Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 29, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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lYour Banking?
'i nutter li it w h in a 1 1
in.iui r ii o w h in it u
no mutter how 1 a rc , jJJ
E j
will ivi- it careful at-
fcj trillion. This iiifsnajin 11,
jj ;iili' M to tli nx'ii and iq:
tin women ulikc. jlji
V, jli
Oregon City linterprisej
IHI O IK Cl I C WlllUK lluSUMKII. Mra,
l.itf i'. Ilomrll, of llua rllv, who n
lm l"l inionli'lit ol III" Main l-lx kali
Aaoionhly hv ai'i'lainali'ili, liaa for hiiii
Tra'a im tii an ai livo lln llini-r 01 1 1 1 1 11 -
lt lit'1" ah Luilr No 'J, of (Infill;
i'lly. Mra. II'iwkII liaa l"i'. 1 1 1 r 1 li I
Ilia rhalia uf lhi ha al I'-U'i- l ii-t ami!
aa many Imu-a fillpil llm ( llirn of .ViIiIh
naii'l. In n II o Main Awiuhly
lii-IJ nl Niiil in May, l'Hi,', ahi Max
iwiii; aa ruii'loi lor ol the atati ora-ani- I
K.illuii, At lhi r'liiiiiiiOK'i'ini'iit nf I lm !
Aaaciiilily aliH (li-i'li'il iriiii.l an!rii j
anil Ih-Iuiv tin a'lj'inriiiiiciii ol the ame
ai-M'inhly aim aa a'lvam i'.l to llm ultir ,
ol virf .ii-nii.-iil. On llm ilralli In thr
iio ili( SfilrllihiT of thn Main I real
lilit, Mra, Kliiirnin Al'l. ol llaki-r
l ( y , Mra. IIommII aaauiiinl lh oli-i m
Malt" rri-airrnl ali i i-rvi"i tint ri'inain
lir of yrar At lh I'nrilainl con-vi-nliMii.
hi'l'l Ut iH-k, aim u a.
'lalll.i. l'naiillt fur III" rnalllllti Tear.
Mra. Il"cll aa Ixirii at Hanla Clara,
S.tiila t'lara futility, I'aliloriiu, (l. lohir
I, K'iO, ami liaa rrnlr. In llua city
aliic Is-rf iiihi-r, H7il. Mit liaa alwaya
litooi an airpaiv Murker in Klx-kali
a'irclia, Imrtt alit la ilcat-rvixlly f(.iilar,
Tint mtMiihrra of llin lix al 1 x I k' rlian
vilhMia IIomi-II ihp liomir that haul
I 'it ii lx'tor"l un oil" of lh"'r niiinln-r.
A aili'liiliil p irlrall ol Mra. Ho ell, ti
j;. thi-r with Una akntili, apifart-il in
huii'lay'a Oit' Ionian.
I'm it k Cut it r iNuMia K. A. Vool-
i'lra, uf M'llit'la, hfi-aiui" aumt-what
tiuiaierona I tira lay ttf tit wlirti iin lrr I li
Inllui'iii ti of lniir in llnat'iiy, anil in hi"
-trlli-ini-nl iliai lia'a""'! a lirraritl Kltliin
thn rily litnila. Tht it-aiilt watthathf
waa I'Mi'lil lafoitt I'ul.ce Jiiiltftt
furry Wi,iiifnly, plailfi itnilly to
llm rhaiKH anl panl lint' of
$.11 Into thf illy tri'aitnry. John
llnll iii imhil'f.l ttj lively tlin othpr
n.lit aii'l ilfi'iili'il to w'o l'o tl tin
iiiinia ll viitfl t tit' wafer ( inn
lain al llm Mi'UiimIihi iliiiii li cornt-r, mil
fur a tlrink, liom-vt-r, Iml proit't.lfi to
apprupnalti tlif anlf ilo.i-n lm cut 'a that
artt plai t'il tlit-rtt (or I'm funvcnii'iiftt ol
tint pnhlli'. Ho had Marlnl tluwiitlit-atrt-ft
With tliH rnpa w lu ll lit w aa apjt-il
l.y llm Hilii-i, ami Hihii il wna all ulV.
