Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 29, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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Then In li't 1Iwun m Iftnlrntnt-1
Imi.wt alow but mire, hn kidney ill.
euao, or w widespread. The njmp
bun nro mt ullgjit M U generally
w'iiMI iioucn.
llin first Indications arrar In I
mn urni", wiiii vrn'i ciiccia, j he I
nilnlltlttf IllllV lm llicri naj l or .1 I
orcal; II in lilt ly to I highly eo.
orixl ami acaldli x; It limy I. pale
or tliln, or thick mid milky with
iiiiniii. latter on inorn pro
nouiin'dyiiiptoiim will Ik- present,
llil'll IU dl.llin. lilliNllUK, fU,
with marked Madder and urliikrv
I (Jtwinli-n. I
I'mammaa waala matlur I eillwU, I
Of Ilia iiiixxi mini kii pari i,f tha It, I
I lam ami rarrlM lo Ilia klitnrta. wlirir I
II la araral ami ra.l nut t, rough ), I
urifia. Tlx k ulnar deal will, tha i,i,,,i I
limir, l"riTiii( li'iur lahlianl tl.aia-I
fnmi. Ili'iino, if , a ,, -M a mtl ,,,,
i ai'innra r nut omr uvarworsail bu
I ,li.orlat Ilu liiHoaaarr la II ll,.r.
for. that Ilia ,rilr ai,. vltalM y .f thr I
I uiibmi annum im, maintain a.1 1 1 la plain I
why ilia (rtml l,li..l lurirWr .,,,il
liauiiiiatirr -nr. 1 1 aiur roll 1 oion- I
liaa Imwii aunnnaaf uily liarit In Itrallnr I
aiilnay iliaaaa mill in ri.itii,f aauia I
III IMirllrllK III IiIihhI tha kllllivia rn.tr I
""" w,,ii. ai uiaaama lima
naw alraniflli and vllallta am
Inaa nnraiia. Tut fullunlng Irllar Irlla I
I a Tf mvilj
I'ma Kwor. Kr.. J una n. 1901
rSt pr. ll,t,ttr 4hIHim c., Imyton, Q.
UKNTLaMKHI I ha a aavar taa. Of I
ItyplioM rprall yaara ago, wblrti l.fl I
my kliluaya In bail onl.r. ,av triad
I numir uf rauiadln gnil Uken West
mailt rmin doctora, but lr. Ilartor'a Iron
Tunis baa dona tue mora food tbao
varylbliig alao. U Omuti u
Mart-bant and Mini Operator
There are tlioiinnU of lut in h
an I ho aluivr tlmt krr tri-Ud
witiiout rcaulu U-rmiae th.y nrr
wrtiiiL-ly trft.s!. Mr. i-,,r,i,.ip.
livimlition rult! frtuu kn rxliauKt
uiK i.-vnr; lh kllniy, Ht w
ma n ai or uir tyah-iu, IM Ui n
wnUi hy dl ni.. No won.li-r Dr.
iirKT lrtti Ton o tiroiimllvrurMl.
ixvauiie it iiurlfhxl knl fnru liwj thr I
niooU, i)il itich lilixxl rarritd nr-w
tnii;tU aud viullty dlrtvtly lotLnl
aiuuryi iw to an tno orjrntM.
rot iali iviKnrBiti.
( tl
nta for Month of Juna (omird II;
I r'r rt OfllHal.
I In (ulioalritf .lata, rovrrlnu a itl(
'. ! Nia, iiavw hr-i'ri c-ompUf.l from Hit)
M-ailMi fiii-aii ir.i.nlat I'ortland, Or.,
4 'tin imiiitii iii Juim,
""I'll ATl'MK.
Mimii ir imriiMj ifiii) rralura, f.2 il-.
lli" aarini-ai moi ih naallml ol JhH.I,
Willi kn NVKIBJ.. , ttli.lra
1 lm coiial muni, Hu llul ol
with an aurai.. i, r, i-.
ilii lilhClifni lriiM-rMtitr m )i ,(
on ton 7th, Htm
'i i.. i..... .
muni li'lll wrllllr IT l,-it
i n, in.u; ami on llm lltli, H'.'il
Avi-ragM (Jain oil ftliirlilii., ' m.lliu
Irirtil (m i inir.l In autumn, Nov. J.'i
AvilaK iUih on lil h laat "klllilia-
float oci iirrfd in inni, Maicli 7.
i llain ami incltnl anow. )
Avi-raifa fur llin iniirith. 74 jru
Avrrauii iiiimUr ol Ua with .01 ol an
Imi Ii rr, iniifH, lo.
