Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 17, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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John Lewrllen, T. H. Kllltn, ami Win.
Itrobat. CoiumUiilouvift.
;fo The Pe-ru-na Medicine Co., of Columbus, 0.
Id the matter of t lie Hrown school
bouse lull.
The petition of (ieo. rirown ami
PenniHii reieriecl to tiipervisur ut
tricl Jo. It!
Iu the matter of the rexinntioi) of K.
Tabor clei k of eiec.licn I'anemali p'eeinct.
Ordered ttiat same be accepted and
Jas. W. Pan low aHiiiited lit tiii place.
Ill the tUKlter ol jude Ol election of
Killen precinct, V. 11. Marvin haying
moved from n cinct.
Ordeitd ttiat Nixou Blair be appointed
in his place
In the matter of the resitfiiHtion of F.
W. Greenman clerk of election, Oregon
City No. 2, psecinct.
Ordered that ratne be accepted ami H.
A. Hands be appointed in his place.
In the matter of bridges in that net No.
Ordered that huihlinu of bridges on
Bittner road, and repana to bridge on
Fhockley road lie Lid over until uisuecl
ed by County Court.
In the matter of petition of Geo. 11.
Brown for opening the Geo. H. Brown
road betweeu New Kra and Canby.
Ordeied that road supervisor open said
road provided I hat same cau be opened
for gate travel and till made near whete
aid road lntett-ecls county lund near
railroad track with Work ol petitioner!,
donations and $'.'5 hum comiiy.
Ill the uiatlei ut petition ot JoliU
eirous ior county ruaii.
Ordered that oelinon he showed
In the mailer of petition of Henry
Waddis f. r assistance.
Oidered that same he laid over.
In the matter of allowance of Ernes
tina l'eppel, a couuty chaige.
Ordered that allowance be dUcon
Iu the matter of the petition of Scott
Carter and others for county road.
Ordered that said uetitiou be allowed
Iu the mutter of the resignation of
John Wine Justice of the I'eacn for Dia
trict No. 8.
Ordered that same be accented.
In the matter ot resignation of Ed
Kopper Supervisor Road District No. 8.
Ordere.i that same be accepted and
David Douglas be appointed in hie place.
in the matter of the fellows road.
Ordered that attorney for ohjector W.
H. Mattooo have until first da of May
term at li o'clock A. M. to file briefs.
Iu the matter ol building biidge on
Sycamore road called Sagei Bridge.
Ordered that supervisor be inmructed
to build same.
In the matter of petition of J. Mosher
to improve Linn Mill and Viola road.
Ordeied that same be referred to su
pervisor of Di8tiicis 14, 13 aud 12.
In the matter of the petition of John
McKay, Don-resident pauper for aid.
Ordered that same be taken under ad
visement. In tne matter of constructing a bridge
on Linn Mill and Viola road.
Ordered that Supervisor Gibbs of Dis
trict No. 14 construct same.
In the matter of assistance to Thomas
Crowley an indigent soldier.
Ordered that ne be allowed the sum of
$5 for month of April.
In the matter oi aid to Mrs. Kulow,
widow of indigent soldier.
Ordered that allowance he increased to
f 10 per month lor three mouilie.
Iu the maiter of the claim of I). H.
Hendee for $1148 loss and damage, by
reason of construction of a br.dge over
Johnson creek, near Milwatikie. Order
ed that claim be and heieby is denied.
In the matter oi the petition of W. E.
Welch and others to purchase a portion
of AH. Hood and Bdi low loll-rnud fur
county road purposes. Oidered that
same be referred to supervisor of Cherry
ville district, to leport as to cost of re-
pairit.g bridges and putting road in gooa
condition for travel.
In the matter of dilchini.' and grading
Gribble road. Ordered that tupei visor
do the woik, provided that Polk Gribble
do one-third ol said work.
