J a." . It U Utti r t. ; Oregon ' Enterprise. OKKGON CITY, OKKGON, Fill DAY, MAY 29, 1903, ESTABLISHED IF GO Vol.. .'''. NO. 31 City ljOHKltT A. V'UKR ATTOKNI'.V AT LAW yin1 Title, mi'l I-iirul Office iiinliMrnn II Hpcelnliy Will piaetlc ' " Court of the Bute Kooui J, Wrliihard ltldg. q,. Court House, Oregon Cilv. Oregon i IT nn it iTTni rv 1 ; IVICIVM IHI0.V 1 L.rOHTtK, ATTOKNF.Y AT I.AW .srraacraor ri.rir ri'isiNi. nm ra ntl to Orviun IMtf Kn r-r- ' K. C. lllt'iWNKl.l. ATTOUSKY AT LAW (lirilim City. Oregon . Will pr-lir In H courts of lli alate. : (Hike I" t'auh'ld I'till'lH'K (JKO.T. UOWAKI) RI'.AL J-STATI'. AM) INSl'KANCl'. NOTARY PIIU.IC At Krd .'mill. Court llou.c Mock Ukk" City, Oirgoti JiVY KTMT AtT'UINKY at Law. Justice of the Peace. Jaggef lttitC.. Oirgon Cl'J T l-.CAMrHKI.I., ATTOKNKY AT LAW, MOM ClTt, Will praeilraln lllheourtif thsslata. Ol lo, iu l uftrH Hi.-diu. The Shoe Man" Of Oregon City. Will Dispose of his Entire Stock of Boots and Shoes. Sale will Ix'jrin on Tliurwlay Mar. 1'Jth, at 10 o'clock a. in, aiul will eontinui! until all pwlrt are hoM. Wo in vito all our frieiulij (anl that int-anH everybody) in Orcpm City, throughout Clackamas County and in Tortlaiul; U alti-nd thin balk. All our goods are new and up-to-date, We will not quote price he re but if you incd anything in the shoe line within the next t-ix months, it will pay you to buy now. We take thirt opportunity of thanking our many friend for their liberal patronage during the last 11 years. We are very worry to have to break the many ties of friendship that has exi-tcd between us for ho long a tiim but deem it wise to extent our business to broader fields. Anyone finding themselves indebted to us will please call promptly and settle their account. Any parties holding coutons had la-lter uc them an once Every boot and .hoc iu the bonne will I marked in blue-pencil figures-so vou can are at a glance what the goods will coat you. A sample pair of every kind will I ou an open table o vu can pick the ahoe you want in alanlly. We will have a nutnlier of clcrka on hand o that all can be waited on promptly. The earlier you come the more choice you have. Please remember the date- Thursday March jothiooj Your to Caramtnd, McKITTRICK. '-The Shoe Man" Next Door to Bank of Oregon City MANY WERE IIEKE Slate (J range .Meet in Annual Sens I on. tVe'enmed T Thr ( It by R.diert A. JU.Ier Wedrrful (Jrowth or Order liaring Yrar. v I. ri. ..I ...;it ....war in Knndava Orrvonvm t 14 ' J Qtt.iUO LATOC KKTI I ATTOKSKY8 ASH foUNSKIAiKS AT LAW aim rT oaaoon city, oaktio. turtilab Abairarta ol Tin. Loan Miiaay. fora cluaa atrl" '! Iranian Ueurral 1. Itnalaraa. (J A. Sit'AUT, M- D. tilllra In W lllaiiitl HIil. Ortilil'II.T. Oregon Office hours: 1 a ni. to I:' in., t to 4 .. in. ami 7 lo p. in. Hril attention l-altl lo Bliaiiniallmii aim Kemal llirara. Call answered tlay or iiIk'IiI I FISHING TACKLE See the New Spoon Hooka, 10 and 15c. Deer Tail Hook, joc. Mack Out Hook. 15c a pkg. 4 Jointed Bamboo Villi Poles, ft. 25 l'aient r-inkera fic. to 5 for 5c. Alum inum Ho-.k llox, J' Ordinary Silk l.inei, Reli, etc.; an endU-sa variety at Cut Tricei. BICYCLES Oxford Iticyclei, i J Motcl, $.V. reduscd to $15.00 IlicycUa Suppliet at Cut Rate Prices. or iKr.ii'N en y. Ill!l. IPAINTS lcali vfir llllii lur.nililr.l Xkei'l-Ir.-M.im Huti li'l icll" rtrhtnitc 011 all l "liit hi ilir fnlirrl !!. Kiin.m n.l M"H Ktr lr-..M. ti.i-. i-.-. I u !).'