Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 22, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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t P AhvavH 1
.'resident INioserelt Made Short
Slop at Oregon City.
- i -
v 1 UD-to-dato t f" I I ' Oi
OndluK Conn'SsiotiHl ChihII
dates at Oregon 'l ly.
Wealthy Kelativesi of Insane
Liable for Keeping.
aro found in our
iM,.jj tveryuuuy s oium
J' in Mom'h Appiir
j KliOO
Three Thousand People Were Aem
b el kt the Slallen Was Heu-ed
With the (Jiiaillr ari l the Quan
tity of the ( 'hililrrn.
Ileimanu and MMrli -ll p -uk In Inter
est f Koriner U-anii'S At.
lurks 0(jin lit.
"Words aro irood when backed by deeds,
and only then." Theodore Roosevelt.
Extreme novelties ul
Sunn with ii(K-ivr!.im.inifit.rt. If a ntoro in habitually advertisim: values
i' ..,!.!,. I. it r.!t . i.. it I
t 1 1 III I Ik 1. 111.1 ll IIIUKU IIIHl UIU JIUIIIH; nwiJU i(W,-ii:rc IV)MH4 ii' v - m
J tako iU ptatuiuuiit Horiounly. On tho other hand, if a Btoro fulKilln all its prom- .
i iscH ponplo regard its advertiutnuntH as news, and welcome news, twhen it hu 4
geKta a way to nave.
X No Ktorn in (IiIh ritv
(.out Wear than wo
Thoy Stand Without a Peer
Vests for Careful Dressers
We have them In the nt-w tun and while. They are almost ii.!fMnnili! to the we II
dresse.jman. Tluy add that snap aud style we all admire perfact in fit. stye and
ilur1.llily. Price $2 .00 mil 2 f.0.
The ' Red Star"
.1 Shoes, all prices
1 should see our
In the Circuit Court of (lie State of
Oregon, for the l.'ouniy of Clackamas.
lliMiry Jewell. I'lulmiir)
Annie II. Whltlock,
Win. T. Wiiitl.K k and
F.dwsrd K. Wliitl.H-k,
St.itk or Omkoon, I
C'oi ntv or Clack amah, f
lty vlrine nl a jtid. mint order, ilecree
mnl nn execution, liii v IiiimI nut of mill
III! Ii-r Ilii' Mil ( I lie hIhivi i-ntitleil
t ouit, In tlie hIuiv loi'illeil c.ui"ii, Vi Ine
duly iluei lcil m ml iliileil li e 1 I'll ilnv ol
Miiy lltoil. iion u Jmliiu'iit I leieil
inl enleieil 111 hniil tuiiil on Hut 4Ui ility
nf M.iv iw;i, In fnvi.r o Henry Jewell,
riiiinliU, iiipI nwniiiHt Annie i. WluHiK'k,
Win. T. W IntltM-k noil KiUiinl K Wlm-
link, llellllillllltH, fur I lie Ml III of !''.; I. I'l.
Willi Inleienl llieienii nl li e rule nl 10
tier cen I r iiiiiiiiiii f mm lli -llli ilnv of
Sliiy ll'OII. n it I llie lur'Lier kiiui ol fT.'i IHI,
UH Hi tui Hi' V 'm fee, mill llie luillier hum of
f I0.IKI i'iihIh hihI ilifliiiiMMiieiilH, mill llie
ci ml o mill m ii m I bin nl . cuMiiniiiiiluiK
llie In li Kke nil" ol the fnllowiliK lien
rnlieil rial roerlV. fit'inM In the
rouiiiy ol Clui kiiniiiM, hIhIh of Oieon,
to-Mil :
Iu nix !) ainl Seven (7) of Hlock
I-'orty-nine (!!) of (ie ni City, Oregon,
aH hIiowii liy llie pint of eiil Oregon
Cily. Oiivoii, on lile In llie ollire ol llie
rniioly reinnler of I'larkaumii County,
A N D '
All work givon our prompt
and careful attention. , . .
Prices UeaBonable .
Oregon $ Washington State Fair Victories
Ori-gon Mate I-air 11MI2
1-2-3 on Cock Birds, 6 in Competition
1st on Hen, lo in Competition
I-j-3 on I'ulk-U. . . 4" Competition
jnd on. . .Cockerel 31 in Competition
Iston pen, If in Competition
,st )n American Class
Ile won 1 at on pulloU thii t 3
ynani. Htoek fr !, e"n.
