OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 1903 SOME QUAINT ENGLiSH. I Lcgnl NoticeB. 11 'MnoM. lortwatea Idea of the l.aoawaae I j " . iu.k at l.rrln." A book as amusing as It Is rare Is lu ! ln ,h, nrvuli Court f r 0r" the llbr-try of Wlssahlekon student got. lor th Comity nl t'la -kamaa The work I called "O Nva Hula tla j Annie Fii.gerald. 1'Uh.iiH. 1 Viivcis.-.eao." U I" U..i.a to j KlU.iM Kl,t.V,;i, Dele.idanl.l truct tho Portuguese In Knfillun wo-i Tk, KUfu Fimrrald. deiemUnt shove vor-wtlon. and the following, a dla- ',,,('; Inthei.a ol tne Mate ol Ore logue "For to Kldo a Horse." U ,,. You ':r;l"y!,:';,um 'ill tuo uia or msiwi couvonwtwu u up- , j;;,;,; ,;,,,. ..,,., ..r i.Uas: - 1 peiore the Sixth day nl Jim. P. that be "Hero I a horse who h,.' a bad , i ,e tunc art hy aald omul (r ytm 10 ,ooUs. C.lve ml another; I w J hot Mutt , -N-J;;' - .'I;. .it.' He not sail Know to march. t). I pursy. , ,,,. ,m, ,,. .ml it v.... tuns foundered. IWt yon are ashamed ,.,1 an in aepear or enaaer. tm piaintitt to clvo mo a Jiulo a like? Ho I ""J" win at ty to th court for m- rhf preyed lead t the farrlor." I .intnr iul tieiru.tani and "it the cue An anecdote 111 tho lHHk Is: j t,.lv l the minor child l.anra Fill raid, lie v div came a man to consult tlila , .warded to Hi i Undid. Thi. uii.iuou. i o.i) tain, a u.o : 11i,...l hv oMrt o( lb lion. Ilium A. philosopher ror to Know ai ' . , , Alcllrt.l. Jml" ot Hi l.ve -.tt'lr.t l oiin tvas otto to cat 'If thou art rich, tola mMf rtiW,r,i i,riiioii the auli dv o . . ... u I.. .11 ..-Ian- it Villi1 .... I I...I n.at'te.l i,iihmal Inn til lb aunt tiitu oat when you aliall wish; If you are KHir, when you may no. In tho preface tho most elogaut par agraph Is tho following: V. epeot then, who tho llttlo book (for lUo care what wo wrote him. "tl for her tyiiocraphlonl correction) that may Ih worth the atvontiitlon of the ol i.,, I lari i he tirl mliltrallon ol ltr iim- diitiiM lii'! on tin- '.'I'll itv ol April. ltd the on the "i'' ly Ji". I!";l' tiKulltiK II. 11 KIIAM, Atiornt-y Kir i'Ulntilt. i it iVhipi nl i tm SI itlM ol dm may no woriu me niTti' - - m m- m in. Miii'louo iH-rsons. ami oavlally of th (ton. lor H. fonnty ol t lackama-v jouili. nt which we delicate hlui par IWrtha IM. PUintitr, Ueulariy." j Wm J( r," lvfen.liil.( The attthoWof this atrmipo volum ; T w, ,, ,e ,H,ve namrd IV tre Joso la 1 unseen anu i m v i.r-, f(fmUlll. tlr fr lnblle. United Htalea Und OHW. Oregon CUV, lreion. Mrb Stl. HHU. Nolle m iierehy jlven that In compli- nee with the proviaiona nt the act ol ConisreeatJime3. 1T!. entitled "An aet lor the le ol IuiiIht lntl In the Stale 6i California Oieiiou, Nevada and Waalilniiton Teittorv," a extende.l to all the I'lilille I.atid Sulea hy act til Ana llal 4. J.i3. J. Lotlll Kriine, o' Slallotd, rountv ol i'lackatiia. Slate ol Oreiton, hai Una iUv II le I In IhUolllee hm irn tateiuent No. IKV for the itre he ol ol Iota 1. 3 and 4. ol Section v. ii.i i.. r..., .i,ni Nti. 4 South. rUaituV'No 0 K , and will ir. r pro..! to how that the Unit uninin i" "" '"'" t.l.. f... tid I...r i.r aliinn IllHIl Ittr ki utr tin ittt in""' tilt .itluir.l iinriHUM-a. and to rulal'llan lit 1 i . i t . 1 . II. l.'..iKlnr ClKUK ID IH lanu ueiuii" ' ....I I.' .UWI t'.ll Itt il, m ollh e at thctton Citv. I'reyn, on Monday, tho hth uy ol Juno. WK. ll.. .......... a 1 1 n t !- : 1. I. Haiidall. Kiank Komlieitf. A I nev, of tie!n I itv. Otfon; l-.rnei.tS Ktuite. ol sulf.nd, ttiemin. Any and all peranna tm ' u.. i-v i ,i... ,i.....iiih,i Ian, l are ri- Uliestetl to 111 tl'eir i-iaima in i"'- it..i.uM ftMiti mil tmv UHlX I IIA. H. SI'HIK.. lieimer i - l-l, I'ntiit nf Hi" Slut of lrr ii, lor the l iiunty ol i l-aina. - j mmlir .ri'lnal Helllririi. .i.-i ti.. tin, tar. I . . . tii-.i ii. .ir ilnal amiuill a M.r.ii ii-ll. ileeea.e.1. ha Wllll.io Hv-r raain... "V, - Ulio. It would tie interesting to miow where I'etlro and Joe "learucd" Hug-UslL-rhiludelphla K.hmi1. Sall.Bcd III. rurlo.ity. . 1 r . nl ...i.lv t.. the I'onrl Lira The curiosity of the natives of wild ;)rllulI)pi j (h. Cuin Uii' int y couutries as to everything heloni;lnK to.,,. Kor a .Irere. ..I .tm.liU divrw ami u um . ... i.. .. .1, I .. -il f her InnMi-l, nni. the traveler oftoti leaus to , , , ' ,,.lir, ,,r.uanl ! .,ii..i, Mr. J. W. Well tolls In "1 bree , ' "iim " ' . . . , Tlt..n in,l Miles Thrv)Uh ltrazll" of 111 .. , ii,,,. Time. A. Mcllnd. JmlKe . . .., ttnlv k...-- .mitiM.1 I'ttiirt. and the lirl v sit to one aeuiomeui " ( -" ,," .i,, ,i ,, hopWr of the pla. prt-vl very ,mbl,e-,.,.n ,. on t... .Hi. ti.. ..