Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 24, 1903, Image 7

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Dozens of Paradd)(icairNit!i'h'w;i-i''' A'Mi5" " ""
' Inslnjiilon
." -
A Kamintr imlc'i inrHutr Awn t Lluuid Aifc
Till; .MRVUUof hcif(m
t. AIR
itiii.ow zi:roii
I'rrriM AlJlallul, lluriM -lfcl I
f AS A
Every l'i rsoii hn rntd and murvrli-d J
Bt the pararliixlntl unit startling thing
dune liy Liijunl Air.. Mont 1'toplc wiuit j
to - hikI know mure of tlili- woudmfiil
inlavnirnl i r. n RUtHrvsT
1 r.. . Jj
llllld, Htlil nmt lliilihluv1lKBt It SUivr;'l, vA.'j.j.,. i.invwr lllio dtrui;tie
ly'M'lx-tn llotine all wiHHi- JIiih
10 KJ n. iiuugrniiii iiuvr iiirvuny Hikrn
for tirki'U mnl H ilsfH'H lipilil. vcurc
rl crly. 1. Tin- ,l.i4Mil .Air fur the
Uimiy i-iTiittuiitn wijl I hhiplcil fiwtu
Xu(y in n,h 4tKHliy t". "
lHMi.lIH Uily will ))t. till; iii(tf Art
)t( the loiihtHiil rvapintiuu. j (
Kmrrvnl m-mU 7.v; Krncml ilmiuion
Ot your tn litt rally lit Iluntlry'i.
iff), n.onili fn.lniK Ap.ll 17:
humlirrtirpTrrii fnnri'pil-:
huniU'r sit ltii.',AiijiUnf ,
Kllllilier ol il.il ' hIiki'IIi .
U vi'iniH dniiti', uiii'ixltiniii i
IJkhi'II i f lnnlllii'K
I l'llOM Vll-M' ' III'llllIT
.... V
liHt'iil nor
lirilv iluui.Lf I !' iiiuiilli hi: Arthur
I'uiitrJiiriDiirr'nilWii-iLil-Alhprt Bar.
Iittrl uiiil ! hi I A llt'tl.
f KririiilrHi.il piiii.ipiDitnillltl'ftillydlirlDrM'lllilh.iMrtlnfflii'ore tlmn nltrot
I'iicil in vim ti " IkhiI
lUlijJii.KluNli. ..TeniiUer...
ninl in Clm k him a c.iiinly llii-. li
W. ,M..riHV, liil.t Jin. ff jUJ'tS 1
Hill -non no M'''" 'HHy'7 Y'Vl
QuiiniiMl. I I I'li'iiv iiiiirn in in. iiiii Hiiy
uTlll'IT lltlH4lMMl-t-lMllt'4MHIIII
itviliii'iili'il I'.r ii ili i "I liy HH'I I', iy. Mi',
i-l ul. i ..I" r iw mi i h ilk''" in. i'ii'.
(..I. I iMHUMAt'onufMul,!.
Jn;M.. li rill "l i'io-I rlirlinrv Tl,
HIi' t in d r I. '.'' !' l'i"' c" ill po. jiil vt l'ii
pftii.i-tilt i"l r.illl. .il" 'l ', k i.l
Urn it tit l'i t , V.i K'. lor ftirn; vvtnll
li. Ill l'f !'. K.l ll Ultfl IWlik
U' .1. "
IK' I 1 1 r III I .
Ih) Or i;
. KI..V
I ll-..
i f,.r f.' in, 'fti.'
l'Hu'i ft tO'i
For lUer iioiiii!. ' mel MiillpitIoii "
iim j.vU-4'tA ViW't ti(.VVH'U ,..
11, mi I, ilMf Kuriy li'Tf, llm (.mi'nr
lilt IV pilln 1 '
J'lu y ' nv eir-el h l ine and "nve il
lor I . i 1 ! m
J.lnri l.iiriy Kiumh nre ililV.uent from 11IJ
tilhrr pillN ,lhev.l.l H"t weiken ihy
yieto. Inj.h t tnule lf llli. lin-iii
I V iiro,t'ttir''fie Hi-i n'tioiot n'lul, Mrl."H.J
In-hvr in tin lull perloruiHWiit it i
fnnafoiii rmlti ul y,) A. Il.tro'iiiti
JF.YI.lt F-
vri it u
K 0
i n
4'artxl b Oatv llell h
tt, 1 IlM
.'JViiVn rXk l rtia.M'JiK n olllie rfljl''
tn y i-ll Willi one luitilu of (.Imiiilii'tl iiii h
OoiiIi Kemelv," Krank V. lVrrv,
mlllorol the KnterpriHe, Shortiville. N.
