Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 29, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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( !
! t
&.ion vf The County Owrt.
(conttnurd from lt tffl)
In tli matter ol aid to Chrle Amler
wn, to in ligvnt person, and iv. lr
. ' i ..... ....I riiAriM Aiurnon rrciv
ftf yt mouth until iurttier o'der ol
court. , .
In tlm mattered Mis bond of P-vid
lWs road supervisor ol I''V . .
M ourvtiea Ordered tlit 'J 1J lw
ami i inn-roved.
o lli matter ol tli V tition ol Koe
ami oil.er lor road. Ordered lhat
Mid petition l and l denied
la the mutter ol ti t pt U'n w' , '
iaiimivenient ol l u.on nhool and bres
ham road. Ordered th"l thi n.tter he
1kI awsy lor consultation with the road
In the matter ol tli petition to ev
tblUh the "Fellow toad1 . Ordered
lhat Mid road be established and super
visor ordered 10 open mine with work ot
petitioner and llil expense account t
allowed. ,
In the mutter ol the petition ol l t.
Wilier and other lor county toad Or
dered that Charles I;nWrt . Winer
Albright and J V. Ju.ld be appointed
viewers to meet at pUoe ol beginning
Mav 2Sth,l'03.
'In the mutter of indigent soldier fund.
Ordered mat county treaMirer tranalcr
$Uh from general lund to indigent
uldiel lund.
t. .v.- ,oir nl tlie petition ol John
All mi- H'" ' . . .
Strvus and other for county r. ad Ur
Jere.1 that J K Morton, W H Boring
nd A W Cooke be appointed vie ers o
meet at place of beginning May Win.
1HIn the mutter ol tax on bicycler Or
der, d that tax 1 levied and that clerk
procure l-'i tg lor uee of herifl.
In the n alter ol ih appointment ol
JusticeoflVace in District So. 3. vice
John Wise resigned. Ordered tht J
W tirade be appointed to till tacancy.
In the matter of the petition of C F
Idleman and other lor the pure-hare o
Mt Hood and Harlow ton roan, orur
laid over until lull board present
In the matter ol fixing toll on the Mt
Hood and Barlow loll road lor the year
11K13. Ordered that lolls bo taxed a
follow :
Kach fonr wheel vehicle drawn
by one span or yoke I-
Each additional span or yoke . . . . w
Each two or lour wheel vehicle
A. . M Vxm ..ria VinrM
Kach laddie horte with ruler. . . .
Each horee or mule with pack. . . j
Kach horte or mule loose 15
Each head ol cattle looe 1JJ
Each read of goatf or hogs 0-
AUo ordered that rate ol toll from
Western terminus to point In vicinity
ol Mt Hood and return shall be one full
toll Irom round trip, and all lolls to be
collected at toll gate.
In the matter ol application ol the
commander ol Mead I'ost. OAK for aid
to tireenleal Chute and C.aries Bo,
Indigent soldiers. Ordered I th it clerk
...... . . linlnnf Chute for $10
per month and to Charles Ko or
per month until further orders ol llns i
court. ,
In the matter of the petition ol Wm
Mortenfon for franchise on Coal Creek
Ord.-rtd that eaid Win Mortenson i
Branted a franchir-e to n'e a part of L.oa
Creek, and that r-aid portion of Coal
Crerk is declared a highway for fl .atm
lousandlu lr lor 10 year, and m
allowed to clurne :'5 cnte per thousand
for fame, and that he give a bond in the
Bum of t-VX).
In the matter ol tax deed to land in
6ectii.nll.t4. r 3 e. Ordere.1 that
county clt-rk lie authorized toQ.il claim
to John -chrarn. CUckaman counties
interest in ssid lands.
In the matter of the appointment of
Teter bhark as Deputy Sheriff. Ordered
that caid appointment he approved and
and thai said 1'eter hhark cerve without
In the matter of the claim ol M Bll
(or ii for care of Jor.n McKay an in
digent per s-.n, irijur.u in the naw mill ol
Proctor A Beer. Order d that alhdaviH
of M Ball and John Mi-Kay m preaented
with thiscla;ui mat same may w -eented
to State authorities or rmmburw
ment to Clackamas county.
