollkoo CITV, OkKdON.
r,irnl.li ..lt o nil um. I.an M.oirr. f.ire
cio.0 Mor'..,- .ii, I Ir.ai.rt tu.urr.l
1..W i'Ufcliirt..
ryut tiisi-.i lAi. iia.nk
o? ohki.o.n- en x
I tl'llat, ..... iiuo.av
T4 KlCtH allllll I. tial , III IINI.a
l- ! lu..o lllllt lli iiiteil. M.kea i-aI
'riuii. Iluvi in. ,!! n, h.i, mi all 'llil
in th. I nll.-.l Ht.lr.. K,ir.,.a .n,t II,, i, 5 Kiiiii.
I . l.iU. rrervr, .,il,;,., Ul (lie k Hill"
i ii li.uii . a in r. a.
ii f. LATut'nU'l K,
( .h er.
.Uhi:m:y at law
!. M
I' I mini e.l.
f (L.'t 1 I l , W lt ,
A l'-t rn, .
M.U.rV I.,
Ma te.
I'l l . I .
...F.'otary ruhlic
As lonjr as they lat wo
)ttlc of lied Line
will give with
cacn iiottie ot j.etl Line Lough .syruj),
2"ic or "r; Ked Lino Sarsaparilla, 00c,
or lied Line Condition Powders, 'Joe, a
Hitters .;
t n i a t
Sjd'itlU' toil! , lllli
Live a line iMIRROR I'RLli.
Milters or
1 -utile.
ia an
!. A I
! 1 '
tIAllUL ULt)(l
CU l -1 AT LI
& Co..
Dii UC'iC 1STS.
se;oiid priz-j, won by Oua Henner, li
clay n-hool.
I'est CUckainas Count r School Son;
Firat prize, Mia. Iye'g "Con,iiet," J.
('. Zinver; won hy Annie Mooney, Clack
atiia.i School. Second prize, one year's
subscription to School JluUetin, J. C.
Zincer; won by Annie Flaherty, Clacka
mas School.
liesit true story of pioneer life, limit
VAX) words First prize, VMcLauijhlin
and 0:d O eon," Mr. and Mrs. C. H.
Dye: won by Ma'iie Johnson, Mdwau
kie School. Second prize, "Stories ol
Oregon, " Mr. and Mrs. Dye; won by
Kose Walch, Milwiiikie School.
Excurnimi Steamer T. J. I'utler Uucs
Into htTflre 27.
Tiiose who are planning their vacation
this year will be interested in knowing
that tt-e popular excorsion steamer, T.
J.tl'otter, queen ol river boats, iroea into
service June and that she will leave
Cortland, il'innjj the season, every dav
from Tuesday until Saturday inclusive.
To see the beauties of the pictnreque
and mighty Columbia from the decks of
the hotter is a treat never to be forgot
ten, tur stieed and trace nothmu in
riverorlake service in the entire West ! t0 w-nlfte the task for $;!i0.
attitude oi the two commilleeg to the
propoed improvement may result in the
adoption of the referendum plan a a
means ol settlement.
The building of the South End road
has agitated the citizens and m ire par
ticularly me members ot ttie council lor
ni.ml,...,.l .U..... .1 . ..
H.i.mnri 01 jpam, Aiiuiit iiiree yeara
aifo the advocate? of the road scored by
securing an appropriation of bH)0 (wiu
tlie city houncil w ith which to hein the
work. All attempts to make this money
available for expenditure were defeated
until the meeting of the council this)
week, when tiie advocates of the road
took advantage of the absence from the
meeting of memb rs who are reooried to
be unfriendly to the measure, and passed
the resolution already referred to.
The members of the commitle on
streets and public property will oppoee
the expending of the m iney for the road
at this time. In objecting to the im
provement they contend that the road
will cost gteatly in excess of what the
value of the highway to the city will
justify. Advocates ol the road claim,
that it will not cost over f.'ioOO to com
plete the thoroug'ifare, while those op
posing the plan insist that several times)
that sum will be needed before the road
can be completed. The council commit
tee agrees to appropriate another lltXX)
towards the road, making $20 HJ in all
from fie city, If the citizens interested
in the building thereof will give a bond
liil.-rtitf tliatc lj i)n.
i Iiiciildii'i; t'o'ttth lo M-veutli gr.id
Neat i
l.'. t. d I
..a by
S-i'..ii. pr,
I enj y o,
,:i: Oi
I !! I V
i IVr:
I l'.T v r
I...u;m- lln.-.l!-
J. . l ow I I '.
I'liVcii iuliH and Suieoiia
II, nuns I .'i li
!r Ir llldg.
iiri'ttmi 'it y. 're.