Tlif i-reaiml ruontiity iri'ciiittion
" 5 3H Im lii-a in HHs.
Tha ici iniiiiUily orrcipitaliun aa
0 0i liifhi.a in Hk3.
I lil yrrKlcal alli'illlit ot iri"'i,Halioli
iri'orilcil in any :'4 ronwi ui,vh houra
a .K.i lm lira on II, n l,(h, K7.'I.
'I lir KiknIiwI aiiiniiiit ol aiinwiail rr
rnr.lnl 11, , 4 ,.,,i,iir.rullva Imiira (r-
1 oti ritfiiihiin to wiiiIhi i4 lhhl-n,r only,
aa ,tl inrl.va on illi, I Mi:,,
( Ul lia ANO "KATIim.
vt-rm iiiimUir nl ri.r ilaya, 8;
farlly cloudy day, (); rlomly daii, 12
Tin 'i ailing wiinla have Wii from
Ik liurlliaral.
Th highnat vclia ityof tl,i-i:i. maa
VI iiiilxa, from th tuiith, on tint 2d.
liiil'pffidriir n4y mil He Pmpfriy
ObrTil llrr.
A muHinK of ritizem wa huld Mon
lay fveninir, ahf-n it wan deriiM to
oiirth of July telrhrallnn in
; hold 1
amifaaion ol avi-r bodv hiowa and a
iHinch in tha aMnnifn. Kinir knokrd
I freeman lo the floor in tlieacconrt roond
.... . , . . I Th local Iv.jf look wvi-ii of tha connl
mint ( larkatnax (ounlj ItoadH and rcnfwi-d fiuiititiir aiih vinor. Th
, I "' C'-i'dirK four ronrida wi-nl to thecradit
Harp I OM, lol Krivrnan, alio aa liriny ailvxr-
! try. h i la x-viral Jt-aia hi aeriior.
i Krfptiila fif V r,.,.ti,u. 1.. n.., ..
( a-h llnad Tai llaa llnaa Itaiail aurl I M 1.1 1 . , . .
ronn.la I w J ida yaar. Cliarlra AI-
I ha inamfVHnl .a (immlH hy Imo'i' 1 ' C' hc'""-1"'' "'! KIC"- Woo.1
J Inicr .tinat pre iminaM,.,, U,th liir Ih- j . " ' 1 l'l'"nlcd a funeral rnmmil
icla.rdaraaa. .Mika k',i,n .,! ( :i..rU. ! '-' "' ''''lon and ara authorized lo
j Clark, hoi I. of l'.,riland. iNixnd four : , J''"1 u'h. ,,'m','''r ' 'lh con,n,it
takM moni-y lo ronnda. In which the lornmr ht the h-t Mre"n V''J
- . ...n.cn 111 ,rnriiiiaiiLo J'ay
land it a ill Da th puronjfa of tha people
! of Ilia Kalla Citr In mm.., .11
metliiHl ol ac.'oiiii.liid.ii.ir anl.aiai.ii.l four round xliilntiiiri. Itml-r, " " ' JW nnmonalrallon
aatiafaciory r-u!;s in the hmlilioa: ol favorite, hut he aaa thoroii(hly en
periiianeni liUliaaya. llua liaa Iweii "M,ini ny noweia.
ll....... I .1... ..IP. - .1 t . ,. . ' Tl. Vrtis., ..... L'..
IliififiK ilia !( in t Ilminariea were i,rniniiinreil i,a i..i v. '. f'fo'eiiinic uiai.my at
okki.o.i 11 tY wim, Celebrate. I "ASVTEiciitus are RK-Ei.Eirr.1)
ftf-Nily a Half Million lh.ll.im Li
pemlrd In Ten ti-ara
The old aavii'ir -'!f
liiaka the mare go la none the more 01 "", '"It Hie latter put op a ood
trull, (ill than tl at hheral and Judii loua ' ?"". "''a I' 'iallniil.er Hotter and
eipeiiilinire of i;.imev la the omy din-cti "innie lioylan, of llua city, followed
School uflkrJ Ne'ffl JHome Inatriidnri
Oromrncfui- nt L'xerrlKra.
maa county.