-. . re.t.iii..ir t in 11,1 11111 i s live. 1 1 ! 1 1 II, a Slain llf Orf.'OH V'Hl 111 lur nni.ir ... . ..- - - re herrhv re-iuiml to .rir In ihe !'"" eunilfd Court ai.d anrr eoniplaint IUI ni:a.,.l von in the atH.v eni tU.l mnt on or i brlore ti'" ti'.h oav ol June, l''l. '! ' )'' I ........ .r .,r a,,. ti r I, r mil tlirrrnt, , , . . . -. K K Kil. and vvoiiltl can-fully examine tho few H-l..iii:inKS of the traveler. His curios-! Ity was linally punished lu a very fun nv manlier. 'nil one of his visits, writes Mr. ells, lie found my Inittlo of splrlis of ammo nia on the table, and. seein'' It was aomethlni; he had not hitherto inspect ed, he naturally laid hold of It and aUed of me "What Is this?" only a medicine." I replhtl. and -i,t. tw.rh.iim unworthy satisfaction I watched him hold It up to the llRht. V V M Kill IKS. Attorney lor TUmnlf. Ml Ji In fie t'ir-'iit t'ourtnf!h St tl of Kim lor ihf l oiintv of t'lurkuina" Imrlel K. htflle. l'Uinuil. ' v. I laarFarr, Mc M I'oivil I'olletre, roreorHlmii. Kila llrodrrick y and John Hroderult. I llefendant'. J To John Uroderirk, lrlrnilaiil : In the nail' ol th maieoi urenon : I.. e..l..- eaMt.ireil hi l'.eiir Hlnl llWef 1 watc led him lioiti ll nl' " .k,... I...L- ,.t It all round and tinnlly n'tnovei H.e r V i.t. ' J " :.", tiLi utoiUHT ami tht'i. take a bhi f , . t ymi fn,i (l) , N,, fur ail therenl the . . . . 1 . ...'! i-...i..i alii ai. i, lv in the court for th r I had to rush rorwe.ru u. . V h,! tiemnii'll-.l In hn romi-U.ht. In.if pneioiis nminoiila. ns he "hinuerM anu . ( ( .j,,,,,,-, ,in,io the wniili hail ol -aspitl for hreath ninl ejaeiiiatiii, i am dyinu:" l'y dint of much alapplni! of Ids back and dousing of cold water he iiiickly recovered, but neveruiore did he touch any of my thiiis. That lh .Ui"Hlt' til' 10 the somli hail ol .1... ar..l .lllrlr 1)1 M'I'llllll I . llie mil.H.n. ... -( i.,i,.Iiiii iolllh. of r! '.' Ki't, ol th ti ill. la n ninn. miiiale.l in the i-oim iru. kimx mitt '' of ilrmnii.hr lorrvrr oinrte.l saniil Hi rUnn "I y i I or .. .. ..... ii.in.il, if ihr nam hv, Ironi Ihroiiah or unilt r yoil. and Hint yon ami 11... 1. I,,nr retl ruined Ir im nrllllK ll' I any claim orttile in and to aid .rrm.r. has ail I , ' .. .... .,rrrof. and that .UInlill mai e isier i -m-er than even the MKe eio-: rero.rr in com or inn -o.t ;, . 1 uer Vet at any ,lven din- j other rrle-f to lh. court may re. ' . ,.t more elo- ! - l"l"lhic lier Hie or.1101 i'.!-1--" " - - Plaintiff. Ilitam K Straight, Jlollle .vricM. in. r.. straiisni. Mr!,r.-t tirai and tirai. hrr liulanl. Jacob SirairfM, Jam MrnuM, johh Siraihl and Hiram K. SfaUlii.a I iiliit-iratnr ol llir elair ol ll Irani Mraichl, Urcra-ed, iMendaiila. eoiim '"'- - , ,.,...,,. wanly a m. lor lirariou tn'j-" - eounlaud h'r"llnK ld .. K..v..li.r ol in K-tai ol Mar. ha A. Mv I'oiniell, dreeaaeil. iii:ii. i nil"" ' ... . Il.ivy A It t M llUiiWM.il.. AHoriirV lor Krt ill ir. idmlol'IrMlor'a Hll,e. Noll. la hereby Klv.ll thai III iiiidrr- aicnrd ha tu iluiy ai iHinii'd i;y 1,1,1. ol in f '"" '"r th I. urn IV ,. riackamaa. Slat ol I Hr..n. a liiilhl.ua- lor iiltharaial ol li'" I rar, ..r....... an, I a, I h r.oi.a hai i"H t lain. a aKaihal aaitl aa.ai a. hereby ngnirrd to .re-nl tb". .nil lh i.t.iar von, h.r. 1111111 " .,1 Una linllr l.i lh lllitl'' .iKnd admlnlatiaior al III oltlc of II. H. I Ira In iirrunn t it)' wm l.alrd thla J 'tli uav ol Ma. P't. ( ( Aiiininiairatiir. 1 . oll e ol l lnnl MrlllrlMrlil. In lhfoilnlv I'o.irl .it the Male '"' wiihlii and lor in X ' ' ''' "'hi lh mailer of lh l.-late I'"") kll.f. dreraaril. N .11,. I. Iierei.y K'ieii that th U'..lr .,..! bat irn.lrrrd lu lh. aahl I o-mty t ,.u l and hl.-l hi- 'I"' a.co'int . .. . ...( . .,1 II as-Ill-W IV- r. llf nackama eo.l.t. and thai "'"" llr tdayoljim. l'". . tl.Nk a. ... .at lh. e- '"'"' . .r lived ll.o and P'. I. f I.e.ril.K and ,lel.....lnl..a ald accnnl. and 1 .1. I .a ...... I IlltltVllI Mil V IMIjriMM.- a. Iialednreeont'dv."; " 1 ' ' II A I I II H SA I K I Ki . MAItiiAllKI J B. I U . K. K.e. nloit ..I lh l'l and tt ... fl ol W. illlam I 'liver SaaK'he, dweaaed. May I. I l Mkrrlfl' nlev. In th t'l'cull Cnufl of Ilia Htata o( ri'iioti, lor lh Conniy ol Cla. kanua. Onitoii Henry Jewell. I'lalnllir vs. Annie II. Wlillloik, fuller lor l,iilIUtll Tlmbrr I and A. t. !'" i. I'". I-..H..I Hiai.a I.an.l nrln'e. l"K.in I ny. II. m Match :tlal. P'.. olif la herel.y "'al ln.m.. ban.. till II. .... Iah.na l I". act ol l..i.re. ol Jim. I. I" . "dld "At. ! '' .ale ol lillllier lan.l. Ill Hie allra ... t ,, Or-tf Netalaatnl VVa.hln.lou Irr .. .iiemlril lo all I'.e I'.ihlic l and Mal.a by a. l "I Anitoat t. Is '.'