OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 1903 5 Oregon City Enterprise TOLD IN SIDEHEADS. HMIIKKM I'llStl'I'MMI ('llltllHliy A, () N (I , W4a III ll.V glVI'H H Slllol CI . 1 1 . 1 1 -I,IV eVI'tllllg, hill OWlllg III till' lllllcaa III I'elrr Younger, a prominent im-iii Imt, tin- lele waa iuli ii it 1 1 next Mon day evening. The smoker in t'i Iih given ill liiiiiur il ilm new t ii 1 1 it i n , h in In-1 1 . J'i.i vrSm i u, - Wi'ilin mI.iv evening the )oii g people i. Ilm llaplial linn, h gave il n enj nab e a h i , Ki ilm residence III Mm. I'lllll ( i till. Til hflll'tlts More ilnV'iii-il In Ilm aia'lely (iinil. mill a goodly Iliiluhi i pieacnl (iiiuea. rclieahmenla i Hinl h social limn wcieeiijiyed and every. 1 IiihIv expressed h i ! 1 1 In tutu r n In Mil-1 near I'liint. mi l r I Ilm sienna ol the ! .'Velllllg, 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxrxxi SAFER AND BETTER Never send money ly mail. A hank draft h always Nafcr; it in also better in other ways. We nell tliedraftn: tliey aropiod throughout tho United StateH and Canada. Our charges are low. THE BANK OF OREGON CITY , To A llVKKTIMK Til COUNTY Tll8 nW hoard of trade recently organized i to have an eiliitiit ol Clackamas Connlr i products at Ilm Central depot Cortland, where new co-tier from the East and H..111I1 nn w what we raise in tliia ronnty ami to t inilnreil to rorne hero, 'lu 1 .1 .... 1 11 11 in iieeneij move ami lit been a pity that someihliig like: this liaa not been dona hefoie. Every other county in Hie stale, almost, in z-alou"ly vigilant along 1 Iii-hb linen ami it certainly tune Clackamas not in line ami began to let visitors sen what we have hem ol value to horns seekers. XXXXXXKXXXXXXJCXXXXIKXJ ji OREGON CITY. ORE 12, Dkitii or (iimii Man. In Q O N 5 "' W ' '"""ty n the most Iiiiftily respected c i2X22S known in lhea jiarta. Mr. I s j 1 11 1 0 11 Acin KrniHl Davis, en euiph.v.. nl 1 I mw 11 1 itn' 111IIU, tin r tu It i-si iu i the . m n hn cy.-.lhi re "in I y . He waa lit w nk in iliHa.'lil nmin w hen a plug .. mil of ajiruf JH'I.I nn. I li e ln. m'Nlieieil over hi 11 burning Hie 1 11 ii ln 1 oiiKiili'iiihlv, ami In juru.g inn eve. uni soim-w lull lie wan liiki'ii .i lr. t'arb. Hie null phy-ician anii in.i.ii. ua i iiiiil -r 1 n 1 1 11 aa posallilr lie Hli 11. 11 Iiihh hia sihl. W111, Si.r Ui t II..C Vims Iteprcsen taliV" I'. oilai-ii, Wlin Uvea a' tieorge, 111 Ilila roil 111 v , la nellum oii aeven aciea 111 Imp vim s r rum h.a oh-c rvation of the ih .'HI yeara Mr. IVulsi-n thlnka the Imp hinoueaa y, on tint whole Iliouglt 1 in. 1 .f -1 1 l. l in likely to lliii'luntr '11 n.f vi'ty much lie fays Hie price tlil year wmiM mate a ml lor el: years ol dullness In Hie In t liiKlk' I. Hi daa hoi heheve ill going liilo (he hli lieaa Vef eieiiBvelv, hut thlnka a lew Hcn a iiiili he a f hm lliiii( to Inive on liaml i'1'..i y year. Ilia kiowii aona have hail eonai'lerahle exietieiic in Ilm rill- tore iiihI ihyni ol lioi a, anil theywi have rharjt . ol Ihe lie!. I I'he noil in Ihe vii inity i.l ( ieoi;e la a.i. to he etnliiir ly ailii'tol In r.iianiu hnin. 1 1 iiHi n.iki. r r. mi.. lie Home ttii in ol liiKket li.tll .laveiH went to a h ill Saiunl.iy iiiiiil alnl iilave.l Ihe St leinllea a Kline nl hnrki't hall, reauli'nu in a viclorv lor S leni in a "i ore nl 11 to 1H. The Im.vh rei"rt a K'Miil aine, with the klnileat ol treatment nn the part ol the Villein men. They aay tl Salem hoya a iiiplv out iluvei theih, ami tlial ia all theie la lo it. Tin will, liriil.al.lv Ih' the lual name ol haakel hall Una rea nun. The home team ha ilayel eveinl lenilil ifaiuea lliia eeaaoii, ami while lny have lual ohm or two, they h.ive al wava iihiyi"! w Hh tho heat team in the Mate. Fixk I'm am ainmkjit "Tomiikina