Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1903)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 190 3' cocsrv H IARD of lOMMlSMONE Jhn Lewttllen, T. H. Killln, anil Win. Krnbut. Cominlaaloneia. Be it remembered, That at a regular term of the County Court of Clackamas Countv lu ld in the Court House in Ore u Citv, for the purpose of trHnsactii.K CouiW busu-ess, , n the lirst Wednesday of April, the name beitiR the tune tixed by law for holding a regular term of ea'd Court, Present, Hon. Thos. F. Ryan, Countv .Indue, presiding, T. H. Killen and Win Brolwi, Commissioners, when the following proceedings were hail, to wit: In the matter of warrants drawn in vacation. E Austin, l'auperaout $10 0) JohnAvibs S 00 .Mrs Adams 15 '0 Ellen Brides S Oil CE Burns 5 00 Mrs Maria Clark. 10 On Mrs J TlVake. 2-r 0 Wra Dean ti W Vmx Frevtag 1; 00 J J (lorbeit 5 00 WTtiardner .. 10-0 J M lleckart 8 t'O J W Jones "'0 M Kinder 7 00 Henrv Lewis S ' 0 Elias" Miller 1-' 00 lieorge Moonev 8 1 0 L Matherson.". 7 Hi Owen Parrv 2; 0 1 iu? 1'irkl " 10 00 Isaac I'rindle SO 0 i Will Scott ... 3" dO AMShihley 8 I'll W T Tmslev 5 00 Marv Vul.-liers 8 0 i Mis's K Valentine 10 00 Mrs H.mie Woods ft 00 V H Mat toon 8 I'D John Churchill, indigent soldier. . 5 00 Mrs Kulow ft 00 In the matter of the report of Supervisors. Dis' riot So 1 H Gifford $-'1 00 W H Lounsell 1-' 00 District No 2 LD Jones ... "00 Distric t No 3 J C Elliott & Co 7 25 Carl Wolfhagan 3 50 A H KiiZiiu 8 00 District No 5 Joel Jarl 3 25 Lindeman Bros 23 Ho J 8 Birdall 14 0" J Hite 4 50 fti Wlieeer 9 0 C Wheeler 4 50 fi Wavbill 4 5 M Lake 4 50 KJonsrud , 3 &' District No 6 Heniy Kiderbusb, . Caper Junker J H Revenue District No 7 Meinig Bros Jas FegleB District Noll J E Smith W Foray the 8 Forsythe Thomas Eadon J Murphey J Com minus J Page J tlatton ... District No 13 Jacob Hairv J T Fullam' District No 14 GFGihbs District No 18 J Sliiinnou District No 19 J J Mallatt Frank Miller District No 20 Jos Pollock District No 24 8 King C E Hilton H H letz Simon D Yoder Ben Einert CC. Mob-on E A Montandon Tom Dale W H Yoder C Konchak E Milts Ed Mitts J Mitts J E Montandon .... .$ 5 25 75 . 2 00 .$ 3 10 . 4 00 ..$34 P0 . . 16 B2 .. 2 62 .. 4 no .. 21 00 .. 7 50 .. 1 00 .. 2 00 ..$ 4 00 ..$ 2 00 ..$ 5 00 ..$ 6 00 ..$11 00 .. 1 50 ...$ 6 00 ...$ 3 00 . . 4 13 ... 3 00 . .. 6 3- ... 5 (3 . . . 4 0 ... 10 ... 4 50 ... 4 .i0 . . . 3 00 ... 3 00 . . a 00 ... 3 1' ... 3 0 MR-S. L. S. ADAMS, Of ;altettn, Teua. "Wine of Cardid h Indeed a blew In j to tired women. Having wffered for leven years vilh weaknesi and bear. Ing-dcwn pairu, and having tried ev eral doctors and different remediei with no tuccess, your Wine of Cardul wu tht only thing which helped me, and eventually currd me It leemed to build up the weak parts, strengthen the system and correct Irre gularities." By "tired women" llrs. Adams means niTvous women who have disordered menses, falling' of the womb, ovarian troubles or any of these aili:ie;iU that women have. You can cure yourself at home with this (Treat women's remedy, V ine of Cardui. Wine of C'ardni has cured tliousarcis of cases which doctors havelail'il tolen' f,t. V, by not betriii to c t wllto.':iy? All drug?ist3 have f l.ij botiles. For any stomach, liver or bowel disor der Thediord's b!ack-lrau'lit should U; used. yin ptfjHiA. '1 ; Ij, ',i y )!