Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1903)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 1903 f Itpiirl of Hclmnl Hoard. Al lllll school nmrllng llillil In Oregon 'ity IhhI week llin hoard mihmlttml Him following ruioit ; Oregon Cny. Or., Jan. Ill, iti:, Ti the Th xm yt m (it KcIiiimI iMftrlirt No. i iiI (lack am at County, ircgou. I. u, lien ucmI (iniithmieii . VS , your Hum, I ul Dirci'lors, lii'K leave Ii Mtifiiittl heicwHli a ill r cnlimnlit nl lint xiimiih id maintaining llii'Hrl.iMiln of llin ilmtricl lor the Hmi hI year ending Jiiiiii lilllli, I!Hll, a also an estimate of icci-ipls fir tame tiliii'. Fliunited t i - I ni r-tri' 1 1 1 h Salaries nl It achera f 71 III (X) M lUrifit nl JiiiiIui 7.iV '.'5 Salary nl clerk iii on Fuel ;i(il (K( llllcrcM on ImiiiU 7.') I'll Inteic-t mi ll.iatmg il. l, I I'J'i IM IllMnlllll'l Ull MIMI-r aIU'"lllflll lH 12 Water relit ;ir (HI Hrl I ll'illc i'.'ill ii) IC-'li ,'IIKI IHI I in idclHiill Dill ,,J ... fMMI (Kl I'kiiiii.iIi iI Kitii t. : ClllllltV mIiiuI.II-I (L'llH Ml Male K'."rlinniiii-iil . 1N" HI Till) Inn L'MI (HI T"tiil II.'.iO (HI tlUMI 1)1 Leaving li.ii. tu 1 1" provided Inr i7.'il) (HI In ii'I'liliiin in llii v.c Hill t-ii 1 1-r tlm ymr Willi it liming ili'lil nl 77lM)li;). nuking H II iniuig ili'lil nt lln. rii'l nl tlm y-ai lid Id I, In im hi, mi ci'i'i'iiil I in in liivii'il. A" il liiii lii'i'ii tlm 1'iixlnin lur many years In levy a special lux fur choul niii"i" , wo tiiku it fur granted that it Mill lie at tint mi'i-I i t The ri hi n I rli'ik ri'imiiH lliat tint taiil 'I''V III till' ilm' Mr I amount lilfli II .!. a litil" more tliitn Urn yt'.ir, Inn nut until, iwit lii make any grcnl ifli'creiiie III tin' r. cult. The Hosting ili'lil nt ilm rn. I nl tin- year ill In' clime In $7,HI, which I" vi-iy ni'.ir niir CHtiiiiale nl hit' yrur. If II in ili'mruliln In r.urv thin debt along il will only Im lini'mmy In untie uriangciiieiil to miel lln rum nl In ill, WIlilllHIll III' I'll II I 'IT deluding Ml rlPta ln'in mull' iiii'l iniiiily iiii'l limn lUHmii I To 'In I'll" by n"rinl tax will n iinrii a li'vy nl about -iu 1 1 1 ami ni l' hall nililn Wi'hliiinl l.n-1 year Hint w thought it wiiiiM In' iii'i'i'oai y in employ an nMi- I I. 'Intl li-.n Inn ur tin' ni'W vi rir, Mini mmn hIUT I lit' Inn l IIiI'IIIm " lull 1 1 I tin) rnnmn i'ii' nviTi rnWilril ami Hull il wuiilil Iiiivh tn iiiiviiln ii'lli'l, ami iIhI mi liy I'lni'lnj Iiik an "Hut U-iu I it ami liilnni up u riHiin lur a cixili itrmli' cliinn. Allrr iIiiIiik llim, it ft ill li'uvi'ii Huini' u( tin. ruiiniH iin-iilly ovi'rriurt.ln l an. I lliln run illiuin i liki'ly u I." im iiMM'.l ni'ii yi'ut k h r r u li kJ I a Ii iiiir,iry 1...1111 in uiii ul tin' Inilla ul Ilm K.iniliain liiiililini;, w lilt t w ill all" Wit tln iiiiiiim until mm 11 anitalilii iHarliT run lw '"l I I." Ili'i'i'hHlly Inr ailililiulial n iouIiih la In. ri' ii.iini'iil tlnin i'vit lirluii' ami we aimiily 1111' ami H'lvian Ilm liilil.lin ul at Ii-hhI two tin romiiH at tlm r.,ii liam IiiiIIiIiiiK, aa i ili'i'hli'il at tlm lunl r-1 km I it 1 mvi't 111K ul Hi" illnlnrl. I'uIIiimiiik nut tlm iiihI r iirtiiina l'Ivimi iih nl Hint iin'i'iin we Intvi' Ii ul 1111 nrrliiiiM t iri-iari an i-h' nl II ai ul n.I linn to ii.l.till.niiil ruiiina at tin1 Mii'tlniiii liu:l'liii.'