llireil .Man, which waa playe.l at tl llhuui'ite achiail .SalnnUy nilit waa liihly pleaaO'i; ami well pliiyeil. The linuait waa crewilel Willi people linlil ri'K'iu I lly ami vicinity, ami the pin ' I e came to a tron.1 rouml rum, Ih anlea the little play, limine, uniting ami npenkiii I'lili'ilailieil ilm aiiiheiice, anil all preaent :ieinlcrei every event lieariv applaiiKi'. l'n.l limit, w hu Inia laiuhl the achool lor nine lime haa oiin ol Ihe veiy heal achonla in the cniiiily ami hi fit I i 1 M all ahow ureal advancement. I'er liupa in a lew weeka another aiinilar eu terlniiiuieiit will heuiven, 'itAl tai qi a I'LANa, The In noliera of the Willametic V.illey ('lniiitaiiiiia AnHoiiiiiinii are nwikii ami hiiaily at woik milking plan to entertiiin their jfiieata Ihia neiiHon aa never hi lore. Much ol the nioifriun lia not aa yet heen umile lip, hill Ilm talent procure. I ia very Huh ami will aiirpiiaa anything ol loruier year. I'uiteil State Senator J. I'. I l -liver, of Iowa, ia to o lure 011 I'll til u Virlmiaaa luuHtiou ol I'uhcy." Karl ieriiiHiii. the iiiHfjii'i.in of rare tal ent, will appear, ami Uev Ni-well Dwihl Ililla, of llecclier'a Plymouth church, Brooklyn, hua heeii procureil The whole aeHaion will ! highly filter tuiniiik', ami all who at'emli'il in the paat will he jualilieil ami ilouhly pul.l in re turning Una aewaon. 1 K A 111 ok Mm. 1'KK.v, Krnlay ninht Mr (i, Kiev phhnihI away at her home in tliia city. Ih'iilh waa caimeil hy a aevere attack of pueiiiuonia, which laateil hut two or three. iIjvm. Mra. Krey wu a na tive ol lieriiiiiuv, heiiii! horn in the year Ss. In 1ST'.' ahe nnirrieil Air. (ieortfo l'Vey, ami h liveil the urealer part of her iiiiiirieil Iih' at Iliuwuaville. She leiive tlv chililrcn, a hunhiiinl ami kin ter to mourn her ileuih. heiiiea iiuny anient friemls, who hoM her ineiuorr dear. Tim funer.tl aerviceH occiiiri'd at the fiiuiily rei idencn Sunday afternoon, and the interment wu held in the Moun tain View cemetery. The deci-ael lived a ChrHli.iti life, ami waa an earncal worker mid potent fui-tor for k111"! wherever her preaence wna lelt, Aaiion Jonkh Si'okk. Willamette hull waa crowded laat Thilraday aflernoon. (.iruniterH from ull over Clackainua coun ty were here to liatiin to Aaron Jonea, ihktioiial uiaater ol thu (iraiiKP. Mr. Jonea ia ah eloquent and convinuiiiK apeaker anil delighted hia ainlience. He Buid Ih t tho lirHtik'o wan making rapid atrideH in ini'iuherHhiii, and that tliia vear the grand total would reach (100,000. There are 5,000,(100 farmer in the coun try," ho Haiti, "and there are 30.000,000 peiaoim (lepeudinK on the farminir in iliiHlry. Our order haa been inexiHtence .'10 yeara, ami ia etroup'r now than ever. It haa hccoiiie a power in li'Kiltioii,and iainatiood poaition to demand the en actment of law fur the betterment of the dinner. "In former yeara men tried to got into the order for the purpoae of advancing themaelves in political pre ferment, nut we have eleininated theae now, and expect to keep them out. We are careful as to whom we a lmit into the order, and the fact of man being endued in farming alone doea not alone make bim eligible. We work for the Imtlerment of condition, for more intel ligence in farming; and guard against all elements that tend to disrupt." Mr. J. tiaa a C00-re stock ranch near South Hend, Ind. Ilia grown children run the ranch, which he lays pays well nowa days. His own time is taken up with the interest of the order. He has been national master far fivo years. Mr. Jones is accompanied by E. (1. Leedy, master of the state grange, and they left l-'riday morning lor Mr. Leedy's home in Tiuarville. From there they go to Macleay and Salem. Mr. Jones leaves 'Thursday for Rainier, and then U guiS a tour of