OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MAY 8, 190 3 BOYS DID WELL Company A, 0. X. G., l'asses a Creditable Inspection. Efvipwid By R-gular Army Ofllcei Sob udlnate OiHrtri te He ained. Company A, Tlirl Regiment 0. N.G., was insecied Wednesday night by v Mar Edward Chynoivclh, of the I'nited States crmr. anit Col. James Jackson, inspector general of the 0. X. U. The inspection was thorough and embraced ill the details oi the regular army ser vice. It whs also t!e first anmul in spection ol the guard wince the passage of the Dick hill by Congress providing lor liberal financial support from the government and a closer connection be tween the Nat'onal Uoard and the regu lar service. Company A passed inspec tion very crelitahly. The company has filly enlisted men and is officered a fol lows: Captain J U. Campbell; first lieutenant, Fred V. Humphry's; second lieutenant, Charles E. Burns. Al the regular meeting of the compacy next Monday nitftit. Captain Campbell will announce the various non-commissioned cflicers of the organii ttlon. The annual inspection and muster took place at the same lime and the new regulations, involving important changes in equipment, will take effect. At the inspection the Springfield rifle, so long ii use bv the militia of the etate, was taken up and the regular Government arm the Krag-Jorgem-en rile was is f ued. Besides this change, there will be an essential one in the uniforms of both officers and men, with wbieh they will he furnUhed January 1, liXM Instead (f the kbaki fervica uniforms now in use, new ones will be worn of an olive drab color, which, while durable and neat, will be even less conspicuous ami strik ing than the khaki. The dress uniforms of the officers will be of blue, as hereto fore, but the shoulder strat and stripes on the pants of both the dresa and ser vice uniforms will be light blue, instead ol hite as formerly. The officers will exchange their sabres for swords, and the new cans will bs bell-shaped, insteid ol the familiar flat-topped head gear. Ct-AP.it Pleaded Gi'iltv. Sol Clirk, an Indian, who was arrested some time ago for illegal fishing, was arraigned he fore Justice Slipp Wednesday. He pleaded guilty to the charge of having in his possession fish that had been illegally c limit. Sentence was suspended pend ing good behavior. David McLaiuhlin Dkad. David McLaughlin died recently at Fort Hill, Idaho, at the ag of 82 years. Ha was the youngest son of John McLaughlin, who was piominently identified with the- earlv hif'orv of the stare of Oregon. The elder McLauhglin at one time owned claim. en a part of which the site ol Ortgou City is located. Blacksmiths Stand Pat. A. J. Own bey, a lead;ng bla. kemitti of this city, reports that tne effort to unionize the craft in this county is meeting with suc cess. All blacksmiths of this city re cently united witti the Portland union and advanced prices of work 20 percent. Fjr a time members of the craft living about the county declined to become identified with the organizition and re fused to advance the price of work. Mr. Ownbey reports that all oppoeition to the union has now disappeared and while all workmen at the anvil have not become members of the union, all have adopted the new schedule of prices to be charged and have practically gubscrilied to the agreement on which the trade was unionized. A RESOURCEFUL LAWYER." Am Inspiration That Won m C He Canetdered Hopelree. A Philadelphia lawyer tells the story that a picture of I-' tinny Davenport once won a case for Lim. His client was suing the Pennsylvania P.ailro.id company, of which Wayne MacVeagb was counsel, for $7,500 damages for the death of her husband. "Just a few days before the case was to have come tp she happened Into my olQce and an nounced that she had married again. Good Lord, minium.' I gasped, 'why couldn't you have wailed until your ca-se came up? It's next to impossible for ine to get da ma fur you now.' She said she tiiiln't care very much, and went out. seeming very happy. Well, it j.ist happened that I had a photograph of Fanny Davenport on my desk, and vhcti t!:e nt day Wayne MacVeagh happened into my office to discuss quit- another r.iatter he picked up the photo a:id admired it. 'Who's your friend?' he a-ked. I had a sudden Inspiration, and I said: 'Why, that's the lady wh.-i is suing your company for $7,.".on.' The dcr.ee you say,' said he. 'Handsome woman, isn't she? 'She is, imbed.' I replied. 'H'm!' he ex claimed, lord:;t:s at t:.e picture closely. A deii'-ed l::Kids')ine woman, I should say. A d need handsome woman.' There was a siight pause. 