Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 08, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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liEAi. estate trafers.
FarnMied Eterj Wr.k bj (he tbnk
m AirM & Trut Cempanj.
g B PmiiicIk to I, E Heinle?, lot 5,
t. 1 Iti. 'furl !M, Oik Urove. $ o'iO
E K RiU-v 10 A St..H k, LM acrei in Cl
i8 12m2-
C Julmson to E 15 Seely. 139 aces
in recii"ii 3 . t 5 s, r 1 e . . . . Sl'00
C A rr'eioni! lo S A K D.ibba, tract
it, ltr 'je' ncr lionies "50
ft' V Kaiiirrto H l.mulwelir. n l ol
rw A n' of t.'i iI w, fee 2, t 4 a,
r4e tVK
0 1 A S Co to E Cails, lot 5, blk 4S,
8 A Miller to I S Miller, 3 acres Id
nee 6. t 5 r 1 e 1
II F Uilon to L tiernnner, 22 2" A
in Korester O. t 2sr3 567
FOlwntoW T Hotter, track in
WliiitvnihCi 81,0
F Cinn-hiiiv to J Kiimsbiiry, part
of sec lti. t 2 8 r 3 40i'O
1 Lan to Uiij Int Co, tract in Cl
68. t 2 8 r 2 1
A J Smiili to A W Fri.n e, ll & 12
in t i k 12, Gl trigone 125
A V France to r A Sflimiilt, lots
11 & 12. llk 12. Gladstone lt5
G Set'j- t Win Heltieiit, 40 acres
in the ISell claim 1300
J J Johnson lo J Tvler, lots 9 A 10,
blk 32. anil lt in blk 45. Oswviro 25
A XV (j.sliUrd to L 1" llo.ford, 154
tea in eec 33. I 1 . r 2 e. . . 20(H)
K Xewmsii to A ttVidner, 32 acres
in CUT. t 2, rS Jjw
T 1 CaiaieiiKen to S 's-h A L"iler.
ue of lie. sec 14 ; e of e A te of
tie of aec 14 in t t 8, r 2 e 425
G O Kiimev io T F Kyan. lot 2, blk
12. Willamette Kails CO
J V Lebigli to XV F Lebisb, blks 70
A-77 an J lain! in front in.O (J . . 10
G Shiulv to M Donovan, 6 acrea in
Cl41,t3a. rle 1000
Sunset Ltl Co to C A McMillen, lot
16, bl 5. Sunset City
E E Cliarman to A J Bair, blk 16,
Claekunua Heists 300
E L House to F Miller, lots 5 & 6,
blk 130, Oregon C tv 1250
J K Duval to M R Brooks, 1.17 acs
in fee 6, t 3 s, r 2 e 8Lo
TRUST CO. are the owners of the copy
rixbt to the Thome system of t'Strao
indexes, for Clackamas county, tnd iiave
tbe only complete set of abstracts in the
couuiy, can furnish information as to
title to land at once, on apu ication.
Loans, investments, real estate abstracts,
etc. Office over Bank of Oregon City,
Cell and investigate.
a Kick Day Mince.
fj"l vat tken severely sick with kid
ney trouble. I tried all sorts of medi
cines, bone ol which relieved me. One
day I saw an ad of youi Electric Bitters
and determined to try that. After tak
ing a few doses I felt relieved, and soon
thereafter was entirely cured, and have
not seen a sick day since. Neighbors of
niii.e have been tuied of rheumatism,
neuralgia, liver and kidney troubles,
and general debility." This is what B.
F Ba a, of Fremont. N. C, writes.
Only 5 k.' at Geo. A. Hardinif, druggist.
Far Toung Hen and lomiff Women,
There is nothing that will arouse the
ire of a young man or woman so quick as
to have inferior laundry work put off on
them. They may dress ever so well,
bat if their shirt front or shirt waist is
mo-nv, their neat apiiearance is spoiled.
