J OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY JUNE 5, 1903, 2 2 New To-Day. I'l.KNTY OK MONKY TO LOAN AT lowest rale. (', II, MONKY TO I .((A.N AT lr rf til. lariu curty. Nlll'tiKI., AM) 7 U'lUx A (!. If. t"aiifl..l.l .l ... 1 1 t i I it . . . 1 1,.,.. .i , " "T" moveu uarriaon yiuarn, formerly ol Iteedy ." M'""y ''"" Seventh J anil a arhool rhum of W, II. If, Hamaon, ii uiiiriiT, Tiniinu nern una wees, air, A J urn it now located m Dou.la county. Henry Moore, a ho lis" licrn visiting In Oregon t il y Ilia last year with In Money Uiluaiii lni rates. T. It. Thorn and Geo T Myer Jr o( ,"u""' w " Hamsun, ha riurm-d IIhih.m .V (iMirntii, Portland, were visitor, in tl.ia ,-ii '!.,. '""' in Huhuyler county, Illinois. Mr. J. M. l.rHiii l..fi lien. I, Ks.'crn Oreifon. where she will I I pun air Lawrence and make her home. .1 .... j iir. i.awrenre in io'at0i at ltnJ aa t. . . ,-, lumiiiissiont-r. 1 1 us !!, 1 AA::.? . .. ,,. Me,w, a i ju,i, Willi. O.M...- .,. M!r ,'J.:...fi ""'"y'.'H , , M.... .. II li i . ' . ! ' .'iiiw ri ..i.-,.hij r.urr a Vldll Willi , Mim.vill,j Monday lo east a vote for Mr. friend- in Ponlnnd. (ilUI. WAN I Kit K) liKNKHAL Iteame. I ' tiotmewoik. (iiHul wnifK. i..!,! i-oiniwiniit I . .. . I J' Janes, former flmt warden of t lie i.elp. Inuiilrw Iloliuin' iit.r store or -i V. A . .'n'. n""l",I"'f man of . slate penitentiary at Kalem, a- in the Ifl.J. i "-" "rrgoil ;liljr llim w-l-k IOjKIIIK OVer AOIIIf sutmrb 1LIIV til . tank .. . Mia Jiinl. (''III.,,. ,.i H...H i . Holiday last the guest of Mini Nellie U. nan. T. It. Thorn am! Geo. T. Mynra, Jr.ol lurtlaml, wir vlnltora in thia city Una Wl'Cll. MlIU K.lltll lUluiraliMn 1.1. .rl- Ili K-iMt of Mim Vn.la Williami'u.t nu mi ay. gruaaa, etplodwl, throwing tlm lanl all ovr hia far and ahonnlnra. Fortunate ly, hia altfiit w.a not oVtrove., bm be ill bt-ar .tar. lor trie rt of hit lil(.. All I'attern IIU rolur.. Jr Miaaf. Ool.lnmiih. The amount of himinta tranirid tlirouk'h tl.e Oreon Cii. I.i.il ,,fli,.u (,.. the month ill M.v lIM.n i.i,,., ....I..... . . : '" ir.irn. m re em y4r. JJuririx tlie lant month tl,ef witw 54 limner land mina n. li'i homenlM.,! Mlinnn. I'afnta l,.ve "in rnceivwl lor the lolloaiifjr ppmonf : J.iiml.n.l pati-nia Charlra K. Ailama, M. ICo:nliauiii ami K A. Nortin (2); 1tnr pa tenia llorare K. Weaton, Al-Ix-rt Hifrt, I'Dtt-r C. fvenaon and Keth a .men. f raldiinre. II MONKY TO I.ON OV ICKAI. l'Uif. rty annuity al o per ii-nt, alwi mi .p. proved I'latirl rr. liiily i 11. Iiim.i k, attorney al law, Mrvfin JIuildiUK Oie-' If' i ii City. MONKYTOI.OAN-I HA VK KKVKUAL wiiiiih hi iii.Hifr iirionginki o private lii.livliliialtKlii. lil.nl aiilliorluil to loan, mi Ioiik liinn .1 U and 7 pvr ri.t. Coal ol loan will I made very rroi. able. II. K. (.'mow., attorney at law. !(. 1.. Il'iluun, h'adiiiK uiidnrl.krr OrrK'iu 'tly. Ori-Kon. March 27-lf Ci'y thli week. William Ioora, of Marii.m, waa in the city WedtiMwIay on hiiaineaa Iwli.m the county court. MiaaN'eva (iriawold, of Halein, waa an oroperiy. Mi. Im-a la U.inkiiiK ol in veetliiu In a amall raticli rn-ar Una city and locating lifie. Mri Marv C Kirk r,f Pr.t.v vl.it.l with Mra. f. A. hlfiKht the laio-r part ol part ol laat week Mra. Jonea haa rctmtitid lo Portland afir a viait with hi r ton, l.lnnwood E. Jotii-a, ol thia city. Mr. and Mra. L. H. Htinaoo and chil dren, ol Salem, aH-nt Memorial day with frienda ill thie my. Miaa Arieliiiie Trilrhot. of Kaliatel, Molilalia, ia viailinK at the home ol W. I'.. I'ratl, lit toia cjty. if. K. Ilavea. ol Mo.ir.l T.I.... I... r.