In the matter of the application of Wm
Scott for return of uxt-s paid a double
aseeHsinent. Ordered tbit this matter
be referred to fheriff.
In the matter of the petition of J A
n i... . nn il,u P.o, I Smith road
IWdllBli nil ' ----- .
in District No. 21. Ordered that this
matter be referred to supervisor of said
In the matter of the f tition of G A
Ridintis fo- improvement of road crr8
Rock Creek bollorn. Referred to Com
missioner Killen to investigate and re
port. In the matter of the of judges and
clerks oi election.
n n Pixlioarrlann. clerk ef election for
Viola precinct having rengned, A M
Kircbem i appointed to fiil vacancy.
Thomaa J Stone of Cherry ville precinct
having resigned L E I'almer ia appoint
ed fill vacancy,
In the matter of taxea for 1809,1900,
1901 and l'J02 on land assessed io Joseph
Simon. Ordered that upon payment
f 1700 receipts in lull will be given for
aid taxes.
In the matter of the petition of J H
Page for cancellation of raxm for year
1M91 on 30 acres in Hector Campoell I
L C Ordered thatid lax be cancelled
npon payment of $75.
r M Hoed to Clackamas
111 IIID ll,.. " .
county by C 11 Eplerand wife for strip
ol land lor roaa piirpoees in r'"
tbaw clim to connect with Corrall
Creek and north Butteville road. Or
drred that said deed be accepted and
Recorder instructed to record same with
rait einenae to county.
In the matter of the improvement of
i ko.nottiv nd Viola road. Ordered
HID flmilll." j mm,,-- .
that W 11 Council be placed in charge
of said improvement io receive Bmarj
,A tion ni-r month.
V. I
In the matter ol Olyie i niinps ami
Indigent pereon. Ordered that clcrkn
isece warrants for $10 for month of April
and one for $ Hi for month of May, and
pay same to Mrs M A Phillips, and
tliatshe be allowed thereafter $1 per
month ontil further orders.
In the matter of the petition for im
provement of Union school and (-.resham
road. Ordered that same be referrvi' to
Comminionei Killen and Urobe tor k
ves;:anon. i, ,..; i.aitei of .bant'es fn in
provements in court house. Ordered
that when specification are prepared by
a.cbitwt that Judge Ryan adverlli-
lor bids the m to I submitted by
Wednesday Jun3, IW3 at 10 o clock
' M,
1.. ....liar nl HlM lietltiolt of F. II
Cnper (or Insurance ol warrant Io re
i,i,r. John Stewart lor lU.Sft, erron-
eonsiv paid to county treasurer. Or
.tered that clerk ie warrant in favor
ol John Stewart lor $4l,3.
In the matter ol the n-pnits to
revenue road. Keferred to Commission
er killen and Brobst to investigate.
In the matter of the bridge on Stafford
and Mosler road. Keferred to Com
miaioner Brobal to jnveM'gat and re
pair same provided cost diea uot exi-eed
Tin: hi'ami or ihi th
OrrKoii lit J lleaiaeini Knw 1 1
There is the alampol truth on a state
ttient endorsed by people we know, by
our and liemlilx'tT. i oe iunoina -perien.-e
ol a itiien i but on cane l
aiwe right here at home:
U. Meredith, the roillaim oruama
on," contractor and builder, who live at
f.r,l Tweiitv-tirst stieet, ys: "Doan'a
Kidney l'UN I" one of the best reined tea
I ever lined and I i lieerlully recommend
ihetn to anvon suffering- with kidney
trouble. 1 w bothered for year with
attacks ol kidney complaint, and no
medicine gave me permanent reiiei uniu
1 procured Ifc-wn's Kidney Tills. 1
i, I. ..i.i., I with them that when
.. .(.. i... r . .vn Htiack a short lime
ago and could hardly get Ihu' to .In her
work I had tier le i'an a i.mm
Tills, and have nothing but the highest
terms oi praise for such a valuable rem-
l'tentv more proof like this Irom Ore
gon CUV people. Call at C ti. Hunt
ley ' drug store and ask what his cus
tomer report. ,
For ale bv all dealers. I'rli-e 50 cent.