Hnll'iti roiiltl lint tin an) Ilium nine hut
plt'iiil Utility to tliaonli'rly comliii l, w itli
w liti h lit waa rluiri'il, ami coiitriliiit-il a
linn of fit) Id the city.
JuiKT I'oi.int'Al. Mki iimi Until polit
ical I'ltttica itk ri'ifHM'iiii-i at a im-ft-it'it
lii'M nl t'lai kiunaa TiH''Uv ni;lit
'Clin iiiiii-Iiiik Waa aililtt'aii-il ly lion. A.
I'.. Ui-anii'a, lint Pt'imiiTrilir roiiurt'aniinal
iiuiiiiiiff, ami Jiiilk.'" tt. K. llavi a, who
ct'iiku in llif inti'icHt ol Mr. Iluiinann.
'Iherti worn ahutil a liti'i'lifil vutera pit'a-j
flit to hoar llm iliai-naaion. 1 lirotlli tliti
foiiilcay of tint Ktiull Uun apeakem,
who liml thn only liall in ('lackainaa fii
ui!l fr ihi ntk'lit, Mr. Ki'iinu'K, who
waa alno iIhIimI fur that point on the aamtt
nii;lit, waa allow'fil tln lirat hour of the
velum; in which to preHfiil lua caaf.
Tint I 'loniMTiita cIhiim thai thi iliacnaaion
waa not to Ix a joint one, the KcpiihlifHti
npeakera to follow Mr. Kfamel in rti!tl
lar aihlreaaea. It ia rlaimeil lv llm till
tiority Hopltt that Mr. llayea, in neak
iiiC after Mr. Kfaniea, review tvl the
arnnniiint preaenleil hy the PeiiHH-ralif
CHtnlnlale, who waa not pertnitleil to
cloHU tllU lliflCkKHioll.
To Inhhkcttiik Koi tk. K. C. Clem
net, apuciaj anenl ami exaininer for the
rural free delivery, w ill he in thia t ity
toihiy lor the imrpone of iii(ie linn the
proitwiiii rural mail route lenHtnir from
thia city to Stone am! lliiihlaml. A peti
tion him been on llle in Waaliinnton for
the eataliliahment ol thia route lor some
time paat hut action Inn hffn tleforretl
until ixn(liii invealiualioin ol the rural
mail department were fonclinleil. The
route will aerve the oplof Stone, I
Kin, Viola anil HighUm! and will likely
reault in the Biiapenmon ol the poelotlicea
at theae pointi if the route ia eatahliaheil.
Thia will he the ei-onil(retleliery mail
route to be ratahliaheil out of this city,
the other one being lo New K.ra w hich
will be atarted on Autjui'. 1. Mr. Om
enta will conduct an examination in thin
city tomorrow (or applicant" deairing ap
pointtnent aa carrier.
1'i'Bi.ic InhtallatioH. Tueaday even
ing the ollirera ol the Oregon City lode
ol the Fraternal Brotherhood were in
utalled. The installation aervice waa
conducted publicly and was witnessed
'y a large number of Invited pnests.
Col. H. 0. Spencer, president of the Port
land lode, waa the inalallinit otlicer and
in ierforniing thia service he waa as
siHted by a large delegation ol the frater
nity Irotn 1'ortland. After the iimtalla
turn services were concluded, dancing
was enjoyed until alter midnight, music
ting furnished by Turney'a orchestra.
Social life la one ol the main feature of
tl. t) .1 .-l I I If a(T..rt All
id iruuieriioou, aou ii men chji -
Tueaday evening may b accepted aa
sample, they are certainly riUl enter
tainers ami llm order run hut r,ruer Ifl
this romiiiiiiiiiv. Nearly sixty members
of llm Portland lodge came up in aaiieoal
car and relumed alter the exercises.
