Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 22, 1903, Image 3

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New To-Day.
lowest rates.
II. ljn.
HIuiipv to loan at luwenl num.
ill. 1 1 Kln KM A (llllrITII.
wr cent.
Farm security.
IIKIMIKH A OHIKKI I II. (illli'M In lliw ! Lee Harding WMasiiiongtheexi
1 1 U' -I..I. .. -.1 1 1... 1. 1 I l 1.- ..1...I. .1 I...- ..I..;. 1 'I I... I ... 1 1... I ... u ,
1 Wrllilmnl 1 1 ii l Ul 1 1 w , ) linvc llm eliuli il
'Hy, milmrliitii and ciMinLry property lor
umllint prlii'ti. '
Tiy security al (1 per cent, also mi ap
proved elallel soi'Uilly . O II, )imk k,
attorney al Uw, Stevens Building Glu
tton City .
M o N K Y TO 1 ,0 A N -1 1 1 A V H K K V K It A I
.sums nf tiiiiucy belonging In private,
Inilivlilimlii which 1 am mil liori.oil to
limn, mi long t i mo st II mul 7 er n-iil.
Cost ul limn will lit made viity reason
able. II. K. I'iiuhs, attorney at law.
It. I.. Hull" li, leading undertake r
Ori'K'iii City, Oregon, March .!7lf
'Personal. Mention
Mulilrmii in in Nalein Wcdne
NoriiM Iihm gone to HiikIIIi
Portland, win III the
Mm. J. V
fur ft visit.
J. Kiiniii'ily. of
-lty Sunday.
Grant Mumpower, of Stone, m In
(he city Friday.
Mm. I. I. MMiiilUir visited In
land Wtnlneadiiy,
MU Krtio Sampson wan visitor in
I'ortUml Monday.
I.. I), Klmnk, of I'aiiliv, was vIhii
in tliia city Tui'Hility.
Mayor O. H. pimlck had business up
the valley Tuesday.
C. II. I y wa n business visitor up
the valley tliiit week.
Mint Myrtle Buchanan has been quite
ill for several days.
W. II. Ilnrghardt, Sr., of Salem, was
III the city Monday.
Mm. G. Itnm'liNlein imnt several day
in 1'orllanil thla week.
George Steel, of Meldrum station, will
111 tliu illy last Tuesday,
Mm. (. Wallace i reported serinusly
ill ul her home at Highland.
Mian Veva Williaim hm relumed from
a viwt with relatives ut Salem.
Mrs. A. Goldsmith, of Eugene-, in vis
iting with relatives In lliia city.
F. J. Meyer, i-ahicr of Hie Commercial
Hunk, was in Portland Sunday.
F. W. Mcl.earln, nf Wllholl, had busi
ness in Oregon City Wednesday.
The Misses Hanklti wont to I'orllanil
Tlmrailay for ft vlail with frle.mli.
Itslph Marshall, t merchant of High
land, was In tlni city Wednesday.
MIssAlmee Itullark ami MImh Llppit
went viallorain J ''jrl litml Tliliraility.
Kmll Sliiilh, of Heaver ('reek, waa ft
tiuinea vlaitor to thla city Momlay,
Yolney Hall, of Sherwniiil, viaileil in
till" i lly the hitter part of lunt week.
lala viailiiiK '1 Iih IH.llea lunt KiimUy,
Mra. M. Itullark anil ami Kilmnml
have returneil from it viml in Kiiifciiit.
I'ni'le Jiicoh Morrow, of Troudlulii,
had hiiaiiiiii.a in Oregon Cily Tueailay,
Miaa Nora Miner, of I'urliiinil, viaileil
in lliia city tlitt latter pari of lunt week.
