Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1903)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY JANUARY W. 190:, P ' ! : I Anncial Gleafanee Sale Q j I 1 : ; 1 I iuote: t h e s k a r a x ist & oO inch Dress Cnnuls, gray only, jor rtfls"- yard Sale Price ol inch All-Wool HenricUa, colors dark brown, moil i urn brown, olivo, Myrtle and tan. reduced to ...per yd 25c 00 Our entire line of ."0c Fancies in I Op Dress Goods go, now on sale jer yd. TrOU Men's heavy fleeced shirts or drawers, QtTft Regular price 50c, sale price OJU Men's all wool knit underwear, rig ular price $1,00, Sale pries Men's dress shirts, 0.1c. values. Sale price CO Men's all wool suits, Oregon Cassi mers, heavy weight, $10 to $12 values, during sale 88c 35c Men's all wool pants, Oregon Cassi mere, heavy weight, during sale 8.50 2.50 LLING 7th and Main Streets, Oregon City, Oregon. .u V. BOARD OF COJIMISSIOXERS. Regular January lerm of the Vtunty Board. John Lwel!en, T. B. Killin and i Wm. Brobst, County CoTnniis- si nera. I Cont:nued from last week. Load District N j. 2-1 fain Milier C Wolb.rd M t-fufer E lotitandon K Werner 3 A Weiyand 1 F H Fieli Bagby & Dixon 2 K A Moitandoti 10 Road Dis ritt No. :5 H ill Uertier 1 Dd M Morris 10 Koad Lifif Let No. 20 Frank Schatzinan, f 1 $U 0 i C W Austin 6 37 On Johnson 10 6o Frank Milion 1 20 Scott Carter 5 -'' W tl Koule 1 Koad District No. '.'7 Win MnrtonsoU 42 Percy A' ams "; John Barth 2 DO atuad D' strict No. 2i I, i Movies B F Eoyles P.oad District No. 2!l H Will Edward Yassev L I, bahler 1 J C agerman 1 Erneet teely tVui Meinbach :t 00 2 00 1 LM 25 in 2 50 1 O'l CnrstipMion is nothing more I than a clocjripff of the towels and notl.'ini?kf than vital staff- nation or death if not relieved. If every constipated sufferer could r-iiize ti.; t he is allowing poisonous Kith to remain in his system, he would u.n pet relief. Constipation im-ites all kind of contagion. Ilcatirches, bilious ness, colds aid niiii.v other ail ments disarinar wfien consti pated bowr Is are relieved. Thed ford's Mack-Draught thoroughly cleans out the bowels in an easy and natural manner without the purging of calomel or other vio lent cathartics. Be sure that you ppt the origi nal Thedfnrd's Klack-Dratirht, made by The Chat? mooca .Medi cine Co. Sold by all dniL'trists in 'Sj and 81.1 packages. I'inriin. .., llnr IMI. I ranted rM-mnrpi ;ni ThHlford lllark. Ira.-lil tihlu:lr. I kp It !n mj bouw II ths linie and liars um-iI it for Ho- lat tea Tr. I ir grr mj rhililrrn car Cher Liiatlts. thii.k I mill aefer b al.l to work friitioat It A. .MA.Nt ,,f tw-ln. I. A :. b . nmyvm. loir Mtdlrlae Iji Fr I ill Uu. kif ap. Walk (i Mnnmdl 1 -') Y Kilers 1 25; J 11 Miley 75 , Jos Hrarmni 10 5o I Sidney (Jraiiain ! .1 C Smith 7 00, II H 3 00 T M Snyder b b- District No. .'50 j Wallert oone I I 75 j Hiram Matt '. 7 7o ThosFox 23 00. Di Howell 6 (i i Road District No. 31 I Wilson & Cooke 1 "0 F J Petit ... ""'-'J Jetr Shaw 33 50 j Chas Moehnke 3 00 1 Koad DiHtrict No. 3b Levi Erb 3 Ho I Bud Tbompson i '! Oeoriff Letflt-r o 75 Ivan Broadwell 2 25 Walter Long 1 50 N Biair . I 50 John Wacltman 1 60 Bud ThompHon 1 00 George Lelller 3 00 Ivan Broadwell 1 50 Wslter Long 3 00 Bud Thotupsou 2 00 In the matter of the petition of Ernest Lehman for rpad of public easement. Ordered that Henry Tbeinsen, M Oat field and John Kisley be appointed viewer of damaues, t view and ancess the damaea of a road to be located acioss the land ol Thomas H. Feathers, C. B. Hunter, Herman Gerhardes and Casper Amtcher. hiiid viewers to meet attire residence ol Ernest Lehman on the 2th day of January, 1903. In the matter of increasing the allow ance of Elizabeth a countv charge. Ordered that tb monthly al lowance of Elizabeih Wilboit be in creaxed to $25 per month. In the matter o( li e appointment of