Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 06, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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Okegox City Enterprise.
m m
Published Every Fiidriy.
Subscription Rates.
One y.
.this nows rnrofully. Wlion tho American tonilo i
! proved, or twined to approve, the no-called expansion
I policy tliey themselves assiuncdii responsibility which
: cannot lx shouldered on a commission or a president
I If now they are indifferent to the results they are
, guilty of a crime against their own principals. If
I such indilVerenee resists it will condemn the Paris
I treaty of itself because it will how that our sodden
.if 2 00 selfishness we are whollv unlit to legislate for an alien
S(x months 1 00
Trial subscription, two months -"
A discount of "0 cents on all subscriptions for one
jtsir, '2" cents tor six months, if paid in advance.
race S.tKX) miles awav.
The truth is we have heen wonderfully fortunate so
' far owing to the provident.il appointment ,of Judge
Tart to the governor. -.hi p. lie has thousands of friends
I among the Filipinos, and his only eiiimiesare Ameri
can cai iM't-haL'gei's. Mad it not hern for the force of
3 " ' ; his 'character, whieh is at once strom;, just and
' Suhseriliers will find the date of expiration stamped amiable, the prohahilities arc that the cutVerings of
tm their papers following their name. If this is not , ,), ,iatiVs from the hard times in the islands would
changed within two weeks after a payment kindly no-; , ,,.., r..v,llt , . ..;,, ,..., u..
have him to thank for the fact that the ladrones have
! not become an insurgent arm.
tify us and the matter will receive our attention.
Entered at the postofliee at Oiegon City, Oregon, as I
second class matter. j A Great Campaign Against Disease
I W hue the methods of physicians are .-till in the
j main empirical, there underlies the practice of their
'profession a large and ever increasing hodv vf scieu-
. t itio know ledge. It is upon the proven facts of pu-
Thk Courier once more had its say akutt the tax thology that preventive medicine most largely rests,
lwt. In a conversation with the editor of the Courier and preventive medicine is the field in which the
a representative of the Kxtkkpkisk was told, that all ! greatest strides are being made.
the Courier knew about this printing matter was what ' The untranieled investigation into the cau.-es and
Cheney told the Courier man, This is certainly a ; character of diseast pathological research, in other
good reliable source of information. Now the Entkh-J words demands in most cases from those ' w ho give
pkisk wishes to state that the sheriff did perfectly (themselves up to it freedom from the pressure of hav
right and what the law requires when lie advertised j ing to earn their own livings. Handy does it bring
the delinquent tax list by describing each seporate even a moderate financial reward to the genius who
tract. No other course would have been effective in j applies himself to it, though to the race it is of the
ringing the real estate corporations to time. That j most utility. The investigator, that he may give us
the KTKiii'iiiSK did not have any contract or under- the blessings of his work, must Ik' either temporarily
Btan ling to pay the Courier thirty-three and one-j or permanently endowed with the material means to
third pt-r cent of the printing or anv part of the print-. pursue his calling.
ing, and when the Courier f ays it has the proof to The million dollars that has been set aside for the
back up the assertion, we ask it to produce it. This ', Rockefeller Institute by John D. Rockefeller is just
whole matter is a little cheap advertising on the part i such an endowment of brains, audit will assuredly
of the Courier which every issue poses as tho cham
pion of the people or labor, while probably the very
Article crying for the laborer was set on a machine to
save a few cents instead of giving it to a poor tyjie
stter. A little less hot atmosphere of the holier
than thou order.
produce for the American people and for the rest of
the world as well, immense dividends in health. The
men who are to use it will search bo'h for the causes
of disease and for new methods of curing diseases.
