Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 29, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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5 1
Correspondents ar requested lo w
Mw their work. We will supply all
necessary stationery. The nws (twin
your neighborhood should pjer in
Ate aolumns every week. Tim busy
rason i past you should renew your
orreepondoncB work.
Edna Irish left Tuesday for Washing
ton. Knox Coopei, of Portland, waa in Ca
me Sunday.
Kiiimi Inekeep was the guests of Sa
rah Jouea Sunday.
Norman Howard began working for
C. K. Senre Monday.
Rerthena Howard was the guest o(
Kliiabeth Lewii one day last week.
Several Carus buys lelt Monday for
Wolalla to w rk for tieorge dreary.
Maggie. Lewis left this week for Port
land, to n none for about ten weeks.
George KalbHeisch, of Canada., lio
has been visiting relative In Cams, left
EJ Howard an J family. B. Faust ami
family, F. Stnrgisand family, and Mr.
Podge and .Mrs. (iraves were gue-Ms of
lr and Mrs. lioucher Sunday.
Lofton Sunday evening, May IT. in
front of the F.vamtelical church, a brown
eal rollaretie. Kinder will oblige tlie
owner very much by leaving it at the poet
Bearer trees.
The Shannon Bros, raw mill is running
lull blast.
C. M. Ilower hat returned to Beaver
Creek again.
The Kirk brothers and sister are visit
ing beaver Creek again.
Willis Hughes has got tired hauling
cordwood aud has jumped the job and
aolJ the wood on the place.
Mr. Joeie, of Carus, who recently
bought the L. Hornshuh. lace, is estab
lishing a cheere factory and is now hunt
ing for about -5 good milch cows.
Several of Beaver Creek's young folks
attended the basket social given at the
llennci k hoolhoiiM.- and heled to make
the f that the school made lor a
fund lo buy a flag and bull for the same.
Frank Sharf is helping Mr. Gage get
in late potatoes.
Mrs. Lena Ellegsen was in bed ill
with the prevailing cold and sore throat
last week.
Mr. i'omperine is building a commodi
ous barn on the place lately purchased
of Mr. Keichle.
Mrs. Gage and Mrs. Maggie Gage via
ited the former's blotter on Marijuam
bill Saturday and Sunday.
People have their spring work pretty
well in bund now, and ganlenu are ruin
ing on finely, itli a promise uf plenty
Strawberry ehortcake.
The bare headed, so-railed crazy man,
of last w ek's communication, was fuiiud
peacefully tbupping wood in the wood
camp on the mountain.
Why don't mine meat man come to
Stafford? We k.et hungry for Irt-eh meat,
and wouiil npiandcr an much an It) or 10
cents every week oil a good article.
Conrad Schroeder, who lias been suf
fering bo long wi'li tamer ol the stom
ach, died on the -Olli insl., ami wa bu
ried at St.ilT jril on the afternoon of the
JTJd iiiHt.
After two days of sunshine Jupiter
Fluviua again began to irrigate in Staf
ford, and Monday was a wet day ami
Tuesday cloudy, but beautiful growing
weather withal.
Miss Julia Baker, daughter of our
townsman, I'. A. baker, was married re
cently. A sutler, who has been absent
for a number of years, recently returned
borne for a visit.
Notwithstanding the threatened damp
weather a number of our people went
down to see the President on Thursday
of last week. Teddy takes all votes from
this way easy enough.
Anna Hchatz. who was so badly poi
soned with poison-oak, is still unable to
attend school. Who knows of a sure
remedy? If any one knows of a safe anil
simple i uie they would confer a lasting
favor uixiii the many if they would let
tbeir light thine upon an afllicted world.
Soft and crooked bones mean
bad feeding. Call the disease
rickets if you want to. The
growing child must eat the
right food for growth. Bones
must have bone food, blood
must have blood food and so
on through the list.
Scott's Emulsion is the right
treatment for soft bones in
children. Littledoses everyday
give the stiffness and shape
that healthy bones should have.