'What'll yon take to settle this case?' he asked. I thought of my client's, second mar riage, and I fixed the figure at $5,000. The deal was consummated and the ase never came to court" I'n hi In Mia Own Coin. vOnce ft a way Archbishop Temple f Canterbury would get paid back In his own coin. A delightful instance of this is recorded. The church people of a certain parish are said to have strong ly urged the bishop to find another sphere for their parson, whom they wished to get rid of. Dr. Temple sum momil the obnoxious clergyman to his study and bugesii-d a change of ben efice. W!i;:t was it. the parson wanted to know, that his people had to find fault with? "Well." said the bishop Jn the 'ciiliarl.v l:ai-i. strident voice that so sad'V niar-ed Li p aeiiilifc', "if you Insist nil knowing. It's your voice tbey complaiu of; they don't like your voice." "How curioua!" said the cler gyman. "A friend was wi;)! me ut the Mtherfral the other day. w hen your lordship was preaching, and an lie rwent out be said, 'W hat a line sermon, tut what an unfortunate voice!' " "istuffedblack bears. Te Reaeow Tr Are ! a jr tli Kwrrlere. The man who comes to New York only once In ten years said be could not" understand why the bear In Con tnvl park seemed so much more stuck tip than the rest of the animals, but after he had traveled about town for several days ho saw through It It was became W per cent of the furriers lu town have chosen a big black lioar for ti Advertising sign. W.'yr the other an limila In the loo should be so discrimi nated against puzzled the mail not a little. One day ho asked a furrier about It. It is because the bears lust longer than anything else," said the furrier. "Of all the animals In Xew York I dou't know of any that have a lianler time than those that stand outside fur rlors' stores winter and summer and try to drum up trade for their employ ers. It doesn't make any difference what kind of weather cornea along, whether It blows hot or cold, those fel lows have to stand at their post and swelter or freeze, as the case may be. Naturally all those changes are pretty hard on their hide, and none but bear cau stand the stralu. Some furrier have tried the fox. the lynx aud other animals now and then at a venture, but they have mostly come back to the bear as the most satisfactory of the lot. They cost more too. A good stuffed bear comes as high as $75, but if be U treated well he will last for twenty five years, so that brings Uini down to a comparatively low price after all." Xew York Tress. Charles .V Dait'i Lolc. They tell a pood story of Charlea A, Pana how Idma once summoned a boy reporter and said. "Tomorrow you write up the yacht race." Rut," siild the lad, "I don't know how; I'm a Nchraskan. I ouly came here last Dlght, sir. and I haven't so much as seen New York harbor yet As for yachts why, I never saw a yacht iu my life!" "Just the reason I sent for you, my boy! You'll write a story that people can rend; you'll picture the thing; you'll write with euthuslasm because it's all new to you." Sane logic! The poetry of the sea has always boeu written by landsmen; it always will be. The barrack room bal lads are best sung by a gentle civilian. The Inside of anything la clearest seen by an erstwhile outsider. Mr. Bryce, not Mr. Lodge, writes "The American Commonwealth." Emerson, not Car-lj-Ie, writes "Euglisb Truit8."-Uollin Lynde Ilartt in Atlantic, Why He ShoalU Learn Spanish. One of the most brilliant series of the Gobelin tapestries represents the surprising adventures of Don Quixote. Louis XV: had a great affection for the doughty chevalier. One day he said to a great gentleman of his court: "Do you know Spanish?" "Xo, sire," said the other. "Ah, It la a great pity." The seigneur, thinking, at the least the king was going to offer him the ambassadorship at Madrid, put him self with extraordinary zeal to the mastery of Spanish. Iu a few weeks he came back to his royal master and with a conqueror's air, said: "Your majesty, I have learned Span ish." "My compliments," said Louis. "Read 'Don' Quixote' In Spanish. It la much finer than lu French." Sot the lanal Rrsnlt. "How can you afford to give away these salt pickles with your meals?" asked the man who dined cheaply at the little German restaurant around the corner. "Ah, hut you forget they make the. awful thirst," said the proprietor, ine awful thirst makes trade Tor uie Dar Is It not the clever idea?" "Thev certainly do make one thirsty," said the man at the table. "I feel those I've eaten already. Bring me" The proprietor's face was a study In pYnrptn npv. "lirlng