Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 29, 1903, Page 6, Image 6

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Odd nfPrlnnt That I Malwtalar
In Sana llragilnrri.
T1h woman loft tho proscription and
ftnM she would rail for jlio medicine- In
hnlf tin liour.
"I'll hot $o she won't," aaid the clerk.
"She just look like tho kind that geta
medieiuo put up for tho fun of the
"1 didn't know thorv wn anybody
foolish enough to ttiko tils fun that I
way," remarked tho next customer, j
... ... .. .1. . ..I.. I..,.. I
, ,
nf them .' sji 1.1 tho dork. ''Sdiioiu
wook itnM that wo do not ut up
prescription that la novor called for.
Why In tho world tho pooplo who tlm
neglect tholr remedies aftor ordering
thoni compounded will go to tho trou
blc and fipons.. of msultlnj; a doctor i
la more than 1 cau IlKurv out. If (hoy
don't want to take tho atull proMcrllwd,
thoy ivrtainly don't have to. but they
uildit at loaat have tho grace to com
and take It homo after we have gone
to tlm trouble to prepare It and not
throw it back, a doud loss on our ha mis.
Why, I've got a regular morgue back
there for the repose of lineal KM for bot
tles of medicine. I keep the muff In
definitely, hoping that In case tho cus
tomer has nut boon carried off by atld
don death she "ill show up again some
time and ask for the bottle. If I hap
pen to know the delimjuent'a address,
I send It around l O. J. but people
who make n practice of onteciug medi
cine that thoy never Intend tv take are
not apt to leave their card with the
"Most of those nuisance in the drug
business are women, and many of their
prescriptions have boon written by out
of Iom'u doctors several months or. lu
some cases, years ago. In such case
the customer probably has no Intention
of coming back for the tniMlcine, but
merely wishes It compounded through
some freakish fancy, lu onler to guard
against loss through such crazy whlnii
we ought by right to demand a deos!t I
on all prescriptions to be calleil for lat-1
or mi. but such an innovation would J
undoubtedly bring out a mighty howl, '
and we bavV never had the courage to
uggest it." New York I'ress. j
Ita Rooms amed For Hlaiea Inatead
of lielna; amlerd.
"In a little town in the Knck woods ol
Mississippi." remarki'd a traveling
man, "there is a peculiar hoteU It Is
just like any other hotel except In the
way the nsims are named. Thoy are
not numbered, us Is generally done,
but c-.n h nxjiu Is named for a state of
the t'llitili States.
"When I stopped at tho place. I was
assigned to a room called elaware.'
it was correctly named. tx, for it was
one of the smallest rooms in tho house.!
.. ....
"1,,u na "'"'I'"' ,pre .leiendsnli: l.ou.rd lckr. Jr.,
Hampshiro' made isimplaiut to the Klizdieili I,. IP-cker, H It. 'i-umip. ,opliri
l.indlonl that the man in 'Matin was , ma Jps-up, J. H. I.atn r, AiU .M . I.air,
drunk and iH.Uter.ms und was tUm ' !J''i--r.a. T..ny rst..r.,, .1. W aim
, . .. , ,, . . indir. Msrv K. Alexander, I'.laon I.. I. an,
keeping h.UI awake. I his Seeiueil , j I.a'np, John K. burke, Marv llurke.
strange, when we recall that Maine l , j . (iv.r. I'. Tlminpoon. r.lla II.
a prohiliition state. Two men up In . nine, ar J. II. I. an, rii.imas J . Murphy,
Montana' were k.-cping up tlm r,.pu. it. W. liillrl .i..iinii.irvor ol the e.n
... ... ' , , , ' ol l'liofhi (illliert. ilecraard. I.ranl I'llieU
tat on of the wild west by engaging III i py ,, ,)llhjfl w h wholly . t a-i.te
a Iloisy Miker gi'IIie. A big, fat C.lpl-I and held lor naughl. Said du re of Feb
t.ii:.it hud 'Now York,' which was the I rnary i'.. l-!7. aaa lor Ih li recoure of a
rw-r r,-,m in the him... Tho room
namiH for Alabama is too onliiiary for j
anything, and a fanner was occupying,
lf Hi., nlelit I W:m there. !
, i i. ' .i. ir, I
"It was funny to stand In the cilice
and hear a b.-HU.y tell the clerk that j
towels were wanted In lowir una that
the fellow in 'North liakota' was kick-
, ,., , 111 ... 1
in? hke a .er beeausc he had 110 llr.j
Send two Manhattan cocktails up to I
Mississippi' was one of the orders that j
ll... ..l.-rL- 1-.. 'I!., ctiru 111 . nil t ha ,
man In I'loriila at ." o'clock In tin- morn
ing,' said one of the employees. And
thus it went. This hotel is a curiosity
to the traveling public. It Is conduct
ed by an eccentric old fellow, but
where he coiic jvi-d the Idea of naming
rooms after states I il not know."
Ilirmiiigliaiii Age-IIerald.
American Trad l.onic Aro.
' To the notices which we have from
tlnn; to time published of the favorable
posture of trade we may add a grati
fying view of our commerce with the
United States. Its extent is probably
more considerable than our readers
Would Imagine. The exports from
Scotland of manufactured goods to va
rious parts of the I'nlon will this year
amount to about 2,000,fXi The mag
nitude of the sum will appear mow
aurprising when we consider tl; re
atrictioiis which prohibit us from tak
ing in exchange agricultural produce.
A trade so Important It behooves uh to
cherish with all possible care, and it I
gratifying to think that customers 0
valuable are a free people, little likely
to Impede her prosperity by projects of
ambition. Ijiidon Globe, 1H'J2.
Welh Grammar and Spelling.
The following notice la inscribed
above the door of a shop In a North
Walea village: " Coblar, daler in
Racco Shag and Tig Iiacon and Gln
garhreil Kggs laid every tuoruluK by
nie, and very go(sJ I'aradlse, in the
cummer gentlemen and I,ady can have
good Tae and Crunnpiets, and 8traw
bery with a acim milk, because I can't
get no creatn. X. li. Shuxe and Iioota
medued very well."
Wliat Mar Could lie Waal'
"What la your father's objection to
me, Millie?" asked the young man.
"lie aaya you have no application,
"No application:" he echoed bitterly.