Kosier-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., ole
agents lor the I'nited States.
Kememlver the name iuio
take no iubtitule.
Unmsuick llonso & Iteslaiiraul
Newly Furnished Rooms.
Monls nt All Hours
Prlcos nonson.tblo.
Opposlto Suspension Drldo.
(Inly First I'lnss Ki'hUumhI
In Town.
M F.ilt I'' INK ('AM'lix. N'"'.
t Kia us, IvicCailOmiif.
The Watfttr el the llody.
Every seven day the blood, muscle
and bones ol a man ol average siie loses
two pounds ol wornout tissue. . llns
waste cannot be replenished and the
health and strength kept up without per
lect digestion. When the stomach and
digestive orgsns fsil to perlorm their
function, the strength lets down, health
gives sir, and disesse sets tip. Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure enable the stomach and
digestive organs to digest and assimilate
(II of the wholesome 100.1 nm may
ti,u Lln.l nl lilond that rebuilds
rn.ru iihw v
the tissues and protects the health and
atrengtb of the mind ami wniy. ivoo.-i
.. in.ii.,umiiin Dvsix'iisia and all
atomacb troubles. It is an ideal spring
tonic. Sold by Ueo. A. naming.
Utter I.IhI.
The lollowing is the list of letters re
maining in the iHihtolhce at Oregon City,
Ore., on May l'3:
wowsn's lit.
1 n.luru.n. J C Mrs Rohlander L Misa
1 Crocker M Mrs Cooper Fmin Mrs
I Hodge Andy Mrs Haley A Haley Mr
1 Johnson Marv Mrs Nicholas Marv Mrs
Seolt Jov F Mrs Sunt I. tirace Mias
Jjlreppard M Mis
Bennett Willie Myers lieorge
CjHcokosi.-li Louis N.-Un N 11 Ks
Boeii lleirrv K lining Harry
Brown J N' Ivhoii J K
Cornelius John roindex'T W A
Kilt. eo 1'nrul.i Mntli
Hodge J F 1'urMull .1
Lierhoir Henry Sargent L W
I.ewiB C C Seamers Cral
Tliompson Maa'er Uoy
A I'nriiier stlruittlileiieil Out.
"A man living on a farm near here
came in a slnAt time ago complelely
doulileii up with rheuiiiHiistn. I handed
Inn) a bottle ol Chamlierlain's I'ain Balm
and told bun to use It Ireely ami II not
.... ;ui;ul ufrr nmtiu il he need not PaV a
lanniiL'i ...... ..v- - . .
cent for it, says C. I'. Kuyder, ol Pattens
Mills, N. I . A lew nays later no
walked into the store hh straight as a
at ring and handed me a dollar saying,
give me another bottle of Chaniljerlain's
l'ain Balm. I want it in the house ail
the time for it cured me.' " For sale by
G. A. Harding.
JTvrry rntl;rr ikwwssi's inform itimi "f vital valnn t In-r yout
tl.mlit. r. That il.iit;:lii-r i 11 pn-i-i.ni l.u.i.-v. ami iln n-si':iMliility
f..r lu-r fiitmv i-i l.u,'. lv i;i th. li.ui.linf tin- in.-ili.-r. Tin' mysii ti-rtu
(ll.lll,'o tll.lt l, -l."j1 tlio lIlollKlllli'ii Kill into 111.' tlinllK'lltful Wolllllll
Kliunl.l fiml tip' m.-tlit-r mi th. wiit. li 1l.1v and niht. .i hlio oiin-i f..r
th. iliysi,-l M-ll-U in-,' .f In-r l.uif;lit. r, will tli v..in.iti Ih.,iiiii1 luT
child tvu u Is. v
Whm : vuiitv,- Kill' tlmiiKlit.1 l- mi' sliu:isli, sli -xi-r).
rmvs lic.i l.u b.-s .li.im-xi, f.iiitin.-si, nti-l -luhits an nl.ti-.t tn il ili-."'fl-ti.ui
t hli--i', lMii-.i in th. '.i k iiml low.-r luuK i-y-i lnn. l-si rw for
(iolitii'lo, unil a lMik. for tln wx-iclv f it!"T K'ii'l. wli"1" " m"-t-ry
toh. l.si !f ami fri..-ii.li,tlii'ii the inolh.T should Kotoh'-rnnl piuuit-tly-.