-en viailinK with lilt aon, Judge Oof don KH Mad.lo.-k wa vi.itor o Canhy ', tay and Kale Marka Tue.lay. ' j leave early in July f.,i a two monlha' iait with relativea in Inver. it. ij-.viii, ol llolaila, aaa In ll.e city muira.iav. I Tersonal Mention I m m '"T" vi.iiiiik wun nil i - . - . JiK "y,. in thia city. 'iiawu.u, hi raiein, waa 1 " r . n. nieiKiu me laio-r pari oi the if ue. I ol MiUM-e Marjorje and Kihel j '" In Hie rment elrction of ofTi tJalllleiil hun.Uv . Cera ol tlm aioia Iful.k.l. ....... .i.i Kred Htoro.er and W II....H n, Or.nd ( haplain Hprlnga.ler, were in lite city the latU-r i Ale Croano rt-turnr-d Wednemlay even ii'K from Oregon City and other point f.d rwaiicon returned U'e.lnealav fvt-n Vt from Oregon City, where he waa urn io pr.neai a iioineMeid entry, whirli he had ronleated The mailer waa citniirontlKei and Kd'a filing c cepled. Lincoln County leader. Mr. J. W, Norria haa reliirne.i Iroiu a viait in heatlle, Kn-I Kllr-Kaen, of Slairrd, w.a ill the -ily hattirday. Hon. II. K. J.inoa, of loledo, waa In the city Monday. Mia Mary ('onei !. ieturne.1 Irmn a vii.lt at t'lalakauie. Mr, lieo. Iloxye hia hrn-n viiiting with Irienda In s.lriu. W. If. Ihugliar.lt. Kr , ol Salem, viail l In I liia rlly Tueaday. Nil iH-rlnlen. lent TifT.nv f il.a fir...... Water I'owi-r Itailway Company, ana a Viaitor to till city Wedneaday. Mi (Jrare Killard, of Ifi-ppner, vi ile.l thia week at the home ol John Lewlhwaile, on litir way lo Alank. W, I Iti.ler. a ( inner Oregon City hov. who It now liM-atn l at Snolioiuiah, Waahinglon, i visiting in thia city. Han I'iil-en, former reprnaentativp in a'ale li'iriltora from tlua rounlv. waa in the city ThurmUy from (ieorge. Cinntv Clerk Sleight aqd family have removed from (lib and Jl ireraon'atreett II you want Mrirtly up-lo date Milli nery, call on Mum V. tioldmnith. THE LOCAL NEWS. Cull and lllirrnra frm. at fhirmin A, Co.'a drug alore. See thefr adv. The 1L'-vear nlil i,f Jan.o- Man 1-11 i Tueaday and received a aevere acalp wOJnd. Cl. I' .InfL.l ir.i i iremnve.1 Horn nth and Jllferaon treet Ile.i Kirk, of Albany, vialled Ihia week .... , , , with friend in II. ia city. . Mr N""-'- of I'ortUnd. alale organ- .ixerlortl.e Royal An-anum, a in the J. S Ilirdaall, of Keliw, waa in the icily Ihia week in the iulereat ol that or city Monday mi huaine.a. gatiiration. .u.'"!."!1! K?I,,L""" r Pur,Uni1'! - K-Sroit. of the Oreonlan. waa in vi-lle llnthiaiiiy Miml.y. the , ily Wed..e..Uv. He w. trying t" Mi 1.1m Alhritfhl ha reltirne.l fr.im " '"erauae ol l la. kainaa county no Hub, the three-fourth Ten-heon atai lion, w ill make the iwawin ol I'.m at my place, 2'.; nnln northcatof Corrmaville. lernia: v vt inaure in loal, payahle when mare ia known to be in foal or parted with. J. V. Dowry. P W. Kinnaird and John Lewellen have been appointed ntFinal road view er lor Clai kaiiiaa county lor the ensu ing year lo aerve in conjunction with the county purveyor in locating and ettab lithing roa la. The appointment of these viewers ia made by the county court. Bid we'e oneiifd Wedueaday by the i.iiuy conn mr I lie huilding ol a vault addition lo the court hotiae and the re moleilnir of the interior of the alructure. Thrne