. UlNKsr H. Kill SK., ol Hi lT.it . I , (sninlv ol t'la. aainat, elate id iiree.n., baa Una .lay m.-i in una inn,. .... ,r tenieiil No, m l lor lb. norchaae olllieWK-.o! M h i. ft and ll. ol Sm i.oii St. M. In I i'-l I ,. I rtmiHi, llan.e No ll Ka.l, ami ill ler r xd I" ahoe that lb laml muabl I in.ii yal.iahl lor o lUnl-er or it'll Ihan lor Ht'l.'iih.i'! I"irs.eea. and In ealal.llah I l.i. .-laii.i l.iaald land llo b 1 1 e 1 t -r 1 ..! lia. at.er nl Ihla o'tlc at tlieaon 1'itv. ,.m-.I ai d ibi b't iHidmii b.r a h'.al dia (lrXllI1 Monday, in ball day nl Jmy ' . . 1 ..i l e.lal ha .... . .ii,,r..r. I ,,111 I .'liafU a'1! lino . .. . I"ti lie ' 1 h ... . i I and 11. at ' i. ... I.,, it.... I . i.l.u.i. Viank rolalM-ra' itan.ia.i. " - Alter Dinner Orntorr- T',.. f iki, hiiinol'ollS speak'T ,-ut m to his hearers nas n h.o-.-.- most as instant mid splendid a his downline brother. It is iiina.in) what things J pie will applaud when they have the eoiirak'e of eai li other's inepti tude. They will listen lifter dinner to iiiiythim; hut reason. They prefer also the old speaker to new ones; they like the familiar taps of humor, of elo ii...,,'n If thev have tasted the brew before, they know what they uro Koi! to (jot- The note of their Uiood Is toler- i anee, but tolerance or the uoeuslonied, the expected; not tolerance or um novel, the surprisiiitf. They wish to be at rest, and what taxett their mlibN mo lests th-ir intellectual repow.'. They do not wish to climb any ;reat heights to reach the level of the orator. W. I). Ilowelis lu Harper's. This tuinnon It liuhlished by order ol Hon. Thna. K. llyan. J-e'.ifo' ll.e miiiny . ..i i i.a.i.,a r.inniv. duly ma le and I Ull.t u. ..... .- - j . rntereil on Ao'il 11 l''1 Kir-t i.uhln 'i.m May I ". I'"' ..,... W. A. MUNLYa-.d P. lM'Al SKI , Atiornej Inr I UinM". X!v I'i. l'ri'l. Stt o OiirooK. M l ollhty ol t'lackainaa I ii.. .1.1, ,a ..r a in U'lnenl order, deore. "J '" - .'- - . , ..... ,,. and ele. uilnn. .liny i"eti " -" drr lb. aeal ol Ihe alKO el.ll.le.l i-.it i. ... UiralM.T r. lille.1 can-e. l.i in. nn.y levied a hi dated the .'ud day ol Jun. l t,. Ill.i.ll a JihUllieht remlefeii am. eme.e,, '..i m ii. lh -'ml .lav ol June. I"". In lavor ol K. V. Itilv. I'la.ntiit. and aKaln.l ll.r elxtv named tleiei.uani-. int...-- ,( SITiini. Willi Inlerrat u.erenn at im '" ,1 o iH-r . eld er alii.uiu Ir.n.i lh '.'ml dv f June. I and lb" lurlhrr u." ol I ' Mill liil.reti tl.rr..ii al H lr rent iron. he ..I d.y ol June. r'i. a..n rlher mini ol .''. at aiioriiey a .e. andllieco.lt ol and iih.ii ll.lt nl ."in mandli.it in to liiak tale rl in i.'ii .-i" leaeriiied real ,r.Mriy. "' tiuniyol l la. kai..a., hiale ol Hre..ii. In it: . The omlhratt ,,.iaftr nl I'. "'". i larier ol lion Iwenlv -'.wo ( .VI. U low i -liiptwor.') f'Uih. ra.,.e two . eati. o. Ihe lllan.ell Jieri'lian in ; i-o.lll y, 'lri!ili. . . Now. therefore, by vlri ol aald rie. lion. Jii'lKn.rht order and decree, and in ,-oiin tianre wilh lh command ol al ,,! ,p, .... M nil, Ity, lh "'ll dav of Jnlv. r. i t.a h'"" 'd .' o'.-h k i'. in. .t Hie Jfin.l 'I'.'.r id tlieionniy court in Ihe el'v nl lire..... I III. In aald .unlit. ,nl male", tell al puhli. audio", anhj. " I lo .. .. ...,i...i i.i l.l.'i. I.ii t . s- r' . "' ' . , i -ii i ...I I 'le ((..I t rnl'i. rn.n in iiau... a,, - hi,; Inlereit whicli Hie wiiinii ii"'""" .. !... .. ... ..,i..r ..( il ad on III 'I'""- ( ihe in'orH!K- herein, or La I. In or In the ahove -iibe.1 real pr'U'ei.) ... ..art lh. reol, I ' tatl.lv .od eaee.lllu.i. J'I'lK n. eiitnr.h r. dr. ree, mlerr-t. n..l. and a.l TrU...,C..l.. SAT'.K. Shrriuol t'l irkaiiiii- cm tv. niei,.n. liv K. I'. H. n, I'ei'.ov Dated HrrKun '"ty. J ""r i- '" Mu,;,l.y.lbe..t...l.ol July. b;l, .1 J" ,. , 1... k A. M . bat hern ai ..lnld by tal I r.n.rllorlhe -iten.ei.l ol aa.d ..vot.i.l and liealll'it l aald -.lllon, and ol ") "' le. lion. II a in he bl'd mei.to by any ..rrt.111 ll.l. trti.d til id lal. 1 '""""M-H.'i'ir.'i.AMH. T UI'.N X StTII K HKl., Adu.il'lttfalor. .Mlornryt lor Admiiiitiraior. and A W, t hri.r). all ol urr,.u ii y i llfrif.ili, a,,. ..,.1 all i.,r,.ha i laludea a Urraely i. i ... . ..... ,ll.l lain), are Ir l it led lo ..i- i. i in Ihla ..ftlra oil or ietnr .... ...... ....... 1 ..IV I'll I ii II. M.b.KKM. tr(laler AloltlrM'or a ;oll e. V . .1 1. I lir rr hv imrii thai John I' II thdi hat llle.l hit tin. I ie.ri at an ..a- lr ol ll.e rti.ie ol William P t-kuvln. .1 ,,e.l Hilherouniv curl ... t la. a...... roni.lv l ire.n. ai d lher..url hatlUed lh , day til Jnlv, V-X at th. b-ir lo o'.