OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, fallDAY FEURUARY G( 1903, t I ; CORRESPONDENCE I IUV& .CiC4rClCi a"S i iVil cv xfti? , Oorr-!onili'iits art request'-il to re-: tiw their work. W will nnply nil: ri i-'R-i'y stationery. The pews from I J ur neikTlilxirtiooit aliotiM ipH';r in ' r ies inluum vtrv week. Un husv inmm is punt you should renew your n renoinleiu work. Mnttoni. ! Mr. l!akor Wti in Oregon City. (i. Rentier is in.provini Irs f;it ni . J The colli weather is -. i ev.nl inn as yet. I Farmers from lluzeli.i re i:ettin,i liny ' Irnin liere. j Mrs. Hiehle Iias not been very weli , t tie ftt month. Mr. ChHi I'olivka in setting out cornel Italian jiruiie trees. ' (tromul-liojr iUy yesterday is fair. Tlie sun shone during the afternoon. Mrs. Ollie lloltoii, of 0we.:i, is enil a lew Jays here with iier p nenls, Mr. ami Mrs. J. 1'. Ham Mr. 1. K. Neddie went to Willamette I ills, w here he met his mother ui-i.i Mrs. Weed, oi Jetl'.rson, who will m..ke us a vt'il. Pied, in the 2. 1 inst., Malihew Alhey, jed 7o yeirs, 2 mnths mid 27 ilivs. lorn in West Virginia Nov. i, 1-.27; I inved to the I'acitic Nor hnesl In l.S2 T ok bis land claim of 4 acres on the Tualatin in Kebru.uy. IV.V. Uetnrned I i West Virginia in IS 4, ami married Miss A la banner, renin iiii; nli ox t ams across the weary w isie to Oregon, nd his home, bis w ile, lour daivhti rs, c m son, and many near re'ativi s sur .ve him. Mr. Athev has been a loirer of no s nail repute. .Mining has aUo heen one I Ol fcis occupations. j Interment too place un ihe 3d inst., ! ilie StatTord cemetery, Uev. Waeblle I c luctinn; the funeral ceremonies A I ol many relatives and old l eihboisj 1 liowed Hie reinainx to Ihe trave. ! Damascus. Misses Jeannette .Neell and Mary 1oiu are on the sick list. Adelbert Foi bes has a iimiilier of Japs 1 doing some clearing fur him A. V. Cooke and wife were the guests of Air. and Mrs. Mumpower un !S inula v. j ik-. n .l .. i .;(, , c... .1 .iiiirii iiuuiiit mi 'i n no ptii i .-'iim ii i a. .ti. L I. i..ii ...I wiiii rmiifc .iic.uuirv uil'l l.imn Ul Sione. School be'in in District No. ol today (Feb. 2), with Miss Anna .1. Young as teacher. Mr. Wortlun was called home lasl week on account uf the illness uf his iu fruit son. Mrf. Mike Johnston and daughter 1'eit.rl were the. gnosis of Mrs. Wontian 1'm-1 Friday. The many friends of Ir. Howk are , i id to hear that she is fast recoverinii l oin her recent illness. Old izruund-hoi' came wnlkini on' this morning and saw his shadow, sj he went u,e" uieirou i.iry last ,c(ine back to stay fur six Keek. ' u ,v. 1e bioiu'lit bete for burial Satur- . ; d.iv. Funeisl services were eeld at her Damascus is still alive, even thorn;!, it ig,; h,)Mie at Riverside. Decea-ed leaves Las not been hoard from in the columns ; .nilanil. il.rtB il..,, ,tr u..,i u t., of the Enterpr.se lately. Lee Shuw, of Portland, 8s-nt a few d.iys of last week at the home of his wile's folks, Mr. and Mrs. A." W. Oi oke. Quite a crowd of young folks gathered at the residence of Mrs. Feathers last Sunday and spent the evening singing. Warren (jreenwall has begun to think povep "When the butter won't; come put a penny in the , , ii churn, is an old tune dairy Droverb. It often stfms to i.ii i ; VvUli. II1UU"I1 UU U11C IldS t'Vt'r told why. When mothers are worried because the Children do not ! ,, iii I gain srrengm ana nesn we ; say give them Scott's Emul- sion. It- ic Kl-r. tlin tio n no in A W l. 11JN.V. OIU JV.llll 111 LllV ii . milk because It WOrkS and because there is rimpfhinrr ! a (.uiuij-i ..i -1 i .