At sttrh a timo t!n fr'.itrst uiil to iiaturx U Lydla l I'liikliuiii'a
V'k'-tabl CoiniMiund. It in'un'H tlio ymiiij? system fur tlm coiuintj
change, and 1.1 1 he Mtre.il n-luneo m 11U.1 Hour m irui.
Case of a New York Girl of Interest
to Every Mother and Daughter
in the Land.
" Hiar Mna. Pinkiuw : I hpe you will Vibllh this letter, for I want all
moineri to know hv much pood your medt. lne did my young daughter. Her
hcultli broke down ttli.it alx inontlis ago, and although she ia large for brr
aire, Idid not understand what wraa wrong with her; the dm tor did not, either,
- 1... ,...) I.... I..- I...H l.,.nrl n-l.l. li imliu-il h,-r a itihhI ilrl : but he did not
I 1 10 1. ... ...w, -, - -- m
do her any good, and we were afraid heart tumble wft.uld carry her i(T. Kvrry
day ahe kept irettinjr whiter and thinner. She had no appetite, and she sat
around witleml nuv nrubilion, mid waa always tn tired to do anything. All
night long ahe would moan la her sleep, a though in terrible pain.
"I felt terribly dimiiuragcil i I waa p.-mling money for d.alor'a bills
right alonir. but t.h." was reeeiving- no help. At that time I wa taking I.ydU
i:. IMukliaiii'M V-'i lable ( oinponiKl. and 1 read in one of your Unika
about young girli. 1 decided to drop the ..M-t..r. and gWe her your nirilleine.
1 wlhli y.ui could m-o the chiu(e In her, and the pink cheek I.) dill I.. I'illk
ham's) Vev'elalde CoiiiimmiikI has given her. She had Uken but half a
. : . . I .. I I.... 1... Inllll.lM WMlJ IM'IV lit
tMlllle Wlien llli'llKiruallou M.iri-o n(,-i,iii nun r .-ni v - -
magic I hud her runt inue. the luedi.-irie, and rmw s.li Is fat, roy, and per
fectly healthy. Menstruation li regular arid palnlesa. and I owe my thanks
to y.ui aud t vour wonderful iii.-.li. iiie for b.-rg.xxl li. ulth." Mn. MauoablT
I"iikla.n, 071 T. ut'i Avenue, New York uty.
1'roni her ast tM-rl-nt' In frvallnif f-"inl' UN, ifondlnir
over liO years, Mr, l'inkliaui luii khIihmI u kmi ledu'o Mhli li It at
imtolil value to i-i'ry nlHii"; yoiintr vxonuin. Hit ailvl- tirvrr fall
to help. If yntl Im:mI mii It help urlt lu r. Address l.jlin, Maia.
A itp-'lirine tli.it lias i-i-hton-il h.) many wnim-n Io lir-alth mul ean
Tirislii.v pnsif of tli" f.n t must l r.-iranhil with il- ' t . ThN U tin)
r. id .f Lvdia r IMnkliaiuN Ycl-cIuMo t'oinp id, wliii h ctnm-t
L-(iiall.-.l by any other ni.-iliriiin Hi.- worM li;- ever prodm .
It ii well to iofii. iu! r theso f.p-ti wln-ti some ilnnrici-f tiien to K'(,t
y.ui to buy Kotn. 'liin whii-li Im n:ivi is jn.t in p-l." That is iuiH.i
Mhle, as no olln-r inerlicitro has HUeh a tvconl of eim-s as I.ydla I..
rinkliaiii'M Vi-u'-lal.lo Ci-iiiiMiiind ; . rlo not i X riMi.-iit with iintncl
! iiii-dii-iii- s, hut insist u;rn ;h.- one yo'i know is ls-st.
FORFEIT If ws.no.. 1 f rilmlili .r'iis fli ".rltflinl lstlr and ilsnatore of
inc. 111 o. "'im 11 i'i " " . M
l.nlla rinkliaiii .M...1 1,-lnn .. I.jrnn, Maa.