Iiow legs become straightcr,
loose joints grow stronger and
firmness comes to the soft
Wrong food caused the
trouble. Right food will cure it.
In thousands of cases Scott's
Emulsion has proven to be the
right food for soft bones in
Send for free sample.
SCOTT & BOWNE. Chemlata.
409-416 Pearl Street, New York,
jgc sad li.oo ; all druggiaU,
" I suffered terribly and wis ex
tremely weak for I J yearv Tha
doctors said my blood was all
turning to water. At last I tried
Ayer's Sa'saparilM, and was soon
feeling all ri;!it asain."
Mrs. J. V. Fiala. If ullyme, Ct.
No matter howtongyou
have been ill, nor how
poorly you may be today,
Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the
best medicine you can
take for purifying and en
riching the blood.
Don't doubt it, put your
whole trust in it, throw
away everything else.
SI Ml Will. All imrthta.
Ak ,nar 4ortr what hi think of AWl
Sareaiwtrllla. Hkiuttl aImmii ihl araml
ol.t UmilT ttifelvtita, fullim aiaa4vtcaa4
win u t4tiaa.
J I' A Tim CO..t4Wlt. VS.
Hen Linn, the purchaser of Miller's
sawmill, has been operatii g it fur the
two works pant.
Nearly all the lun.Wr of the Grange
hall has been hauled away from the mid
and is ou the ball site.
Mrs. Sarah ralmateer has just return -
ed from a visit to relatives in Kaalem
tregon. Mrs. Homer, her sister-in-laa ,
accompanied her.
Lovd Yocnin has purchased K. K. Sur
face's timber and is putting up a mill in
it. It will he a larger mill than the one
his father has txen operating.
The report in the Courier that Robert
Currin, of Currinsvilla, had been held
up and robbed of ,$15, was nothing but a
joke perpetrated ou the roorter by a
couple of Curriuaville'a alliens. Mr.
Currin waa not held up and robbed.
Boring Junrllun.
Tbe steam shovel is buny making a
large cut at Doting.
The boys of During recently organized
a Camp of tbe M. W . A., am) at present
have about thirty memlteri.
It has been tiulte a w bile since there
has been any writing in the Knterprlae
from Itoring ; but we are cut dead yet,
but proeptnng. s
There has been a post otiice establish
ed here, with Tony ti. Koater as poet
msster. With a postottice and rural free
deliver from tiresliam, we have the best
of mail service.
Tbe pringwater branch of the O. W.
I' A K. Co. have their new railway com
pleled to lloring, and are making reiiil
lar tris between here and Portland,
leaving Boring at H a. ui. ami 5 A p.
The I). W. P. ft It Co. are building a
UK) florae power elei'lrio plant al tins
place. And with the saw mill, w hich la
cutting IiO UKI feel of lumber daily , llor
ing can lurniHli work lur I OU men
here one hundred years ago there w i"
nothing tint a deue w il.lerneaa, now a
thriving tow n has nprilng up. w hich ri
vals all other tow ns uutMile ol Oregon
City in C l.ickainus county.
Saturday evening, May "i, Poring
Camp No. "TCI, M. W.A., i!ve a mo ,
hichI iiml literary entertainment, followed
by a basket aocial. The beamifiil young
lu'liea of lioring ami vicinity turned out
in force and brought twenty-nine ha
ketrt which, under Ihe rkillful Work ol
Auctioneers W. H. lioring and A. W.
Cook, brought the grand mini of 7U.7".
C. (J. Stone
made atiuclnesa trip to!
I'ortlaud this week.
Mrs. W. Ward has been quite ill, but
is Mjiiie belter now.
Will Brown, of Albany, called on Miss
F.va .Matloou .Sunday.
Rev. W. S. Grim preached here last j
Sunday evening. He preached a very
interesiing ermon.
Charles Miller and wife are expected
soon to move in with bis parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Miller.
Miss Christina Hamilton and Miss
Ollie Tenny have relumed home. Mns
Christina has been leaching school and
Miss Ollie has been working in Port
land. Ooltos.