Mia. A. Ih'liliriK, f I'ortlanil, waa the
Koeat of relative! iii thla city Inal Nun-
MallHKer Allium, of IIih i'otal Tele
Itraph CotnpHiiy, wua In tliu city ISatur
lay. II. K liiiimliiiry, of the Kouiliern
I'ai'illc ('oinpany, wita in the city Wl
Miaaea Miirjnrin ami Kthel ('aullelil
viaileil with friemla In I'ortUml Uat Hat
urihiy. Mm. It. I). Wllaon ami Mra. F. J.
MeyeV Wiiio viaitora in I'ur'.lutnl laat Hat
unlay. Miaa l.l..iu Walker, of thiacity.ia
lakiiiK ft coil i Mil in ft I'ortlan l tiualnnaa
Mra. 0. I). Tillaon nn l MiaaK'therj
llliama, of Kalein, viaileil rolallvea In
Mm. Kato Vril-l'op viaileil fr
In rorlhitiil Momlav Iterrnaiu.
Mr. urnl Mra. C, A. Ilurkhart, of Port
luml, apent Kuml.iy in lliia city.
thla city thla waek.
Miaa AiIiiIh Qulnn, of Oriy in City, la
vlaltinK Miaa tierlrmtu llaahor for ft fe
ilaya. Salem J iitrnal,
Mi -.a ('ira (iriawrolil, of Salem, ia vlail
iliK In thia city, the ifiieat ol Mtaaea M ir
jurie anil Kthiil ('anlliinl.
Jna. lUrlaaa, I', H. an. I Arch Miller
ami 0. V. A'lmia, of Mulalla, were in
OreKuii Cily Vu.nea,.iv,
W. N. Jonea, forinnr aluti) rereaniitii
tiv in the luKiHlaturn from I'ortUml,
wua in llm city Thtiralay.
Henry C. Kan nil ami A rnilt Khner,
ho'h of Ciuihy, were in the cily Thtira
iUy lo m-m I'reaiilent K )".-ve!t.
(.'liurloH Molltt, of Mtlh-nr, who ha"
heen vlaitinjj with reUtlvea in Ciinenuli
returneil to hia hoiuo Thiirailuy.
Miaa Klnu AHtrltf lit a who ia Jit rerov
erliiu from a three weeka' jllneaa, ha
gone to I'ortUml for a abort viail.
Kil Hupp lina reluniitil fimii Alhany
New York, when he waa ralleil hy tie
Mirlini'" anil ileath of In'a imilher.
(ieurire N. O'llrien, aaaiatant caahiei
of the Auiericnn Nalioinil Hank ol K.i
,i Franclaco, waa in llm city Tueailay.
Jeaae tieurun went to Salem Weilne
lilay eveniiiif to aft in weli'iimiii( t'rep
iileut KooHevelt to tliu Capital City.
Mra. (1. F. Fuller ami ilannhter, Mir-Fiani'i-a,
returneil Suuilny to I'nrtUni'.
I after viait with reUtivpa in thia city.
j Mr. ftlnl Mra. lfnii-n ('. Curry wi(
Kilning It e Ori'non City penp'e to take l
i IIih I'reaiilential recepiion in I'ortlaml.
I (!. M. (iiiUhlinit. aupnnte mleiit
the Weatern I'liion TeleKniph Ciilliniiny
wi In th city laat week from PortUml
Frail Nelaon', deputy county aaeaaor,
went to Salem Thurailuy evuiiltiif on huai
lieai connectuii Willi the ftaaeaioi's odlrw.
A. W. I'reaciitt, the Oreimiiian corre-
apomleiit at haltuu, waa In the city for a
lew hutira KiiiUy vialUng J, . Corl
Jon (ioiHllellow, who ia now employed
hy Ihu W illumlitlH Iron Woika in 1'ort
luml, api'iil huiiilay with Iriumla In Una
W, W. Irvm, proiiilnenl ilockinan
ami farmer of Harlow, retiiriiml home.
t'hurailay after a hiiitiueaa viait in thia
Mra. A. K. fytourette ami daughter,
Miaa Kreala, liavu ruliirneil from South
ern (,'alilornia wheiu they apent the
J'rcil Miller, Sr., who liaa for many
yeara reaiileij on Mum alreiit, liaa pur
chaneil properly ou the hill ami will
aoou inovo.