In the matter of Union and Canhy
road. Ordered that subscription list
presented by B. J. Helw be accepted,
and Supeivisor Mullen ol district l'Jand
Bany of district 17 are oidered to open
said road with the cash and labor sub
scribed. In the matter of appointment of depu
ty assessors. Oidered that the appoint
ment of J. K. Mori is, J. V. McAnulty,
C. E. Judd and J. C. Bradley be ap
proved, said deputies lo leceive $3 per
day and pay their own expenses.
" Peru-na is All You Claim For It."
(liarmrter la the Hat. I
"Hues the hut reveal chnriicter?" Mid
an observant person whose specialty Is
chiiriii'h r rcudltig. "Of course It does.
"The mini whose hat fits him exact-,
ly and Is set square and straight on Ida
head Is nearly, always an orderly, do-,
libonr? iniiti. regular In his habits, tint
very often commonplace us regard
mental attaliiinents.
"Men of hirjre mental powers, thlnk-'.'.-s
ami phll'isiiphei's, alTcct hats u trifle
too law fur them. They are men uf
large nli as. and their big huts will of
ten be found In conjunction with loose,
easy tilting clothes, for In this, as In
other mutters, the body reflect the
"I distrust equally the man who
wears his hut ut the back of tils head
mid he who habitually goes about with
It tilted to om side. The first la of n
canilld, easy going type, but apt to be
flighty; the hitler, with n disposition
for sport and frolic. Is at the same
time often frivolous and conceited
Neither of tliein, however, will be a 1
coxcomb, like the nun whose hut Is too
small for ti i m. nor 'deep' ami crafty, j
like the wearer of n hafwhlch la al-jp
ways puucii uowu over me eyes.
Brunswick House & Itcst.mrai.t
Newly Furnished Rooms.
Meals at All Hours. Prices Reasonable.
Opposite Suspension Bridge.
Only First Class Ivestftiiriint
vIn Town.
jij Foit Fine Caniuks, Nuts,
Fiii'iTS, Etc., Cam, On the
Finest Chocolate Okkams
Congressman P. F. Wllber, of Onconta, X. Y., writes:
The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio,:
Gentlemen Persuaded by a friend I have tried your remedy and I have
almost fully recovered after the use of a few bottles. I am fully convinced
that Peruna is all you claim for It, and I cheerfully recommend your medicine
to ell who are afflicted with catarrhal trouble. "David F. Wllber.
feruuaa J'rtietitlveaiid Cure fur CoKla.
Air. C. I Given, Sussex, . B., Vlco
President of "The Past-time Boating
Club, "writes:
" Whenever the cold weather sets In 1
have for years past been very sure to
catch a severe cold which was hard to
throw off, and which would leave after
effects on my constitution the most of
the winter.
" Last winter I was advised to try
Peruna, and within five days the cold
was broken up and In five days more I
was a well man. I recommended it to
several of my friends and all speak the
highest praise for it. There is nothing
like Peruna for catarrhal afflictions.
It Is well nigh infallible as a cure, and
I gladly endorse lt."--C. F. Given.
A Prominent Singer Saved From Lou of
I Voice.
Mr. Julian Weisslitz, 175 Seneca street,
Buffalo, X. Y., Is corresponding secre
tary of The Sangerlust, of New York ;
la the leading second bass of the Sanger
lust, the largest German singing society
of Xow York aud aUo tLe oldest.
In 1S99 The Sangerlust celebrated It
fiftieth anniversary with a large cele
bration In New York City. The follow
lng is his testimony:
"About two years ago Ieaught
severe cold whilo traveling and which
settled into catarrh of the bronchial
tubes, and so affected toy voice that I
was obliged to cancel my engagements.
In distress I was advised lo try Feruna,
and although I had never used a patent
medicine before, I sent for a bottlo.
" Words but illy describe my surprise
to find that within a few days I waa
greatly relieved, and within three weeks
I was entirely recovered. I am never
without it now, and take an occasional
dose when I feel run down." Julian
If you do not derivo prompt and satla
factory results from the use of Feruna,
write at once to Dr. Ilartman, giving a
full statement of your case and ho will
bo pleased to give you his valuable ad
vice gratis.
Address Pr. Ilartman, President of
The Ilartman Sanitarium, Coluinbus,0
Dnnicer In rolaona.