the slate of Washington To Ai.tkii i'ni'Mril Work will aoon Iim i-nlii i,ii.i...il III ulli.r I Iim IiimiiIm III ll,M I ( 'niilin Kaiimial church. The woik will c..iilat chlillyof calciiuiiiing Hm walla and levuriiialiiUK the Wn.nl wotk. Tliia church i one ol the nioft attiatic In the eilv, and it ia Ihe intention o the hnav Wufkei to keep it reputation up. The ladie of the chinch w ho have done and inn lining ao much towanla Ihe uphiiiM liilf of the church, wilpvoto I'oitlaiid ami pnichaae carpet lor the iiiuiii audi loniiiu, aa Ihe old ia .juile worn, Wl i.l. ItiM'KNaK Willi Wool). In Ihe near lulur the Crown Mill, whuriihaa In en lor o hiiiii hiirniiia' wood in it fur li.ii'ca, will aiihatiluln an Ituiiienaii oil lank to lake Ihe place of the hiiruinK of wiacl. Wood haa alwnva linen a aource of gient exa'iire and haa reipiired many lin n lo bundle il. hen tin new tank ia erected t he ex peuaea will proh ihly he r ill iii.-il oniie a Ihlnl. 1 he Link Will luoiiithly hold ,'tlMI IMMI itallona. and ia to he in. I" of Kraoile, Ihe WilUmeile win ptonaiiiy ioiiow aiiii anon ii'i'i im in i hah,.,! alatemeiit hy Mr. Howard that a couple ol lug lank to ilo the Work ol , i,M reHolnlioita i (,ii,l,.,,,i,im, Hn.u net, l,,r hi failure to aecure the paaaaue of an eiiMil-lnior law were not pAimed hy the . rederal Ijitior Union, hilt by a inaaa I iKami H a I.l. All lovers of the dance and k'hhI iiiiihic may enjoy a grand dance In lie given al the Armory on the even ing :il March i'.sih, Thia hall ia given tiv lheT.-iile Diiion Mini ia mre to af ford a pleaaurahle evening lo all w ho a'- lend. Iiiruey will furmah iiiiihih and Ihe allilr la open lo the pulilic. Admia-I loll fiO cetita for gelitleiuen, ladies free, Thia will piohahly he Ihe laat grand hall of ila kind in the city thia aeaaoti eo none w ho enjoy audi pleiaiire can allord to inlMa It. KxoNkKATicii Him Federal Labor I'nion, No l?i;H, held a speciul meeting lant I'lieadiiy fil jtil and exonerated ila aecielaiy, J II. Howard, of the charge ii.aile aitaiiiat linn hv the) local union of carpenter. About I'.'-l member at tended (he meeting. No proof was pro dilced a a foundallon of Ihe charge that Mr. II 'Hunl waa unfair, iliMhone( and an enemy lo orifaiii.ed lahor. Howard waa alao accused of being a tool of Sena tor llr.iwn-ll. Tim Carpenter' Union look action imniHiliaieiv upon the imb- lios'r Foi.okt Ir. Il umv lie well lo remind our hlemla of the entertainment at the Y. M C. A. thia Fridnv evening lllnh-r the ullapicea of the Oregon City .Noiuial college. Ihe priinrnin will he interesting coui'iallng of aonga, reclla tiniia, iiiairuiuclit.il ai'lectuma and de- h.iti.f. Ihei.M.C. A lia heen pro ureil to liolil thia enti rlainnn-iil in aa Ihe college will hardly aeat Ihe audience, I he ohiect of Una allair ia to gel lund lor nn hikiii and everyhoily it invited Aomiai"li hi cent". Ihe ilnhale la on Hie uni'Mion ol whether women oiiitht t have aull'i sue and Ihe am-akcra aie all wide awake and itilerealiug. Imi'imvkmkm ra Kvkhywiii:kk. Very noticeable la Ihe iiiiliroveineut count nit ly going on in thia cilv. Kverv block aliuoal ia having aome klinl ol a new huililuiK erected on il, and new More huildiuga, waiehouaea and aidewalka are evervw lime appeurnig a nninihtakahle inria nl the citv'n proapentv. The Kant Iiiiiii achool will a. inn tin i lit an addition to toe hnil'linn proper ; the electric line ia ..on to comuieoi'e the eii'ctioii of an nn meiiae depot, sidewalk ar- being huiit and renewed all over the city, and new leaideiices eveiy day apaoir to view Aliuig several atreela new wa'crplpe will anon he laid, where there have never hceii water mama U'fore, and aev eral old Ha-a, which have ouilived their uaefiilncaa, are heing replaced wnh lie