-.:-imiit, Tl." t.'rm;iriojK-. ;iot.:.'li;e (u, Ctjai.tano"Ka, iwm. IWINE"GARBOil DISGUISED CATARRH A Stealthy, Insidious, Weakening Enemy to Suffer Needlessly From There are a mnlHtndo of women, ea- rmcially housewives, and all oilier ,,omen obliiriHl to be on their feet con ntantlv. who ara wretched beyond de- intript'on, simply Kvauso their streni;ili and vitality is siippedaway by catarrhal, discharges from Uio pi-lvio organs. These women pet tip in the niornlni: tired, drai; themselves through their difilv duties tired, only to co to bod at liigtit as tired as before. Mr K KurlliA. 1:1 Knt 13th StPWt, N. T. City, N. V.. write!--' I aull'erttt f..r thrit) vcurs Willi wuat Is geni-nniy aiu u u Iucor'rhea, In coniUH'tlon with ulcoruilon 01 me woino, iinuix'ir8Huvii'iu"u mi .-i-vn. ll.m whlrh T ,!r,.,i.t,.,l wrr mucil. mid sirollil' ly ohjeeted t ifo under It. llvinliiig of Hie vniue or l'fnina, I inoui;ni h n. .-i w .' thi well-known reraear a trial, I boiigbi three l.Htlis ot It at cnof. Nour I mil a rhanerd woman. Pcruna eun'd me; it took nine iKitt'cs. Imt I Celt o mn.'ll improved I k' I dreaded an operation so iiuicli. I biu l.i-dnv In pi-rfcot IiimIiIi, ami have not felt so well for fUtcon years." Mm.; a,vu liurUio. Ml I.oule Mahon. S Glen Bailie Street Toronto, On'. :on Secretary of the Kins' linnirhtersniid Secretary of Lndv Macca- be, writes: "If all women knew of the benefits to be derived from taking Pertina we would have m.uiy happier and more health Ail women, y.v health has never been too mbust. and I am easily fatiirurd and can not tand much. About a year ago I was so run town that I had to to my bed, and be ame weaker and weaker. A friend advised lflintrv Per. in ft. Ami 1 huve LTent reason lobe mteful, for in two weeks I was out of bed :id In ft niontu l wn peneciiy wen, aim j ,nw find that mv health is much more robust nan formerly, so that I take J'eruna onee or wice amontn auu Keep wen." Louise miihou Pcruna is such a perfect specific for each case that when vatients have once used H thevcan never be induced to quit it until they are permantly cured. IW bepins to relieve the disagreeable' avmntoms at once. The backache ceases, the ttemblinp; knees are strenpth ened, the ajipetite restored, the digestion made perfect, the dull headache is stop ned and the weakeninc drains are erad- ually cured. These results certainly fallow a course of treatment with Vernnft. Barbara Alberty, corner Seventh and Walnut streets, Applvton, Wis- writes. us fulloivs in ruiraru to Peruna: " For vcurs 1 have suffered with back ache and severe pains in the side. I ice tored so much that 1 became dis-i-jaraced. A school friend told me how s";v much Pcruna hail benefited her .,( f sent ot:t for a liottle. which did mure i ruijcvo we thau all the other! E A Montandon . . . Disliict No 25 El M Morris. ... District No2 John Kox I) P Fox . . Win Miller Wm Dart II Dart W H Engle District No23 BF Boyles District No 00 I'lV Kruse Thos Kox District Xo 31 Wm Borland .... Ha tv Horlanil E Shipley Aru.ui botland . . . CIirb Larson E A A'bey Ohs l!orland Frank Childs John Aden 8 00 .flO 00 ... 