"I wonder if he knows I've been com
ing V) see you twice a week for nearly
IX yeara!" Chicago Tribune.
There U no use in repining that lift
U abort It li not to be measured bj
the quantity of 1U years, but by tha
quality of lta achleTementc PbJMdeJ
pbia Ledgec
Legal NoticeB.
poller tor l-itbllrntioa.
I'nited Stales Isanti Ollloo,
Oregon ('ilv, Oregon. Marvb LY. l;K);l.
Notice it iiorehy given that in compli
ance with tho provision of tho act of
Congress of June It, 1878, entitled "An
act tor tho sale of liuibor land in tho
.-tai 01 i aiiiornia oinon, i'" ,
Washington Teiitorv," aa extended to j
all the I'ulillc Land State by act of Aug- I
uat 4, )8'2, J. l.ofin Kmc,' of Stafford, j
count v of Clackamas, Hiate of Oregon, i
...... . . V . ,
ha ttiin dav tiled in thiaotliiti In sworn
statement No. takVi for Ilia purchase ul .
. . . t. .. 1
Ol una l. '. .1 ana . oi r-cv nun ,
No. 3'.'. in Township No. 4 South.
Uange No. ti K., and will otter proof to
show that Uie land sought la mote valua-
lU lor ila timber or at.in than for agri-
cultural piirpowt, and lo eetnliliali bit
el" ' M u,u' Moie the Keuiaier
and Keceiver at this utile) at Oregon
I'itv, l)reifon, on Monday, tbtf Mil uy
of June, l'.KU.
lie name aa witnesses: T. I'.
Kandall, Krank Korslierg, A W, Cha
ncy, of Oicgon 1 ity, Oregon ; Kruest S.
Kruse, of tatrord, Oreaon.
Any and all prania claiming inverse
ly the altove described lands are re
quested to lile their claims in tin ollice
on or before said Sih day of June,
llKKi. t'iu. It. Mooaa.
In the Circuit Court or lh Stat of Cr
gou li r Hi Couniy ol Clai kainas.
lUiinan llulman, Jr , I'lali.tilt, j
l.ronaril ltei'kr. Jr , Klllth i
L. Ilrckrr. S. U. Jrssup, lo
I ttroina Jitii. J II. Lalxir,
Alia M I.atwr. S. T. Mi'liii,
lony rllrphens. J. W. Al'ian
ler, Marv K. Alfxamlrr, K twin
I.. I.mir, llia H. I.anr, Jntin
K. Hurkf, Mary llurkr. M.
liove, 0. 1. I llOMI'oll,
Tlioiup'on, Orilla if. l.ane, O.
car J. II. l ane, Tboinas J. Mur-
ihy. Ilarrel K. M ,irpli y ,
. (illhrrl, a ail ill ill-
llralor ol III stjie of Plinebe
(illlierl. ilcrad. K. V. till
ben, Mli n. I a (ulix-rt, lhllie
I.iHi li lix-rl. r'.:lla (tiliierl,
tirant I'tiegl V. llanirl T. l-e, j
lrnot:ne iiiihlte. Wilhelin
I' 1 1 1 I fin a ii li . Wilheliniii
Thleleiiiann. Jeaiipll i'hli-le-
inaiiii, William .Martin Van
lluren ami l.aura K. Van Uu-
rrn, l'eleiiilanla.
To Soiihronla Jemiiii, H. T. Hli.lim and 1
Tony Stppliens.saia H, J. W Alrkamlrr pear ami aiiwr, hir want llirraol ttir
aim Mary K. Aifiamler, Ilia alt, M. I. I plamlill lll apply lo ill court for lh r
liove, C. P. Thompson and ---Tliompsoii, lief ilamamlrd In ln coniilaiiil. lo ad
i Inn wile, Daniel I'. I .re anil Imogen ilal lie, Thai Ih plaliililCa till lo Ih .nilti hall of
j defendants: "' aoiitharrnl inarlr ol welion '.'I. In
j li. th nam of lb Slal or Orrgoii you ' lownhip 'i aonlh, ol rai'tr '.' at. ol the
! an I each ol yon ar lirrrhy r.inr I In a j W illametla n erhlian. liual,l In Hi coun
near ami anrr Hi-ciinnlaiiil lilr.l acaiiml i IV ol I'lackamaa and alal nf lirk'on.h
you in Ih alHiv piitnlrd i-oiiri and muw
on or belor ih ;Mti dav of MaV 1 "1. and
il y.ill lull 'o ao appear and a'.aaer Ih
plaimitl will apply I Ih court tor th re
l li-1 .IniiHii'lrd in t he c.oiipuinl to U :
(I) llial a'dc ree ol tie ahovc rilitlfl
conn iiiad Krhruar . '.' i, H '7 ami nt-red
Hi l i J jjrnal id aid c ourt Mur. li 'Jo, 1 -! 7 .
u a suit ln-rln Herman llulmnn, Jr. an I
nUiiiiiil and t'o- t !!. w iri t namp.l pi ui ,
ceriain mo ksk ma i ny .... in... am.
looker his wit in thp ai, piaintii! laled
tlie'-'Hli day of May. I"'-', upon Hie preni-
i lierpi uafler detcril.eO.
i'JI That Ihe i"Hle ol the premise ilea-
jN ,he (e(.rp(, f ttr ll
.y,. to atiifv ihe ju. 1111111 of aaid dpcree
Up wholly spi a-mie ami hel l lor naiigni.
That the order of conllrtualioit made
and entered 111 ("aid court November In,
,.(),l,irmlll lH of ,,rP,iw
pursuant lo tlm tmul decree enlpred Man h
.'0, Ih i", he wlioliy set aside and held lur
"a 0 ll I
li I'hat Ihe Ini .. till have and recover of
and Irom the .iplendHnt Leonard r.erki'r,
Jr. the mini ol t) iogtlir Willi interpnt
thereon at I lie tale ol i per cent per annum
from the Ultli dav ol May, Ih'.iJ; lor Cip fur
ther sum ol J-'iO a nt oriipjn lees; lor the
further sum ol J'Jl.i L'7 together with inler
put ihpreon hi the rate of li per cent per an
n inn Irom Ovtoiier 7, I8:i; for the further
sum of f 117.1.1 toother lih interesl ihere
on at the rate of 'i per cent per annum Iruin
wpcpuiuer .Y)t n-'i; lor in luriuer anni or
$Hi.'i.l toi;etiier with intprent t ieroii al th
ra'e of li per cent per annum Irom A pril T.i,
I'".', and fur I lie coals ami dishurnemiMitn
ol lliis unit.