Y .1 VThiH-'iH, tti."hnnri traihit I m
-Omen' MrrtlJrmN UiMntliloK t aifmll- tti
,pleci by,tnH,IUd. U ,JPiN)olllOl ')! iini
.'runiiy, tinJ -a titiiii ! 1 ooiiKliinniit-Jl
toiiM mn tti jitlllw -l "told ik'
done mnl It free I tlml in Hie lif.eil'Kl
Interval the couiih Mould pss oil mnl I
would I0 to sleep perfectly ftee from
couirh mid its seeniiipsnyliiil pains. To
,say trmlTTi'e rroTeHy auVd
it a iiiohI
I liaii never tried it lor sucn a purpuKe,
(attack ot collif I'lllif me reineiiy I'miHtiii
it to not only be "1 es duraHon, nut
the ruins wers fr(lrny jtaveriy and.I imd
not UHed tlieViMinleiiMoi tine ImKlu Mittfu
Mr. Grip IihiI DMinti ailieii," (lfor Je Vf
b.A. Ilartlliirf" l-'iol"
sBm asm wmm a -v i i
tl y ha '! xliu.ii llky QTiatntal tlf
bowftli ovprday.yiia'rMUorwlll be. Kpyonr
briwrlf iiiMiii, Hinl bt witll. Furoe, tn the ilifttm of
T1th.nt)phyirtiiBTVHI jmiwrm, im anfrmi. Yh
moiittii.RLt fiftRli.at, tnnit purfent way ot kttepluf
tli biiwilt eler nl clfwn ! to tk
6 f4Nnv e -
Ai m 1 nATHinrin
Plnt, Pltbl, Pntont, Tite Qnoa,
ri....in, .zJirrZi
ttwant KilMifT eokiBShf,-' f Chftsgt T Msatork.
tf RMTonu
Wlfkl'il olillilnaMilM, HMO rumtl
lla.l ilu.ll lieJ Mi U rfeufci
llanurr Oiltlltlra of Uuiifutlun.
if f1n fiffinlxM of mi English com
laiiy llici'i' occurred soum time ago
ftlsmitroQM fir Whlrli rnlnlilrtH'ly illlt'J
u fiioi iiiiiim building hdiI i'iiiihh! loam
iiL'k'icuiilliiu' I.Msi.utiU, 'Hi" fln wn all
I lilbuied In 1111 explosion of mult.
-T- t-, ,ti i.rtt.-n,imiliirti?iV"nninr",?in
I an; in: .....ik. v. . .
IlllXfll Willi II ceillllll ihipm,i nun ... 111
. 1 t-iM urn mm -Tnem-waii a wntvwni
.liulliM incident III 11 New York minis
in)iitiUn.1niy.' ' 'A ' tcrrlne' cxplWli:ri
which wrecked the ehUp' building, waj
illscWe'rcd 'to' he dub' to the fm't 'tli
particle of II tm Icing sugar nun net
lUtlVi HJIIVhl)l ilM- tVWt WlHTH VI'
J uruac Win-.
y v i f
lHIIHOTiry T) Pxpnmivr
ib-omrr that utmiy of tlmatt accident
In coiil mine usually tittritillM to flrt
dump have been ciiiihimI hy dry eon)
dust suspended III the k "" having
been niH lilctihilly fired. Eveu no appnr
chilly iih Innocent substance a (lout
become fi'iirfully explosive when
,,,w,.,i in miitnlilo m-oiiortlnii wllli dry
Another subsumce Unit Iih provil to
extremely diihgcrotu wlii h iitdrt'd lb
a,;,. qmi tit i t U'M U cliloruti) of polnHli.
a inilr iili,-yifir IKO lndtilf I'9-
rv. ri iiT IIiIh Mlinplc A iiii'dy for nlil.
1 . ' ' y. . ' i .1. .. v.i.i-
Hiiiiiir iiml culoriitfi m pvtitt.ii num
fohu nil fxiiliwlvo' li(h hug rf trt.'d
fW blHKllUH plrlXIWH, ))Ut HftVUtlBiTllU
11 uiMiiiiiil . U U Unit miyipUmlve
4cuituliilrir tUcw lt;niaii'ii) I not like
ly to (Mm tio Kovcriiini'iit t-t lu tlitf
rovfrtil tlint tfllnlii noakisl lu ntroiiR
4iltUi okl t'UiUit iroui.4. mibtUiUCC
no nmrp luiruirul tlmn pnper to flw
ryn oa
ill 1 111 v
prniiHlWiiiiif.on If oln mUl
Wuul iuhx-truttVfoiiJt.uctlUJ)lt-li
ITflYfTiriitK.'nrrn'lt Tmrptmnritinrnwrlroii:
lJuf. mi'rr uml umluirnWui ro only 4
fo t)(iit could Ihi iiiiiiiimI. j
1 On'i' of tliA lwit' Htiowtl mid liuwt tcr.
rlMo if ,ttnWVlxllir" ! MltrlKy,rl"i
wlilch U Hlmply nllrle m id ntid coml
l-fm -jrly-rMt- iU-J - i4lir-iul n II
lowiil to full Into a mri'iim or wuht.
lilyitTln unwind1! ny pnuir "111111. ""
iHiic.- Aluiu, llui. plaHlur of piu
In. miwdiiHt. brim, nn-.il. eviru drlitl hi id
fur till puno', luit (lie hii1ihCuIi(
UM'4riii""lt,,U'liUiJ'l .l'bat a
l;iVM I ! If j 7 """
ruhli. Thin U tin- kluJ of clii foriui
h.r nimurp ToU hpii.pwit-iiHiii oj
Milib ur found In (icrnmii and ot
vr tiir.t, of the world. .'
