OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY MAY 29, 1903, t New To-Day. I'l.KNTV Or MONKY T I.OAN AT lowest rule". ('. II. Iyit. II oney In loan " liw, ralr-a. HinuM A (iBirririi. MONKY lr rent, hi iuhi.. TO LOAN AT laiiu mm urity. AND 7 CIU A UKlMiM . It I KKITII. (!., lit tha Wrli.i.aM JlttiMi,.r.) Iiavr Ihaclmueat Hliy, tiiliuri.au ami country n.Miny Iwr amaWat . fieri. 1 - ! MONKY TO LOAN OS HKAL PliOp. , irty a'iiriiy si u per rem, atao on a- n.med rla.t.d .ecuilly 0 II inn,, j ai'r-y ' Hull Coy. I MNh 10 I.OAN-I 1 1 A K HK KltAI. ' aiiina n nullify hi-long-lim to privatu Iliilivldnala ahlrli 1 am autliorlned lij , loan, on long limit at II and 7 x-r cent, ('oat of loan Mill be made Very reaaon. able. II. K. I'Ki.n, attorney at law. It. I.. Ilultinn, leading itilderlaker lrrgtill City, tlrgMI. Marrh 27 if Personal Mention H. Cilintilcy, ol Hi'aKulf.naa in city Mullila)' C. II. M.M.rr. went to Halein Tliur.day ...,., j iiioriili,)( i,.. I. ii.u... i ii. i ... i.. ..., i.... i i TlMiit.lay ' I I'. Si'lKii-Ud a a ImaiiiKaa viaitor lo j anhy .Momlay, tiiant MiiniMicr, of Stone, waa III ! I I (he cllj Tl.ura.Uy. !),('. I.a'ouirtld ami family nt laat 'lit ii r k. In y in I'lirtland. I, vinaii I.i-e waa in lh city Tliuraday on liia way to The lullca. J. I'. Kolrla iii, of halt-in, til via itur In Una rilv Thnraday. Jauii-a Tiairy, n( lali, had liilaineaa i in Opk..ii 1'ily TliurtiUy. Miaa Veda Wllhaliia Waa viaitor to 1'ortUlid lnr ll'K till- Wrrk. Hull. Ji.Mpli Simon waa in the city fiom 1'iiiUai il Wrdiuailay. Will lvn waa among- tlm viaitora to 1'Kitlainl Tlinra lay rniuii. Mia II. llrnnii.jM-li haa gone lo Wi-at Kioto vli.il with hrr parclita. Mra. (imnt It, 1'imnk viaiti-d wrrk a HO rrlalivea in Sali-in. thla (miI'Ioii MiMirea vmi'ed tint week with friend" at CuMallu and Salem. 1 Join, It Winatanley, ., F.Vm. eH-i.t Sunday with Ir.e.id. in llnacty. I'r. Maik S hkttr, Salem, w aa in the city lor few hour Thuraday. Mitt in in .a Fvana, ol Ciinby, viaited Willi liit-iuli. in Una i ly llila Wivk. J. II. Wrelover, editor ol the Courier, and family now tetlde at i iladatoiie. Juliii Nobliit waa if the city Tueaday will, a lluelv bred horae Irom taibaw. it I !--- I iifji HI i !!!! !ti-i i tit i i --- i if 5 i - S - H4 ! Keep Tooting ainined Iron Beds Are rrconicil as the most hrulthfiil, most Htylisb, most modern, clruncst and alto gcthrr the most deairuble. We are allowing no less than 95 dillrrcnt styles and prices from neat and plain beds at f .iu to handsome and liighly decorutf d ones at (m.oo. Come and look at them. ''hnimirnniTTTTiTl r summer RU M. fla II II II. ll J.f l'or porch or lawn. Lightly made, prices enable you to have aomething novel and attractive w ithout much cost. They are as comfortable as thry look. It will wear and look right. ooiis We have them, also window screens very cheap this season. T . m ft- m VI I II y B aaV (In -M' Pell FRHNK BUSCH i THE HOUSEFURNIHSER ! ."HiwwwwwHimwHWWuw ,111111 1 1 Miss Kngllah, of Portland, waa Ilia guest ol Miaa Klhelyn Albright Hunday. Mr. (ml Mr. Calvin Gibson, of Port ml, visited friends m IIih city Sunday. Mr. mJMra. Isiren Harnett, of Kalcm, vlalld Mr and MraJirae George bun- .i.r. M. Kiiulii.li, of I.alayetlii, Yamlilll county, is visiting Mm mother In ti.in city. Henry Meldrntii ami Mr. Koos have gone toHilvertou to Inspect some limber , : land. ,, . . .. , . , , ,. M'a. Jolm rw liter, of Salem, la vls.t. "'a: In this city, the gueal of Mma Hurwe Keddlck. Mra. James II. t'l.lon, .f rortland. aa the guest ol Mra. i,'. I). I.alourelte , nr. M ,., .,,,, fK. irei.tion to Preal.tei.t lt,-,...vl t at Malum j Ual Tliurwlay. Miaa Iminia, of Kuiinne, tiaitrd with hrr hroiln-r, Frank, In thiacily teve,l daya Una ari'k. ,n ' ma i.naa iiaa rntiiriiiMl from ban Krani-iai'ii alinra aim In, l,n i.n, .,,!,,, I ! Imr atnllit in art. i i Mra. IMllrker, of Ottawa. Illlnoia, la IviaiiiiiK in ilna ciiy.thn gut ol Mra. Mary M. ('Iiaiinan. j