Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 05, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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-i i
jYour Banking 1
j ti"" did not aaaken an employ of the
ocococcccccco c;
rirm no sleeps m h (Kirs liiiililintf.
Twn other renorta of lirmicrnMiifiil at.
Twn other
t ih al I
lljlll ! lilt
Ihiik a-lzilltf Oregon (,'lly rnni-
VH heell IIIK, to the nolle.
Tl I , . . . .. . .. ' .
i i " imiH-nuit leaii in Mix leiiel that
i Una section ll,n ml ley la ilt(t5l with
K"'i u( hoii-hreakr.
tV Mirx
i land Tillered
M No matter li o w h in a 1 1
y no matter how 1 a r go , ft
1 OF J
v. nnrnnw pitv a
Lj will k'iv! it careful at- jjj
C teiitiou. Thirt inesHaijo A
lljiplifrt to the men and j
B tlm women alike.
Oregon City Enterprise
I mMPirr ita Tim K Sm ovu I'i.ai k The
cuiiiiiri jniiixra ami llm lirl'a living
lliiiiii'llial''i I'riivnl twi airimu a colli'
liinatluii lor the lniky pamalir of Ihia
My in Ihr liall urtinn lal Nihility alter
noon, W hen I hit iiiik of the liaillH
lial ( li'ainl r alnl tlm noin hoaril
ailiil viilili, it a n tlmt Hit
IramMi la Hi'ie ilili for a luliiral, the
m ore 1 1-1 1 1- M to 7 In lavor o tlm niMia
ii'lt Irani ll In unili'lalooil tlx- It-aiuott-r
Mie irariii iii loii ilnvra ami haae run
IntiK ami otlmraiae yrtliiiK into nliai
Willi the inti'tilioli ol I'liallrliKlliK llm
Iniiera ol hmi'lity'a khiiih Id a reluiii
'tit(iii'iiiiiil. The lioiarmeii aay il limy
la l to alii in the wtoml Kaiim they iil
urreiiiler the rriiia. Our liaai'liall rrilir
alnl hot alti'inl the name u the Kntrr
nl ia iinalile to lve a iletailril ri'ort
ol llm innnv epiM'lariiUr ily. It ia
neeillraa to a. hi that the ronleal T ir . t.-.l
f nl Ii'rv aiiiinu'itM-iil hir the an'Utora.
KnalliKM Ra Id moi.aKukii. The real'
tli'lire ol John Ailaina. a tim'i harit ol
llnarity, aa linrnmiiri'il early haliir
lar uiorniiiK. Knlrance van iiaiimil
throtiKli a Iront imlnw, tint the lamily
haa hot iliarnveietl anvtliiliit mlnMiiK
Vrl. 'llm aarliinlil were thoroilhly
overhaiileil, a'i'l a nuiai'leralile atiionnl
of roa-olv li'Milr, ilirlilililiK clolliinu
rlnrii illy, wan loinnl in one room,
alu'tu it la Iwlmn-I the rohlx-ra ili'(H.il
! it ami ai-re at-arpil away tirlore llmv
roiil.l remove the aalne. Over f'.ll in
k"M colli aa lell llllllatitrlfl ull a aUlnl
in one ol Ihu rooim that ern viaile.l.
I 'u I ice ulllrera iiert that the tniriilary
a the anik of attatini'ra In) have heen
M'eii alMitil the rllv fur the let fi-w tlttya.
liemirt aaaaUo maile that tlm reanlelirea
ol fir, J. W. Noirm ami .'. W. Cole acre
ciiIitimI the aame nilil. At the fornmr
hoime the hiliUra aeiiircil aUnil (li ill
Chi iiiiii Wan Kin lour Thais'.
J W. Knoll, a (aimer Iiviiik at Viola,
li.nl a nurruw eai'aiHi I rum aeriuim iiijuiy
aynioiniiiK Me attempted lo drive I
. n- u l'.....il.. l.iur....l
arroo the hmiilmin I'ai'illi; liailroat!
truik, in tlnti'iiy, lie In ml a (fi'ilit train
Unit man Mainlina" in Hie yanle. There
n lint emlit feet of "I'aie lietaren the
Ireilit chIhhwii ami llm mail w ay. Kxon
liail Imrt'ly driven onto the trm k w hen
the train liacked. The Mami aaacol
Inh'il with anil tiailly ilenioliKlmil. Hot ti
the driver ami team eM-aped harm and
hut llltln daniaun leaulled to the curo
l f it r ri i iirodiicta with ahirli the aairon
wan louded. .Mr. Kxon ia the entiTn
iiitf ('(irreaiindent for tlm Knteri'rme at
Viola, and tlm paper could hardly tfiH
liiiH Wlthom him. I In la to he con
uratulaled tlmt lin ea,a(i'd uninjured.