a countable in jiiBlice dislnct No. 8. Or dereil that Pole JonrS and hereby is appointed constable in taid district No. 8. In the matter of the petition of Gib bon IVl O. A. II. for the funeral ex pends of David G. Frost, an indigent poldier. (Ordered that the sum of 4o be allowed for same. In the matter of the application for aid in repairing "Smith" road. Ordered that inpeivimjia ot Districts 18 and 10 do work to the extent of $25 as soon ax that amount ol volunteer work is fin ished. ( In matter of petition of V. S. Kite for rebateol taxes. Ordered that the cleik issue a wariaul in favor ol naid liice (or th euui ol $11. ti!t on account ol a double a!"ecHiiient. In the matter ol the ajKjintinent o John Kaiw run deputy road Hi ervior of District No. 1 ti. tltdered lhattlie aH poiniuient ol Haul Kaintr be approved. In the mailer of y ranting aid to John Conner, an indigent person. Ordered ihai aid Conner be allowed tlie euui of $10 per month and tlia' warrant be in ued in of K. I.. Motley. In the matter of the report of viewers i f ill-lii.wliiu road. The viewers re porting favoiablv, it is ordereil that caid road lie declated a county road all I nl I ervi-or be ordered to open same, ex pense account $ 1 1 S -10. In the matter ol petition of Meade Pofcl (i. A. II. tor aid for (ireenleal Chute, indigent Boldier. Order tl lhat w an ant issued to said Chute lor the suiti of $10. In the matter of the report of view ers of the Schui'bel nad Viewers re pott favorably. ' l.ilniH for damage tiled by John II. Paine for $12.' ami K. W . Paine for $'i62. Orde.ed tbat John Oole, LongBtree' Vaugiian and James Dickey be appointed viewers of dam ages to meet on premises of claimants on the 22'id day ol January. In the matter ol the petition of A. Luelhi'g praying the boar 1 ol cotiiiniH Mioners reimburse hnn for clerk hire. A. duelling UKtitiotia the lioard Uj reim burse lum lor money spent by said Du elling fir deputy recorders for tlie years 18'.to and 18'7 amounting to $IH0. Or dered that said claim be it jecled. In the matter ol the petition i.f V. J, Zimmermon that cost and penalty be cancelled on 154 51 acres in CaiupMI D. L. C. Orilered that the clera accept $125 73 that i emg the amount ol taxes for the ) ears IB1W and l'JOO less Costa and iienatiea. In the matter ol the report of viewers ol Kelso and Boring junction road. Viewers report favorably. Claims for damages tiled by .Ylaicitie Dolan lor $:i00, F. 'limiiierman lor $125 and E. M. Perrv lor $150. Ordered that A W. Cooke, J. K. Motion oud John Kichey be appoint ed viewer of damages to meet on the 21st day of January. Expense ol survey 175 10. In tlie matter ol planking a Million ol Hood Vbw road. Ordered lhat county pay for lumber and nails necessary to lay 1-4 mile of road, same to las laid oy volunteer work. In the matter of the petition ol the O. I. & S. Co. lor rebate id Or- derel that claim be reject d. . In the liiHtler cl tlie. report of L. W. ', Itittram HhowiuK that (he sum of $110 had been spent for r-1 1 f of uidigpt sid liers in I'lai-kaiiM c unity dining the year 1'.'2, approved In 'be matter of the petiti n of II. It. Cauipla li an I other-, asking Cliii ku max countv to t.-ke overs part ol tlie Harlow and Mount llond tollroii i. It is orb-red that tlie petition be denied. In the matter id the spp uitineiit o( ; Freil J. Nelson as deputy assessor (or 1,'iack.iinai county. A ppointceiit ol I Freil J. Nel.ton as deputy aessor ap proved ami salary lix d at $00 per month. I,i the muturolthe petition lor n-j liel of UydeM'hilllpH, ail llidletit per- j son. I Ordered that the snui ol $10 he al-I lawed sld Phillip; for a period of llir.