I 6 OREGON CITY KNTKRI'KISK FRIDAY FKHKUAHY -0, Wl r " '. .1 Legal Notices. .tllc for lnlliriillon. Vni'e.l Srnt I. mul (Hl'ice, Onion fit y, Orpwon. Januaiy lL'th, IS1?. Notice Ik lierchy (fiven that in Compli ance Wll t II"' I'K.viMOI'K ll( tile act of Connress of .Inn.-;l. 1S7S, entitled "An act for t lif sale of limler lands in tin IState of I'ald'mnia, Oietron, Nevada, and Wastiinnton Ti-rn'0y," as ex ended to all the Puldt. I.bihI Man's bv Hi of Aug tit 4, IS!''.' J- lm K. UliuiiT.of Portland, conntv of Multnomah, Nate of Oregon, has Hurt d iv til -d in this otticehia sworn i iv h '.t in tins otiiceins rui ii i No. fist, for the purchase of ! o(NW4 and W'S of NK', No. SJ in Townanip .o. h, tatenient the N's Kwl ion .... .. 4 V... urn! will oiler piool to how that the laml onslt is more valim Ne for its timber or stone than for msri cultural purposes. n.l to establish Ins i i u,fir II. x Kecister CIHIII1 IO enm mil. j r- an.l Keoiiver of thin ohVe at Ores.'n Citv Orvfi n. on Saturday, the '.'Stli day o( Slarvh, 1!03 He names a witnei-fea: Thoa. Pe- Tine.ofrortUnd.OreHonilsom t . angn. j oi iuii.i.. v. , ... 1 1 i ii. in ,ti a it'll i apu ti. Molalla, n.. ...,ii : KiallK 1 aaolil. Ol .io- i lalld (IrrL'i.n. Any and all I ergons clamiitic adverse ly ihe above dt seiihe.i lands are re- quesied to lile their laitna in this olli. e on or btfo,e said U'Sih day of Mar.h, ' . ... .. i.: .1, . ..Itl.-U : on C HAS. U. .M.HJhK. tin tunionx. In thr t'ir. i.ii Court ot the Slate of Ore (ton, lor Ciai-kainan County. 11. K. Sn iih, plaintitl",) ys. Kelson Siniih. deferdai t I To Nrl-on Su.iih, said defendant In the name ol the Mala ol Ureemi '"' are hrriv rt-.piliedto appear and antr the complaint tiled auainsl you in the above entitled suit and Court on or oelore Hie 2t tli dav ol Ketiruary, I'M. tn same being seven" weeks Ironi the nrst piiblu-a taou ol this suininons, and you hl laa' notice that it you fail to apiar and anawtr taid com) laint the plaintitl Mil ai alv to the Conn lor tbe relief demanded in liii said complaint .o ait: Kor a dissolu ion of the bonds ot inatrimoi y now eiist UK between plaintitl and defendant and lol Kwts and disbursements ol the suit Tins summons is published by order ol the Hon. Thomas A. McBride. Jndire ol tbe riltli Judicial District of the State of Oreuon and dated January 8tli, l!J.l, and wtncn said order directs that publication of tbis suninioi s be made for seven succes aive weeks conmieueinu with the issue of Fordone hayes. Attorney for l laii.tilf. In the Circuit Cmrt of the. State of Ore ron for Clackamas County. Thekla A. Schneider, l'laintltT, vs. Sobtrt F. S. hi eider, PefeiHant. J To Robert K. Schneider, tbe above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon : You are btreby required to appear ad answer tbe complaint tiled against you in the above entitled conr; ami cause on or before Satur day, the '.'1st day of February, l'Jh-l. which il six weeks aller January K l'.WS, the date ordered for the first pub ic dion of this notice, and it you iu 1 appear awer ihe Plait titl will a. ly lor the r.iie, , lor m tne com land, to wn: tor a ; nraved lor decree diss, lviin; t e nus of matrimony now existina hetae n love named plain tiff and detemla t, hi, the r'Mnratum ol heT -smeaiid lor uch other ami lurtber r liel as to the court seems meet and j'it. , This Binnriior.fi' puhli-hed in the UrJi:on City Enterpriw bv onler of the Hon. Thomas A. Mcitride. j uit'e of Ihe al.nve named court, n a e and entered o i the loth day of Drcen.lter, l'.r-'. ' PET Elf H WARP At orney lor l'liintitl. Ninnow. In the Circuit Court for Clackamas County, State of Oregon. AlSchug, Plaintiff, j vs. f Amy ffchug, Defendam ) To Amy Schug, the above named de fendant: Io the name of the Stute of Oreg'in ycu are heieby required to appear nd an swer the complaint tiled against yon in the above entitled nut. within six wveks after the date ol first publication of this summons, to-wit, after ihe 30'h day of January, 19 C, and if you fail to so ap pear and answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the. Court fur the relief demanded in the complaint, to w it, for a decree dissolving the Lunda of mat rimony now existing between yon and the plaintiff. This summons is published by order if Hon Thus. K. Kan, County Judge' ol the County Cturt of said County, made and entered January 2!) h, 1!H 3 Date ol Brat publication. Jan. 30. 