.1 That Pitch and all of Haiti minis he de
i lured a lirnt valid and complete lien upon
the lands and premises, eoverad hv plaint
ill's mortgage and described an follows, to
A part of the Donation band Claim ol
(jeorge am Kiimce lirock No, 1'i in Town--Lip
.1 .South' ol I'.ange 1 Kanl in I'la' kainss
I'nunly, Oreg-in, more pariicnl .rly Up"
irilied as pillows : Comn.pnciiig at the
Northwest corner of naid claim and running
thence Kanterly tracing the claim line to a
point far enough so that a line rurniini!
South therefrom and parallel Willi the
wpstern boundary of said claim to Ihe Will- ,
arnette Uiver will cut oil and enclose I'.'O
acres or aaid claim.
H That plaiiitill'a aaid mortgage be fore
I clied and theaairl real proierty above dps
crilsd sold as Usm execution for I' lured
Htates liold coin and that the proceeds of
aaid sale be applied as lollowi:
a To the payment or the costs and dis
biirHements ol aale and of suit.
hj To the payment of audi Judgment aa
nlaintilf mav recover herein includina at-
I torneys fees.
cl That the surplus, if any there be, he
paid into court auhject to the further order
ol said court.
71 That il the procedsof said sale do not
satisfy in full the judgment of plaint:!!
Herein, niciuur.g costs, anornpys iea
all accruing coats, that plaintiff have Jmlg-1
ment docketed for sucn ileticienry against
the defendant lonard liecker, Jr. and exe
cution issue thereon.
S That the claims, rights and interests
of each and all of the defendants above
named be decreed to be suhseuent and
auhject to the lieu of plaintill's said judg
ment, including attorneys tees, costs and
all accruing coats.
J That the defendants aliove named and
each and all of them lie foreclosed and lor
ever barred of all right, title, interest, or
equity of redemption in or to tbesaid prem
ises and every part thereof.
10 That plaintiff have such other, fur-Una-
or ditlerent relief as to the court may
stem meet and cjiiiUhle In the premises.
This summons is published by order of
Uie Hon. Thomas K. Kyan, County Judge
of the County of Clackamas, State of Ore
gap, dated April 15, li'J, which order di
anOta Uie publication of this summons not
laa than onr s week for six weeks. The
date of th first publication of this sum
mons is April 17, V.ta.
Attorneys for ?lsJnuff.
In lb Circuit Court of the Slats of On
iron for lb County ol Clackamaa.
Anni FlUgerald, I'lalnlltt, )
Kdrit Fllagerald, Mudant.
To Kdwlll KlUgrrald, defendant slxiv
named: litlhsna soltheHtsi ol Or
Kon, You ar hrhy rr.iilr. loappraraud
aiwrr Ih cuiiiplanil bird agaiuni you In
III above fiillllrd Courl and raun mi ur
Prior llii Sixlh iliv ol June, I'm I. that h-
inK lii tun ael by anld colli! for Voil lo
apiwar ami anawjr liriu, ami mora llun
n wrk Irom the I itur of Hi II ml puhlita
tion ol 1 1 iat nolle anil auiiiiuona. and ll von
M appear nr snawer. th fiaimiit
"-r u "T 11 . " """"" I '). ,
. ..
ol tn
', II, "I. (.,,, , Ml,. tl,l,nii,, I
,f II, II.IHIMM I. ..It. I ri.l IIU lu.lt-.u...
,,,,,ni,tr nd Ulendaut ami that the run
M,y , u, niinorclillil l.aura r 'iligi raid, lie
awarded lo Hie (.Imiintl. Tbla eummiina la
puhliiti.! hy nr.lr ol the lion, I hmuai A
Ilrkle, Jn.kv id lbatHivulilpl I'ouri,
mail and nlrd lirinon Ih 'Vniti dav ol
Apr I, pat.1, Ih linl puhlicalloii ol h anni
iiions ljiig on Hi '.'I'll dav ol April. PHI
and Hi last on Hi .Mli lUy ol Jinir, l!i;l,
liKOUliK II. I'l'KIIAll.
Attorney lor i'lamlUl.
in Ih Cirtmll I'ouri ol Ih Hial of Or
gon, for ll, Comity ol I'lackamaa.
Ilertha Hell. I'lalnliir, i
va. V
Win. II. Hill, lrii,laul.)
To Win. It. Ilrll Ih atov tiamrd 1
lu Hi nam of Ih Hlat of Oron you
ar hrrrhv rr.iilrr.l to appear In ih alv
nlllll Court and anaarr cmplalnt nl.1
aiiainsl you In the also vnlil ld auilmir
belnrr Ih !lh 'lav ol Jun. PU, and II you
lall so t i apiwar or anaarr lor aanl Iherrnf,
pialnlitr will apply lo Ih 1'ourl lor a dm rr
dt-iiiamlrd lu III coinplainl agalnal voil, lo
ail: Kor a ilrcr nl alitiiliit ilivnre and
Ih Trituration nf hr inanlpn nam.
Tin nun loiia la nuhlKhrd puraiianl to
an onlrr ina'l on ih 'JiHIi ilav ol April.
I nl. Iwlur linn. Tim. A. M. Hrl.l. Jii.Ik
ol Ih aiHivx enlitliHl Court, ami Ih hrl
liuliln ailou la mad oi..tli I'llli day ol
April, P.tl.
K. K. MKIliiKs.
Atlomry lor I'laiunir.
