Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 05, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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i .i,
Of Clothing, Pants,
Hen's Furnishing Goods
Hats, Caps, Shoes, Etc.
A three weeks' Feast of Bargain-Giving, Profits
and cost of goods not considered, it's money we are
after. To miss this opportunity will be your loss.
Having rented the store room in the Odd Fellows building,
Main street, Oregon City, we are going to convert same into a
modern Up-to-Dute Department Store, to he opened about August
loth, and in order to get acquainted with the people of Oregon
City and vicinity we are going to oiler them the best looking,
best made and best wearing stock of men'a wear Roods at prices
never before beard oil'. Money talks but what you get for
your money talks more yet. This sale will start
Saturoay Hirriu, Jut Stt, mmm
Cte Salrtf IBM, Jib Jffl
Every dollars worth of merchandise must he sold out during: these
3 weeks Bargain Carnival nothing will bo reserved, everything
must go, as we will have no place to store any goods alter June 27th.
Our building will then be turned over to the 'carpenters--, paint
ers and electricians to get it ready for our grand opening about
August lth, and in the meantime our buyers will go Fast to
purchase the stock for our permanent department store. In
connection therewith we oirer a Cash l'rize of $20 for a suitable
and popular name to be adopted by us for new store. K very
body has a chance in this so get your thinking caps on and
send in your name to our manager.
The Realization Sale, M. Hammerslough, Manager.
And you will hear
snmpthirn rlrnn an
a miunuuyn
.it 4 . 11 r r .1
It will be our prices ana nere are a iew oi mem:
Men's Genuine Felt Hats for 49c, worth 11.50.
All the newest shapes and colors in men's hats,
from the celebrated manufacturers, Sweet, Demp
ster A Co., Chicago, for
69c, 89c, 99c and up to $1.89
Men's all wool jmnts, worth $3.00
Men's all wool pants, worth .'l..r0
Min's all wool pants, worth 1-1.00 qq
Men's all worsted pants, custom rQ AV
ma.lo, worth I.Y00 ?S.U .
Our best imported pants, worth $6 JQ Ckf
and 7, f..r 0G.tfU
These goodH are the well known Fweet,0rr A Co.
and Brand llroB.' make and bear the Union Label.
And in fact every article in our stock at slaughter Trices. Just come and be convinced.
We invito comparison and you'll not be urgod to buy. Our guarantee goes with every
article sold and we'll refund money as cheorlully as we taico it, n goous are noi satis
factory. Remember wo are going to do business with you for the rest of our lives, so
what we do during our Realization Salo must ho honorable as it will be the founda
tion of our future success.
Remember the Opening, Saturday, June 6th, and
come early while you get your best picking, as
Men's all silk neckwear, the season's -jr-fashionable
styles, worth up to 75c. . . . -IOC
Men's Shoes $i.J5. worth 12.50
Men's Shoes .$1.65. worth $3.00
Men's Shoes $a.i5. worth $4.00 and 15.00
Men's Suspenders 9C. worth 25c
Odd Fellows Building Main St., Oregon City, Ore.
MIS t'LAKK IH HTEKlVmiiKSTI A rnpllof,J,arl.I.B,"llie Violin Kinr,
.. . , . .... J (emlng to Por'land.
More Ta'anrle Are rilled la (orp if j
Oregon lltr Trn-r
William Wallace Graham, Ron of Mm
I late John Wallace (irxliKin, of ting
AI a rii'-ftiru of tint selinol board Weil- j county, ha just reiornnJ to hit home at
dy evening, Mi Addle K. Clark, of j irhsm' Kerry, offer a mt and a half
. lids rtijr, h elected mirierinienilenl of , years' stay In llerlui, (ierina.iy, ulirrx
! tint liool. of he city. Mm. Viola (tod- 'e has been studying the violin under
FiirtiNhfri Evrrr Wnk by the Hntkv
ma- Aim 11 tt Tru-t Company.
frpy dm. elected a aitaiil snperinten-
ilt lit. Mr. (iIh tendered her resigna
tion, wl ii li wa accepted. Iiecaiii of
the iricieaced aiteniUnce in the schools,
II e ftnp'iV iii'Tit of another teacher tin
made iieceary. Mi CUra Boring, of
laiuacu, and Min Helen lilemon, of
tin cit v. were elected m fill lhee varan
the ureal-.! living marter. Prof lr
Joseph Joachim, dirmtiir of Dim UovhI
liitrh school of innic.