ot!,-r were re.eiv-d a follow: K. H. While. I'orila.id. KY1; J. Zenello, I ortland. I741 85; J..hnaon A Andrewa, Oregon City. The certified cl.tM-ka of the two I'ortUnd bidder were re turned an.l the le.ard lxjk nnder advise nient the oiler of the l.xl firm. Suitor. Shirt Waiat Hal in all the latest My'e. Mia C. ioldsmitb. Wednesday w is the time set for the preliminary examination of Thomas K linen and (ieorie U' oi larceny from the rn.in., ThedBlend- ania, who had depoeited $I(K caah bail for their aooe.r.nr-A. f.il.l t.i rit.rt in justice court and their bail will probably "o luiieiieu. nnson ana u Brien are the nii-n who nicked the nnt-koi. f .n old soldier on a Southern I'm iflc traiu jn this cny about May 20. They are now in jail in Tacoma on a similar charge. Cups and inirrnra free at Ph.m,.n JL Co. drug store, bee their advertisement. KtarTnrd. Mr. and Mr. Milem, of Monnl Tabor, yisiled the old place and pot flower upon the graves of her mother and sister. Mr. Milem's maiden name waa Haye. She is the eldest atanghier of Capt. H. . Ha Tea. wh.i vr n. i.. .....-. i . - w ..o .uv pim.o u.t;il.sl. by hiin long year ao an.l to which he urouKiii in young tjride Irom Connecti cut in 18-M. The graves of our dead were pretty generally cared for on Decoration day, although rose were late in blooming on account ol the weather which haa pre vailed. Mr. Julia Gentry' young brother-in-Uw is slaying with ber brother, Mark Uaker. Mr. and Mrs. Gentry removed iu rfrueraon, wnere mey have pleasant home. Minnie, an older daughter, who lost her husband last Jane in Alaska and came to see ber sister married, re turned to ber place in Aberdeen, Wasb.. last Wednesday. Gardens are growing finely now, al though more rain ia nMll l.;,.l. ,n be thought unnecessary remembering Ibe many umbrella days of the past month; still, but little over two inches fell, altogether, which is not enough for thirsty Oregon ground, E. A. Mnae hrnnht fl.iar.ra r... t kA .".no IV, .lid grave nl hi. vifa an.l ula,,...i ki. if uin rimer, Mra. Gage, over Sanday. Mr. lieihle. whn haa .,,fru,,l f. . ' I . , ' -- - . ,vi m number of year from the effect of a . crushed eYtnw. ia nnm ait ill fn.ih.. .1 flitted witb an aflat-iion of the eye. A specialist said last week that tlmr ! not much hope as his nervous system bad become so weakened. There's an affair planned For Saturday, June 13th. It will be worth while. Wise one's are saving A date for Saturday, June 13th. It will be a week From next Saturday You are expected. Everything about ready For Saturday, June 13th. We hope you will be ready. a lao week's vir.il in I'oitLud Norwood Chaiman haa gone to Chico Calil., to j .in an engineering party. Mr. Annie ll.iwird and Mr lug for lUaiiic. Miller visited in Cortland Saturday. Mra. A. A. Siiiiirla, of Cortland, vis ih d I'li-ml in this city !..( NiMiIdV. , Miss ConaUnre Holland, of Portland, j visited Oti'gon City friend lor a few Matilda m -V" ."n T '1(""e v..t . i in,, it, iaM-.il. Harold A. Kami, who expects soon lo .hi some survey ii, g in Idaho, was en tertained Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. S.