1903. Last puhlication,iarch 13'h, 1903. Austin Ckaio. Attorney for pUii.off. .otle of Final Nettle lucnt Notice is hereby given that the under igned, the executor of the last will and twtament of Joseph Kills, deceased, has liled his final account as such t-x-ciitiT, in tne County Court of ihe r'tale of Oregon, foi Clar katnaa County, ami that Monday, u.rri, (. Pai.t a. the In nr ot 10 o'clock A. U .1 said I !rill Id V t'oLT . has Iteeil tiled M at said uo in.) -.. nr . nj and aP,mt.-.i as ll,e ., ,,e I p ,.e lor t e ili.,itit ..I said ht il ace." t.t, and Ihe hearing and deo-ru ining ol any and aj objections there Dated Feb. 'i m. IHovlAS'MHOMAS, Klecitior ot lot I t-t a.ll and t-Rtawent of Jose Ir K.l'i", dtcen-ed. Subgcril for ll. Knlt-rt ri-e. Ikinlocaltd Her Nlioulder. Mrs. lohanna Koderholm. of Kergua Kalla. Minn., fell and ditd.x ated her shoulder, r-lie had a enrgeon get it back in place as Boon an pofeilile, but il wan quite gore and pained Iter very much. Her ron mentioned that In had eeen Chainberlain'a I'ain Balm advertised for apraina and corenesH, and vlieai-ked him to buy her a bottle of It. which he did. It quickly relieved her and enabled her to eleep, Which i-hp hud not done lor sev eral daye. The Ron waa so lunch pleased vith the relief it gave hii mother that he baa since recommended it to many others. For sale hv i. A Hakh.'mj. Nab. on License. Notice ia nerehy given that I will ap ply to the cdy count il meeting for a saloon liquor! on my premises at its tegular icerise to sell on "Ih street, near ranroau aiaiioo l ,n noi In tn Circuit t'oiirt f t'u State of Or iron, lor the ('unity ot Clackamas. paniel Keller, IMaintilV vs. i Anna K.l.er. JVIet -dart ) ; To Anna Keibr, delemtai t : I In Hie name ol tne -hate oi Ori'ifm: You are h.r.hv r..pi n I In anocar anil answer me cotni Ian t tied acauisi vu tn tin above ei. tilled suit, vvphtn Mt weeks Irotn the date ol the litsl publication ol thin summon, which lime expires on the 'ih .lav ol rcbruarv. IHM. anil il you so fail l so apoear and ans.vi r, me p.ainiiu win i . Iv to the Court for (he diet rayed lor I t ; ine romnlaiiit. to wit : a decree dissnlv ills , the bonds of msnitno'iy auttsiaiini; between ; laiuiiu am. i.e., ......... ...... .. . ... ....I I... ther relief a, to the Court mav seem published hv onier of i H')n. rima. K. Kvan, Jm-eof the County ' ilainlilt ami iletemtant ami lor sum oiuer) i i tii stai.. ot i)n non lor I'lai-kanias i t'oiniiv. dated Januarv 11. ItkW. Pateol'liral iiihlioation Jan ' . . IH0.1; I .I... ,i lu.i i.iiliiii'aLtoii rehruary ... i-aw. W. II. l'l'WKLl.. At orney for 1'laintill. l lreuiun'H IJerlloii poller. Notice la herebv n'ven that llnre l , Kireman'a eieit.on hel.im 'r.. n i.i. i Tfkrim . vm v'H" ' i - - . ,t id ,i,k A M. .... ; - 4 .iVl.it k I'. M That the Fouitain Hose Comtanv'a h, ue, on Main street bet vcen Ttll and S h streets, has been desisualed as tne pollit.)? ' '.VMaid time ami place the f. lliin otll vers of ihe F.r.' Peparltnenl win In- t lei t d by the Firemen in pood standinit of Oienon Ci v one duel eiiiiineer, one assistant en cu 'etr and three menmer ol Board ol h ire C.iniinis'ioiiers, a I lor the term ol one year. The I. -Mown. p. rsons to act as ju.i;. and cierks ot id el. c, ion. have been a lointed bv the Hoard ol Fire conuniaMnn ers: Judires. J. W. Jones and A. AsmuS clerk. J. E Klioades. I'ubiished tiv order ot the Hoar I ot r.rs Co i issioners. ti. U. PI MICK. BUI CE C. CI RUY, PrcM.ienl. Secrt tiry. Ore;;oii City, Feb y Id, I'HU. CITATHl.t'. In the CJiintv Court ol the Mate of Ore gon, lor the County of Clackamas In the Matter off the Estate of Sophia It. Koop, deceased. Citation to HeiM and 1'ar ies interested in sale ol Real Property ol said Isiaie. In Ihe naneottlie Slate of Oregon, To the Devisees and Heirs-at Law of sanl deceased, to wit: Bet jainin Kooo, Eiiia Jane Morgan. Frank A. Koop, Esiella A. Drake, teaver Benj. Koop, Uiliiaui A. Koop, and to Wataon Henry, Io e II. d l redt-e Wainer, Bertha Hoi Iredge Highlield, and Vienna Holdredge, husband and chit dreu oi Marv Josephine the deceased daughter ol said decedent, and if any be dead, tlien to the heirs of such, and io all others ui.knoan. You ami each of you are hereby cited to be and appear in the alaive named Court, at tne Mar.rli term thereol at the County Court Kooin in the Coutl House ol sai.i Conntv. on ti e Jnd day ol March, A. P. KUW, at 10 o'clock A. M. ot said day, then ami there 1 1 show cause, it any, vou or eitbrr ol you have, why an order of sale ol cer;am Keal properly of, and belonging to said estate, should not tie made by this Court, as in the pet timi ol the ex -cutor ul said estate prayed lor, winch said peutiun ha been present I t tins Cour and is no on tile therein, ai d said raver is lor an or der ol this Court authorizing said executor to sell tie West one hal tl,e ""h K.a.i one fiiirh l',r, and the West one- - ; uue ()Urlh ,, , o( ,s.clll, fr f ' " ',,;, :h .