Ball Bros, shingle mill is now in oper
ation. Mrs. Jim Hall is much improved since
a long illness.
Uncle Dave Kobeson is op and around
after a siege of larippe.
James Bros, base ball team will play
Molalla team buudsy at Molalla.
The James Bros, have their new store
almost ready for Ihe slock of goods.
The ntw road is almost completed
from Persia Williams to Mil Creek.
Joshua Uoihit is in Katern Oregon
looking out a location, Tbe doctors re
commended a change of climate as his
health has been poor for some time.
Supervisor C. It. James has had a force
of men woiking somewhere in the dis
trict for over three weeks, lie says Iota
of donation work has la-en done.
Range has never been I tier in years.
Slock ie looking fine.
Born, to the wife of Conard Krigbsuin,
May l.'i, a girl.
K. (i. Palmateer has three fine young
cows which i e wii-hes tunell.
Mr. W. P. Siiufbn and wife have re
turned to Mount Tabor to tend their
Mraw berry crop that is now ripening.
The rain ceased Ihe last two days, Sat
urday and Sunday, but is Hunting again
today, (irain looks well but lias not
Uisde much growth on account of coJd
Torn Yotuin and sons have bought
Kinmereori Surface a timber and are
hnf-v rviftvinir ihior mill nn in the lam! I
It joins the J. W. Palmateer place on
the north.
tjiilts a nnmlxr (mm Oarlleld went to
Portland to e our President. D'hera
juat as patrlolie stayed at home to care
lr Ihlnga while Ihey went and bad the
pleamire of seeing but).
Mr. F. Pavla look la'tlo from (tregon
City Into the mountain Saluiday, Tliey
may go neater Sijuaw lake than Cedar
swamp this tune If Ihn ponies or some
thing don't give out too hhiii.
GaihVId Grange. No M17, met tail
Saturday and enjoyed a good meeting,
dinner, and transacted I tin hualneaa of
the grange. They are thinking of hav
ing a joint celebration the -tt'i of July
with oilier granges close by,
Mr. Charles I'nnran had ipiile a pain
ful a.'i'iihlil I'vfall him while helping Mr.
Gattleld raiae Ihe shed frame lo a new
barn. The heavy limber allpa-d from
Ihe other men's handa, grating the side
o l)unran'a head aud striking hia hoiil
der, brulaing it severely, Aa it waa, il
was a narrow eai ax' tor Puiican.
.. -
llakrr lliniglaia.
At Ihe residence of the bride's patenta,
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. loiiglaa, K.agle
t'reek. May the :th, I'.K'II, Miaa ai
piuiglass and Mr. Alexander linker wero j
married, Kev. ti. I . Iilcli, ol Kelao, olll
dating. Promptly al twelve o'rlm k the
tiildal pair entered the imrlur, a here the
ceremony a aa lo be perlormed, whirli
waa iM'aiitifully decorated with blue and
w liile links ol linaue paper. The bride
waa eleguiitly attired in hrnwn trimmed
in silk. The groom worn the i ualoinnr
black anil and Kkikeil aa though lie lind
uaineil Ida long n mtiisl for pnt After
I(,,.rv, , ,, ..oramlatlona
, th),)r ,, r,.allVM( Rlll
ril.rivjll ,,.,,, .il , a . t-
! iiameiital prewnta, all retired lo the din
ing room, liere the taliie waa loaileil
with all the good thllik's that rould be
w lalivd for,
Tlnwe present were Mr. and Mrs S.
A. lKugla"a, Mr. and Mrs P. Judd, Mr.
and Mrs Pave IVniglana, Mr. and Mra.
l.oma flaker, Mr. and Mrs II. Ilracketl,
Mr. and .Mr. A. Ilrackett, Mr. and Mra.