. I U rhe. k Hank o h Imiih t. a l4 r. ti C, I.AllU KKITK. ff.lilnM f. J. Mk.YKIt l'a.ar. ()t W. KAST1I AM AlTuKMlY AT I.AW Land Till" KiamliiiHt. Ali'trai l Ma.le. I'mU, Muritiaura Hrawn. .Money Loaned nrrii iivkk lUiik ori'k'nn City. (iKri.c! Cut, Ok. E. H. COOPER, ...Notary Public... Real Knlate, Inauraiur. Titha I'lamin ed, Abstra. ta Made, leed, MortgKea and l'.tc, draw n. OARDt BL0O. ORIGAN CITY, OR. Iioiled Oil and I'nre Lend are lower now than they have U-en fur years. SjK-cial prices to parties who contemplate painting 1'iitit r s I'mc l'repared I'aint f 1.V5. our cut price fi.bo jut k1. All' Shade. Color Card l'ree. CHARMAN & CO., CUT RATE DRUOOISTS J. w. Noams J. W. MiWLt NOKRIS 1'OWKLL riiyslclana and 8urgtnna lUmma i Ml (lar.la WilK. Orenon City. Or W. B. 0'Bti - fl'kitbil U'REN & SCHUKIEL AttorncyR at Law. Btutrditr awltrtt. Will praellc in all 0011ns, niaka collection! and artilenietila of Ka'ataa. Kiimlsli altracls of HU. lend you mom 7 and land your money on Ural morgana. Office In Enterprise Building, OrK" City, Oregon. JOHN YOUNGER, Near Huntley's Prun Store, FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN Ureat Britain and America. THE ENTERPRISE ALL KINDS OF COMMERCIAL PRINTING DONE IN UP-TO-DATE STYLE I CLOSING OUT SALE CO TO THE ENTERPRISE FOR YOUR PRINTING tlMlUdtJiirlaa licmlfofl Owing to my failing health I have de cided to dispose of my entire stock of The SUtli anrrial aeion of the Stale (iraiik.'M a convened in tlnacity at 10 o i-x k ltlfmUV inornini! regions wcie lield in tlie Woolinen hall and adjournment wa had Tliuraday even ing. About ISO tlwieKatet "re in alu-iidanre. Jlany ol tlie delenalea ar rived iu the city on the train and boats Woiidav eveniiiK. B l-eed) , of Ti- tia'dvilie, la the present Stale ilaaier, and Mil!. Clara Huward, ot Mulino, this county, ia tle sei retary o( the atale or aiiiiaiiori. l.iitie of imporiani-e came tielore the meiMinit of the Orange this year. 1 lie Ul-ennlai eiecuou 01 oincern bavniK taken place lat year, there aere nooltaeiato name at tti s ineetii g of the Orange. A pnblli: meeting aa held Toeaday a(iruou, ben Ibe Orange a forui al J welcomed lo tbo city. B. U. Leedy, Hiate Mae er, of Tiardvil e, presided. Kbrt A. Miller, of this city, gave the address of welcome and assured the members of the organization a most ....r.tii.1 r.ii.iuin to the historic CltV of Oregon L'iiy. Mr. Miller apoke of tlie value oi the Orange 10 me aiaieaaau agency for the development ot the coan 1,. .ml nra.lir.tiwl that the members o( this order will take a more active part 111 the development 01 ail seciiona 01 me country in the future. The tiller of the toil, said the ioeaker, have alwaya been relied upon in every ureal e pocn in ine world hietory. There are force in operation, heaid, that dispute the posi tion occupied by the farmer, but the riculturiet i able to cope with these con .tin.. 1. iiirniwti nrvanizalino on an intel ligent and educational basil. M'. Miller remarked Ibat there is no use forth faruir I 10 try to keep step with tie progres of toe world unlet they grow .1...... Imi.i iJ menial ai-tivitv. He ' " - " - ...,..1 ll, in Immnve their method of farming and raise only the bet stock, superior quality of grain and produce, and keep their fence and property in good, serviceable condition. It it only by aiUinng a liberal education, ne con tended, thai the farmer can expect lo con-batwiiti the cooditions wiin which he I i-oolronted. Austin T. liuxton, the state lecturer for the Orange.nf forest lirove.respond 1 in ii.i liiirexa of welcome. He showed that ibetirangei working along educational line, aa tuggested by Miller, and is accomplishing much in the w ay of tillering tne i-onuuion 01 me uimri ti,o . n.l tin. rnnt.trv are more close ...V vt.j ' - - -' v - ---- - ly associated now than ever wore, anu Ihrtxigb the agency of the Orange. t coniinued, the rural mail routes have been established, rural telephone lines have been constructed and the Urmers throughout he country placed in direct communication with llw busiueas and prole.