-lOlll-;llinr UDOUl It. There w ill be an entertain inetit on the Scott's Emulsion is simply : p-"' r'11'- l " Irv;" l J house and a ba-ket sale. As there is a a mi!!; of pure Cod liver Oil I "'011 rVJm "d some of Ihe best tal . , , ii ' ent, there will be a good time, to which With Some hypophOSphltCS ail are invited. especially prepared for delicate stomachs. Children take to it naturally bccauie they like the taste and the remedy takes just as naturally to the children be cause it is so perfectly adapted to their wants. For all weak and pale and thin children Scott's Emulsion is the most satisfactory treatment. We will send you the penny, . e., a sample free. Be ure that this picture in tlie form of a litl a on the wrapper of every bottle ol Emuhion you buy. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, 409 Pearl St., N. V. 50c. and $ 1. 00; til drngfrisU. M ?! -1 BEST FOR THE DOWELS . . . .. ..... ..... K'w.lti.ryilier.yiurlll.irUlli. K.-i youf mHihrst, clft. moat wrfitt jr kopiu( tli btwU clew ml rln 1 V CANDY CATHARTIC EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY riptuiftnt, rataTAtilA. Putiint, Tsnt OooA, Po Oiiit. NfTr Kiok''. Wri-kiin or OrtM 10. U ftn4 fnt pirtxii. Writ furfrM wuuiit,tiQil bi'to lrtonhiiUh. AililNM iU ttwllrn Rcsnedr Comoinj, Chlctg r Hm Tor. KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN the does of P.iniasciis ra'her biiibtoned fur they want to live ehiellv on million Kaihor exeiiive lor Warren. Ihssl ifw Mr and Mrs. C T. Tnoj!- ent to S.i- ''"' to watch ilie proceeding u( the legislature for a lew das. tirsnl l.ii bienlaliler weirs ii broad smile these duvs all on ac 'ounl ol a bit: baby boy at bis pl.t, eon Kiid.iy. Mr. tiatewood, oimiz-r for the M. H. A. I.iilift. ha been caiiva-nin this nei'ihorh'XJd for memhers the past week. Mr. Htid Mr. H ib-r, of Marion, in Marion onnty, vi-ilel Hie f.iruier's counn, Ilev Jerome and lie, for several davs the past Week . "iitnshine liHlg-, rei;ree of Honor will k.ive a dance in the A. O. I'. W hall. j.vh. 211 Thev als,, expect to ,:ive an entertainiiienl iu the ner future. m rnliy. Kekerson of Uivhtsi,!.. i. uttun.l. iii school in 1'oitland Horn On Thursday, Jan. 2!'h, to Mr. ane Mis. J. K. Wilkinson, a dauifhler. f llfr? a'' ll" "uuu.er of cases ol con eii-pu. in ine luversnie scnooi ins trict. Mr. S. Kisber, while losding ties on a I i'ir u MS l rili'lf on tlm )ui.l itiniiii.i ' . ' j guile te ve re! v ' The infant daughter of I,. Shank and w ife died Wednesday afternoon and was buried in the Canty cemeiery Tliurs'lsy. Mr. and Mrs. F. Slinlit and Wei Ion Shank and wile, of Oregon City, were visinnv here during the latter pait of the week. Mrs. Miith.i S alnHkar died at her ; hnine In Canby, Thursday evening Jan. 1 2!l!h at 0:1)0 I'. M. IVcea-ed was t',2 I eais, 7 inoiilhs and 27 davs uld She leaves a husband, tu sues and tw dsmiliters Ihe remains ere imerred in Zion cemetery. The remains of Mr. M.irgiret I'odne, mourn their luse ! She was buried at Zion cemetery. The I. 0. F. lodtfe celebrated their tirst anniversary la-t Friday evening. The lodge met in regular session al Knight's ball, and after 'some degree wuik a Ij inrned to the city hall, where a most sumptuous repast was served by the Kebekal s mid interspersed wilii music and dancing. There were several im mbirs from the Oregon City lodgu in aitendtnce. . t.arlirlil. Mr. Irwin lias moved into the Culick hou-e. Mr Archie y ocuni is improving in ! I"al'1'' . , , ' fnow live inches deep and freezing Inigi.ts, thawing during the dy. Mrs. Mrk'in-eyisvery ill with P.r.all I '"'I"' 'or 'ier recovery. Her husband died two years