It Is lamentable that neither repeated
warning .nor sad experience seems to
have the-desired effect of making the
ordinary person cautious In the use of
poisons. In the last few days three
children have died presumably from
taking poison that was carelessly left
within their reach. One would suppose
that such accidents would by this time
have Income almost ItnpoKKlble, yet
they are constantly recurring with a
frequency that demands further warn
ing. If parents would learn to kit'p
poisons lu a place where they could not
be reached by others there would be
fewer accidents.
It Is the old principle of familiarity
breeding contempt. It cannot be too
strongly Impressed upon every one that
the only Immunity from danger Is
through constant cure tiuil precaution. '
It Is n lesson that needs to he impressed j
upon every individual without exeep-,
tion. Philadelphia Inquirer.
in the City. A'.soCkiaks
They overcome Weak
ness, irregularity and
omissions, inercuso vijf-
or and lit nisli "puiu.
of menstruation." They are " MFH SAVIOKS" to jrirlsjit
womanhood, uidin development of organs and bodv. 2o
known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do hurm life
becomes a pleasure. $1.00 VIM liOX ItV MAIL. Hold
by drujjuists. I'll. MUTT'S CHEMICAL. CO., Cleveland, Ohio.
j For Sale at IIUNTMCY'M
- .wTt
Family Medici
Thedfcrd'f Il!nck-Draught has
saved doctors' lii!a for more than
lixty years. For the common fam
ily ailments, such as constipation,
indigestion, hard colh. bowel com
plaints, chiiij and fever, bilious
ness, headaches and other like
complaints no other medicine is
necessary. It invigorates and reg
ulates the liver, assists digestion,
stimulates action of tie kidneys,
purifies the blood, tod purges the
towels of foul accumulations. It
cures liver complaint, indigestion,
sour stomach, dizziness, chills,
rheumatic pains, siUcache, back
ache, kidneytroubles, constipation,
diarrhea, biliousness, piles, hard
colds and headache. Every drug
gist has Thedfunl's Iilack-DraujrCt
in 25 cent packages and in mam
moth size f r 1.0 (. Xev r accept
a salAf'tute. in::; t on having the
original made l y t ie Chattanooga
Medicine Company.
I belhve Thcdford's Elack-Draught
b the but medi.ine on Cii-ih. It is
good for any and even,-' K uj. I have
a family of twelve cl iiori.1, and for
lour years I have r. t tncrr. en if ot
and hcallhy with r . ,tw hid Eierk.
Draught A. J. GREEN, .'..iwara. La.
In the matter of petition of citizens of
Oregon City, Viola and Kedland for the
iiimrovement of Viola road. Ordered
subscription list, amounting to $3500, be
accepted and improvement ordered, with
the understanding mat sme woihu noi
cost the county more than ilolUr lor
iolUr. including the 40 per cent, ol tne
Oregon City road fund.
In the mattor of improvement oi loia .
road. Ordered that the county couit in
company with committee ol Oregon City I
citzens'and committee of S'lola ami'
Kedlami citizens view said road lues-i
dav, April 7th.
In the mat'or ol hxing lui:s on iMriovv ,
foll-ioad. Ordered that tins matter be .
continued until first dav of May term.
In the matter of the petition of Wash
ington National Association for rebate, of
V.K'0 tax on lots in Oregon City. Ordec
ed that same be denied. '
In the matter of communication of t.
W. Krnsa. legarding road work in dis
trict No. 30. Ordered laid over for in
vestigation. In the matter of Sprague road. Or
dered that petition be denied and peti
tioners be allowed to withdraw papers.
In the matter of Win. Mortenson to
declare Coal creek navigable. Ordered
that same be laid over until second day
of May term.
In the matter ol claim tor taxes ior ;
the years 1!I00, 1901 and l!)02. on !
1'lji'Lf.n lri1 uaLiiimuattuil In JnHPItll Si I
num. Ordered that upon payment of
$751) the county relinquish all claim" of
hens for tsxes for yeais 181)9, 1!MX). l'JOl
and lf)U2.
