OWCGON CITY ENTERPRISE FRIDAY MARCH 20, 1903 3 New To-Day. I'l.llMY ! IllWI'ft lll'l'", MONKY TO l.nAV AT C. II I'm. Mr Holt, who hit lii-i'd rnnfluitd lo hi MB. Ill lur ll-VI-ril lUVN lllllll IU IDI'li I" Hlilllllll OIII'H Ulia ill III! Cllllche. Tullnn Die, student al Pailll" I'ld- vi-rHv. Iikn been al I n in thin city (nr li'W day Hit) 'ii"t week. IJi-iirk'H KumUII. one, of i.nr thrifty Money m on ill rut.-., lanm-ia ( IScw r.rn, ciuim lo ine i ny 1 1 KiMir" .V lliiirimi. ,1H ,iny recently mi luiiii. , Mm Kdwariln, adinililiratrix ol llm W. K -:d ward's fatal, whh doing Ihhi Iii-mii III ill. Fall ( "it V III'" week. d.l. I'. A. lUker mill O I'. Slurp, I, .illi dtriiixm nl Hi a If inl. transacted Ihihi HI. I...KS .1 .illll-KI II , "'"."''' ,- , ml. illy on.. day ihl week. Wilnimri llnlliliiiK, t Imvr His chiilce.! I'. lliirm.lliH well to du farmer nl i'mk I'Ul'l'. Mini "II" "f OHf HtHIIIM ll it MI tl i- ! fuim, mi In Oregon Ciiy Tueda). MONKY TO LOAN ON II K A L PKOp.l Mlty ,;, j (),., and Cusii k inly si-i irity at II per ci-itt, alo mi l ! i,,ii, ,i-r smi, nl Portland, re mi Hie I miiM'in or thin city out ly recently. ' Krnnk Htmi-rand John Fraud, ol MONKY TO LON AT per i'iil. I'M I ill hi'illlll), Nnirui i. II AM) h.lx.Ks ,i ii HI I'r'l I II , ..lllilii tin Wilnimril lliillilinn.) Imvr His elinlcel Hiy. .uliiiriinii nnil country irnirriy lor miihIIihI ft lii". iimivi.iI l-hittl-1 M-i UillV. Ii H. P'Mll attorney al U, Steven lluildilig Om yon t 'It y . MONKY TO I.OAN-I IIAVK SKVKIiAI. stun of money l I'loi'uiiiif In prlvHin Individuals whli Ii I am authorized to Ihhii, mi lonil i mm l U 7 I'' cent. ( ml ol I"" will In' iiihiIw very reason li!r. II. K. l'in, attorney nl law, u i..i-n ki:i I'olani' china ....... I..IHHOLJ1 i.Im. ! loo Ili'li'H IlI'loW If-b'OII ( II) lli'hl-d. Ilii-e-ling ivnillcalci fur- uonCiti. lid I ln week loi Klunilikit where lin y go lu work III Hi" mini'. Mr. A. T. Di. nl Oak' Point , Waul). , a sawmill man ol thai lit i If . wim liu. ing lniKiiifM ill Oregon City this week. Mr. Mi, mi Knok, Hie f . rial, ami his roil, II. .1. II'mH, r-a-lil eillicsilav ol this week III 1'iirll.ili'l Visiting friend. Mr. Fred Moclinkn, nl Heaver Creek, one of our leading farmer, w iIuiiik IniKinem in ()H'oi l ily one il.iy reeenllv. loeli II id liner, of Ofweiri, n lemliiiK liicrrlinlil ol HihI lltlie Villnne, k III WTI.I. TK UH'. ON !' I 'ON' ANI TOf lln-K 11 City Mnnly mlen.linu tu l'M liuuu'V lor hi'im or Hee.l imtii or wlieiit. iie.H. liiillie Jeiuniiiiri flu"-. I tmlix l low Xr .,. K 1(WrrlM.Hi f 'r-.lii.,i, Or.-u.ni CUV. or wr.iH It""""'"1 l !,,., H ,.,, ,hvi. in Ori-tfi'i City Itox "U. I'iuHhiiiI, Orw ,1,1, lyrk vimiIhk Willi rrUiivrn mil frieniU. i Mr. Mrinmii, of Mmi, nam, who Iih Hie Marl Iih A . MeConiiell entitle in Imml, w na in lliu clly Momliiy lookiitt Hfier I Im ei-tnle. K'l llinkle, re-iilenl of lltililnril, w ho ow rm rolllilernli1n propert V Rl llmt Krr.k Ju-r, of Cm... w. In tl.n t - tl. .irt of tl.tn trity St- Mm. (hnlr Mnir aniHm.jV UU tliin Personal Mention J city Tiii""ly. J. H. I'lirilnm li Jill reliirneil Iroin Vldil Hi hiokl4tlK. J.liina