' i;;uliioll.tii. Wlik'l wh llrMt innde
lm'l.'H llli' tori:of tiltro cotiipoutiij
t tMitnlly-rinployiil lu wnr. It U Dump-
f.u uiiiil tTiu' oidlimry cotloP wukiq
tn iitiil wllli u mlxturo of nitric ntitl
lulpl.urlc urlii. i ' .
TliiTc h otic very curlmw point iilxnjt
Kunintluu. It iiiiiliut lie limdit frou
niw nilton In tlif It.-ili': wnRtc cotton )
iiricssiiiy for Iti iiiiiunfMA'turt.'. It wi-ms
(ih If ! IiIimi IiIih,' to wlili'li tininuftii
ruriil Mlfnii hrtM tiriti ii1iJw1im- hnn
fcuuivtUliu; to do .with tltHns tltir wiiftc
ror ifoinliiK !jploHlvP,lij:itural. Oily
tviuU jH.IIocTcr. ,ioinplctcl 'uw'lciw
for' tfiiililn't; Ji;illiriitt(ui. nuii If Vuii a
litllo curttUtHidy duihI a w iylc btiU'U
nt ti"t-mdiiri.-liu'ii; irotluv limy he
"iH 1 1 i U J 4 V i-.-l
tiuiicolton W no irtloi'Jliil(rlly ud
flfit Iii It m iK'tlnn Vint mnall i"HiiUly
Iiii tWri pxftlnilcilliv'oontnct with a
limp 'ilt, 'truitfiowUer liiid(Utt fulled to
Mtt ClO il It... .... '. ! ' ... ,
Tliri proiif advnntuuo ivlilrli jjuni-ot-toil
poHsCKr over nil other cxphiHlvM
In tlmt ilnnip doe uot Injur It. 1 In
fact, wet cutK'oUim cxplodin with Just
jf?iVMr!,?,,,Cil,T ot
eoiii H , utiii'ii , .uiirder . to,. Hru. ..toliv"
it)ppfly,.H'.ui jmr) of (Ins nft npio
Kljcnf.i;vrntu? Ha'ui'Jif tjhorwpMy
wrttj 'tffore, pinklvg' ht 'khtt-K
durlntt trnuspo'rt. For iulnluc purpoRes
or for use In wur Kuncottou It uiiuully
twuprtttwd intopurd oukt n
."ITWltf'rtflVff 'VBlcJl. l Tof: ttsetl" tti
"itrlttah. uMujrf riflfS in ;ritl).Bior
I wiujpyrmd i; 'mhittanc. jlAtoiilconipiirnl
ir tiuny-fevcn phtib 01 kuii--uhuu
mixed wltli fifty-eight of nitroglycerin
mnl live parU of mineral Jelly. It in
formed Into little corda encli (liree
TncLTIiii of an TucTTllilBmet'erTTTieHe
trie nclfK It can be turned Into a formi
dable djt onii tor. I
Jch ountrv bwlU pet powder. Tb
United States uses plcruteof ainuioiii
the Frncli have a btwi(lrtfl. em
triiiiKimlftit. chestnut colored pttwdc
muile ot the nitrates of potahtlum an
es these thrre are down
nfl bniiifititft. caiiiioiiiitj, niitnif. run
t bnll$tfr(Ccajiiioii1l. rIfieHeramTlt
vtfiiHtoiriepIt. These Varyjit lw au
r r '
shitpe If' criilii. t-olor and power", buj
- they -ft 1 1 tVtteuJ u tlttt ai;tlutt.t)t tlltrlC
ncld for their explosive force. Atlanta
' Constitution:
1 Tht llelle an4 Hrr Dress, 'tf
v Once upon a tlma tbertwns. a .Yif-
nious belle wo nmil fre(iiutit tMt ,U
her dresHiimker and stayed, u lie long
enuli time because she was jmrticulur
about tjie (It of her gowns." find 1 the
modiste, desired to please hen ... ! i. A .i
They would cut anil lit and shape
pud work to bring every line and curve
i : 1 1 o proH?r rclntlonT so (Lai "the effect
.woi; 1 tie arus ic ana picnsmc 10 1111
important mattem.'-Ne'.v' York Herald..
... - 7 - ''7'T.
Tktty'Ar l iSi Mark l.lfca ) Am
ulltrr asnii VtMIItU TlilnU.
'Wi' moist plawa In Uie Held and
meadows msy bo fnlltiij tlu Wood ti
4tte, k shIst sort of turtle of a brown
nr rcihllsh brown rolor above, the shell
hiivli'.u 11 rlilgp Hi Itn mlililln aioiilt H'P
Ixirk. s)t Mature Kluily.'. lOncb plnU? of
ti n. slH-ir undoiuealii iui blmk
Llotcli. ' '! '. '. ;: 1 . :
.In mud boles and lu small ponds, ot
tiii rtiiiiK 011 11 loif or sioiio nlsve tUf
Wster, on may almost alwaya Ond tha
p:lluli'd lurtle, whlcb bus the UmrnUi
df Ihn shell marked red. whllo th" shell
UiideriuMuu its yrllow. Tbetto lurllen
are not so easily captured as the wwl
turtles, for Ihry are rnUicr timid mid
ofteti' slip iiHn the water whiflt NP
pfiHii'luNt,! but With pntlirnee un.l Its
rehUlty they can be otitwllti'il at lu.tt
knd on kivuivd for rxsmlnntion. ;
' It will be run? good fortune Ut Iltid a
tnrt Id at mm I nnd see him bold his
food, sometimes wltb one fore is it,
sometimes with the other, but never
with both at nncn, as cuts nad dos
often do. .'
