Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 24, 1903, Image 5

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Nuvur bcikI inonny by mail. A bank draft i always
safer; it in also better in other vayn. Wo noil
thodrafls; tliey areood (hnmhotil tlio United
SlatcH and Canada. OurcharcH aro low.
Grula and Fnill In WllJinm tto
Am Doing Well.
A lirii't synoiwli of crop ami (rult con
ditions in I lit Willamette VhI Icy, com
piled liy III" U. H. Impart Inelit of Agri
culture fur this (notion of the stale for
tliH week (Milium Monday, April 111, is MS
follows :
I MoiinlHln Iiale, Washington county,
' C H. Itoyriol.ls. The week began very
I cool mnl cloudy , Willi frciieul showers
of rnln and (mil; it ended with li.ht
' Iroat". Farm work I" progressing very
well. Crops are gro leg slowly, owing
lo Dm cool weather,
I KIhIT rl. iJl.irksllias roillilV. J. f..
KriiHH. Tim past week very favorable
i -M W w w WaVw w W Ww w W W W W w w w
Oregon City Enterprise
Hkvkntii Monthly Hue Tim Merry
Panelng Club gave UN seventh inoiillilv
party In Willi! lie hall Halurdiiy even
ing. Theie was li large h 1 1 kimI m ( and
the members report a leal enjoyable
I. (). (. K. Anmvkhsahy Oounly
Judge T . K. Ityuii goes t Scott's Mill
Saturday night to assist the local fialera
In observing lint eighty lourth anniver
sary of the mgiiuigittiuii of the I. . O.
K. Judge Ryan la scheduled for an address.
Foil Anunrif I'i hi-onkn.-TIh! base
bull chili ol Him Oregon C'ltV high irliool
will give kii entertainment hihI dance
Nt Willamette 1 1 m 1 1 mi Saturday evening,
May An Interesting progiam ol eight
numbers linn bil piepared, and this
will bo followed by it ms'ial dance, for
which Tiirney'N orchestra will lurnisli
Ulie music
Plans Si iiwiiikii. K. ti Hands, oily
engineer, has llli"! lu (lie ollieo of City
Recorder Cuirv plans for the ciinalr'ie
(mil of Hi" south eml rem, I. IIIiIn for
building this rosd hsve been cnIIhiI for
ami will be opened on Mav when the
-nl met w ill probably be awarded nd
Murk started on I he new rottd.
I'llKI'AHINll llll I'll' (IIIAM. TllH State.
Teachers' Association will lie held ill
Portland on June '.'I. (,'niinly Hohool Su
eriiilendent .inner In preparing the pro
gram for llm )eprtineiil of Supcrin
tiindenlN. which will be held in culijuno
tion Willi the teiichern' ineelinir, Ninl of
-which ho I" preKliletit. Many of the
IHoUttotiueN ol Orriton I'lly it-i.1 vicinity
Tuxtii k I'nioh Sim iai.. I.l Wediies
lny eveniliK the liieinliern ol the Trxtllu
t lllnll uVe N ni H' ml III Wlilillliotln Hull.
Aller a well-rendered pfiiitraiu, itmiiet
were p'uV'-d and refreMhiiientii were,
erved. I'lm iiiciiiIh-ihIiip ol thin Union
ilichldeN inuny yoniiK woui'eli, ho arc
optiMu of arruiiiciiiK very entorlminn
aocial (iinctioiiN.
Kkii'iinkd With Tuoi t. ('barlea AI
Lritjht, Jr., of Ihmiity, Mr. Wriht and
Mr. KruiiHite, of I'ortlund. formed a Hull
Inu party thai viiiited 'leiir creek farly
thiN week. The party wn iiilt) Mieceiw
fill and landed in lh uWiiri tt.Uo nearly
'.'IK) line iiiiuititain trout Troul are re
ported reaiMiiiulily plentuoim In the
atrcauiN about t tn-nnii I'ity.