; There will 1 an all ilay'i proKram, in
clodirikr 'he aaual linlimtrial paiade.
The trr-uian-Kini! mill and U h nre-1 7 """" ." ,"".f"'""'nt, .n,l proha
Ihl county ha eiieiidm in the blinding
ofroadaand h(iil(i, including Hie re-
pairing of road alieaily oiiKnini-il. toe
hihitiona ever aeen here hy the 300
Wltne aed the conli-at
It... l . , . . -
; iiikiii. ieiaiia 01 uie celebration are
; yet to U arranged by the committee,
hut enough ia known to ay that the eel-
liiipn-vlte Menlre at BiptUt t hore'i
hundy -(.ran-. Decorut. d Tom irraw.
pairing 01 loa'ia aueaiiy courtriii'ii-n. me .iii, -11 t 1
enormuiiaaiiiii of ai proxiuutely 1 100.000. K0MMEK DEAD IHISOKED' " r a hummer.
I he average expemliture on tint account '
oy (,iai kamna county (luring the iat
dei aite ha Uten an amount per annum
alrii'xu riml to the anUry of the preat-
dent ol ti.e I niled Statea, The annual Memorial lu. a-rm..n ...
nreai iied In Ihiaci'y Snnily hy Key. J.
II. lira van, pa-tor ol the Find Uaptial
chuitli Meiulwra of Mead Font So '
faelve yeai gu the atate legialature
enacted a law innklilf it optional whIi
the variuua countiea of the atate whether
me loan lax annum ne woraea 0111 in li. A. K.. the adiea nl the W U f.
lalmr on the roaiUnr a regular lax lew '. Cummnt A T.ir,l ......... 11 v
ma le hy the county couri. the money mi
raiaed to lie e-nilei under the ilirex lion I
laet aeaaion of the h-gjulature 'hi plan of
providing a Mind for road purpiie waa
made cornpnlaory with allcl tliecounliee
of the atate hut in the duzen yrara that
have elapaed CUckamaa county, hy em-
up Vaimv .A i ... I ploying uie caari ayateui In Hie working
tvr lounir Urn and )uiik Women. !oM,. ,,.,, .,.,.,, . h.,,,r.n
There ia nolhlii that will aronae the the llrat rank ao far aa durahle highwaya
attended the erVi,;ea, for which eicial
milIC Wrt rHn.iiril l.w a U.f.
of the mi-miieia of the cjiimty court. I In hn dircuurj, trie Rieker called at
Cl kauiaa county waa the tiiat county tenlion lo the fact that the United ritatea
... ... ,r viiininm ui i ma ia uie omy nation that commeinoratei
plan ami inatignraieit a ch plan for the the memory ol it aoldier dead. He re-
ouiiuing 01 loan mat naa ien lolloaed ( gietleil the dmpoaition in many placea Ui
Hliili-I Itrrnliaril itlad Krhrua'v '.'7. I'ti.l.
ami l-liir ileaii. he lual or ilrpo.lirij will)
Nima frlen.l irrntlrair .,f iiaimni, Hank nl
Oi gnu flit , N i ! tVi, fur 'tno. cmiil
rairnf itif.n. Kir.l aM..i al llank I'nrt
hut, I uir,ii. N.i. IM.wv f..r Ilia
I,. I Irr t III i i-... a.1' !.. t" lt: ,ti S, tin
brl. Hlennll I'l'y. (Irrguli.
War . l ol.
ire of a Vuunir man or woman uinumb -m I
lo I, ave Inferior latliulry work put ofT no
them. They may dreaa ever to well,
hill if their alurt front or fthlrt Waiat ia
imy, their neat apearance ia apoiled.
The Troy Laundry makea a ieclalty of
Indiea' and gentlemen' fine work.
There can he no hetter work than ia done
at the Troy. Itave your ordcri at John
aoii'a haiher ihop.
. 1 1, i "v
I "2a'
A ltuaiawy lllryrle
Terniinate.1 with an ugly cut on the leg
I J. H. timer, Franklin tirote. 111.. It
developed a aluhlMiin ulcer, unyielding
j to ilocti.ra and remediea fur lour yeara.
i Then liiicklei)' Arnica Salve rureil. It'a
. jnat aa good for hiuna, acalda, akin eiup
l liona and pile. 2.V at tieo. A. Hard
ing, ill ligglat
;0 -.. r
If you don't get the Khtkk.'khix you
don't Kut the newi.