The U S Dispensatory says, conium PARALYZES the motor nerve; aco
nite reduces muscular strength; belladonna produces PARALYTIC symptoms;
hvoscvainus and stramonium nre the same as tielladonnu; opium lessens the
peristaltic motion of the bowels. "Do not excercise any curative influence.
Some of these are contained in all of the ancient pile medicines.
(If K-RU-SA, the only non-Poisonous Pile cure, over 4oo druggists and
doctorsof the highest standing, say in substance: .
Dr L Griffin in 20 years experience I have no knowledge of any medicine
curing piles'except your non-narcotic Pile cure I know it Curks.
turn's v j J. H. Trout, v D., and druggist, Los Angeles.
fl-RU-SA cures piles or $50 paid. Worst case cured with one box. On
ly reliable up-to-date druggists sell E-RU-SA. V : Ajo
I" . i: 1..., f.,,,if!,1,,,t.i mwl inuiu tri
roild ilisn nv a inoro comn eto and Mnart lino of
j - i - i r
arc-showing and prices within roach.
The way our suits are tailored leaves limbing to IIih Imaginalioiiaiiil nothing wanting.
They are the Ideal of t lit tuilnr art. A l-iiiililiil linn ol clothing this season in ihe very
smartest of fabric. - Wu f. el ho proud ol 'run we tlilnlc you ought l) know something
ol 't'tii ton, especially Ht the prices we offer them.
$10 and" upwards.
iatea dealinitivn at vie character
exclusive novelties.
i ' -
Now, Tlierefore, liy virtue of mid exe.
i-tli ion, judicnieiit onler ami ilecree, ami
in i-nitiiliittn-e with llie coiiiiiihikN of
auld writ, I will, on HutunUy, the
l.Tri! PAY OK JL'NK, X)'.i;
at llie hour of 10 ocIim k A. M at the
front door of the County Court lloime in
the City of Oregon City, in imi'l County
ami Slate, Hell at piihhi! auction, aulijeet
to rt ili'ini'tiou, tu llie hiuliMat hiililer for
C. S. unlit coin cn'li in hand, all the
r'uilit, title and interest ahich the within
naineil ili-feii'Unin or either of them,
hnl on the date of tlie rn ort rfHi' herein
or min e hail In or to the above described
real iniierty or any part thereof, to at
Ih(, aaiil execution, jiiiluient order, de
cree, Interest, cncta and all accruing
J. K. SIIAVj:lt,
Sheriirnf C!ai kaii! ( 'ountv, Oregon,
liy K. C. ILtCKKIT, I'. puiy.
Milled, Oii't'on Citv, Oie., M.iy lVh,
A ICuniiMiiy lllcjile
Teriniualeil Willi an iilv cut on the leg
! of J. II. Orner, l-'ntii k 1 1 r (irove, HI.. It
developed a Hluliliurn ulcer, iinyii-ldiiK
todiictura and reuiediea for four Tiara.
Then Ilucklen'a Arnica Salve piired. It'a
juat a Kod for hnriiH, ncalils, ekin eni
tiona and pilea. I'l).: at tieo, A. Hind-
il)(, lllllgIMl.
If you don't get the Kntkhtkihk you
don't gut the newa.
Court House Block
Wualilngiuu State Fair U02
We only aent 3 pullets, I hen and I
Cock and won on every entry but one
besides specials, including best pen in
the show. I'rizeswon 1st Cock; 1st
Hen: 1st and and l'ullet; 1st pen.
Exhibition Htork apralty Rome
(rami pullet, for sale. Kgf S3.00
Oregon City. Oregon.
The "Orthopidec"
$3.30 Shoes
in Footwear
police lr I'uhllcutlon.
Timber Land Act, June 3, 1H78.
United stale Land Ollice, Oiegon
Citv, Oregon, May ID, HKiX
Notice la hereby give that ill compli
ance with the proviaioii of the act of
Colore of June 3, 178, entitled "An
act for the aale of timber lumla in tlie
Statea ol California, Oregon, Nevada,
and W'anliington Teirltoty," a extended
to all the l'lihlic Lamj Slatea by act of
Auguat 4. IW)2.
I of Tortland, comity of Multuoiuali, Stale
) (or Territory) of Oregon, baa thin day
! llled. in lliia ollice bin fworn statement
N'o;l44, for the piiri haae ol the NK'4' of
Section No lit in Towtiliip No. 2 h.,
Katijre No. 7 K. and will oder proof to
hhow- Unit the laud aniiifht in more valua
ble fur iIh timber or Hlone tlian for ei'rl
cullural purpoheH, ami to eHtahlixh bin
claim to Haul hind before Hie Hegietei
and lieceiver of thiH ollice ill OregiHi
i City, O-1'Kon, on Moiuliiy, the 1 7th day
of AutfiiNt, r.H);).