Mr. ami Mra. C. H. Moorui ami chil
dren wi.ie in j'ortlanil Tliurailay in at-tiiiiilam-e
al Ihu exerctaea In honor of
1'ieilili-iit Itwanvell,
1'hll 1'iire, of A her ilnen, WaahiiiKton,
wua in the city viailinif hi hrotheia, tliu
l'i lie II oa., ol thia cily, lual week. He
liaa Kiiue to The liallea.
Jumea F. llrutiner anil Kittie McCloa
ky Were Kranted ft marriage liceliae
luat SHtunUy alt moon on the ftlli
Uavi'.ol W. L. l'luiuiuer.
Mr. ami Mra. V. Selling, Mra. lien
Selling anil Mra. Siehul, ol l'urlluinl, via-lU-il
in thia city the latter part of luat
week ami were the g.uuata J' J1'8
Selling, Itev, K. S. Ilollingor liaa rtjliiroed from
; attiimltiig the l'arlllc Cuaat Cout;reaa of
tyOiigrtgutioiittl churchea, held recently
at Seattle, ami reporta very succeaalui
Mra. M. Mlchaula urnl four children
have urnvbil in the city from St. I'aul,
Miuneaota. They have j lined Mr. Mich
a"le ami w III uiuke Oregon City their fu
ture home.
Fred Milaa, I'erl Moaier, 8am SUsvens,
Willie Moke, Wllliain Mitmhall and A.
I'rice were among the Oregon Cityitea
who took in the excuralou to The Uullea
Uat Sunday.
.famea Morley, propriutjr of the Cliff
lloilae, lua returned from Salem where
ne hu:i henii for the puat two weeka set
thug up llw ealate of Ilia deceaaed eon,
liva Morley.
Mm. Ij. V. Fox, of The Dalle, I viait
ili witli her aialer, Mra. 0 I). Ehy.
dra. Fox will alao viait with her parents
it MolulU hefore returning tu tier Kaal
1 r ii Oreguu home.
Mra. J. S. Keller, of Seattle, will r
ive in thia ti'y next week for viait
villi her daughter, Mra Kate Ward
'ope. She will alao viait her aialer,
Ira. C. I). Latourette.
K. J. Iaul toil hua gone to LnCamua,
S'aahin gtou, on htiHineaa trip. He wa
ccnmpaiited to I'm t land tiy Mra. Dunl
in ami (lutii;hter, Mtra Here, who will
.lait (rieinlB in the uietroulia tor a linie.
II en an (iilmoii, ex county bum?i intend
ut n( hcIiooIh, and Hal liihaon, ftlao lr.
'. 11. Smith, ol Kagle Creek, were in the
ity laat week to attend the political
neaking by Mr, Hermann and Senator
I Itchell.
U. 0. I). S limller ratiirned lant Fri
lay Irom S -utile, where alio had huai-
noaa in cnnnfctlon with the final aetlle
rnent of the ealate of her ileceaaed father.
She eii-ta aoon to return to her home
in Sun Franciaco.
J. W. YVillaon, ftccompanieii hy hia
daughter, Marguerite, of hulem, fpen
HiiimIhv ill thia city with lua hrother, C
Ii. Willaou Mr. WiIIhoii returned to
Suleiu Sunday evemrig mid Marguerite
will remain for it week at her uncle'a
Itoherl Oinlher, of the Needy achnol,
will complete the term next Friday alter
mxili when exen-iaea appropriate to the
occuHiiin will he held at the arhool htilld-
ing. Ifowurd llfowiiell, of thia cily, hua
accepted an invitation to addreaa , the
atildenla at thia lime.
Win, II Ma' toon, of Vi.ila, waa In the
cily T'leaiUy. He reporta that work on
the V lola-Ori g'in Ci'y roftd haa heen r-
numed under the direction of W. If.