-, a ...its. Kaiure one r..tl one halt t l oi ine (l)east of the Wiliuiueite .Meridian and containing 1 acres. A:so liegii. uii. g al the North Ivi-t curtit r of prrt'Oh uu e (11) in said township a ..I range ami rinin n thence Soum twetit. entit CJs rod-. ; thence wei twenty-seven nuts; thence S'.uili tieve rd-; llience west taeniy-six a-i.i one nn i i.'.-,i ni.is: thence norrli taetity nine nut; tnei ce esl Uelity l"Ur IJI) ro-is; thine noit i eievet (II ) rod-: thence ea-l seventy seven ami one hall iTT'j) rods to p ace of b. ginning, cntnan.lng I acre-. Witne-S, Ih, 11 i. . I 1I"S. K. U. A.N. J'uliie of C.e C hi ir . ."out t ol Ine Stale ot Oregon, tor the t'oiinlv o' l'i .cka:nas, thli 7tD da ot January. A. P. ISttW. .p.,..!: F. A. SI.KHUI T, Clerk. First nut.il. ii.lun, January I'ifi. I.-tst pui l can".., Fenr lary 1 Hn, 1'I. In the circuit court nl t .e State ol Ore gon tor the Cuui.iy ol Clackama. J. K nrclder. 1'laintill, ) v. I John J. Xi-rris, Adeline N'or- ; ri-, Chas. O. laner and Ce. In. a V. I aner, Pelendahts. I I'.t John V. Nonis, Adeline Norris, Cha. O. Taiter. and Ccliua V. Taoer, Ueleudai:t atiove named ; I., the name '. the Sta'e of Oregon, you I and each of otl are are here .y required 10 iapa-ar and answer the Co . plant ti ed ! against vou in the above el.t led si,. I by the hrsl dav ol Ihe hell ti rui . t i'i' ai.ove e .tn leu court following ihe .xpnti I Ihe time presi rmed in Ihe Or er lor 1'ubli canon ot this auininons, wi. c . I rst rtsy will be Monday the liUUi tla.v ol April, l' and il yon fall to bo appear ami answer, lor want t .ereol. pi tin till will apply L and court lo the relief demanded in til com plant. The relief demanded is the foreclosure ol a certain mortgage executed and deliyere.i i v tne defendants. John K. Nnrrfj and A'delit e Noma to Oeorge 8. N" ri-. on or abo'JI tne 10th (lav ol March, I ff), to cure tne payrnei.t ol a cer'am promi-soiy note executed by the sai i John Niir.a aed A' lin e Noiris, for $Jti.i)'t, payable on .t lu.r, r two vears after da'e. with inter eat at ihe rale of H per cent per annum, and i which said mortgage oonveje.i unto a .10 (ieorge . Xorris tor thai purpose the lol lowing ileum ued real pro.erry. uuua'eu in , - Uj,.kir.,. Kale of Oregon . ,m..MlCK bel0rP lhe com iiielicement ot this suit was duly assigned to piaintill herein : Beginning at the 8. K. corner of the Jan. P. Kgaa P. L. C. runiiing ihence W. trac ing the 8. boundary line ol the said Jas. V. Kgan P. L. 0. to Ihe cei teraof tne county road running through the Kstateof (jeore is H '1 clis; thei ce . along lhe center of theciiintv road 1 'J4 ens; thence K. H 21 ens.; lo the K Iluundary line nt tne said Jas. V. Kgan I). I 0. , Ihence ..;i 21 ch-.t.i the place ol beginning, containing one acre, more or less. Flintier, Ihat Ihe defentienn. (.baa t). faberand Ceiina V.'f aurr, ne adjudged tu have no right, title or lo-ii io, in, or upon said mortgaged premise., or any part thereof, save such as i- sunj.-'t to the prior lien of pi ol.till's said i.t.ir'gage. And a Further decree barring ami fore. closing vou. said John F. rris, Adeline I Norn, ('has. o I ahr mi l (' Una V. I atier, of and from any ami sll right, if tie or inter est lu or to saui real properly and every pan I hereof . 'I In-summons i pill li'lied by order nf the Honorable Thomas A. Mflinde, Jmlfe ot ilie at tive-ei mint ' nit. n s.'e Jan. L'h i;s,.i. I 'KKN cV r( HI KUKI. Attnroev s ler I'lainiiH, Puh:i"he'l tirt pine Feb. D.X'.t OASTOJIIAi Bean th. A 1:11 1,3,8 "m,s Bct iHJIOl. In the Tin-nit Oonrt nf tlie Stale of llriti.ii lor t'lai kiini i I'oiintv. Aiiiuihi'l Kielior, l'liiint II. 1 i Kdwin II. Klahi r.Oi fi'liiliint.) T Kdwin II. riahei, Ihe atmvu lumn-n IVIcndatit : In Hie name of th St ito of tn'xn, you are lu r.