ll.m. W. K. irace, of llakr City, waa Jin the city Wpduaday, viaituiK hit 'hrother, i. V.tira:. J Ilarvty K. Croia waa In Halem Thura ilay on hutineaa cotinrcti-d with the C liautauiua AaaiM-iation. I. hinaheiiner, ol New York CitV, ia viaitinin tliia rily, tlm utieal ol liia .1 11 L fV L. ll tlaotrhlrr, Mra. K. t. Fli-lila. ,. (i"':""ri ' "r""' of NE. the city riiuraday lo attend the cloauik- I avaaiona ol the Stale Orange. K ,I,'J'' "f ""i"- " ln the latter part ol Ual week, the Kat of hir aialer, Mra. J. V. Noiria. mt t),jni, of "(folilendale. VahiOtiin, ia vieitinK in Ihia city, (lie .1 II... L' I . l . ' Fred C. Ilorton, of NewUrg, waa in the city Inal wk gui-at al Hie home ol bin uncle, (ieo. F. Iloilou. Mr. and Mra. C. W. Pu and daugh ter, M iaa Jjinra, attendi-.i Mra. Mann'a recital in 1'iirlland laat Friday evening. Mr. and Mil. W. P. (ieorge were in i the city Una week from Salem and were the gut-eta ol Mr. and Mra. Jeeae (ieorge. Mra. K.J arahall and damt iter. Mi.iir.,..l,..u,.,,.in ill.. ..- , . .....-... v i'7 iu ri-maiii. (or about three wreka with friend.' Miaa Adelaide (Juinii retifriied to Ore gull City on Tueadav. alter a abort vit.it with Miaa (icririiln lUilior. Salem Journal. ! f harli-a lliiiniihrey, who haa a poi. tiun Willi the t'oatal Telegraph Company 'in Portland, tlx 111 Mindav with reiatlvea Inthiaclty. , , .. T .. . , I .ii r. aim .lira, i . r . i owing, j r. , went to I'orlUnd Tl,ra.lay U-t and w.t ted ' he dfimtiiatralion in honor ol l're,.,lenl I iAtwr 1 .-1 1 Mia Mctirath, .( Seattle waa in the the Mlaaea citv thin week, tlie gii-at ol Hart. Miaa Mctirath it en mule to San Franciaco for a viait. 4.' W. Ihaperam! Ilenry Meblruiii re- turned thia week from a trip to the watera ol (lie Clackartma river, where they have been looking over limber land. W'o want your attention that's why we keep tooting our horn. S We have the things to Lack up the noise we are making, and we believe you'll he willing to say so yourself after you've ex- t the ollorings r m is so simple it almost keeps itself in order. We .would like to sell you one for almut f7-5' but of course there are cheaper ones, not quite so good. long. That' economical. We'll aell you the kind you want, but advise the best. Ask for lowest market price Extension Table, 6 ft. fS 50 w a$c per foot K. C. KUplea, ol Portland, was In the oily Wednesday. Jacob Hull li, of Shaw, Marlon county, was In I lie city Wednesday. C. C. Hmlih, ol Canby, waa a business visitor In Hilarity Wednesday. Heiijamin J. Goodman anil Fred J, Dongl.ty, Ixili ol Independence, were in the 1 1 y (liia week making Dual proof on their homesteads In the Hileix district. VV. Hcfilt H :'jrtli, business manager uf l'cill: Homestead, waa in tlin city Irom Salem Una week, attending the ses sion ol the Stale Grange In the Interest of liia paper. Charles liurkliart, of 1'orllatid, J. K. Ileilgi's, C. (i. Huntley and Harry ,ui,(. ,,, nmu,itaiii streams iiU jviomly, of tola city, aoeiil last hiimlay re- (ion a good catch. Judge Gordon K. Have ha accepted an invitation to drlivrr tlio Mfinorial )iy aildritaa al lliltiliard. Judgx llayra la one of the Iwnt aptakf ra in the Val ley. I'.ohin IIikwJ Court, Foroatfra of Amer ica, oill hold nicniinir on tlm firat, ond and third Friday eveninira of ai'h month. Tlm rt-milar elm-ttoo of officer .11 i.l. .1 i ; in vo fi,to m kilo liinv UlrcilUK III June. JnneC. Nnyea, a prominent timber ilealt-r of Polntli, Minneaota, and liia hroilurr, Jolm F. Noyea, of Portland, wereinthia ;ity during the week on lniini-na Itelore the Oregon City land ollice. lioland Jackaon, of I'ortland, waa in the city Sunday. Mr. Jackaon, who it a former Oreg.in Ci'y Ixiy, returned only rwii-iitly from Calif jrnia, where he Iiaa tii-ii folluwing hia hunine, that of a druv'K"t- Howard llrownell waa in Kelao toilay w'icre he had liuainena in the juatice court tiefore Juatii-e .lonarud. Mr. Brow nell waa an attorney fcr one ol the par-tit-a in a civil anil