. Ili'ic airla lli:it Iho I' ran In' a.l.l.'.l fur ai'i'e.iiinial.'ly u'.7' .Mi. In r.'ii' liii"ii. wi' riTiiinmrml Hint 11 H' t.ix I ! v v ul hi-viti ami mi" hull nulla I." 11111.I1 for U"iitiiI Hrlinul j 1 1 r- I II, h.-a nn, I tin' I'ayiiii'iit ul 1 1 1 ut 1-k I 1111 niitalaiiilin l.umia, K.'.-1'i-i llu'l v aiiliinilti'il, ( IIAKI k" II. t'Al Klt.l.ll, ClIAa A I null. II I , V. K. I a 111,1. Til. .a, K lit an, dkii. A., Diii'ilura. I'ollo 11 llinilly AiiikL. " My w if" w 11 H an ill Hull himhI ilivai l iiuiM witi' 111111I1I11 In lii'lp Iiit," writra M . M. Analin, ul V llirlii-aliT, iml., hut wua rimipli'li'lv rini'.l l.v I'r. Kinn'n Nrw I. Hi l'illa.' Tlii'V work wumliT" hi hIiiiiiiii Ii nnil I1V1T truulili'H. ('urn Cull hti.iiliuii, airk lii'mliirlii' '.'"ir at (ii u. A. IIiiiiIiiik'" ilnik! Hl.iri'. A (i.lllillliT'a Dullk'llllT. Nixl I ri.lnv, Jim. .'imii, nl S l,i vi-1 vm opiTa linim', Hn ni'W hi'tia.itiimiil nit'tn 1I1 Min 11 . "A 1 i imlili r'a l iiitliii'i" wit! Im vi' ita dial ii..-i liliiti.ili in lull I'ily I.) n i iifl nf .ii i.'iH 1111.I m l ri'i-'i-a of x ti-I'-tu ui t 111. nt nn. I nun ki'.l alilill y. Tin- 1 !- will iiml iiiliti'illy I'M wi'll ri' ri'iyi'il I11T1', ami iruv tun. ul tin- rln.ii f I'ViTila ul llin iri'Hi l)l 'lii'iilrirnl pi'iiaiin. Tin' ruin 1'iiiiv pifai'iil inn it ia lii'iuli'.l I .y Miaa lliiywiii'l, wlm, nlilmiuli a Vllllllt! U ii.lllin llllN Willi IIIUHt I'll Villi, ll' Innri'la 11-mi I'limt iminl n. lri'-x in 1 1 1 IhhI f.'U riira, nml fur wliuui rrilira art' ,ii ilii liiiii 11 l.rilli.inl liiMrmiiir rari'i'i. A Hi'ri,il cur i ri iiiin' I In carry Hit' "liilnniiln n-i'iirry Inr llii' pii'i'i', hihI tlii'rc inn in my lii'iinlilnl ami;" .ie'iinia, nni' i'pi'ciiillv ii'mIihiIi' aci'ini Iiii'iii; nil nxiii'l ri'irniliicliim in i-vi-rv 1 it i i 1 uf an I'Xi'iliiiK ilny Hie CIiiciii;ii Ituuril -of-timli. Mica I.illiuii ll.ivwnril the laliTili"! Ii'ii'lini; Hi.iniili, who pliiya tlm till" lulu in Ilm piny ia well klmw 11 ami rxiri'iimlv pnpilliir iimonir tl.i'iiui' ituiTH, ami in Ilm cliiiriirli-r nl niir in A 1 inmlili'r a PimnliliT," aim lina evi'tv opportunity fur iniikinit Ilm lii'at um uf Iiit iiiiunuhI iittiiimni'iilH. Her uuwiih, aa acII iih IIiiihi' wuin liy the it her fi'innln clinrai'! th urn aniil In Im wuihIith in tlm iiiuiliatn'a art, liiivinK luin imporluil In. m abruail, Tlm i iibI incliiili'R lii-aiilcH Mies Hay want, CiunilU Ciuiim, Mifiii I.aiiu'iia. Klain Kmce, Jamca Norvnl, Waller SlHiiliiipc, .1. J. Ilylnliil, Allan FnatiT, C. W. (inoilricli. Anilrew (Jnirk, l.uiiiH FpHtcin, l I'. North ami ninny others. line Itrnino Lax fur cnuba, coltln anil a rippH. I'nce -i cetita a box at Cliarman A Co. Khcu liox enlitlea oil to one t leja on the KUtiranlued K'dd iitch. A3K Druggist for 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. Ely's Cream Balm Cln RM(f at eric. Tt rteanae, annthaa and brail Ibe itigriual man. brana. ltciiml'aurrh nit drlT'-a awj a told tntha Head onlrltlT. It CATARRH r'lAMBALW 4 