In the matter of claim of Mrs. M. C.
Wells for rebate on taxes paid twice.
Ordered that warrant issue to Mrs. M.
C. Wells for $3 97.
In the matter to the petition of C. F.
Jackson, relative to making an order di
recting supervisor to refr sin from open
ing road on survey. Ordered that said
motion be and hereby is denied.
In the matter of application of Her
man Hulinan, Jr., for cancellation of
taxes erroneouslv assessed to P. H. Mar
lay for years 1899, 1900 and 1901, on
70.50 acres iu George Brock d. I. c. Or
dered that said petition be granted and
said taxes ordered canceled.
In the matter of county property in
care of road supervisors. Ordered that
road supervisors report each month a
list of all property belonging to Clacks
mas county that is in their possession,
and that clerk enter list of same in a
book kept for that purpose.
In the matter of county assistance to
Mrs. Rosa Treickler. Ordered that same
be discontinued.
'(ii.VnIii of u l'rlchi.
Rev. Jno. S. Cox, of W'ake, Ark.,
writes, "For PJ yenrs I suffered from
Yellow Jaundice. I consulted a number
of physicians and tried all sorts of medi
cines, but got no relief. Then I began
the use of Electric Hitters and fel that 1
am now cured of a disease that had Ine
in its giasp for twelve years." If yon
want a reliable medicine for I.iver anil
Kidney trouble, ptomaeli disorder or
general debility, get Klectiie Bitters.
It's guaranteed by (ieo. A. Harding.
Onlv 5'):.
Aa Old nic II nil Mnperatltlon.
Attention has been called to the sur
vival of folklore in rural parts of Etig
land by evidence given Iu a stabbing
case tried ot the Essex assizes. To
quicken the healing of the wounds, the
knife with which they were Inflicted
was sme.ired with grease and laid on
the bed of the patient. The pursise
served by the application of grease or
oil to the knife or to tiny steel Instru
ment that has lullictcd wounds Is to
prevent it fmm rusting, for If the steel
!s allowed to become rusty the wound
Is supposed to be affected and fester
ing and mortification follow the prog
ress of the rust. Another quaint be
lief Is that the application of an oiled
knife Is u certain and quick remedy
for sciilds and burns.
The Quality of Your Bread
)opuiHls not only partly but altogether upon
upon "Tho Ouality of Your Flour." W o
make the very host -
Portland Flouring mills Co.
All persons owning property in ewer I
Dmliicis Nos. 1 ami '1. mil connected with I
tlie sewers, are her-ny insl nil tul to con
nect said propeny iili satil sewers ol' id i
districts during ine nun t i ol April.
And all owners of propeity in sunt iiitrictt .
18111111110 001111601 pHid Pioptrtv Willi sew !
ers will he suliject In the penalties pnivich d
by omittance,
liv order ot the city ronecil.
hki'ck :. :ci:i:y,
April :J3t Recorder.
AJ1 the latest styles in photos. En
largements, tinted portraits, Oregon
views, frames etc. You w ii-h llie hes,!.
(io lo Miss Wisner, Main St., near 10th,
Oregon City. April 3.
When II In Kidney Trouble Haa
Fastened and Reached the
Clironic etage? If it Has It is
Incurable by Anything Known
fixcept the Fulton Compounds
We Are The Gole Agents.
Co a Id Ilellevp Some of Tliem.
An amusing story is told of a New
England minister who often speaks It)
behalf of u certain charily in which he
Is greatly Interested. He has a line
voice and a graphic way of telling in
cidents I mill humorous and patlielic.
so that his licnrcis are often "moved
to laughter or to tears."
At the close of one meeting, at wlp'-h.
he had spoken with great effect, and
H large gain for the charity had been
the direct result, a little old lady nu
preached the minister.
"Oh," she said earnestly, "I've been
so interested In hearing about those
poor, dear children! And I suppose u
great nvitiy of those stories you told
are really true, aren't they'" Youth's
Oregon City Machine Sho
Philipp Bucklein, Prop.