onef. Vint A Hoai). A repoit made at the Uiard ol liadi ineetiiiA Monday innht liowa 1 1 1 nt the Viola rond lund i grow ing and will soon reach the riiiiired amount. Ihe tanner living a Ion n the load, who have nllcreil lo raiae $ l.'ilkl have already f 10X1. and will eaaily raiae the t"ilH) lemuiuiiig. To ahow the proa perity of the time, and to fhow, too, how earni'Ht theae noo.l peoole are in tliia) matter, it uiighl he aluted that aome of theae men are making coi.lrihiitions amounting lo aa much a "'i. The ti iiki lief Mien in Una city will he aaked to oulrihiite some toward thia road, ami this, together with what the county ia to contribute, will aimoat he ennuwli to ty for the huilditiK of the roadway I he road ia to be made i f plank and gravel, ai d will he one of the very heat in the countv. Fiiikmii.n' Hamjckt. All the flie ouipuniea of Ihe citv have agreed to hold a hanniiet in a lew duva and have a good (line like the times hail here a few yeara ago, when lint men were all active n Iheir interest for theae thing. Moti lity night the ('tiU'iicta held a meeting to ace w hat tlii'V weie going to do about uniting with the Hook ami cuun'ains, id it wan iiii.iiiiiiiiiiihl v agreed to j iiu in the move and have a grand aiireud. All three compHiiiea ilnwn town are united in the movement, ami il rem lina now lor the three hill cninpaiiie to ex prei-a the iukc Ivc in favor of the under taking, winch they will do without a doubt. All thit companies will contrib ute a ainall sum toward the leant, ami in thia way the burden of Ihe expciiae cannot (all heavily on any mm. It ia to lie excluaively a llreineu'a banquet, with special invitations to exempt firemen ami old and new ineinbnra. The even ing will be pleaamitly apent, and it will certainly be an alHiir of the aeaaon. Board ok Tradk. Monday night twenty btiHjneas men met at the county court room for the purpoae of organizing a board of trade and discussing plans for the same. A committee, consisting ol about eight business men, made a re port on the character of the hoard, its plans and object, which waa unanimous ly adopted, and in the reiort was set forth the plan to form a conmrution of two hundred Bharea, to consist of indi vidual shares valued at l-' per share; subscribers to two shares to pay $5 cash on subscription and 50 cents per month, payable quarterly thereafter. The board is to be incorporated for four years, and will have among .its members the most substantial business men in the city. Col. Drake and W. II. Killingsworth, of Portland, were present and delivered stirring; addresses on the work of the board and its advantages to the city. The report also speaks of the value to the county of sending an exhibit to the Central Depot, Portland, where visitors can see the resources and products the county, and thereby gain aome idea of the wealth of Clackamas county. This, President Cross declares, will be done in the near future, and the very best products obtainable will be there on ex hibit. At the next meeting a perma nent organisation will probably be ef fected, when a president, vice-president, secretary and treasury and nine trustees are to be elected. Subscribe for tbe Enterprise. meeting of union men. alien. led ov onlv -hi men, out of a total strength of nearlv IiKhi in the city. Si-K.fui. Mkktimi A special meeting of iim city council was held Tuesday night to act on the mailer of putting an other sewer. The first thing Hint came up for ilii'Usion waa the ordinance for establishing sewer district No. 3. Tina district includes ih! of the city north of 7th t. The ordinance waa uiiani uioualy passed. Then 'ollowed another ordinance (or the api ointment, of three appraiser. Thia ordinance passed and Mea.i. Ilittner, F. T. tinllith