The endowment will be all the more we. coined be-
; cause it will encourage those special qualities of brain
, . . in Americans that have heretofore heen little evident-
Senator AldriChs Monetary Bl. , i :(J , I , ,i I f
J America has not yt t to its credit the production of a
It appears to be generally agreed that the bill pre- j oitlUifH; g,".ii,fl 0f the first order. The tre
ated by Senator Allrich relating to government I mpiidoiis mental power of the race has been exerted
d-posits in national banks is all that can be expected I either diroctlv in practical fields or in invention
which finds application for the scientific discoveries of
in the way of monetary legislation lrom the present
In view of this fact it is worth while to examine its
provisions and to inquire into the purpose ol the
measure. The bill embodies a plan, based largely
upon the policy of Secretary Shaw last fall, to meet
the business necessities of the country at a time of
stringency in the money uiarbet by liberating the
government funds that are locked up in the sub-treasuries.
other peoples. There U nothing in the genius of our
race to hinder its entry into the higher regions of
thought, and the Rockefeller Institute will help
toward this end in one field as the Carnegie Institu
tion will in many.
High Speed In Trolley Lines.
Announcement is made by the management of the
traction company which operates an electric line
To give this relief permission is granted by the bill j 'tween Chieago, Aurora and Klgin of the purchase
to the secretary of the treasury to accept security for
deposits in the national banks other than United
States bonds and to deposit with the banks money re
ceived from any source. For the use of this money
of twenty-five ca-s, "which will run, if need be, at
the rate of W) miles an hour." As an advertising
proposition- this is guilt edged, but at the present stage
of railway developcment it amounts to nothing from
the banks are to pay at least 1 $ per cent interest and ! a !'ractlcal standpoint. 1 lie love or excessive sp.e.i
the securities that may be accepted are: (1) I'r.ite.J j in transportation Kt.-n'is to be inherent in the Ameri
States bonds, as at present; (2) bonds of an v state; j ca" hi th,; ti,lie U f;ir distant when a speed
(3) bonds of cities at l-a.-t twenty-five years old, with !',f 180 ""k's an ,K,ur is M',lji" lltt:li"""'"t ilIl(r 0,1
a lea-t lOO.iNH) population, with'a debt not more than fcl,'ctric or 8t"a,n ""l!"-
10 per cent of their assessed valuation, and which T,,e I'ri"I,al r,-a-" fljr ''' ' to '"; flllln'1 tlie
have t.ot defaulted in interest or principal of their j unperfectcl state of the art of track building. Al-k-bt
for ten veara: (4) bonds of railroads that have ! t,,"""h r"at advancement has been made in this line
for at Wst ten years paid dividends on ti.-ir entire 'fl,lrir)i; tho past twenty-five y.-ar.s tin; r.-H(-nt . of
capital stock of at least 4 per cent annually. A j,ro. j 'he every.lay express train taxes tho track Imild-rs
vision of the bill al-o permits the acceptance of the ! ski11 to th! ut!'10"t- , Th" ('"nHtarit po'i.iding of the
,, r , ., iii , . r ! fast trains which have been inaugerated by va noun
new I a: srna canal I per cent bonds as '"security for , . ., , . " , "
i nig railway systems uuring me past mree years nave
circulation" when issued.
While the hill is admirably designed to enable the
secretary to relieve a monetary . stringency by unlock
ing the accumulated funds in the rational treasury!
and sending them into the channels of business
resulted in putting hitherto almost perfect road beds
in more or less precarious condition.
What is true of steam railroads is equally true of
electric lines. Until improved methods in track
i . ! l: 1 i : i. I i ....... i
l ., I i i- ii i . i . i .i , . oujiun K ami iiiaiiiiuuuiiu'2 an; linemen me iinn:ui.m
through the national banks, it is to be noted that its I , . .,, , , ,, , , !, ,,.
,.,i, .11 w i speed of trains will be considerably below the 100-
operatioti depends upon two conditions the presence I ., , , ., , .
,,, , , . .. . . ..... ! rnile-an-hour mark, J here are other importa t
of fcui pius funds in the treasury to deposit in the i , ,. , , . L , ' ,
ii.t i,i mi- e a . . . factors which militate against much greater speed
bankh. and the willingness of the secretary to extend i , , . , , . -. ,
mm -i .i ,. . . i , Mhan obtained at present. Some of these are: lmper-
relief in this manner. hile the bill is not regarded i , ,, , , . -,, , . , .