(Ihm,m Mii.i kk Si iii'iiiKfi A sur
prise thai iipv'i iutii in pl.-ln waa
ht'Iih(. , un (iraiidins Miller at Cane
luali hnliirt.v eteiilm Attneil m i I li
h""k,,t" '"'"I "''"
iwll bim (jf Mm iii,.,.. Bl.,.lwill,.
ami-a inv4ili-'l tin- home ttl tlii'ir esteemed
neighbor. Now lirtniliiia M 1 1 1 r ruiild
imt iiix .m lor a minute uat w hat to i!o.
ol .
o lompieiely aa he surprised, I ill aim
aixiii r m t ! her position ami rn-ii'ii-il
Hiin lhi fiit'-riijiiiiin'iil of her tin-t-I
peeled rallera. The 1 1 I 4 1 u"xl time
that is aU ays had at M r. M 1 1 1 r ' was
lite produit uf Saturday night's rlhirl,
whhh ili'l ii'ii i-uin-ludit until a I nl hour.
r.t er y tiixly know tiramlina .Millt-r
ancl ji ia aU.ivn ili-cim-il m ilfamir In,
Cailli i t' In any plan of enti-rtuiiitiiHtit I
ill llm Mij'i) lii'Mil of hu ll thla vcliffahle
cliaiarlrr may Ihi a ariii iiulil.
Wii i, (in to Ai."kA I. N. Wirier.
di'plltV I'lliti-il Mitti-a fOlllllilt.iiner of
Ihia city, has received lio'ilirat ii-li li) lie
ready luaail hy alianii-r AllHtiroaa mi
June l.'l. Mr. U i-ncr waa al'liiiiteil hv
the 1'reanlelit aa a iiiemlx-r of the
colli in l ion thai la In viail Alaaka
for the pnr,iiM of iriakiliK an inveaij-a-Hn
of all ijiu-ationa pt-rlainina- to the
alinori 1 1 1' I ' i a ' r v ol that ruiiiiiry. The
ciitiiiiiiaion will remain in tin- ninth
noh.tlilv ninety ilaya. Mr. Wjatier liaa
lieen Hi charge i the I'liiled Matea tlali
cniiiiiiiaiiiii noik in the vicn ily ol Ore
IT' in City fur (he laal fivti yi-ara. Aiiiuhk
the other imiuhera of the ciiiiiiiilon
a'e I'avid Siarr Jordan, executive heml
nl the coininiaaiuri ; lUrton W. Kverman,
(.'Ion Ulev Kuti.-r. lr. Heath. Harold
Juiddll. i r. liilhert, M.-ra. liiircham,
Alexumh-r, ChaiiilM-riain, Kaaaetl, llald
win and tt il ill i li K-
( tviMtu I'ahk I ri mii - Fully tan
tlOiaiu -uile ili'liil"l Hie formal
I'l'i iiiiiW nl Caiienuli 'h k I n -1 Snmliiv.
lit- ink ia lucati-d in the Milnin.auf
Onvuii City ami liaa been -iiiipei hy
the Uiegun Water power A Hallway
Cuiiiiikiiv, Ha o Ufa, an a aniuiner le
url. '1 he I'urk ai)iilna Ihe ( Miieinuli
l.dll .,r..,it.U hi.,1 .,,.,. j ,.ll.,. 1.11..... !
Iimia, i in-1 in a daiiciiiii pavilion .riixiN)
li ft w heie dancing ia held several niiililn
iliirmg the week ami all day Mimhty.
An attractive pm,raiii will be provided
fur the entertainment of triaitoia to t lite
fl'V. tin Sunday the steamer Muilta?
h'uulii '.VV) etcnrmuiiicta lo thia rily
fri .in liaytoii. Ihia dehvatiun. together
With Ihe n-iul niiiiilier u Sunday viait
in from Portland ami other poinla, made
the attendant e in the Falls City Sunday
larger than Uattal.
tt Aiiri:r Msm Ahaix The Mates-la-e
iitiHrtet of this city went lo Portland
Sunday and aiitig at the exerciiiea attend
ing the unveiling nf the uniiiiiiiieiit that
hna been erected in Kiverview cemelery
It) th Ineinmy ol the Second Oregon
Volunteers. The members of the quar
tet were communicated w ith on Sjlunlav
and in reB"iii lo the iplealiun ol the
charge lo le matle by the singers for
their aervicea, iIih members of the tpi tr
ie! patriotically tendered their aervicea
fur the actual rxteiiat-a theli.p luiglil
incur, 'I wo selections wee given hy
the Ixtva during the unveiling ceieniiin
iea. The iUartcl rcporta roval tieitiiiietit
at Ihe lunula uf Ihe general oniiuiltee oil
arrangements 11 the metropolis.