and K. U. t'antleld were appointed. The duty of Iheae. three men ia to make an assess ment of the cost of the sewer to the in dividual proiHTty owrtera along the pro posed sewer district. Another matter of interest to Ihe eople of this cilv waa the rep irl ol Engineer Kami on tbe build ing of the road over Ihe bluir on the aoiilh end ol the city. It waa announced ii this report that lo woik a tunnel un der the S. P. track would cost about t'.l'ihO and to build nn elevated roadway over Ihe track would cost foOOO or there abouts, This waa the gia. of the princi pal business done by the council at thia time. The next regular meeting will tie the lirsl Wednesday in April. A MKKTINIi l Hol.lMKKH Idist Fstlir- dav evening there occurred at the resi lience of Joaiaii Howell, at Canemah, a meet ing ol four o.il Indian war veterans who ha In't lor many a moon seer, each other. The four distinguished and bitde aesi red veterans were tieorge W. Miller. of Dayton, Washington; Kobert Miller, and J.Cole, of I. inn county and Josin.li Howell. These four veterans had served in the Indian wars of T." ami '.Mi during the time when the Indians gave th.' people of this coast so much dilliculti, and this meeting, at Ibis advanced day, waa the lirst experienced since they dis banded and returned to peaceful iiursui's of life. All four of the men are over seventy-two years of sge and each haa seen lucre than bin share of experience wim ins musket. Ihe meeting, at this time, was reminiscent am' highly enjoy able. Old limes when the Indian wars were at their height, were the mbjects ol supreme interest and the way these four old comrades unearthed tilings long lorgottc n waan t slow in the least. Thev aie ami drank and made merry all day Saturday and part of Sunday ami tie- parted Sunday evening feeling that it hud truly heen good to be there. We make mention of thi event with pleas ure aa it is seldom that we can record a meeting together of such venerable and honored men as these who took an active part in our Indian wars so long ago when the country waa in its earliest stage of grow th. In the death lows one ol citizens ever Jones lived to this inly fur a long time and has heen more or lea active in steam boating for over .1) year. The deceased was 112 yeara old and leavea one ol the most highly respected lamilies in Oregon City. The funeral services occurred at the hjiuMoflhe ileceaaed'a son, Linn E. Jonea, and Kev. A. J. Montgomery, an old friend of the late Mr. Jonea olll' iated. Mr. Jones ha alw lya had many friends in Oregon City among both old and yo'ing and hia death brings a tinge of thede'fiest sadness to a great many who koe In .ii well. Butteriek Patterns April Stock just received showing every desirable garment for the Spring season and all the latest novelties k Norfolk Styles with the Kimono Neck Stole Effects on Capes, Coats, Blouses and Coffee Sacks; Shirred Styles in Waists and Skirts. All the Latest Styles lor Girls and Little Folks. KxjktU'wo ConvInooH. Frovs its Talus by investing ID cents In trial size of Ely's Cream Jtahu. Druggists supply it and we mail it. Full siznoO cetita. ELY UltOH., CM Warren St., New York. Clifton, Arizona, Jan. M, lH'.rtt. Messrs. Ely linos.: Please send meaCO cent liottle of Cream Jtulm. I find your remedy the quickest and most permanent curs for catarrh and cold in the bead. Dki.lM. I'ottkb, Oon.Mgr. Ariz.GoldM.Co. Mown. Ely Buoa.: I havs beenaflliclf.d with catarrh for twenty years. It made tne so weak I thought I hud consumption. I got one bottle of Ely's Cream Halm and in three days the discharge stopped. It is the beat medicine I havs used for catarrh. pToU-rta, Ciil. Feanx E. Kindlesfibe. A Lively Time Judge Fonts had quite a time the oilier day in getting