Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 22, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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Correspondenta ar requested to re
Mew their work. We will supply all
necessary stationery. The Dews from
your neighborhood should appear in
tliese columns every week. The busy
nation in past you should renew your
orrespondence work.
Union Halt.
John Burns is slashing for L. Rigs.
John Burns called on F. Hilton one
day lately.
Mollie Burrs returned to Fortland on
Monday, the 11th inet.
Wiluier Fischer moved in L. Riffis
house a short time mo.
J. D Wilkerson called on John Burns
And wife one day reeeutly.
Miss Eliza Burns has gone to Califor
nia to visit relatives and friends.
Mr. Penmger is making new improve
ments in the war of a picket fence.
The Mistes Molians are home from
Portland on a visit to their parents.
Mr. ami Mrs. J. L. Thomas made a
business trip to Canby one day last week.
John Molrsn completed his ob of
potting maple loa iu the Molalla river
ior Mr. llarnig.
Edmund Snyder closed a very success
fill term of school at this place May 9.
Mr. Snyder will be missed by all.
Will and Lucy Guyer left Monday for
Eastern Oregon.
Henry and Virgil May spent Sunday
evening at Mr. Faust's.'
Misses Tilly Thomas and Clara Hay
iioret called on Yada bills Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cooper, of Oregon
City, spent Sunday with their parents.
Miss Lily Hayward was a guest at the
Jiome of C. E. Spence Friday and Satur
day. There will be a grand ball at the
Beaver Creek hall, May 29. Everybody
Tommie Davies. of Maple Lane, was
the guest of Miss Bertha Spangler Sun
day afternoon.
A dance was given at the Teazle hall
Saturday niitht. A large crowd was
1 ire sent and all report a very enjoyable
Mrs.J.R. Lewis returned Saturday
veiling from her extended trip through
the Eastern States, Eiiglanil, Ireland
and Wales. Mrs. Lewis is highly pleased
with ber trip.
J. R. Morton and A. W. Cooke made
business trip to Pleasant Home Mon
day. Fred Zuhl and wife, of Gresharn, were
Visiting relatives and friends here Sun
day. Crops look well taking into considera
tion the cold rains that wa have had io
the last week.
Merman Ritzau will give another dance
at his big barn June 6. A cordial invi
tation is extended to all
in Gritlen, of Moro, Sherman county,
attended tiie camp ot tne M. . ol A. at
Damascus Saturday night.
Fred Ge'ber and wife, uf Logan, were
Been on our streets Sunday. Fred is
working at Borings as carpenter.
J. W. Melilrum. county em veyor, was
doing some woik fur A. Neaell. Walter
Smith and A. W. Cooke Wednesday and
Thursday .
J. C. Elliott has begun work on bis
store building, which when completed
will add quite a little to the appearance
of the town as it is to be 40x70.
Don't forget the 4th of July celebration
at DnmaH-us. Full program will appear
next week. We understand the Park
place Bra" band has been secured for
the occasion.
We noticed in the Enterpriee of May
15th an snide written by Warren Ureen
well in regard to the Native Sons and
Daughters and by the way that just hits
os. We have wondered why such an
organization has not been instituted be
fore now. Go ahead Mr. Greenwell and
we are with you we think all it Deeds is
omeone to start it.
The Enterprise $1.50 per year.
Soft and crooked bones mean
tad feeding. Call the disease
rickets if you want to. The
growing child must eat the
-right food for growth. Bones
-must have bone food, blood
-must have blood food and so
on through the list.
Scott's Emulsion is the right
-treatment for soft bones in
children. Little doses everyday
jpve the stiffness and shape
"that healthy bones should have.
Bow legs become straighter,
loose joints grow stronger and
firmness comes to the soft
Wrong food caused the
trouble. Right food will cure it.
In thousands of cases Scott's
Emulsion has proven to be the
right food for soft bones in
Send for free sample.
SCOTT & BOWNE. Chemists,
409-41 5 Pearl Street. New York,
yc and fi.oo ; all druggists.
1 " I suffered terribly and was ex
tremely weak for li years. The
doctors said my blood ws all
turning to water. At last 1 tried
Ayer's SarsaparilU, and was toon
feeling all richt a?ain."