TheTrov Liundry makes a specialty of
ladies' and gentlemen's fit.e work.
There can be no better work than is done
at the Troy. Leave your orders at John
eon's bic ber shop.
Recent experiments, by practical tes's
and exaniinalion with the aid of the
X-Rats, establish it as a fact that Ca
tarrh of Hie Stomach is not a disease of
itself, but that it results Irom repeated
attack" of indigestion. "How Can 1
Cure My Indigestion?" Kodol Dyspep
sia Cure is curing thousands. It will
cure yon of imligeslion and dyspepsia,
and pr-vent or cure Catarrh of the
Stomach. Kodol digests what you eat
makes the stomach eweet. Sold by Geo.
A. Harding.
New trmnaed hats, exclusive styles,
lowet-t prices. Miss Goldmith.
Constipation is nothing more i
than a cWfinflr of the towels !
and nothing lrfx than vital stair-
nation or death if not relieved.
If every constipated snfferer
could realize that he is allowing
poisonous filth to remain in bis
system, he would bu pet relief.
Constipation invites all kind of
contagion. Headaches, bilious
ness, colds and many other ail
ments disappear 'when consti
pated bowels are relieved. Tbsd
iord's BIack-1'rautrht thoroughly
cleans out the bowels in an eaiy
and natural manner without the
purgins of calomel or other vio
lent cathartics.
Be sure that you get the origi
nal 1 hewori! s Hiack-Oran'-Lt,
made by The Chnttanooca Medi
cine Co. Sold by all druggists in
25 cent and $1.00 packages.
Xnrns. irk., tir .", 1001.
I cannot rK-ommrml TMHlfurd'n K'ark.
Jlraarhttiiohlrhlf. J k-pit In at J hum
11 liif tlnw lad hare d It fur thr laat
tra yran. I mrtrr fm mj rhililrra
mmj othr bxatlve. J think I roai4
mtwr he able to work wllhoat H
aj a-roant of helaa troahiH with
l roatlpatloa. l'oar BMlrlM la j
I all Uat hepi aj a p. 1
a'foreign product.
America Ha Sot Yet PeTrtop4 tfc
Perfect Spendthrift."
Uneconomical and citrnrnKitnt as r
arc, we have not yet developed ths
"perfect spendthrlff' as be la to 1
found on the other side of tin Atlantic.
It seems nt times na If lit must be a
product of nn older, a more effete"
eivlllwillon. Tbe man, either young or
old, who runs through a Iiirm fortune
quickly Is a rarity with us. as our
standard of living and of tin ordinary
expense of living Is, our standard of
what iulKtit.be called protllRate extrav
ugmice la by no moans no high. Of
course pretty large sunia are wasted In
various forms of dissipation here ns
elsewhere. But that la not tbe point
To take the single Item of gambling,
bow often do we boar of a man's lielpg
ruined by It here? No doubt we hear
Stories of tremendous sums lost and
won, but such sums do not seem either
"to make or to break" anybody. For
men whose Incomes are tvokoned by
the hundreds of thousands or millions
to play hundred dollar okor is no
great recklessness. But how often do
we set young men of the stun 11 salaried
sort punting $1,000 or $2,000 at a time
at biuvarat, as you can any day In
Franre? XX'e have not the Instinct to
save and scrape for eleven, months In
the year and then shell out all our
savings lu a fortnight
I once met lu France a young man of
old provincial family. Legitimist to tbe
backbone, proud and very poor. He
was about twenty-one, modest, thor
oughly "correct," as good, innocent a
young fellow as oue would care to
meet, the sort of young man who seems
to have been overlooked and left out In
the cold by French fiction, though by
no means a great rarity In French real
life. I happened to ask hltu one day If
he ever played cards. He snld no, he
did not care for thnt sort of thing, and
besides his means would not permit It
"I never go Into a gambling saloon,"
said he. "or Into the cardroom of a
club. Sometimes I may Join In a little
game of poker among frieuds Just to
pass the time, but ouly a very small
game, never more than a louls limit"
A louls limit! I wonder what clubman
(out of the millionaire class) In New
York, Boston. Philadelphia or any of
our larger eastern cities would call
four dollar poker a "very small" game!