-hv f.nutu'd to appear tin. I biikwit the coiopla.til llled HKiiinal yml in the ahove eninled Mill, in the ahovc I'linied I'omt , on or oef.'re Saturday. M.ircli Hth, HUKI, the aaine lnuiK timre than nx weeks Hoin the lir-t puhhration ol this i-umiiiiiiia. and on will '"lie n- tii e, that it von I ul In ho appear ami an Hwernaid romploiit. Ihe I'lainlilV villi er sad eomid .ml. Mm na s" ea M , ,d complaint, to wit. Thai ( niHtriuionv now exisimn bei I ileinandi'd at ihe lion. la tweeti volt ,,,i ..Uniiiir I,h diasolved n,i, nin.inoiis la piihll-hed by order nf l'luis. V. .Indite ol ihe I oiinty I'onn lor t'lm kainaa t oMti'y, Ori gin, in the tin-ijou Otv Knlerpriae, lor MX atie- ceaaive week", coinuieiiciint January :i0, !KU, and conlinuiui;for each ek ttiie. after to and iucludiiw .March 1 llih, HI X. T. tt. TllollM'ON. . Attorney for riaiitltll. I'xeoulor'a .Xollee. Notice is herebv given that the under signed has been appointed executor ol Hie Last Will and IVstatuent ot C. M Kinear son, ilcica-e.!, hv ti e Coui tv t onri ol ( lackuinas County. Oregon. All person", liavinir ilaims again! said eslale, are litreny notilitd to present t le same. prop, eriy v'etllied accirding to law. at lhe Mth e ol J. C. Campbell, Or.-iton Ci'y. Clackamas C. in. iv, Oregon, wi'hiu six uioniha Hum the da'e id this tit the. Paled FeD. li. I " , v, l'KIKR KINKAKSON. Executor. 4'ouul) Trruaiirrra olU-s. I now have money to pav road warrants endorsed prior to June 14.1 It, HVi. li.tere-t will cease on watrania included lu thia rail on the date of this notice, dated this Mb dav ol Feb.. I'k'l. ENOS CAHI1.L. l ieasiirer Clackamas County, Otegon. A l.egwry ol Ihe iirlp Is often a run-'lown system. Weak ness. nervoii"iie, lack of appetite, en ergy and ambition, with disoidereil liver and kidneva often follow an attack of tins wretched disease. The greatest need then is Klectric Hitters, th splen did Ionic, bloial purifier and regulator yl Momack, Liver and Kidneys. Thou Manila have proved llial Ihey wonder fully strengthen the nerves, Iniilil up the syaietn, anil eesture to health anil goal spirits aller an attack of (irip If Buffering-, try them. Onlv.'iO'. I'etfect satis faction guaraiileed by by ieo. A. Hard ing. For Ynuntf m and Voui tr Homen. There is nothing that will arouse the ire of a voting man or woman so tj. lick as to have 'inferior laundry work put off on tin m. They may dress ever o well, but if their ebirt front or shirt waist is ntisav, their neat appearance ia spoiled. The Trov Ltundry makes a specialty nf ladies' anil gentlemen's Htm work. There can be no better work than is done at the Troy. Leave your order at John boii'b bather shop. .VOicei lor I'libllciillon. Department ol the Interior, Land olti. e at Oregon Cpy. Oregon, l-Vli-ruprv 7. I'"1-' N',.1 ce is hereby iriven thai the folloao g name t stttl.-r h.i', l'ne-1 notice ..I 1. 1- it ten t on Io m ike linsl pruol in support ot Ins c a in. ami mat ai I proof "ill he ma le lie . rn the It. gis'er and deceiver ar nr.-gon Citv Orei:oii.'in M irch'Jt I'n.t. viz- Henry C llonaker. II. K. No l-'l!"'. lor the )j, N E1, iec. II, r ,ri .1.. U '.' E. He Minn the lolhiviug wittifNse, In 1. 1 ... .,. 1 1 ioii.ii rchioence iit-on and I (..ilip.atnm ol ai I land, viz: It. I'. Cooper, I 1 1 r. Kav. I . It. tirern. ail ol Meadow Hr 'Ok. Oregon, and Fred Snafer. of ,) 1 1. la, Oregon. CHAS. H .MO"ILh, Register. illllllliona. In Ihe Circuit Court for Clackamas Coin Iv, State ul I Iregoh. T. K. lMev, I'lamliH. v. HirH'ti V. Sirngl.t, William Mraiglit. Marg.i et (.rail!. I (tra z. her liuhHi..l .lac .o Sirauht. James rj'raight, Mo l e S ratghl. J olt it hlraight ami j Hiram K. Straight, atlinima ra- tor nf the eslale ol II irato .-(iraight. de eased, deleiidauts. j lo .Margarei Oratz. (iraix. Jaonh Straight and James fiira'ghl. ilelendanta : j In the name nl the stale of Oregon: Y II are hereby reipioed to appear and ! aiiswir fvf ci.inplaii t hied again-t ynu in I the annve ei tilled Cm t and cause i r ! hel. r- tne L'Ti tlay ot March. I!f'.i. winch is ... ..... . t .. 1HK SIX weeks alter rr rmry 10 ... t date ordtrsd bv the curt l-r the lirst publication nf Ibis notice, and if von tail 0 ,i,apHar and answer, the pi in till vnl applv to lhe court lor the reli l praved ..r in tli complaint, m wil: For a decree forei losing a certain mortgage executed September 'Mi, lHUs;, bv Hiram 8traight to the laiiitlli. and irovern g Oie south east uuarler of the suuih we-t ipiarter ol section twenty-two, in town-hip two south of tangs 'two east nf the Willamette uiarnlian, in ('Uckamsi'oniiiv. -late of Oregon, and for tne sale of the said p.emises acenrdn g to law. and the application of the pruceeda tu the i.av iiient ol the amount found due mail till on said n.i rtage ml Inr tiurh other ami lurtber relief a lo In Coin t aeema meet ami just. 