Mrs. J. W. FiaU, Hadlyme, Ci.
No matter howtongyou
have been ill, nor how
poorly you may be today,
Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the
best medicine you can
take for purifying end en
riching the blood.
Don't doubt it, put your
whole trust in it, throw
away everything else.
flMatxilt. All ararttoa.
Ask mir doctor what hf thinks of A tot's
SUnuturilla. Hf kuowM about this rrand
old mmiif mtxll.-in. follow lua ailno au4
w. wiU t atiH4.
J.". Aria Co.. lxwall. Ma.
Beaver 1'reea.
R tin it still the order of the day.
Win. Herman is home again from M.
A. c dlege. ,
Snannon Finis, have their sawmill
ne.irly completed.
D. Labever, of Beaver Creek, lost one
of his horses last week.
Rev. M. Jones will preach at the
Welch church, May 24.
E. Ogden sprained bis ankle this week
by trying to jump side ways.
Mrs. H. Jones and brother, of Cams,
called on friends here this week,
Several of the Beaver Creek young
folks attended the dance at the teazle
house last Saturday night.
Several of the farmers here have cream
seperaiors on trial and all think the
cream business will pay.
J. F. Studeman, who is employed in a
machine shop at Oregon City, called on
his parents last Sunday.
Miss Daisy Hughes left last Saturday
evening for Oregon City where she is
employed at the Electric hotel.
Rev. Bruce, of California, delivered a,
sermon at the Presbyteiian church last
Sunday and will continue each Sunday
for the futuie.
Mr. Roberts is very busy fencing in
his farm.
Mrs. Kitzmiller and Miss Sawtell went
to a quilting at Mrs. Woodle'e. All bad
a good time and a fine dinner.
1 be crops are looking well, gardens
look nice, potatoes coming up, plenty
goud tange for stock. What is better?
The mountains are again seen with a
n -w coat of snow. It has oeen raining
beie fur several days, It is feared it
will freeze as it is very cold.
Mr. Seward's sister and husband came
from Minnesota io make him a visit.
They don't like the rain, but it is better
a little wet than to have everything to
burn out this lime ot the year like it is
in some sections of the country.
Kev. C'awood closed his meetings last
Sunday. Everyone that heard him took
great interest in the preaching. There
was seven converted the last day. On
Sunday had two senuuns and basket
dinner. The house was lull of people
that came in spi'e of the rain. Kev. C'a
wood commented a series of meetings at
Mi. Ziou, .May 2i.
Mrs. Gae is suffering from a severe
cold. '
A. M. Holton and another, drummer
passed through town on tl.eil way up
the valley by team on Monday.
Albert Nemec, late of Wisconsin, who
has been helping Mr. Gage a few days,
proposes to go to Eastern Oregon to look
at the country, after he has first seen the
One of the scholars foolishly chased
others with poison oak ruhhuig it npou
their faces when caught. In consequence
Anna Schattz is badly poisoned and un
able to attend school.
The school is considering the question
of how best to raise money to buy a flag
for the school house. The teacher, Miss
Roman, very generously offered to pur
chase the rope and pulleys and a gilded
The schcol children and teacher were
very much frightened Tuesday by a
strange acting man who walked op and
down the street bare headed, with his
arms folded behind him and it was said
with a pistol in each hand.
A so-called Asyrian passed headed
towards Prrtland and attracted some at
tention as he was dressed in white and
barefooted, his shoes f a queer foreign
make being hong to the pack saddle
which bis patient mule was carrying.
Mr. and Mrs. Borland, of Hazelia,
were op to visit their daughter Sunday.
The quilt got np hv the Oswego Grange
netted them the goodly sum of $10 at 10
cents a ticket and fell to the ticket of
Miss Florence Kruse, the worthy lecturer.
Bert Mattoon has purchased a fine
new wagon.
Mr. J. Sevier, who has been quite flick,
is not much better.
Mrs. C. G. Stone called on Mrs. Fullam
one day last week.
C. (i. Stone is busy repairing J. W.
Exon's cream wagon.
Miss Clara Sevier is working for Mrs.
Geo. Hickenb ithem.
Miss Eva Mattoon has been visiting
Mrs. J. Lovelace, of Springwaier.