Coiiiia-I who w aa appoinred hy the court
lo aoperviae the work. It will require
all Stimnier to complete the remaining
a x uiilea ol the highway.
ThnmiH-on'a I'arian atore for cloae
prii-ei on l)ry (joodt, ahoi-ian l clothing.
A daughter waa horn Wednesday
night, Mav 'JO, to Mr. and Mra. A. O.
Moline, of lliia city
f)r. J. ft. VTxire hua returned and ia
repared to anawer calla day or night.
Apply at ihug atore, Seventh Street, on
the lull. May T.K
The tiiemea at the Congregational
rhiiri-h next Sunday Vill he "iiving our
lieat Service, ' and The Wreckage of
lloM-8aud llappineaa,"
Wastkd To leaae or liuy amall im
proved acreage, with running water,
auitahle fur ihn-k and rnltrv farm. Ad-
lreaa "A WO KaHt 7th St., 1'ortland
Judge (i. K. Ilavea liaa anld hia Pev-
enlh atreet proiwrty in thia city to Mra.
tola K Oodfrey or .'IK)0 and srill re
move lo (ilmlHtone when: he has a nine
acre tract.
j-M-l-i ? I j ? ? -f 1 444 i i-i t -? -i s !-H-H-fH ; i i s-t-? i i-t-i-i-PH-i-li
Married, at the Congregational manae,
Mav HI, Mr. Charlea F Frehner and
Miaa Kittie McCloakey, Itev. E. 8. Bol
linger olhi'iating. liuth parities are from
Multnomah county.
Hob, the three-fourth l'ercheon tl-
lion, will make the aeaaon of l'.)0:i at my
place, 2' mile norlhweat of t'urrins
ville. Term : $'! to inaure in foal, pay
able when mare ia known to be in foal
or parted with. J. W. Dow'TV. '
Conrad Schroeder, aged 70 years, died
at hia home near Stafford t ednewlay
morning, ol cancer. The deceaaed had
reaided in Clackamas county (or 30 years
and i survive I by a wife, three Bona and
live daughter. Funeral services will be
held at Stafford today. '
(Jeorge Wilann and Thomas O'Brien,
alleged pick-pocket, were releaaed late
Wednesday afternoon on $100 cash bail.
The date of their preliminary examina
tion was fixed lor next Wednesday, but
it is a safe giiea th t the pair of light
lingered gentry will be a miiiuj quantity
at that time.
Pr enarefl as the Doctor Drflereii ji
This is a record to be proud of It has always
been our ambition to make ours the Model Druv
Store of Oregon City a place where your medicine
"i. .......1.1 l ... e. ii.. . . i . ii. ..
wuuiu ou as careiuny anu as inieiiigcntiy prepared
as in any drug store in the state. To this end we
have everything obtainable in the way of modern
appliances for doing this work successfully.
We buy all the new drugs and chemicals as
they come out in order to meet the first demands of
the physicians. We also buy everything possible
direct from the manufacturer in order that there
may be no rpuestion as to freshness and quality.