me another glass of water!" New York Tribune. Statrd a Fact. A clergyman highly esteemed for bis many excellent qualities, of which ora tory Is not one, has recently had placed In his church by his loving congrega tion a new pulpit It is a fine piece of work, ornate with carving ana artistic emlielllshment P.nt the text Inscribed on It, considering the effect of the good rector's sermons, might have been more happily chosen. "He giveth bis beloved sleep," it runs. Proved Hli Ce. Mother The whipping you bad yes terday does not seem to have Improved vou. Your behavior has been even worse today. Willie That's what I wanted to prove. You said I was as bad as I pos sibly could be yesterday. I knew you were wrong. No Enemies. "No, air," said the cowboy. "Cactus Cal ain't got an enemy in the world." "I should think a man like him wonld be continually making enemies." "Sure, but as soon as be makes one lie gits his gun inter play an' unmakes him." Exchange. Bla Bard Remark. Young Wife That horrid tramp said ray biscuits were like cement, and yet be ate them. Young Husband Cement, eb? Well, perhaps he wanted to make himself olid. Philadelphia Record. Hurrah For Pal Little Willie (proudly) My pa knows a few things. Little Bob (contemptuously) Ho, my pt knows fewer things than your pat Smart Set. Legal Notices. Notice for I'ubllcntlo. I'nited States land Ollhw, Oregon City, Oregon, March 2oV UK):!. Notice if hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions of the act of Congress of Juno 3. 18TS, entitled "An act for lb sale of timber lands In the State O' California vlieaon, Sevaila ami Washington Teiitorv," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of Aug ust 4, 1S'.'2, J. Lor In Kruse.'of Stafford, connlv of Clackamas, Stale of Oregon, has this dav tiled in this office Ilia aworn statement No. oUV for the purchase, ol I of lots I. 2. 3 and 4, of Section No. 3:', in Township No. 4 South, Uange No 6 F.., and will effi r proof to show that the land sought is nioie valua ble fur its timber or atone than (or agri cultural purposes, and to fMahliab bis claim to said land before l lie Hegii-ter and Receiver at this office at Orcgwn City, Oregon, on Monday, the 8tb day of June, 11K13. He name aa witnesses: T. P. Randall, Frank Korebeig, A W. Che ney, of Oiegon City, Oregon; Krneal S. Krnce, ol Stafford, Oretion. Any and all persona claiming adverse ly the ahove-der-cribed lands are re quested to tile their claims in this ollice on or la-fore said 8ib day of June, 1;(03. Ciias. Ii. Mookua, Register. ainnoxm. In the Circuit Court of the State- of Ore gon tor the County ol Ciai kaiiia. ltd nmn Hulnian, Jr , Plaiutll),! yj. Leonard Pecker, Jr., Klitalieih L. Bicker, H. R. Jeup, tSo phronia Jessup, J ii. I.nbei, Aha M. Laber, S. T. Mei'hetn, I'ony teplieii. J. W. A Inlan der, "M ary K Alexander, K'Min I.. Lane. lMia K. Lane, John K. Burke, Mary Burke, M. i (iove, 0. P. Ihomt'eon, Thompson, Orilla H. Lane, lin ear J. B. l ane, Thorns" J. Mur phy. Harret K. Murphy, K W. tiilhert. adiuin istralor of the e.-ta'e of Phoebe tiilhert, deceased, 15. W. bert, MHlinda (iili-ert. Pillie l.illir U liMrt. Ksiella (lilnert, lirant Phegly, lianiel T. Lee, InioKene Buhlie. Willielin Thuleiiianii, Willielinine ThielemaiiM, Jeaneue l'Uiele niaiiii, William .Martin Van Burrn aim Laura U. Van Bu ren, Defendants. To Sopnronia Jeasup, P. T. Stephens and Tony Stephens. Ina wile, J. V Alexander am. Mary K. Alexander, hia ile, M. L (iove, C. I . rtioiupson and lliompson, his wile, Daniel I. Lee and Imogens Uul.ne, defendants: Ii, (lie name ef the Slate of Uretfon you an I each of you are hereby rupiite I to a pear and answer th complaint tiled against you in the ahove entitled court and cause on or before the 30ih day ol Mav Lai't, and if vou (nil tn so ai'ar and answer the plalnlltl will apply 1 1 the court tor ine re llel demanded in the complaint lo wit: (1)1 hat a derree of ti e shove el. tilled court made Kebruary 'J, 1SH7 and entered m t:ie J jurnal ol said court March JO. 1W, in a soil wherein Herman Hiiliuan, Jr. was plaimitl and the following named persons -were delendanls: ijeonaru necaer. ir Klinheih L. Becker, h. K. enup, ftoplir ma Jessup, J. B. LatM-r, A'ta M. Laln r. b. T. Siephena, Tnnv Siephens, J, V. Alex ander, Mary E. Alexander, Kdson L. Lane, Delia B. Lane, Jon n t. nurae, jiarv mime, M . L. Uuve. ('. V. TliompMjii, dnlla H. I.ane. tis ar J. B. Lane. Thomas J. Murphy. K. W. (iilliert. aonneisiraior ol the esiale ol Phoerirf Gilbert, deceased, firant ptiieK ley and Daniel T. i.ee, be wholly tt a-ide and held lor nanhi. Sj. decree of Keh rtinry '.'