Ii. Judd, Mr ami Mrs II. Ilotimeiater,
Mr. and Mr. Fred lloirmeiater, r, and
Mrs. W. Hall, Mr. ami Mrs. Die Aem
srgger, Mr, and Mrs. C. Cassedy, Mr.
si d Mrs. A. J. iHiuiaa. Mr. W. lUkrr,
Miarea Molh', Alia, Malel Judd, lora
Hrarkel, Mary ami HerihaCaaaedy, Viia
IViiiglaxa, ltoia Saalell, U'liatiehardii'.
flora Judd, bla Maker, Mvrtle (loir
meialer, l.lllie llotrmeiater, Kthel, Kllell
sml Florence flrai Kelt; Messrs, Krneal,
Wilhn lliillmi-iater, tliaar and lirover
Judd, Joaeph Ilracketl, Pave llotriueia
ter, John I'ouglaaa, Jerry Jmbl, William,
K.lmer, (irover and Ward Poiiglaaa. Kb
mer Judd ; Mis.ea Cleo and Flla Knig
laaa, l.vdla Hunter. Pleaaant flouglaas,
.Mrs. and Johnny Aemrrgger, Mary and
baby Hall.
Orexon City .Market lleport.
(Correitei! Weekly.)
Wheat No. 1, 7lH' r bnahel.
Flour Portland, IHNl-r bid. $1
persk. Howard's Heat, $l.(i.ri H-r aack.
Oa's in sacks, w hite, $1 to l 1'.') r
cental, gray. 11.10
Hay old Timothy, bales, r per ton;
liNH-e. S In III per toll. Clover $1.'; I
Oat, lit); mixed hay, ID.
Millennia llran, 00 wr Ion.
ahorts, '..l IMl per Ion ; chop, I.'I.IKI per
i ton, barley, rolled, f.li IK) ln-r toll.
Potatoes 4'lc t" .'Oc per bundled lha.
Kgga Oregon, 1 tc to 15c per doen.
Hotter liiinch. :iOr to in - per roll.
OliloiiH, choice, o I lo 7 or per t.
Piled applra.lii- to 7c per h.
Prune, (dried pelile, perlh;Ihil
ian, llir.'e. ,c per lb. Iiiedliim, '.I j'' ;
Sliver. -V.j.
(' ibbage ( lie ). ' i per II).
l;lnihrh 'Jc per pound.
I toor-eherriea 5e per aillid.
A pplea, 7"m' tol.
PicHned rtiickeiia, ID to li" C per lb.
I.ivi-hIim k and dretm-d meats; beel,
live, 1 1 (I'l lo l. ol) per hundred. Iloga,
live ,'r 1 a toilets: lioga, drea-ed.H lo H'.r;
aheeo. II to '..c : dreaaed. y 7'., to 8 rln
veal, dreaaed. f) to Ik-: lambs, live,
II.1 ai: ; lambs, dreaaed, (i'.jC lo 7
lllaualrona rrcba.
Carclesxiieas is reNponnihle for many a
rail a ay wreck ami the same raiiaea are
making human wrerka of aiillcrers from
throat and lung troubles. But since the
advent of Pr. King's New Plm-overy for
consumption, coughs and rolds, even
the worat caaes can be cured, and hope
leas resignation is no longer iiecrmnry.
Mrs. 1-oih Cragg, of Dorchester, Ma.,
is one of many whone, lite wis saved by
Dr. Kind's New Discovery. This great
remedy is guaranteed lor all throat and
lung ibsesaes hy (ieo, A. Harding, drug
gist. Price 50c and 1. Trial bottles
Wanted Competent stenographer and
typewriter. Boa IHH, Oregon City. Ore
gon City girl prefeneil.
A farmer Nlralghlened Oat.
"A man living on a farm near here
came in a short time ago completely
doubled up with rheumatism. 1 handed
him a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm
and told him lo use it freely and if not
satisfied after using il be need not pay a
cent for it, says C. P. Kayder, of fattens
Mills, N. Y. "A few days later he
walked into the store as straight as a
string anil handed me a dollar saying,
'give me another bottle of Chamberlain's
Pain Balm. I want it in the tiomw ail
the lime for it cured me.' " Fur sale by
G. A. Harding,
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
Tills jireparatlon contains all (if the
dig-esUuitH and d Ik' sIh all kind.H of
! food. It L'lveslnstaiit, r"'ief and never
falls to cure. It allows you to cat all
the''jorl you want. TlnMnost sensitive
stomachs can take it. I'y its use many
thousands of dysfK-ptics havo fx.-rn
TJrcd after everyt hi nir else failed. It
jt uuecjuitlicd for ail stomach troubles.