Utl I reaanrrr'k otlre.
Ni.lii ia herehy given that there are
aiillii'lenl fund on hand hi the General
Fund ol Oregon City to par all ontatand
l'g w arrant endoraed prior to Mar. 7,
ItHll. Interest cracea with dale ol thin
notice. K. J. Mkvxn,
May 22. 1!HC. fltv Trraamer
r.iiiiuus at In mil for
I !i in'tatioiis past ;
I'aiiimis now all tiViT
tl..' Wnrl.l.
row aait oy
Sole Agency for Oregon City
Course 3 !
Clackamas j!
County VcoIs 1
Highest Price Paid. j
O- A N D O
work given our prompt
"Oil careful nltunliim
Price h Keasonalilo .
Court House Block
ia concerned, the natural condition ut
the county twing conaidered, Clackama
county having a greater nuinher of
hridget and more mile of highway t
uia:ntin than ha any other county writ
of the Cascade.
In Ihia county an animal tax ranging
from 4 to U null l aa heeu levied annu
ally for ten year on the road account,
making availahle for road wurk from the
regular fund of the county a urn ap
proximating 1 10. 000 ier annum. The
exianditurea on road and hridge lu
tin county for the year ending septeiu
her 30, laat aggregated K7 tiHli.74. Thia
eatimate, whicli ia taken Iroui the olfioial
record at the court house doe not in
clude private auhacripiion lht have
lieen made on every road of any conse
quence in the county. Individual ub
acription to the fund for the Spring
water road amounted to 7t H), wi.ile an
eiiial amount in caah wa donated by
Uncreated properly owner to the Molalla
road. The conatructloii of the Oiegon
City-Viola road ha been resumed and
there ha been uh"crilied toward thia
work the nun ol $:tti00, hy individual
The above eatimate if K?,000 lor road
purpnae laat year doe not include the
lurther um ol 1-2,000 that waa appro
priated out of the general fund ol the
county for the repla-mg and repairing of
a number ol brill'? throughout the
The expending of o iniicb nmney ha
not heeu made without ccmnplinmng
aome giMd leaulla. With tiie completion
of the Viola road thin Milliliter, tiie
county wilj have 1,10 mile ol the finebt
improved highwava that are to he foiind
in the Mate, in addition to keeping ','.")
miles in good repair for travel through
out the year. It mat appear that Ihia ia
a email ehow ing lor the amount of ninnev
that ha been expended hut it aliotiM he f
remembered that coiiditioi.a here are nut j
a favorahle to- economic road luiililing
ua are condition in iiutiv other countiea
of the etnte. At the smnu time, lh
county court in building road him not
li,.in .li.far.tlv i,i ila uriuin.lilnru. In I l,u
j end that durahle roada of great perman
J elicy have been provided. It ha leen
the policy of the county otliciala that
w hatever U worth doing at all ia worth
doing well. Without fear of being con
liadn ted it limy be stated that Clacka
maa county ha vpent mure money in
roK)rlion lo the aHaeiotahle value ol it
properly than anv oilier counlv in the
mate and that Ihe highway ol thi eC'
lion will not ut!er Jroin a companion
with thoeeol anv other county in West
ern Oregon.
Heufor Fol:on and Hon. T. T. (jeer
Will Speak aurd.7 Mghu
The campaign in Clackama eoonty
will be cloved in thi city Saturday night.
United Site Henator C. W. Fulton and
Hon. T. T. Ueer will addreea the yoter
of tin ceclioo at Willamette Hall. It i
the purpiaie of the local Republican to
make thi meeting a rousing one. The
time intervening before the election in
being made the mint of hy the Kepuhli
aieine Walton dead. More pa'note,
thought the speaker, are mavle from the
proir olwrvance of Memorial Day than
in the celebration of the Fourth of July.
Key. Heaven conclude.) hi addrea with
the matement that a new epoch wa en
tered into by thi country ince the
Spanish. American war and he predicted
that thoee participating in that engage
ment will be more honored aa the time
Hegular Meajorial Day service will be
held in thi city tomorrow. The formal
ddrea will tie delivered by Mr. Win.
Galloway, of thi city.
Oregon Cl'y Women Will Euterlalii
We rroddbt f txp!rer.