Ill l'i Cir siii Cuiirl oltha Sj it nf Ur
gnu, lor the Coiinlv l)l Clarkamaa
I'harlri K. htoll, ' t'lalli: III. )
MaarKarr. McMiniKlllel'ollrg.
a ctiriNiralloii. K i 1 a llfu.lrrirk
ami John llriHlrrhk, I
lii-fetiilaiila. J
To John flr slerii k, tvirmlanl:
I n lh iiama or lha iat of ri;oii : on
are hrrrhy rioirril to ii;vir ami anawrr
Hi c inipiainl lili-il attain! you in Ih aliv
riiliilril raiuMi on or hlor Momlav, Hi liih
'lay ol July. I 'll, ami If you lull In i a.
lorrvi-r .'iirl-.l aiml th rlaim ol y.i.i nr
any on claiming Ih nam bv, Irom,
ihroiiKh or ui.Oer vou. and Dial y.ni and
lliey li forever rpsirali.rd Irom ril.n up
any rlaim or nil In aed lo "id i" nl"'
oi any part lliprpol, ii.d ll.a. plainlilt u a.
rt'fn.rr 'I. r.it of I'm uil and I ir urn
oilier rrll.-f a to Dtp court uiav aepiu inept
and .uiia;,le.
llun nutniiiunn
la iuMihp.l l.v or ler el
Hon. Tl". K Kymi. J nine o' th county
o.irt nl ( l.ii-kimn eoui.iy, duly lua.lp and
phi. r-.l on April 1 1. I'-ii
Kir-t t.uh'i. anni. Mav I'.. pml
W. A. Ml NI.Y and P. P. I'AHNKY.
Alloriicyk lor i'ltmiirr.
May 1.1. t: !.
In the circuit comt of the st lie of Ore
gon, lur the county of Clai kamis.
('. V. Sherman and K. I.. I f air-1
lip.n. partners doing businesa
an Sherumn St llnrmon,
fieorge V. Freeman and Mattie
K. Kreetniin. (lelenilHiita.
To (ieorge W. Freman and M.ittie K.
I" reemiiii. Hie aliove liKined defendants
and to each id them :
in the name of the state of Oregon,
you ate hereby required to appenr and
answer the compUinl filed agiiinst you
by the aUjve iiaiued plaihtills in the
above entitled suit, in Ihe above entitled
I court, oil or before llie last day ol the
j tune prescribed in the order for the pub
lication of this Hilininons, to-w it : On or
before the 1' it ta day of June, r.KI.'l, said
date being the expiration of six weeks
from the lift publication of this not re,
the lirnt publication us prescribed in snid
order being the loth day of May, I'.XKi;
ami if you so fail to appeir an. I unnnr
said complaint the said plaiiiull for want
thereof will apnlv to tho above entitled
court for the relief prayed for In the
complaint, to-w it: for a judgment
against you and each of you for the sum
of IJ71-00, with interest thereon at the
rate of H percent M.r annum from June
'M, IH!I!, in (J. S. gold coin, slid tlm fur
liter sum of f bl. 0 I as atlornevs' fees, to
gether with the costs and disbursements
of said suit; thai the mortgage described
in aaid complaint ami executed bv you
on June I'll, H'.f.), in favor of plaint ill', be
foreclosed ; that ll.e land therein descrile
ed. lo-wp: 1,'omiiiem ihg on Hie south
line of the W. !'. Matlock Donation
Land Claim and .'!.'!() feet easterly of the
southwest corner of said Donation Land
Claim ; running thence easterly on the
sou lb line of said claim L'O rods; thence
northerly at right angles to last described
line 40 rods; theme westerly at right
angina lo last described line 1.'0 rods;
thence southerly at right angles to last
described line 40 rods lo place of begin
ning, containing 5 acre, all in section il,
township 2 south, range 2 east, of the
Willamette Meridian, in Clackamas
county, state of Oregon, be sold in the
manner prescribed by law and that from
the proceeds of such sale there be paid
o nUintiir the several sums l ,,
, P'amuna Uie several sums 01 money
above named. And further, for a decree
barring and foreclosing joii and each of
you from any and all" right, title
and interest in and to said real
property, except the statutory right to
redeem, and for such other relief as may
be equitable.
This summons is published by order
of Hon. Tbos. F. Kyan, county judge of
the state) of Oregon, for the'cotinty of
Clackamas, duly made and filed in the
above circuit court on tfta ltthdayof
May llXXt.
U.'l. ULISAN and W. W. RANKS,
Attorneys for l'laintiils.
May 15. 1903
IodiTdulali Money to Loa
At 6 and 7 percent. Call on or write
Jno. W. Lonaa,
Oregon City Oregon
Steven' building.
thrrllPa Male.
In th I'lreull Courl of Ih Slata of Or.
gon, for Hi I utility ol I lai katna
A. K, l.atourell, Trust,
John K. Amlerann and litis
lav 1'ahlk.
Srr or Oiia.i.ts, n
I'm atv isr rica,l
I y vlrlu of a Jiiditnipnl tinier, dcrr and
an pts'U(oii, dulv IupI mil ol and under
th seal ol lh Ihi vnlilled court. In IU
alxivp mlillpd eaup. lo in iliilv illrid
and dalrd III J Ird day ol April. PU, U1k.ii
a ludniiPi'l rendprpd ami entrrpil In aaid
rutin on Ih .'lUd darof April, I'l. I" lavr
ol A. V: l.alourplt, Trntp, I'lalullll, and
at:liil John K. Amlerwui and liimav
hlk, lolpiidaula, lorlhvaiiitt officii".
Willi lniprl lhrron l lit l a tier
prr aniiiini Irom Ih 'J Ird da nf April, pail,
and Ih (under an in ol jvi.ui. a auoruay
Ir. and Ih furthr him ol I1.'.'' cota ami
dlatiurarniPiila, an I th roala til ami upon
this aril, commanding m mak aal nl
th lolloalng dracrtlwd rl proprrty, aim
at lu th couniy ol l lsi kamaa, alal ol
llrrg in, to wll .
Ilrgininug al th S. SV.pornr ol Ih 8
II. Han. I. I I., f. No 4S. In t'p 3 H. It. i
Kdlli WHUuiptt Mpriiiian. and run
tnng thni' bl along th Norih Unin.larv
ol asld IL I.. I'. No. is, .M i"! chain. Ihrln
N 1.1 iiilninra W. U so rnaina; ilimw VI
i haina lo Ih Ka'l lM,jndary I in nl
in l. I, I' ol I.. I' ' l.alourplt No.
thrif 11 iniiiul K.i along lb aaid
houmlaiy IP ol . claim No. 4.1 lo Ih
plat ol beginning, coulandng 1.1 aerei
liior or lesa.