Monday eve, May 4, J. W. Exon spoke
to the people of Clark s on dairying and
established a cream route fur the Hazel
wood Cream Co., via Oregon City, and
on Wednesday eve he spoke to the Ma
ple Lane peop.e.
The Maccabee quartet, of this city,
did not sing before President Roosevelt
at Salem Thursday as had been an
nounced. As a result, the members of
this orgnniiittion of singers are some
what disappointed. Karlv this month
Senator Croisan, of Ma lion county, a
member of the legislative reception com
mittee, came to this city and after a con
ference with Senator Utownell, who was
chairman of the legislative committee,
invited the quartet to go to S.ilem and
sing at the reception to be held in that
city Thursday. The invitation was ac
cepted and the hovs began preparing
numbers that would be appropriate (or
the invasion. The Hist intimation the
I members ol the quartet receKed that
their services'would not be required nor
expected at the Salem demonsliation
was when the program of exercises for
the day was published, in which there
appeared not the slightest mention of the
Clackamas county singers. Friends of
the boys interested themselves in the
matter and upon inquiry learned that
the Salem i erection committee had made
otiier arrangements and would not stand
for the Oregon City singers lieing on the
program. The final result was that no
quartet sang before President Roosevelt
at Salem. Disappointed and chagrined
were the members of the quartet at the
treatment they received at the hands of
the Salem reception and entertainment
committees. Having received on unso
licited invitation from a member of the
presidential committee to sing at the re
ception in the capital city, the boys feel
that they have not been'rightlv treated.
Mum a Bovs Wknt to Portland.
For another time irt their lives, the mem
bers of the local militia company had oo
casii n this week to congratulate them
selves on being members of that organi.
xition. Thursday morning the hoys,
dressed in their finest and looking their
sweetest, boarded an electric car m com
mand of Captain Campbell and Lieuten
ants Humphreys and Bums, md went
to Portland, w here thev participated in
the demonstration that was given Presi
dent Roosevelt, while those not wearing
the uniform of blue were obliged to stand
on the sidewalk and watch the proces
sion move ny. After the, parade had
been concluded the company returned Mi
this citv and disbanded. The boys hud
an opportunity of not only seeing ttie
chief executive of the nation, but also
aided in extending to him a most cordial
welcome to these part.
Ri'ral Mail Routs. Postmaster T.
P. Randall announ-es that the first free
rural mail delivery out of Oregon City
will be estahlilhed August 1. The route
will extend to the south and will serve
the people of New Kra and vicinity. It
will be about "4 miles in length. Peti
tions have been tiled with the postollice
department at Washington for establish
ing rural m il routes to Stone, Logan,
Viola and Highland from the Oregon
City ohVe, but Postmaster Randall has
been advised that action on these po
tions will he deferred until the close of
pending investigations that are lieing
made in connection with the rural mail
delivery service at the National Capital.
Anotiikb Lodge Okoamzkd Organ
izer Edwards, on Tuesday evening organ
ized a l'M-al lodge of the Fraternal I'roth
eihood with a eh irter membership of "22
The charter lias not been received hut
the organization will be known as Ore
gon City Lodge No. ol the Fraternal
Brothei hood. Olticers weie elected as
follows: President, K II. Cooper; vice
president, Mrs. Elva George; past presi
dent, Mr. James F. Nelson; rhapUir,
Mrs. J. F. Nelson ; ferretary, Mrs. E. II.
Cooper; treasurer, Jesse tieorge; ser
geant at arms, Fred Nelson; mistress nt
nrrns, Mrs. Tharker ; inside doorkeeper
Mrs Lose ; outside doorkeeper, Mr. I.o-e-
Will Give Ci.ahk Rkceitios. Major
Wm. Hancock Clark, grandson of the
explorer of I ew is & Clark fame, is en
route to the Pacific coast. He left Wash
ington, I). C, on the 15th insl. and is ex
pected to reach Portland in a lew days,
lie will also visit in this city where
he will be the guest of Mrs. Eva
Emery Dye to whom the distinguished
visitor WuS of great assistance in the
w r iting of her celebrated historical novel,
"The Conquest." While in Ori-gon City
it is the purpose of the Lewis & Clark
Women's Fair Club of this city to tender
Major Clark a reception. The date for
this event has not been tixed definitely.