-sional world to their great advan tage. Alter foine uitisical numbers, Mate Master Leedy read bl annual addret-s, w hich includiHl also a brief reiort of tne national meeting of the Grange that s held at Unsiiik. Mirliigan, in Novem ber. l'.HO. The Grange, said the speaker, is the greatest agricultural order in ex istence, and ia recognized as a leader along questions o! lekilxlauoii atlecting an, 1 national interests. The growth of the Oregon Stae Grange dur ing the past year Wat greater, oe eaiu, than for nv onu year iu the last quaNer of a century , while the financial stand ing ol the order is better than ever anu the order never exerted a wider influence for the better. The growth ol the organ ization in membership has been steady, every Grange, with tew exceptions, Hav ing added many new names to the mem bership roll. A higher Biandard of work ,i , .,., rittiiiia nave oeeu an-uiu- plished bv the Grange during the last 5. .....I Cola Maalr I V . W ho. In concluding, recommended that the by laws of the Oregon istate orange roe re- vieetl. . , Theseions ot the Grange Wednes day and Thursday were devoted to rou tine work. The Grange concluded it work Thursday with a oanquet. WkhSESDAV't BESStO.I. Ili.aj. I ...! Ihal llta) f)ra.in StiltM Grange favo's the enactment into law of Ifoiise Hill No. rii'i. knonn as the Harris I bill, and providing lor an eijiml ra'e it ; asaesainent for the taxation of express, ! telegraph, telephone, railroads, l oll 111 nn ; or slepini( cars, relrtgerator car and oil 1 companies, and lo create a state hoard i f j appraiser and sesor for snch pur. i nosea and nrewritie their duties therefor. "Kesolved, that the filala Grange of Oregon is in favor of a primary law pro viding for direct nomination of candi date lor public olllce." Special memorial aervice were con ducted Wednesday morning in honor of the three deceased members of the Stale Grange who died during the pat vear. They were: Mr I,. II. Clark, ot .Mull noinsb No. 71; Mr C. H. Wagner, of 1 faletn No. 17: and John Errant, a char ter memtier Jordan Valley No. 42. The reading of the three memorial was fol lowed bv the offering of touching and heanlifui tributes lo the memory of the departed br the following named Gran gers: A. F. Miller, l:ar Katon, Mrs. Hrown, Mra. Mary 8 Howard, J. S. Casto. W. M. Hilleary and II. E. Hayes. The report of Mrs. Mary 8. Howard, ili(istxt afi-rntarv. shows the oriraniza- ; tion if nineteen new Granges in the state t. -.. . 1 1.. uuring the year, wiin tne losaoioniy three. Inthis state the Grange now baaa membership chwely approximating cxhju. There are now 'jti Grange in the state, and the combined increase in the mem berdiip for the past twelve months wa 120O. The report of the treasurer thows the state organization to he in pood flnsniial ronrlition. On Mav 20. there was a balance of fiMlu.34. During the year receipts amounted to J-t.Xl.J6; dishursemenu, $1756 51 ; balance on band, 13113.19. FOR BIG ASSEMBLY Cliatitaiiqua Hoard ol Dirt'ct.MH Hard at Wotk. C'hemaw Indian Band EngiK'il Mif. Walter Ke ed In barge of Mulc Admissiua C'hargei. Thnrsdav waa an extremely buT dev with tin, Kuta Gramre. An almost con tinuous session was held throughout the day, concluding lam nigiiiwun me con ferring of degree on a number of can di I ate and the serving of a baeqnet. C1B HELD IP AM) BOBBED. Pahen;er 8rllwo4 Car Surprised By Three Bandlu. At a stecial meeting of the board of directors of the Willamette Valley CbU tinqna Assia-lation held in this city Sat urday forenoon. Important detail were arranged in connection with the annual Chautauqua Assembly to he held at Glad'tone Jti l'.