, . . , , A. ., fact Safety devices, rapidly advancing cost of operation
v'.,vuiii t'tit..jj t'jt '.nn .i
monetary htringency at all times, it is certain that it
would enable the secretary to greatly relieve the situa
tion wh'-nevcr the surplus was large enough to war
rant its use for this purpose.
People Should Watch the Philippines.
The Manilla dispatch of Feb. 22, returns to the use
of "lad rones." This is the orthodox word common to
official rejKirts, but there have been gome Blips in the
press reports recently. There was one engagement
with '"ir.surgents" and another with "hostiles" which
is reinii.incent of our Indian wars
"Whatever the queer creatures thus designated really
are it i astonishing to learn that tbey are operating
near the capital. "The enemy surrounded the towns
of Cainta and Taytay, eleven miles east of Manilla,
n Saturday and captured thirty scouts and ten men
of the constabulary, whom they disarmed and set
free." At their head was a Fra Diavolo who is called
General San Miguel, and it is said that the General
$ nlly has uniforms for his foices.
While it would be silly to discuss the eituation in
jas speed increases and the danger attending increased
! speed.
Canals ani Railroad Freight Rates
In a speech which he delivered at the annual din
ner of the Arkwright Club in New York Saturday
President Stuyvesant Fish of the Illinois Central
Railroad opposed the improvement of the Krie Canal
and referred slightingly to the Illinois and Michigan
Canal. The latter should certainly he abandoned for
the more promising substitute which Chicago has pro
vided, but in this matter Mr. Fish's judgment is too
evidently affected by his associations. He speaks as
a railroad man, and it is well known that even dead
water ways have a restraining influence upon railroad
freight rates.
Take for example the Illinois and Michigan Canal,
which Mr. Fish says cost the state $100,000 a year(
and consider it in conjunction with the Illinois River.
Practically no commerce is taken along the former,
and the latter is traversed by but a few pitiful flat
bottomed boats. Despite this fact these two water
I ways exert a powerful influence on freight rates, more
i .. ii...: a iv i .. .1,,. . n - 4t
... . . .iut Mien ixjsaiMiiiticB man ijy me wauiu uiey carry.
.... - .
the government ia in the slightest danger, it ia cer
tainly desireably that the public should follow all
This is evidenced by the fact that when the rivef
closes in winter distance tariffs in central Illinois are
increased very materially.
The Grip Leaves Thousands in its Path !
Weak, Nervous, Dyspeptic, Catarrh Wreck
i . T I 111 II' V ilz-fl, K17I nf-l
W,0q Xk'ir or Mtxicoptl
f r f
.if ..
-..vr.-.'.v. V
'v-. .l"-L
.fu.'tfic '"' '''
,'r:, i: li.f tr.t.i.-
..'V I.. .it .y.vJ.t if
tuii.t f.'K fromf-'
J. "'. S.J
.'.irti'itin, l'i f si
.Itnt Th? U.i'tfi.i):
LIKK A UKMON Rrlp liiu itokkhI our I llnian out of my ytm In fw (tyn
roiiu'rv. leiivliiK U'lilml ro of ! und iliil not lilmter hh from nrtit it k
my ilully work.
"I ith.'u'd liko Ui nt our Ilourtl of
Health K' ollli'liit ri'.-.nUi.ni uud
liuvo H u .1 (ji-uerully nmoim our ir
Irk jmhijiIo In t.ro.iirr Now York."
Jom pli A. yiliiu.