'riiissiiiniiiona ia pn Wished Sy order of the Hon, T. F. Kvan, County Jn ge nf said county, mads ami entered on the l-'ih day of February, l!Kj:i, and Ihe dale ol ihe first publ'cntiun of thia siiinnioiia is February lrt, lilOi and the date of the Ust publication is M arcb Ti, lllh'i , , K. K. A K. li. Kiiorv, Attorneys for I'.aintiH. n;.iii(n.i. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon lor Clackamas County. Ada May Pechaml, l'laliitifr.) vs. t Alexander Pechaml. Pefendanl.) To Alexander pechond, the above named defendant: In the name of Ihe Slate of Oregon you are hereby re.pnred to appear and answer lie comp'aint liled against you in the above entitle 1 suit on or lielitre the Itti day of A I r.l. r)'i, hat being ihe In t day pre scribed in lhe order ol pu'.ii a ion of tins summons, and if vou fall 10 so appear and answ r ski I complaint the plaudit! will ap ply to lhe Court for the relief therein I rayed, bi-wit: A divorce Irom the mar riage existing between you and piaintill. This summons is published Inr six con secutive wteKS by order ol Hon. Thomas K. P.yan, judge of the County Court of II. e Siate ol Oregon for Clackamas county, made on the Hith day of February, l'Si:j. 8. K. H A KKI NO TON. Attorney fur Plaintiff. I'IiiiiI .ollee. In th C.inniy t'oiiit "I the Suite nl tr I Kim lor the t'on'my ot t'l u'kainaa. i In the mailer ot Hie etale of Kleitnor I H i'....!!. ilei'eeil, ' 1 N.iliee t nrii'l'V ulvrn, that the liniler ' nluiir.1 A.lnilnilialoi ot Ihe ahnve einiMi'd ,..ialr, wi I im'II al private ante on Ihe .'ll ! day ,.l IVI.ruarv. A. I . I !'. at the hour ol in h'i I. ii k in tne li.iei'oon ol mild ilav, T 1 1 ii ,u,v .hiy tin reader, on Ihe preiniM-i. the I. Ilnwini: ih'i'iii.i.,l real properlv l.i l..ni;imi l,i -iinl e.late, in h: I he N. nth , ol the : VVel ol H e Nonh K.ii ol Hei-'lnn U ' T.."i II. I- K.olthe Wl hi le Meil.lian. I Ti rins ol rale cah in hand or approved Keen i n V Paled January l-'t'i, I'.KI. J l. Kill Kit. Adininl'ttaior ol aald ecUie. ti, II. PI M U K, Atlv. for Admr. win mow. In the Ciicul Conn id Ihe Slate of Ore gon loi Clackamas County. Wl ham tUhehow, I'lalunll, 1 Vs. Wlliihinlne IUImuiow as r ri iiirix ol tnr eslale ol ,Wil hiliu Kabeuow di-cae.l, tlx t linlue Kaheiiuw, Klclo aril Kabe'iow, Anna Wtlss, and Km I Wel iter bus. band, Ki a L.tnd. rs, and John l.audt r.t. In r hustiand, Maty Ehienicil and ti.ut hoti E.irenleil.her lulsbaml, Augii'l Kuliehn, v nle- I mine Ko lehn and I'aul Kol I lehii, tier husband, Anum-l I K, ii. Ion and Albeil Ko- I n, Pefendatps. ) Io John Landers, Marv Fhrfhlell. li.dt In lt KiM.I. il, Angusia Koi enn. N il.euilue K. I. t in. a d Paul Kolltlin, pcendaula o me name ol the Stale ol O.egoii : oil i are hereby re. pure . Io appear io.o ..sr. Ihe aiiiendeil coit. lan.i ii..-.. ... rniPbtl suit on or la-lore ihe la-t day ol the time prescribed in Iheordtr lor puliocallon ul this summons, t.eall. within or on oritf lore l weeks Iroui the dale ol lirs.. punll canon ol this sun, num. I he dale ol the iirdir lor .vrvice ol Hits summons by puhll ration Is Januaty loth. !! and said order was made by Hon. 1 nos. r. Uyaii.l uunlv Judge ol Clackamas Couiu v. Oregon, and said or ler pres. notd that this .umuions iw published in this newspaper once a week lor six weeks, and thai you and each ol .m appear and answer on or belor Ihe last day f the tuns llieteiu prescrllted lor publics lion to-wit, within or on or is lore an etk irotn the day ol hr.U puhllcati and the dale of lltl publualioi. ol tnl sun liiotis l January llilh, I'.avl. II you do .ot appear and answer within ihe lime te ll ored. Judgment will be taken agalnal you a id eacn ol you by l tlntllt ler wan! theret.l .r the rebel demanded in the complaint, i .wit: ludiMiiei.t against Wdahlndiie Kabe- now as ti.e execuirix ol tne eslale t.