Prksbytkkia.v Aitointmksts. Rev.
W. Bruce, u( California, who is to take
charge of the Presbyterian churches of
Springwater, Bethel and Claekamaa
First (Beaver Creek), arrived in this city
late last week and has rented rooms at
the home of I Tolpollar on Main street.
His appointments for the next two weeks
areas follows Sunday, May 24, at
Springwater, both morning and evening ;
Saturday, May SO, at 7:30 p. m. and
Sunday, May 31 at 11 a. in. at Bethel ;
Sunday, May 31, at 3 p. m. at Beaver
No Lovokb an Invalid Robert Adams
aged 17 years, the invalid son of Mrs.
Adams who conducts the Union house
in this city, died Tuesday afiernoon.
The little fellow had been an invalid for
the last four years. Funeral services
were conducted yesterday afternoon and
the remains were buried in theCanemah
cemetery beside the remains of the lad's
deceased father.
Yol'.no Pboflk Givit Social. The
young people of the First Presbyterian
church gave a social at the home of A.
Robertson on Seventeenth street Tues
day evening that was a successful affair.
Games of an entertaining order were
played, refreshments were served and a
general good time was the product ot the
Bkidurs Nekd Rki-aikino It is re
ported that the bridge that spans a
branch of the Clackamas river on the
river road near Steven Eby's place, is in
bad condition and seriously in need of
new planking. Report also is to the
effect that Baker's bridge should be re
covered and refloored soon.
Married Fifty YKAKs.Rtv. J. W.
Craig, of this city, attended the Golden
Wedding anniversary ot Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Harris at Brooks on the l.'ith inst.
Forty-six persons, all related direcily or
by marriage, to the venerable couple,
gathered about the festive board in the
discussion of an elaborate dinner.
Will Speak fob Hermann. Stat
Senator Geo. C. Browntll, of this city
I've Lost Ten Pounds"
A iimn sava. "Look at thin. Ami he
over-lap 1ii coat to show how loose It
is There are Some people who can lose
jitt to advantage, but the loss of Mesh is
cue of the accented evidences of failing;
health. A llesli-nniWing processes hegin I
in the stomach, so
naturally' when I
there is losa of
llesh we look first
to the stomach for j
the cause. Ann
the cause ia gen
erally found to lie
disease i( the
stomach and di
gestive and nutri
tive tracts, result
ing in loss of nu
trition and conse
q u e n t physicul
IHK-tor Pierce's
Golden Medical
Oiscovery restores
the lust "flesh by
curing diseases of
the stomach and
other organs of
digestion ami nu
trition and ena
bling the Jirtfect
dii't-stion and as
similation of hstl
from which llesh
and strength are
"My wife wn for
flf- 'yriu .trituMrd
with iti, lhT-.lt. ,n ,f
t,in.uli an. I Url,
HiiUlMt! tlllil im vt-lr
tu'-i ii' hmr ilnritu!
the rmirr five yn-H" Mr t Mrtnn
U nvrr, ol MiVimt'i-ll hui C.i " .i-l in .i t w ii
nflr -l-l, nml-.'i, I 'V. m j.iuuiv,- -v Ii w
d.iy lnt onlsl nv, ivr-l n ni ... -v , 1 1 f siie
g.i vt-rv iKk.r in Ik-.1i nn-l t U-in:"l ,mr N.nlp
ol tr ri-rvr' Col l, 11 Me.ili.ll IH...M v I i.l.l
our dniRyiM ami nllrr ttilonu it -lie sat m i It
like a new nm.in It ' n iii.t-.- (, i. v -v ;h
Btmn.irli and Ihiw-u. nuil Jvi.iinp.itn u-r niuat
Uik Ha ituim-il itll-eti (Nmiiiin ill wriKt1'-
Dr. lierce's I'h-usnnt Pellcta cur Utt
atiputiou aiU biliousness.
goes to Southern Oregon this week in
the interest of Mr. Hermann's Congress
ional candidacv. He will address the
voters of Medford on Saturday night
Mavtand on the following Monday
night will speak at Roseburg.
Wkhk Qi'ikti.v Marhikp James F.
Brebner and Kdtie McCloskv, Imth of
Portland, were married in this city last
Saturday afternoon at the lesidence of
the officiating clcgvman. Rev. K S.