-Jt), inc'tKive. Con- tracts were signed with the various lec turers and entertt n-ia wh have btien been sewn red lor the season. The Chautauqua Association has this year engaged a number of prominent people who will participate In Hie thir teeu days' session. Among them are Senator John I". Uolliver and Congress man Champ Clark, who ate recognized as the foremost political orator of the lay. l- ach of these gentlemen will de liver two lectures. Mr. and mis. uuo. ert J. Hurdette, of Pasadena, C liornia, have also been secured. Tlie former will lecture and Mrs. Burdette will have charge of the Woman' Parliament. Karl Germatne, a clever map nun, win be here. The board baa completed ne gotiations with Mr. Harriett Ccburn rannderson, of the Saunderson School of Kxpression of Seattle, who will be the instructor in dotation and conduct a ladie' physical colture class. The nitia ical pari of the programme hat been placed in the Land of Mr. Walter Heed, of Portland. Chsmawa't popular band ba been engaged again this year. Hits 1 .-.-!.... f 1 , . m u I, ui I nAiiairt for the Chautauqua for aeveial conaeco- tive eaons. lo the reatauranl com mittee waa referred the matter of provid ing ample accommodations, with inatruo tion that if satisfactory arrangement cannot oe made with some caterer, to conduct this adjunct under the Uwect management of the Chautauqua Associa tion. . An improved transportation aervice will be furnished by Hie Southern 1 a- citic Company Ihi year. Two et!Ul traina will be operated between this city and Portland. ' The question of admission wax also settled at Satorday't meeting of the di rector. Stockholder will be obliged to pay one hall admission. For a number of yeare all stockholder in the associa tion have received complimentary tick ets. Season ticket will this year cost ', with single admission tickets a cent each. o return checks will he ten.ien except to those holding season tickets. Single admission for children will be ID cents, or fl lor the season. Members of thelioardof direcloisol the association feel encouraged with ihe proset:t lor the success of the meeting this year. More expense lies been contracted in te eming laige atliaciiuii" for lh Clian'aii qua, and tlm-e laalr-ady aheurance ui an lucreased attendance. Three masked men held op the Pell wood car, No 33, .t Midway station, Tuesday nig bt, securing aboul$100and a urA m-at,.ii Tlia itiwritifin of the men, as near a can be learned, tallies very closely w ith that of tlie three men who held op a ancouver car aiay m. km Iha, Ka.lla.-rwt i-ar neared the Mid way station, three men appeared on the plailorm ana hailed me car. ine mo torman fa led to see the mask worn bv Ibe men. in the darkness, and stopped the car at the station. Two men board ed Ihe car in front and one at the back and ordered all the passenger as well aa the motoiman and conductor to line op. While two of the highwaymen stood miard ovrr the passengers the third went thronvh their rockets, help ing himself to ail the n.oney of the con ductor as well as that ol the passentrers. It is ihoimbt- that be got about 10U in cash. L'. IJoynton, assistant superin tendent of the Oregon Water Power Kailway Company, was the heaviest , loter, parting with IM and his gold ; MLSic WILL BE M ElUI. r E T I KE watch. After having searched everyone on the .,- K(.f(, w,j ir((i,e it- tractive Pribram for ( liuutiiuqii;!. and many articles will .he sold for less than cost. Sale commencing May 1st and will continue till all sold out. .45 .00 .07 .12 .05 .01) .19 .15 Bleached Table Linen Outing Flannel Shaker Flannel 6c and Mercerized Satleen percales Flanellett White Apron Ti..a Ul.i.l.la 'i ............