KlM kT ( 'llin OLATK C;K.AM 2
in iy. City. A.si Cdjali
AND Tnr.Acni. 2
1 1 a iiii i i
They overcoma W.ak
11 iM. Irreg.ilurily and
iiiiului. In. rt:afl v if-
nrtd Is null " iain
,.f menstruation ." Th- y are "Mri: HAVIUCH" to riri, at
woiimuh.-l. aiding development of organ and IhsIv. -kuonn
remedy for Woineri ei.m!a tbrrn. l""oldo liatm-l.fe
Um flaaure. I.M I'lllt l) IIV 91.111. K.d.1
ly driiKUl"!. Mul T'Sl llt.MK AUC')., Ctewlui.d.Olau.
Ko hale ai IICSTLKVa
The Quality of Your Bread
l)c.rit.lH imt only partly Imt alt.iptlur ujim
iij.ni) "The Oiiality of Your rimr." W
inakf the vcrv lett
Portland Flouring CHilla Co.
.j . v.'.V. V. W.W.WeV.Vs'.WsV.
.v.v.v.v t s .
Oregon City Machine Shoi
Phihpp Oucklsin, Prop.
Rear of Pope's Hardware Store
Next to Orouon City Foundry
r.nil.liiiK' iiihI K I'liiting "f Min liii" ry niol Kngin' 'f .l
kinds Miiniila.tiiiii' s sa ii!tv ihe I'rei' I'nb'i
H.dary KniMiie. Alo ki-i ing in d'H-k, Hinfting
rullii-s, lb iting i tf- ... .
Onl, t by Mail or Ti I- hone promptly hllrJ, p
30 VEAR8'
$5000 '
I m: .1 1. EM AIK l lt AW I KS.
1 KuriiNheil Eierjr Weil by llie (larks
1 mai Aloiira.l ic 1rnt ('(irnpiiii).
Brigiits Disease
Not Rare, but Common All Kid
ney Dlttcane t BrlKht's Dbteuao
The 8th to 10th Month It Be
comes Chponlo and Incurable by
All Known Means Except the
new Fulten Compounds, wlrls
Record 87?i of Reosverte.
W ban befora as a HUM work a kMn
tlmM kf imhV. Kdwara. M. K.of Drlla
aclphla, tbat ououlaa aooie tlius IS.I ewr
od oaf kt to ku. Hu pet' ImsffitM
mi(bt'( UtMH U rar, k.s, la UtA, It
eorora the wb'.U (aaigt of s1.T
TSI book a.u oat ul n ln1or Ii.t. hnt
cue luDilli. s'.x., th. eliil.. f Hit mm
ad waU wlu, al latwrfww
wild that fiwotlu. arc oalind Rrl(lil' Wim
l)r. KJwarrta Aik "Kr U.. bnoallt .1 aynJ
clan. wlM) may r4 Uta bu,k I will 1' a Maf
ol Wis .a-ea wbMi 1 allrtuat. to fcclfbl's
UIhim, f Iz. :
Coui!lon ui tbe Klir.
iMyooerallob ol tli Kl.lnf.
Kal'T D"irr.tlo ut lt. Klilsej.
lunariimaiuiu VI me tv.uuQ7.
DInH ut vti KWrM-y." .
Thuii, all lndoKj tfUasi! b:lrig nrturkfa Wa
eaaw tlio wiriuun u.huuu l. la II arar. or
chronlcr In otber wom, In It In th.r primary or
.Bcomlary HUwl Atn;r tu elith Ui li.ih
morjih 11 IHr.Uii-a chror.iu ar,J U ICti. tnuurahl.
by all known mtaua einrpt ll.e 1" ulum Own.