2 ... 3 2o 0(1 . 2 2v . 2 2.-1 . o" I . 5 00 i . 5 00 , I . if -'i on . 13 25 , 25 15 00 0 75 :i 0i ErnetBockman .. District No 32 John Maves, J Butson ,IU W Mtirry 4 50 W H Heater H b0 District No 33 J A Ke:d 6 no Geo Bowdish 4 50 Shibley & Kandle 28 n5 W J Lewellen 1 District No34 Rofer Tompkins $ 5 25 Jeff Shaw 15 District No36 C U Hoffman 2 00 Bud Thompson 00 Bait by St Dixon 8 07 In the matter of Claims examined at d allowed. . J F Nelson, assessor 104 00 C K Morris, deputy assessor 78 00 John Bradley " " 78 IK) n K Jndd " " 7 0.1 .1 W McAnnlty 78 00 C N Grfcenmati 0 w ' MISMLOl-ISBMAUON. AfMt &W-Jf& MKM. KATK MANN. IK I.ivy Stipp, Justice Peace.... H S M'Kidy, constable (Mars Heed, witness Mollie Clark " Harry Clark, Jr Koswell Brown (ieoriie A Brown, juror E H Cowing Wm f-liank J A Tufts K H Welch II W Treinbath . W A Hnniley, C H supplies.. H Everbart deputy eheriff. .. I.ulu Harikins, tsx cullectitiK. J K .Sliaver, etamps Marv Conyers, tax collection. S J Burford Edneita Chase " G A Bollack ' SODillman " J C Zinser Cbas Gray, indigent soldier. . F A t-leiiiht, clerk E O P.nsHell, insane G L Groshong " D C Kich " E A S-omuier " 10 10 8 20 1 70 1 70 1 1 70 00 00 CO 0t) 00 Oil 30 28 2 50 80 (Hi 2n 10 80 00 40 00 53 00 8S 00 10 OO 23 71 MI& KVA llAltl-UU. kr i i- a'u'ifej?! i ? IV4 - I 1 .M l II jo- '- .xy. w rr id 1 1 t 11 vsi'km (vrstP l I 111 I If! ru ' y l i"" n"1T 11 Bancioft Whitney Co Water Uoinrs, nater rent J Miller V Harris (J Str.ition, juror inquest I Yonnt W Harrison W E Wills I Hurley WmSaiidford l)r Sell wood, witne-'H . . Archie Mason K N Timiiions .1 ilm Dunlaii C W Godfrey .1 W Loiler, constah'e I! I, Dolman, coroner 3 75 15 CO 1 511 20 21) 2i I 20 20 20 70 7H 70 70 70 20 14 05 37 12 10 45 I'll 00 52 (Ml 43 05 3 50 31 75 :;c, (to 'Mi 00 P Vehren. board orison rs ' Courier l'ub Co, printiii i Kniei prise, printins and supplies A Howard, reiorder. 1 Philip llucklein, suspension bdpe E ri'ory. I i! Bridget C W Vonderahe.. E H Vunderahe. INCURABLE. That is What the Books Say o? Chronic Kidney Disease, But the New hulton wmpounu Have a Record of 8T of Recov eries Among Chronic Cases ln curuble by All Ot'.icr Medicines. DruggiKt" know that lildnry dlsi-ssa ttnt has iunu oo e.Bht cr too i.oulliK nan become ciirouic oil iha.t It 1 then rfg..rJtd bj phjslcl-n m incurable and tiia. up to tho advent of ti c i ulton Compouuils thi.t nothing on tlielrsheln?i would touch It. It U a proven fact that nearly nine-teuthaot all cases are now curable, and j .ruKglaU thematlvc are taking the new Coa , ixmndi. One of the rccoverici woa Dr Z'il- hirmelf, the pioneer druifKift of 6i Poi.c atreot, San Frautioio, and he gave ll toovei a dozen otheri who recovered. Hern Is onntln i InterclinU reou-y. (Wet- pr from Iho hitcrw Bieuio Ncol Iun.u.Lr lli IWiJ. ' vfier a aerioue lllneM of over a year Judre J R AI'kuoi tni oi y has recuVirtU uuu iu iriinU Uiuewlf ninfit fortuimte In nuei-emm-hy baiillug wltn whul i Keneialiy retarded uk a tjial ujaluy, in ia i i 70! 