The Oregon City division ol the De
partment of Oregon of the Lewi and
Clark Exposition, at a meeting Friday
afternoon decided to give Major ami
Mr. William Hancock Clark a formal
reception at Willamette Hall thia, Fri
day evening, May 2!. Major Clark i
Ihe oldeitl surviving grandaon of the
great explorer, William Clark, and with
Mr. Clark, ia the gueat of Mr. Eva
Emety Dye.
Mi. L. L. Porter, Mr. P.K.Ham
mond, Mr. C. B. Moore, Mr. Linn
wqod E. Jonea, Mr. John Humphrey,
Mr. C. 15. Friaaell and Mr. B. Zu'm
walt were appointed by the club to have
charge ol the detail of tbe reception,
which will include a abort program of
muaicand addrewe. Tne club extend
a general invitation to the public to be
present at the reception arjd meet Major
Clark. 1
At the lt meeting of the club Mr R.
. Miller wa elected a the additional
vice president ol the club, to which the
local organization i entitled bv an ar
rangement made at Ihe re-enl ttatecon
vennon of Women' Club held in Portland.
The On gon City chool board, at a
apecial meeiing held Wedneday night,
re-ela.'ted the lollowing leachera in the
puhlit chila : Ethm chooi Franc
Myera. Maijorie Caulleld, Eva 8. Mi l
drniii, ilyitle Shonkwiler, and Julia M,
Prentlaa; llarclay at hool Harriet A.
Via I ran, Antoinette Walden, M iyai
Fwter. Myrtle E. Tavh.r, Viola M t...d
Irey and Add.e E. Clark. Mi It. I,
Hniith, principal of the Eaatham achool,
and Mi. Nellie T. tjlaaa, a grade teacher
in the ame achool, alo Mi Oertrmle
N'efzger. of the Barclay ac hool, had for
mally notilied the board that they would
not im applicant for re-election became ol
templated removal from the city. Keo-
tution expreaauig the thank ol the
Board to lhee inairuclor for their er
yice in the fntereHt of the school and
benpeaking regret at fevering their con
neciion with the dim ml, were adopted
by the Board. No action waa taken in
the election of a city iiierinteiident,
Prof. Edgar M. Faulk not hving made
application to be continued. An ad
journed meeting of the Board will lie
held June 3, when the city miperintend
ency and Ihe election of Ihe three re
maining teacher that w ill be required in
the achool will be made. Janitors will
lie selected at tha same meeting.
1 he annual school election will be held
Momlay, June 15, when a director is to
lie elected to tucceed C. II. ('aufHd, the
retiring chairman of the Board. Mr.
Caiilield ia being urged by hi frien.U to
accept the oilice for another term, hay
ing proved a valuable memlier of the
Board. A communication aiirned h all
the city
can in this county. Under the rtirnmn
approrriate Meiimrial Day a a time of J ol Congressional Committeeman Kyn,
joilifL-aimn rather than a lime to vener- . Clarkama conntv ha heen ver n.nr.
oughly canvM?d in the interest,of the ol l"e '''' employed in
Republican nominee.
nana will lumiah raunc
morrow night. All voter should attend P1 re-election.
the rally and heir the distinguished ora
tor that will give addreasee.
The Oregon City .',10,jl. ' oeen filed with Ihe Board ol
cat the rally to- " rectors reqneeting Mi. Caulieid to ac
Wrand Iarhal'i Order..
The following Drmrram of amri'lui K.i
J been prepare.1 for the annual commence
ment ot the Urtgon City High School, to
he held June 10;
Piano solo
Miss C. L. Huggin.
Vocal solo, "A Msy Morning" Denxa
Mr. Koee Blocn-Bauer.
Beading, "The Pool ol the Violin".
Prof. W. M. Ka.rotj.
"Toreador Song" (from "Carmen")
J Annan r.pptng.
At Parting" Kodgers
Abttent" Metcalfe
Ah, to Kemember" Kierulf
Mr. R,,ae Blot h Bauer.
Song, "Oypay Ki" Fraherne
J. Adrian Epping.
Monologue "The Confer ional"
Mis Ethel Hepburn.
"Song of Thank-giving" Allitsen
Mr. Koee Bloch-Bauer.
Duet, "Calm aa the Niwht" Goe'.e
Mr. Epping and Mr. Bauer.
Scene from "School for Scandal". . .