Nnsr, I hrrelor. hv vlriuol aal. I pipi ii
lion. Judgment urdrr and ilet re. . and In
rompiiaii'' allh Ih romiuamla of said
writ, I aillon Monday, in
IS r PAY t'K JI NK, I'Kl,
al Ih hour ol III oVInt-k A M ., al Hi front
door ol Ih rouuty t'otin llou In ih l oy
ol t rpp'li I'll)'. In aaid r.iuniy and M'
-1 1 l puMic auction, iil.Jn l lo redanim
lion, loth hh;hpl Inddrr, lor l . S. Hell
c.nu i-'ii In Land, all ih right, nil - anu
iutrl which th aiililn nam'. I llud
aula or rillipr ol IIipiii, had un th .lat nl
th morigai,' hrpu nr lur had In or lo
Ih aiove ileacrtlwl ral pt.irl or any
pari Ihprriif, lo n.ly aai.t pipi'uIIoii,
judgment onlrr. drcree, lnltpl, coala ami
all accruing c.uli.
j. It. Sit via.
She nil nf ri.-kn.a I 'i.tinlv , I irrgon.
Pv Y.. I . II utr, Keputy.
;?tpd, llrrgon I'm, ur-..!!, May lat.
Miiiiitirr-M m
In thri'ircnil court nf Ih alal ol Orciion
lor th i-iiiihtv ol I larkma
John MuichUr, I'lalnlill,
v. i
John K. Norrl. Adrlln Nnrria.
riiarlrat'. Talsir and I rbna
Tat.r, ilriiilaiila.
Sttr or Uy...', I
ti.fslY or I'i.ai k w a i
l'mlr and hy virlu ol an ur n r of -alp
and drrr nl or.-hia.ir and i,-ulion I
nr. I nut ul ih . in iMl rotirl of Hi atat ul
i Irptfon, lor th rouiilv of riarkatoaa. on
Ih th dav ol April. P l. In Hi alsiv n.
Iitlp.l uu. ah, rain J rUur. hl. r. Hi ahov
itaiupd ( 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 it . ulilaiiip.l a Jiidk'tiipol and
ipcrr ol forpci.Miirp and aal ol mortsai;pd
prpliifipa aKSI'.l l'i alwo t'S'llP.1 .IrlPtld-
aut". John K. Sorri. A.Ipiii.p Norria ri.a
.1 I a'mr ami l pluia V 1 also, on II. ;'M n
l-iv nl April. Id III law.r ul th plan, till
in.t av'aimt In aal I .Ipipinlania lor thr
iim ol .' n uV an.l lor I. ! t-t,i ai.o di
lui' iiipi.i ani'ciiiiim; to tnpMiui of l.'I 'o,
iih iiitrrit on in whole at thratol'
per i piiI i-r antiuui Irom the '.'(li dav ol
April, V' 1. and t'.r null nf ami upon Una
writ. . omuiaixllntf inp lo luakp aitl ,tf ih
t. llow nnf d.-. rli d r. al pr iperli , aituarp
in Hip eoui.lv nl t l.t, kan.n, mala of Hip
Kim, t.e wll :
I'.. vim. mi; at ih S. K rorner of th if
I'. Kiian ll. I.. I' , ruuniiii! Ihrm wrui,
'r. mir. the minlli ixiumlary line ol
thp anid Jan. P. liH'an Ih I. I', lo the renter
ol thp couniy rna i ; running through Hip
PNtat ol ip.,ra Wl" s Jl rhaina, thpi.c
N . along th renter of Hip county road I '.'I
i-hallia; thpnre Kant S 'Jl rlntlna (u th r,i
tHiumlarv ll.i ol IhpaanlJ.ia. I' K.-au l.
I.. I'. ; IliPiire Sou III I ..'I chama to Ihe pi a
ol hpglnniiig, coiilittmiig oup acr urnr or
lp. In l la. kau.ai county, alal ol Or
Now, therefore, by virtue of aaid eierip
lion, order, d.-rp and judgment ol lor
rloaiir of anld ui irU'aK, and In compli
ance with th rommaiida nf aal writ, I
will, on Hip list .lay ol June, l.1. at IIip
hour of J o'clock p. m., at Ih I rout doorol
the courl hnu In iheclty of tirpgou l lty.lu
aid count v and ainip, pII al puhllc am
lion lo the higliral bidder for I'. H. gold
cuiii, raih lu hand, ad the right, till and
l n I . res l which Ih also nanipd ttefpiid.
ants, or elilu-r ol Iheiu. had on Ih ditt ul
the mortgai;. herein, or aince had, in or lo
I lie ulxivp ilPNi rihcil r. al property or any
part thpreof to satisfy tald exerution, or
dpr, decree and lodgment of foreclosure
sub interpnt, run. a, and all sc-ruing coats.
J. K hll AVK t,
Sherill' of t'larkHinm county, Oregon.
It v K. IIm Krrr, llepuiv.
llated Oregon l ily, Ore., '.May 1, I'Ki.i.
ill-e ol Ailinlnlslriilrl t.
Notice la herpby given that Ihe tinder
nigneil has been itppouupd ad uliilnlr.tlril
ul the axial of William K. Kdwards, de
cpkkpiI. All pt-raona having clnliua agnitisl
Hip "linl entitle are hereby nolilied In pre
sent the same, duly venlied ai r. .riling to
law, and ac i.nipitnn'd by Ih proper
vouchers, to I he iiuderignei al l.alavrtle,
YsiuIhII couniy. "4regoit, or al Ihe olllce of
tieo. I '., ilrownell, al Hrpgoti I'ity, Oregon,
wllhiuaix molilha of the tlate of thiami
lien. T. Ilrownell and Howard M. Ilrow
nell, attorneys for adiniuinlrittrix.
Dated this .'ird day of April, 1'm.l.
AalruliiUlralor'a .ollre.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed baa been duly appointed by the
County Court ol the Slate of Oregon for
the County of Clackamas administrator
of the Kstate of Uriah Iiannala, I
ceased. All persona having claims
against the said Kslule are hereby noil
lied to present Ihe same, properly veri
fied to the administrator at his residence
t Clackamas Station in the County of
Clackamas, within six months from t lie
date of this notice.
Dated April Ktb, Y.m.