Moiik Hi mai. Koitkm K C. Clem
ent, aHcial iiiNpect r ol nir.il mail roniea,
'tit I rnliy ami Salttrdav exaiiiining
deaired rnute in thia vicinity for wlilcli
i''t it lone h ivii been tiled. It ia not likely
UihI the route anked (or hy tlm people ol
Willamette Kalln will he recoiii mended
J'v Mr. Clement liecauae u( Im I rol.
The propoand Viola Stone-Kedland-Lo-van
route will he eatahlialied if the ilm
tuiice covering theae pointu can he re
duced to 25 mile", which ia the innxi
niiin length for routea under the rural
delivery. The length of the route, aa
originally planned waa M milea. Mr.
Clement conducted an examination in
Hiia city Saturday of applicant fur ap
(ointment aa rural mail carriera.
l.Ktl.Al, Bt'4-INKHH AT KoHKIII HU. Oil-
''crt I, Medirea. of the leual linn of
Meilgea.it lialloway, went to Koaehurg !
frhlay, where he will apxnr at the land
"Mice foi several settler in the hearing
f content caaea galiiht the Northern
'acillc Company. The conteeti have
V'rowii out of the removal from these
1'iihlic lamia of eettlera accompanied hy
"ie aurrender of the property to the
'ailroad company in whuee name it ia
ow held. Mr. Hedges will alao visit
n Francisco before returning to Ore
k" City. He is eipected to return to
morrow.' PAMAHCl g VlI.LCI.EIIBATK.-Tlie peO-
p'e of Pamaacui are prepAring to make
t ie eagle scream this year even louder
than ever, l'oelwra are teing printed
or advertising purjioses and the people
"' the country contiguous to that section
re reipieated to join in the demonstra
liln. As they usually do, the Damascus
t'eople will provide a complete and en
liable entertainment for all who may
dniirt to be their gueata for the day.
Mayor Grant B. PimU k, ol this city, has
cteptaj the invitation to deliver an
ortion at the celebration.
NrsuLABY at Canby. Tbe general
iierchandise store of Carlton A Kosen
Jtrana, at Canby, waa entered by burglars
iUely nighL Several pairs of shoes
misaing but it is not believed ay
"er goods were Ukeu. Entrance to
Hie buildinir Waa l.-.t ll,r,u,,.l. a mif
window and the thieves ia their opera-
I llm ('i-otiiino Sai.k.M. Hammers
1 1'iiiirli has airived In I'm city Willi a laiye
stock il rlothlnv, men's furiiisliiiiK
Hoods, hats, t a. shoo, pants, eie., ami
ill comlm-i a Hire week's aale In the
O I.I lellowa' building on Main ntrcft in
Iliij illy. Tim sale open tomorrow,
i Natunlav morning, Jikim 11, mi. I williioai
.lively don., on Halurday, Juiih 7. Good
i itl tie (.Hired at price astonishingly
low. A better tiHriiinity, Hay Mr.
Ilaniiiieralnngh, for tlm inirctiaae, n(
, clothing ami Kent' for lushing at ex
llrfini.ly low llgure was never before of
fered the Hiila of Clackamas county.
' Urt i-tih roN Tint Cl.AkK. -"-Major
j and Mm. Win. Hancock ( lark, of New
I Voik, were, ihu (jiii-u of In. nor at a re-
ceidon given at Willamette Hall Kr.
Uy nltfii hr the Oregon City Women's
l.ewi A Claik Cluti. The r .tioi waa
j informal In i character and was gen
,ersllv participated in hy the represent.