Mohk School Moskv. County School
Siiierliitciileiil .inner IniN inndii the
reyiilor April apportioniiient ol Ihe
acbool fund to the varionn dintrictn of
the count v. Thu mini of 7li-t( wan din.
Guinea at the rale (if f I per cipila. Thin
iiiukf h thu third npportionineiit for the
school year of ltHC-:i, and Suiieiintend
fnt inner thinkn lliera will bo another
dintri tint ion to be nindu in July.
A Dkmkiivkd rKoMorniN. William It.
I.omiM, id thin city, who for noma time
nerved an local aicent (or the 1'onlal Tele
Kriiph Company, bun (joim lo remileton
lo acc ept the nialiaucmeiit of the Went--rn
Vnion Telegraph nllice at that place.
Will'a niimcroiin tricndn renrel tonee him
leave Oregon City, and wir.b him the
vreutent ponniblu ntlccenH iifbln new lield.
Air. l.outm Iihn been Kllcceedcd in Ihe
tnaniigeineiit of the local l'untdl ollico by
J. S. I'lirdoiii, of thin city.
Ohiiniih '1'akk Ciiaikik. Monday
venniK the piorty of Ihe local militia
com puny wan formally trannferred to
Captain J. l;. C'ainphuil, who now haa
charizH of the nrnaiiiation. The other
!oiiiininHioiiud ollicera are: FredT. Hum
phrey, firm lienlonaiit: C. K. Bnrna,
necond lieutenant. Company A, Third
Ketjiineiit, of tlnn city, now hn 4t) en
lmted men und with UN new complement
ol ollicera will coinpare favorably with
any other other company in the state
Social at Hkiiilanij. Mountain View
Tent, Kniuhtii of the Maccabees, of
Highland, will hold a bunket nodal on
the evening of Saturday, May 2. Mayor
Dlmick, of Ihia city, w ill olllciate bb auc
tioneer in dinpoHing of the banketa. J.
W. Sherwood, of I'ortlanil, mate com
jnnnder of the organi.alion, will be pres
ent and the Iliiibland people are plan
ning to entertain In good style on this
occasion. The Highland Tent wag only
recently organized but is 'enjoying a
rapid growth. As entertainers, Ihe
.members of this tent have already eatab
Jielied an enviable reputation.
Ci.kvkr Kntkktainmknt. The Wes
ton it Herbert Vaudevilles occupied the
boards at Sliively's opera Iioiihh Monday
and Tuenday nights. They prcM-nled
programs of real Interest both niuhts,
ninl the worth ol the rule rluiii'iiciits was
leM'rving of laiger Iioiihcj. Wcfton in a
niii-icul coiiiediui) and a nici enrdul cn
tertniin r. A'-niiciated w ith him in llu'li
J. l'.niniitl, titan whom no mere cli vir
ventriloqiiHl w.is ever Ht'i'ii hi re before.
1 he I'lragdons in tin ir lintic carnival, lit
tle Carrie, the versatile, child artiHt, il
lustrated songs and latest improved bio
iwopic pii'tuiea made a show that is hard
lo surpiiHS.
JIk.ii School 1!a.-ieiiai.l. There is in
tense interest locally in baseball this
Heason, and this interest is evidenced in
the organization of a number of nines.
For the first time in years, the high
school ia represented by a team. This
organization haa issued challenges to
every high school and academy in the
valley, and expects to arrange for an in
teresting series of games. The high
school team ii captained by II. Wllkii-
son and I'ercy Cuufleld Is the manager.
I'lm platers are an follows: N. While,
catcher ; II. Wilkinson, pitcher; Willie
Telloid, short atop; Carl (ianong, II rut
bime; Carl Simmons, second !"; i.
MoorcN, third bane; K. Shank, left Held;
Norwood CliarniHn, center Held ; Wal
lace Telloid, right Held.