drought for the recov ery ol live head of al'x k. Kdwanl Murphy, of Portland, waa in Oregon City laat Sunday. Mr. Morphy ha juat returned Irom MiaM'OW, iilaho, where he haa heen attending the Idaho Mate Cuiveralty. Idiring the laet year Mr. Murphv waa captain of the Idaho Univeraity track team. Oovernor Geo E. Chamberlain waa a naaaenger to I'ortland on the afternoon overland Monday. When the train reached Una city he waa occupying the engine cab and charing the aeat with the ,1 i. i - ,. , , .. : r,..n i'w "Ki'ie nu leiurnru w me I uu- man. John Knapn, a atudent at the State agricultural college at Corvallia, viaited rela'.ivea in tl'iacity tlm latter part of laat week, being on hi way back lo Cor vallia (ruin I'ortland where the cadets of the agricultural college aaaiated in the deinuiiHtration iu honor of 1'ieaident Kuoaevell. A l.lllle Ijtrly Itl-wr ow ,,, ,,, x j,,,, mi vun ,. -t i ,,.,... Hli.mene-a and liver troubles lieVYitl'a Kittle Karlv Kiwra are the Union little pilla that com by the Bee re tiona, moving the Ujwela gently, yet lTectually, and giving auch tone and atrength to the glanda of the atomach and liver that the caue ul the trouble ia removed entirely, and if their nae Is con head-'tinned for a few daya, there will be ro return ol the complaint. Sold by (ieo. A. Harding. - Si4 - - i - s - S - s - - vs4 - 5 - - i - i - i - i - - H" - i V-TW Lawn Mower X That Mows There are imjierfect lawn mow ers and perfect ones. We have the perfect kind. A little deter mination1, a little push and the mower almost 'yoes itself. It Hose Quality There are good, bad, and indif ferent grades of garden hose. Poor hose rots, cracks and bursts. In two seasons yea need more. That's expensive. Good hose coat a third more, and if prope ly cared for, lasts rour times as We guarantee our Granite Ware. W I THE LOCAL NEWS. If yoo want atrlrtly op-torlata Milli nery, call on Miaa C. Ooldsmith. P. 0. Kealer and wile, who have occn pled r'Ximt In tii Prof. Gray residence moved to Hellwood yeaterday. Thonipaon'a liarglan atore for elnee pricea on I)ry Goods, shoes and clothing. Company A, Third Uegiment 0. N. 0., of tina rily, will bold ita regular monthly husioeaa meeting next Monday evening. A ft . L L It'. 1 . iiiirur itaiiir! ,i oaMe-iait ia acnei II led (or t'anemali Park Sunday after noon, when a team roiiinofteil of 'he barln-ra and clerka will croaa bat) with lr. J. B. Mixirn haa returned and ii prepared to anawer rails day or night. Apply at drug atore, Seventh Street, on the hill. May Z). Hon. (ieo, C. Krownell addreaaed the votera of Needy VVednemlay night in the interest ol Mr. Hermann. Lt night be waa at Indea-nden:e and tonight he will be at Milwiutie. The Knights and l.adiea of Security entertained their friends at Willamette Hall Thursday evening with an enjoy able musical and literary program, fol lowed by dancing. The members of the Junior Endeavor fjpcit-ty ol the Firat Congressional church gave a aocial laat F'riday evenrtig and feel well tdeaaed w ilh their efforts, which netted the society treasury about $10. Bob, the three-lotirth) Percheon atal lion, w ill nuke the. season of 190:$ at my place, 2 ', miles northeast of Cornnsville. Term : f i to insure in foal, payable when mare ia known to be in foal or parted with. J. W. Dowty. All Pattern Hat reduced. J5 Miss C. Goldsmith. Sunrise Lodge No. 43, A. O. U. W of Wilsonville, will give a dance in their hall at Wilsonville on the night of the Fourth of July. Keil's orchestra will furnish the music and the Workmen and their friends of Wilaonville and vicinity aie counting on having a good time. Garfield, Springwater, Logan and Ea gle Creek Granges propose to celebrate the Fourth of July at some central point and each Grange ia requested to send delegates to the N'eefus place, near the upper Clackamas bridge, on Saturday, the 30tb of May, at 4 o'clock p. m , to make arrangements tor the celebration. The theme nest Sunday morning at the Congregational