He tiHinea aa wilnexcra: J. C. Ituike,
ol Molallii. Oregon ; Kd Hurke, Jainea
Miller ami Kobeit Oebnrne, of 1'ortlaml,
Anv anil all 'ra 'iiaclainung aitveraely
the above-ilcHcribed landaaie reiiieHted
to lile their rlauiia in thiH otlice on or be
fore said 17lli lay of AngUMt. 1WU.
AdniliiNlrntur n police.
'niii' ia lierebv viven that the nniler-
sigiied has been duiy appointed Admin
iatrator of the eatate of Wilbelm Kalw
now, deceaseH, wiHi Will annexed, and
anv and all nerpons havinir claims
aitainat the said estate munt present them
lo me at my ollice in Oregon cut, Ore
gon, duly verified, i 1 tun six months
from the date of this notice.
Dated this May lHth. MMHi.
Administrator of said estate.
Attorney for Adair.
Iolleei Final Heltlenient.
Vnil. u li.rMhv vtvpn thr tlm nniler
signed administrator i l the estate of Albert
I'l, mlar Ilui.aHrl IlKII Hllllt Ills Hlial Bfl
ootiul In sut estate In the County Court ol
the Htala ol Oregon, lor 1 lacxamssi ouniy,
and that the mlge of raid Court bas ap
pointed Monday, June , i:u, ai tuo cioca
A M Irtp hiarinir .lhtpolfilrm In Raid an
count nd lor sealing ald estate. '
KUWAKII l l.UPr.ll,
Adiniiilfitrator of the estate of Albert
Closner, Deceased.
lj it' . u. 11 ku w i r. ij i,
Attys. for Aduiiniatrator,
City TreHsorer'i Notice.
Nntli-e is herebv iriven that there are
sillticient funds on hand in the General
Fund of Oregon City to pay all outstand
ing warrants endorsed prior to Mar. -7,
1001. Interest ceases with date of this
notice. K. J. Mryib,
May 22, 1003. City Treasurer.
Shirt waint bats are the latest.
n A
n '
County Wools
Highest Price Paid.
The Kepubl jean rally in this city last
Thursday night a Hiicceaaful opening
of llie congieaioiial cainpHigii. Senator
Mitchell, in a short addre.s. urged the
eli'l'iiuii of Mr. Hermann. The speaker
1'iiiileiided that the Republican nomi
nee, because of bis umiiy years excell
ence at Wachiiig'on, la I lie- best fitted to
represent the disiricl l Una tune. He
concluded Iiih remaiks bv conlradicting
the statement thai .Mr. Hermann is not
bi H.viiipa'hy with the President.
In presenting the principal speaker of
the evening. Senator Brownel! referted
10 Mr. Hermann sa the next congress
man from the Kirst Congressional Dis
trict, for the reason that the Republican
nominee la the best (jualilied to best
serve the many intereata of a large and
.rowitilf stale.
Mr. Hermann argue I that there ia in
volved in the contest principles (hat
should not be. subset Veil by erslial
likes or rlillerencea. He considered it
amusing Ihat the Democratic party
should allow itself to become n pei
plex"d lest the Hepuhlicnna sbo'ild at
this time elect lo congress a man who
might not be in harmony with the Pres
ident. He considered this Insincere po
sition of the oppoation B4i illustration of
fidelity to the Republican party on the
part of the Democrats that was never
before known.
Mr. Hermann denied the stateiDenis
advanced by the opposition that he ia
not in accord with President Roosevelt,
and in supisirt of his statement cited
iheslaiement made by the President
himself. The speaker then launched
inio a discussion of national affairs, and
drew contrast between the prosperous
times and conditions that prevail un
der Republican protective system and
the hard limes ihat marked Democratic
free trade. The trust (jnestion and other
imtortaiit topics pertaining to national
affairs were treated.
Mr. Hermann made an effective ad
dress, ltoth Mr. Hermann and Senator
Mitchell were warmly received, and the
mention of President Roosevelt's name
was the signal fur applause.
A. K. Reaiues, candidate for congress,
addressed 8 large audience in the Armory
Friday night. Considerable enthusiasm
was in evidence at the speaking.