Sir Peter Teaz e . Prof. W. M. Ra-ma
Lady Teazle Mies Ethel Henbura
(a) "Returvelle" Chaminade
(b) "When Love Ia lione" Hawley
ic) 'The Protectant" Hatton
J. Adrian Epping.
Duet, "Merry, Merry Are We," Lacornie
Mr. Epping and Mr. Bauer.'
Orrgon I'llj Defeat Dayton in
rslinf t.aoie.
Oregon $ Washington State Fair Victories
Ortg.iu Mate Fair 11)02
'-'-3 on Cock Bird, 6 in Competition
1,1 " Hen, loin Competition
'J-3 on l'ullct 40 in Competition
"id on. . .Cockerel at in Competition
I,to,i pen, it in Competition
Ist 'n American Class
.''" "' n pulleta Ihe pa'al S
r. Klni k hir aaln, ra In aeaaon.
WNNhlnion State Fair 1!02
We only tent 3 pullets, I hen and I
Cock and won on every entry but one
bmiilra apeciaU, including best pen In
the show. Prize won 1st Cock, Ist
Hen: 1st knd 2nd Pullet; 1st pen.
r.ihll.ltlon Stork a apeclatty Kara
grand pulleta for aale. Kf S.I.OO
J- MURROW.& SON. Oregon City. Oregon.
Sunday afternoon 700 people saw Ore
gon City deleat Dayton at baseball by
score of tl lo 4. Tbe members of the
local nine freely hit George Schmioette.
ot Ht. Paul, Oregon, w ho pitched for the
visitor. an Leavttt, a former member
of the Oregon City team, played at sec
ond base for Dayton and was tbe star
player of the visiting team. Ryan
caught for the visitor. II. Siebels
pitched for Oregon City, Nefzger and
U rah in having both joined a Southern
Oregon team. Siebels completely out
classed bis opponent. Kreitx proved an
effective catcher again for the local team.
Charles Giles, of Portland, umpired the
I The main feature of the game was en
I acted in the seventh inning. With all
three base occupied, Rhode for Oregon
City, scored the only home ran of the
day ami increased by four tallies the
score ol the local team.
The score by inning waa as follows:
(Oregon City, 1 0 0 1 3 0 4 0 x-9
I Dayton, 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 2-
Disjiensatory say, cnninni PARALYZES the motor nerve; aco
Hculiir strength; ' belladonna produces PARALYTIC symptoms;
lessens the
The IT s
J e "''Iiici muscular
3n V i "trnmoiiiiim lire the sitnie us iK-ludonna; opium
J .."'"'tic tuotion of the bowt-N. "Do not exocrcise any curative
e "' these are contained in all of the ancient pile medicines.
1 "f IC-Kt'-SA, the only lion .Poisonous Pile cure, over 4' druggists and
oi the highest standing;, say in substance:
1)r.. L C.rillin in jo years experience 1 have no knowledge of any medicine
piles except your non-narcotic Pile cure. I know it Ci bks.
J. H. TrolT. v n., and drujrgist, Los Angcle.
R-RII.C .... . if . f. rin.
pliable titi-to.il.i- H.. i... .n if.un.sx vi- Ajo.
Frank Freeman (iiven Decision
Andy Kliiif, of Mon tuna.
Frank Freeman, of Oregon City, was
awarded tlfe decision in the seventh
round over Andy King, champion light
weight of Montana, on a foul committed
in a breakaway in a boxing contest.
King persisted In fouling from the start,
although relented!) cautioned by Ref
eree Bert Rhodes, of Portland. The fight
was advertised as a 20 round contest but
it was mutually agreed Saturday night to
limit it to ten rounikfJJ Freeman, being
tn Oregon City boy, waa the favorite but
no betting took place, both men fought
furiously from the start, honor being
Salt m Journal Man Hi comes II inner
ous In Reporting; (.a me.
The brabers recently defeated the
pi inters of Salem in a game ol baseball
.i i.A .... .i ..
aou me journal sporting euro- gives
the following version of the conflict:
"The ball game Sunday between the
Typographical Errors and the Living
Phonographs drew quite a crowd, the
gate receipts amounting to 55, gathereJ
in in 15 cent bunches, indicating that
the crowd numbered about 400. The
game was oauiy played, Irom stait to
nnisti, by both sides. In the first place,
there was entirely too much back talk
and arguing w ith the umpire, who should
have read ihe riot act to some of tbe
-T" v. m , . . . . .
ue i uunogmpn went to out and in
the first two inning passable ball was
put np. After that, the Infri nirementa
on tiiison s ratenis put the lather all
over tha Misprints, shaved them, and
men put on me not towel and powder.