' live i-i'ixen ol Hit. roi'nnilinliv. Short
I addfeea were made, t y tmtiiiueril i-ili-
ena. Major Clark alto made a tne
laddreaa, he icerhmakirig w a inter
j ietae with Vocal anil mimic) seleo
; tlons liy local talent.
ti IKT IIomk Wkhmmi Tlm rre.
inoliv that Hinted in uinrriave Mra.
hcotfuaii, of thia eily, and Mr. A. ). Mill,
ol I'a.kplace a aa perlormed al the home
of the liinle, rorner id Ninth ami Jefrer
on atreela, at 10 o'clock T'led:iy morn-iriK-
Key Yung, ol the lieiiiiin I.nili
erun ciinn li, olln ialed In the prei-ence of
only a lew tiienda. Mra. Scojian ia an
eallinahle w jii and haa renlde'l in tliia
cily lur the laat laelve yeara. Mr. Hill
ia an employe at the woolen inilla and
wild Ina hride will reaide at I'arkplare.
St I5l S kh KiHM. (i. F. Morion
ami J. K Jack have lormed a Imaineaa
partneraliip under tlm firm name and
a'yle ol Morton and Jack and will Con
duel a yem-ral (jroeery alore al Sevenih
and Madiaon alreeti. They luve opened
up and are doing huaitieaa. In adililion
lo llm grocery t'ork, the (lrm will rarry
tinware, haidaare and a full line til
iiram, hav and feed Mult'-i Ther have
in connection a free delivery and mean
h II a I Ilea.
Vaxcoi vi'.a va. Ohkuos Citv. Tti
Oii-i-mii IMty and Vancouver teama, of
the Interataie l.eaipie. 'H p'ay alC tne
null Talk Sninlsv af'ernoon. Iltoand
Krelif will lie the h(eiy (or the local
team, which haa heen fijrilmr Inipruveil
hy the addilion ol r red illiaina, re
cently from Vancouver. Williama will
iday at third daae and I'a'teraon will oc
cupy Ida old ioailion at ahort Vancov
ver ia aairl to have the atroiineat team of
the Icoyiie and a really intere'ting con
tent Ia predicted.
la SmtorM.Y In. Mra. Harck, of
I'orlUnd, ia aerinualy ill at the home ol
her daiiuliler, Mra Olio Peiite, on Sev
enth Mreet. Mra. IUrck waa in the city
to attend the Mmnoiial Pay eervicel and
diirliitt the day wa ulri. krn w ith aatroke
ol aKipexy and ia now in a aer.oiis con
iliilon. A daiiifhter, Miaa Clara, wh i
haa lieen alinlviiiK art in Clncax.i. haa
l-en potitied and reached tlii city on
Tli ur inlay.
Ciii mkw A Wn t. I'i.av Ham.. TlieOhe
mewa Indian Traininir School haeliall
team ia the lirat airitreiratioti la enler the
Cliaiilau'ia haaehall tournament. It ia
e x (mcIi-iI liy the nunii.'eineiit of the
('hatitauiiu that at leant I've teAui will
liarMcipate in the tournament lor the
Vallev cliampionahip Secretary Croaa
i .. ... . . . i
haaa itned upwitli fie Chenieaa hand.
which will furniah nuiaic for the Aamm
hly. Fkkh ok Col sty OrrtcttK. The re
ceipta ol the olli-e of County Clerk
Sleiitht for the numtti of May were
$IS 20 aa com pare-1 lo $ 12? for the cor
responding month lat year. Kecorder
Stevena reimrtaa proportionate increase
in the recc i ta of hia ollice, amount
ing to ahoiit I'iO more than for the aame
month a year ago.
Win. (iivk A Smokkh. Company A,
Third Regiment, O. N. li., will entertain
invited fnenila at a emoker (o he given
at the armory June lr. The local militia
fellows believe ii lookinit after the aociiil
tide f life aa well aa perfecting them
aelvea in military tactica and they know
how to entertain too.
A Comi'otsii Fkacti'hk The little
ilAiiiflitvr of Mr. and Mrs Kitghy on south
Main street fell nf the porch Saturday
evening and atiffered the fracture of both
hones in the rinht arm jut twlnw the
t-lhow. Pr Stuart waa called and ad
justed the fracture, which was quite a
painful one.