Dr. W. E. Carll cailed the meeting to
order, and presented R. A. Miller, as
chairman of the meeting, who, in turn,
introduced Sam White, state chairman.
In his speech Mr. White Raid that the
liluess of an aspirant for office should be
considered. He vigorously attacked Mr.
Hermann' record as a Republican and
ollicial of the government.
Mr. Reames devoted the principal
part of bia address to a discussion of the
tariff nuestion. and in his deductions
made a local application, Oregon City 1
being a mantlfscturing city. He assert
ed that the tariff laws as they exist to
day are responsible for the organization
and grow th of the trusts. The speaker
expressed himself in favor of a reduc
tion in the tariff on all Ameri-an Irust
made goo'h tint are sold in the Euro
pean inarkelscheaper than to the Amer
ican consumer and laborer.
Reference was alo made to Mr., Her
mann's record, which was attacked, nu
merous newenaper clippings of the Re
publican candidate's Keeclie8 being
cited. He concluded his address with
an appeal for voles from all honeBt voters
who placed principles above party.
Steamboat Excursion, Baseball Gmie
and Opening or Cant mall Tark.
Sunday will be a big day for Otegon
City. An excursion will be run to this
city from Dayton, Yamhill county, that
will bring many visitors to the city.
With the usual large number of people
that visit the city on that day from Port
land, a record breaking crowd may be
expectefk In the afternoon the Dayton
and Oregon City baseball teams will
cross bats at Canemah Park in what is
expected will prove one of the best games
of the seaon. The Yatnliillites have the
reputation of being good players and will
strive to entertain the local fans on this
occasion. The new dancing pavilion
.:il U rrn.u II w nnAnait StnndflV with
1.111 W iuim.ii; w-..v- " .
dancing throughout the afternoon and
i . - I I I T-. .
evening, music to oe luruieiieu uy iur
ney'e orchestra. The merry-go-round
will be in full operation and with the
variety of attractions the crowd should
find pieasant recreation.
s.m,..l ll.rnhanl Hixl Pnhniar 27. 1003.
and before death he lost or deposited with
nn.a fvian.l ftarlifirat nf llfinnsit. Bank of
Oregon City . No. 23,4X5, for t00; certifi
cate of deposit, f irst National Dana, rorv-
land, Oregon, no, lM.oso. lor -u. ine
hnhler will t'lease advise U'Ken ABchue-
bel, Oregon Cily, Oregon.
May , 1IAW.
TooOreatB His la.
In almost every neighborhood some
one bas died from an attack of colic or
cholera morbus, often before medicine
could be procured or a physician, sum
moned. A reliable remedy for these
diseases should be kept at hand. The
risk is too great for anyone to take.
rhimUrl.in'.rnlli' PhnlnrB and Diar-
Vti."" ' w v.
robea Remedy has undoubtedly saved
the lives ol more people and reueveu
mm. iih in and anflnrinir than anv Other
medicine in use. It can alwavs be de
pended upon. For Bale by U. A. Hard
Recent experiments, by practical testa
and examination with the aid of the
X-Rnys, establish it as a fact that Ca
tarrh of the Stomach is not a disease of
itself, but that it results trom repeated
attacks of indigestion. "How Can I
Cure My Indigestion?" Kodol Dyspep
sia Cure is curing thousands. It will
core yon of indigestion and dyspepsia,
and prevent or care Catarrh of the
Stomach. Kodol digests what yon eat
makes the stomach sweet. Sold by Geo.
A. Harding.
President Roosevelt arid party reached
this cily, en route lo Portland, al 1 :27
o'clock Thursday afternoon. ThrotiKh
the solicitations of Senators Mitchell and
Brownell, the President consented to
atop at this point for two minutes. Three
thousand people were assembled at the
depot station to greet their honored
chief, who spoke during the two minutes.
A msjoritv of Ihe business houses were
closed, the factories suspended 0K-ra-tions
at noon and class.; in toe public
schools were dismissed for the afternoon.
Hundreds of school children, each wav
ing a flag, were distributed about the
station. The train pulled out amid vo
ciferous cheering that even surpassed
the demonstration announcing the arri
val of the Presidential party.
In his two minutes' address, President
Roosevelt said : "It Is a pleasure to pass
through the stale ot Oiegon on this day
and to visit your' manufacturing city.