----- I.inen Towels, pair. ..HH-, H4C, Bath Toweis, pair. . .S7c, 4Jc, . I Silk Dress Skirta '-w 5.00 Wool " " Wash " " 10 I- Ladies' Muslin Hrawers'.tlc to t0c Jersev Kibbed Hrawers 2."cto .40 Ijtdiei Chemise 'Mc to 1.35 Udies Night-Gowns...... .. Ladies' While Skirts, UV, ..c 1.00 Infants' Sack 30 Stinbonnet....10c. 15c, !c, .25 Shirt Waists 60c to 1.25 Hustle, new style 15c .20 Corset Covert 15o to .60 AlloverEmbrodiery very nice 1.00 IVrannall extra eood 50c to 1.25 I-ace Curtains, per pr. .75c to 1 35 .2cto ,20c to llanillinrrhiela lollies' Colored Skirts Celesia Brocade Skirt Lining Plain Lining Boston Bags Pretty Fans F.mhrodiery Silk Machine Siik Spool Thread, 3 spools "t'nlnmbian" Golden Fleece ported and Domestic apong Yarns of the very best quality. .50 .40 .08 .IS .12 .33 .10 .04 .07 .05 Im- . t on H, Snmorter. ."Klastic Web," Bells Suspenders, Beads, AliOU- , , ,,in jj.r.. !,., Hair Pins, Combs, all kinds ol l-eaa 1. ., il. Beadinir Caps Sash Pins, Buttons, all kinds Gloves. Lace elbow ,.ng.h Tl- t '.die.' nd children, plain and lace; Whisk Brooms Feather uslers. Needles, Pins. Curling Irons, VS r.st l ag. Agate ami v .,1 ll.t Mns Finger Kings. Silk Mandallions, Applique Trimmings, tSENiri U Va; Velvet Kibtan Corse., and many other thing, loo numerous to mention, all to go at COsT. X RACKET STORE j , ur iliu riititMra nnlered the motorman to stnrt the i ar. One of the men 8to.nl unard over the umiorman w hile the oilier two kept A careful watch upon the pas- tunura lien t he car had irone aiwut No mistake was nude by tne board of diiectorsol the Willamette Valley C'hait- . .. . a , ; , u1,..,'i,.r Vim a IIMlH y 111c irm mr uii iwimn . (HlltUt nBBULinuuii liiica,,...., ....... trdf red io hiow uun nu in imrr mru t itiier ieeo. 01 1 oruauu, i'j iiivetumno Mei-petl eff tie cr it nil disappeared in 0 muMi-al features of the Chauuu- lliu ilurL iidttfl I' tion reaching Sell w ood .Mr. ISoynton iniiiiudiatrlv lelHiihoned notice head quarters the details of the robbery. He was able to give a aescripuon 01 omy one man, w ho was dressed in a black suit with a (fray stripe, brown fedora hat, peculiar pair of patent leather shoes, and was about five feet five inches tall and about 24 years of ae. WILL BE PLACED IS SECOND CLASS icdma-iter Randall Keports Big In- creae cf Business. M' iVa Riata Hranire ailonted iimurDu,, " , a resolution declaring for the enactment of the Harris corporation tax iaw aim also a direct primary law. A resolution covering theee subjects was returned by in legislative comuiiiuro w vuuuov.. with its annnai report. uiaia xtaai.r R ti !eiiv. Jacob N oor- heesand W. M. Hilleary, constituting the committee on legislation, submitted a report. They found more pepple at the state capttol during the last seieion ol the legislature tnai were imeraHvu m the equalisation of tbe burdens of taxa tion man ever before. The interests of the Grange, reported tlie committee, are areatlv aided ty me lax reioim uuui B. "'. ... . . , .U. K.lla ttirougnoui in siaie. aiuuu passed by the last legislature for which the Grange was working were the Eddy corporation tax law and Malarkey'e in i,.,,).,,,.. i. muaanre. "We failed in our effort to secure the passage of a bill to create tbe ottice 01 precinct or uisintv ......n. ava iha iHimniittee. and liro- d.chui , on. a , f vide for bis election by the people. The principle of electing omcers oy uireci VOte ia not popular WIUI ine leu oiavum. Alter noting the defeat of Croisan's di rect primary bill, the Harris, Mulkey a id Davey corporation tax measures, the report concludes by stating that tbe Grange and property owners should not be discouraged hecause iney nan nui ac complif bed all they bad asked for in the way of legislation. The committee held that the paarage of ail the measures mentioned above