run.l The fclilUKya ar but .ulllvn. Tliro
oticn no notice ut trio tmuhln till It hua
alr.ly faHtBn.1. If 71MI hare aldnr'j rtlwam
In ir.B tlrht aiar's th Kt-nal oiiiuul will cum
It milrkW. 11 n la ol more tbariHUi inmonitu
iinllij(f It ! ihM only Ihlnir known that lil
cure It In proor that ui.tr.1 :o.e will e rMn
all nullcal works eWnre that Ui ililn tinio
th.;r baa xu notlilnK that rurm Chroiilo
llnirhl'. llraK. Tn aUirkW.Mrrauf lh: Ji.hC
J k ulu.n Oj , bunlnHS and profHMlnfial iin-n ol
Han KrtinciHoo, ara irm rir iople Id in worlrt
o annuin:a a poittm curR, pr.MUiiiK a
(i.-ririin-p.-r'witHKof rv-vri'i il p-r t,
an.l kIvIih out n.K ll"t' of the rur.l, all an.oni
purely chpinlf!, w!lWnlrj-4 oasa. If you Imfo
any klu'i f klrtni-y iro.ilile. ihm t only o
It. 1 (( to tak. 1 n lOnal Cornuound for llri(rlit
liiwanola II; for IrlalMKra, II It) John J Kulion
Wanhl-ia-toa alrwtt. hn trannaco,
aoie cimpoundeni. t rue analy. for paluwta.
faiiipbiel Irwk W are lua suie ajfesi.
Win I'.lount ft al Io I K Uul
maii lots 4 to 11, blk HI, ami I
loll, blk 21. Cariby Hi I
V A lliimpbryl to K N P.rww,
ItiO a in st-c 'I, '1 s, 'I v, ami
lots 4, 5 ami 12, Roots a.l.l. . lolK)
T I Ryan to II 1. Kelly, truster;,
lota in (ilarlslontt . VI U
O W KaMtliam to 1 , Koyr-r,
of n'i, arid ' ol on: L'l, ! s,
3 1H00
J V Fry to C V Harlow, lot VI,
blk 1, Harlow r.'O
C V Harlow to F Krler, lot 12,
blk 2, Harlow 12U
II Burns to K K Nolaml, lot .',
sau 34, ami e'a hit 1, sec- III., 4,
1 u . zm
W . ,.(..'.- ..... .....
Htate to J I. VoahcrK, so ol nw of
SfC.'W, ft, 2.. MI
J N Davis to II E Davis, of
. .... n ttlI
sw 01 sec si), r, j
B Dionne to J Downsy, lot H.blk
l- M.'ilU,i.i.tl Kull .... K'sl
J E Dear.lorlT to W E Baker.1
arrcs in nw ol sue z, z, i e . .1 u
C II Hmnman Io I'na-tor A
lieers, sj of ui, e of st olst-c
34, 1,4 :X)0
Win Blount el al Io B Cronin,
loisl to 3 ami 10 to 12, in hlk
Hi ami 21, Can by 210
J T Critser to E Crilsur 14 acres
in i:laiin 3H. 3 , 1 e 1
F A Jones V) II Joiiea, lot II, hlk
1, t;itt kaniHS Ili-iKlits ... Z si
J K llenrirpis to U B Dirnir k.e1;,
ol nw ami a) ol lie ol w. 2o,
C,2e 700
J 1. KrriHr) el al to i H Elliu-on,
53 21 acres in sec IH, 3, 1 e. . . 2")i)0
1' hlrack to B Htrack, n ol s
ol sei: 2.'i, ami n ol as of ,'!., 1 e 1
J K Arleile to E Still, ai re.
in cec 31, 2 s, 4 e, lot 4,s.t. :v,
2, 3 e, ami lot 4, sei; 1,3s, 3 1800
I'rwin n i't "l ral h
on the arm, to the r-r !' "I a burn,
aore or Imil, DeWur'" Wi'i li llii... Salve
ia a ipnrk iiihv In blivn k' 1,1 " ""'el
Salxe, be . r -.1-11 lit r ' K'l I'eWlll'a
tliia ia tlir waive I l.,t In-wi'l I leav-
intf a srar. A S-i t - - Or i.hinl, lileeil
ilnf . in lilti) iin.l I'loioi.lu u piles. Hoi. I
tiy I ,eo A. Ilariliriii.
1 m m
l Curl A. I'lni" M. J
i Piitzlnll" Mor liiike
4 Tnaoc Manat J
A a.a un.tltia ak akhf-h at till rltvaWTltH lotl Itiaff
quli kif M'rittiit tir iiimiii ttw Utvr mi
ItiTsstiMotl II (if..hBjlilT .ln.tnl) ( ..tiittninlfv
niniriHlvrntliMi'iJil llAHflfiOOH I'-nmia
iil trim. Ohtl nfu f f-f --iiiiiiT -lrnl.