Cliarlen. ( rorllmiil, Ml in Olefin City Tilemlwv. Hon. liana I'miUen mul il trrm i Orejjiin City TiiemUy. Mm. J. H lll.ir.nl Mnlway, waa in Ou-Koii (,'lly Tiu-miay week for Mullen, UhIiii, where "he will jnlll tier liliahanil, who ll workup llieie III llin iiiiln-a. Ilenrv Ilrnlmb ami Virtor Krrlrb mm. of ('mm, Ixitli leailmu (ierinan farnieri of Hill county, were in 0rr)oii Ciiy S' unlay. J. fi. (iill, of Iii(an, pron.liient C llorlaml. .l St.lli.nl.rH.i.B lu Ort- I farmer of Claikiu.iii coiiMy, w.i in IIip gnn t'ny oi t liny Una week. A. J. Koiikx i"iit Thurwliiy in Hm cipiiMl i it v v i h . 1 1 1 1 liiemU. i lly Motiilav mill renewed liii iiilimri)- lion to Hie hiilerinlKH, Ainlrew (iiieMl. alter, of New Kr, wan In low n Tliurailav. He in now a nrouil Alloinev Jaiiica I', ('miipliell waa on i KrainlUIIer h ml we exleiul to lilm our luiaiiieaa in halem TIiiiimUv Winnie Hill, ol I'n'tlaii.l, wan vihiting Oil Irii mil in Hit my Mnmlii.v. Jamea Shelley, ol Mul Lane, wan amoiiK our vinlloii lo (In- ') tin" Week. CliarlFR Lnraoli. of htaffonl. wa on Ihe (.Heel" of Ihf rily one ilay llm week. Jim lUHoli. w ho livea al Sioiie, iiia.le nii,- Bn, n-purla a fiowin traile, m im 1 1 on li im ir i-liiia in una I'liv iiennea- iliiv. hearty roiinraluUMnii Mr. ainl Mr". Jaroli Can-ell ami ilmiKli ler I'elln, have juat retiirnvil limn a pleaMiit v i nit Willi IrieniU at hmi Fran i'ini'0 ami lia Aniteli'i. Ralph Marhall wan In from lliithlnml Weilueailay lo iuri'ha"H tfiKiil" fur III "lore Mr. Maraliall I ilulna' well in lit I .1. a. .iiiirnn, m i oninnii, wno ora tiinli.T Im ml near Kirinirt ter. mh-bimI Ml" Horenre I'.rownell, i f I'liriliilnl. Ihmuull Ihe city Weilm-nley for Spiili)j wan vimtiiiK tier lirolher in Una ciiy Sun- water lo look alter hi intereata there. j Pun T.M.ipkin. an ohl reaia-nt of llol 1'ele Yontiicr. w Im tin" lieen "Irk w !' I. ! .,, Hinl Well know n in ( ie,(oii Ciiy, w a HihIhiu leel for two wetka ia "low ly In Ihe illy Tuemlav, Mr. 'I oriipin i" im-ii, 1 1 1 v: - Mr. Kvelvii Kiitleri.nf I'nrilanil. wh tin- jfiii-i i I .Mia L. I.. I'l. ki ln one ilny thla week. .1 1 (iiii'i'.ol Stnir.'rl. wlio i" well known in (Lu kuiiirth Coiin'y, i ill Hie Tliurihi) . Minn lli-ncie l'uvi.H, of ihe On irmi Clly Noillllll Ai'aili'll.V, M ill I'orlhllnl rily Tlnni-ilu . i riiiimiiK' liirin in ( (Hiiii.ihh romity ami j 1 1- iloilut well. ! (ieiiiuc llHIikill", hr'k'lit VoimK IIIHII ; ill tin t'ltr, ha" priN iireil a plure in llur ' inei-ler A Ainln a.'ii'a jrwi liy n'nre. , I ii'iMue ti n I'liputHi, uiihi,; until and will I work liiuiKi'li up. I Mr H. W II. Siiimiiin, w lio haa heeii viiliiiii w nli tier Hinier l Mnniit Aniti'l ' lor n few week, teltirneil lu lit-r liumr in Ihe eilv Tiu'"iliiv. W hile away Mr. (i. V. KerlBim. llm .oli.Hi 'e "lore- WBH M'tioiiHiy in, ami nan only k er. alter mi illne" Willi pi eiinioi.ia. , I""' riM-mrren. Aliel Mere"i,o( Foreit (irnve.a prnni- ineiil (fraililiite of 1 'h' (ti I. mvernllv, il a roll III I lli'HIIl. Mie Kva ami Mnliel ClnW'er, ol lliirlrw , wen-ill llie ciiy ll Siituril.iy w hn for merly liveil in O ckoii City, whh vi,.itiii( frieiiil. in Oieifon