Towdered sulphur applied dally Is a
good remedy for mildew on rosebushes.
Plants may be grown In comparative
ly small pots by applying a weak solu
tion of guano.
Oregon Is said to have a white sun
flower which grows wild In some local
ities In the valleys of the Blue moun
tains. Cress Is the quickest growing of
plants. Under perfect conditions It will
flower and seed within ehjlft days of
A northern aspect for tbe orchard
gives a colder and Inter soil and re
tards the blossoming until a later pe
riod, thus lessening the danger from
spriug frosts.
If for no other reason than Its habit
of late blooming, the salvia deserves a
place In every garden. Nothing can be
more splendid than a wll grown bed
of salvia In early autumn.
The finest house plants prow where
the temperature does not get above 70
degrees nor lower than ISO degrees.
But most of us would think we were
freezing to death in rooms of the best
temperature for plants. (iT degrees.
Crappfully Tnrni-d.
Dlsraeli'8 resourceful wit enabled
blm to piny tlie courtier at all times
ami to plve as In an Instance which
tbe London Dally Chronicle recalls a
complimentary turn eveii to satire.
Soon after be hud received his title
and had become the Earl of Beaneons
fiold nn old peer greeted the new peer
one day and asked hlni hof he felt
Beaconsfield was Just walking away
from the house of lords, hut Ills
thought seems to have been In the
house of commons, for be said-
"I feel as If I were dead uud burled."
The old peer looked aghast.
"And." IleacoiiBlield continued, with
scarcely a pause, "and In tbe land of
the blessed."
The old peer smiled again and loved
Beaconsfield forever after.
Color of Children' Era.
It bas been conclusively proved that
women have a larger proportion of
brown eyes than men. If In parents
the mother has brown eyes and tbe
father blue, the chances are eighty
eight to twelve that tbe girls of the
family will be brown eyed, the percent
age In favor of the boys having blue
eyes being seventy-two to twenty -eight
If the parents hare eyes of like color,
tbe chances In favor of the children,
both male and female, having eyes of
tbe same color are ninety-two to eight
A Hot Propheer.
Herbert Did yen get what you want
ed yesterday?
Horatio Didn't even get what I de
served. Herbert You'll hardly get that In
this world, you know. I should think
you'd want to stave It off as long as
possible. Boston Trnnsrrlpt
The Srrrant'a Cinratlwo.
Mrs. Newly , Wed (from above)
Bridget, put the lemons on the ice so
they won't get sour.
Bridget (to herself i Is It anny whon-d'-r
thot I asks dooble pay fer serving
the lolkes of thot?-Exebflnge.
5ot the Same?.
Tess Tie mid I looked haiid)me In
iiat gown, ddn't he?
isi- Not r-xai tly. He said that gown
ooked Ijii'lsuii.e on you. Exchune.
IF J&'j'