1,1 MpeakiuK of nm riM) Juii,6 Alien Bam: 1 k..n..v. that ilm treatment irlv'-u me by m. unylclun In nci-onlunue with the bet.t nieinous ncu in ihe regular priwtice ot rauui iiue, but it ailordnl u.) r..j relief. Iienriui; ol tile r'uitou I ouiixiunds I wnt t Ssn t ruljti.ii o t inveHlteale ftud wiih kogu convineed 1 hhouiii nadrrKo he ireatnurt. It wan three nuou l.i Ii lore I noiira.J ii c ii "e fur the 1,' tler. 1 us( il the me lieiue fuitl lullj' for r-euny a year auu rui now ni;d in eiioema of the disease aid am na'igfii-d It In eui.rely el.niii.ale .. My UP; ij.-tiie ii Ki.od. I Ir-ve irioc'-il yvtr- teen ll ! In weirht nod niil iK: pl :i -d tu ii. m riiie n y experience to anyone hd ii;,.y cull or ante. ijacraruenlo .N.:v, 1;. U Tho -.liter of 1'ieNer : I: :: :.. If v,:- ttie fricrd who tol'l Judge A lieu i.-f n. c 1 1 .u i jju.xiuuds Thev are the ou.v tnii K lmon that emu klduev dieaea after an well a betore they l; throi ic, wtiirh li:i.i;nH ai".ui me tenm . .. L l .At........ In I ll t . iiiiu.Ii. Kiiually ffficiem in dropiy K'"". rheuniatiiim rrera urle acid and hladtler trouineM V.. It....'- Un...l rw.ww. Itrf.rl.t'B a d 40 00 i Kidney innfHim, etr , 1; for D'abeten, (I 1 f0 j Jiha J. Fultrn iJo , 'i WashinirUin treet.S"L in OO ranciaco, nole compounder. Free analyren for i Yd ' P31'"!"- f"r pan phlet. We are inecx 10 00 c.ukive areata lor Uicj Coupounua In tbia cly. 6 00 1 CHARM AN A CO. DRUGGISTS Women Many Thousand Women This Cause. medlelno I hayo ever taken. I Used ft faithfully for two weeks and It cor pletely on mi me. I have not had aisy pains siu.v, anywhere, but feet like a new woman. I am truly thankful for what l'cruna luta dono for 1110." Ilar- tiura Alwrty. Mr. Knl Mnioi, 80(1 Tlnttnir.t Strrrt, Tuvunto, Out. t an., Vlr I'rmtilent of lh l.ucUes Aid Society, wrltrm-" I tun pleiKinl to dive riilm to lViiina for ilin blensed ri'llef 1 found llirouxli its ue. 1 ullered for years with biirkiiclie and diiicRlin down paln and iitn lind to jio to bed and at ay Inrro when I was bo busy that 1 could illy be spared. It was theretoro u almtilo tinlsend to tne when I'eruna was brouiilit to my notice. Kvery drop seemed to kIvo nie new lire, and every doo made mo feel mueli Ih-iut, au4 I prom ised myself that if 1 found that it cured me I would advocuto It no that olbr autterliiK women should know of 1U I have been In perfect heulih for one year, I enjoy work and pleasure because In such, lino health, and no iroulile seems too heavy to bear when you am in Rood health, lViunii has simply been a household hloHslnt.', mid I never will bo With out llagalu.l. Mrs. Kulo Munti. X Mrs. Anna Martin, 47 Hnjrt Pt., Itrook- lyn, N. V., writes! " reruna did so mueli lor me thai I feel It my duty to recommend it toothers who may be similarly allllelc d. About a year ro my healtli was completely broken down, hud hackaehe,diiilncaiul lr-n-nularltles, anil life seemed dark Indeed, We had used Peruna In our home as a ton lew and for colds and ciitarrh, anil I decided to jtry It for my trouble. In lens than ihros montns 1 Deeame reniuar, my pitni umi en tirely disappeared, and I ulu now iHirlotUy well." Mrs. Anna Martin. Mrs. Wm. Iletrlck, Kennard, Waii- Inpton county. Neb., writes: "I am lllty-mx years oiu nnu nave not felt well siiico the Chanpo of Life be pan ten years ape. I was in misery somew here most of the time. My back was very weak, and my llesh so tenl-r It hurt mo to lean apainsv uio hui-k o a chair. 