past. Mr. (jeo. Deslnel.ls M liappy. A girl Chine to his place for a home and re ceived a pleasant welcome. H. Epperon has been quite ill with cold on bis lungi hut has fai recov e,ed as to go to Portland on business Mr. J. J. Davis has an honest right to a few gray hairs as he is grandpa to a fine boy, the son of Mrs. e,d Duucan, of Portland. Mrs. K. Lavis and hisier, C. Lemon, returned from Molalla afleratwo we as' v'f1'' 'beir mother. They report fearlul roads on account of high water. Several from Garfield attended the funeral of Mrs. Lniily (iibon 111 the Louglas settlement the 25 of January. She was an aged woman and a pioneer of 'bo, add had raised a large and well leepected family, all of whiib survive ber save one daughter who died several years ago. All her living children, ave one son, were preeent at her bedside to see her go. She was kind mother and grandmother, a faithful wife and neigh bor, with no enemies and many friends. To know her was to love her for her many good old motherly qualities. We are loth to see those good old pioneers go bat they are awaiting ub on the other shore. viola. Loren Tenny has now returned home to stay. It looks now like our plank road is to j be repaired as new plank is being neat- tered along the line. It surely is not being done any too soon. j The Sevier and Hicinbolhem lease of the saw mill having expired, it is now turned over to the original owners the O'Conner brothers who are now oper ating it. Three days last week with ont any mail. This does not set very well for it could Imvo liren gottiMl lnr. TherM more limn one roHtl lcilini to VioU i whu'li tlm hi;li wter tliit not luierter with. M... I........ I .... I..... ..I. .... I . 11...... i niirn l iiiir line iiiim i ivici'i. n iiiii-p lllothl term of Krhool Ht tllilt plitl't'. I'lii'it w ill ho mi more school till next Kail. It mviih like lunli time that the legislature was taking some pari in Si hool m itter ami making a l iw th.it w ill compel i veiy ilitrict to have no loss llniti (I months school eiii'li )ear. The various correspotiilenla have been i tiviiii! lo inlnim the puhlu' as to a new j pator lor Viola chargo. As they Imvo a'l been more or less miss leiidiiik', this M ine will atlempt stiait'lileuini' tin i ma'ter up a lnlle. Oil a count ol t iilniit In ah h, lii-v J. W . Kxoii di.l not lake: iriiiilai oik ilns year, but as the Hum; who as M'pninlevl at conference lor Viola chnti;ii did not take the work, on iriiie-t n ilie txeM'Imt older, Uev. .1. . KtOII tmilf if l.itii.iiirm llv until M ""' ,,'i'"i aa u( m the I " ...... 1. K I." ...r...-. X iw the prei lini; elder miti'Minren thai Uev. A. s I'hild w ill tnko the Work be quinine Sumlav the Slh at Viola and Ucdlaml. DR. FENCER'S KIDNEY and Backache All dlsessn of Khtneyi, Bladder. Urlnarv Oricatis. A I Rheumatism, back rh.HearlDtena Gravel Dropsy, Female Troubles. CURE Don't become dlacouraced. There Is a Cure tor you. If inry write It l ei r I He lla.s sH'iit a hie time eiirlmc Ull ucll ' cases u.s ours. All coiisiiliainnis free, "Hi-ht iniinllis In lu'il, heavy h:!i-Uui-ic pain and soreinss across kidneys. uNo rln u inatisiii. Oilier reiiiiilles fuih-d, t)r. 1 mi ner s Kidney and llnckiii-liii Cure cured luo compleiely. II. WATKKS. Ilaudet, N. V." iniii;lsis. .vi... . Ask f..r('is.k Hook Free. ST.VITUS'OANCEn For Sa'e by Huntl7 llrotluuv Oirm. Miss Cora Jaggar spent one day last week Willi Miss Hello tiregory. Charley Thomas, of 1'nion Hall, Is quite a fiei,nent viitor iu Cams. Mis Vada Pills whs the guest of Mifs liachel Lewis Monday afternoon. Fmmerson Sp(tji mid Al Shoenhiirn