W. B. U'K.n 0. Bcho.b.l
AttomryB tit I,nw.
Jlcutricr buoltat.
itl iiraclli u in all courts, make collections
si, if teitieuients ol K'latrs.
r urninli ali.trarls of title, lend you motiiy
ml lend your money on llrst morgans.
Office In Enterprise Building,
Oregon City, Oregon.
Near Huntley's Druji Store,
Uront Hritain and iVtnorica.
'The Power of Wealth"
"Shall We Forgive Her"
"The Real Lord Lennox"
"Hazel Kirk"
. "A Fair Rebel"
"Douglas of N.Y."and
"A uiacn Heifer
,i cents worth Se
1'. M. Klem-on;
Kii-Miani cim,i,
oi i h from .-"ore ;
i , I. ,.r!uni M-llo-i'l.
I .r,,r ( ir ,r;.,',
1'. ii ii.i-!-:.-r vV: A i-.he-
loi I J.iMii. Aiiiw uikie
pr:.-- b-x stationery.
won by 'lirace lLiuh-
.11 Kiifi l'r:.c "veiter for a
pair l a!l (.hoes for yirl, J. M.
on hv Aidt'ii Hickman, ill.iiii-
ii .
'U .tin
,C I. taiiii,
jM$ht and Exjf ejifi,
J Freight and parcels delivered
1 lo all parts of the city.
! a
Oregon City Machine Slip j
Philipp Bucklein, Prop.
Rear of Pope's Hardware Store
Next to Orecon City Foundry
Building and Repairing of Machinery and Engines of ai!
kindf. Manufacturing as ieeialtv the Free Patei
Rotary Engine. Aleo keeping in stock, Sliafting
I'uUies, Relting etc. ... . .
Orders by Mail or Telephone promptly filled,-
e.jUHls thin ji,le wheel beauty. Five
hours from Portland and one. from Asto
ria, thri.MiL'li the famous fishing waters
of tiie C'oinmbia. past ncorea of nahnon
trace and iietn and a many white-wintred
li-h boa's, land i the ).tsseni;er at II-
aco, wher close cunnecliuii in m ide
I for tiencli jviji ii tf with traiiij of the II
w:iC') K.i:! :iv it N ivirttiou Coinp-inv,
I w ho.e cur- s!.m, mi Hie wharf awa:titi);
' the (.teiiner. The be.ich is t Wetity-ven
in:!es loin:, two bundled yards wi.le.it
hi 11, ie, and cj hard that car-ia'e :
1 w he-l.s .-ca'ceiy leave a iiuirK. It is an i
i i leHl .lm-e for ,lrivi':'. riilm, whecinn:,
' ur w allkinu', mid the i)rt b.i' .him: is un- I
'. .iriMs.ahie. 'I he excellent hotels and !
, bo irdi:;' ii'i. (ovi I" ni.u.l 11, i-ccniin)- j
idations at pin es raiitfinj iro:ii one dol- !
I lar to three dollars per day. j
I The r .Mind-trio rale frum Portland to i
Astoria is ,"i0; to tlcean lleach points, i
$4-(0, e od until October loth. On Sat
iirdavs, iluiiii; July and August, rouiid
trip ticket are soul to beach points at
J.50, irood for return, leaving the beach
he folloainn Sunday eveniii).
lne Oreuon Kailway & raviiation Co,
nas just issuea new summer
book, free for the sskintf, which tells all
about thedeliiibtful resorts of the Valley
of the Columbia Kiver. This can be ob
tained from anv agent of the Oregon
Railroads Navigation Co., or write A.
L. Craiis, General Passenger Agent, Port
land, Oregon.
that assurance, the council committee
will resist all attempts to expend the
money, for the reason th t they consider
the city too much in debt to undertake
an improvement, the expense of which
is so uncertain as the building of roads.
Councilmen Wm. Shehan, C. ( Hunt
ley and Kd Story constitute the commit
tee on Ktreets and public pr,iK'rty, while
the cit.Z"iis' committee is composed of
Charles Albright, K. T. (irill'nh and E.
K. Charman. Itoth sides appear deter
mined in lire, matter and some inti.-rest-inu
develoi):nen!s may attend the cuu-truversv.
Operation of a Sitututru Pacific Sur.
reyliiK Crew Arouses Curto.sitf.
i ML
m-i i.
I Mi-s
1 eltv, i:
I b.iv or
Price ; '
elte S, hool. Second prize, ruling bridle,
Henry Milev ; won hv by Charles
Schot'iitiritia. Holton School.
I'.est spelling First prize, f cash, by
Charles II. Cnuheld; won by Kllen Jack
son, Milwaukie School. Second firize,
one yeari cuhecription to Courier, won
by l.onise I'eute, KaBthain School.