-hek a. in ol aai i oat in i.e.. , ohlff.h.ll It aiiv Ihel. !- I I ' J JOHN f. Kl.l l"l I. Adiniinairat'ir of lh ealal. .1 William P. hkirvm, drteatrd i,.'UhiN i:. II A N 1.1. Aiiuriiev l'. Kttaie. Dale,! Ihla l h day ol Jun. I 'H. A Uurrr Hrlle. In I niveisity coll.'He, London, Is a -insular object that is preserved care fully in a remote gallery insiue n Kiaaa ...,in Ih conta.ni'il in u In the circuit court of tho tte of Ore Hon, for the county of Ciai-kamaa. C. W. Sherman and K. L. Mar- inon, partners iloinx biisinens I 8 rjlierman A llainion, l'laiiilitis, VH. (irnrite V. Freeman and Matlie K. Freeman. Deh-ndants. T. i:....r. V. Freeman and Muttie F 1.111.11 the hIkjVH named dcfendanlH u ... I lo mrh ol till-Ill : : ii,,. ,.,,... iif the alate of Oretfnn, you are hereby required to appear and at Maatak Ut I llH voiiiiilaint filed airniMt you by the aisjvo namrd puiniiiis in inr ahove entitled anit, in "if above entitled , .... ,.r lu.lnru Ihe I AMI I ItV Ol lilt ,,r..iTil.e.l ill the order (or the pub . 711 Ol CHS.', WHICH llaill 1" ..v...... - - ; iiiiii I--" . ' . . .. .. .1 nf 1 1 ,.l till HllilllllOIIM. to-wit h,, wo.slen cupHoiin. u.u..- - v , .,. y.m. aid which are locked ami h o m-j s ,. -- , ,r!tlion o( h1!C w,.,.ka ,.,lv The relic which Is thus ao date i ,i. ;.,,. ,.w 7. ;i I not. !... u,wz .- .. . t - " -- , . ... , 'dad in the garment lu wiucn ue j H;ljl t.0mplmrit the sabl piaini :, . , ', , . date be ni: Uih expiration oi wxv.i-.-k" 0. 1y. The relic which Is hus SO lt- t,ra, ior, of this not ce, 1. usly guaid.sl is dmenbed I" aomo , publication an prescribed in ssid s on the history of the college as or,Hr ,eiriK lOtli .ly of May, l'.Hi:!; 'skeleton" of Jeremy I'.enthaiu, ,) jf you ho fail to appeir and answer . . I., u h'ii'li hn .. : ... .1... a .i,l nUioiill for want lived." while his head only Is stated to have h i 'mummified." It hus always been understood that ISontbam'a body wan embalmed, and in that case It can not be his i'"'ifi skeleton which la re podng then; under lor-k and key. police lr I'ul.llmlluM TnulH'r I.an.l Act. Jnn :i. h7S I'liHed Male land Ulli.e, tbrH'HI I'ilv, llri'il May lt, I'kKl. Noll, e la hereby givi'ii that In cmnpli- ame with the pioviaii.li of the act ol Coiiicre. of J il .ft :i. hTH, entitled "All act fuf Ihe ale ol limber lulida in lb. j Male ol fahf ariila, Oreumi, Nevada nod WadiuiN.li Trirloiy." at rl.'.d"d i.. .ll Hm Pol. he Land S'el.- hv . t "I V.i.'U-t 4. It ''.'. i vi.i;i;rr v. phicdkn. of P. r'.lniid. toiintv ol M.ir.n nii.ih, Sla'e (or Territory) ol tire.yn. l.a I'd" d.y tiled I'l Ihla oilier hi awnrn aUiriiionl No. 1.1 11. b.r the pnr. hate ol the NF'a "I hectinii No I I in 1'owntblp No. S., I' ....... ,i 7 I and will oll-r ir.it to In, tl.i.t lb- land ti.u.ht I more valua 1. 1., h.r Ha tiinl.er or lone Ihau f"r ai!rb cultural pur..'net, and to rtabli"h lilt cliiiio lu id land befure III" llr,u.tol liiilj.nriil and de. rr. irim li al .,.,1 It.., i.iv..r ol Ihla olhce al I Iri'K'ill 1 laira a tomrv Irrt Miii:iCirt" m i.i: I., il,. I'lrrull "f'.iiirt ol Hi Siale ol Ij ,ut, I, if flat kamaa l uui.ty Ku.ina A. M I'm, 1 1'ialnlilt. I y I ri,flano I atat-eii and U.rento l av I artle and J. I-. I W.l.h. Drfehdanl., I 1i,,...ii,l l.i an elei u'loll tattled Itlll uf i .1 I I '....rl ..I Ilia Hlala lit llrr..'llt I i i.. k.,,,a. r,,ui,u id ,1.1- J i,l day ol Mat li .il. a .lirrrtr.l lil. Hi a I'ldtrnie l a"'t ..i f.,,e. I. ..ma nt a uiiirlilaa duly ..!-... t i.. ..,.1 1'i.i.ri mi '.'fit da, of Aero I ail in Ihe alait. eninlril t .uae In laior of ! ihe plalnlill and aa-aititl lb. ilelriida'ila I 1'ii.rlano l.aa-.tle and .ri. i I afaeile 1 aill at Inn'rhKa In lh lore'unin oil ?al ....... .... ...h ,i... .,( I,n . lait at Ilia I r. ... I d.a.r ol Hi. I o,.rt lloii. In ' 'rr ui I'ltr ii.. .il.r I. r ..I. at l uhlio aurthui lo in. Intfheat bidder, lor rath In band auh ... ...i. I.... il. a lan.l Ii. ail I decree o foierliitiire llirrein dM-ri. Miiiale and ( hen, iii l'la kau, at l .uioiv aVaie id 'r. i k,,ii. to wi : h oitil.-ir al lb b Vad e.,,n.r ii' a Ira, I of land .onyetr I lo Olef in!. Duaell hi lie..r,'e Ilia aald deed bep 1 r.--ordr, .k Inalparf. I'.t ret-,. f. It ol Mullnomali Inun'V. I'rraun, ruimlnii ' ll.eiir i.n'lll a.en I i I rl.alht and allireii I Ii.i II,. ka l.i the rnolOy line. l-t trail MlIU li,.n,a'i and t'la, kalnat I'aiunllra. Ihe.ire aeal a'.u.'if tatd I', mm y lie. hnirireii (11) : , l.ai.ia a, ..I Iwen'v i.t'i ln ka. iiienca South ' i;i deifre.