Mna. Fai iii:hk:i.k la I kai Last Sat
urday morning Mra. Sarah Jane ft-'ier-klle
tiled at her home ill this City, a.eil
la) year, ol apoplexy. The deceaaetl
waa a native of (he nttite ol New York
mid ha I lived in Hiii state hut two years,
coining lo (iit-ci'ii City iaat August Irotn
Forest ttnive. She is survived by six
children aa lullowa: Charlea Tliomas,
Full Morgan, Colniado; Kd 1 li mas,
Oiegon City : Mrs. Hello llailey, liregrin
City; Mra.' Clara Becker, lluxtun; Andy
Thomas ami Miaa bulie Thomas, Ore
gon City. Burial waa bad in Mountain
View cemetery Sunday afternoon, after
funeral tx-rviccs comtucted at Ihe New
Fnglaml Hume, Ihe home of a daughter,
Mrs. llelle llailey.
Nor F.soi on Citii'KKS. The fomliieaa
uf Meihoiliata, aa well aa people of other
denominations and puiaihly some ol no
denomination, lor delicioua, home-rooked
chicken, waa demonstrated Tuesday,
w hen Ihe latlies of Unit congregation gave
a chicken dinner. There waa but one
fault to liml there waa not enough
chicken lo go arnnmi. me mines are
very thankful for the verv liberal pa'ron-
age they received, and those who enjoyed
the tinnier hope Ihe lathes may te en
couraged to reieiit these dinners more
(ietiiently in the future. A satisfactory
amount was reali.ed by the Indies from
the dinner.
To Kk-Iki)Icatk Ciirni'ii The First
Methodist church ol this city w ill lt re
tietlifaled on Sunday, June 21. Illation
Cranston, of Portland, will preach the
dedicatory sermon. Kev. Mr. tirini,
pastor ol the church, ami the rue no tiers of
the congregation are arranging special
services for the occasion, liming the
past year the church building has lu'eii
remodeled at considerable coat, to the
extent that a spacious storeroom was
provided on th ground lloor, the church
auuitoiiuin being on the second door.
r.KiiuAKs Not Wantku Fred Brad
ley, charged w ith begging on the streets,
was sentenced to ten days in the city
hastlle by Recorder Curry lust Saturday.
Itradlev, in Ida meandering about the
city, solicited from Night Ollicer Shaw,
whom he (ailed to recognize as an ollicer,
the sum of 15 cents with which to get "a
bite to eat." Bradley waa warned to
make himseli scarce, but did not heed
admonition of the ollicer and la, as
a result,
the guest of Ihe city for ten
Cak Pkaw as Wkix as Pkcobatk.
Roy McAlpin. the artistic window dres
aer for M. Michaels, the Main street
clothing merchant, ia something; of an
artist aa well as a window decorator,
puring the week he made a clever crayon
drawing of President Roooevelt from the
portrait of the chief executive published
in last Friday 'a Orenouian and the aauie
is on exhibition in the aouth w indow at
Michael 'a store. The drawing ia a very
clever reproduction of the original pic
ture. Fill Off tiii Cab. Sid Matthews, a
Portland saloon man who was in the city
Saturday night to witness the Freeman
King contest, waa quite severely bruised
by being thrown from the lata street car
after th fbrlil. As the elnelrlc car was
passing down th grade at the lower end
oftharity, Matthews waa thrown from
Hid rar i it went around a bend, lie
fell un his hark and head and was y ,
bruised. IIh was broiiirht hark to llm
city Iml an eiairiirialtoii
txiti we r broken.
showed that no
Hckiso tiik Hum rs. The llenrirl
rwhool rurii'lit'li'il it year's work Ut Kri
day afternoon ami on Monday, Prof. I).