The 'act that Mr. (iraliani ha trained
entrance lo ami received liiMriiction in
this inont exclusive numr. school in the
worM a eaka hi.lily lor lna talent ax a
mui('ian. Of the few ho gain taitin it -
(leu. MiM Mar tret William, who ha : tn-u to tliia tA tliere are hnt a unall
ta'ittlit for a iiumlier of year at Park-
I'l o e. Wan elecieil to aucreei! MiM Nfz
U r, mho reirel her jxilion to attenl
Htanforil L'i.iveriiv. The elucti in of a
.lucc..r u Mi, li. T. Hmith, trinri)l
of the Kamlidin 'i houl, who rea gneil to
t .ke up other wi. k. te.ril m a
f'llnrx meelirit i f li liMr, tien jni
tor. ill al'i he named.
CUrk, the nealy ele.-tei aurerin
ten. h nl of jii'IiuoIn, lia li-en riniloyei a
infractor in the Ureon City a hoola for
a iiuiiiterof year ami for tlio lat two
year h aervxl a principal of lh Hr
clay achj. The Ixanl (jrjnleil a alight
increme in the aaUne. f a majority of
the teacher. Mi (Hark, a anoerin
teinleol, will teach the U-IHI1 grails,
which, nrnler the reviniiin that ha been
ma le of theroureeof tiilr, inclii'lea the
eleveuih (f rm te. which ha olherie
leen aholi.hei). In Ihu ronolilatini
(he two Krile, the tNntrl ha obvialeil
the ne eioity of huiiilinu aMition lolhe
lill.-ri'iit hmlilim; that the ronilantly
irn reiriu attenilance in the school de
niamleij. In addition to thi. the hoard
(i W Force to II tore, IVt acre
. aeriion Hi 17 t 4 i 2 e. $2.".00
.W It JenninK' t.i K I Miilr, n 3T A
in .lennlntti ''l.nrn. f 1 r 2 ..
V. A I.awh.iin'h n W C')iit Tlmtr
Co, lot I A 2 A i of ne oj ec
2 I R ' r 3 '
Sellol l .i A I C i ' II C Cone,
hit I A 2. Tract 47
O A OeimlfiiHch t" K Miitthtei. 1 A
iri !), I 2 . r2e "V,0
II A KinwKhiiry in fl (ilehn, ne of I
10 A e of 2. I 2 r tt e L'OIHX)
proportion wh attain the mm h coveted ; J c AmlertHin t.. K ll f Imehel, prt
rionor oi receiving lenaon irom lia Kren
director, 'flu la t alone brings Mr
(iraham to u witb ttie very heat of recommendation.
The Royal Conservatory and it pnpil :
are under the protection ( Hi Imierul
Majeeiy Kamer Wiihelm II, Iroru whoaei
private pom the hi ImhiI ih maii.tained, !
loe only reqinrenient made to k1" f"-1
trance beiiiK talent. I'ut tliia one lent i j
m severe that scarcely bve per cent of
thoee who come from all part of the
world to try the hall-yearly examination
for admittance in the much prized
Mr. Uriiliain U the proud possessor of
iwo very fine old It than violin, one tie
iriK a IjiunanuH (lo-eiili llel. Jexu l"'!J',
and the other a tiniepj tirancinn I'M'.
iv' i...i..n.l it... vf. i:..i ...
vic uil'irieiAii'i inn, ..ll. ill in
rteDda lo IfiCMte in I'urtland. ilnint nrith
iiiK but mjIo work and teicliinii, for which
he nhoilld find a w id- field as he i the
(it fit JiMchim pupil whoever came to the
North went to locate.