To CoNaoi.iOATK Schools, The meiii'
hoi a ol the Concord Ncliool board weie
In the city recently ami held a conler
cure Willi Superintendent inner, when
it was decided to favor the trannler of
the upper grades o( Hie Concord nrhool
to the Milwaukin school. This plan, it
In claimed, will relieve the Concord
cIiimiI of lis crowded condition without
interfering with the Milwaukin school.
iUierinteudeul inner says there is in
Ibis county a growing intermit in the
!Ucntioii of school dinlrict cuimol illation,
as provided for in a law punned at the
Isnt legislature. Under the operation of
Ihe law, two or more rural illatricls may
coiiaolidate, mile their school funds,
prolong Ihe term of school and improve
the standard 01 the school wujk.
Will (!o to I.AtiiiAMix J. Henry
Howard, secretary of the local Kedeial
l.ahor Union, will attend the Oregon
State I'edi-ralioii of l.ahor convention,
which ineein at l.at tramle, Monday, .May
f). Mr. Howard giM-N as a delegate from
the laUtr orgninznlions ol this city and
will probably he the only renreneiitaiiw
at the conveiiliin from Oregon Luy.
Organixed labor is Increamiig in strength
in ll in coinmtinity. The Kederal Union
of thin city has a iiieintiernhlp of about
ll.rn. The Textile Union follows with
J 0. Four other orgainx ttions are main
taint d a follows: l'aiutern, careutern,
clerks and printers. Teamsters Slid
blacksmiths are planning to orgnaize,
the borne-nhoeia ol Ibis city haviifg al
ready allillaled with the Cortland union.
Oilier trades will lie organized when
theie are a nullicienl number lo make
application fur a charter.
Schools Havk Vacation All classes
in the Oregon City schools were disininn
ed today and the corps of teachers, ac
companied hy Principal Kaulk, went lo
I'ortUnd to visit the schools of the me
tropolis and In iiniiirn into and examine
the method of teaching that are em
plowed there. It has been an annual
custom with the Oiegon City school
board tu permit the teachers to visit the
Portland schools, one at a time, during
the sebool year. This year the hoard
concluded lo dismiss school lor a day
and alio lbs teachers logo in a IhhIv.
At a mooting ol the piinciuals and teach
ers to be held at some mihaeitienl dale,
there will be a general discussion, for
mutual advantage, of the observations
that limy be luade by the local peda
gogues in connection witli the manage
ment ol the Portland schools.
T hold school i:iiinir.
Work of ( liickamas County Pupils Will
lie Ci.tnparid.
Last Saturday afternoon a conference
was held in this city between the sev
eral county principals of schools and
School Superintendent inner. The meet
ing was very generally attended by the
principals of the county and, after a dis
cussion, it was decided lo proceed with
Ihe arrangements for holding Ihe pio
posed school exhibit at the court house
in this city June 4, 5 and U. It is pro
posed to gather samples of the work
from dilleient schools of the county for
comparative purposes, prizes tu be
awarded Ihe best school exhibit ss well
as individual work. All schools intend
ing to make an exhibit are requested lo
notify Superintendent inner at once
that he may reserve space for all exhib
its. Superintendent inner was directed
to appoint competent persons tu judge
the exhibits, hut the names will not be
announced now. The prizes for the suc
cessful competitors were contributed by
the business men of the city and range
from $2 in cash to a pound box oi candy,
including many useful articles, among
which may he mentioned a year's sub
scription to the Enterprise.
Exhibits will be clussillod as follows :
Primary department, intermediate di
vision, advanced division, high school
division and general ; the last named
classification, including the best school
exhibit and composition work. The
committee having charge of the exhibit
is composed of T. J. Gary, (lertrude
Nef.ger, Frances Myers, Jessie Hum
phreys and Catherine Cssto.
Cluckiinim County Teachers To Hold
Mnul Hefting.
TIia niTt meotinir nf llin Clackamas
County Teachers' Association will be
held at Aurora tomorrow, Saturday,
April This meeting will probably be
the final convention of Ibis association
of teacheis for the year. In addition to
the program printed below, there will
boa local school program, inoso in
tending the association from this city
will leave on the .l:l,'( train S.Uurdiiy
morning and return on the ti :K in the
evening. ,
The following program of exorcises has
boon arranged lor the meeiing:
School Luw, "The Dintrict School
Hoard," see pages :!.) to 4!.'