church will be "The S-one oi the Christian's Thought and Influence." The evening bour will be devoted to a number of standard Hymns. Suiwi a service was given tome time ago and the requenl haa come for a continua tion. The castor will give a brief ac count of the llymnotogy ol the remotest times. Clyde W. Phillips, aged thirty years, died at the home of b a grand-lamer, Win. Phillips, at Clackamas station, Wednesday night, of consumption of the liowels. The deceased waa for a number ol years employed as height conductor for the Southern Pacific Company. Fu neral services will be held F'riday mottl ing and burial will be bad in the Clacka mas cemetery. Children's Hats and Baby Caps a specialty. Miss C. Goldsmith. Henry Irving's production of Victo rien Sardou's "L'ante" on May 1 was one of the most important theatrical evente in London in recent years. "Pic cadilly," who witnessed the tremendous reception given the actor-knight at Dra ry Lane, descrioes the brilliant audience, the play, and the entrancing stage spec tacle in a gossipy letter in the Argonaut of June 1. The Oregon City nine w ill play its first interstate league game with Schiller's team, of Portland, at Caneinah Park Saturday afternoon. It promises to be a good game. Manager Shark has strength ened i tie local haseball team by tne ad dition of Patterson, of Portland, who will occupy the pitcher's box in the (.ipening game. The borne team will lay a return game with the Schillers in Portland Sunday afternoon. G. W. Pursifull, of this city, on Thurs day caught the largest shad that was ever captured in the Willamette river at this point. It weighed 9 pounds, 15 ounces. Shad were planted in the Wil lamette at Oregon City anout 12 years ago hut this variety of the fish family did not thrive and are not very plentiful in this Valley stream. The catch of sal mon, however, continues to be good. A TfRKtsii Wkddino. County Judge T. F. Kyan officiated at a somewhat un usual event Wednesday afternoon. M. 15. Hansen and Mrs. A. K. Snyder, both of Portland, appeared at bis otlice armed with a marriage license. At their re quest the Judge performed the cere mony. The parties to the ceremony are both subjects of the Sultan of Turkey, and were accompanied to this city by four of their countrymen who witnessed the service. Sailors, Shirt Waist Hats in all the latest styles. Miss C. Goldsmith. Algernon S. Dresser, register of the Oregon City land office, reports that over sixty applications to hie on homesteads have been made alreadv this month through the local otlice. This record al most equals the amount of business that was tianeacted in the early days of set tling on public lands. The clerical force of the otlice is swamped with work. A great many protests are still pending in this otlice, where cases have been set for bearing daily until late in August. The junior contests of W. G. Howell, ol Port- landagainst 82 of the famous Hayes'! lands, will not be beard until early next fall. Major and Mrs. William Haucock Clark, of New York, arrived in the city Thursday afternoon and are the guests 1 of Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Dye. They will be the guests at an informal reception to be tendered them at Willamette Hall Friday evening by the Oregon City Lewis & Clark fair club. In addition to an address of welcome by Mayor G. B. Dimick, there will be brief remarks by several prominent business men. The speechmaking will be interspersed with I musical numbers by local talent. Mrs. : Half Price Silverware Sale 10 DAYS ONLY COMMENCING SATURDAY, MAY 30TH Our Annual Sale of Table Silverware will afford housekeepers the opportunity of buying highest grade silverware at half price. The only exceptions to a straight one-half off on every article in our stock is on table forks, tea and table spoons. On these three items the discounts are one-third instead of one-half. Unless otherwise mentioned every article is best quadruple plate and fully guaranteed. The stock is not large. Butter Dish Foil Bornl-hed 3 25 Bon Bon Dish Gold Lined 2 50 Salad Dish Gold Lined 1 75 Salad Dish Gold Lined Large 3 50 Bread Tray Satin Finished 3 00 Olive Diah Gold Lined 160 Bon Bon Basket Gold Lined 1 25 Plain Tray Burnished 1 00 Frnit Basket Satin Finish I 50 Cake Basket Satin Finish 1 50 Heavy Table Forks Set of 6 2 50 Medium Table Forks Set of 6 1 75 Heavy Table Spoons Set ol6 2G0 Medium Table Spoons Set of 6 ..... 