.'. l"!i". a lor the Ii reclosure of certain mu'iKaice made by 'he deleiinanta Leonard linker, Jr. and Klizals-th L. Becker his wile io the said plaint ill dated tDe 24ih day of May, Ukjii the prem ises hereinafter deacrilied. I'J That the sale ol llie premises des cribed in the said.decree entered March 20. 1"U7, to atisfy the jiuimenl of said decree be whollv set'a.-ide and ht-ld for naught. 3J That the order of confirmation made ami enlered in said court November 10, 197, confirming the sale of said premiiea pursuai t to the said decree entered March J), ltf'7, be whuhy set aside and neld lor iiMiihl. 41 That the li:itifl have and recover of and irom me oeierioaui i.eunniu itn.n, Jr. the sum of IIHOU together with interest thereon at the rate ol H per cent per annum from the lilth dav of May, W-fl; lor the fur ther sum ol 2.V)'s at'ornrys tees; lor the lurther sum ot $J13 27 together with inter est thereon at the rale of ti per cent per an num Irom October 7, lAW, for the further sum of 1117.15 together wlih interest there on al the rate of (i per cent per annum Irom December .'id, 1); lor the further sum ol llfii'i together with interest t iereon at the raie of ti per cent per an mini Irom April Vrl. and for the coals and disbursements ut Hon suit. 151 That each and all of said sums be de clared a first valid and complete lien upon the lands and premises covered bv plaint ill's mortgage and described as follows, lo wit: A part of the Donation Land Claim of George and Kunice ilrock No. 4'i in Town ship 3 South ol Kange 1 East in Clackamas County, Oreg'jn, more nariicul .rl y des cribed as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said claim and running thence Ea-uriy tracing the claim line to a point far enough so thai a line running South therefrom aud parallel with the western boundary of said claim to the Will amette Kiver will cut oil and enclose T2fi acres of said claim. fij That plaintiff's said mortgage he fore closed and the aaid real propsrty above des cribed sold as uon execution for L'mted States Oold coin and tht the proceeds of said sale be applied as follows: a To the payment of the costs and dis bursements of sale and of suit. b To the payment of such judgment as plaintiff may recover herein including at torneys lees. cl That the surplus, if any there be, be paid into court subject to the further order nf said court. 7j That if the proceeds of said sale do not satisfy in full the judgment of plaintiff herein, including costs, attorneys lees and all accruing costs, that plaintiff have judg ment docketed for such deficiency against the defendant Leonard Becker, Jr. and exe cution issue thereon. 8 That the claims, rights and interests ol each and all of the defendants above named be decreed to be subsequent and subject to the lien of plaintiffs said judg ment, including attorneys fees, costs aud all accruing costs. ll) That the defendants above named and each and all of them be foreclosed and lor ever barred of all right, title, interest, or equity of redemption in or to the said prem ises and every part thereof. 10 That plaintiff have such other, fur ther or different relief as to the court may seem meet ar.d equitable in the premises. This summons is published by order of the Hon. Thomas F. Kysn, County Jndge of the County of Clackamas, State of Ore gon, dated April 15, 1U03, which order di rAta the publication of this summons not leaa than once a week for six weeks. The date of the first publication of this sum mons is April 17, mi. HEDGK8 A GRIFFITH, uoraeys for plaintiff. InthiC reullOourt of the Stat of Ore gon for tli County ol CUokamaa. Lyda Miller, Plaintiff. VI .,1 William W. Miller, Delemlai To William W. Miller, the above named delemla i : In the name ol the State of OrexiMi, You i am herehy reipiirvd In appear anil ankttar n,r complaint lile.l aiminM you In iliealiove ei tilirii (nun ami emmr on or nemre rri ilav. I lie Hih tlav ol Mhv. l!Ul. ami If vou Isii to appear ami answir, the plulutiiV will app'y i the Court Mr the relict de mai (led iu the ciiiui'Uinl, to wn: Kor a decree ilinMilving ille tannin ol nialriiuonv here otore and now exiling teiren yon sm plumm!, and thai plalnlltl rviiune'lier lonior name, l.vda llei luioio I Ine aiiiumeii la putilii.l tiV order ol the Hommilile T. K. Ityau, County Judge ol Clackamas Coinuyi Slale of tri'aoii, daled Marcnil, I'.asi," which or-li-r dliecia th piitilication tln Mil nol lesa Ciau once a rk for ei x weeka, and the llit pnlihca tion of itna Miiiiiuona l on I lie '.'7 day ol March, l'.HVI. HKlHiKS A (ilUFKIllt. AliorneM lor I'laimill. mi juiimn. Ill the Circuit Court of the Stale, of ttr gou lor the County ol I la-'kaiuaa. Annie Fiugerald, Plaliitill, till, ) plant.) va. Kit I it Kmwrnld, Delemlai To Kdwiu Kiimr.dJ, delendant above nained: In the na eolt'ie.