1. I,. Wullaeo, elmrtT miimlxTof tlio
I n tt-r ii.it I.'IulI llarUr'M Tuloii, wrll.-n
from l' Vtiil'ru hvimiiio, M1iiiho1Ii,
"Follow I li R vr nllui U of liiKrlpiw
I m-i'iin il to U affivti'il lui.lly all ovit. I
hitffiTi-U with m'vire (nrkrl, liull-i;c-Htloii
unil nuiiu'roiirt UN, mi 1 could
tii'lthrr t nor ulci'p, ami I thought 1
would k'vh ii my work, w hich 1 t'oulil
not affonl to do,
"i Uu'of my rualonipra who wan nr'-atly
liol 1 1 by l'lTinia alvli'(l mo to try It,
anil I priH'iiri'd a Imttln tlm n:iini day. I
tii'l It faithfully anil felt a mrk il Im
provement. Itirln the m-xt twonmntln
I tHik live Ix.ttlel, mill tll'-lt felt Kph'll-
.11.1 V 1 1 I.. ..I.... 1
M. rrlpiH" low "'U thouHnmU of"'"" , 1 " " " ' ,
riiim ii:i.-i Ihtii worth a dollar adono to
roil ii' ry
physical wnvU
Ylctlmsof cutnrrh of the head, oatarrh
f llm tiirout, catarrh of thu Iuiik,
ratal rh of thu Klomach, l atari h of tho
kidney, ealarrh of tho lvlo oraim,
sri to Ih counted hy hundre.u of tlioti
ratnU. Crip Is p' li'inlc catarrh, and
ov the se.xl of chronic catarrh wllhiu
tiu Jtelll.
TIiUIsho true that few rrlp milTerera
re alilo t maUo a complete, rwovory
until they have used lYniua.
Xovt-r In the hUioryof mcdicino haa
remedy received Midi umpialllWl and
UnlTersal ellloj;le iih I'crillia.
A Niw York Alleriiiau' KiMrlnr.
lion, Joicph A. Minn, ahlcrinan Fifth
iMntrlet, write from M Christopher
treet, New York City, a follows:
"When a jiestileiicu overtake our
people wo take precaution a a nation t
preserve tho citizen against the dread
onr home this fall, and I noticed that
Uio people who Used IVrutia wi re nulck
iy restored, w hll those w ho deM'mled
oil doctor' prccrltlons, H;Hnt week
la recovering, leaving them weak and
" 1 had a tllght attack of la Krll,l"' "'l
mo." D. Ij. Wallace.
Mr. O. II. Terry, AU hlaoa, Kaua,
"Aj:alii, after ri'pealnl trial of your
meiliclnes, 1'eruua and Mnnalln, I (;lv
at unco took i'vruiu, which drove thlhiaaH my expreiiun of thu wonderful
remilt of your very valuldmedlclai
lUcflcet lii my cu alter ren'atel trli
"First, 11 cured III" of chronic) tro
clilll of fifteen year' alandliiit hy tisl
two Isiltle of 1'eruua In January, 1H
anil no return of It.
"After 1 was cured of lironchltl I h
la Krlppe. evi'ry w inter for several wl
ters. ltut, throuufi the tun of IVrun
It ot gradually weaker 111 lla everlt
until It dwlnill.sl down to a mere ship
fnrlvtoi.r llireu day. Now the lu;
iIh- not truulilu ni any more." O,
A Cu&irMiiian'i HkHrlnw
llolln of Hepreaelltallvea,
Washington, I. C
Ie run a MtdlcinoCo., ('oliimta,(hli.
(ieiulemeii "I am inorn than natlnfl
with l'l-riina, and llnd It to l n etc
lent remedy for tho itrlp and cntarrh,
havo used It In my faintly and llu-y all
Join niu In rei oiumeudiiiK ltaa an aarel
lent remedy.''
Very repectfully,
(i.sir(e It. While.
If you do not receive prompt and sail
factory resull from tlin u-e of l'i ruii
write at once to 1 r. llartman, ejvln
full Htateinent of yourcaso, and he w
Isi pleased to Klvu you hi valuable a
vice gratis.
Address r. Ilartiuau, Traaliler.l
Thu llarliuaii hanltarluni, Oolumdaa.
Enterprise and W. Oregonian $2
This is
Your Chance!
To huy good at' jirices to
Kiiit your purso We liavo
just finished stocktaking and
must reduce our stock to make
room for Spring and Hummer
Goods. Big .Reductions in
Hhirt Waists, and Skirts of tho
latest Styles, Dry Good, Under
wear, Hosiery, Shoes and etc,
of the best make and quality.
Men's and Hoy's Clothing,
Hats, Gloves and etc. at trices
that no prudent buyer ever
jThe Red pontj