Much of Ihe prosperity of Oregon is due
to good laws, wisely and fearlessly ad
ministered. We would show ourselves
undeserving if we did not persevere in
the policy under which these prosperous
conditions are produced. The main ele
ment in this great prosperity is the indi
vidual i haracler of our citizenship. That
is what counts fundamentally in our
prosperity. If a man does not have the
light stuff in him, yon can't get it out of
him. In congratulating you on the won
derful fertility of the Yalley, the grand
resources of your state, your manufac
tures, crops snd commerce, there is one
crop in winch I am particularly inter
ested Ihe children, of which I note a
good representation in this assembly."
At this point, a proud mother who stood
within reaching distance of the Presi
dent, hoisted her three-year old son into
the air. President Roosevelt caressed
the little fellow and remarked: "Here is
a splendid saanple," and concluded bis
address as follows: "I believe both in
the quality and particularly in the quan
tity 1 see represented here. I believe in
your stock." With these remark?, the
train pulled out of the ataliou.
Mrs. S. J. Fancher Thought She
Was Burden to Relatives.
Undid Her Lire Sunday Morning Hj
Drowning-Was 68 Tears Old
Aa Inquest Held. s
Laboring under the impression that
Bhe was in the way and a burden to her
relatives, Mrs. 8. J. Fancher, aged 08
years, who resides on the New Era road
and about three miles from this ci'y,
ended her life early Sunday morning by
Irowmng in the well on her larm.
County Coroner Holinan was summoned
and conducted an implest o)er the re
mains. 1 he jury returned a vernier, oi
suicide commuted w hile temporarily in
sane. The deceased woman bas resided in
this county lor many years and is sur
vived by two sons and two daughters, her
husband having died several years ago.
Some time Saturday night she slipped
from the home and attaching a rope
about tier waist, jumped into the well
near the bouse, where her body was
found Sunday morning. She had been
considered mentally III for some time
and Ihe family had watched her move
ments. The remains were buried Tues
day. Letter List.
The following is the list of letters re
maining in the poHtorliceat Oregon City,
Ore., on May 21, 1903:
womkn's list.
Archer Grace Mrs Manning Mvrtle Mrs
Ilnu-mun .Inula M i Newman Karin Mrs
Bryant Mettie Mrs Kehwalt Merea Mies
Kellogg Orleany .Mrs
Linden Clarence H
Mooris W C, Artist
McKnaw George
Anderson R
Blomberg E
Cos Edward
Dover T
Endrews Jake
Fitch F A
Hall & Cain
Peterson f A
Rohan E U
Riley P
Stanley R
Sanderson L D
niuci .... . H
Kanezeviolin Nick (3) Williams S E
Tompkins horbes B
, . .
Ji . ny Oregon City People Fall To
Iteuliae the irr(oanews
Backache is so deceptive.
It comes and goes keeps you guess
ltarn the cause then cure it.
Nine times out of ten it comes from the
That's why Doan's Kidney Pills cure
Cure every kidney ill from backache
to diabetes.
Hern's a case to prove, it:
Mrs. D. Murphy, wiilpw, who livw at
395 Ivon St., Portland,) says: "Yrars
ago, when living in Kansas, I was great
ly troubled with kidney complaint. At
that time I was, I might sav, perfectly
helpless for months, but in time it wore
away as mysteriously as it came. It did
not bother me again until last fall, when
there-was every symptom ot its return,
and knnwinu what I had suffered for
merly I began to look around for some
thing lo check it, and on looking over
the paper I noticed Doan's Kidney Pills
highly recommended, so I procured them
and took them as directed. It only re
quired a few day's treatment to ward off
the attack. Nnee men i nave recom
mended Doan's Kidney Pills to a num
ber of people."
Plenty more proof like this from Ore
gon City people. Call at u. Hunt
ley's drug store and ask what his cus
tomers report.
For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents.
Fosler-Milburn Co., Buffalo. N. Y., sole
aventa for the United States.
Remember the name Doan's and
take no substitute.
WW lie obliged ti Pj Into Slate
1 re i-nry 1 1 ihe Kate of 1 10 Per
Mo iih Mill slice of Law.
Afier May 21, yesterday, the relatives
and guardians of persons committed to
the state insane ssylnin, who are finan
cially ante, w ill be obliued to pay ihe
slate at ihe rate of $10 per month for
Ihe treatment of such per eons at Salem.