Administrator of the Estate of Uriah
Manuals, deceased.
ftotlre for 1'iibllrnlion
Depsrtment of the Interior, Land Olllce
St Oregon City, Oregon, April 18, pm.'l.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler baa filed notice or bis Inten
tion to make final proof in ant.rxirt of his
claim, And that anld proof will lie mad lie.
lore Kegiater and Kerelver. at Oregon City,
Oregon, on June .1, part, viz:
H. E. No. l-Hfjulor theBVVj, Bee. 12, T. 3
B.. It. 6 K.
lie names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence uim and
cultivation of said land, vlx: Joseph Ian
hart, of Sandy, Oregon ; Joseph 1'eskall, of
Handy, Oregon : Casper Junker, of Sandy,
Oreiroo: Arne lrum, of Portland. Oregon.
ftllri r l lnal Hrlllrmrsil.
Nolle la liervhy glvn Dial Ih under
Igued liav IUd ltiir Itnal a.ssnilit aa
ve.ilora ul lb lal will ami t.iniit of
William Oliver Hawlpll. tlaerawd, In Hi
rounlv isiurl ol th alal ol Oreiton, lot
I'lai kaiuaa eoiinlr, and thai Monday, Ih
pr-t day u( Jun, l'l, al Ih hour ol PI
n'elis k a. in , al Hi couniy courl rtsini al
lb courl lioua of aaid couniy and atalr.
habn lived an lb Urn and pi. l. r
brarilot and dPlnrmlnlna aaid aeeouul, and
anv and ol.Jrrtlonn HipipIo.
ild tinnii I'll. Or , April 'SI, pad.
It A I. I'll II HAW I H.I K.
MAltiiAllI' I' J HAW I KI.I.K.
I jr. nl. m ol Hip lanl will and Isntainenl ll
W llllaui oilr Sawtell. tl-a.l.
May I, I 'll
police lur IMildlrialloM
Tlmlwr I and Act. Itint .'I, Is.'s,
full.! Htat Land nHir. (-rgon I lly,
Oregon, March .Unl, P'l.
Nolu la hereby gHn that In fotn im
with Ih pri.vlaw.ua ol Ih act of l ongr
ol Jtin.1, ls"S, rulllleil "An scl for Ih
al ol lutilipr lauda lu I ha atatea ol I all lur
uia, orpg.ui, Nva.i and Waai.tiision Ur
rllorv, ' aa rtirn.lpd lo Ml in Public l.aud
Mat... by art ol Annual t, s:r.,
K It N KH f H. Kill HK,
nl Hlaltord, iouiiIv nf I'lackamaa, Mai of
i Opg.ii,, ha Ihm .lav II'p.I III tl.n tdlh Ida
aoorn alaiPinrlit No. d. lor lb pun-haa
ul III HK't ol NW i,; NK', ol hV',, and
l...t A ami il, ol H. lion No .1.'. lu l..nICli
No. 4 Hotilh, llaltK No II Kat, and will u.
Ir pr.i.l lu th.iw tliat III laud xnmlil la
nor valuabl lor pa liiulM-r or alun Ihan
lur agrlriillural purponrn, and lo taldlli
hla claim I.imIiI land Ulur Ih lpltlrr
and lt-ivpr ol Ihla otln- al OipV'.ii fill.
Orrgoii on Muiulay, Ih tialt .lay of JiHV
pai.1 II name aa ltipa; Tom I'
Kandall, I 111.. Irnk.n, Krank Koraiarrg
ami A W, t hviipy, all ol orpgoii I'll),
Anv and all prrnona tlaiinlng advrrarly
Ih hov-'lprrll.rd land ar rr.piprtPVl to
111 llieir rial a in Ihla ,.llb on nr Ih-I.iI"
aid loili J.y of July, pan
I ll AH, t. MtMKKM.
iii:iiii-"m n ii.i:.
In lb Clrrull r.iurt nf th Hiatf of Orp
.iu, lor I'larkamaa t'.mnty
Km ma A. Ml or.
I'lpriano La. av'ell ,
and l.rpni.i l.av
atl and J. K.
Wrl.b. '
lipfriidanta. J
I'nrattanl lo an i.'Utou ti. nut f
Ih fiin uit t'otirl of Ih mat of Orpf.in lur
I'lai Saniaa iLunlv. ol ,lat .'n.l .lay ul Mar
pail lo in illrertrd upoi a pidgin I "d
ilrrrr ul lorr. luniir nt a mortgas dnlv
rpedrrpd In aaid I'ouri on '.N-h day of Aprp
pail in Ih alsii nlir. rana lu lavur of
thp pUlutltt and agallml Ih ilplrudatila
I'lpriano I a. agrtle an. jirpnii I ayagnir
1 a III al In n rl.M k In Hi l..r..iH.ri on Sal-
nr. lav Ih i.ih dav of Jun I 'll al Ih tr.n.l
bail of Ih I ourl llutin In orpgon rtlv,
t irpg.m, ot'pr I. r ) al publm a n llun in
th loghrnl bidder, I. ,r rant, lu band, aub
Jp l to rp.lpinptlon Ih land In aaid ilprrr
f forronr thrrrln dM-riH.l ettualp and
ts-li.g lu I'lackamaa I'ottuiv Mat ..I ore
Hon, to It ; llrglnniiv Sl lb rioiltll Ka-t
-..rt.rr til a Iracl nl I ami .-oevpi l to (It pr
ion !..wpII bv l.porp ilia nal I .Ipp.I heln
r.-.-..r lrd In h...ik M at pag P-s rrrorda of
.viiilln.iuiah louiiiy. nrrgoi., running
' l.enrp nor I li n vr n ( , ) rliaina and alllprii
1 1'. linka In th r mill y Imp Ik I rpn M u l-
ii.iiiia'i and t'la'katnai I'onnllp. thrurp
nrl along Mid I'nunly n lourt.'n (111
hnina and len i.ai. lo.ka it, roe H-nith
l ilpgrrra anil I ' mniulpn pant rourlrpn
I II) i haliia. and npvputy lour ( , It lli.ka, lo
Ih place ol hrgluiiliig ciiit4lulng ., .-!,
logpttipr avllh ll. e Ipiipiiptila irrp.ltainul
and ppuri..iampn tb.-ruiil l.pliiiigiiig or
lu anv win appprlainil g lo lilv nul l
Jildgiupiil and dr. re, p r i in 1 1 n I . Intprpnl,
laira a'lornpy Irpa, r.mla ami dini.urnp.
iit-nla of thi anil and lb roila noon nail
ll.la I. Oregon ("il v. llrrgon. Ihla Mil day
ulMav. l''.l.