Will Kkkp You Cool. Huntley
Hros. have just installed a costly sod
wster fountain. It ie an elegant piece
of atore furniture and with its ue the en
terprising proprietors hope to be able to
keep the public cool during llie approacii-
tng aunimer tnonthi,
Tiks Mki.i to CiHi t rr Cot rt.-William
I'ike, a woodchopter, charged with
committing a nuisance, has been held to
the circuit court under I'.tK) bonds. In
default of the required bond, the man
was committed to jail.
Arm Badly Si-aliucd. Miss Mark,
who is employed at the Brunswick , Kes
taurant, met w ith a very painful mishap
last Saturday evening, when she severely
scalded her left arm by the overturning
of some colTee.
Had tiik Last Say. Mayor O. B.
Dimick and O. L. Story, of this city,
closed the campaign at Marqnam Fri
day night. They report a good meeting
with much enthusiasm.
For Pair. Matched bay driving
team. Will be at Farmer's Feed Yard,
Satnrday, Jane 0.
A Nrrloua Mistake.
E. C. DeWitt A Co. is the name of the
firm who make the genuine Witch Haiel
K.tve HeWitfs ia the Witch Haxel
Salve that heals without leaving a scar,
ii i. . .arirma miataKa to use any other,
OeWitt'S Witch Haiel Salve cures blind,
itfMnff &nd brotrotliog piles.
barns, bruis-m, eczema and all skin dis
coid DJ Ueo. A. uaruiua-
Mrs. Laurrx S. Webb,
Yloe-PnMoat Womaw'a Tleni.
mulct IiiIm of Aurtliern Ohio.
"I itfitd Uw change of lilt which
wat !t l.pro4thin I antktd Win
of Cirdul. and d:riiid to try a bot
Ut. I O'xricnrt tont relief th,
lint month. o I kept on Ukmi It for
thre Hninthj ar.4 now I rrwnitruaU
with no pais ul I UI taVc It oil and
on now until I have patted the climax."
Female weakness, disordered
tni-ntet, falling id the womb and
ov.-irutn tr il,ei do not wear off.
They follow a w oman to thei-hange.
of life. Po not wait hut hike Wine
cf Ciirdui now ami avoid the trou
ble. Winer.f ('anlui never fails
to liem-fit a swlfi iing woman of
any s. W ir.e of Cardui relieved
Mrs. U'ehh when she wa in dan
per. W'ln-ii you come to the chanffe
ol lite Mrs. Webb's letter will
nman more to you than it dues
now. But you may new avoid the
Siifferiiijf tlm endured, pnicrgists
sell i I bottle of me of Cardut.
Oirgon City Youth, lleconilng Di
rouragid, Took Bough on-Itata.
F.lmer McCulloiigh, aiied 24 years, of
thisciiy, made an unauix-esslul attempt
at ti-ll di-firintioii Monday morning.
BniiKh-on-Kaia was the poisonoua route
em,loed. Miscondition was discovered
axon slier taking the oison A physi
cian was summoned, who administered
an emetic ami saved the lad's life.
Straightened financial circumstances is
the only reaon assigned for the action.
Young McCullough is employed in a
local lotiodry and went to hia work as
usual Monday morning. At 9 o'clock
the led Mm foundry and went to his
home, w here he took a fatal dose of the
poison. McCullongU will givenocaue
for attempting suicide and threatens to
oomplet" the jd) at the first opportu
nity. He ia unmarried ami his home and
social life ate known to lie nleaamt and
! no caiine other tliau that of financial em-
bar ranniu,t is given for his attempt to
end his tile.
Vrt-rana of first Oregon Catalry and
Inr.iiiti y Will Meet In I'm (laud.
"Pleas announce through the rol
ti in us ul your valuable paper that the
eteians ol llm rirnt Oregon Cavalry i
and Inlantrv will hold their second re-
union, in conjunction with t lie encamp I
ment ol the tt. A. II., at Portland on;
Saturday, June 27, ltK'3. All survivors
of tlnum regiments are invited to attend. ,
"Newspapers of Oregon and Washing
ton are requested to publish tins notice." j
. OKO. B, Cl'RRY,
V. M. Mii.i.r.ARY, Commander.
Turner, May 2'Jth, l'.X)o. i
Shirt waist hats are the latest.
About twenty-five thousand acres of
land in Clackamas county isheld by P.