City a few ilaya lant week via- K. A. Miller, of Neeily, wi n i a fie- j '''"a" I'letnia. ii,'iil V fitor lo llii cilV, waa here nil j Mr. Scriptllie, llm l llii'ii'lit hluik-I-iipIIii Salur iluy. Hnlili, went In l.ule i rei k Siitiinluy nnil lellirm il Willi III wile who liu heen in iitti'iiilunre on her i-iater, who Imalieen Mr. lleorL'i' lln.li.inl, ol New Kra pricilicl. eimie lo Ihe rily on himiiimoi one ilay Ihe pin-t week. ('. Harlow, Im i a prominent voting lniHilieea iiihii ol Hiirlnw, w.ih In Oretfon City one ilay recently. Mr. Loni Level g-r, ol lUkerCilv, apenl a ( w hiya tin week viaitinK her BiHtcr, Mra. Linn K. June. i J. A. Lniinlmiiller, a prouiinet hiii-lii-c iiihii of Silverlon, i'hiiii-to Oregon Ciiy Tueailny on huaine". ill for aeveral week. Mr. Itraltuii, jnatireof th peace of Hiirlow, wa in (lrij!iin City Salunlay allruiliii the SiicihIihI convention. Mr. lirattoti ia a SncinliBt, ami wa ejected on the SiK'inlinl ticket. Mr. and Mr. Adam 8tnnohur(ir. ol Colfax. Winli , were llie iieHlruf Mr. S A. (iiacp Sunday last. They were on their way linine after iim ihIihk ale' ! week in Calilornia. CO 00 0000 00000 0000 OO 00 ATTEMTI0 JM o o MJ' '-r'-.li mmm I I I VMl n I F O 8 o o o o Q o o i,Vir,..JT.. ',.'. ... avw. ' L V ' ' The only lirwt-class Sccond-IIanJ Deali-r in Furniture HtovcH and UtoiiHils. It is worth j'our time to come anil examine the utock. Von will find a full line of New and Second-Hand Furniture, Sloven, Crockery Hardware. Etc ' . HilicHt eaah price ptid lor second hand ihh o o o o o I . T o I p o J a p MAIN SRTEET One DoorlNorth of C jmmerical Bank o o o o o o o o o o o o o Maaler Ida Hey U'iiihI ard In (lunger oualv III With tvpliold lever Kl hi hniiie Inlhlai'I'y Thell'tl" fellow In heeil III lied two week and will prohahly re main llieie hoiiih tiinii yet. Hon I'iritfiT llerriiin, ol lii-ehiirrf, Wil III Oieji'iti Ity M-illdiy t-velilli, oil In way lo I'orlluiid While hern lr. Iteriinui vmiti'd nn-ral fiiemla. hut w 1 1 1 J t I 1 1 1 1 V I-1 - M 1 1 1 Oil polllica. Mr ('. N. Heaiuaii Im heen in Ihe eilv a lew d.lV" Ihe punl week . HIih haa Im i-li VI IlinK leUtive at 1 1 uhnard, and lea vi n in a lew il.iy for Kan Krmieini'o, where her hiinhaiid I piHCticniK im:dl ciim. II .1 Kenthem and Mr. Amerker, of lailiM'ila, were In Orenoil l I y Tliiir" day Iniil.liirf alter hllailien. Tlie-e Iwu irHiiilenieii are interi-med in ti e b-uli nan mad ami were in Ihe city Thurnday moniiinf lo eu w hat could he dune In ward I'hec king it completion. Mr. Henry Stephen, the t-flicieM couiily recorder, fell from the electi ie car the other eeniiif at hi home at Mll m nu k in and aeverely injined hi fo e ami no-e lie wa liurrv lri to ahtfhl Iroin Ihe car while the "nine wa in inolion, ami I'iniiiii hi hulance fell late ilown w aul and nilHtaiued painful iiju ien, V'M acre, ahont -' in tune u'", hoime and ham ; lull a 're k ' 1 1 m '-r. Located 1' inilen limn Wilhuit on the Scott Mill loud. $101X1. Alan H) acre on Milk creek, iihove I'iiiiiii M:lla, L'O acre hiitl-uii land and lU acre ood hinder. f:00. (j. II. IhMirK, Irilntee. ( )r(inll Ciiy. II J ll ink, nou