one Sir. Seol to leave a house which he had rented lo her. The Judge decided that he didn't care to have the woman te I main longer in hi house and as there I was no contract or understanding as to Pj j how long she was to have po.aession, be ) Y I w ent to her house and requested her to i K ' leave as he had other tenants for the house who would pay lietler rent and therefore be more desirable Occupant". Km Mrs Seol was not disposed to go and she told the judge just what she thought of him in langliage not the most elegant and not to be mtsiinderstoo.l. All one day the owner ol the place staid a round the premises and at evry opportunity would cotdront the tenant with the ques tion of when she was going to give up possession to him ? At last after a day of al'ercaiion. mingled with hot words on the part of the lajld tenant, the judge ' got her consent to leave and she wasn't! long getting out when once she started.! The judge showed her he meant business and when once this had l?en impressed J on her she decided that the best thing for her to do was to get out and seek an-' other abode. I The. Delineator for April 15c No more beautiful or use ful magazine in tbe market 8 page sl'ahion plate free for t he asking. If out of town, send a request on a, postal card. g HUNTLEY BROS. Li Druggists, Booksellers and Stationers. H Hurrah ! for Uncle Sam. B One Thousand H able bodied men A R N E S wanted s to buy IB at tbe new Main Street Harness Shop, opp. Huntley's Drug Store, which are home manufactured and up-to-date in quality and finish. Also a fine line of SHOES guaranteed for style and quality. Good repair shop fur harness aud shoes in connection. H . HILEY Proprietor Ittor r I"- Jurunswick House & Kestaurant i . ! Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. mm Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor ana cheerfulness soon disappear when the kid neys are out of order or diseased. Kidney trouble has beCOmA sn nrvalnl f that it Is not uncommon L, for a child to be born altllcted with weak kid-)--' neys. If the child urin stes too often. If the urine scalds the flesh or It, when the child reaches an age when It should be able to control the passage, it Is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon It, the cause of the difficulty Is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these Important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are mads mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the Immediate effect ol Swamp-Root is soon realized. It Is sold by druggists. In fifty cent and one dollar sizes. You may have a gMjViSH ftfrr sample ooiue oy man tree, also pamphlet tell- boom at enon-Bo. ing all about it. Including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmet ac uo Bingnamton, N. Y ., be sure and mention this paper. Don't make anv!mistake. but remem ber tbe name, Swamp-Root. Dr. Kilmer's fiwamp-Koot, and tbe address. Uinz- mton, N. Y., on every bottle. FREE Embroidery lessons given free of charge hy an ex;ierienced teacher at Adauia tiros, (ioiilen Rule Bazaar, every Tuesday and Friday from 2 lo 5 p. ni. Ladies invited to call and join class. Subscribe for the Enterprise Newly Furnished Rooms. Meals at All Hours. Prices Reasonable. Opposite Suspension Bridge. Only First Class Restaurant In Town. CHARLES CATTA, Proprietor $35. $40. s BICYCLES Are Still in the Lead. Come in and see . . them . . THE CHICAGO TYPEWRITER: $35.00 I mm $35-oo This is a good standard machine. If you would like to know sonething about it, come in and see it. If you can not come in, drop us a postal card and we will send you a catalog. We sell these machines on the installment plan. BURMEISTER & jLNDRESM OREGON CITY, THE OREGON CITY JEWELERS. OREGON V