-After Watchlm: Mm for awhile try to
find whether he always draws bis tall
u on the win if shlo of his bX house.
Ktpurlnii'iit wllli the ssme turtle ovur
ami over; then sometimes try other tup
tics In tlu siime ny and dud out for
yourself wlM'ihor turtles vary lu this
matter of hiding awuy their (alls. This
Is mom Important than you can lmg
I11P. If all the animals ami plants of
the siiuio sort were always me Hume
there tvoulil never be any change lu
the llv)ig worhL. .
'Count the toea on the fore fitit nnd
in thsM bind feet, not Icing whelher
there are the same ntJinber all around.
As you (hid other turtlos. particularly
In different part of the countryi If foo
trsvel about, or In sucb uitjuonuis as
yoo t an visit, kt what dUTcreuces you
ran Sim! In this matter of the number
ami arniiiKetuent of turtle' toea. It la
iot so kllly as It may apear to some
people. ' Notice, also tbut some turtli-
have wehhed feotl to eoablo Oieiu to
swim the belter . ' . .. t . v.--I ..rr "
Manupt in sotne wsy to often the tur
tle' mouth ami find wtieihor U baa
teeth; or only bard and nit hex sharp
rutting edge aktiiff the- Jaws. Touch
tho eyea,giril)" wlh Amull Htlyk liud
see the turtle draw a tbHi'' s'klu over
thetu, This I the tljlrd eyelid, the saine
as In heus, pl'HHis and birds gmivrslly.
'olJlH tluit tjie feet and tIJ arc ctv
ered with ;hIos; tla-u some Uuic eium
lue the fiHit of a hen or plgcou ami see
tmt they nr.sculy nlfto. , lu Ihls ma(
ter'of the, third eyelJd and the sculos
the birds ami Um turtles huve feature
Ju i-oinliiou. l'erhaps' some time you
will leuru' how It happened and will
Dutl It a very Interesting story.-New
York Tribune. ' .
, AiprotrlalluK a Trrsl
,', There Is a restaurant Jseejier vrltU a
new mid capacious place on the upfter
west side about whom a story Is going
the round. This "mine bout" makes
lio secret of the fact that when he nr
rived' In America as 11 youth he bud
more Angers and toes than dollars and
that it is due to his own Indus! ry th:i:
he now can command ills little arm"
of cooks, waiters mid other help. When
he opened an ntl.lUlon to his rooms re
cciitly. his friends wire surprised t0
see n crest emblazoned connpicuotnly
on various parts of the wall. The glans
ware also bears the Crest."
"I say, fur." said a friend recently.
"where did yon get that crest?"
That belonged to a king of my name
In Ireland," wits the reply.
"And I suppose you were one of the
royal family?"
"Well, I don't know," was the confl
dentltll reply. "I looked It up l.i the
Astor library. There were several hun
dred years to account for, but I thought
I'd take a chance." New York Times
Finding Mure Malrrlnl.
"now large Is your Mammoth cave?'
asked the foreign tourist;
"Nobody knows exactly," said tbc na
tive. "It'a so largo.. though, aud people
i;ot lost lu It so easily, that when a
man Is about to explore t he makes Ms
will and, wishes, bis weeping friends
goodby.'' .' .', I ".!
"Most astonishing! ! never heard that
before!" ( ,,,,",,, r
, , "Oh, welf ot course, ii Isn t golt ao
, bad' 11s that' I was obly JokLnft4 " '
', Kutry In foreign tourist's not'etoxik :
"Another curious custoui anioug Aoiijr
Jean I tba( wlun tbey tep an awiii
Jug lie they ' cull It a Joksi J-Cjifcjaso
iunev; ;;;;,' ;,";,,;;t;;
';r "! ""; it '"'"
" MTlsoner,"''sald''Uiel Jud -'yorJ"
convicted of bigamy, of having1 nifttrlcd
two wives'."" Have "you" any plea fot
mercy beYofe" the s'ente,bcfe'of? the coun
U tmrwsed eri you f' ,''1'1," ,,;''1'
1",YPs. Judge'M aald the brtscrner.'''Ojve
m as, big a sentence In fall as you
what?:: nv.Ai';?'
'witnt to Veep' otit oif the clutches of
those two 'wives as long as I Vurl.'and a
long jairaelitence Vlll be trtie incrcjI'
Caltltnore Ilerulti: '- '
l'i" fV' .' -."'ii.