1 75 Heavy Tea Spoons Set of 6 150 Pie Forks Set of 6 2 25 Oyster Forks Set of 6 200 Soup Spoons Set of 6 2 25 Oravy Ladle 65 Berry Spoons Gold Lined 1 25 Cake Lifter Gold Lined 1 25 Butter jfnife 60 Sugar Shell 40 Napkin Rings S8and 50 Salt and Pepper Triple Plate Set 1 30 Salt and T'epper Glass Set 35 Salt and Pepper Sterling Tops Set 25 Four Pieces After Dinner Coffee Set Gold Lined An 118 Set 9 00 Children's Cnps Triple Plate Some Gold Lined Values from 40 to 75c Slightly Shopworn- choice 15 Sugar and Cream Dishes Triple Plated Shopworn Regular 50c 15 Sbaving Mugs Large 75 A F"ew Sterling Silver Table Pieces Left your choice t off Sterling Silver Toilet Articles discount from regu lar price. off HUNTLEY BROTHERS DRUGGI6T8BOOKftELLERS8TATIONERS OREGON CITY, OREGON v Edith Tozier Weathered and a number of the other prominent Lewis & CUrk Women's club workers, of Portland, will attend the reception. Notice to Contractor. Sealed bids will be received at the court house, by the county court of Clackamas county, Oregon, at the of lice of the county clerk until 2 o'clock p. m., Wednesday, June 3, l!K).'j.for the furnish ing of all materials and labor required in making changes and building record vault addition to the Clackamas county court bouse in accordance with plans and specifications now on exhibition at the said clerk's otlice, and at the office of Delos D. Neer, architect, 133 first street, Portland, Oregon. A certified check in the sum of 10 per cent of bid. made payble to the county clerk, must accompany each bid. Said check to be forfeited to Clackamas coun ty in case the lowest or accepted bid der fails to sign cont-act and furnish a security bond within ten (10) days after the awarding of the contract. No bid will be received after the time set, and no bid will be considered unless accompanied with said check. By order of the couuty court, Clacka mas county, Oregon. Attest: F. A. Sleiuht, County Clerk. May 29. GO CO coco cecco coco gftTTEflTI Of4 o o o o o o o o o a o o o o o o o a The only first-class Second-Hand Dealer in Furniture Stoves and Utensils. It is worth your time to come and examine the stock. You will find a full line of New and Secoud-IIand Furniture, Stoves, Crockery Hardware, Etc Highest cash price paid for second hand goods. I. To Ipola v MAIN One Door North f w w W W WW I. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, as men-urv will auralv ,1atnv ih. unu . J . -..... ...w ovi.nv of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through she mucous surfaces. Such articles should never he llaed airont nn nn. acriptions from reputable physicans, as) me damage tnev will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufac tured by F.J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, j O., contains no mercury, and is taken j internally, acting directly npon the j blood and mucous surfaces olthe system. I In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure i vou iret the ronninA Tt ia takan In tup. nally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists, price 75 cents per bottle. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Treasurer's Notice I now have money to pay county warrants endorsed prior to Nov. 1, l'JOO. Also road warrants endorsed prior to March 3, 1J03. Interest will cease on such warrants on the date of this notice. K.vos Cahili., Countv Treasurer. Oregon City, Or., May 15, 11W3. o o o o o o o a o a o o o o o ( Q O () O SRTEET of Commerlcal Bank WWWW WW W WW W w