It can't helD
but do you good
Prpard only by E.O. IrtWirr k Co., hrao
Tbe U. bwtlie ooDtaiosZti times ttoUc aMa,
'rvc Lost Ten Pounds'
A man aava. l.k at this Ami h
oTr l Ills coat lo sluiw how Ue It
la Thete are aoliie r.iple who can liise
jlt o sdvaiitnge, hill the hwa of llrall is
cue of the ar.Tpted rvidrlicra of laihng
health. Aa lleali itmkmg pimrwa l-giu
in I lie ktotimrii, o
iMiurally when
there is ! r
lli-oli we hx'k fust
lo the ktniiini It lor
lite ra.i-e, And
the rauae la gi-ll-
rinllv found lo I
disease of Ihe
k! in.i. h and ill-
i;r.ivr aud liiitrf-
tue trcl reault-
lii; in lo- ol' nu-
tillinit ami collar-
i ii r n t pin an al
Uaiot Pierce's
('.olden Mnliciil
ptiH overy tratmra
llir loat llrall by
ctlillig ihwawS of
the alonmi Ii and
olMrr oigiiu ol
li:i it ion ami nu
union and rna
bliug Ihe prilet
ih 'r-.lloll nlld aa.
Mllltl.llloll of hl
(..ml which Drill
mill uticugth are
Ml oilr
1.. MI I. l
.... ,. ..I
it i li-i
...J.i -
I'rllrla i UI Ut
sUjutioii aul tuin iu ii .
The Knterpriae II..V) wr year.
If ffm htvva't rvnlAr, iithr mnan ft '
bia ? il, io lii r tm) m. kvty ftif
bwa)i ojn. mu4 M wall, Trm. in Ihm hhp ft
ti.Uitt t-hil tt ttl iltfii, 4anjrtMtB, Th f
itKMith!, iMlttl, firfMl !' f4 kMjfttotl 1
bwt fir ta in u
PI ait(ti, tn, Tl llrsosl, f
f)w4. Nr hicheit. Wtiin ii f iiriii lo, M ft4
( unit pr b.t. Wrtt fur fr 4
Htttn rHtntxh Comowif, thkf m m Tort.
In all In ii; .
I Ely's Cream Balm
rlraiiam, ei.!ii' am! h a!
j tlto it'M-a-ol rt"tiiliraiie.
It ctirmialarrh ml ilr i
aaiijr a co!l In tho licad
4 ream lltilm Ii .!arrt liitn llio nlr.l.''ril"
er tli Hi' inlirmin aid ! al"it-.. Id-I rdllm-
I nirllale ami a ruff fol.ows. It ! ut r'n: ""
riot j.rliiri' mrriii. Lr,;i' Hur, Mi cmi al Pmg
k.i.t. or ti)r null; Trial Mt", liirrnn.
El.T IIHOTIIldtS. (A Warrni Mro t, Nw York
C i. Grssii,
m$kt and Eppe,
Freight ami juircelH delivereil
to all purtH of the city.
TURSEV will c luct
a dancing Hchnol at
Heaver Creek Hall.
Meet every Tiiewliiy
Evening. Dance utartH
at 8 o'clock "harp; clone
at 1 2. Admission
f0 Cent: : : :
All dlasaass of Kidneys,
Bladder, Urinary Orsans.
Also Rheumatlam, Bark
aohsjleartlilaaaaa Gravel,
bropsy, Female Troubles.
Don't ftecome discouraged. There la a
cure for you. If ui-c.--.-iry arllnfir. I .nni r
tin loia HH'iit a llh. tho" riirlnir Just aucli
caM.-a aa youra. All consiiliuiloiia Free.