-ott at Kails View by the young People of the Kirtt'reshyterian church of Ibis city, lia.nes, music and conver sation courtitutrd t tie program of the evening. Thompson' Haigian store for clr.se pil. es on Dry Goods, shoes and clothing. kl f - 11 1 I. L- . . . . . ... t I II ' i-nww i. ii'nrit-ne rv winner, oi aioiu ," nip, to rooiiiitie ineir vihii. spi-nl Dm Week i(h (lien, Is iii this city ,. , , I r. S. I.. I.aghy, maiiHgerof Kaghv Neil McNsmara, of Tekoa, Washing- l.uinlier Couipany, ol Needy , w a in the ton, has relurned after a viait in tliia ! ''i'.v Wednesnav on hia wair lo 1'ortland city. I to get skilled labor for his mill. The many relatives of (irandmother Ranch desire t.i pinri-u thuir hartfAit ; gratitude to the aiany dear frienda who I were j verv kind and lovinir to hr ilnr- Mr and Mrs. U. I,. Kvestone, of Iowa illness, and wvre so very wlio have been visiting' at the home oi ' k""1 n'1 lfnHr.iiia in their contribution G. K. H.irton. in this rilv tv .,. i,. ' "' "IH".V t's-act lull ol nature's most de- ... I ,1 " . ' ' O' . IVter KliK'slra. an employe in a local meal market, was scalded by boiling lard Tuesday afternoon. A double dip per, a l.ii-li he was handling the boiling The memtier. nl tha r,pu..n fn. a: - -- " vt.j ui- vision ol the woman's department of the Lewi A. Clark V iiaf v a.cu 'be initial steps looking towards the rep- resemauon ol Llackamas county st the Vnf, lair. Mr. N M f.rv,. u.. I Uradlev. Mrs. (!. C. M,lir Mr! xi r Charman and Mrs. A- W. Cheney were on Wednes.lay appointed a committee io comer with the board of trade of this city and secure the making of an exhibit at the state fair of the resources of this county, the principal Darts of the exhibit to be preserved for exhibition at the Lewi A Clark Kxposition at Port land. Another committee on distribu tion of literature to enlist interest throughout the county in the plan was named. It consists of Mrs. Linn wood E. Jones, Mr. W. S. L"K n and Mrs. T. K. Kyan. Mrs. Emma Galloway, state oiganizer of women's club, was in at tendance at the meeting and addressed Ibe ladles. She told of the organization of the thirty clubs throughout the state and the work that each is doing. Other sections of I he s'ate. reports Mrs. Gallo wsy, will proceed with the organization of club as soon a the necessary sup plies can be furnished from headquar ters. f 4 H I H i l l i-l H i H i i i-t--H-M4M-t-M M l i-H H i i i i t-H-U-H H U4U44W-Hi-M-ntS Married. Mr. John II. Birchard and Miss Chris tina M. Seeder were married at the Con grega'ional manse, this city, on June 1, Rev. E. H. Bollinger officiated. On June 2, st the Coni;rei?ational I K. Cline and Phoebe Rals-I This affair of June 13th Will take place at Huntley's rain or shine. Mr. George Marr and family, of Port land, visited the family of Ed" Andrew Sutarday aud Sunday. Children's Hats and Baby Cap a specialty. Miss C. Goldsmith. WILL HOLD SECOND EECXIOJ. Veteran or first Oreiroii Cavalry and Infantry Hill Meet In Portland. "Please announce thrnnoh ih. i. nmns of vour valnahlA u. !,. tk. Veterans of the First Oregon Cavalry and Infantry will bold their second re union, in conjunction with the encamp mentoftheG. A. R., at Portland on Saturday, June 27, 1903. All survivors of those regiments are invited to attend. "NdTKnilWri .,( flru.,n an.l UT.l.l.. ton are requested to publish this notice." UEO. O, LUBBY, W. M. Hilleabt, Commander. A.lintant. Turner, May 2yih, 1903. Wanted at Once. 3000 Strawherrv nh-lrara at Itvrl T?lo. - j r " twu it, iu. Plenty of work. Good pickers can earn Woo a day. Take Regulator Line Steamers from Al.lnr Strsat pn.t. land, dailv. 