Mr. Graham intend! riving to hi
by alinlitlv revising the schedule ol ;!! many 'nendi and lover of muaic a con
ane that ha heretofore been paid the
teacher of the district, ha accomplished
a aaving in ttie salary expense of about
140 per month.
I John I'.ittner and C. C. Raboork, Sr.,
and Kliuer Dixon, were nominated a
; judgea and clerk of the annual school
election to be held Jane 15, when a di
rector i to be elected to aucceed C. H.
I Caufield, the retiring chairman of the
iboard IieckUxe of hi faithful services
I in the inteienta of, the school of the city,
I it is very probable that Mr. Canfield will
j Vie elected without oppotition to succeed
; himself.
Local Iloitelrlr Object ti Temporarj
The proprietor oi restaurant and ho
tel ol tin city became angry daring tiie
time that the State Grange was held in
this city lat month. Wednesday niiiht
they appeared before the city councjl
w ith a tietilion reoneating the enactment
of an ordinance licening all restaurants
and eating house and providing penal
ties lor the iolation of the tame. The
propoecd ordinance was read and referred
to I he tin a nee committee.
Thi action on the part oMhi class of
btinness people was precipitated by i
local church congregation which con
ducted a reetaurant in a down-town store
building while the sessions of the State
Grange were Iwing held and thus do
prived the restaurant ct large part of
the patronage of the visitors to the city.
The ord.nnr.ee require the payment of a
license of $10 (or conducting such eating
pi nee but exempt all restaurant that
are now being regularly conducted, from
the operation of the measure.
cert at the Marqnam in Portland in the
very near future.
of -ec 9 t 4 a r 2 e 10
C liolil tirie) to M M Anderson, 21 A
in fee 25, t 2 r 2 e 75)
State nf Oregon to , I Clausen, part
of I'ei.illeion CUim anil of lee 20
hii I 20. t :i r 1 e . 3:'25
J Holier lo K Huber, ne of ne A nwr
of ne A i-e of vr cf ( 2 t ;i r 2 e MOO
O A Kni-eet al lo J L Krune. 4'J A
in nee IS, t 3 r 1 e, A ec 13 in t
3rlw 12t)0
li Jack to A V Jack, 8 84 acre in
Allen Claim, t r 1 e 2n0
II Mtraiifht by shffto M E Mt Car
ver, Rlk "1. Oiegon City .. 507
S K itriilge lo A W Pick, ne of ecu
V I 1 r 4 I
A W Pick In S F P.'f'ge. Mm In I H'O
A V Pick lo C l I'n k. in,e land.
A W Pica to V Pick, nw of rw of
sec 20, t I s r 4m 15
J Slrtie to i I'olmiownki, lot 1, nee
15. t 4 r 4 e 5.K
(if el- . I 4 I 1 4 t
W G McCrHig to (j Schmidt, w i of
e of sec 12. t 4 r 2 e 240O
J M Met kart to D Hart, lot i blk 17
lark Addition 100
M J Jones to F A Juries, 1 acres
in Usher Claim, t 2 r 2e. 200
A r.w l litrprt.tl.., A White lo l I'etzold. 25 acre In
"What shall we do with th prison- Nance Claim, l 3 r 2 e 2u0t
er? deninnded the spokesman of th M II liinKinan lo Hedges A Grif
mob. "Do thon. O royal chamberlain. 8'". lots 5. 6. 7 4 8, blk 30, Cane
haste to the presence of his majesty i m'' , W
and learn his w ish." , A Bolander to C Holander, 40 acie.