"Eliflit. t.ii.iiltia In Led, lnuvy lmi Unclm,
pa In and aorinoa iiitosh klilnrya, uKo rln u.
inuiiKin. )i; r n in. UIca falli-il. ir. I i-m-rn-r
a Kldm-y and llarkiirlm Cum ciir. il me
romijli-ti l y. II. VATi:i:S, Ui,.(, . ,
lirn?lia. ?".. II. Ak forConk liiaik- Pres.
For Hale by
Charman & Co Huntley Brothers
Zl "!.'t
!l ,',"K-.'i
111 1
, Hp.rcial
' ' ."0 a in
f, Aliai.lli
1 K.M.rr..
,1. ll,.,
i mt i
1 s,. Pa,
1 -t Mail
' "r,: '
Hpntaiir j
I Doctor Sponge
Hun u very Urgo ppu'licc, but it would hi, i,,,,,.),
liirgp-r if jn'oplti only km-w what an fxcfllcnt 11 Htfiuti
ho piit-riilly find bow inodi-rnto art- hin i luirp H.
Thorn whod know him thoroughly couldn't b inhif.
rtl to givo him up. couutH in all h'uvh at all piiit.H
you iniiy buy a big noft npoup' for 7.r)c ami you may
buy a Hoft Hpoiiy Hpoupt for rc. You may iiIho pi
Kofi H policy HJMUIp'rt ill (lin'tTCllt Hi.I'H llllil pril'fH lie.
twt'cii iht'm'.
When you buy u rpoiign from tin you grt jtl(,i
tlu kind of a hpoiip-you want at jud the prit n ymi
want to pay. Wi- aro cHpfcially nlronj; on Hponp-M. ami
tho kiiowlt-ilgo wo luivt) of tlm artifli in kiiowh-dni- that
it worth iiioiipy to you. Try om in your bath to
morrow try oik on the baby um it for I'Vcrythin,
1 1 iitj: v rpoufs at nptvial priccK.
i !
i 1
0. R. & N-
Oregon Short Lino
and Union Pacific
Through Pullman alandatd and Tour
lt alrrping rara dally In Omaha, Clip ago
Spukaiir, toulUt alrrl.lug rara dally to
Kan aa I lly; through Pullman Imim
alrrping isra (p rmnally coiiilurtrdj
wrrklvtoChlcago. KaiKuia l ity, St l.oilia
and Nlruiphla, m lining cbalraiwala Irrr
to the rail daily. IKnn l oill.nd
TIHK SI lOl'Ul.r.a Aaaiti
Sail l akr. I'aotar. 1 1
W,.rih,iiiiii.a.Kaii I
aa I'ltv. St l.iiii.1
I 'Idcaa 1 and laftt.
Sail I akr, in,rr I I
oilh.i in.a'.a Kan In
I IM , M l.onli I
I ami I a. i. I
Walla Waila. I,ei.
Ion . .. ik inr . Mill
lrnM.ltt H', Paul,
t Ml I ill I. . Mix 1'il.i-r
i 'on o a'nl I
Portia n tl to Chicago
No Cln.nne of I'nra. Tirkrta rust
via all lull, or Unit iid rail vis Pint
I ..lnl.
Ocean and River Schedule
i S p. m
AH Nailing .luti aul.
Jf-cl lo rha'i.'t.
For an Franrir
Hail a art ,'. .lava
4 k 111
Dally Ki
H 1 1 mt ay .
a p. in.
in p. in
O.iliimt.la River
To Aaotrta a il ay-
' I . Ml.
Ki. Hun.
I day.
CV. rlringsr, City Tkt Agt.
3rd and U aahington his.
A. L. Crai. C.U. Pass. Agt ,
l'ortluud, Oregon,
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
Juiy:, c
r.u. U.m
7 no! H 00 f,y
Portland Ar il HI
Il 40
H '.0
a IS)
7 M
7 VI
7 ;w
7 2H
7 17
7 iij
...Ooble . ... 10 IV.