These may seem small items but in reality they
mean much to the patient. s
For over a dozen years we have been carrying
out your doctor's orders to the letter, during this time
we have filled prescriptions written in every state in
the Union, as well as thousands written by the physi
cians of Oregon City. We have compounded them
carefully and honestly and we believe every doctor
& will say he always gets what he writes for when his
J Trtit:ri T iAn rrnna ir T f, 1 r-. 1 , , Jf x
ituu k'jua w iiuuucjf c. xi juu trust us
with your prescription we will fill it exactly as it is
written (no matter by whom written) at a price so
reasonable that you will come again. j
Huntley's Prescription Pharmacy
people honored her cause with a liberal On complaint of August Shoot, Carl
contribution. Mr. Kdiar belongs to a Rieman was arrested the latter part of
noted family ol Christian workers w ho fcst week on the charge of using profane
hare left their impress on the lives of language. Rieman had a hearing beiore
thousands. Recorder Cnrry Tuesday. He wa found
... ; I , I guilty and fined 8 and costs. Rieman
1 lie Alhany local was about an hour j retaliated and caused the arrest of Shoot
late Thuraday moruing in reaching this , on the same charge. Similar tetimonr
city. ItcoiiHiHted of fourteen coaches, was offered and Shoot was obliged to
all loaded with visitors to Foitland to at- island a fine of $3 and costs. Citv At
tend the reception of President Roane- j torney Story was assisted bv Howard
veil. During the afternoon aftdtiinme- Browned in prosecuting the charge
diutely follow ing the President's train, I against Rieman, w ho was represented by
there was a special train of a dozen C. Schnebel, and in the st-ooud case Citr
coaches, all filled to overflowing, This Attorney Story and C Schuebel appeared
special train followed right alter the for the citv and the de'endant was reore-
I'rAlilunt'u firuw.iul a n .1 u .n 1 , ...I : ... , i r. .. . "
. .... ... ..j awi.u.iinixjoifT.1 ci-iurtd ny nowara Browne l ami Knimna
The mirriuge of Miss Julia Parker, rf
Stafford, to J. N. Gentry, of Independ-1
ern e. Bulk county, occurred at the home
of W. II. II Samaon on Main street at 1
o'clock Wednesday afternoon in the
prvsenceof only a few invited toe ts.
l'he ceremony was performed by .Niayoi
Orant H. Iiiiiick. Mr. and Mrs. Gentry
will reside in Independence.
all those who desired to go to Portland
and witness the exercises in that city.
Beware of Ointment for Catarrh that
Contain Mercury.
FRANK BUSCH, Housefurnisher
Figure for Yourself
Vint rtnn easily nee Imw hikmi Htnall Ravings will
iiiiioiint to a iMitiHiiliTiililo bum. We watch out
fur your daily Havings; ami want you to keep
track of tlii'tn, Hccing how soon your pavings will
ponin to a dollar nntl then how f ho dollar mulli
!y. Watch our Friday announcements.
Kriday is oiir busy day, and all who appreciate a real
bargain will find us ready with something that every homo
has use for. We will put on sale .
and FRIDAY, MAY 29th
This Elegant Couch
for $5.00
Tho regular price is ifO.SO, and will not be Bold for less at any other
time. We will charge 5oc for packing and shipping. You will find a
lint of other goods reduced at the same rate and only sold Fridays at
the reducod pi ice.
FRANK BUSCH, Housefurnisher
William A. Linn lms just brought out
an excellent biography of ''Horace
Greely," the famous founder of the New
York Tribune, for the Apleton Series
of Historic Lives. It is liberally sprinkled
with characteristic aneciloteB, many of
which are quoted in an extended book
review in the Argonaut of May 25lh.
Sola Circle. Women of Woodcraft.
lieiu Its semi-annual election of officers
Tuendav nilI t. All of tn ntlii-xra nf Ilia I
circle are elected lor six months, except I , ulc" U,J "u Bure'y aesiroy me sense
the clerk and banker, who hold orJice ai0' Bme11 8nJ completely derange the
year. The installation will be held the ' , ole By8(eB hon entering it through
Brst meeting night in July. Following ! 8,e mucous surfaces. Such articles
ollicers were elected: Mrs. May Wald-: 8lmu,J never 08 n8e,i except on pre
ron, past guardian; Mrs. Dora Winkle, i criptiong from reputable physicans. as
guardian neighbor: Mrs. Mabel Williams, ithe damage they will do is ten fold to
The young men who constitute the
local lodge Koyal Arcanum gave a danc
ing party at Willamette Hall Tuesday
evening, when a nnnirier ol inviteu
truesls were very pleasantly entertained.