J. It. Hll A VK.lt.
HbPrllt of Clai kalnan ( ountv, t irpgun.
II) K. I'. II AI'KK I T. Iirpuly.
4 Holloa.
1 11 t ll I 'olllil V t .tlirl of ll Kl ,.r .1.
gnu for Ihe dimity nt I'larkamaa. .
lu th matter ul th IM ile nf Jan. K,
I 'urrie. dp'ranpd.
Orepr In ahnw raun why onlrr of aaln of
rrn I pt.ne alu.ulil not b Ina.lr.
A. M I'rawlurd. adonmatrator of fiern.
late ol Jaa. K. f urn, ipcpanp.. having llle.l
hla (.el 1 1 1 i,i i brr. in, duly verlllrd, pravms
lur an onlrr ol nale ol Ih nnrthwrnt quarter
nl np. tn.n I'.'. .. nnip .1, aonili range .1 pant
ul th W illamrli Merulinii, In I isckaman,
fiiunlv, orrgun, a porlbm nl th rnlntal
ill nai.l ile. -. I. li I, or Ih piirpox-a Iherrili
art forlh.
ll m thrrelor nrdrrrd bv Ih s 1.1 t un. I,
Hint the prrnoiin inlrrnp. In th ratals nf
nanl ilrcesnrd apir.nlng brlor the na B
I'l.llnlv I'. I l Iu., ll.- -.1. .. J
inn oay oi
June. Pai.l, si l'i ! k in Ih Inre-u if
.i. . mil,, at in i unri room ol nnPI I mint y
futirt in llir f.turt llonne t (i,...,.... ......
flurkaman I'nunly, llrrgon, In show csim
win an nr.lrr nhnuld linl br graulp.l lo the
nsld admlnlntralor to aril aaid real enlnlruf
hip nam oecpHnpu, at privni aalr; ami thai
.., .,,,., ,,e I'lo.oniir.i mi Irani
lour am rrnmv wrrka in tlm "Oregon 1'ily
r.imrprine a nwspapr pruned and
puliiiniiril in mild city ami county.
May .1, l!i.i.
Police nl Mule. Iiy Itcl'crec,
In the circuit cinirt ol the statu nf Ore
gon, for ' I in k a in as cuuiilv.
Mary l I-repiunii.l Ura Ituls-rl-ami
and It. I,. Kiihpriaun. In r
husband, ami Ixiula A. r'rre
man, rialntilts,
John P. I'r email, William T.
Freeman, Jamea A. Kreeman,
W. I). Kreeman, llpiilah How.
ley, anil Nathan itowlry, her
husband, Viola Kreeman and
l.ntha Kreeman, llefemlanla.
Purauanl to, and in accordance will. il.
lerina and conditinna or a judgment and
decree heretofore duly made ami entered
In the above entitled court aim cause au
thorizing and directum me to mak sale id
the real estate hereinafter drscrllied for th
purpose of partitioning tlm prnceeds of aaid
sale in accordance with ih tr,g 0f tl,l
judgment anil decree.
Now, therelore, by virtus nf said judif
n.eiit and decree, and In compliance iheri
with, 1 will, on
Saturday, the flth flay of June, ltto.1,
at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., t t (ronl
drsir of the county court huiiae, In Oregon
Cltv. Clackamaa rn.n.iv ..o .
public auction to the h,Kl,Pat bidder, fur
cash in band I'. H gnlifcoin, the follow-
.... I'leuiiM.!, l Wll:
riis northeast tpiarter of section 14 In
lownahipH south, rang r, rant, of tba Wil
lamette Meridian, containing pio acres
mors or leas, situate in Clackamaa county'
Oregon. Also the following: The Weil
half of the south half or the aat half 0f the
Jo,"'1n,1 I'amelis Tutlle,
section .12, tow nah I p a imith, range a east
and In section 6. township 3 south, range i
esatorthe Willamette M.ridl.nJ.mim
IngW acres, more or less, sad situats in
Clackamas county, Oregon.
..... C. BCHL'KBEL, Referee.
Dated Oregon City, Or., AprU li, lma.
MherlMaBNl, I
In Ihe Clictill Court of lb niat uf
Oirgoll, for th" I'o'iuty o Ci4l
Henry Jewell, I'lalnlliri
Annie II. Whltlmk.,1
M in. I . " IiiiIih k a'v
I'M a Id It. Wblll.Hi.'.
St nis US Hhsi.on, i t
t'ol Nil or t'l.at h Intan.t
Ity inu of a Jud.un nl ot...f, d... rp
ami all rxrt tilloii, .Inly lamunl mil ,,
llnbrll.e -l of Ih l... ' rnlillial
toiirl, In tb almvn eiiiil,., r'u.., p, lt
duly .lurried and listed II e li b day
May r.sid ii u a Ju.tgii t r.-,..,fc
Slid eiilete.l in anld loilrt on the ,
ol Mav HS'.I, III Uvur i f ll. nrv J,.p(
I'lalnult, and agaluai Anuii, M hiil.. ,'
Win. 1. Wlot lock and Ivlwanl U Whip
I'M k, llelplldaillv, lor lb Plllii of p.; I (i
w lilt IlilelePl llmrpnll al the la'e u l)
ail ta-iil -r annum fiuui Hi 4ih dv nf
lay ltai.l, and lb lurtber anni ol ,',(JI
aa alloinry' fee. ami Ihe lu.thrr uin f
llll.lMl cwla and dipbtlaMiient, ami ,a
i i.aia uf and iiimhi tbla w III . coiniiiainluin
In to II k sale ul Ihe , 1 1 In i n
irilied leal tlowiy, altua'n in ,a
toil Illy of t la. kalnan, aUle of ()ir.,n
I j.la all ;n ami Spvnii (7) of
I ultV llllle ( I'.li of (In g ,n I'lly, llrrgon
aaabuwnby lb plal of aaid t Irrgou
l ily, llrrgon, uu III in th i Hp e of ll.
county le. order uf t'la. kaman ('uuniy,
I In gull.