-i... UmImi.,i. deceased. Ill IhV Ill VV II aulll ot -MHO aim Interest hereon ir .m Ihe :'rih , y ol Mav. I'.nl.al the rale ol 7 per ceol, Ihelurlntr.uiu ol Jh'.nO allomty a Ire. am) the csl and dishur ehts ol this tic the lureclosure ol tne mu.lgage de ur nedin the emiiplainl given to 'ecure said noie. and rxeculed, delivered and re rord.l in Clackamas County. Oregon, tie .".il iday ol May, Iff.', and upon and covar. li.gthe loihiwing u.s. rnwd real property In said count, and slale, lowli: taglniung at Ihe South Ea.t coiner ot the M..uH. La-i .mart, ml ."ectinn -'Hill lownshlp I Huiiib, It .14,11.1 W. M. running thence Norm i. chains to a stake, I .elit e 10 chains vl- i ... .in lie thence t chain b dllh to i pint e o , L ...I 111. Ii.ih, In lllf lUmr ol Slake, iiirt.n- i.riioi.L'. containing P" aciea uii.r.t or Its,: lhal said rel prnpeny be I I in sal l-fairlon of said tl Igiio-nl, c a an. ills hi r-emenis, and a lori e) the defendants and each ol lees, ill.ll llial llieui. ami all ,...r.o.,.. hoiiiiiigiliMiiigii them ne lor io.e,e, loreclosed ami haired ..f all right and e.pilty Is. and lo .aid real pr-.per.y and every par eel and partlhere.il. It. W. I II" d l w ' . Attorney tor 1'iainnll. Pale ul first pnbhea i. January I'i l P..te ol I tat publication, ret r irr, LT, l- In the Circuit ('..nil o! lhe Sta'r .( Ore gon, lol t lackiiimis Conntv , Annie I.. ( low.er, I'laihlilt.. v. r John ('loer, pefendant. ) T,. John Cl .ws. r. the above named Pe (enilanl : In the name nl lhe Stale of Oregon. V. n are hereby rnp ir.-tl to appear an t answer lhe complaint hi d again-l you in theanme eiiiiib-d sol', in ihe annve naimd conit.on or before I'. iiruaiv Jll !'"'(. the Mine he lug more fiau s.x weeks Irom Ihebrsi put lua1 Ion of tnl Biiiiiinons, ai.'l you will lake notice, thai if .mi f ! I ' -o appearand answer said coiinda . I'l mil will applv to the court b.r ine -e. .1 i ... ..tided in sa.d complaint, lo-w 'I t at ' t mis nf matrimony no x ii i ., tween you ami piaintill be diss.' ved. ( This suinii.oiis is polilKbed b, or ler nt Thomas A. Mcllr.de, ju ge ol the Filth Judicial ili-lncl. ! the male ol Oregon, Hi tne Oregon City Knterprise, lor six sncces. slve weeks, conineiicing January hlh, I'tUI, and c.d. tinning b.r each week ilierealler lo ami iii. lhtlii g February 1 1. US).') t.F.O. . . HI'.OVVMCI.L. H.iWAKP M. HKOWNKI.L, i . W. piiAl'F.lt. Alloiueya for I'laintlll. police Tor liilliriilim Timber hand. Act June S, IsTH. Cniled Kites band Ollice, Or-gon City, Oregon, January i, I'lO.'l. Sotica is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions ol the ait of Congress nl June ?. 1171, entitled "An act lor the aale of timlier lamls in the hialea of Call fornia, Oregon, Nevada ami Washington Territory,'' as extended to all Ihe Public Lind Stales by art ol August 4, H, KOIlKItr I.0UPKN, nf Portland, county of Multnomah, Btale of Oregon, has tins day filed in thi; otlitre Ids sworn statement No. finl.l. fr the purchase of the K J ol N W and N of SVV' ol Section No. 20 in Township No. 5 8 Range No. K, and will oiler prtsif 10 show that the land sought Is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural puria.ses, and tn establish his claim to said land belore lb- Register .mi Receiver ol this ollice at Oregon City, Oregon, on Friday the 10th day of April, l!l. 11. imiiti aa witnesses: Robert O.bnrn. ,.f p..rtii.d. Oregon: William Fraser, of poitland. Oregon; J. C. Hurke, of Molalla; Kuwurl R irke, ol Portland, Oregon. Any and all Hrsoiis claiming auverieiy the alMive described loiitls are reipiesled tu iti;e their claims in tbis ollice on or before ,a il loth day ol April, !. CHAS. 11. M0ORF.S, Register. Irrj Uollle or ('liiiilerluiir ( uugli llemeily H'arra trtl. We guarantee every hottlt "I Cham I..rlain'a Cough Iteiimdv an. I Sill 1,'IIIIIH the money to anyone who ia not satisfied after nsing two-thirds of tho contents. Thia is the hes' remedy in lhe world for la grippe, coughs, colda, croup and whooping cough and it ia safe and pleas ant to tale Ii preveiita any tendency of a cold to result in pneumonia. 0. A. Makhimi j Take the Knterprise Mlierlira Mult. pi the Cncill Couri "t Ihe Slale nl On gnu lor the Com, Ii .1 .Malum. ('miles be I', r cutor of Ihe E-1 lie ol lloht tl II So I, Pe i , aM.I, and Ann fi oil, I'l ih I'll v. I'he Or cm l.nh'l t' ., a Cotpo. r ill. .11, P. ten. no I M He ol Oregon, Conn., V id Cla. kamaa. llv in d a Judgment iir.ieri de.rie an t e. mum and oi ler ol -id ', d. Iv issue. mid out ol and iind.-r tne eal of tne above ai tided conn Irom Marion coiiuly, On g Ill Ihe ahnva elllltl..! ri , t' eionv oiitctt.l aiid ditlt. I Ihe '.'lib dav nl jauumy, pud upon a u.lgn 'end. red and ei P ied in said coin I mi ihe '.Hit i dav id Januaiy, pull, in lavor ol ChaiL's Scut. Fxfcnlor ol lit t st ill ol Itol.eil II. ecu en., and Ann S.oit, plaltililN and against I he Oregon l and Co , a corporation, delenilanl, b.r the sum ol tt 1 4". and I r tu lillher rui ol cosla and il'bui-a mi nis, and I .e cost ol and Ul H'la rn, ctiiniuamlii. g n.e to nuke sale of Ihe lob lowing ilfrrilte. I r. al property, siliuie In the county ol Clsi kat -late nl i ireguit, p.wii: li t.lC, V!. If.1 ltd.lll. II-'. H'H HI I'.VI, l;l, HI. IMi. 1'7. I' ll, 101. H'si 1-0. L'l. I'.'