gave a pal ty at Teazle hall Wednesday i Veiling. Miss Clara Shoenburn was the truest uf Mn-a Nellie Stevens, uf Iteaver Cioek, Sunday. Miss Sarah Jones w ho lias been verv ill f ir ihe pasl two weeks Willi la grippe is improving. Mr. Turney. ul Oregon City, is c" dii'.iiiig a dancing school at Heaver 1'ieek hall and has a goudly attendance from Cams. Mr. and Mrs. I'M. How ird gave a verv di-hiihtfiil dance at their home last Sat urday evening. Lancing begin at H o'clock and continued until midnight w hen u delicious lunch w as her veil by Mrs. Howard asistd by Mesilauies Faust, llor.ishnh and linker. About evenly gilesls were present. Khhirailn. Mrs. Sturges is very sick. Mrs. Delaney has left Mrs. K. Faille's The ground is still covered with snow. Fred Woodside was in our little burg Tuesday. Lick Wallace is staying at Mrs Lyons at present. John Smith, of I'ortlaml, was in our pans tiiis week. Mr. Ida Koynton was a c.iller in our burg S iturday evening and Sunday. Several from here attended the dance given by K. A. Howard. All report a "Me School will Hose this Friday here. lr. Maiicle lias taught a very success ful let in. ('has. Itaniels, w bo is working for (,'. E. Nash, of Oregon City, passed here Monday Willi a load of buy. 51 11 11 tin. Lodge is belter this week. Mrs. ; The sun shown bright on ground hogs day. Mrs. Lyons has gone to Lyons on business. The little snow storm sljyed with us quiie a lew days. Our school will close in a few weeks, hut will be continued after a short vaca tion. A number from here attended the dance at Kdwin Howard's near Cams Saturday night and report a good time. 15. I'uckner, Frncst Jones, Kitt? Lyons, Louis liuckner and Fred Wood--s'de were visiting Fred and Agnes Wal lace Sunday. A new miller and family arrived at Mulino a few days ago to 1 tin Howard's mill in the future. Mr. lime-, the former miller, intends going to I'.osebiirg. The F'nterprise $1.50 per year. ? Carl A. I'latzlalT Chaa. M. Moohnke . Citv .. ftf V CO. : LUMBER! Ask healtliv wouiuii aril hrr bealtll for ami stir would tell 1 I'lllMlt'Sl i vdiamiinds in the wotld it' could not buv it. What use lor di.iinond ritms to 1'kVf rl"r''''s'' 'l11 abninUeii ft i UP Ibc checks hollowed by LMl,tjMsc? niJ Health la the fusl mniisite it woni.iulv bappilless. C.ellcl.ll . 1 1 IH-.il I Ii in women hut Its on- i in loiiil woin.iulv ili'iMOS, e the diseases ol tlie delicate , wom.iulv oiL iui.'Ui and the ecu- oral hciillli is s'iicctly icstmrd. The remaikahlc Ix-netits ex- tynenccd fiottt tlie iim nf I r. l'lcrce'a bavotite I'lrsci iptiott are due to this medicine's p-r- fret cure of woiiuoilv iliar.iscs. It establishes rrmilarity. dues weakeuiuK diains, In ula inll.iin- tiiatiou and ulceiutioii and cures lemale weakness. "It Mll",iiil ilie iirl'U plrniure to I anlc In lav N lew tti'ii'.v til ti fcitii.t In Ihr nirt-t nf lr I'utir I iivoiilt' ; I'ri-iu'rnili.ill stul lii lu'lilen Me.lu.il ' liuniifiv,' wulr Vrt. l ima 4iu,uf lrniit.) o liv lir- tunluinr nllrf nccio" ' 'ic rln I li'i inv m'(lu l . ,l II r.iiK Mi T I'l 1t.tUtl Mr n i uictit v Killietril mill iniittdil tifil rt ti.K t, inr -iv wf ik nfVl litilil for I woik t jnv I I-fi'itiiir Mt (Inn Ihrir n.i itt!:"K Ull l Mtr lul knt ttti.l ur Mv lui-l'tui-l I'rx Aiur Ki.tfMtrtl .itttl i;ot mr ii li-'lll? 'l ' 1-4-vurur I'tt-tA ni 'l ."ii ' A Ur i he rt w I he woml.