-a and I'i inoiulea Ktl Imnteen ' I 1 1 1 ihatna ami aetehlf loot (TII link. I'I I I,.. ,.f l.'l,...!.. eil lall.lmr .. a ir. I l.ir'rllirr with the triiriienle b re. Ilia. nei.lt and aei'iirtrnancrn ineieuhi i iM-iuiitiu in anv mtm aiiceftalliletf lo aallaly aald lliter.tl. IV i... T. Whltl Kdward U. Wh.4"k, efi'lldal)la. Staik ur tlMHOOK, i Col Hir nr ( I i i t y virtue of a Jud.lurtil order, il.'. re. and ail ekf iltlnn, duly laaiied nut nl ainl linlerlbe aral ol Ihe l.,.vr i'iilii, colli I, III ihe almv enlllled ranan, In u,t iln'y durcled ami ilab'tl the 1 1 1 1 day r May Pi0'!. Um. jildll.eiil irlnlnr,) and enleted III aahl toiirt on the 4 ' Ii day ol May Ita'd, hi favor ol Henry Jewell, I'laii.i'lt. and aiialnat Annie l W l,ni, l( Wm. T. Whltluek and I. I war, I (. U ,. lock, lielrlidania, lor in. iimnl f,..il, Willi Inleie! llieiBoii al the tain n ) per rriil per aiihilin from lb. 4tli iUv n( May I'.Ki.i. and Ihe luriher tuin nl 7j (m, aa allnioi'V 1. and the luill.er auiu i, ItO.lal coal and diahiiraiiieula, and ll, mala ol and noon Ihla writ. i'oiiiiiiauihi, inn to H.ake aale ol the lollo iiij( ilea, I ,i.al oriiiattlv. altnaln in 0,a conniy ol t'Uckaniaa, alale of Uirn Ki, lu an , hila.li ioiand Srvrn i?l of lli Folly bine (4.1) ol Ofril'HI I'lty, (Irr,.,-, aaaliowilby Ilia I'lal ol aahl Href, i-iim I l.eot, on Ilia In llaa l lilt ol ilia i-ouhty recorder o t'la. kamaa I'uiinty, t rr.'ao... Now, Theielore, by Virtue of aald r I'tiiloii, Jii.li.iiil oijer and ile.fee, an) III coinpllance aith the rouiinaiula o( aald 'it. I llt, "n Saturday, the urn iay ok irsK, iw, at Ihe hour ol 10 orl.a k A. M., at ll, In, lit .l air ol the I oiinlr I "ii't limit, la i.. I 'iiv ..I I l.eifoll I'llV. Ill aaul ('...llitf . i..l Main Mill al till 1 .1 If ailCtlull. 'll,a.- I .1.. .....1... 1...I I.. f . l ft lieilll'UOII, IU toe ."..ii. -at i'i. -. vh W rt. old coin rah In hand, ill II riabl. Id'" and Inlrfral tat Ittt ll th aillna ........ I del laola or eillirr ol iiirm. had on Ihe tlat. of Ihe inortae her, or mice bad III nl lo Ihe aoove ilea. firi real r.ii-ily or any pail iiirimi. lu ui- e aald eiix iitiou, J.i.lH ilit-Iii iifuer, q lei., Ititeteel, co I a alii all a,rrut( coal a J. t. SIIAVK . MiafirTol t'lackainaa t'-Minly, irt-Mi. n v r. i . II Al Mil. I"' 'let. Date.1, (liraon I'lty, 'e., M.y IVb, pi:i. fall. rllP. twule. ....,..,. anil Kimlv to tho above eniitled court for the relief prayed for In the complaint, to-wit: For a judKineiil ill vou for the sum ol f.'Tl.OU, with inlerest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from June l vq innii, in lj. S. gold coin, and tho fur ther sum of 4u.u' as attorneys men, to gether with the cohts and disbursement of said suit; that the mortage nescrioru Pal liulBDcrd II. ... . .- ll.,n a.-Hnnl An Irish Homier uiikuuiuh " "". o. rnm n..,. - - which is compuisory when starUng til. in said after an exalninatioii lias tiiKeu ui.tce, had great ilifliculty ln brlngin to the correct answer. Vou are a Hhillin? out, Magee,' the Inspector, "therefore you failed again." sum ' said have III BMC J .i'.ll" - - - ' on June 20, 1H!W, in favor of plaintill, be foreclosed ; that the land therein describ ed, to-wit: Commencing on the south line of tin) W. F. Matlock Donation Land Claim and VM feet easterly of the ....... ..enUr i.f aui.l Ilonation Land Boom wrcnt ... ... " - - Claim; running thence easterly on the In." Claim ; running iiienco inij u "Uch Bald rat, laaoo, a ..,..... goui o hub ui "'' -- ' ..... i. ,ii I ., i . .:..t.e.n..lA. tn taut .li.a'ritipo from his pocket, "take this, auu u ii i nortneriy ai rigot nuK.c . . ... iroi.i nit i , , . , c.....a,J. li.,ain rnda- I hence westerly at rigtil make th.- sum right Hurroo! Succeed ed at la.-.t:"- Spare Momenta. Wtallirr a lienaierooa Topic. Xewitt-W'ell, there's one thing aliout the weather-it's always a safe topic iif conversation. Borrougha-I thought It was today rhen I met Icndhain, but when I ...e...i f kih-mW- of it he said, "yea, lt'i unsettled, and that reminds Die of that note of yours."-I'hiIadelphla I'ress. llllts IV loon, -- angles to last described line JO rxl; thence souther I v at nglil angles to mm descrilied line 40 rods lo place of begin .i ...i.ii.in,. r. .i.TPu nil in section ',). Illlig, i.oiivaiii.i.a, " 1 . . .....,..!.!.. a. .ill. ran ire 2 east. Of the to?, .ini.ij. . "-'"-"i - - Willamette Meridian, in Clackama county, state of Oregon, be sold in the - ...il...,l Y.o I.v and that from IllUIIUei lirn,..nn. the proceeds ol such sale there be paid . i..:t;tr. ti.a aavoral aiima of monev ! W uiaiotiii n.v n,... I . .1 a ...1 f.trtl. at lor a ileerer auove oaiu". "' - - barring and loreclonuij. you ami eacn oi .,. ontr and all rikdlt. title ytju ,i,y.. J i and interest In and to said real property, except the statutory right to redeem, and for such other relief as may ! De eqniiaoitj. i I m . .n. ia r.ll,1iuh.d liV Order 1 IIIM BUIOIUOi.n .o -y -- - In ll.r firi'Uil Court of the Slul of Orr- g in, lor the t oiii.iy in '' a..i- A. K. I.aioiirrtie, rruaiee, ; I'laii'iiu, I vt . i John K. Anderson andti'i"- ( lav Iiaiiikr, Defrnilanta ) lit,,, HuRi.oS. I ... l'.,rTr I'i.a k i,( .... ..i....