"The Art ol ti'ientimiing," (i. A.
Prentiss, principal, West Oregon City.
"(ieogrsphv in the Advanced Divis
ion," H. T. Kvans. principal, Oswego.
"Nature Study," Millard Hyatt,
principal, Willamette Falls. '
Address, Prof. E. II. Lake, Oregon
Agricultural College.
Black mercenieil sateen skirts, braid
trimmed, extra value, for $1, at Thom
son 'a.
I! re's the sort t-f Summer Sit you've l!i kuking fur;,
one thai has style awl fjnkb, that flta and stays fit all
imiuK-r, a summer suit made to wear,, not simply to
look at
for farm work ; plowing and needing pro-
irr.iiliiir i ,1, 1 1 w i n.iil la in Hoe ootid 1 1 Ion :
fall sown grain well stunted and making Q TIlCyrC Haft ScliaffnCf & MafX
isir growin, li is us) cui ior vigorous i
growth. Fruit very backward, and pas
torn ie. very short ; slock not In the host
comlitlon ; warm sunshine neeileil, f
lliititmril. (klliolt I'mirie lllslriels) I V
Clsckatuas county, ieo. Pope The
cold rains of the past week have retarded !
plant trow tb to noma extent, Pasturssi
am improving, r.nrlv sown oata now
well out of the ground and looking well.
Fall grain doing nicely. Orchards near
ly in full bloom. Stock picking up.
Hops well out ol the ground, two feel in
some iuitances, but there is general
comiilaint of a large number of ousting
Sha1, Marion county, J. O. Htwln
bleiines A few warm days have made
a big improvement in grain and grass.
Fruit buds swelling fast, and morw warm
weather is wanted. Uoyal Ann cherries
aro out in bloom; n-tite prunes am just
breaking x-ii, another week of g sid
weather will tiring them out in full
bloom; Italians will bloom about week
Falls City, Polk county, II. 11. Har
rington. Fore part of the week cold,
with frosty nights and cold rains; the
latter pari fine spring weather, nilwr
prunes in bloom ; grsss starting; early
gardens coming up; no da'iiage lo fruit
liinke, and perfect tailoring which the elet'j! gits makes
thi ii i fji'.'l to '.! t Ust custom work. We also carry a.
complete line of Geo I', lit & Co. men's skirt waists,
the it west thing for the sunny days..
Cur fhne line titnl no introduction as we have just re
rrivul an itnmcnue sj ring line of W. L, Douglas cele
brated Shoes for men and Rich's famous Julia Marlowe
shots for women in all the latest styles. A glance at
our stock will convince you that weare the ouly up-to-date
store in town.
z.' tt i
'.7' a -
Hurry Corson Clurke To Presout
Mils '.bHrnt Hiy."
Harry Corson Clarke and his company
will appear here for one night, April "H,
and will present Ihe comedian's latest
laughing success entitled "Ilia Absent
Hoy, The play tells in huiiiurous vein
the slory of a man who lives, to all out
ward appearances, completely under the
control ol bis uiasleiliil wife, rinding
the allowance Ins wife lias made him in
every way inadequate for his needs, he
has invented lor the Improvement of Ins
resources, an absent Imy a son by a
former marriage, and, for the support of
the child, Mrs. Penny lias been in the
habit ol allowing her husband an extra
$100 each month. For twenty-five years
this has gone on, and at Ihe opening of
the pisy we are introduced to Mr. and
Mrs. Penny as they receive Ihe wishes of
their friends on the twenty-flfth anniver
sary of their wedding. Mrs. Penny,
moved, as it appears, by the occasion,
bids her husband write to the absent boy
and invite him to come home. The di
lemma in which the unhappy Pennie
finds himself and the means he adopts
to avoid the detection of his deceit, form
the basis for one of the luniiiest farces
imaginable. The company supporting
the star baa been specially selected and
no expense has been spared to make the
whole in every way a production that
will live long in the pleasant memories
ol those w ho w itness it.