.', 13.1. h.lf U.S. rM rJi. I .' i. l.'ti. r-'7. i:n. i.u i.'-. LU. LI'v. loh. 13. LIS Ll'.l nl III). II.', Ill, III. M. , West one MO, M7, I 19. 1.0 ot Frauds ihegon Colony accur lug I" me recorded I .1 ll.el.ol el. eptil.g Ilia part nl I..I ll.t helming tl th" S K. n truer ol said lot Mo, tiience sou h 'J d. g and ;ttl n.l". w. it-ei along il .,l..ol I n IV road Ihence t a-l .117 let t Io the middle nl W il hull slrt el , I o nce north M d. g, w along Hie middle . I s..ld street In II. a I I tee ol he gn g, and coi lal. l' It one a. ieolhoul snoring I i Ihe s.iiv.y. "I" Unit pan of lm I'l 1 1 log and being in flu kamas count V Ihtgoli, I us I'V'., IIS. II'I.I-.'S. I II sit I'. lend, inegoll Ci.l.mv In C iickainiii con in V. On won II. it. Jackson claims all li t mi si In ....t .... .t i..... Morns clulias an Interest HID Ii'. -- - m said lol hi'.', K. I. S."H t laitu. in. Pi (,.,e.i in said I.u int. A J P.I.' claims an Interest in sal . lots 110. Ill all. in-. I. Indsey claims an inleresl Ih s .ld I d. IH ii', le... iiiiiil' i nat pan ot in. ceptetl, which enceptloll l annve nes. ,o.r.i S'eplieu t'ouver clatina an p t oesi In sai l lot.pi.. IIS and IIU; I. It. Join calm, an ,. .i.,..i i. . said lm lis: Mrs C. L Hidden claims an Mileresl in .al l I'd I II i Hreyinan Clark claims an Interest in said !! l-'l. anl lol iM'ing In Marion and ! lackamas (".unties. Now, tut rehire, by virtue m am ee. .. linn, J'l.lgmein. order and decree, and III niiiii hams with the command ot sai l r.t, I will on Monday. Hie t'H' day ol March, pm.l at tns hour o( lu o'clock A. M.. at lbs Itouldoor ol ihe mm, I) c url House to the city of Oregon Cpy. in said r V and .ttte sell al piiiditi auciion, auh) -ci P; re .leinpllon, to the l.lghet huldet, lor I rt. gold cm cash Hi hi..l, all Ihe right, HHe atnl int. r ! which tin within named de. ten. lama or sillier ot Hem. had on I lie data ol the mortgage herein or so re had In or lo Ihe alaive descnlad real propeitv or any pan thereof, to sails'y said execution, judgment order, decree, Inleresl, costs and a. I a.Miru g iroui J. It. Huv m. Sher II . f I'la. ka nas C.'iinn . Oregon. llv K. C II o Ktrr. p.-pniy. Puled, Oregon Cnv, Ongon. January :m. I!:i tclmlnlall'Utor'a .)ll ' ol real iroM-rl at lrlyute faalr Noltce i lieieliy given , that in pniaii ance of an order of t-an mad. and en-tfit-red hv Ihe County Court ol tin County ol Clackamas in the Mate ol (Ire gun mi the 27lli day ol January , l'.d, Hi Hie matter id O'O K-'ate of llenty K.la-, dece.is. d, the uinli-ra gm d a.! tialor of aaid Lsiatt will sell at private "ale. sill J- .1 to ituilirmiil hy "ld ! ouri, the I' lo-wii of lhe . 11 llovvlntr, .!.-. i lhe. 1 e il j.ioperiy. ; li.-gii.tiiiig ii' il.. N. V. corner W. I lo. k P. I.. (' in I'- .' Y. , W. M , in tne County o Clackamas and Stale of lit. goo, I b.-iu t S. IS. leg 4'i nun. li !l.l" s to u -'one .'L'x:'lx'.'il Mi lii't set in Hi" MnlalU I I.u t o.st vv. si. llv .'"Mid ol till' vv.n i Ito-stf. I 1 1. I..C . 1'hciu i' S. fid .1. ... I.i nun I'. . hI.hi tilt liollhellV lint' ..I sHt.t vS oo.lco. k I' I. C. s lotll.s iil'l.-l io I hence S 10 .leg. I 'i mill W. ti. ui'sioilv liound irv ol eaul t h. i tn .'.i .. I. ..,., Il.i,'... N ftl del! .'HI IIHII 'Vest 1S;-1 , I. uii. a to ii Hl'.nt Pixli'x-. lm bra marked aill, I rrna Hill. X III Ho VlonH-rlV llllll ..f said claim, I hence N 10 d. g. I'i nun K. to the P hu e ol beginning, coniiiliiing s: ...l lo uill l,f mailt at I lit ollice nf l"l(.. A N'huclifl in t' Inileipria. iminlinLri ii Main slteel in (begun ( Hv. in said County and Mtile, on lhe "xth .i,it l,.l.rii.,'ri I'm.'!, al or alter the boor ofleii t.'i lock III lhe forenoon, Hit' i. ,.f i.ls rs Int msli iii hand, uiul lo. u 1 1 ii i i 1 1 1 m I ra I o r la aulhiil'i.'d lo con eldi'ied uiul lei five Hi addition In cash ill hand a cov eniint to pay taxes mi Hie remainder of sal I eslale so mug as I'.lleli k'liKi. widow ill said deceased Henry Khse, shall red mil her dower interest Laid Kslale. The liiat publication '.. . .... I...,l..v .luiiuarv ill). .i(i:t W 1 1.1.1 am II III siiaNIih, Administrator ol the Kstate ol Henry Kline, deceased Nitiril llert liild'a I. He. "In three weeks our chuhhy lilllu boy asieliinitvil bv pneumonia almost lo i.1mi..ii writes Mrs. W. WalkitiM, ol Pleasant City. . 