-..r. 1...I ,,,,ei,l tinier decree and liy virtue in an rxrculi in. di.lv laaurd out l and under Hie aeal ol lh above riitillrd court, In Hie alt.iv-entitled rau-e. In in tluiv oir-cieo . i ll.. -I.r.l d at- ill A IH 1 1. I. U I Sill ami iia,.-i . , ii a pelt inei.t rendered and entered In ain ourl on the ilr.I nay ol Aprn. i.e..,, ... .a.-.. ol A. I'.. I.ut lurr'te, irutiee, lao.io., . nk.int John t. Ai rami ami a. Iiahlke, Drleml'iiita, lor inr mill oi rim ....I lli.re.ill nl Ihe rat ol S ,rr per annum Ironi the a'.nl day ol A prd, l'"' . and the luriher auiu oi -'. - ati.,...rj -lee, and the further auin ol ll 'i.i'i c in and ditliiirtemriila, ail I the coals ol ami upon lids writ, couiiiiHiidihg inr lo niak tale ol the following ib'scribnl real property, ulul ate, irl the coiihly of i:lttckamat, tliile of Oregon, to wil : pegiohimf at the N. . corner id the H. I). Kraiicit I). I.. '. No Is, in Tp -' rl. H. -K. of the Willamette Meridian, and run ning llience Kaat along the North boundary oftnid D. b. ('. No. Is, lTi.it. chaitia ; thence N. I ft niiniiira W. H.hii chania ; iiienre n " Ml ( hiiih to the Fat! boundary line ol the 0. L. or I- D. C. I.atoiirrlte No. 4;: thence S. l.'i inliiiile Kiil ulon;; the hl I..u l,.,a t.t awl, I I'Uilll No. 1-1 10 the 1,1 ,11 I I, IB, J .. - place ol beginning, containing, lo acres more or leas. ... Vn. ' lirrelora. Iiy viriueor ssiu rircu- tion, jmlirrneril or.b r and decree, and in complianre won inr rouiiuauon m n.- writ, I will on .yioiioay, me tl r II DAY Or Jl l.Y, l!-l. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., at th front j ... .i.. i ....... 1 1 r,.,,ri lliiim. iii the 'IV uoor oi tiic.". j -' - - - of Oregon City, in said County anil rtata tell at pillilic auction, auojet:i . i",e -...... ... .1.. l.h.l..l l.i.hler for IL H. void DUO, V tliw nil,,,. - -- ' . . - . com rash In hand, all the right, till- and interest which the wiiinii iiameu ueie.... anrji or either of them, had on the ilate of tne mortgage herein or riliice bad In or to the BlHiVe deacrilieu real property t.r ,.aei n.errof. tii saiiilv aaid urcullon, judgment order, decree, liiterrat, coals and all at:crumg cosis. J . IV. nil a an, Hherill of Claekanisa I'otinlv, Oregon. liy K. 0. Hai Kr.TT, Deputy. Dated Oregon City, Oregon, June . V.fiX I'nv tl.eji.n. on Monday, the I7ib day of AnguKt, I'si.l. lie iiame aa w llu.'t.'S : -I.V. Illlike, of Molalla, Oregon ; I d llurke. Jaiue Miller and UoU-il Oabnrne, of Portland, Oregon. Any and all H ra iiaclaiming adversely the ahove-.leHcribr l landa ale ri"ieted i.. IIL Iheir i-laiioN In lliis olllce on or be fore aaid 17th day ol Aogii-t. 1'hU Al.oniNoN H. lliiKaara. K.-gitler. i-oala and illalmrte- ineiila ol Ihla aull ami lh tott ll -"lt aald ant. Dai I. Or-,.,,!, r,y, Oretron, ltd "th day ol Mat. I t'i. J. I!. Mil AYKIt. HI. end of I'lti kamat l ountv. ureKoii ly K. f. H AC k K r I . Deputy. Getting Keen. Mrs. von Dliimer We must have the t i. . dinner. We owe thern one. ... . Von P.lu..,or-0f coue. . V I i Tho.. F. van, county j'.dgHol an awful dull evening there, and it la, ' " Oregon, for the eonuty of .....i... O. uu riifht that the? lr,e 81816 ol , '.,.. ...i r.i...i :,... IK 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ll IIHflC --r---- w Aliiiliillrnltr a Colli e Notice ia hereby given that the under aig I lias been duly appointed Admin istrator of the estate hi Wilhrlui llil'i" now, deceased, wilh Will anni'ii' l, and any and all perrons having claims agrtilisl the said rslate nmal preacnl llu-iii lo iiih at in V tli " in Oregon I'lty, Ore gon, duly vrnlied, wi' In it six I itb from the date, of this notice. Dated this May H'h. I'H'd I.IVY I 1 1 I P, Adininislriitor of said eslitle. I. P.. DIVIICK. Attorney for Adinr. Police, lu 4'rt'llliir. In Ih I'oiihty I'onrl ol Ihe Hint of Ore. gnu for t'la. kamna Homily. In the matter ol the rttate of John A. Hwantoii, drcraaed. The uiiileriicnrd having been appolnle.l by the Coiioly I'onrl ol Ihe Mlat ol t irrg in, lor ClackamHt roiihty, Adiinniiiriiirii of (lie estate of John A. Hwanaon, dri'eaae.l, notice ia hrre iy given lo Ihe rredilor