. .i r
Weary W niggles-if ey! ' Yoo yn'I
gft bothlu deceut Iii' uVre." Petri peopl
la regl'tarians. ( , ( .' ' ., ',",' '
Hungry Ilank-Udat right?.
Weary YVraggles. Yeh, an fley ot r.
log'-iv'at aln't.-lTllladelphln Tress. '
. ,. I'Unrltr. . ., , ... r.
Charity Itself coiumunds us, where
we know no 111,, to .think, well of all.
But friendship, that .ojwaya goc a
pitch higher, give a man a peculiar
right and claim to the good opinion
of lilt friend. , , ,., . . .,'
i Great men should think of opportu
nity and not of time,, 9'lioe Is the e
rase of feebla mUidvd and poultd aplr-'ita.-.DlsraeU,,
i vwi-"i 'jru j -tu5
lirffi,n t It. MnfT..r. 11, r.Hl .1 llunrt. aft" f '1 . I ? ? 34lJM"-I
ol 7 iii H by the KoiiielU nine of Portland
i.. .1... l.i.'.i i i . .ii
'TTWS'J to I '.mmHIK.,1 Ht fir
niiiiuiiy Hiii'rtKfii I neeontrni was una
rimliv .e)ple ttho er well plejw.l silli
the sfuirfntoii's etiteltitiiiuieiit. Charles
(iili', o Purtlsiul, niiipired I lie game
ami ksv tlislHCtiiry ileclnlniis, ' I
1 1 whs . pi'orrss gsiiiH until t'le.
loilitli liitiito; wii'ii Hie vi-iroriiiiiH;i.
.oreiordiZrmiH i .heir i.vor r,i
opioMnts In llm m intiliiif. The,
isl.p n r rsrrd in (he loiiowmg i0-.
i . i A rrti
mi i , when tlis lixsl tpniii inaile s- iun
ni.il retired tiivoilntr sum jwhiioiu: sn
d re'
s.MiiHiUl stiortt. ! ' k arii'i'Keding in
liir"'th I'ortlalnl ' boyni' UltTPeded in
ailtanciriiir their 'cortvi" J points, acitoin
pll-liin( the rpfiemeiit'f the local ten in
iik'sit further slore iibtiJ lite list bull
ul tint ninth wlieti s msiiiitllceiit bit by
W. ('slill' iieited tto sdditlonsl runs iut J'
Oregon City. I if x i
Itiot Krtine if Interest from theij
start am) (h liotiisj liimn insde a credit-,
able showing sgniia-t kn oiiMtilzitf jou 'A
more fxitf (iemed pluVeis. KCslifl.for J
Oirgna t'.iiy, is a; cVvrr plw her, and V
KMHilv oLti'iaKNi-il Hit- 10 ooitonenls.
Ilovtiiiiil lived. ll were iiitleii agsinsl
him. Will) iiiore, pltKjtn e uinl improved
'e iii sisk, tike Oregoit City nine will In
i re.ie u slrni.Vjlh sml bt-e.il not li'-.iittte
to t Ai klx say otJiHraimileur oriiauizilifin
ol s ijtirs id llm latt. '
.fitnlU I l'ofitiuii ' Oiegont'ity
lit H
,.t.',1li-ntr,..... Msrlin
llovt it Heed.
..i'itilirr.... K. Cshir
TuboU alop.,.'W. Cslitf
?ee . ...
. 1'aVrolt
. I bait 1... MaFsrlsnd
...2 bas.. Rerkiier
V ""' ' I '
tnl liiles;.
,'i tiMhta .iiTn .'.lira h m
.1 Held li. lw
is field .Mt Cubfc-j
.r lamdetl
J olix.
Cuhatuilshotr a.omlsarsge prefe
neifo'hmiij!eji ' iu.,tUfVJy' a"
aort of baud c(iuiish1 oraHTninnnf5T
Wt of a'rratiit piano; a-palr of sagnr
kcfiletooitoirisand a mahvlfh it liors'
radish grtiter callel a "giro" and i flat
JW rtttvAbl'rtrld Vrup ft. uhecpmv
blneit Until t';tiroluc1n ')dlaitdAt
pdiptTurrl tuat jnitlit-;eKHj mWH"'
bettrrtb. of.uy.itiirwrVH;vlJri k'W'k
fjjtlw'iis (uiult, is wu J'vre. tljtm t)ie
'iingi-r driiuimliigjniil. ;lre'f anli'pptft
musical murders coinriiltted'ih Ttmisl
ari bapiirs 'and Algerian cafes t-lisn-tanti'K,
T'". Inuded; but Itt'gubrlons
L'ulm'u blii,fiinui bytliii'js best esteemed
wlu iHT.fvruieil by Out of llicse bunda
of Inharmonic buridittl,' and : tUe.wi
tloruil.daneb, that uiutiotonou combi
nation of motions that auggrutA that.
the dancer Is trying to shoo a flea off
ttt smslHtf his brek-srMlltit no asf
on a stoue.irulsed heej, can only ba
adeiiuatefy M!forU!ed,'t6'lhe''iriiflc of
those Afriiwu agitator of catgMt. raw
bide and perforated t hi.'-" ' The truth I
the Cubans will have to letini mualc
all over ngata. '''- : ' '
A Imby Is horn ut every beat if the
human heart. That Is more, than one
for every tick of the clock. These
"living Jewels" (as the poets call ba
bies), "droppi'd unstilncd from heav
en," take wings and fly back whene
they came one for every minute of the
dny. Prom .Tan. 1 to Pec. 31 between
Ss.ixKUMm and 40.m)0.(Kit) living Jewels
are dropped Into this .cotil world.