II. MurUy, et al, under tax titles, winch
w ill soon rinen into good titles if not
defeated. I hereby aicree to defeat any
of thot-e titles for about one half ttiesmu
denim), led for a deed by said P. H. Mar
Ij et al. Cherwise no charges made.
0. B. IhMtcK, Attorney-at.law,
Oreuon City, Oregon.
The latest novelties in millinery,
on Miss tioldsmitli.
Women as Well as iIen
Are Made Miserable by
Kidney Trouble.
Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis
courager and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor
and cheerfulness soon
1 4 disappear when the kid-
neva are ant of orrlej
r'U" Money trouble nas
v t Oot-J . - Kcoraa so prevalent
Vlilr 1 that It Is not uncommon
v .f ,or child to be born
V M-22tJ llcted with weak kid-
I li V -1 (j ' ii me cnua urin-
-W-i, ,les loo often l( ,he
urine scalds the flesh or If, when the child
reaches an age when It should be able t
control the passage, it la yet afflicted with
bed-wet!inj. depend upon it. the cause of
the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first
step should be towards the treatment of
these important organs. This unpleasant
trouble is due to a diseased condition of the
kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as
most people suppose.
Women as well as men are made mis
erable with kidney and bladder trouble,
and both need the same great remedy.
The mild and the Immediate effect ol
Swamp-Root Is soon realized. It Is sold
by druggists. In fifty
cent a.T one dollar
sizes. You may have a
sample bottle by mall
free, also pamphlet tell
tnf all about It. Including- many of the'
thousands of testimonial letters receive1 ;
from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kllmet
& Co.. Blnghamton, N. Y.. be sura and
mention this paper. j
Pont make any mistake, bot remem- .
ber the name, Swamp-Root. Pr. Kilmer's .
Swamp-Root, and the address, Bing
Lamtoo, N. Y., on every bottle.
! r wi w in
2,HX) miles of ong dis
tance telephone wire ;n
Oregon, Washingtot , Cali
fornia and Idaho now in
operation by the Pacific
Station Telephone Com
pany, covering 2,2-VJ
Quick, accurate, cheap
All the satisfaction of a
personal communication.
Distance no etfect to a
clear understanding. Spo
kane and San Francisco
as easily heard a) Port
land. Oregon City office at
Harding's Dm?; Store.
Kodak and Kodak Developing Machine
Makes Photography very Simple
Nil JM ii
' pt our. prices J
Burmeister & Andresen
We are offering sjx-cial opening price inducements that w ill
save you money at the beginning of the season.
Can they go together? This is a question naturally every one could
ask, because to the average mind high prices would mean bight
quality. But is that right? No. So many stores get a reputation for
high quality by charging high prices because the idea of low prices
brings the thought omean quality. Now our store is an ardent
example of the fact that high quality and low prices can go together.
We have just received a new addition to our immense stock
that ia the celebrated Mawe's Sew York $j oo Hat, which we have
in all the latest styles, and every hat bears a full gaurantee to give
good wear or money refunded. A visit to our atore will convince
. J. M. PRICE.
Clothier and Haberdasher
Corner 6th and Main Streets OREGON CITY, OREGON."
1 on Main Street, opposite
Electric Hotel. Formerly
occupied by the Columbia.
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and
All kinds of Repairing neatly done
and warranted.
Put a Kodak in Your Pocket
and slip a Developing Machine in your suit case
and you are prepared to take and finish anywhere-
Pocket Kodaks
Large Size Kodaks
Kodak Developing Machines
Brownie Camera
Brownie Developing Machine
We also have the Toco, Premo, Korona and Century
Cameras, which we oiTer at greatly reduced prices. .
Our Stock of Photographic Supplies is always fresh
We give instructions free. Any one wishing to do
their own work are always welcome to use our dark room
rtws Ideal Bicycles
aw i i ii ! - t d:.,-i c.aj.:..
auu a i
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
Double and Single Rigs, and sad
die horses always on hand at the
lowest prices. A corral) connected
with the barn for loose stock.
Information regarding any kind ot
stock promptly attended to by person ol
Horses 3ouerht and Sold.
Horses Boarded and Fed on reason
ble terms.
from $G.OO to $25.00
$5.00 to $75.00
$G.OO to 7.50
$1.00 & $ 2.00
uu iiiic ui diijuc ounui ics