A prominent club
forth, of St. Joseph, Mich., tells how she
was cured of falling of the womb and
its accompanying pains and misery by
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
"Peak Mbs. Pinkham: Life ltKika dark imlml when a woman
feels that her strcuKth ia fuditiK nMiy ami tho has no hojx's of ever
being restored. Such was my feeling a few months ago when I waa
advised that my poor health was caused by irohiisiis or fulling of the
womb. Tae words sounded like a knell to nu I felt that my nun hud
Bet; but Lydln. I lMnklinm's VegetaWe CoiniHmntl came to me as
an elixir of life; it restored the lost forces and built mo up until my
good health returned to mo. For four months I took the medicine
daily and each dose added health and strength. I nm so thankful for
the help I obtained through its use." .M its. Flokencb Daxkoiith,
1007 Miles Ave, St Josepli, Mich.
A medicine thut has restored so ninny women to health nntl
ean produce proof of the fact must be recorded with reect. ThU
is the reeord of Lydia- K. IMnkhntu's Vegetable t'tinMnnitl, wlilrh
ran not lie equalled by any other ineillclno the worltl has ever pro
duced. Here is another case :
i l I lr medicine,
XjJ illl In
three of
Center St.,
Women would save time and much hIcKm-ms U they would
write to Mrs. I'inkhaiu foratlvice as soon in tiny ! 1st reusing xjmp
tonis appear. It is free, and lias put thousands of women on the
right road to recovery. .
Mrs. IMiikliam never violates the confidence thus entrusted to
her, and although she publishes thousands of testimonials from
women who have been benefited by lier advice and medicine,
never in all her experience has she published such a letter without
the full co-isent, and often by special request of the writer.
FORFEIT" i-inmil forthwith
Jlo.o hfeUUiouiull, nl.ii.-li will T..ro
'1 be Wnfttrw ol (lie Hod r.
V..n aui.An il.-a Ilia Klimil milkl'lna
Aj , Cl J PC . cu a . ...... - . - ,
and bones of a man ol avrKe size loies j
two ounils ol wornout hhhub mi"
wacte cannot tie replenished and tlie
benli h and Htrrnitih kept up witlioin i-r-fect
tbgestioti. When the etonmch nd
digeh'.ive o gans fail to perlorm their
lunrtioiiH, the airi-ni!th le'n down, ht-allh
liives way, and disease pets up. Kodol
Dyenepi-M Cure enablea the bIoiiihcIi ai d
i ite'tive organa to digest and axHimila'e
II of the wholesome food that may he
ea'en into the kind ol Mood that rebuilds
the tinsues and protei-ts the health and
t'eniih ol the mind and body. Kodol
cures IndiiteH'ion, DirpcpMa and all
stornat-h truiihlea. I if an iileal spring
tonic. Sold by lieo A. Harding.
Tlie latest novelties in millinery,
on Mies Goldsmith.
A I'Briner fttralehlenrd Out.
"A man living on a farm near here
came in a fhoit lime ago completely
double.; Up with rheumatism. I handed
him bottle of Chamberlain's J'ain Balm
and told him to use it freely and if not I
satisfied after nsin- it he need not pay a
cent for it, says C. P. Kayder, of I'mten
Mills, N. Y. "A few days later he I
walked into the store as straight as a!
string and handed me a dollar saving, I
'give me another bottle of Chamberlain's
Fain Balm. I want it in the house ail
the lime for it cured me.' " For sale by
G. A. Harding.
K il d Hay.
T liave abnnt six tons of haled Alsike
clover hay for Bale at my farm near Mo-
la I. J. J. I.EAVITT.
4. It I. ATI. Y AI.AItTlF.ls
11 Feralilfiit oueli. but ler
manenlly 'nrel by bum ber
lain' ('oafth Iteroedy.
Mr II P. I'.nrliuwp. a stnilent at law.
; in (jteenville. S. ('., had been troubled
' for ffiir or five ears wi'b a continuous I
j-r.ii i 1 which he savs. "iireatlv alarmed
, me, t aili-ilig me to fear that I was in the
i ti rM r'te cl tt i ninip'iiT." Mr But.
baue, having seen ChauilM-rlain's Cough- j
; 1 enieily advertii-ed, conrlii.led to try it. ;
Xi w read what be says bf it : "I soon
felt a remarkable change and after using i
two hollies of the tentv-five cent siz-,
wss permsnently cured." hold by (I. i
' A. Harding. j
woman, Mrs. Dan-
"Dear Mas. Pinkham : For years I was
troubled with falling of the womb, irregular
and painful menstruation, leticonhu'iv, k aiing
down pains, liackache, htatlaihe, dizzy and
fainting spells, ana Ktomacii truiitnu.