'A terrildt) cough act in. that, in mute of a good doctor a treat ...ut.t b.r avvpral weeks, grew worse .lav. Wh then used Dr. King' .'tv Diat-overv for Consumption, and rtnr tturtintf was soon sound ami we We are sura thia grand medicine avtd hialifn." Millions know it's the only sure cure for Coughs. Cold and all Lung diseases. Geo. A. Harding- guarantee, satisfaction. ftOc. It. Trial oottleH Ire.. Million I'm to Work Tl.a wonderful activity of tho new futitnrv ia aliovv 11 hv all enormoiia il inand for tbe world's heat woikera Dr Kitur'a New Lib' Pills. For Conatipa ih.n Kick Headache. Ililiouaness, or any trouble of (Stomach, Liver or kidneys li.u'ru nnnvii i-.l OnlvZlirHl lieo, a Harding's drug store. I lie Idlay I'lll De Wilt's Little Kirly losers do not gripe nor weaken thn systtimT hey cure bilious liens, j nindice, constiiilioii ami iniiclive livera, by arousinc; the accretion, mov ing I ho bowels gmllv, yet I'll'm-tiially ...... u.ol utri'f.ulb It. III. - , - . . ,OIlm(.h IVer ami bowels ! . that the (rouble is remoyeii eniirmy. These famous lillle l.ilU exert a decided tonic cllect iihiii thn organs involved, and if their nse ia continued for a few day there will la) no return nf the trou ,H Hko. K. IIAKWVI. Thia olTice carries in stock a complete line of legal blanks of every varinty, and we are prepared to fill ordera by mail on short notice. WILLAMETTE ...GROCERY... 25 Cents ,'i I 'mis lli'i't licipl Oj hIith 25 Cents ;i ('ntiH (iiinil Siiliiinit 25 Cents Il Piitinils I'licil ArirntM 25 Cents :', riiuii.is primi rt'iHiois 75 Cents .() Ilar Hux IVrfis titin Soup 95 Cents '. (iiilloti Cans Acrid) Syrnjs 23 (!ent 7 I'.ara (imul I.Humlry Mnap (!ents 'J I'duiuIh (illtltl Colli Uhu MonOpolO titnlrt Full Weight Miles & McGlashan oiiEiioN CITY. oilMiiiN. 3 JOHN YOUNGER, JEWELER Near IluntiVy'H lrui Store, FORTY Y 1: A KSlIx l'ILK I KXCE IN Jri'at lvriUin ami Aiuerioa. -i:rieOUL,ES OF TIME stil l IIKU.N PAITHC KAII.WAY MiKIII IIOIM) " ;00 a 111 :'.' a. m (Albany Local' U .lll p. in. sol til llol'NIl. Il a. 111. 4 :., in. (Albany laical) II :H p. m. Daily River Excursions .-i.r oltri.oN (T I V H )ATS. Pill Y si a IX' 1 a Uar, I'nllTI.AMl la-ate HllKI.ON (TTV F.all F.lghltl Ml. 7 :hj A, M. Foot Taylor Mt, 10.10 A. M. 4 .To P. M I .10 P. M. (Inly lhe billowing landing, will bt ma le: Mag. . one s. Mel. Irom a, SI in y s. itisUi's and Osweuo. rtundav excepted. R.l, 'Ml T.tlP j.. ci:n rs. tlr. K.in ( Hy I raiisiiinlall.iti Co. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. DAILY TWAINS H IV I,. ( !s,lt. I,', II'I.V rn.' Jn y live , inn.' H ly H'ly I A M S ISI I.V !l o.'. . 11 Is U .".,'1 I) !'! .. It .Ml V.M I At II lu M Oo 1 '.I . .i II C c a. 1 i s :v a '.n a on 7 M 7 !' 7 .is 7 '.' 7 17 7 (! il 4'. 11 ;t'.' II 'Jn li 10 7 m s o.'. a 'Jo a .is s II m : Portland . . lo. hie . Rainier Pv ran. id . . M a v g- r . . ui ... y lalskanie M arsbland We.lpnrt fllll'll . . K nappa . . hvensell .lolill I 'HV Asiorta II IT II Os a :.i s. I'l a .'Ll h in N OT a ;.a in u 1 , !l os u In . II 111 Id '.'I . . I i :i: in . . Mo tl it :7 ill! 1 is 11 in .. I Hi '.11 II "'.' . jo .to 11 .10 t 7 4 SKAHlltK lllVlslllN I .... a. in U) p. in I ;ui a. 111 I.', a. m tl I .'.a. 111. '.' .'Wl p. 111 . .'1 no p m II 40 a. 111 7 Id a. tn 4 00 p. m . .10 .'lo a. 111 5 .'ei i p. in .1'.' .'Ul p. in . . 7 '11 p. m, . I :iu p. in . . 4 Ml a. in ) ASI'ORIA hKASIHK ' J CON SUCTIONS. All trninsmase close cimneiitioiis al (ioble wilh all Northern Pacific, traina to or Irony, the Kasi or Hound Points. At Portland with all trains leaving I'uioo Depot. At Astoria wilh I. R N. Co.'s tmals aint rail line, ami Hleamer T. J. Potter, hi and from llwacoaml North Reach Poluis. Ticket ollice, '2.'srt Mnrnsun at., and Union depot. J.C. MAVO.Oen. Pasa. Agt Asuina, Or Elite PORTLAND TO THE DALLES By tho flint ami com- IIlOlIiotlH Htciimor Regulator LIB. LeaveH Portland daily except Sunday at 7 a. in. Thin in the Great Scenic Route. All luurint admit that the neenery on the Middle (Jolumhia id not ex celled Tor beauty and grandeur in the United States. Full informa tion hy addreHHinu or callini' on J. S. I.OOTir, Agent, Tel. 911. Portland, Or., Ollice and wharf, foot of Oak St. Bean tba ) m lm m nm Its Kind You Han Always Boot F. M. Wilson.