I'est map of Clackamas county First
prize $1. 1'.i worth selected from store of
W'iIcod A Cooke; won hy Harold John,
ol Milwaukie School. Second prize pair
shoes, (J. Kopenstein ; won by Fanny
Hayiuan, Harmony School,
liest work in raphia First prize, $1.50
from store ol Purmeister A Andresen:
won by Iaipy Mohkres, Barclay School.
Second prize, selection of 50 cent tie, J.
M. Price; won by Lulu Harlan, Kaslham
School .
Best woik in wood or metal First
prtxe, 1 worth from store of Gardner A
Son; won by Roes Brown, Kasthatn
School. Second prize, 75 cento selected
from Moore's pharmacy : won by Feral
Jackson, Milwaukie School.
Ailvaarrd Division.
(Including seventh and eighth grades.)
Drawing-First prize, one pair of shoes,
Krauee Bros. ; won by Rose Lakin, Mil
waukie School. Second prize, red rib
bon ; won by Oswald Smart, Harmony
Composition First prize, stereoscope
and I'o views, B. Robison, The Fair;
won by Jennie Hagenburger, Harmony
School. Second prize, won by Grace
Beaven, Kasthatn School.
Best collection of four maps- First
prize, photograph album, G. X. Joe;
won by Ottille Shindler, Milwaukie j
.i;.: rl..IV "I L "l8 company is about
Kasthaiu School.
Best relief map of CIackama9 County
First prize, any f2 article in store of I.
Selling; won by Bernhardt Olsen, Mil
waukie School. Second prize, 1.50 rid
ing bridle, F. II. Cross; won by David
Kanue, Harmony School.
Best spelling First prize, bookcase
and music ra.k, W. L. Block; won by
Klina etzler, Milwaukie School. Sec
ond prize, one box candy, Kozy Kandy
Kitchen; won by Frank MiDuuaid,
Harmony School.
Illustrated stories First prize, $1.75
in cash, Commercial Bank; won by
Bertie Lakin, Milwaokie School. Sec
ond priz. 75 cent. Commercial Bank;
woo by Elizabeth Kedawav.
A Southern Pacific surveying part? is
operating between Milwaukie and Glad
stone Park. Diligent inquiry here fails
to disclose the purpose of the survey,
which is arousing considerable specula
tion locally. It was learned from a
member of the party that a route is be
ing established from Milwaukie, via
Gladstone Park and the Chautauqua
grounds to this city. Other than this,
nothing could be learned of the project.
It is understood that the same survey
ing party will make the survey for the
bridging of the 'illametfe by the South
ern Pacific Company at Oswego to en
able the. West Side trains to reach Port
land over the Fast Side track. The
building of a bridite over the Willamette
at this point has been contemplated by
the Southern Pacific people for some time
and the presence of the surveying party
in that locality continus the belief thst
ready to proceed
with the wurk.
A 1'rlhleneil Horse.
Running l:k mad down tho street
dumping the occupants, or a hun,bcd
other accidents, are every day occur
rences. I; behooves everybody to have
a reliable Salve handv and there's none
so good as l;ucKlen'8 Arnica Salve.
Burns, Cuts Sores, Eczema and Piles
disappear quickly under its soothing;
effect. I'oc at 'jeo. A. Harding's Drug
Notice or Annual School Flection.
Notice is hereby given to the leirjl
voters of Schcol District No. 62, Clacka
mas county, State of Oregon, that the
annual school election for sail district
will be held at the usual voting places in
wards Nos. I, 2 and 3 in Oregon City, to
begin at the hour of two o'clock P. M.
and continue until the hour of six o'clock
P. M., on the third Monday, being the
15th day of June, 1903, which election la
held for the purpose of electing one di
rector to serve for the term of five years.
Dated the 5th day of June, l'.HKJ.
C. tl. CaC FIELD,
C. 0. T. Williams, Chairman.
District Clerk.
Smith's Dandruff Pomade ,
tops itching scalp upon one application,
three to six removes all damlrulf and
will stop falling hair. Price 50 cents at
I.atllea and 1'hlldreu Invited.
All ladies and children who cannot
stand the shocking strain of laxative
syrups, cathartics, etc., are invited to
tiy the famous Little Early Risers. They
are different from all other pills. They
do not purge the system. Even a double
dose will not griiie, weaken or sicken;
many people call them the F'ssy Pill.
W. 11. Howell, Houston, Tex., (ays
nothing better can be used for constipa
tion, sick headache, etc. Bob Moore,
Lafavettend., says all others gripe or
icken, while DeWitt'i Little Early Ris
ers do their work well and easy. Sold
by Geo. A. Harding.
Absolutely Pure