-i lul rjltt(4)f tlieit tmr hr )(ot mr ii.i (ii. m mw trr I ur Uir Up thrtr w.m tin ttmtr MUI. Hint I ln In "I tth vrrv iti'lilly " wcaU Wiiuu'it hii(!ii, Mi k women Hrll. A.'uvpt no su!'iutf fur the iiieilik inr whu li urk won- the iiieilik inr toll tins lor wctk vvntnril. Slnllirl. Tlie sleigh bells have been ringing Ihe la-t week. llariy Hill and family, from Tiila lliook, are visiting his toother Wesley. (iramlpi (.inter and Krnic llraudal were visiting relliit ves in Shuhol Sunday W. ). Hill gave a d im e last Friday night. All enjoyed themselves uuul a ialo hour. A iiilinher of the hoys of our neighbor hood visited Ihe bachelor (purlers of Fd llelliuan Monday. Henry liiiHher, Henry ami Hill llett man went emm huutinu vesterday. The three hois shot one cism. K. F. (iillther and ti. A. Scbuebel made a trip to Salem, attending the legislature and visiting relatives. The dance given by Miss Tbressa S'abt-n to a number of her friends last Thursday night was a success. Il iinty refreshments were served at midnight. Those present were: Misses Nellie Slovens, Arta Kirk, Vina Moebnke, Lena Stueilemaii, Laura and Klnora liinther, Mrs Aug. lihihm and Tlires.a Staben Messrs. Christ, Herman, John and Henry Moehnke. Homer Koinnl-, Alt. Ki'k. Linn a;,d Fred tevens, I. like Ihill'v, K.ilpti 'oward, Allnrl and Joe Sliiedein in, Henry liinther, llenrv and Arthur staben, John, August, Artliur ami Will Itluhm. liHifr. Plenty of snow and indication id more. Jai-k Cooper has a sick bursa w ifti the star-. I'.veri body seems to be making good Use of the snow , Mr. and Mrs. liny Woodie lieorge Kitzmiller and Mi-s Oherst spent the evening with Mr. and Mrs. (,'. bowman. MisMea Tena and Flsie Molair, .Miss Ostium and Aiitone Molair wore the guests of Mr. and Mrs Ki zmiller last Sunday. A fter dinner t hey sang gospel hymns until tune Iu go home. lllL'hland. James Parish and sons lost a valuable liore last week. II enry Shannon, of Leaver Creek, was seen in our berg last Week. Hawlcy Nortn will leave in a few days for Faxlern Oregon, where Im will work on bis cluim. Cher-tor (iard, Charles, George and Frank Kirk left last Monday for Kastern j Oregon, where they will locale claims. Mrs. Artliur Fowler and little daugh ter Maijorie. of Portland, ate visiting Mrs. Fowler's patents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Van I'onge. - Mrs. F Harrington returned home last Wednesday, alter an absence of a week in Oregon City, where she was vis iting relatives and friends. Last week six pupils of this place took the eighth grade examination ami on Fiiduv school closed 011 account ot the ill health of the teacher. We have six and one-half inches of snow an I It is slill snowing. The snow is so deep that we do not think the ground. hog will be able to dig through it touio'row. Xeadiiwhrnok, The weather has been quite stormy in this part for the tart week. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Larkins and I, O. Orem were Oregon (Jity visitors on Sat urday. There is quite a boom in timber land in this part of Ihe country as several of the people have sold their places. Mr. Glllibam, proprietor of the Hoi man ranch, was in Portland on business Friday and Saturday. Frank Uingo, of Clarkes, acted as cboretnan during his absence. K. P. Cooper and family visited J. W. Rtandinger and wife Sunday. Miss Lena Kay returned home Similar after staying two weeks with Mrs. I. O. Orem during the absence of her husband, who was visiting relatives and mends at Walker, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rtandinger, Mr. and Mrs. Ilonacher, Mr. and Mrs. U. T. Kay and family Mr, and Mrs. A. L. Lar kins and family and Louis Stsndingor were callers at Mr. T. It. Orem's Sunday Intf. MISTAKES! lo'liiinl tlio ireMcriitiim fniiiiler often iih'iiii tlio Iosh of a lifo hihI it tlni'isls rt'iut:iti(n. W'oiiro