7 a. m. Pure IY,r mnn.t inn 2.00. Children, $1.00. manse, Isaac ton were united in Bollinger officiating. matrimony, E. S. rf rl r. Keep Tooting aW Wo want your attention that's why we keep tooting our horn. We have the things to hack up the noise we are making, ami we helievo you'll be willing to say so yourself after you've ex- 1 a 1 .at " aniined the oU'erings ? Kit winniniiiirptlll W 'Nsw U - f " Val Iron Beds Are rccognicd as the most healthful, most stylish, most modern, cleanest and alto gether the most desirable. We are showing no les-i than 35 dill'crcnt styles aud prices from neat and plain beds nt f.t.oo to handsome and highly decorated ones at f io.oo. Come and look, at them. j - - - Summer Fashion l or porch or lawn. Lightly made, prices enable you to have something novel and attractive without much cost. They are as comfortable as they look. It will wear aud look rigk't. FT Lawn Mower That Mows lucre are imperfect lawn mow ers and perfect ones. We have the perfect kind. A little deter mination, a little push and the mower almost irocs itself. It is so simple it almost keeps itself in order. We would like to sell you one for about $7.50 but of course there are cheaper ones, not quite so good. I 1 zu y v Hose Quality There are t;ood, had, and indif ferent grades of garden hose. Poor hose rots, cracks and bursts. In two seasons you need more. That's expensive. Good hose cost a third more, and if proper ly cared for, lasts rour times as long. That's economical. We'll sell you the kind you want, but advise the best. iOOI!5 1 mm W'e have them, also window screens ry cheap this season. lowest market price Extension Table, 6 ft. fS 50 25c per foot We guarantee our Granite Ware. Itcvolulloa liuinlneait. A sure sign of approaching revolt and serious trouble in your system is ner vousness, sleeplessness or stomach up sets. Electric Hitters will quickly dis member the troublesome causes. It never fails to tone the stomach, regulate he Kidneys and Bowels, stimulate the Liver and clarify the blood. Run down systems benefit particularly and all the usual attending aches vanish under its searching and thorough effectiveness. Electric Bitters is only 50c, and that is returned if it don't give perfect satisfac tion. Guaranteed by Geo. A. Harding, Druggist. Dentil of Urde A. Phillips. Died. Mav "A. I'M:! at tha his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Phillips, of Clackamas, Clyde A. Phil lips, aged 30 years and two days. Clvde A. PhilliliR waa unli knnfn in railroad circles on this part of the coast, having served in various canacitie dor. ling the last ten years on the roa.rs of Oreiron, Washington and Idaho. He leaves many friends and relatives to mourn his departure from among them. Cttambcrlitln'M Colic, Cholera ml lMnrrhoeu Itemedy Ia everywhere recognized as the one remedy that can always be depended upon and that is pleasant to take. It iH eSTieiMullv Valnaltlu fur enmni.t- .liu.. ! r ............ .... 1. 1. .. 1 1 . . u.cat- rhoea in rhihlrpn an.) ia iin.t,.iiKiu,ll the means of saving the lives of a great many children each vear. Kor sale bv G. A. Harding. W LLAMETTE GROCERY MILES & McGLASHAN, Props. 