-tiie of tire gou. You are herehy reiinired to appear and ai'awrr the roioplaiiit lilrd a;niiii you lu tne atiove eiitliled Court ami caue on or helere Hie Sixth day of June, pail, thai he ing tlie tune wt by aanl con 'I for you to apear and anew er herein, and luoie than !ix rfk from the tiiur of tlie Ural puhlica lion ol (It tea notice and numinous and if you fail so to appear or auer, the tilaliilitl w ill apply to the court for the rt-lief prayed for ill the complaint, to wit : tliedmaulinion of the tuarnane tiond eXinting helaeeu plauilitr and delendant aud that the cua t'Mly ol the minor o. ild I .aura FilZk-erald, tie awarded to the plalnlltl'. Tina uiiimoua i iiuiili.hrd t-y order of the lion, Thomaa A Nlcllride, Judge of the alHive enlhled Coiiri, nude ai d eulered herein on ti e Mill dav oi Apr I, the tiral putilicatloli ol the solo, mons heu g on the '.'lih day ol April. I'ai'l and the lu-1 on the Mh day ol June, I'H'.I. (KolKiK II. Dl ltllAM. Atiurncy lor Pinii.tilt. M'.y.TIOM lu the Circuit Court of the Hiate of Ore gon, for the County ol Clackamas. Bertha Bell, PUiuUr, I vs. Wm. II. 11, 11, Defendant.) To Win. H. Bell the bIhivm named Da feudani: In the name of the State or Oregon you are herebv required to appear lu iha above eutiiled Conn and answer complaint tiled against you in the above entitled suit on or before the 8;b nay ol June, l it. and if you tail ao 1 1 apptar or answer lor waul thereof, p ti ut 1 11 w ill apply to the Court for a dei re demanded iu the complaint against VJU, to- it : For a decree of absolute, divorce aud the reilor.nion of her maiden name. This sunn ioiib is published pursuant to an order made on the iotli ilav of April, l!l.l. before lion. Tuna. A. Mcllride, Judge ot the atiove entitled Court, and the tirat publication la made on the 1'lth day of April, K. K. M KIH iKS. Attorney fur liaiuiiff. MM MOVt. In the Cir.-uit Court of the Slite of Ore gon, lor the County of Clackamas Charles K. rtolte, I'laimill', vs. Isaac Farr, McMinnvillel ollege, a corporation. Lila oroderlck and John Broderick, Defendant. To John Broderick, Delendant: In the name of the state of Oregon : on are hereby required to appear and answer ttie c iniplaint tiled againt you iu the above entitled cause on or belore Moudav, the Hi h day of June, l!a i.i, ami if you fail to ao ap pear ami answer, lor want inereoi me plaintitl lll apply to the court for the re lief demanded iu his complaint, to wit: That the plaintiff's title to the south hall of the southwest quarter of section 21, In township 2 south, Of range 2 east, of the Willamette n eridian, situated in the coun ty ol Clackamas ami slat of Oregon, be lorever quieted against the claim of you or any one claiming to the same bv. Irom. through or under you, and that you and they he forever restrained troin selling up any claim or title in and to said premises or any part thereof, and that plaliitill mav recover Hie cost ol tins suit ami for such other relief as to the court may teem meet and equitable. This summons is published by order ol Hon. Tims. K. Kyati. judge of the county court of Clackamas county, duly made and enlered un April 14, l!Si:S. Firit publication April 17. W. A. MUNLYaml P. P. DAIiNF.Y, Attorneys for Plaintiff. April 17. V.M. .oll-e i,l ,t ilniliilolriif rix. Notice Is liereby given that the under signed has been appointed ad nitiislralrix of the estate of William F. Edwards, de ceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby untitled to pre sent the same, duly verified accirdingto law, and ac ompanied by the proper vouchers, to the undersigned at Lalavetie. Yamhill county, Oregon, or at the nllice of (ieo. C. Browned, at Hre-'"" f'By. Oregon, within six months of the date of this no KETUKAII A. EDWARDS, Administratrix. Geo. 0. Brownell and Howard M. Drow ned, attorneys for administratrix. Dated thi ,'ird day of April, l!XJ.'f. AtlmiiiiwIriitor'M ."Xotlce. Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas administrator of the Estate of Uriah Dannals, 1. ceased. All persons having claims against the said Estate are liereby noti fied to present the same, properly veri fied to the administrator at his residence at Clackamas Station in the County ol Clackamas, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated April 8tlil!r03. JOHH W. BENNETT. Administrator of the Estate of Uriah Dannals, Deceased. Notice Tor Publication. Department of the Interior. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, April in, i!iO;. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of bis Inten tion to make final proof in support of hia claim, and thBt said proof will be made be tore Register and Receiver, at Oregon City, Oregon, on June a, ns, m: MARTIN LERUM, H. E. No. 13918 lor the 8 W Bee. 12, T. 8 8 H 6 K He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Joseph Lin bart, of Sandy, Oregon ; Joseph Peskall, of Bandy, Oregon ; Casper Junker, of Bandy, Oregon: Arne Lerum, of Portland, Oregon. CHAB B.MOORE8, Register. NlicrllT. Nalo. In th Circuit Court of Ilia Htala of 0r gun, for the County ol Clackamas A. K. Latourvtla, Trustee. Plalnlltl, ys. John F. Anderson and tlua lav Dab Ike, Defendants SrT or Okkohn, I Cot'NTX or Cl.Al HAM as, By virtue of a Judgment order, decree ami an execution, duly iaaued out of and Under Ihe seal ol Ilia above entitled court, In tne atuive entitled cause, in me duly dlrecied and dan d tlie'JIrd day of April, lim:i, upon a ndi inent rendered and entered lu said court en tlieitnl dav of April, IlKi, In favor ol A. K. Latuurelle, Tiiisiee, Plaintiff, and attains! John K, Anderson and llipuuv I'ahlke, lleieiidauts, lor Ihe stun ntfliUUsl, with Interest Ihereon at the ra.e of H per per an ii u in Irom ihe 'I Irddav of April, luu, and I tin furiher sum ol Sai.tm, as auoruey'a lee, and th further an in ot ll.Vi'l ooaia and disliiirsenienta, an I ilia coaia of and upon this wril, remmaiiding me to make sale of the billowing described real property, situ ate In the coumy of Clackamas, slate of Oregon, to wn ; lb ginning at III N. W, corner of the S. D Kianci. D. I C, No 4a, In Tp S. 11. i K.Jol the Willauieite Meridian, and run ning Ihence Fist along the North boundary olsald l L. C. No. IS. '.'.'.otlclialna; thence N I ."i mtllil.es W. tl SI chains; Ihence v e-t Il chains to tne K-t Ivoundary line ol (he I). L C oi l., II C Latourella No. 4.1; thence S. 15 uiinutea Kist ainu the said tMiiiudary line ol sani Claim No. V to the place ol iHgiiining, containing 15 acres more or leas. No, I lu refore, by virtu of said execu thin, jiidgtiii-ni order am! decree, aud In Conipiiaio-e with Hie ronimanda of said w ril, 1 w ill on Monday, tne IS r DAY OF JI NK, l!o.l; at the hour of 10 o'clock A . M ., at the front door of Ihe County Court House In the Coy ol Oregon City, In said County and State sell at public auction, suhj 'cl In redemp tion, to the highest bidder, for V. 8. gold com cash lu baud, all the right, till anil Interest which ihe within named defend ants or either nf them, had on the dale of the niorlgage herein or since had lu or to the above desnnlied real property or any pari thereof, to sa'l.ty said execution, judgment older, decree, Interest, coals and all accruing costs, J. K. Su WkH, Sin r II of ('lack am as County, t iregou. By F. C. II unit, Deputy. Dated, On gun Cm, Oreuu, Muy 1st, lisi't Niii:itirr'M nii.r.. In thecircuil court of ihe stale ol Oregon, lor Ihe colli, tv ol 1 lcknua.. John Sturclihr, i'hilidill.l va. I I ne Nnrris, i nil Crlina Alemtanla. J John r . Norrls, Adeline Nnrns, Charlea O. Talior Talmr. Deien otatii or Ouaoos, i oi stv or Ci ai ku I I'nder and by viriue ut ao or o r of ale and i leer re ol lore.lusire and execution is ued out of the I'ircult cotltt ol the stale of Oiegori, for Ihe countv ot Clackamas, on llie JMIi dav ol At-ril, ll'.'t. In the above en tilled stilt, win rem J Hturcbli-r, Ihe ahove nameil pliilnllll, oluallied a Judgment and decree ol foreclosure and sale ol mortgaged premises agai'ist the alaive named ileleiid aula, John K, Norris, Adeline Norris. Cha il Tumir and Celina V TaNir, on llie 2th day of A pril, IIKt. in lauir of the plaintill and against (he shLI delendanta lor ihe sum ol f'.'i" l"'i, ami for Ids costs ami dl bursi iiiems.aiiiiiuiitiiig t i tne sum of f .'I..VI, with interest mi t ie whole at the rate ol d per n III per annum Irom Hie 1'sili dav of April. 