nut ii fluid ufiiiir rcintitlioi. iiimI ifymi km w limv tmicli i'iii'i' ami ntti'iitiun weive this piiil ol lliowuik wt are Hiiro yon woulil Imve im liesi tiincy in Idling tin iln your pro scriiti.in work. (Mir lon iiimI en re fnl c icrii nee I'uiiiliiiii'il witli new, fresh and good k""!. lllllki'M hlihlilkes itnjiossililit licte. We have also added lo our stock a couiplele line uf I'nintx, this, l ead, (iluss, Itriishes, I'iiI'v, Ole, and ituarsn lee lo sell Joil eillnr PUTO PfO" pa rod Paints "r ''',,( "" cheaper than hiiv "I- e In loan. 1 N . I I IS ! S I f js IS HOWHLL Reliable (iardc i , V Cll A MIIKUS IIOWKU. O' S. . YAUGJLN. Livery, Ff?il uml SaluStuhlo OREGON CITY. I.OCATKl) BKTWKKN THE UKIIXJK At I bKI'OT. I). tulile mul Single lwig,i, an I mm die horses uIwhj'h 011 lnmd at tlo lowrttt irii:t't. A corrull loiitiocu 1 with the luirn for loose Htot k. Information regarding any kind stuck promptly attended to by person I 'otter. Horses Bought and Sold. Horses Hoarded and Fed 011 reanoi hie tortus. ELLOH '-',( KM) miles of l.mj; , lis- tutii'H tfloiliniif wire lii Oregon, W itslii ne toil, Ciil i fornia mul Uulio noiv in operalion liy the I'licilic Station Tele)liolH! Com puny, covering; 'J,'J.')U t.nu'ris (iuick, iKt'itrato, choaj All tint Hiitisfik'tion of II personal communication nistance no ell'ect to n clour undorstanding. Sk kano and San I'Vancisco 11s I'lteily heard at I'ort land. Oregon City ollicc at Harding's Drui; Store. PIONEER tagfei1 and Epfe, Freight and piircnlH delivered lo ull partH of tlio city. RATES REASONABLE If f' X Witft?'- Physicans Prescribe it for their most Delicate Patient. Old and Pure. FOR 8ALC BY - E. MATTHIAS -Sole Agency for Oregon City CAHTOIIIA. Beantha f tl1 1-1"1 M rlaw lwaP Bougrfj I Gnu, Ai7 & J0NI:S Drujjlsts lUilbllng I. INN JONIH I l I II II I H I It I . i I I II 1 1 PLUMBINC CHARCES are no higher t ha ti 1 ii"-'' in any other tin. In, hii I ours are no higher than sr v i'n rendered demands, W li.it we 11 in lei lake I o .lo in a thorough mid ali(.ii iorv manner. There will not he f 1101 I alter our woikmau get Ho 1 nigh with 11 j di am di leciive j mils, I'lkv pipes, loime connect inns or other end s of "so nope I" w n k. Fvoty put will he peile. I, and look perfect, and w hen the hill conies In you'll Hot a- k lor any d.-dm" 100. F. C. GADKE THE PLUMBER l j.T.r.?.7.r.r.r.r.T.T.?.r.!T'. 3 Family Wines V . . CALIFORNIA ., . WINE HOUSE I I ' , Mul 11 St 1", ti t. i i 1 1 1 .it California I'ort f 1 0) Pi t ni 'I n w ny Kxtra Old Port 1 -J", lu lli iitr mid Mi llmv Sti M-ri(ir Old I'ort and Sherry I oO S. lri O il , M, , ul p,,,, Kxtra Old ('alifiiniiit Sherry. Mi'dilllll, P. ill-, I ic-lii'll I e 11 nit I iV y Califiirnia Toknv lim-illi-lit Till.li- Whir 1 ()'. .1 I'D 1 'J.r. 1 'J.) Siveet Muscatel. I'lnr Win.- Sweet Catawba un -h 1 : ... ' . i niigeiicii I ): Suit, I'iiII and I'lnr h'xlnt Old California Angelica 1 'J." Siipi-rl. old 1I1 m-rl wine Extra Dry California Ftimotia Wines SKirkliiiK lliirgiiiuly Hoc A I'lt ar miiii klin; i tic Sonoma Claret (ioc Uli ll, li uil y w i lie ICxtra Sonoma Zinfandel Tftu None lirtler, 11 well matured vl 11c Extra SoiKima Kit'cling 75(! A wine that will plriiHr yuu Sonomii Uncle (',"10 (Junllty liinnii ilionii'd Sonoma Sautcm.; 1 00 A fine old white winr Fine. Cal. Crapo J'.randy 2 75 TlirKi nuim-, jooil 11 hnimrttd City Orders Delivered Free. Order Through Your Grocer. B E E- A. BRADY H E. I. SIAS DKALEll IN Watches, Clocks, Jewelry aivl Spectacles. All kinds of Repairing noatly done and warranted. loll) P In co o co o co: (Continoed on page 7.) CANBY, OUEGON