of, nud ail i.eraoiia hiivliig clalma agaimt aald drcra.r.i, In pretrnt the m yerilled aa re quired hy law, within tlx iiioutha after the hrst publication ol Una notice to tit id Ad ininitirntrtit at her retldence, llaiiiaacua, Cl.,.kui,i.i f'l.iintv (Ire.ttl MAIIIK. J. HWANHON, Adreltdatralrix ol the ralaie ol John A. Hwanaon. rteeea-ed. Dated May Z, I'll!. (Tlrtlloaa. In the ( 'until y t'ourt of the HI ate of Ore gon lor the Count)' ol I la. k t mat. In the mailer nl th I'd tie nf Jaa. I I'lirpla ileieatad. Or. ler In ahow railte why order of tale ol real et tie ahoiild nol be made. A. .! t laauuu, a-i 'in "I ' a in .,,- r- inte ol J aa. K. I urrie. de. ea-ed. hat IliK Hied hit petitmii herein, duly yrrlllrd. praying lor an order of aale ol the mr Hi weal .piarlrr ..I nr. tion li I'.ant'ilii :i. aouih ram .'i ratt ofth Willamrl'r Meridian, lu t'la. aa.naa. I oi 1 1, tv , ' ing. in , a portion of t he real et it ol -aid dece.li nl, ur the pin pntea Iherein .... i ... i. Ii ia tin Tfnr ordered by the aihl run. I. that the iert,ioa liiieretted lu th eatat of aid dec-ate. I apienrnig belur Ihe tall i'otinlv I 'on 1 1 mi Mi in. lay. th s'li day ol June. Pt'l, at u n't'liM k in Ih tore-uion of t.ihl dale at the Court room nl tuld County Cuiirl In Ihel ourl ll.uite at Oregon I itv I'lackitmat I'onniy, Oregon, lu ilio rant tin an urder ahnuld tint he granled to the nai l admiiilttraior bi tell aaid real etiatr of III anld decratrd. ill ,riv:'.l aale: ami that a coi.y ol I'di or.lrf be pulillahr l at leatl li.nr aoceetalv Weeka III lh "Oregon I Ity . tiwriiria. a liewal, alter l.nn ami piibliahed in anld i lly and rniinty M... '. C.I! THUS. V. I1Y AN Judge. should :ass one berc-UfotAlyu Life. Haitian It Eaay. "You neyer allow yourself to read a book until you have read a review of It? Why I thatr "Well. I prefer to uae only pnalgm ed mental food." Clacgamas, duly n.ale and filed in the above circuit court on the 11th day of ll'l. ULISAN and W. W. BANKS, Attorneys for I'laintills. May 15, 1903 A Dew line of children's hats and baby bonnets. Mlsa Goldsmith. Mainurl Nhepliertl IXale. Notice is hereby given that the under tinned, aa executor-ol the estale of riamuej " . ...i .1. I.aua Ilia. I llieir linal nneplirro, .iet..., aicount and renoft in the Ixiunty Ixiort lor ... . . ........ n a. ..I that Unn. I 'laf'M aillBa UIUIIU, ..ra.,..( a,. - .- h. in. i ,ih da of Jnlv. I'ti-'t. at 10 o'clock A. M., at the court room of said curl in the court homes at Oregon City, in said .. Oee.iti haa tien nied tlBf ..man w""J, r-"., by aaid County Court aa the time and place . .. . , ... ..i.i...i ...... .a a.t.4 final lor loe Hearing oi o-,jrt.t.u..a m.-. account and rejsjrl and the tettlement Dated and first publlahed June 5th. 1!j3. . . rilLO -..A nivin It It UAV. F;iec:utor of the eetate ol Bamuel Bhep- berd, tieceaaeo. W. A. CLKLASD, Attorney lor Executors. .olireiol l lnnl fWellleii.ent. 1. . 1 1..... t... .... .....I.. ..iil. e ia l.ereiij a'-e" n.afc ui.'.i Igned adminiitfabir "I the eatat ol Albert ,-l - I , ....I 1... ItU.I 1. 1. Ili.al a t.,,,iiri, . ran.-. , , i,a- ...i.-, ii, ...,a. Count in taid etlale in the County Court of lie male Ol ' 'reicon, inr I ia.:aamaHt tiiiuiT, and that the )udg of aaid Court haa ap- 1 .. ..... U.....1... I u I, a. I .1 ll, ..' (.1.,1. I.JIIie,. tf. IAJ, 11, ,r r,, ..r..,, ... i.a.n . A M. for hearing ohjectloiia to aaid ac count ami lor arming aani ea.aie. L- 1 1 ti: , 1, 1 1 I t lut'irtl i.i.naiu. v .......... it, Adininittrator of tlie estate of Albert Moaner, urcen-eo. I.KO. U. llllO W M.l, iloWAKl) M. IIIIOWNKI.I., AUyi (or Administrator. .''Jollt'e l Nnle ly lliT. ree, In Ihe rlrcuil cinirt of Ihe alale uf Ora- gon, for I lackamat i-ouniy. Mary I., rrn-mau.. ora uniiert ..... ....i o i lr. i.... i a. ,.i a. mi ... ... i.,.,"-i , . ii,- biiahaiid, and luiit A. Free- man, Plalnlilta, va i Ii rt P. Fr email, William T. Freeman, Jainra A. Freeman, W. D. Freeman, lleiile.li How ley, and Nathan llowlry, hrr biiahaiid, Viola Freeman and llha Frremaii. Drlendanta. I'uraiiant to. ami in acriirilanr. alth IKa term and ciiiulitiona ol a Judgment and itiii-re. liereloforn dulv ma.la a.,,1 a., Iii the above entitled court aim cam,, ail- iiioriiing auu oirecting tne toniakeaal.nl the real ealate berelnalier .leacrll-,l, lor the ptirKiae ol partitioning Ihe proceed! ol aald aale In accordance Willi the tnrnn of aald judgment and decree. Now, then-lore, hy virtue of aaid Judg ment and decree, and in coinpliai.ee there with, I will, on Saturday, Ihe Otli day of Jun., IH0.1, A HOG'S MOUTH. 