Kalnler ... 11
Pyramid. .. II :i:J
. Maygar .... Il 27
. guinry II 17
Isinkanle . Il In
Maraliland . . N ttH
. Watairt .. H
. Clllloii H
. Knappa .... H In
. Hvhimoi . H 11;
John Day ;m!
H li II Is;
M !W n "
N tl II 40
H .VI; II Ml
H M 10 0 i
II 0H 10 0
II 111 III 1
37 1(1 :ii!
..I '
10 1 1 f.7i ..
I II HI ...
10 'Jl It Ml
10 .'n,lt .10 A r
ll il
II 11 1
Atorls. I,v 7 t.'.i II in
II 'tis. 111
ft H) p. 111
1 1 .'to a. 111
11a. m
(1 1.1 a. in
2 :iu I'.m .
.1 no p. Ill
11 10 a. m
Ki a. m
4 nop. m
. .Hi :io a. in
ft Ml p. 11
..P." :k p. 11.
7 .11 p. 11.
. . 1 :i p. n
. . f) 'J a. m
AH roil I A
All trains rnakr Hoar riiniifotionaal (lohl.
wiih all Northi-rii Panlin traina u, r from
tlif Kant orNoiiml Polnta.
'"rl11""' wllh ,r1"" leaving t'liloi,
At Astoria with f. t N. I'o.'a Imal. an-l
ran line, ami riinaiiivrT. J. Potli-r, lo aim
from llwacosml North n , points
Ticket olll., Morrim.i, ,t., milli !,
det. J.C. M A Y 0, (Jen. J'aai. Agt
Aauiria, Or
Subscribe for the Enterprise
j I'ir.ar J
I !
I 'hi riiin
Portia lnl
I.INN P.. JoN'm
am no hglmr 1 ban iIi.nmi in any other
tradK, and mira are nohigltrr than wr
vi. i rrii lcird drioaiula
W hat an illiilnrlako to ilo In a IImiiiiS
and ati"fartory Inalinrr. Ilo-rn aill
tio ,r (i.imd aflrr our Workman grl
Hi rough wiih a Job any ddrril jomis,
Iraky pl.a. I'r rollhrcll....a or i.ll.ar
! idi'io . of "M'ainprd" w .ik. 1 vrry
part will be Mrlrrt, and ha.k moIi-iI.
and whi-ii Dip bill rouira lu you'll Dot
ak for ai.v deduction.
Z 'J LI L ti S OP riME
aol llllKN PAi IHr K ttl W IV
Holll II lllll Nil
"O a 111.
0 a. 111
II .10 p. 10.
1' Albany I i 1
Sol Til I10IM).
-I frl i. 111. ( Albany Ijm all
Ii U p. 111.
Daily River Excursions
- or - -
I'ltriios t i rv ti a rs.
lull y a uri'i i .
Poot Taylor H,
PlH.l Klglllll St.
7 nu A. M.
Hi 00
1 .to r. u.
4 .m "
a in
II .'lo
5 on
ii 1.1
A. M.
P. M
lri.n t'lly Tranaiirlallua ( a.
Portland and The Dalles
Steamers "Rrgulator" and "Dallrs
City" UaveAliU-r St. warf, Portland,
daily at 7 a m. for MofTrtt's and St.
Martin's Hot Springs, Casrade I.orks,
Slrvrnaon, Collins, ilood Kivrr, White
Salmon, Ilingrr, Kyle, The Dalles, ami
all intermediate points.
Hramrr Metlako" leaves Abler St.
wiirf daily 7 a. m. for all points on Mi"
die Columbia river west of Wnrreiidsle,
All strainer arrive in Portland Bt 5
p. m.
Strainer make direct ronnrrtioti at
I.ylewtth Columbia Kiver .t Northern
KaiUiiv lor Wahkinrns. Daly, Center
Mile, (H.ldrndiile ami all Klukilat sl
ley points.
Excellent Meals
Ikat Serviii-
l'or detailed Information of ratci,
berth rservstion etc, call or write to
agent at warf. I
General OlTires, II. C. CamfbU.
Portland, Ore Manser.