Rear of Pope's Hardware Store
Next to Oregon City Foundry
Building and IJeiniring of Miichinery find KngincH of i
kinds. Man ii tart ii i ing; iih Hjierialty the Free I'alei
Rotary Kngitu'. Also keeping; in stock, Shafting
ln 1 1 icH, Helling etc. . . . . .
Orders by Mail or Telephone promptly filled,
Nave Two From Death.
"Our little daughter had an almost fa
tal attack of whooping cough and bron j
cliltiB," writes airs. v. rw. navuanu, oi
Armock, N. Y., "but, when all other
remedies failed, we saved her life with
Dr. King's New Discovery. Our niece,
who had Consumption in an advanced
stage, also used this wonderful medicine
and today she is perfectly well." Des
perate throat and lung diseases yield to
Dr. King's New Discovery as to no other
medicine on earth. Infallible for Coughs
and Colds. 50c and f 1 bottles guaran
teed by Geo. A. Harding. Trial bottles
Fur Kale or txcliange.
Three bouses and lots in Oregon City,
all united. Will trade for residence or;
business property in Washington or Cal. ,
Will assume mortgage or pav difference.'
What have you to exchange? E H.B.J
this office. April ill.
As an evldenrn nf (' ..tcnal character of th
Fulton i'Ax.o'x .-t company does not pub
Hub or Invite I- con!aU except toots report
ing recover: in k'.diicy dlnenfie that have
reached tho uremic stars, alleged to be incura
ble. Here Is a. o'.Lcr recovery lu a ease Incura
ble 1 1 1 the I'rcr.tnf tbe Fulton Crmpeunds,
reported by Jo!ia& Johnson, tbe agents ot tne
Pulton Compound In Loa Gatoa:
W. II. rrldky. a resident of Loa Oatos,
having chrome kidney disease (Ilright's Dla
ease) had, lik-i cveryliudy elic, found all treat
ment futile. II') roainiencod on Fulton's Renal
Compound In February, IXJ, tnd on December
10 of the aaire yar reported the total disap
pearance of tbe disease. Bo writes that be haa
gained fifteen pounds In weight and la again
able to do a good hard da; 'a work. Jobna A
John'on, tbe Loa Gatoa druggists, oonflrm this
Aiilnuil Serine I'erce iillona.
In the course of mi article on anlmi'l
souse perceptions, in which special at
tention is directed to nauseous or of
fensive odors as a means of protection,
tho editor of the Zoologist warns his
readers against regarding animul eti
ology too much from the human stand
point. -Been use iinim.'ils cannot speak
we must not assume that they have no
modes of communication; it is by no
means certain that the ordinary ex
planation of "warning colors" is the
true one, while the evil smell of the
duriau frjit does not render it distaste
ful either to the orung or to man himself.
Afcl4444 50 YEARS'
"What did that lady have the screen
across one part of the room for, ma?"
asked little Harry, who had been mak
ing a call with bis mother.
"I suppose she had something there
she didn't want seen," replied his
"And waa that the reason, ma, that
when you thought she wasn't looking;
you peeped behind It?"
"Gentlemen," said a Judge addressing
the Jury In a recent Irish case reported
Ja Law Notes, "you have beard the evi
dence. The Indictment aaya the prig
oner was arrested for stealing a pig.
The offense seems to be becoming a
common one. The time bus come when
A. Trade Marks
Copyrights Ac.
AnTonn.HfiT n nkjtrh nntl narr!nHnn mnf
qtilfktjr Hdcrrtiilii our opminii free wlii-ihcr mii
Invention in prohnbly piittwitahln. Coiiimuiilrn
.mflntrictlrroiitiilt'iiTliLl. HANOBOOK 'ntfiitl
cnt frftfl. Oh1nt HtifMicy for nM'urinir mtnt.
I'ntnntfi t iiken through Muiin Co, ruculvfl
tprrUU notice, without chnrtre, lu the
Scientific American,
A hnflrinme1y' 111 tint rat M wpklf. Lnruvnt rlr
rulatlnn 'f nnf fiorit llJo Journal. Teriim. $.1 ft
your; four monthi, $1 tMdt7Hll newndcMlers.