Bollinter, of the First Congregational
Wanted Competent stenographer snd
typewriter. Box 34H. Oregon City. Ore
gon City girl preferred.
loern't Ke-rt Old A Be
ll's shameful when youth fails to show
proper respect for old age, but jusl the
contrary in the rase of Dr. King's New
Life Pills. They rut off maUdies.no
matter how severe and iriespeetive ot
old sge. Dyspepsia, jiundice, fever,
constipation all yield to this perfect pill.
S.'5c at Geo. A. Harding's drug store.
In all its atsKfs.
Ely's Cream Balm
cleanses, soothes arid heals
the di-ssed mt'inhrane.
It curee calarTh nd drives
awnjr a cold In Uio bead
Cream Ilnlm li glared tnto the nitrlls.P"'do
over the meinlirane and la alianrlsil. Belief Is Im
mediate and a cure follows. It Is not drylni;-l"es
not produce sni .zini!. Urcc Size, M cenU at Druil;
gists or by mail; Trial Size, 10 cent".
ELY IIKOTIIEKS, M Warren Street, J'ew York
m$kf and Epfe,
Freight and parcela delivered
to all parts of the city.
TURNEY will conduct
a dancing school at
Beaver Creek Hall.
Meet every Tuesday
Evening. Dance starts
at 8 o'clock shrp; close
at 1 2. Admission
5 0 Cents:: : :
! Backache
All dlseasss of Kidneys,
Bladder, urinary organs.
AImi Rbeumatism, Back
ache.HeartDlseass Gravel.
Cmpsy, Female Troubles.
Don't become discouraged. There li a
Care for you. if rn-i-i-iiry write lr. Winner
Ik- Iiuh hpeiit u lit'! limn ciirlrnr J'"-t sucb
ctHc-it iu yours. All coniultuiioiia Free,
b'Ellit montlis In bed, heavy b.-iekiu'lie,
piin and sorenesH across kiflneys, al-i rlieu
riatlcm. Otic r remedies failed. Itr. I-diners
Kidney arid Itiu-kai-hn Cure cured me
o.iuplelel y. II. WATKICS, Hamlet, N, V."
Jnnrzlsis Wic., II. A.l forf.'iHik Uisk-Free.
i For Sale by x
Charman & Co Huntley Brothera
! Hlfil!i,!
-. -- : I'ortla ml
fmnm ) ,h L, 1iu,.
L ... .. !
1 1 uu,
The fledical
Street Fakir
Is almost a thiiig tif tho past. Intt'lligciit h
lo luivo longsinco loarnctl that safoly in drug
and modieiiK's is to ho found only in an honest
rt-putuMo drug store and tho in ore reputaldo
tho better. It is fafe to follow the doctor.
Trade where they do, We till more prescrip
tions than any other storo in thin territory.
The moral is plain.
O. R. & N-i
Oregon Short Line
and Union Pacific
- - DAILY -
Through Pullman standard ami Tour
ist sleeping curs daily to Omaha, Chicago
Siiokane; tourist sleeping cars dully to
Kan as City; through 1'ullnian touris
sleeping cant (personally conducted)
weekly to Chicago, Kansas i'ity, St Louis
and Memphis, reclining chairs (seats free
to the cust diiily. From Portland
t'liicago Salt l.ske, Denver. Ft.
4 ..!!) p.
in, I'lty, St. Uium.
I'lilcHgo anil Ku-t.
Xi.lt I .In, tleitvrr l-'t
Vt'ortli.l Hn ah a. h an- ! ; HI I in.
nai t'lty, St. l.oiini.
t'hicso nml Knt.
Walls Walls, l.eit
ion, Spokiiin'. Mm
I ien ii l l - , S'. I'linl,
Ihllill n, M il nuke,-,
I'd ii. kri i unit 1-iii-f. I
Portland to Ch icago
No ChnriKC of Curs. Tickets cast
via all mil, or boat ami rail via Port
land. Ocean and River Schedule
'All Hniliiii; dntei suh
Jeer to rhsii.'e.
Fur an KmnriM-ii
j Hun every 5 days
8 p. m.
t p m.
IlHily Kx
8 p. rn.
10 p. m.