1 had pain under my shoulder- blades, in the small of my tmck anil hins. I sometimes wished myself out of this world. Had hot and cold spells, Idizziness and treniblinK of tho limbs. Hand was losinp flesh all tho time. After following your directions nnu niKing I'eruha f now feel like a dliToront per son." Mrs. Wm. Hetrick. If you do not derive prompt and satis- actory results from tho uso of lVruiia, write at once to Dr. llartroan, clvinp a full statement of your case, ami ho will lie pleasi-d to givo you his valuable ad vice pratis. I'eruna can be purchased for $1 per liottle at all ilrst class ilrup stores. Address Dr. Ilartinan, President of Tho llartman Sanitarium. Colunihns.O Pope & Co Thus r.lanch..rd, raiiier acct.. K I. Ilolman M iry Haley Mr ".I (.; New berry C Bluhm F A Polk Shank & Iiissell Red Front Win Bn bt, conimr T I! Killen, conir, Feb acct . . . T I! Killen, comr, March acct. Telephone Co Thos F Pvan, Co judue R Scott, Road Hist 1 S B Johnson " 3 VL'orit Powder Co 5 Miller l!ro it Co it Viporit Powder Co 10 M A Vo, pahl 10 Jacob Spar.pler 18 20 28 !' i 15 o! 4 10 11 55 i 5 00 14 00 15 oo ; 4 25 u tin! 20 40 13 20 1 20 4 35 4 35 M 10 57 OH 3 Oil 5 t'5 3 05 14 00 SI'VI.Ki: ATTtCM itV .KII nrel ly One llotlle of lunn berlaiuN 4'oiis'' Kemedy "When I ha I mi attm-K of the tfrin Unt winter (the second one) I acliuliv ciiretl niVHelf with one IioIiIh of Chmnberlaiii's Connh Hemeily,' m8 Frank V. Terry, F.lnor of the Enteririe, Shuitiville, N. Y. "Thin ih Ilm honeHt truth. I at litne kept from coii!hiii mynelf to iiece by taking a". teaioofifnl of this remedy, arul when the conidiing Hpell v.w''ld come on at niKht I would lake a lioeB and it ceeuied that in the brieient interval the contili would ihph ofl and I would f to eleep perlectly free from cough and its BCcompanyinn pains. To nay that the remedy acted aa a most axreeable snrpriae is putting it very mildlv. I had no idea that it would or could'knock out the grip, eimply becaiibe i had iever tried it for such a purpose, but it did.and it seemed with the second atmclr nf c.ounhinif the remedy caUBed it to not only be of less duration, but the pains were far lees severe, and I had not used the contents of one bottle before Vlr. Grip had bid me adieu." For sale by G. A. Harding. For Young Men and Young Women, There is nothing that will arouse the ire of a voting man or woman no quick as to bave'inferior laundry work put off on them. They muv nresa ever u wen, but if their shirt front or shirt waiiit is mtiHHV, their neat appearance is spoiled. The Troy Laundry makes a specialty of ladies' and ifentlemen's fine work. There can be no better work than is done at the Troy. Leave your orders at John son's barber shop. -oiifcloiit r la Rev. Jno. S. Cox. of lret. Wake, Ark., from writes. "Kor 12 yearn I Fullered y .,0 J a l flI i(-. I consulted llllinber I c . . i lp:, ii HOt,g f niedi- , of pbyaiclans and tried all sons oi me n i (.ttt.n but iJOt no rellel. 