Tlutfe are more baby girls than boy
balilcs. The proportion uf female births
to male births Is as 100 to !HX. So that
between 2.0H.(HX aud 3.0(X),WO more
girls ntu born In the world each year
than Ihjvh. There Is always a surplus
of women, and the extra number of
girl babies keeps np4he supply. '
The rate of Infant mortality Is enor
mous, lit round tin inner. 3.Q0O.000
bnbleg never live' long enough to talk,
B.0O0.OOO more never have a chance to
walk or run and 5,OX).000,uiore uevey
get old enough to go to school,
How a Snake Swallows a Fro-.
The method .of. swalUnvhag, is, o. very
simple yon.i although (1 tBo fryg b
large more than half an hour iuay be
consumed In the process. Tbe two
bones of., the lowur. Jaw, are separate
kand" capable of, Independent movement;
so the reptile loosepg ts hold, upon, one
aide or 'Its 'Jaw,' and pushing that Side
foHi'hi'd'as faY aa nossfble it tlrl,tht
" tJcth lb : again aftd draw the Jaw Dhck
WtrwWfgl'nalptW'rtlon'. al.;uT
The result la that the prey 1 drawn
down by the movement The process
Ifs fhen repeated by the "other half 'ljf
the Jaw thus Inevitably forcing the
victim . Inward.: The snake.' skin
stretches enormoualy, and the jaw, I
of course dislocated, but the extensible
ligaments hold the bonetoeetbr. ' J
... ' -
s viA Ooo a a Canaaaa." 1
The' compass plant of Asia-Minor,
known' nil ulong the eastern' shore (Jf
tbe Mediterranean' and as far east a
Arahla and IVrsIa, Is mentioned In the
Bible, where tba prophrt refe'ra to "that
aenselp. thing which la more stable
thau man, inasmuch as It always
polnteth In the one dlrwtlon."- It Is
aa annual shrub, much reenibliug our
wild or false Indigo, hutwlth all the
branchca arranged along It stem on
the north side. , It Is of the greatest
value to travelers of those regions, who
use It with as much assurance of being
carrieu angut as ooe me seaman ms,are enlinly out ;o( politic., ,nd for
mariner' compass constructed on the ; 00,17- (pieried the retorter. who had
kitest scleiitlQo principles. . , I heard tlie statement btsfore, but not
Hard Lark.
A Texas man's cotton was raten by
the, boll weevil ami his corn destroyed
by the drought His. only daughter
cloned with a vagabond ami his son
i ,..! t... ..irA,.. n ,.r .1.1. i.i.
followed the cirou. . Ou top of this bis
wife pave- birth to triplets..'- He com
mitted, sulcldo by tho rope and rafter
route, and the povotirrAisry properly re
tumotl a. ;rc3ct' 0f.JstlflaJ.ej homi
cide. Hallctsi lc Herald.
J-.?f79nqm mm"
oiiiropeciai oaie
5 viip a.r-w
" o'"'-' ""-"J "
All bur $3.00, $4.00 and, 55.00
. , r
i S 'MfiTi Trmisfirs
m- . x
lnrr thlQ RfllO iCiV
a1jO wAJAO.., 9r
Large Stock-:-all; sizes
olden lulelezai
j i
Oregon City's
Sens VffltrwJUIIjfieus hoeletlfa f Ore-
Jk. i,rmory, U.jBniiJfptd, the fllptlera-
tot Of the NsUgnjilt'OUlHflAof (ugregs
tfonnl L'LTlrches has been seciirrA as the
TietT meakFrturti Jdiiuelwb of the
Coharegstional cliurt-b ;T,Theppjef will
be giyttu t ..Tuesday .evening,,.. May-. L
Ttie mem bars ol llm club are reontwted
M ,j ecnm' ihey licketH1.' early." Vacant
maces win iieoccupreo dv invnea gnesn.
1 tl 1 1" rt Kibwbk itV k rVWeiilent'ii .wilt 'its
fiiwafliai1ktrhB)ubMi:nilV VW.iair .yrf
be,( srmit ltd .la,bwnUiu. neaJmrnijil
cHiirrli'iiekitaiiday wnr. e t" nm i
HeaTt Ami llight hpnit" jo itr nivrvnig;
ajul ."i.eeson to be earned rout Koiuan
Cntfiolitftm" Iii the evening All 'are
eoMlislly invlwd.' ?:;" s::i.t i,:!.
I iteginiiing ub :tb Cfst 'Sunday . la
May lb ervtsninn servico : St tt. .. PaUl'p
biircb willeoiHiiienmawt 4 o'viock-t-lil
ol 5, ext 8 u n day will,, Vherefute
Oe tlie last 6 oVlock service qtiJJi 'Ocr.,7
Don't lorget the concert "00 ' Monday
evening I tie 27th inst at Willamette hall.