Culnmhls Bivrr
Til Aa'oria d VN'ajr
ItlidlliKa. 4 p. ni.
Kx. Hun
day. C. W. PtrinKer, City Tkt Agt.
3rd' and Washington Sts.
L. Craig, Gen. Pass. Agt ,
Tortland, Oregon,
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
July ft, I'M
0 40
8 3ft
8 20
8 00
7 64
7 40
7 38
7 28
7 17
7 02
(I 42
0 32
0 20
7 001
H (
9 Oft
It 40
I-v Portland Ar
II 10
8 IV)
. . Itainier . .
.. .Pyramid..
.... Mayi?er ..
(iuii.ey ..
... latskanie
. . . Marshland
. . ,, Welort .
.... Clltton ..
... Knappa ..
. . . . Hvensen .
. . . .John Day .
10 itr,
u r2
I) 3ft
0 27
9 17
11 OH
8 ftH
8 i'l
8 .'I t
8 HI
8 07 1
7 r-ft
7 4ft!
8 20
8 3X
8 41
8 SO
I) ft!)
8 fttt 10 0 J:
f) tm 10 111,
0 1!) 10 21
37:10 If I
10 IKMI f7
10 m 11 10
10 20H1 0.V
10 31 ill 1 :i
Ar. . A "tons. . I,v
11 3ft a. m
5 .VI p. in
11 30 a. 111
8 1ft a. 111
6 1ft a. m
2 30 p.m
5 00 p. in
0 40 a. ni
.. 7 40 a. in
...4 H0p.ni
..10 :oa. 11.
.. 6 ftOp. n
..12 30 p. ir
. . 7 20 p. rn
. . I .'10 p. rn
.. Wa. in
All trains make close eoimcntions at Oolile
with all Mirthern Pacilic trains to or Iron,
the Kant or Hound Points.
At Portland with all trains leafing Uniot'
At Astoria with I. It. A N. Co.'s boats and
rail line, and HlearnerT. J. Potter, to and
from llwsnoaml North lleach Points.
Ticket olllce, 2.'5 Morrison st., and Union
depot. J. C. MAYO.Oen. Pass. Agt.
Astoria, irr
Subscribe for the Enterpriee
DriiRRUts .
are no lusher I han those In any other
trade, and ours are no holier than ser
vice rendered demands.
What e undertuke to do in a thorouylk
and satisfactory manner. There wilt
not he found after our work man yet
Ihrotitih with a jnhany deleciive joints,
leaky pipes, loose ronnections or other
eviilittnes o( "scaini'eil" work. Kverjr
part will he perlect, slid liKik perfect,
and when the hill comes In you'll IMit
auk for any deduction.
Noll I II Milt SI).
" :(K) a. in.
il:L".' a. in. (Alhany Local)
0.10 p. tn.
SOITII liot'Mi.
' a. in.
4:ft0 p. 111. (Allniiiy Local)
lt:14 p. 111.
Daily River Excursions
iiaii.v ii'iiKin'i a.
Foot Taylor Ht,
H.tO A. M.
1 1 30 '
8 00 P, M.
II 15
Foot KiKhth St.
' 7 00 A. M.
1 30 P. M.
4 30 "
Rf)ivD TRIP 2ft CKNTH.
Orron C'lljr Trit importation Co.
HiKPnii atnr
Portland and The Dalles
Btcamera "Regulator" and "Dalles.
City" leave Alder St. warf, Portland,
daily at 7 a in. for Moflctt's and St.
Martin's Hot Springs, Cascade Locks,
Stevenson, Collins, Hood River, White
Salmon, Biugcr, I.yle, The Dalles, and
all intermediate points. .
Steamer "Metlako" leaves Alder St.
warf daily 7 a. m. for all points on Mid
dle Columbia river west of Warrendalc,
All steamers arrive in Portland at 5:30-P-
Steamers make direct connection at
I.yle with Columbia River & Northern
Railway lor Wahkiaens, Daly, Center
villc, Goldcndale and all Klickitat Val
ley points. ,
ICxcellunt Meals.
Rest Scrvics.
For detailed information of rates,
berth reservation etc, call or write to
agent at warf.
General Offices, II. C. Camphrll,
Portland, Ore. Manager