It. Mustier, th leather, ai'roiiiiiarii'l a
i ill ten the pupils to ihia rily ami es-
ai:rled them liit. viaiting and explain
intf tliH varii;iia iiiuiiiilirtiinnK jnatitn
tlOHH 1)1 ! I'll V. 'I IlK MIllla fVllll'H'l a
kppii iiiN-ifal in tin- vialt ami tlinir ol
aervalioiia, wliirli irm rallr prirtiral
ami lii'l.iii if llixin I'rof. Mother ami
(he alii I. nla Hrijnyir'l a Vi-ry pleaaant aii'l
rolilahln day 'a ri-i rcalinri.
Two Mcv
FiahfrV Mill
J.ut nun. Neil Smith, of
near l.ogan, thia county.
ia in a precarloiiacondition. the result of
a mUhaii while felling trees recently.
Smith caught between the tree
stump and the falling tree and was fear
fully cruliei ami mangled a'siut Ihej
waist. riu tree stiiMin bad to I re-
moved before the iniureil man rniild be !
extricated. Ills recovery ia doubtful.
Win. Stoiin, Smith's partner in the saw
mill hllHilieaa, had the tniefo. tune two
tlays later lo loee two finiera from the
h-ll hand bv driving that member come
in contact w i'h a saw.
I'vpui Nkw Mamaoi must. The Koyal
I!eluraiit on Main street lpoaite Ihe
Klectnc Hotel, liaa changed hands. 1 he I
new proprietors are II. II. .Meyer and A.
1. l-arr. Ixitli young men of this citv,
w bo w il strive In serve the best rneals
inthecilv ami in doing so exiwt to i
merit a gotel ciiNtoin. 'Ihev are exiieri-'
em ed in Ihe realaurant buainea and In
vite he farmers and all visitors to the
citv lo give them a call. The restaurant
will be kepi Oj n day anil night.
Oi.ii Vktkhan I !: -i treenleaf Chute, '
a;e,i i tear", a veu-ran in inn i.ivii
war. tiled undav imiruiug al his home
in Kansas City addition lo t Iregon Cilv.
lie waa lor ten ears a resident of this
city and died of coiiHumpti n. lie is
survived by a wile. 'Ihe deceased a
member of Meade Post, No. 2 (i. A. K.,
under w hose auspices I lie funeral was
romiiftM Tuesday morning. I'.urial
took place in Muuntnin View cemelery.
Pav Yoi k I'.jcvc i.e Tax. Sheriir
Shaver reports thai be has received an
installment of bicycle taa and is now
prepared to receipt for the annual tax of
fl that was levied by the county court
against these Vehicles. Last vear there
were paid licenses on aliout IS) of these
wheela and if anything there are mure
hicyclea in the county this year than
twelve months ago.
The remains of Michael Sell w al Iz, who
died in Portland Thursday, were buiied
st .raliam't churcii Saturday morning.
Ieceaed was an old resident of Clacka
mas county and until five yeara ago lived
at Heaver Creek. He waa TSvearsof
age and leaves a w ife and three children.
Nkw Kmiinkkk at Pkison. Frank
Croner, of Mscleay, Marion c unity, was
in the city Monday, investigating the
various water plants and systems at this
manufacturing point. Mr. Croner was
recently appointed engineer at the slate
penitentiary and will assume his duties
on June 1.
Sim must UK Tiioi t. A shipment of ;
more than 4ll,lX) trout was made from
Ihe L'ni'ed Slates Fish Hatchery Mon- I
day. The shipment consisted r,f SOoO
hroirtc irtiut and Toil) of the raintsjw vari- :
fly and will he distributed til the streams ,
about Tat-oma, Kauaskat, North Yakima ,
and Ma.liKon. i
Wh at's Yoi'R Assksmkvt. The com
mittee on assessment in Sewer District
No. 3 has completed its apportionment
of the cost for the conduit, and interested
property ow ners may inspect the same at
the ollice of City Recorder Curry. j
About tweri'.y-five thousand acres of
himl in C'lat kamas county isheld by P.
II. Marl.iv, et al, under tax titles, which
will soon rinen into good titles if not
tlefeated. 1 hereby agree to defeat any
of those titles for aliout one half the sum
ilciimmli'd for a deed hy said P. II. .Mar
lay et al. Cher wise no charges made. '
Ci. B. 1imii'K, Atlorney-ai.law, ,
Oregon City, Oregon. ;
The latest novelties in millinery,
on Miss tioldsmith.
Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable, i
Almost everybody who readj the news-
papers ts sure to know of the wonderful
cures made Dy ur. I
Kilmer's Swamp-Root, j
the creat kidney, liver
and tladder remedy, I
It Is the great medl- j
cal triumph of the nine- j
teenth century; dis- !
covered after years of I
scientific research by
Dr. Kilmer, the eml-
nent kidney and blad-
dt-r specialist, and Is i
wonderfully successful In promptly curing ;
lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou
bles and Brlght's Disease, which Is the worst
form of kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Is not rec
ommended for everything but If you have kid
ney, liver or bladder trouble It will be found
Just the remedy you need. It has been tested
in so many ways. In hospital work. In private
practice, among the helpless too poor to pur
chase relief and has proved so successful In
every case that a special arrangement hs
been made by which all readers of this paper
who have not already tried It, may have a
sample bottle sent free by mall, also a book
telling more about Swamp-Root and how to
find but If you have kidney or bladder trouble.
When writing mention reading this generous
offer In this paper and
send your address to
Dr. Kilmer t Co.,Bing
hamton, N. Y. The
regular fifty cent and Htto s-amp-Boot.
dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists,
Don't make any mistake, bat remem
ber the name,8wamp-Root, Pr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, and the address, Bing.
bamton, N. Y., on every bottle.
I Cw wOC
v jjl'qiTa amw
8 a4 Uf
' m mm
lX Vv t aWSss3a3
v the
S N ,8
L : I
9 i I
Mens Clothier and Haberdasher
Corner 6th and Main Streets
2jOO miles -of ong dis
tance telephone wire in
Oregon, Washington, Cali
fornia and Idaho now in
operation by the Pacific
Station Telephone Com
pany, covering 2,251)
Quick, .accurate, cheap
All the satisfaction of a
E'rsonal communication,
istance no effect to a
clear understanding. Spo-
kane and
San Francisco
as easily
heard a Port-
Oregon City office at
Harding's Drug Store.
Kodak and Kodak Developing Machine
Makes Photography very Simple
Cue i ii
r 1 w i , i
pi w srices
Burmeister & Andresen
The Famous
- J tio v arsity style a first pro
lucc(l and as continued this, season,
by Hart, Schaffner it Marx, is ar
rnittetl to be be the most stylish
snappy sack suit in the market. It
ia particularly a style that has the
jaunty snappy efiVict so highly prized
9 . . n
wearer. We are making a
specialty of the right clothes for men
and boys. Glad to show you
w hat we mean any day.
W. L. Douglas Shoea are upheld by the men
who fell them and by the men who wear them;
once worn, alwaya worn. Economy lead to mc
ces, and wearing Douglas Shoes leads to economy
We have them in patents, box calf, ricia
and velours.
f B
HAS M O vko
on Main Street, opposite
Electric Hotel. Formerly
occupied by the Colnmbia.
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and
All kinds of Repairing neatly done
and warranted.
Put a Kodak in Your Pocket
and slip a Developing Machine in your suit case
and you are prepared to take and finish anywhere
Pocket Kodaks
Large Size Kodaks
Kodak Developing Machines
Brownie Camera
Brownie Developing Machine
We also have the Toco, Premo, Korona and Century
Cameras, which we offer at greatly reduced prices.
Our Stock of Photographic Supplies is always fresh
We give instructions free. Any one wishing to do
their own work are always welcome to use our dark room
V Marx
t O f O .1
Livery, Feed and SaleStable
1 1
Double and Single Rigs, and Bad
die horses always on hand at the
lowest prices. A corral) connected
with the barn for loose stock.
Information regarding any kind or
stock promptly attended to by peraon of
Horses Bought and Sold.
Horses Boarded and Fed on reason
ble terms.
from $G.0O to $25.00
$.5.00 to $75.00
$G 00 to $ 7.50
$1.00 A $ 2.00
ka W-
T T p
S o
MSiatatakMhilta O
I o
Ideal Bicycles
and a full line of Bicycle Sundries