The Six to Picas distinguished them
selves by some wild throwinir. eDeciallv
to nrst, ana tms is the cause of their oa-
ing tbe game. Durette, however, made
a pyrotechnical play. He drove a hall
down nearly two feet In front of tbe plate
and then he lit out like a greyhound tin
canned, and beaded for home. He got
to first ahead of the ball, lit out for sec
ond and got there, and, in apite of cries
to hold hi base, hiked down to third,
shut hi eyes and streaked oyer the
home plate a sure winner, and all thi
time the ball had never been outside of
the diamond. It was a dandy home ran
well and mysteriously earned, and be
had all nine of the Shingle-Rive frater
nity stepping the ebost dance while he
surrounded them. Tbe band olaved
much better than the teams, the fans
did some very good rooting, and the
score was 13 to 8 asainst the Slmr. who
tried vainly to boiler-plate the score in
the last two innings. It was an amusing
bseball game, because, like Ariemus
Ward's monkey, yoa couldn't tel. what
it wa going to do next." I
Wanted at Once.
3000 trwberry nickers at Hood River.
Plenty of work. Oood pickers can earn
13.50 a dy. Take Regulator Line
Steamer from Alder Street wharf. Port-
land, daily, 7 a. to. Fare for round trm.
00. Children, $1.00.
Having been appointed grand mar
thai for the parade and exercises to be
held in this city on Memorial Day. Sat
urday, May the 30th, I hereby issue the
following general orders lor the informa
tion of the public :
1. Headquarter will be established
on Main street, between Fifth and Sixth,
at 9:15 a.m.
2. Lieu'enant Charles Burns, Co. A,
Third Regiment, 0. N. U , is hereby ap
pointed chief of staff, and Win. Beach,
Norwood Charman, Leroy Grace and
Frank Knoll , are appointed aides, and
will teport, mounted, to the chief of
staff promptly at 9:15 a. m.
3 The order of assignment in column
of tbe different organizations taking part
in the parade is a follows:
Park Place Band.
Company A, Third Regiment, 0. N.
G. J
Meade Port, Noi 2. G. A. R.
Meade Post, No. IS. W. R. C.
Mayor and council and other invited
guest in carriages.
Civic organization, fraternal orders,
Ac, citizens in carriages.
4. Toe column will form on 5Iain
street, facing south, with the head of
column resting on Fifth street, and the
several organizations taking part are re
quested to le on hand and in place
promptly at 9 :-J5 a. m., as the column
will move prompt I v at 10 a. ni.
o. the line ol march wiile from Dr. J. W . Powell ha returned from
ruin street to lniienal Milis, counter-i the vicinity of Sycamore, where, an
marching to east end of bridge, where a ' Clackamas county physician, he made a
hall will he called, w hile the U. A. R. J thorough investigation w it ! reference to
and W. R. C. marches on to the bridge, ! the aliened existence of smallpox ithin
where the ceremony of ft re w ing flowers .the b jrders ol this conn y "to an alinn
on t lie waters in honor of the deceased ing extent." Dr. Powell reports that he
sailor of the war for the Union will be visitnj the district lietaeen Damasctn
performel, after which the post and and Sycamore, where it is claimed tilers
corps will countermarch to tlieir respect-! were thirty casen of the disease. He
one is
DepHty Health OUcer Mistakes Abou1;
Smallpox Only One Case.
ive positions, when the column will movi
bv wjyof Seventh sireet lo Shively's
ball, where the usual ceretnonie will be
held, after which the column will leform
and march to the cemetery, where Ihe
ritualistic ceremonies ol the G. A. R.
and W. R. C. will be perlormed.
By order of
C. P. Mars, Grand Marshal.
Charles Bi'kns, Chief of Staff.
Report ef llenrlcl Sch of.
School District No. 85, Henrici, CI ack
amae county, Oregon, fur the term of
three months ending May 22, 19C3.
Days taught, 60; days attendance,
1201 ; day absence, 141 ; "times tardy, 32 ;
number enrolled, 24; number belonging,
22; daily attendance, 20.