Tbe royal clianiberlain Lurried to the I ,n ,ec 1 6 8 ' 1 e 1
pres'm-e ami bowed hitns.-lf thrice t THE CLACKAMAS ABSTRACT A
the floor; then he asked the monarch! TRUST CO. aie the owners o( Ihe copy,
pleasure regarding the desperate out-, r'"!11 10 Thirne system of rstraci
jaw indexes, for Clackamas county, md ... ive
' ... ,, ., .. , tiie only coiiiplele set df ab tra t. in tha
"Away with Wmr said the king lnllsonnty nrnjih ,n,orinalj., . , t0
a loud, harsh voice. I title lo land at once, on ap ication.
But the chamliorlaln was something Lnn, invectmenl. realeta'eah8irct,
of a humorist, and when he returned etc. Otlii over Bank of Oregon City,
to the mob be laughingly announced Cell and investigate.
that In regard to the misdoings with
the prisoner the king hud said only
that It was "a way with blm."
Whereupon the mob reluctantly re
leased tht'Ir quarry. ' '
Hut In trying to explain the joke to
the obtuse king the royal chamberlain
became confused and completely lost
bia head. Baltimore American.
I'npils of County Ihliijf Work
( omp-le for I'tizts.
City Council I Con-id-rin? an Ordin
anit Water Voiiimisimirr Eli ctrd.
At Ihe regular meeting of the council
Weil m e lay evening, an ordinance w as
presented for the creation of a fire dis
trict in thi citv. The ordinance was
taken unuer auvu-einem. ine oounuar-
les oi ine umirici mat u in prtrfNeu iu
create include block 19 and 21 2i,
IhhIi iuclusive. This represents all of
the district of the city that fronts on'
Main stieet extending from the Mills to
the First Congregational church. In this
district the erection of bnildinga ol com
bustible materials is prohibited, save
that the provision of the ordinance du
not apply to dwelling houses that are to
!e occupied bv a single family. There
is some opposition to the ciea.ing of a
tire district in ttiis city and the probable
fate of the ordinance now before ibe city
council ia bard to predict.
J. E. Hedges was elected water com
missioner to succeed E. L. Charman for
the ensuing vear. The vote was: Hedges
5, Charman 3. Notice was received by
the council from the water commission
to the effect (bat concrete walla will be
erected about tbe city'a pumping station
in older that danger from fire may be
! minimized.
A number ol bills were ordered paid,
including that for the printing of brief
for the city in a sheet other than the offi
cial paper of the city. The amount of
the claim was (57.80, which represented
the balance due.
-An ordinance was presented (or the
building of aidewalk on unimproved
strecta of tbe citv. Tbe bill providing
! for Ihe improvement of Jackson street
j passed.
Council Totfi That Appropriation of
f 1000 Be Made Ay liable at Once.
By a vote of 4 to 3 the city council at
its meeting Wednesday night placed In
1 the hand of the committee on streets
' and public property the appropriation of
$1000 heretofore made by the city, to
gether with the $1500 private subscrip
tion, that has been provided for tbe
building ot the South End roid, with in
; etruc'inn to proceed with the work with
the leant possible delay. The city coun
' oil committee on streets and public prop
erty lieing directly opposed to the build
ing of Ihe ro id, it is not known what
will be the fate of the proposed improve
ment. This action wl taken af:er but
little discnion.
Hstimel Bernhard died February 27. 1M,
and before death he lost or deposited with
mine friend certificate n( riepotit. Bank of
Oregon City , No. 2t.4, for VO; certifi
cate of deposit. First National Bank, Port
land, Oreeon. No. lM.fctf. tor $'. The
bolder will please advise U'Ksn A Bchue
bel, Oreeon City. Oregon.
May 8, 11)03.
Color of JadaV Hair.