1'. tl, ami the costs of and upon tin writ, i'iiMiiillio4 i i' mi sitiM ol the lollowiiigdescrltied real property, annate In Hi, county of Clackamas, state of Ore- gun, to-wn: Beginning at the 8. K. corner of Ihejaa P. Kuan D. I.. I , running theme west tracing tne south ttoiimlary Hue ol the said Jas. I. Fgau D. I. C. to the center ot the county mad ; running through the eitt ol (ieorge Wise H.'JI chains, Iheuce N. al ilig the center of lliecoumy road 1.21 chains; Ihence hast a 21 Clialna lo the east boiinoarv llueol llie ssidj is. P Kgan D. L. C; Ihence South 1.21 cinln lo the pla -e ul beginning, couliiiniug line acre more or less, io Clackamas county, stale of Ore gon, i Now, therefore, by vlrtle of said execu lion, order, decree and lldgiiient ol lore- closure of said mortgage and In compli ance with llie commaml ol sal writ, will, on the 1st day ol Jine, lint, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. , aj (he Irom door of (lie court house In thecitjof Oregon City, in said county and stale, til at public am lion lo the highest hi I. le I for I'. H. gold coin, cash In hand, all In right, title and interest which Ilia abet- named uefeud aula, or either of them, lad on the date of ihe mortgage herein, or luce bad, Ir) or to the alaiva described re properly or any part tliereol lo setisly ni execution, or der, decree aud jmlginit ol foreclosure with interest, cos a, andfll accruing coats JK. SUA VK t, Sheriir of Clarkanoa iiuiity, Uregon. It v K. C Hack i tt, Dkuiy Dated Oregon City, ( May 1, l'a ollce ol Muleiy llel'i-ree. Iu the circuit court Ihe state of Ore gon, for Clackamas coulv. Mary K. Freeman, for iliert. 1 son and R. L. Kohertm. her husband, and Louis I-'ree- . man, va John P. Fr etnan, W mints, urn 1, Freeman, James A. email, W. 0. Freeman, Ilei i now- ley, and Nathan It husband. Viola Fre y, lier an and idanta. Letba Freeman, I'd Pursuant to, aud in cordance with the terms and conditions judgment and decree heretofore duluiade aud entered in the above entitled turt ami cause, au thorizing and directiijme lo make sale of the real estate herelna-r described, for the purpose of partiuonli sale in accordance wi he proceeds of said the terms of said judgment ami decree Now. ineretore, Dy Hue of said jutlg- ment and decree, anili compliance there with, 1 will, on Saturday, the th of June, lttOil, p. m., at the trout at the hour of 2 o'cl door of the county c t house. In Oregon City, Clackamas cify, Oregon, sell at public auction to tn highest bidder, for cash in band, U. B id coin, the follow ing described premlJio-wit: The northeast quajr of section 14. In township 3 south, m ' 6 east, of tbe Wil lamette Meridian, itaining UK) acres, more or less, situali Clackamas county, Oregon. Also the lowing: The west half of the south lut 1 the east half of the D. L. C. of John l'amelia Tuttle, in section 32, townshii south, range 4 east, and In section f. to liip 3 south, range 4 east of tbe Willam Meridian, contain ing WJ acres, more less, and situate In Clackamas county, wn. C. b'EBEL, Referee. Dated Oregon Ci r., April 2U, IM,' Treaa ' notice I now have y to pay connty warrants endors lor fo Oct. 1, 1900. Also road warr endorsed prior to Jan. 1, 1903. In t will cease on audi warrants on tbe of this notice. Knos Caiiim,. Jonnty Treasurer. Oregon City, 1 April 30, lWi. Police of 1'lnal (Scllleiurut. Notice la hereby W"n Ibat the under algned have tiled Iheir Dual account as ex ecutors nl the lat will and lertun t of William Oliver Sawtele, dec aaed. In Ilia couuiv conilol the at f Oregon, lor Clackamas pom IV, and thai Monday, the llr-t dav of June, l!;i, at the hour of lit o'clock a. m., at the county coiiri riMiuial Ihe courl hunan of said couniy and aisle, has been II xed aa the lime and place lor bearing ami ileleriulnlng said account, aud ai V and objeiiliona tlieielo. Dated Oregon Cm, Ore., April '.SI, IK, It.M.PII II MAWI FI.I.F. . . M A Itti A ItF I' J SAW IF.I.LF., Executors ol Ihe last will ami te-laiiieut uf VVIIIIsm Oliver haw (die, deceased. May I, h'.'l police I'wr liilll nllon Timber Land Ad. Inn. .'I, IX7S. l'mted Hialea Land Ollioe, ('- gou City, Oregon, March MI'I, ItUt. Notice Is hereby given that Incompliance with llie provisions of the act ol Congress ol J Hue. 1, IS", entitled "An act for th sab ol limber lands tn the siat 's ol Calilor nla, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter ritory,'' aa extended lo all I I'ohlut Laud Stat 's by act ol August 4, is '2, FItNKsr H, KIU'SK, of Stalford, countv iU t hn kauiaa, Ntate of Oregon, has Una dav Hied lu lids otllce bis aworn slaii-metit No. li . lor llie iiiirchasfl of Hie 8IC4 of N la I, ; N V.'i of SWl4'; ami I. oti 5 and II, ol Sim lion No .'12, in l owlishlp No. 4riotiih, Uiuge No II hast, and will oi ler proof 10 show llisl the laud ought la more valuable lor f limber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to eaiahhsh Ills claim t isabl laud belore the Register and Receiver ol this ollice at (begun City, Oregon on Monday, the loth day of July, paid. II names aa witnesses: loin P. Itand ill, Otto Kncks Frank Forshi rg and A W. Cheney, all of Orgu City, llregou Anv ami all persona claiming adversely tbe