1 lien 1 Ijeifan . Klectrn: Bitters anil Icel that i I 1 1 " ' .. ttm nnw i nred of a iiiseae that liad foe ; ii. for twelve years." If yon -,.. rullxhlt. medicine for Liver and i Kidney trouble, stomach disorder or funeral debility, gel Electric Bitters. It's guaranteed by (Jeo. A. Iardinjr. Only 60c. i ii Brunswick llouso & Itestnunmt Newly Furnished Rooms. Meals at All Hours. Prices Reasonable. Opposite S uspension Bridge. Only First, (Mush Htstnurnnt In Town. Bar. pj For, Fink ('andiks, Nuts, M Fki'its, Etc., (Jam, On tii KOSY KANDY KITCHEN PENNYROYAL PILLS of mciistruution." They nr.! " M I'll SAX liliS ' to piilsjit woiniiiihuiiil, nidinrf dovctuptnent of oiiftins and body. .0) known remedy for women eiimls them, (.nniiut do liarui life becomes u pleasure. !. I'I'.tt lttX ItaAIAIL. Nnlt by drucKists. LUl. MoTT'S CHK.MIi AL. Co., Cleveland, Uhlo. Kor Hale at IIUNTl.KY'H The Quality Dojh'ihIm not only partly but altogether ujon uiKxn "Tho Ouality of Your Flour." W o make the very best - Portland Flouring mills Co. Oregon City Machine Shop Philipp Bucklein, Prop. Rear of Pope's Hardware Store Next to Oregon City Foundry I! u i Ming nnl Krpniriiii! of Mucliiiiery ami KntfineH of nil kinds. Mariiifiiftiiiinn uh Kacially the Free I'uttiit Hot m r v Knuitic Also keepinf' in Ktofk, Mniftiii,' I'ollicH, llcltitig ftc. ... . Orders by Mail or Telephone promptly filled, mmct.'s voiiKiiATK COOI) WOKK WARRANT!'! II ihftAHi, BO YEARS' VL EXPERIENCE D A Trade Marks . ir Designs 'rfaiW Copyrights 4c. Annne-ndliiK a nketeli and rtpucrlntlnn my ,..,-..riiiHi nur iiiHiimn free wliellur an liiTKiiiInn I re"'"'''"-nJ tiiinamrletlye'.niicleicliil. HANDBOOK iiiniiiiiiilrK on I'ntPtiU rut frp. (Hdcut mmwf fr mfriiniiff I'iiNMiin tukun tliniutih Munn A to. rcf Scientific flttKricatu A hndomly lllnntrnted weekly. I.nrirMt elr. rnlatliiii of any wletitllle )..urnl. 1 '': l a yeiir: fiiiirmunl Sold by all newrnlealerj. MUNN & Co.36,Bro"dwar- New York JBraiiehJ)Jeo.ja5Kpt, Wiuihlni(! OREGON CITY F. S. BAKER PROP. i I ! I m w FILES : ! x 1HBH! lyon's French Periodical Drops Strictly vegetable, per ;i:ef!y harmless, sure to accomplish DESIRED RESULTS.' Greatcht known female remedy. Price, f 1.50 per bottle. B.-.r.fmntprfelt and Irr.H ainrinu LAUiSUn t,,n wllh f:ie-hi:il O ft.l'ni'.ilO Bend for Clrcuiar to WILLIAJld JU'tJ, Enterprise and CHAIILKSCATTA, I'riirit!tor KlNKST ('lltiCOI.ATK CKKAMS in in k City.'kiaus ANH ToliACCO. They overcomo Wcnlt- licss, irreulunty ami miin.sioiis, incrcti -.o vij;- or mid bi ui.di "puiiw of Your Bread Curl A. Ch.'tti. M. Mot'linku I'latzlair Citv ,.. Ilu ruber! 'go o oo o co r wm mm file oonmr '...w Ina and Itching V it absorbs tue tumorm allajra the ItcilinB at once, (fives luntant relief. Kvery box l warranted. Som liv druiiilntH. Sent by mull on receipt of price. 60 cents and II. w. per boi. WILLIABtS BFO. CO., Propa., Cleveland, Ohio. For Sale at HUNTLEY'S PLANING MILL All kintb of Building Material, Sash, Doors Moulding, Etc. - - OREGON CITY, ORE. tli.n The irennlne In pn up only in paaw-ooani II l':e "I n'" wt.t.1". tnfl- ir."tJFl Solo ia-'ita. t levlana,onio. . v W. Oregonian $2. 1 I 8 I I ft