would have been se- ..nra.l "it Iha (irafliB had Stood SOlidlV by the principle that large and extrava gant appropriation would be opposed unless increased sources of revenue should be created and thus relieve and not Increase the burdens already heavy upon land and its improvements." The report ol tbe committee together with tbe appended resolutions were adopted : Beginning July 1, next, the postoffice of this city will be rated as a second class office. Postmaster Kandall reports that the receipt, ot the Oregon I tty omce for the fiscal year ending April 30, last, were more than $8,100. When the annual receipts ol an office exceed tbe $8,000 mark, then it is entitled to rank as a second class office. Tbe change in the rating of the office here carries with it an increase of from 1 1.900 to $2,000 per an num in the salary of the postmaster, who under the third class rating is al lowed salarv for but one clerk. Three clerk, in addition to Postmaster Randall ... r.miiml to attend to the business of the Oregon City office. "Tbe receipts of this omce lor eacn moiuu snow uui nnt. an innraaaa in the rsceipts for the corre.pondina month a year ago, but in many cases are greater man ior iu preceding month," aia rostmaaier u dall. "If busines. continues to increase at the present rate, tbe receipts of this office for tbe current year will exceed 000. . . . , , ,u This showing is an eviuence 01 too substantial growth and proserity of this community. A continued growth k,..ini,uiil tba ha al office will IU I'T - necessitate larger and improved quarters for Uncle Sam in this city. mil. nnwrmii this t ear. Mrd. Keed IB 1 t'r probablv without an equal as a iiiumd-u in this sta e and it w ill lie her purpose to provide the best musical progiaui this year that the Chautauqua people have ever had. Besides being a talented Binger, Mrs. Keed is a conductor of abil ity and Bbe expects ty organize a large . ..I w . w ..f ,t.o vutu latpat ' ctiortis Clans, n ui ''j I musical productions will be selected for presentation during me vnauiauqua. The music has been ordered from ew York City and the most suitahle iroiii a larire number of compositions that areou .... , , f :.:.... the wsy win pe seiecteu. 111 iiii Secretary Cross, of this City, regarding tbe musical features of the Chautauqua and the character of tbe numbers to be given, Mre. Keed Bavs: "1 wanted to tie .ure and get the very latest and best muBicloronr work, bo that wherever our programs go they can see that we are right up to dale in this Ur western country." On Saturday evening, July IS, the Chautauqua management will arrange for a grand concert nnder the direction of Mrs. Reed. The entertainment will consist of solos, dueta, quartet, double quartets and choruses and promises lo be a greater treat than was ever before offered in musical circle at a Chautau qua Assembly.' Hnltb's Daadraff Ponade .tope ilehing icalp upon one application, ihraatnalr ismom all dandrutf and will atop falling hair druggttts. Price 50 cents at A new line baby bonnets. of children's hats and Miss Goldsmith. THE OLD RELIABLE Subscribe for the Enterprise, ot aa Kirk luy Mnc. "I ma a tkpn severelv sick with kid- nan I vr.it 1 1 Iu I trml ail Boris of uie.li tines, none ot which relieved me. One day I Baw an ad ol yuut F.lectnc Bitters 1 1 .. ..... ......1 in iro that After tak- tliu uriviiuicu .j -- ing a few doess I felt relieved, ami soon thereafter was entirely cured, and have not seen a sick day since. Neighbors of mine have been cured of rheumatism, neuralgia, liver and kidney troubles, and general debility." This is what B. F. Baa, ol Fremont. N. C, write. Only 50c at Geo. A. Harding, druggist. a, S 0 A mi . "Km I Absolute! Tro THERE IS NO SU23TITUTE