abnve-descrllwil lands are irqoe-ei lo Ille their (Hal a in luia ollice 011 or Priori aalil lillhdcy of Juiv, IIKtl. ' CIlAS, B. MO'lUFS. Ilegisler. NIIDItll'l "M M tl.ll. Ill the Circuit Court of the Slate of Ore gon, for Clackamas Cmiuly E mill A. Mi-Coy, I'.aiullll, va Clprlano l.avagelte ami iirei 10 i.av 1 agelle ami J. K. Willi. Defendant-, j pursuant to no execu'lon Issued out uf the Circuit Court of the euat- of Iregou lor Ciackauia Countv. id data 2 "I ilay ol May psi I to ine din cled up on a Jinlgme l and decree ul forei'liisii'e of a mortgage duly r-i ih-reil n said Court on 2a ti ilav of April part 111 the above elilnled cause In f.ivnr of Ihe plalnlltl and against llie deli-nda'da Clprlano I. avagrtle and IJirenniS l.afageiUf I w ill al IO o'clock In the lorrnoou on Hat urilav the liih dav of June I'si'l at llie front diMr ol llie Court House in Ori g in Cltv, Oregon, oiler I. r sale at imlilia aoclloii In Ihe highest didder, lor cash lu hand, sub ject 10 redemption the land lu sanl decree uf foreelo-iire therein ilesivllie I sinuate and nelng 111 Clackamas C mu'v Mtali- of Ore. ion.iowt' : lli gnuilog al the Hioitli Fast i-orner o' a tract ol land conveveil lo Over Ion Dowcll hv (ieorge ills sm, deed hi-iog re"or led In liook 'Mi al page IM reeirils of Multnomah Countv, oreg.m, runtdng thence 1101th seieu 7) chains ami sliteeii I Hi) links tit the county line, hi t aen Mult nomah ami Clai-kamas Cmintlis, Ihenre west along said County line toiird-en (II) hatua anil Iweu-v (20) links, thenoe Botitli CI deariHia and lo llilliotes Fast fourteen ( I II cbslus. aud seventy. lour (71) links, to t'ie place of beginning containing i ai res, togetder with the lenenents lii-re.lltinienH and aiipnrtenauceii tdereui t 1 belonging or In anv wise appertaining lo salisly siild Judgment ami ilerr-e, rinclpal. Interest, taxes, a lorney lees, costs ami disburse, tneuls of this suit ami llie costs 11 1 m 11 1 said writ. D iteil, Or,.gon City, Oregon, this Nt la day ol Mav, ri:t. J. R. SHAVER. Sheriirof Clackamas Counti', ( Iregud, By E. C. HACK K IT, I y. 4'llnllon. , In the Couniy Court of ihe St ite of Ore gon for the Countv ol Clackamas. In the matter of the Eilute of Jas. E. Currle, deceased. Or'ier to show cause why order of sale of re il et ne should nut lie made. A. M Crawford, ad iiimstrntor nf the es. tale of Jus, K. Currle, dei rased, having tiled hi. petition herein, duly verllled, praying lor an order of sale ol tne northwest quarter ol se. tiiin 12, township .'I, soinh range ,'ieast of the Wlllamrt'e MernliHii, iu Clackamas, Countv, Oregon, a xirtiou ot the real e.t.ite ol said decedent, for Ihe purposes therein set forih, Il is thi n-fore ordered hv the aild cou.t, that the persons interested In t he es'nt uf said deceased appearing belore llie sal I I'ountv Coutt 011 Moudav. Ihe H h dav of June. 1 1 l.l, ul III o'clock in the lorti'toou of snl'l dale at tbe Court room ol "aid County Courl lu llie Court House at Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, lo show cause win an order should not lie granted lo the sali! adminb-trator to sell said real estate of I lie said deceased, at privets sub-; and thai a copy of this order be published at least four successive weeks ill the "Oregon City r.ntirprise" a newspaper printed and published in said city and county, May ft, itsii. TlloH. F. RYAN, Judge. police ol l lnal NcOlciiient. Notice is herehy given that the under signed administrator of the estate of Albert Closiii-r, Deceased, has hied hia llnal ac count In said ealate in the County Court uf the male 01 Oregon, lor ( lackamaa Countv. and that the judge of said Court has ai pointed Monday, June n, l!KU, at 10 o'clock A M. for hearing objections to said ac count and for settling said estate. EDWARD CI, OHNER, Administrator of the estule of Albert Closner, Deceased. OK'). C. IflJOWNKLL, HOWARD M.KROWNEIX, Altys. for Administrator, Niiloon l.lceuNC. Notice is hereby given that I will a ti ll y to the city council at the regular May meeting for a liquor license at my present location on Main street, between Fourth and Fifth streets. Uuo. II. Young. May 1, 1903. Liquor License. Notice la hereby given that we will bd- ply to the City Council of Oregon City for a liquor license at our presen t locat ion 7th and Main streets at the regular May meeting 01 satu council. Aprils. KlI.I.KV k KlCONIC'll. Mitlooa IMcrnwe. Notice Is hereby given that I will an- ply to the city council of Oregon City at the regular May meeting for Saloon license at my present place of business corner of Main and Sixth streets. A. II, Ukikbskn,