Those present every day during the
term were Willamette Harris and hloner
Those not absent after entering are
Ed mood Term an.
Roll of honor for first month, Eloner
Hartnel, Paul Strong, Willamette and
David Harris, Carl and Victor Barney,
Simon and Frela Callahan and Dolly
Baker. Second month, Dolly. Baker,
Willamette Harris, Eloner Hartnel and
Edmond Terman. Third month, Floyd
Kunzman, Edmond Terman, Eloner
Hartnel, Tena Bluhm and John Kunz
School closed Friday with a basket so
cial ; the proceeds, which were $23, are
to be need for a nag and bell. W. W
Sampson wa auctioneer.
D. H. Mosheb, teacher.
found hot a single cia t ri, I that
in the ftmily of Henrv Trogue a
boy, who wa only mildly altlicti d. Nu
new cai-es are developing and he is satis
fied that the disease has been ex erinin
ated. Clackamas county officers feel
that they have received a greater amount
of criticism in connection with the small
pox cases than actual conditions warranted.
4a It F. ATI. Y AI.AIt.MF.I
ly n I'eraWleut Cough, but I'er.
tuaneiitly Cured bj Chamber
lain'M Cough ItemeUy.
Mr. H. P. Burbage. a student at law,
in Greenville. S. C, had been troubled
lor lour or rive year with a continuous
cough which he say, "greatly alarmed
me, causing me to fear that I was in the
h'rM stage of crpftinipiinn." Mr. Bur
bage, having seen Chamberlain's Cough.
Remedy advertised, concluded to try it.
Now read what he says of it: "I toon
felt a remarkable change and after using
two bottles of the twenty-live cent size,
was permanently cured." Sold by tl.
A. Harding.
about even in tbe opening round. By a Uarding.
The -ltaya.
Recent experiments, bv practical tests
and examination with the aid of the
X-Rays, establish it as a fact that Ca
tarrh ol the Stomach is not a disease of
ltselt, but that it results trora repeated
attacks of indigestion. "How Can I
Cure My Indigestion?" Kodol Dvspep
sia Cure is curing thousands. It will
cure yon of indigestion and dyspepsia,
and prevent or cure Catarrh of the
Stomach. Kodol digest what yoa eat
makes the stomach sweet. Sold by Geo. I
An AfteraeoB Party at Damascus.
Mrs. Geo. Derry, assisted bv Miss
Jeauette Newell and Miss Sabina Cooke,
entertained a few invited guests at her
home Saturday afternoon. At five o'clock
nice lunch was served, which all
heartily enjoyed, after which all de
parted for their homes feeling that they
had been well entertained. Those pres
ent were Mrs. H. Paulsen, Mrs. Charlie
Hunter, Mitses Mary anil Rachel Tong.
Jeanetteaud Mae Newell. Sabina and
Ruby Cooke, Rhoda Smith, Mildred
Derry and Minnie Royer.
Too (areata KUL.
In almost every neighborhood some
one has died from an attack of colic or
cholera morbus, often be fere medicine
could be procured or a physican sum
moned. A reliable remedy for these
diseases should be kept at hand. The
risk is too great for anyone to take.
Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diar
robea Remedy has undoubtedly saved
the lives of more people and relieved
more pain and suffering than any other
medicine in use. It can always be de
pended upon. For sale by O. A. Harding.
Notice to Water Consumer.
Tbe use of water for lawn, garden and
street sprinkling for the season ol 1903
will be governed by the rules in force
last season.
Consumers are required to Day tha
extra charge for such nse, during the
first ten days in June. By order of
Thr Boako or Watjcb CoMmssiomas.
4t, June 19.
Iroesu't Keapert Old Age.
It's shameful when youth fail to il.oc
proper respect for old age, but just the
contrary in the case of Dr. King' New
Life Pills. They cut off maladies, Du
matter how severe and irrespective ot
old age. DysHpsia, jaundice, fever,
constipation all yield to this perfect pill.
25c at Geo. A. Harding's drug store.
nx plantM by fmrtnT
Afi'l irrltir t.i
trkt-ue?ii-fiin'ti'irn(- It
UVI t Kit ft lit!- Ii"'"
fir Fm' arul lenan ft orrtit
dml more tltt? Ail
putilamtd fra-c to ail
D. M. MftftV
1 1
4 "! V