1ni4l laiirit ihrouttli Miiuii k t th Ih1T4
tpffUU (Vi(ifs, )l (i"it t linrwA, Ut Hi
Scientific American.
A hanaomrlf lllnarafl wanilr. I amaal rtr.
o.ilaltM.1 ol an? a. leiil IB" l-.i.r.ial. 1 rr.i.a, W a
ri f.nr mi.nl ha, IL Holilbyall nawnValarn.
MUNNSCo.38""4"""' New York
))..! h iirn. a, ins t Ht, Waahmaioii. I). U
joo o oo o CD:
Sis. mm ma m coti t
ttm aii.l ll Itlna I'llra. Il al.Mirha tlm tunnrra, t R,,iJ
II. 1. 1 nil allium, iiin'i Inauirit relief. Krrry UI la warranw-i- J,
by ilruaalt Srnt i.t imiM on receipt l prlee. M wnte n" '
pt)rla.. WILLIAMS MKi. CO.. Props., CUTslsnd."1"
Fr Hla lll'NTI.KY'
TRUST CO. are the owner ol llie roi
niibt to the 1 borne system ol i airar
in.lexea, lor 1,'lai kaniaB i-onrily, rnl i, .ve
the only toii;.lete set of ab"tra te 111 the
n.i lily, ran luroihli informalio as to
till lo lari.l at om e, on apo x-ation.
Loans, investmenls, real eatale abstracts,
etc. OH'n-e over Hank of Oregon City,
Call auJ inveHtiKal".
Shirt waist hats
are the latest. Miss
I k... Ilatfl ArrMlnfl Ia uu
- wr
BkMk DrsiMiht Untk tsai Poultry Mtdl.
dM tad an plrtird I. uy that I never
Ultd Mivtl.ail fnr iluik that (v half aa
m4 satltfaotlon. I Kurtiry rtcons.
tad K to sH wsan nl ibulu
J. B. IBUHCR, Sr, Ud., M
Sir.k sfnrk lit pwiltry alionlj not
et rlis:ii stork fooil any more than
tUk -rv.rii ahoul'l M.nt to
rnre.1 hy f'sxl. When your sbk
ai.l iMitiltrv are airlr irive fli,.i m.wl.
- i ,
ieine. Don t atnif tlicm -ith worth
hats rUik foodi. ( 1 1 1 . ; 1 the bowel
ami stir up the torpid liv.mml the
.iii.!.l 1&'i!l Irf. l-nr,.,l if il I.a
ble to rnre it. Illark-Drfmt'lit Stork
I lira l...i;..; i .. i . .. ..
ill. ! i'"ii..j .' mr ItllK.'jtil IIHJ
linwels ami stirs up the turpi. I (jver.
It euro every mal.uly ,f Mink if
taken in time. Sc ore n 'Jo-rent ran
of Hl;u k-Dr.-nufht St.a k iiu.l I'.mltry
ti. ,. ..;u i . :. it . '
.11, 1111 lll'T ,,IM, ,L V III II. ,v 1'ir I I Sf I I U',1
tiuiesover. Horse work liettrr. Cow
(.'ive m'ire milk. Holm t'iiin ll.-li.
And hi-n Iny thuTi-n.-u. it solve tlm
i.i, ... . f I..-.L ... ...... I. I 1.1
'.""' ""'"H "I. ..HI' II MIIH1.1,
II... I, nml i lierov t a.w,.l.ln ..f
tlm Binalbt amount ,f con
jaiii.l. Buy ran from your dealer.
All kinda of BuiMing
Material, SiihI), Doors
Moulding, Etc. -
I The Fair Store Must Move
lliiH a lii'iT hlock tliaii evi r mul in ready to u-fy "rl"" j
rici-H. i
i r
I r in iim
IiitccH, I rent a ynr.l nml timvanl.s
iii.i.f. .. .
i ii 1 1 ui. i, men, ;i renin a vur.i. . j
an( tivi-rytliinir tike in proportion-
PAIR k tku
Enterprise and V. Oregonian $2-