In very early times all pictures of
JuJas were shown With great shocks
of red huir falling down well on the
shoulders. This und the fact that the
Juilus in the 'Miracle l'lays" was pro
vided with a red hirsute worked the
The school of Clackamas county are
holding an exhibit of their work at the
armory in this city There is a very gen
eralJdispUy Imm the various district of
the county. U.-efnl articles have been
subscribed by the merchants of the city
as lewards for anpeiior work in the dif
ferent grade. The exhibit will be b-Ul
at i tie artuoiy for the remainder of iht
County Superintendent Ziner has an-
nnnneed iIim fi.lliiisitii i7lmmitt. tit
superstitious people of the middle ages j,,,, ,,,e exhihbs : M.- Marv S. lUr
up to such n degree that it was actual-1 U)W , Ha,0w ; Mrs. Sarah Evins, Da
ly unsafe fora red haired person to up- j wegn; Mr Emma Galloway, Parkpiiii-e,;
pear In company. Seeing that things I Mis. S. J. Vaughan. Oiegon City; and
were coining to a serious pass, writers j ex-Superintendent 11. G. Starkweather,
of nil chases began to rebuke and de-' MiUaukie. The c mniiilree will wk
uouiioe "tho senseless prejudice against ! -'l I'""" Sr.ird.iy morning.
a I- i. i ii ! The pllh U: 18 Verv cmdiallv invnei In
those of lively colored hair. Cyrano ., '. . , ,, ,
- irfll ui.il iuiihi I'.ri I&...U ir thrf tin. Hid
, II.. 1 .1 111 1113 I'l.H' .1 ..lilt LIU-
pirts of the Sun" boldly praised and
fc'Iorilietl tLe d. spiseil color in the fol
lowing words: "A brave head covered
with red Lair is nothing else but the I
sun in the midst of his rays, yet many
speak 111 of it because few have the
honor to be so."
Some Examples of "Serve."
In a recent big libel case the foreman
of the Jury received a letter from a
publican, apparently otherwise sane,
asking him to Insure that the Jury
should Cud for the defendant because
he had a heavy bet on the result, and
this astonishing epistle was read In
court. It Is interesting to note that the
writer lost his bet anyhow. EijuallJ
bland was the request once made to
Mr. Balfour during his premiership to
have dismissed from the commission
of the peace a Justice who had very
properly sentenced the author of the
request, a' notorious rulhan, to a stilt
term of lmprlsoument-for sending beg
ging letter. London Answers.
A lawyer happened to be acquainted
with a Juror In a petty civil case, and
he met him during a recess of the
court The lawyer was Just "lighting
up," and under ordinary circumstances
be would have offered the other a cigar
unhesitatingly, but it occurred to him
that it might not look right
"I suppose," be said guardedly, "that
a cigar would not Influence your ver
dict r
The juror was equally cautious.
"A good one wouldn't" he replied,
"but a poor one might prejudice me."
He got a good cigar. Brooklyn Eagle.
Poor Kiana.
The Dear Chlld-Oh, Mrs. Bloom,
when did you get backl
Mrs. Bloom Bless you. dear, I was
not away anywhere. What made yon
think so?
The Dear Child I thought you were.
I heard my mamma say that you were
at loggerheads with your husband for
over a week.
Abaolntrlr Pat Hope.
"She Is the most Inconsistent woman
I ever knew."
"Never docs what she ou'tit to or
what you expect, eh?"
"That Is just It. Sometimes she does
She Is iuconsisteiitlv Inconsistent."
Beware of the man who offers you
advice at the expense of a mutual
None are lesj eager, to leorn than
j they who know nothing. Suard.
Famous at home for
Generations past;
Famous now all over
the World.
Sole Agency for Oregon City
County Wools
V Highest Price Paid.
f"-'jt, r ,;;!r
' Jrtvrj, '
1 v
Zmj and pleaMQt to
KM, tniailia) BO in
yurioci drm.
It is quirk i y tbnrfrl,
Give bmivt At on.
"a "Mnt ni..urn
i .-mi rre. i yi u ' ! ri rM u
Ileal! and Fmiecu lha Kr itm th
iUMotTuuuiil HrntiL Urvt H cl.H M
! Dnuirltu or h mill; Tn.il R., it" -';
JtLY BHffT'ltf"! M Mama OUeci, e