Such a law was enacted at tlie last leg
islature Under section 3(121 of the revised stat
utes of ihe state, it ia the duty of the coun
ty judge, at any lime any person is com
mitted to the state insane asylum, to
determine whether the raid person, his
or her parents, children or guardian are
able lo pay the slate for the mainte
nanieoftlie person committed during
the time they are an inmate of the asy
lum. II such person or (arsons are
found lo tie able to pay for the mainte
nance by the state of such unfortunate
persons, the county j'idge is to make an
order lo Ihat effect and state in his war
ranis of finding the name and residence
of aiich pe-sori or persons who are able
to pay for tlie exuense of such inane
wards. The persona so denigin.ted shall
pay to the slate treasurer for the benefit
of the state the emn of $10 per month on
or before the first day of January and
! July of each year. The amounts made
payable nuder the law are to he consid
ered a debt due and owing the state la
case of failure to pay the same within
thirty days, the district attorney ol the
district in which the relatives or goa-
dian of the insane person resides, shall
tie noli tied and suit brought by that of
ficer io the name of the state to recover
in the same manner as other indebted
ness due the state would be collected.
The provisions of this law do not ap
ply to those persona who are already re
ceiving treatment at the asylum, and
can be applied only to sucb persons as
may be committed to the asylum subse
quent to the date that tlie' law goes into
effect. In its operation, the law will de
rive some revenue to the state in conduct
ing the asylum, which is l lie mo-t ex
pensive state institution. It may tend
to reduce, in a measure, the number of
commitments to the asylum. County
Judge Ryan says that there are not to
exceed 5 per cent of the population of
this county that would be liable nnder
the law to the pavment of the charge ex
acted by the stale in the maintenance of
insane persons at the asvlum. People
of wealth, whom the law will direclv
reach, usually care lor their menially
deranged relatives and friends, so iliac
the law in Us ojeration will not operate
to the relief of the state to the enent
that is expected.
Congressional Campaign Will lloie in
T' I til j .Saturday Man', Stay 30.
The Congressional campaign in Claik-
am-is county will close in this city Sat
urday right, .Mav JO, with a urann rally
that will he addressed by I'nped States
Senator C. ' . Fulton and ex Governor
T. T. Geer.
Judiie Ryan, congressional committee
man lor tins county, has arranged for
the following shaking throughout the
county during the leinaimng ten days of
ihe campaign :
Sany C. M. Iillenian and J
. C.
Campbell. May ."ith, t p. in
Oregon Citv Hon t . W .
T. T. Geer, May SO, 8 p. m
Lagle Creek Hon. 1. I.
23rd. 8pm
Clackamis-Hoq. G. E. Hayes
Geo L. Story. May 2(th, 8 p. rii.
Logan J. C. Moilaud and C. H.
Mav 27th 8 p.m.
Viola Hon C. B Moo. sand G.
B. 1
Dimick, May 28ih,8 p. m.
Highland J. U. Campbell, May 2tith,
8 p. in.
Milwaiikie Hon. George C. Brownell,
May 20th, 8 p. m.
Marquam Hon. C. H Dye and G. B.
Dimick, May 29th, 8 pm. ,
Needy Hon. Geo. C. Brownell, May
2"th. 8 "p. m.
Oswego Hon. T. T.Vjeer, May 25th,
8 p. m.. Grange Hall.
Stafford G. B. Dimick and G. E.
Hayes, May 23rd, 8 p. m.
Wanted at Once.
3000 strawberry pickers at Hood River.
Pl.nii nf xnrk. (.nml nickers can earn
$3.50 a day. Take Regulator Line
Steamer Irorn Alder Mreet wnari, ron
lanjl, daily, 7 a. m. Fare for round trip,
$2.00. Children. $1.00.
For Toting Men and Tonng Women.
There is nothing that will arouse the
ire of a young man or woman so quick as
to have "inferior laundry work put off on
them. They may dress ever so well,
but if their shirt front or shirt waist is
musav, their neat appearance is spoiled.
The Troy Laundry makes a specially of
ladies' and gentlemen's line work.
There can be no better work than is done
at the Troy. Leave your orders at John
son's barber shop.
If fan hTn't refnlsr, healthy mftrecrjent of th
bowel Try dir. you' r IU or will b. ktvpjroo
bowel open, ftnd be well. Force, Id the hap oi
Tlolent physic or pill polon. It daniteroaR. Th
smoothest, eMleit, most perfect way ot koepiuf
th bowel elir sud clean U to u
Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Ta.t On4. P
Good, Merer Sicken, Weaken or Onpet 10, 3& ana
SO eenta per tax. Writ foe Xroo aasipla, and book
let oa health. AddlMB 43
IHrllna nm4i Coop any, CMcioo X York.