MUNN & Co.36,Bro-dw'- New York
Branch (ml re. tea F BU WanhlniiKin. I). C.
Curl A.
Chan. M.
Citv ..
lug and iK lilllu 1'llea, ll uliMirlm the tumnrN, allityn tho
ltchlne ut once, Klves limtant relief. Kvcry hoi Is wnrmriteil. Sold
by druKKlts. Sent liv mull on receipt of price. M vcnla and tl 00'
per box. WILLIAMS MFO. CO., Props., Cleveland, Ohio.
Fr Hale HUN TLB Y'
MAriie tar-el Irnnir nf uvf.rti nl hir rcrnvnHpi In
ilmliar easea t chroi.lc kUni-y diseaae In Loa it luUSt be put a stop to; otherwise, gen-
Gauia. all or wow n n'.-n mcuraiiie iy aDythinic i tlemeu, none or you Will De gaie.
else known lo druw.Au. S. A. falmnr, tho I
lending driiiMistnf hanta Cruz. H. II. Maynard, I
t.ie l ttluiiitt ilrui'ilKl, the terry lfnff Com-,
djpv of No. H M iruut atreet. ISun FrBni iwro. W. I
R. Pond, th'i li'-rki-lry d'Ui'i-lhl, Dr Markley, I
the CI"Ver.l:!i (ln t'jNt, Willis A Martin, tl, j
8cratnenlo drnh'if-lH. and score of other (Jail-
ffiritia clruK'1-.ls a,i re.virt i;n-uillc reeoverli-a
In chr-riic kiUi y d hi i...m t'.at were p'wltlvi-ly
inctirat;!1! oy unythtiig kuui7n excjpt the Ful'.oa i
timp y. riie'imati-ra f- m tir'r arl'l. pout ani I
hlad'li-r troiit.lH are .ni"N ihat li e kidneys I
am not p-rforuiin ih"ir fui.rtiorjH. The chronic j
ala'- of kidnv tniulil N l:rfirht.a Iisale. If I
you f'rel lanuid or n,iMratle. If your kidni-y j
Irouhle hanvH on m-nd for Pamphlet. Pc-r-enotHire
of recorori,-a n-iir!y fill p-r cent atnooff
purely chronic cae Kulton'a Renal Compouuc j
fur llrlirhc'a a d Kiilrn v Iriieasea. II: for
Diabetes. l 50. John J. fa I inn o . 4t Waxh
fnirtoo atwt.Man t'rar.cinco, sole conipouad'-ra.
Iee analyse for psllpnla. We are the aole
;tal lui Uit 1'ujioa coiLjgiiidj la ttua oil;.
The Eaa? Tart.
Teacher After all the trouble I have
taken, you are most Imperfect In your;
lesson. Surely, you could not have
found it so hard to learn!
lupil It wasn't because It was bo
hard to learu, teacher, but because It
was so easy to forget!
All kinds of Building
Material, Sash, Doors
Moulding, Etc. - -
lyon's French Periodical Drops
Strictly vegetable, perfectly harmless, sure to accomplish DESIRED
RESULTS. Greatest known female remedy. Price, SI.SO per bottle.
. n..nFnnf v,..ij.rr,.n nnri im 1'it on, 'inn ircnn no iff Dot up oniy in Daste-noarajt-w
. n.. 'rBIIIIIIBl - - - -
iDcm. bHUIIUII too with fuc-Miniio niK'iaiuru on to oi tne noun nu:
Artist- I In e you taken my picture to SendforClrctOar to WILLI A.MS Ml(i. Co.. Sole Agevxa. Clereiand, Ohio.
uui; i ii jiiMwijijoriiA-oi-
the exhibition?
I'orter Yu. sir. It seemed to plcuse
the gentlemen rery much.
Artist What did they say?
I'orter Ob. they didn't tay anything.
The; only laughed.
Enterprise and W. Oregonian $2.