I diKtored for alxnit live years but did
nnf coo in to imnrove. I beiran the Use of Your
and have taken seven Mtles of
I lUXllitlll n rm-HIu- iri.if... ..it.,
Iilood lri!li r, and also und the
Wash and liver Tills, and am now
good health, and have gained in flesh.
1 thank you very niticii ir wnai you
have done for me, and heartily recom
mend your medicine to all snllVring
women." Mis Emma Snyi1:ju IMS Eait
Marion, Ohio.
proline the nriir'nKi l-l.in nd ilKtiaturef Of
thfir Hlwoluto prliuilH-iif .
K. l'iuklium SlrdU lim l u., Lyou, Ma
I 'rom a, 'u I Mem tell
on the eru , to 'he won't ami of a burn,
sure or Ih i. I) ; Witt's W'iii h Hazel Salve
h a quick cunt. In buying W iirh Ib-zel
Salve, h part riil.ir 'o Ket DeW'itt'n
'his is tbe salve that lieilc wiibont leav
ing s scar. A specific Inr blind, bleed
irilS. itching and protruding piles, buhl
by (ieo. A. Harding.
Nothing Known
Will Cure Kidney Dinease After
They Have Fastened and Be
come Chronic But the Fulton
Compounds. We Have Secured
the Sole Agency for ThU City.
PnltriD's Rensl Compound enjoys tha ontqn9
ttatlnetlnnof being tLa oolr tblnf known lis I
cures kldjier trouble In all Its stages from
Ibe primary Inflammation up to and including
tbe ehi-onlo stag oalled Bright' Dlaeaae,
which has been, up to the ad rant ol this Com
pound, ponl'lrely Incurable. Then why not
tart with the Iienal Compound at flrat rather
than ordinary kidney medicines, all of which
fall abort If the dlaeaae has reached the chronic
state? Then you will know you r right. No
statements are published by the Fulton people
except eatc that hove reached the ehronio
stago. Incurable by all other known medicine,
t: era la another recovery we are permitted to
f:fer to.
!ra. S. E. Cllne of 1737 Broadway, San Fr--l-co.
waa pronounced by her physician as
Incurably 111 with kidney diseaae that had be
come ehronio (Hrlght's Dlaeaae). Bhe alao had
dlibnti.-e. Another physician waa called In.
Drops; had aet In, the nails came off and he too
laid nothing known would aare ber. Bhe was so
far beyond help tbey told her not to furtbei
torture h'-rself by dieting. Hne wr-nt on the
uiun i iinip-iuiida. The third week waa
sl'ifhtly liiitnr. The third mouth the nalla tte
fr.tu u cinsi i-aok, and a few ruontha later was
well ami hum dnjpplng the trealnient. An
Sitoroey, f.ienl of Mrs. Cllne Judre E. H.
l.'utlur of i I'lni) stmi-t, rian rranclsro, bud
tats-reM that Is alo Inruralde arcordlng to
fie trsiUa. Kno Inir of tier recovery he too took
the KulUin Conipiunda and In eliilit monihs re
galneil bis le-alih anil la now In tM tlepractlio.
iJr.ipsy. rheumat .sm from uric acid, gout, pan
In th hark, hlnililur trouhle, etc., are proofa
that the kidii'-ys are In trouble. The last eiays
Is HrH'ln'-i ;.Haiid Klals tes. If you are
f'-ell' K hitiuld urmfHerahleaend forpamiihlet.
Itisi-overli-s Dearly ls' amonir thete hitherio
inruraMe dfseasita. Kulton'e Heual Corupi.und
fur lirU lit s and Kidney Dlseaies SI: lor
Maboie l i John J. Pulton i., 1 Wasb, j
I'-iMon am-, i. an f raocisi-o, ole cumpoundei.
w e are tun' vxvlualr agauM in ihia cnj.
llrimsvvick House k Itesiiummt
Newly Furnished Room9.