of Khii Hoak. in al home in Ihincily, alter a to yeai'n en t'Hii.Tiieul on the lr.iiliiii; xhii Adam at San Kraricico. Mr. Knak left Ihe eilv ((iii'e a hoi and return much cli-tniied ami imw a man in every n-nne ol the word. Hi-in tiaii.liin for the ll ivy, and i now ahout ready lo tin into active rer vice. All the 1 1 run he haa Ix-en Iraimni on hoard llii ihip and liaa not done much traveling, lie lnin aoiui tu he aide lo ki out to nee a little of Hie world. Mr Knak like thii lile ami intendl ie muiiiiiiK with il two or three year Ion er anyway. He ha a two week' vaca tion, at the expiration of which time he will return to San Francinc.j and w ill noon actively envaite in naval life. THOMSON'S! BARGAIN STQRE jiiHt opened with a lino now line of Dry Goods, Notions. Furnishings, Shoes, and Kitchen Ware at very close prices Located aext door to Hunt 1 o y NEW YORK GALLERY HAS MOVED on Main Street, opposite KU-ctric Hotel.. Formerly occupied hv the Columbia. Local Evcr. i ift. iCi.lOi h ii- A-gt-i-8i -A. A-S If you don't get, the Kntkhi'kihk you don't Kul the new. The latent veiling an ) ready-to-wear hat. Mini C. (iuldainltli. Mcli 27. Wanleil imniediately ten wood rhop pei. Price $1 per cord. Crown Papr Company. We underntand that the Oreiron City Wiii.lvn Mill ia now inakimr cnnlrai-ta for woml at $J 50 per cord. Al Price, who recently cam hack lo Orctfiin Ciiy. i now decking for hi brother, J. M. Price. On Salunlay afternoon W. W. H. Siiiiimiii ih lo hold an auction al Widow lvjIuiiDiiti'a le-ideuce at 1 leaver Creek. (ir.ind Millinery Opening Momliiv Tueniluv, .Mutch 111 and followinit iluya. Minn liolilniuitli. .Mill L'7. TURNEY, FOTOGRAPER -ei.i.QHfr 2,(XX) miles of long diB tance telephone wire in Oregon, Washington, Cali fornia and Idaho now in optr?.tion by the Pacific Station Telephone Com pany, covering 2,2-50 towrm . Quick, accurate, cheap All the satisfaction of t personal communication. Distance no effect to clear understanding. Spo kane and San Francieco as easily heard ai Port land. Oregon City office at Harding's ,Dru Store. CO TO THE ENTERPRISE FOR YOUR PRINTING OABTOniA. Bwn tha ou m km twit MISTAKES! I'fthirid the prescript often rneaiiR the Iohh of a life and a drupgint-i reputation. We are not afraid of our reputation and if you knew how much care and attention we give this part of the work we are sure you would have no hesi tancy in letting us do your pre scription work. Our long and carefal experience combined with new, fresh and good goods, makes mistakes impossible here. We have alno added to onr itock a complete line of Painln, Oils, Lead, fil, UrtiHhen, Putty, Olc, and guaran tee; 'o neii yon either Pure Pre pared Paints "f ' n'i oil heujier lhati anv more in town. HOWELL & JONES Reliable Druggists Oarde Building CHA11BKHS HOWELL LINN E. JONES -""a-aVnV.-aa'a-.