70 Cents 20 Bars Perfection Soap 95 Cents 2 Gallon Caa Syrup 5 Cents Can Pork and Beans 25 Cents 4 Cans Soup 45 Cents Do Cans Deviled Ham 121 Cents 2 Pounds Bulk Coffee 35 Cents 1 Pound M. & M. Blend, very fine Next week we'll have time To tell you about thia June 13th business At Huntley's. Kcboul Report. The following ia the report of Cnrrina ville school district, No. 7, Clackamas countv, Oregon, for month ending Mar 15, l'J03: The following named pupils were on the roll of honor: Addie Kitching, Lu lu Dowty, Harry Kitchinu, Geo. Kitch ing, Clema Harkenrider, Lena Ilarken rider. Martin Barnerfiend, Echo Gth en. F.thxl Hala M-kl t lnn lm-: n , - a.,.,,,, acinic vui rin. Mamie Heiple and Alva Linn. umoer uays atiendince 554. Number days absence 70. Times tardy 8. Average daily attendance 28. Patrons and frienda are cordially in vited to visit the school. An.hi HiciNBoritasf, Teacher. City Treasurer's Notice. Notice Is hereby given that there are snfficienB funds on band in the General Fund ol Oregon City to pay all outstand ing warrants endorsed prior to Mar. 7, 1901. Interest cease with dale of thia notice. F.J. Mevib, May 22, 1903. City Treasurer. We handle a full line of Valley and Hard Wheat Flour. Stat of Ohio, Citv orToLtDO, as. Ll'CAS Coc.ntv. j Frank J. Cheney makes an oath tha he is the senior partner of the firm of P. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the) City of Toledo, County and State afore said, and that said firm will pay the aura of O.NE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrah Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, thia 6th day of December, A. D. 1896. .. A. W. GLEASON, IL) NotaryPublic. Hall's Catarrah Cure la taken inter nally end acts directly ou the blood and mucous surlaces of the svstem. Send for testimonials, free. F.J. CHENEY, A CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Treasurer's Sotlce I now have mnnev to nav winni. warrants endorsed prior to Nov. 1, 1900. Also road warrants endorsed prior to March .1. 1'IO.t. I Fi t Arfttifc Will ,4 tW such warrants on the date of this notice. Lnos Cahili., Countv Treasurer. Oregon City, Or., May 15, 1903. CO CO coco cccoo ccco coco Letter List. The following is the list of letters re maining in the postofficeat Oregon City, Ore., on June 4, 1903: women's list. Eirans, C.G., Mrs. Hedky.Thersa.Miss Miller, Minnie Waikins, Sarah A men's list Buckler, James Johnson. Axel Boen. H. E. Bucker, Nekolaus Baker. Jacob Jay. R. H. 4 Co. K. J. 8. Toss. Sam Hoffman, Sidney CD7TK P QTU 1 I V JT 1 1 1 V LJ J U jr I I THE HOUSE FURNISHER Koonlz. Mart Long, C. S. Menic Voeek Kay. Bill Tyler, E. E. Wendt, John D. Weslr.n V. I TOM P. RANDALL, P M. A Coat I j .Mistake. Blunders are sometimes very expen sive. Occasionally lile itselfis the price of a mistake, but you'll never be wrong il VOn Lata Or k'inj'. oar I ila I'.IU In. Dyspepsia, Diuiness, Headache, Liver or oowei troubles. I hey are gentle, yet thorough. 25c at Geo. A. Harding's Drag Store. o o o ATTEflTI ON O a o o 0-- ' : ". - F O O o o o The only first-class Second-Hand Dealer in Furniture Sto ves and Ltensils. It is worth your time to come and examine the stock. You will find a full line of New and Second-Hand Furniture, Stoves, Crockery Hardware, Ltc. lO M'Bhe8t cash price paid for second hand good- 'ra Indirdnlals Money U L ea At 6 and 7 per cent. Call on or write J.vo. W. Lodeb, Orefon City Oregon Stevena' building. o o o 11 IO I. To I p o 1 a v mam on I LLI One Door North of Commerlcal Dank o o o n o o u o o - ' w a" f ' W W W WwwJ J a-wwsV sJ W w w w w