Portland, assisted by others will render
a tineinurs! progiain wtdtr,; (hp. aus
pice of Ht. Paul's jmld.
JteyHiid Mrs. 1', K. Hainmond enter
tttned the' yonng ladies 'of tft.':'Agnt
Guild at ilie rectory n TneidayeveuiiiK.
1 he tune wag psssed with music and
names and as thoiouxhly enjoyed , by
those inesent. " .' ' i' 1
1 The t-eventh annual meeling of the1
East Willamette Associalion ot Congrte ;
national cburcbes and ministers ' will he '
held at Bntlevllle, Marion county. "next
Tiirnlav and Wednesday,. April "s and;
"'J. The Congregational chnrcli of this j qnosttoneil the riitbt of the clerk to reu
city is entitled to seveinlelegies. ' Kev i tier the' jiiiienient while the cmiit w4
E. S. Bollinger is one of the prinuipal . still in sest-ion. ' He held that there w
Weilnt KlBy aflernotjn, Mrs. C." IX
Latiurelte and Mrs. H. I).' Wilson enter
tained the members of the Ladies Aid
Society ol the First Congregational
church at the home of the former. In
stead of the usual program of papers and
a discussion of missionary topics, ebort
fane was produced by the'yonng ladies
ol the congregation. . It was . vntitleil
"The Lipi'incott Square Chardi Mission
ary Society" and those acting the prin
cipal narts were;. Echo Samson,' Hilda
Mctietchie, Lillian Hayward. Ular Cat
field, Grace M. Marshall, Edna 'Pulton,
Kate Mark. Bessie' Sleight,- Mnriel
Stevens, aud Alepe Albright. Miss Liz
zie Walker acted the part of the niinston-
ary, the Rev, -Mr. . Clark, and ' Miss
Blanche Gardner took the part of the
nissionary's yonng; valor. - 'The' farce
was very creuuaoiy proouceu aou re
flected credit On those taking part. Dur
tug the afternoon Mr; Kate- Ward-Pope
sang number of solo add -Mrs?.- L;" L.
Porter played some instrumental' feeletf
tions. In all tlie entertainment was one
of the boat enjoyable of the' kind ever
presented In the city.' "
."A .1
0 u
i. n 1 1 1- t
,.'v",I J. I , s Io n 1
rosiTimr bvr of , roitms,
l" W ) . H t .''I .1.'. ) .til lo
BrewaeU JBctl'. lie, .flill A'U, Ask
"VI v For Ofllee Ae1a! iY-'-' ,
CiV. r i '' -...a i.i : i
"Itn out of politics and J io tend to
atay out," said Jsta'e cwnator Jirowneli,
this itnornlng. Vli.hava. been;,kujdly
treated by the people: olv CWiuroas
county t at whose hands I have beep.licgj
ored repeatedly.:: While.I hav made
some ouatake. J have always endeavor
ed, to the best of my abihtyLto do what
I coasidertd waa tha proper: thing to do.
.TDere are . youngef men coming up in
the prty audotbera who. art entitJei o
recognition.. I fees tnaf the tl ma. lias
come for me to let go, aud bt the others
step to the front and assume Uie giMiural
leadership and MnaBagepianti oi party
politics.. T e
"To make it plain,' I bate made up my
mlbd to let politic go and go to work in
mv nrufrsf ion and make a living, and
1 try to mska some., provision for those
I who are dependent upon me." i n , i
Do you really mean to say that you
from so direct a source. : ... ,.;
"Most emphatically . my answer to
that ii yes," was tbe senator's reply.
"Of course, I shall be pleased -to help
my friends, if they need m help, and at
all times do what 1 can to bringabont
the election of the Republican ticket. I
am through asking for orijee, and have
done with taking any general or active
part in party politic. . I make this state
ment, as I think It is due mv many
friends in Clackamas eonnty: -What I
want now la law business," and with the
M3V0 -H---TMH f
oT i rousen
I ... iivi , , . . .1 i..,
" i n ' t a r ' D
A I ; I II ; JAYIV -i
" , . " .
.i '. ft i..
' tl"i ' r ' i' i
will bo ROld dur-.
. . . , r"...
I'. i . .i, I srr'i
-til -lo'l ..i'l't -.il,
'nr.m X''i'J ('..V.il
I", Ji: nl '"ill 1:;
''i.fi;'t iciii " .i n ,
Big Cash Store
!!"', i . i ! i it ?! ' "i :: "; ,-":!' ."":!
luet dn birHtion n Browtjell gve til
attention to a olifiM who bad been wailrt
iog for lli interview to terruinste, . . j:
a' '' '" ,,':,i,n.l. " '. ntiin
f..:'..O0t.NTt"HAM..l! SH0W:'b"t
Biil'r '.)-U'.ii ''.) it. Mint 'il-ij btiu
Can' Sake Defense Against Ltet
Mo; ,imi
:: i! (!,(;!