1 his organization con-sts ot some ot tlie
renrei-enUtive voting men of thectty.and
is a live order eociallv as well as frater
nally, v
The Juniors of the Congregational
church will give another one of their de
lightful entertainments and socials this
Krnhiv evenin-r. Under their superin
tendent, Mrs. W. A. White, they have
heen preparing a very pleasing cantata
entitled "The Junior Garden," which
will ho givm. The exercices will begin
at i :4a.
Victor Graham, of the Oregon base
ball nine has gone to North Bend, Coos
county, and joined a team for the season.
In the loss ol bntli Kelzger anil uralium,
the lo. al nine tlnds itt-elf crippled i.i the
pitcher's box. It is not known who will
supply the vacancies in the team that
have been created by the loss of Nefzger
and Graham.
On Wednesday afternoon of this week
Mr. Fred Himler and Miss hmnia liurg
hardt were united in the bonds of matri
mony at the home of Mr. Frank Bernier,
l'arkplace. After the ceremony, wh ch
was oerfoimed bv Kev. K. 8. Bollinger,
the guests of the occasion repaired to the
home of the groom, where a bounteous
luncheon was served. After a brief
honeymoon Mr. and Mrs. Himler will
make their home in l'arkplace.
au visor; airg. Aienssa usoorne, magi
cian; Mrs. Mary Carothers, attendant;
Mrs. Martha Graves, inner sentinel ; Mrs.
Flora Morris, outer sentinel; Mrs. Laura
ii . ii . . . j '
ii amer, capiniu 01 guara; miss urace
the good you can possibly derive from
them. Hairs Catarrh Cure, manufac
tured by F. J. Cheney 4 Co., Toledo,
O., contains no mercury, and is taken
internally, acting directlv upon the
Marshall, mann-pr ! Mra. ' Mav Tavlnr i blood and mucous surfaces of the SVBtem
musician. ' In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure
j you get the genuine. It is taken inter-
. ... I na"v aml mitlle in Toledo, Ohio, by F.
..mi.u imiir.i ii j, neney ec uo. lestimonials free.
the armory in this city tomorrow. Satur
day evening, between Andy King, of
.Montana, and riank Freeman, of this
city, promises to be an interesting event.
Both men are training for the contest
snd Freeman is said to be in a better
condition than he has ever tieen for any
event in which he has before i-artici-pated.
King is also practicing hard
daily and a good exhibition may be ex
pected. The parties to the match have
not yet divided on a referee but Some
Portland man will likely be selected,
l'he fight will be under the auspices of
the Oregon City Athletic Club.
Sold by Druggists, price 75 cents per
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Treasurer's Jiotlce
I now have money to. pay county
warrants endorsed prior to Nov. 1, 1900.
Also road warrants endorsed prior to
March 3, I!K)3. Iuterest will cease oa
such warrants on tbe date of this notice.
E.vob Cahili,,
Countv Treasurer.
Oregon City, Or., May 15, 1903.
Messrs. Taylor, Fields, Confer and
Woodward, constituting the Maccabee
quartet of this city, were in Portland
Wednesday evening where they attended
the annual banquet of the united tents
of the Multnomah K. 0. T. M. lodges.
The quartet was on the program for two
numbers but whs obliged to sing five
selections before the dulighted audience
would desist in its encores. A most en
joyable time, followed by an elegant
l uniiiiet, is reported by those who at
tended the banquet from this city.
Mrs. Ida Stuart Edgar, of Chicago, ad
dressed the Baptist church last Sunday
morning on the work of the Florence
Crittenton Homes. Mrs. Edgar is a lady
of charming personality and a gifted
speaker. She has been sent out by the
National Organization to assist in build
ing the new home at Portland. Although
ber visit was unexpected tbe Baptist
o V
The only first-class Second-Hand Dealer in Furniture
Stoves and Utensils. It is worth your time to come
and examine the stock. You will find a full line
of New and Second-Hand Furniture, Stoves, Crockery
Hardware, Etc. . . '
Highest cash price paid for second band goods.
. Q
4 o
I. To I pola r
One Door North of Commerical Bank