For Sale or I xcliange.
Three houses and lots in Oregon City,
all united. Will trade for residence or
business property ill Washington or Cal.
Will assume mortgage or pav diflerence.
What have vou to exchange? K II. B.,
this ollice. April :'4.
Kidney Trouble Hakes Yon Miserable.
II 'i
Cor, 6th and Main SU.
C0G0C3G0C0C0C0CC60C0 cooooooocccoccoooc
HinSchiffntr r I ft
V Marx Wk i I J
X lLtnd Tailored Xikv O
it ti i t I " . 'i f
ll f 1 - : :; J o
f .;, Q
J o
.r I o
' o
2,K)0 miles of ong dis
tance telephone wire in
Oregon, WaHhington, Cali
fornia and Idaho now in
operation by the Pacific
Station Telephone Com
pany, covering 2,2oO
Quick, net urate, cheap
All the gatinfaction of a
personal communication, j
uiNiauce no rurei its a
clear understanding. Spo
kane and San Franctneo
an easily heard hi Portland.
-Oregon City office at-
Harding's lkw Store.
on Main Street, opposite
l Electric Hotel. Formerly
occupied by the Colombia..
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and
All kinds of Repairing neatly done
tuvi warranted.
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
Double and Single Rigs, and nad
die horses always on hand at the
lowest prices. A corral' connected
with the bare for loose stock.
Information regarding any kind or
stock promptly attended to by person ol
Horses Bought and Sold.
Horsen Boarded and Fed on reason
1 ble terms.
Almost everybody who reads the news
papers Is sure to know of the wonderful
cures maaa oy ur.
Kilmer's Swamr-Root,
the great kidney, liver
and bladder remedy.
It Is the rreat medt-
cal triumph of the nine
teenth century; dis
covered after years of
lnllfl. rorrh hv
HJkB Df- Kilmer, the eml-
neni money ana Dea
der specialist, and Is
wonderfully successful In promptly curing
lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou
bles and Bright' Disease, which Is the worst
form of kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Is not rec
ommended fjr everything but if you havekid
nr.v. liver cr bladder trouble It v.'ill be found
iir.t the remedy you need. H h:is been tested
in so many ways, in hoi-pilal wotk, in private
practice, arinnf the he'plersto,o r00r to pur
chase reli- f nii.1 hut proved so successful in
every ca-.e. that a special arrangernent ha 3
be-n mad-, by whi -h all readers of thisp.iper
who have.not alieady tried it, may have a
sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book
telling more about Swamp-Root and how to
findout if you have kidney or bladder trouble.
When writing mention reading this generous
offer In this paper and
sena your auurcss iu i
Dr. Kilmer &Co.,Bing-
hamton, N. Y. The
regular fifty cent and img inap-ftai
dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists.
Don't make any mistake, but remem
ber tho nsme.Swamp-Root. Dr. Kilmir'e
Kwamp-Root, and the address, B Dg
bamtoD, N. Y., oo every bottle.
There';s f4o Good Reason
WHY you should not own one of those fine" gold
watches we are now displaying in our show
windows, After many years of experience in the
watch business we found out, that almost every
person who is not wearing a watch, would pur
chase one at once , if they knew how reasonable
a good watch can be bought and how easy it is to
pay for one. Most of them say that they will not
own a Waterbury or some other cheap time piece
and that they are not able to invest in a good watch
We sell'good reliable Watches in Nickle Cases
from $5-x up. Fine Toss Filled Watches from
$13.00 up. Solid Silver Watches $6.oo up and
Solid Gold frouiM.oo up . ' .
It ia ery easy to buy one of our high-grade watches on
the installment plan. A person hardly ever feels able to
pay the full amount at on time, therefore we adopted this
plan in selling these on weekly or monthly payments.
If you have a few moments to spare we would like to have
you come in ank look at our watches and we will explain
our'method of selling them on the installment plan. We
do all kinds of Watch and Jewelry repairing.