1 Th. Way II Enable lb Vala.! SJ I al lllekory t.ia. i "People t.ri. h Wonder ln. II ll HI I bog run ! ail ll " aenu'i em tal ti. koiy nut. or any t.il . r klinl of si fur Ihiil li'Slter, wltbtMil tl.TUi any of the elu-ll," anld a limn frota Paj ti.uutry. "bill n a inntt. r of fact tb4 la iioilili.g iiiyal. rloua iiIm.ui t t.e firm ea Mli.d )'ll. huge tlou I awall-w a nf lln'te tinnier tub! nil. v 1 !"7 P rid of them, and Ih- n ll la I'M at ear, .,r then' lo get lid id the al.WlofaBd a .1 I for a uum or a a,u;tT.-l. I'I liilK-lil Ihllik l-'!iU'.e a I"', rnitlii Ihe nut Into ail.nll f r n glncntl tint tM.iil.l liet.-taiiiily avvnllow t l P Ihui of the bull. Hut he d.a ni I Jo 5j such Ihlug. It I a cui'iited f "ft nlii.-l'l to uho know niiVlhlng nl'out the wl'Jl Hint Ihe lu.rae I the IU""t rfMlJ 0 atructed anl'iinl In th- ..ild. mi.tij llig the piui.oaet for which tlirlu'ivl Ua.tl Hlld ll lll.'lhol llll.t l. il.llt 10 U!k Put I want to put In a g-l u"l ' Ihe hog vilifll ll conn lo III ciii. klng and fating mils lll.ieat fet- Ilio? nnv nf the tinnier aul'tlnti.ta i-a Ihe aloiimcti. The h-'te Imt verj !a l.eth, The back teeth pnrthtnimj liiiely e..iatruct.-.t with a lrwofB l.lllig Ihe borae to cruh lit l1'" "' l..r,.r.. ii.aallii? It Into III"' af'tM Hi. ., heavy grlnih r. heiiol; tin. lu.rae'a Jaw. are bnikci m-t. - iiinrvela. So they are. "Itnl ta lint'a tl miter lt teeth of th hogr W bnf tli" with Unit iniirveloiis proc.-t " ' il.r a.,ii..ritt. the kernel nf t' ' fri.ni Iho It till ? It h.'i- .M,tirr.-'i."- tlint Ihla la no aiinill n ! . i v i"'"1-,: linttire Is lit least eiititl.d I" "r ' . I i, II, r.,r her aUtll III l"lik :!. " result posll.le. Ill Iho fl l'1"' bog's tongue Is more ciin"r Would be supposed. "I'd I' ,nn '' detect the hinder fl'oul the """ alii s. Ity some sort of T, hog Is nl.le lo work Ih" blts'if ry nut hull over l the sM-si ' ; mouth, the tongue being '"' purpose. II lid hero IlieV "'' "" , at the i-..niera. Prolmbly -v"" 'j tlced Hint lh cornels of n lies11"" lire a. what different rrom i" tiers of the mouths of oilier"""; The lines of Ihe m-Ulh do "' " poltil.Mlly. mid hence It Is a l""''1"; thing for the ling I" "'oia ' substance which ho th-'t '' awallow out Ibroiigh these " -New Orieiins 'I lines is-- llib'." A FEW WHYS. police to Creditor). . . I . 1....I,. ..I ..... ft... f I, . kun iiOtltV IB ll.n.w p(.r,i .Ma. l."', ... aiKiinted arlnilnlatratrix of th eatate of Kraderirk lhmaii, ileret, by Ih.Contity Court ol Ciackaiua Conn y, Oregon. All I.TI.UII I , a . I , ' H ...a. ...a .,,," u are hereby riotitird to prea.nt th lima to me for payment at the olllce ol I' Keri.t K. hueliel, my atuirneya, at Oregon Cliy, Oregon, with prosr voiichera therelor within six nionthi after the date ol this no nce. Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, this 20th dal of May, V 1 ADEI.HEID I.F.HMAS. AdmlnM'Stnx ol lbs Katate ol Frederick Lehman, deceaaed. at the hour ol 2 o'clock p. m., at the trout door of the county court liotiae, In Oregon City, Clackaiuaa rounly, Oregon, aril al public auction to the Ingbrat bidder, Inr raah in hand, II. H gold coin, the lollow loir deacrihrd nreuikea i. arli The iiortheaat ,iirter of aectlon 11 In low nahip .1 aouih, range ft real, ol the W'll lainrtle Meridian, containing pio acrea, more or iraa. auuaie in t. lackamat county Oregon. Ainu the following: The weal hall or the toiith hall of Ihe eaat half or the D. b.C. ol John and Pamelia Tultle, In ertlon :!'-', lownahlp 2 aoiith, range 4 eaat. and In aectlon ft, lownahlp 3 aoiith, range 4 eaat of the W illamette Meriillan, eomain tng HO acree, more or leu, and utiiat In Clackatnai county, Oregon. C. hCHLliHEL. lleferee. Baled Oregon City, Or., April 2, pjua . Whi .lo iniinv employers' n!, clerks are n sti 1 lot "' ,11,ffon" their eoiislderntloui . . . . ..I....!.-. I.Hlk W-lt"'- v ny no inniijr mi their einplnyers mid riie'1'0 Correction or shnri worn i ....n. Mil' V ny i.o iniiiiy p vlft.: Cfiurt.siusly and el"'"-' ,,,, p-.t than they tlo I" t '"' lovo tho best of all? (ir,- Why do many n"'" I""-'1' , , I I. II.MI. fill I J ' lilt H in IHinillt cr, - 'and rather l.s.k down oil tlie iiiiu riiun'1 who showa she has soinci Why do many children ' ( thing their parents siy & rA them a bores and long to' eo ns to era-ape from th'U"J ,y Why d J rich f"1", '" pra.r rehtllvea lis bfll'f. .,..' Ita.kotit for favor and so l r poor reluUves from "Voj tt'; pn-senta or being imtiiral : Why do many husb'"' for Uieir wives ami f'iu"' think bow the wire an invitation to the tbeate . hit at a restaurant, w' some flowers brought bow" Chicago Hetord Herald.