.bmrorl .IlinJri
' Diartci:'A ttornev' 'A ite:a fias filed a'm
tion'ln the circuit ;obrt to oip' rip' (lui
jtiJrmeHt fn rtia 'owrfo Alfred L'tlelTiiig;
etonW'reeorrter,wtio; recently Vedo
ered jtiiltoent !6y "ilefantt aeslnst itfie
ccMiily fori HQ0. hnd avCnied inte-ssi
armmntinK- in. ., aggiemta to i .atboat
Al'JiK). l)Umg served the P.'f tnt
recorder of the county Jrom 1896 to 1&9S
and during his term of seryk'epresen'ed
to the couitAitJ toil)-' fer-itBiiuty hire
amounting to abttnt14()0. Thecommls
stofieraj c'onft (jtilrd td allow th blsim
and! f,. subsequent, time' Loellincrl
through his attorneys,. ti, 11. MroirksVtA
if . .U, ..tfl.ory. bwngli. an, action, , sgait
the fonnU ih fbe circuit court, ', XWrtqt
Attorney A lien btlted td tnakera :rep:)(
nntil one dsr After the; expiration A irit
! time in which am annwsr'eoald 'nev fl'rl
and the renlt was. (list LneJImg -;
granted judgment in, tlw amount, suetl
'or. .tidBt-.s-t ,;( io"f.:t
i'ltl.no"'- KduEnt OPENED Df. 'l'I oT
..After hearbu ua niiiion iix howei
Judgs McLSride, orv Tltursdity aiteri)!).,
ordered the jii'litunent. in the case openmA
up and the c.se is now ut ieaue. , Tliirt
action on the part of tlie court was takeul
on the strength of motion by Di'trlcV
Attorhry Allen,'' pnpported by an'aifi ls'
vit by County Clerk Sleight to the etTtut
Hint tli judgment Was eiiteied by luuii-'
self while tn court was still io sesrioo.
In passing on the cast), Judge McRale-
he'd that tlie law had notbetn s-jri.u-ily
; vioiaied on the p.n t of Ilie ilelene. ' H
valid defense to be-made, and tint tha
county is entitled to-Jfeoen I its side of
theease. ,., ..,,,.,-;
, Ditt ict Attorney Allen was permitted
to tile a tool on tostr.ke out arts of . the
complaint. Siuce the presiding juilg
and the entire list of jurors are intereoteij
parlies, inamueh as they are taxpayers)
in this county, "it is probable the caw
will be heard inVloltiiomah connty. 1 i; '
' The action is tho outgrowth of a dis
pnte between the ex-cotinty recorder and
the county commissioners court astotbti
payment of claims for deputy hire. Un
der the law by w hitli these deputies were
employed . it was optional , with he
county court as to whether or. not the
deputies . employed by the recorder
should be paid bi the' county and alsi
w hat WHges they7shuuld be paid. Tti
result was thatthe recorder and th
county eommisioners failed toreSA'h an
agreement .and', hence .the: action, for
money has reeulted.-v. ! " muli'i i-nrVt
"irfttu'i-;; rl to . i.vii't m.....i:utia s-.oiil
Letter List.
Tbe I'qYtowing is' trie til of letters xfr
malhing in the 'postoffice at Oregon City,
Oregon Aprif 2S, 1903: 1 " - ' -
'j,-... m,,ii-ui.! 'j.iiv.tllnl yill trun
ut,a j ,:;.,:!(!? .Wmi bad I -
Soiling Fannie, Jone Lenora Mrf j
jCotikopt Jla AUcKUIicafl M.'r Mjj
(.:..-! .'fry-.W-if?, ,04
,ifi vni V. :,,,ltlT ..! -J ?;i;S
.Clark AMn.iiI t t:iij Moores QQ,m bad
Cooper OL;,,,..-;, T1,PfieJmes;il Ul4
Lee HO. . .Wooner Fred
rrherhitin V" ' Wortder Adiittv
''Xl'Yt) Mis Sarah RichardsotlJlly!l,
'"TOM If. lUttDALti'P: Ml w
-von ohiuii :. "Altr lt..M ,'; ul jl '
f Will your. etupkiyer be In after iJtav
ser . lnquljed tire vJsltor of . the1 oUw
boffvu iIiff; .;biti:-ta no,) u li-.li'ii.lj
-;irNbpti.T was the laoeulc- reply j.-Ia
! I'What makes you think so?" was tbe
next query.i n! ,.1 -;m t,;t; - i-w..;i M.
!Cok'! Tcplied ti 8 he- pre
pared no Uodgol .'rthat'a what bo went
out after." Judge. .ii'.in.:'. t
n'tl,rllpnt Boy!
' fapa Wlierie" Is my new pipe?
Small Sou-I-I broke it '' 1
1 Vapa See here! I told you that If
you took my'plpo ag;iiu to blow bnl.
bles with I'd whip you. : i """ '"
Small Son-I"wasn't bIowln,bubblc-i
with It. I was only shioklu' It
Cbrnp Lle avln.'
"Bill Tlie lifesaver has a thankle
task. '" -'-'" -: -
Job Why, I "saw a man offer him a
dollar jTRtcnlay for saving his life. 1 .
"Blllrerhrrnw that was1 all he tborigful
K wwwortiL-TowW and fjoutitry. '"M