Meals nt All Hours. Prices Reasonable.
Opposite Suspension Bridge.
Only First Clitss Uestmirunt
In Town.
For Fink (,'andifs, Nrrs,
C Fin1 its, Ktc, Call On tiik
' " ' (ir mill In n iU "pain,
bf ineiiKtruiitloii." Tliey nro " LITE HAYEKS" to jjlrlst
woiiiiuiIicmkI, nlillng iluvuliiint'iit ot or'iiua mul Kmlv.
ktiowii rviiieily fur women upm! them, Citiiiiut tin liuriu lift
I.i-ciims a .U-uaur... $I.4M l'l'.lt MOV 1IY MAIU Hold
by druggists. D1L MuTT,SCUi:.MKAL1C'0.,ClcvoluiSl,OliiD.
The Quality of Your Bread
Doponds not only partly but altogether upon
upon "Tlio Quality of Your Flour." We
make the very hest -
Portland Flouring mills Co.
;; Oregon City
Philipp Buckleln, Prop.
Rear of Pope's Hardware Store
Next to Oregon City Foundry
P.uililiiiK a ml Kepairiim of Machinery ami Knpinea of a.l
kimlc. Manul'iicttiiint; iih specialty the Free I'lilci
Hotnry Kngine. Ainu keepiiiK in Ftiu'k, Sliaftiti
I'tillieH, l!elting etc. ... .
drdi-rs by Muil or Tthphoiir I'rotnptly fillrd,
,"BBBV gV"."a I
V ' AV Tnaor Mark
'rtin1 . CoeVRIQHTt AC
An Ton Atiilnff pkeffh mid rlrarrtntlon mar
qiitrkif Mi-ortAin our ortnnm trvm whihtr an
tntniion is rohhly nintitliln. initiMintrv
lliniiiihrtlf cmfMm.Mnl. HANDBOOK nril'anmU
ipnt fr. OMi-Rt Humuvf for itii-iiriiiff p(nf.
latnt lakon lhmurh Munti A to, rvclv
tprrUii ntttiu wlihrtut vhnruo, lu tlta
Scientific Jlmcrican,
A handsomely lllnstratMl weekly. I.sraest etf.
mlalliin of any i-lerilllle Journal. Terms, SI a
yrnr; four montha, L Bolil hyall newsdealers.
MUNN&Co.38,BM,i"'' New York
Uranch l)ltli. IBS r Ht, Wuhlnion, 1). (J.
Miii niwlAtM
liigaiiU I telling
Itching at onoe,
J I t. V" a i""-w V-W-J
I Vjmm
1 S X
I The Fair Store Must Move
IlaB a bigger stock than ever and is realy to defy Portland
ri in jiriceri.
Lacefl, I cent a yard and upwards
f AI India Linen, ! cents a yard.
nnif cviTi-lliinir elwr in iironortirin.
I the:
Enterprise and
. . . rl
IN Til H t l l V, A.SOl.ItlAHS
Tlioy ovoroomo Wt'itU
iii'sh, Irrcfrulurlly onJ
uuiiiuiliiiiN, InrrouMi a
Machine Shot
I Curl A.
Chart. M.
I j
00 O CO O. CO
"9 Tt??TffV'!V'mjWBtT" nn?TVTW1iIs a BOltB cnitB
bl.it.it ills WaUeiaitM for llllnd, Illoed-
I'lli s.
lk absorbs tint tumors, allays the
gives Instutit rollnf. Kvcry hoi la warranted. Sold
by druggists. Sent hr mull on receipt of price. SO cent and 11 00
lcr box. WILLIAMS UFO, CO., Prop., ClTland, Ohio.
All kinds of Building
Material, Sash, Doors
Moulding, Ktc. - -
V. Oregonian $2.