-a-aV DO YOU READ O THE ARGONAUT Sad For Fn SampU Copy. It contain! itronRly Ameri can editoriali. briKht. fuma tetter, ntrihinK tones, art, drama, muiic, lociet, and arm; and nary newr The Aroonaut Pub. Co. 246 sutter st. Ban Franciico - Cal. THE ENTERPRISE ALL KINDS OF COMMERCIAL PRINTING DONE IN UP-TO-DATE STYLE lyon's Frenoii P eriodical Drops Strictly vciretabie, perfectly liarmlcss, sure to accomplish DESIRED RESULTS. Greaiest known female remedy. Price, $1.50 per bottle. CmiTIPN Bareof fotin-.erfe!' anJ lm!i-tirn. The ennlne Is pnt np onlr la paate-board Car- wAUIIwll ton vim -, nr. r ..'naiuro .111 inlg ol ihe bottle, thus: rf- Seed foe CircuUr to WILLIA.MS Sim. CO.. b-Aa Ainu. Cleeianl,Obia i ' For yale at HUNTLEY'S t;-ll' llllKllHh, CM lllltl , lirilHIIII'IIIUI tiBM A Nhrulihi-rv and i ul ll mern nl the. lilml-iUWvWU Htoint (iri-i-n hoiii-e. Jamk Wii.kinhon, i f"l 1'iopni-lur. q llii) I r 1 1 1 1-Ic Yliiiii!itl and Literary j fj ( lull Kill ini-i-t next Monday eve t IIih hnine ol Mr. I.. L. Porter. All the ! Irii-udii invited. Call ami h t Iih I'uri-imi noveltiea in hat and exi'luaive atvles. .Mica (.ioldhiiiith. Mcli 27, o Tiii-mlHy waa St. Patrick' day and iiianv if our ifoixi (ie.iil wine the ttreen. ,.....ul .urui.iu. uuih liuhl ul thu lutli olic church and w-i lurely atteiidt-d. At Wiihtnt'tte hall, Kri.Uy. March 27. "An Kveniiikt in IreUml." Proceed for the KnHilii.il) school lihraiy. I'oineand In iiik yuiir friend. .Mi ll. 27 The Mothers' Club i-pent a very en joyalile afternoon IhbI Ihuriday at the imme of M rs. lieo. C. Brownell. The nil l jecl dipcuiiroed was the lile and works ol Lowell. John Heed, who it one of the wood l.unluru t lit Will iinMll. liUil hi. f.talf. criiHlu'il llie other day by a falling- piece A of curd wood. He now walks on crutehe and will haire to uhb tlieui for soma w eek vet. Services at St. Paul's Eniicopal church will be held at llie UMial hour! next Sun day. At the 11 o'clock service the ser mon will he on "How to Please God," and al 5 o'clock on "Love and Knowl edge." You will hardly believe what your ryes will see. The w onderful change at Hi c M. Michael stole is certainly a credit in Oregon City. His succencor, M. Michael, remodeled and refilled tt e old htandon the tip to-date plan with an up-to-ilate stock of clothing and men's fur tnaliinxs. No one need to be ashamed to enter it ; plenty of huht, neat and clean, It is worth while patronizing such a place to help him keep up. Ilow'a Thl? CCCCO COCO 00 0000 CO oocoo We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward lor any case of catarrh that canno be cured by Haifa Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cmknky & Co., Prous t Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 veum, and be- lu-ve him Hrfectly honorable in all bus men" transactions and financially able to ' carry out any obligations made by their firm. 1 Wkt A Tkuax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, U. Waldino, Kinnan A Mabvin, Whole sale 1'ruiEgists, Toledo, U. Hall. s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Price 75c per boHtle. Sold by all druggists. Testi noials fr' Hall's Family Pills are the best. FRANK BUSCH The Housefrrnisher FRAN K BUSCH - : - The Housefurnisher o o o o WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO OUR MAMMOTH STOCK OF GOCGO 0 o FINE JAPANESE MATTING THE MOST HEATHFULL FLOOR COVERING PRICES 16c. 75c PER YD. C-noi www