-e I months. In ttie matter of the pctiiio'i of Frank i S. 1 Hiuliy (or 1- asH of Pudding river lid Kock creek. Ordered lhat said Piidilltiie river and said Kock Creek be and is h-rehy declared navigable streams and that a contract be entered into w ith lliesaid Bagby leasintf paid streams to him lor period ol 10 years. In the matter ol the tax levy for the year 1WK!. Ordered lhat Ihere be levied upon ali valuations the following rates ! to-wit : State 8 milU County ...12 " Hchool 6 ' Koad " 00 YCU RE AD O THE ARGONAUT For Frc SAinpl Cnpy. It 'titiilii Ik.iiuIv Amrrl fitii ritiloiiiilti, lutK-it, Iiii Ii;ii li-ttrift, utrikittK loilrw, iul, llllllllll, iiiuoit', auMtrty, mihI iti my iiii'l na v y nr x n The Ahoonaut Puu. Co. ' 24(1 8UTTEH bT. Suit Fiii in (,'ul. 'i r Seeds '?J i hp. Kind that Lead, X , ii I I.., .1 (I til rx !.', f,r, VMM Sceit AiioiirI f p -.pu. I live U all o. m. fn a c., r i-av J fWy JTv f j Total 32 mills In the matter ol payment of claim ol Oregon City Enterprise lor print ing de linquent tax list. Ordered that claim ol Oregon City Enterprise lor $1050 lor priming tax list (or year 10 )1 be paid. t t. rf.K c..i:....i, r,,..fA n(fef llOtllClS Ult-lllCIIlC OUUC)IJIA; VpuiCJ. '"iAifX A sl'iiJard nnd infallibl; cure for KI I F.D.MA1 ISM nnd (iOUT, COLCHICINE 1 cidiirscd by the highest tticditul aiitliontics or Luropc anj jALICTLAI L 1 solve In liquidi ol the siomnch without caiisitu irritation or disagreeable symploms. Price, $1 per bottle. Sold by drujiEiits. He sure and get the genuine. WILLIAMS MKU. ., I.K V M. A Ml. lllllll, Hola I'ri(. For Kale at IH NTI.EV'S 9 i i . Fou Fink Candies, Ni ts, Fitrns, Ivrc, Cam, On h KOSY KANDY KITCHEN Finest (Chocolate Ckkams in the City. Also Cigaks and Tobacco. MOTT'S I'noci wrloiiK from Ooiip During sudden and terrible attack o croup our little girl was unconscious from strangulation, Says A. L, Spa (ford, post master, Chester, Mich., and a dose ol One Minute Cough Cum was adminis tered often, li reduced the swelling and nflamtnation, cut the mucous and soon the child was resting easy and speedily recovered. It cures Coughs, (.'olds, I.a Orippe, and all Throat and Lung trou bles. One Minute Cough Cure lingers in I he throat and chest and enables Ibe liings to contribute pure, health-giving oxygen to the blood. Geo. A. Harding PENNYROYAL PILLS They overcome Weak ness, Irregularity anil omissions, increase via- or nnd btniHU ' pain, of meustruatlon." They are "MFK SAVlilW" to (firla at womanhood, aiding development of organs and bodv. lio known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm life becomes & pleasure. 1.00 11 '.It JtOX HV MAIL. Hold by drujrfflsts. DR. MuTT'S CHEMICAL CO., Cleveland, Ohio, For Hale at I10NTLK Y'H For Young Men and Voung Women. There ia nothing that will arouse the! ire ol a young man or woman so quick as to bave iriferior laundry work put oH on j them. They may dress ever so well, ; but il their shirt Iront or ehlrt waist is( niissy, their neat appearance ia spoiled. Tlie Troy Laundry makes a specially ol : ladies' and gent lemen's line work. I There can be no better work than is done at the Troy. Leave your orders at John- son's barber shop. I Use Biomo Lax (or coughs, colds and 1 a griopi. 1 rice 25 cents a box at fl.a....un At I'ti e'fleti lox entitles! ou to one 1: ieis on the guaranteed g ild 1 . 1 DOT GUESS AT IT but if you are going cast w rite us for our rates and let us tell you about the service and accommodations offered ly the lilinoisCentral Railroad. Through TouristCars via the Illinois Contral f" Pacific Coast to Chicago and Cincinnati. fl,il to write u" a,)0,,t your trip as we are in a position to give you some valuable informa tion and assistance. 5319 miles of Track over which is operated some of the finest trains in the world. For particulars regarding freight or passenger rates call ou or address J. C. LINDSEY, n. P. TRUMBULL, T. V. & P. A. Com'l Agt. 142 Third Htrcet, Portland, Ore. 8 1 bnaWl i !atch. 1