Now, Tbemlor. by virHlw of si. pi..
i-ili Ion, JmluiPi.l order and d,-i re, ami
lu i "Uipliain Willi lb cmnianda uf
aaid aril, I will, oil Halur.lav, li
I :t r 1 1 IAY tK It'. SI'.. hi;;
l lb brmr of tl ia l.a k A M.. at Ih
belli ll Mil of lb t'otllilV t'ollil Hoiih. q
the 1'ily ol llipg. oi t Hy, In am i l'.,uii(y
and Sll, aii al luiblir an. II m, aubje, I
lo ri ilruipt.oli, o lb Ingbral bidder l .r
I'. H , gold t oll! rand III hap. I, all ll.a
right, t il and Intri.-ai a hi, h ilie a iil.m
lian.rd ib Inndanta ur e lhrr of Iheiu,
had oh Ih date of lb ln..t;a,'.. I.neiq
or aim p bad in or to Ib above I. . riiJ
rral .r.oiy or any part II, nr., I, ,,
nf nal I ete. utioli, JoiIkiiipiiI order, de
i re, lu'errnl, ro-ia and all m ruui
J ll. SIIAVI ll,
Sher i If of C'.o k an an ('.Mint v, t 'rr ,n,
r.y k. c. ii tt ki rr. i. tntv.
Paled, Oregon Citl.llr., May Mill,
Solllf. lar I'ulillrallan
ThiiUo liiiil Ail. Jun. I, Is7H
I'lilie.) -!'. I. and Olli., Ihros
I'll. Uirg-iei, May III, 1U
S..i.e la brlel.y g i. li ll at In .. llipii,
amr with Ihe pro! laulia i. I In, act uf
('..ngrpan ol Jilil i .1, ls"S, rnlillr t "Aa
art I r Ibe Pale ol limber Llnla in lb
Males nf California, Hl.g. li. Nevada,
ami Wanbit gloti 1 ei I il.u y ." n rlrtidrl
loa'l lb I'ul.lic Land S'al.a b act uf
A-lJilaH I s i'.'.
Ki.i;i.rr v. ioiii-1 .
n port land, i ountv ..I Mm, in. in a t , Mai
or I nti.r j ! Oregon, h.ia l' i- .Ur
bird in Ihla .. Itu e I ta aaorn U'.-inrnl
No. bl II, .. Ihe pur. bane ol the M t j(
Sri lPili No Ct in Totinnliip No. ; ,
K .ngr No. 7 K. ami Wbl olf-r pf-aif 10
show Hint the land an light In lliure ulliS
ble b.r Us timber ur i..ne tlim I .r ag'l
i uliiiial purpoeen, and lo rntablmh In
claim to S4i. land .cl re Ibe lir.nnter
an.l II. . civet of Una ollii e al "1.10
I'lly, I beg. in, mi Monday, lb 17th day
ol Ang'inl. 1 all
Ile liauiea a w lllienaea: J. ('. II. like,
of Mnlal!, I Iregoii , l.d llurke. Jam
Milier and KoIm.iI Onbortte, of I'orllainl,
I Iregiill.
A I. v and all p. ra nai Uiining a Itrrnply
llie alMive dem rilH-d land at rcpli-aled
lo lile llieir I lamia in tbla olllce on ur he
loiu asnl 17th day ol Augunt, l s:t
Al UkkMIS S. haksai .
. ilmlillalrulur a 'Sailer
Nolien is berebv given Ibat Ibe under
signed has Ihomi duly sppuloled A limn
Istralur of tin. ..plain nf Wnlirlm lisla
liow, de-eased, w pit Will Hlilieti' I, anil
anv ami all peraoua bsving clauna
Hg.tinst (lie anni estule mnnt prrcn( tbriu
to me nl inv i. Hi e in llieuon t'llv, Of"
gou, duly veiili.nl, wi hiit six inontln
Irom the .Into of tliia notice.
1 Lite. I Una .Mav IHih. Phi:I
A.liiiiuislriitor ol said estate,
t. It. I'IMH'K,
Attorney for Adiur,
.Sotlcn lo Creditors.
In llie Cutii.ly Cuiirl of the Slate of "'
gon l(ir f la. katuaa Couniy.
In Id matter ol the ealale of John A.
Swillinun, dr. ranrd.
Th uinb rnigiie.l having bppn app.dnlril
by I Iip f on nly Courl ol Hip Slate ol t 'rrg oi.
for Clnckamna Cniiniv, A tiin niit rnt na uf
Ihe ealale of Jnlin A. Swauaolt, decranrd,
liulu'p la liprs y given lo Mm crfdilora ul,
and all nrnuua Inivlng clalma sgaluat a"l
drcea'd, lo present Ihein yenned '
iiiirrd hy law, within all muiitha alter H
Ural puliln alliin ul tbla nolle In anld Ad
minlntriiirlx al her residence, Pauia'Ciu,
Clackamaa Counlv, Oregon.
Administratrix ol Ihe ratal of John A.
Hwainnh, ilpiranrd.
1'aio.l May 1, P.ai'l.
.Slollrool l'lainl Nclllciiii'iit.
Nolle a hereby given that the un ler
signed aduniiiatraUir of th ealat of Albert
Closner, Orceaaed, baa tiled Ida liual ''f
count in nnnl estate in the County Courl
the State ol Oregon, lur ( lacksmaaCoutil.V.
ami Unit Ih judge or said Court haa
pninlrd Monday, June a, piod, at pio'chs
A M.for bearing objection 10 said SO
count and for aeiillng aaid estate.
Admlnlntrator of the ealal of All''1
Closner, Deceased.
Allys for Adnnnlatrabir.
ISollce liOedllora.
Notice Is hereby given thai I have ben
appointed admliilalralrix or the estate or
Frederick Uliman, tleeeaaH, by theCniintr
( ourt of Clackamaa Conn y, Oregon. AH
persons having claims against said esta"
are hereby notified lo present the same W
nis for payment at the olllce ol V'Ken
Hchtiebel, my sttorneys, at Oregon ( 1 T
Oregon, with proper Touchers therelor
ithiu six months alter the dst of this no
Dated st Oregon City, Oregon, this '-f
day.of May. Usui.
Admlnlstratru of ths Esuts of Kredsnc
Uhmsn, deceased.