m. 1 r. i lain'. JAY FEVER la ilatorlied. ilrala and Pnitrrtl tha atcmbranr. Kmlou-atlieHeiiar.aof 'I aaU aud HtnHL FulJ tiz lc. : Trial Mra l"e : t IV'irc'a "r I'r mall. LI ilKOi llltlia, M V arrui email, htm Iwk. THE LOCAL NEWS. Km Gawk on Hand. Tim people nl tliln rii v will have nil iiiiiiirtiiiiily uii tin ! evening ul February 8 in mm one of llin luatesi game of banket dull ever wit lll'HUI'll ill XlIN IH'I. lllll UO llMUIIN Mlilcli hiii lo coniiicle for i i ' 1 1 1 ii r m am Hit) senior ti'iiin from Willamette university and llm Oregon Citv senior team from llm Y M. (!. A. Tliln g.un deserves icial mention because, Him Willamette li'iiin holds hii enviable reputation fur being one uf the sliongeiit team in tlm slate kihI tlm only nun which linn not al ready lul l l im rnlniH lowered l y our skill fill ini'ii rcprenentilig the li'iinn Hub. Tliii players of thi" city li'ivi nude u re,- 1 I hi i M li ui M"i' ml tu noun In llin male; . .. : I 1 imv nuvii nrl"Hll"l I'viiry iui,niii'iii inai ! . 1 1 . . . ... 1 1 : 1 : una uaii'n in anuw nia ni'ii'i, ami win ii 1 1- iluulili'illy iiitH II. yuuiiK unllf'Miin I llin linrih-at loilijlil Imlli-i nl Him yar, It may Iih of iiilcmat, inn, la ay that on llm ani" I'Vi'lHiiK IIiith w ill pruli ilily la a pri'liiniii'iry kiiiiih Imiwi-i'ii llin Imiim Inii'i ini'ilinli'N aii'l 1 1 im In'iirnmillalH Y.I m. ;. A Ihbiii nf I'mllai il. Thin yalim, alM,, will liHf xci.ii.K H- I...H, """'"."'"imiheamlcintrol llm naiim In lhini;aB H-rum, In all tm require,! ,i..l.. I.alner j K(,.mul ,J)M1 ,. to Heach hiipea to have a liaaehnll iraum 011 ! . . .,,, , 11,1- ,.,.iinmtivHlv llmMni.witl. al.iiH-hall lenin Irum tlm aaaia'l,ilion in I ir 1 1 11 1 1 I . Thin will lie one ol llm Ural iiiiluur haaelmll vatnea ol llm reaniti ami everylnaly w ill M int toaneit. On Jniiuarv LTi'h Laiirein ii Mmit. ami llliilirl'H McOunl were unileil ill Imly weiliu. k al tlm reai'leiii H of Mm. KatH Hrvaiil, ul Siinnyaiile. Mr, Muu'i! I" a highly reapi'c'e.l ami well known reai ilelil ul .M.iple l.nne. A Suit a .Mili kalinrK. There wan tile. I on Thurailay iiiurniiiK III t in ciitfilit cuurt a Hint H.iinat tlm coiinly cleric lo real 1 ill 11 him fioiu ex temliiiii upon the lax rolln ol I'Ui kamaa roiiutv a certain aperinl arhuol tax ri ceiilly levle.l liy the hour. I n ilirecturn ol achiiul ilialrict No. I'll, at .Mnrklinrtf, for the piirpui" nl huililin a new Mrhoul li'iuae at Hull place. Ill onler to let ilm vnliilily of llm lew, I. I,, (irihliln nplieiira in the tmll an phiiutiir, an. I he ia ic pioi'iiti"! ! lawyern i. II. Ihtuirk ami lien I. Story. llm content inn in t he a. lit are, that the tioticen pualeil lor I lie aH'cial a houl ineeliiiu were not li'K.illv aillhoiui"! lo he iualeil, nil, I Hint they do nut Miat that llm cp.-ciul acliool niivtiiK wa lur tlm purpo"" uf levying a nH't i,il acliool tx, ami that llm hmnl ol ilneclura exct-i'.le'l lln aiiH.urilv hy levy imtaluriy null tax lo he collecle.l III live yculy Hneaainetitn nl eiht milln it' ll, 1111. 1 Hint Hi" whole pruceeilitiia umler whii li the levy wa uu'lu are illi-Kul ami vui. I. DcrililcL (Tub. The reulnr mertinn ul tlm Iiertlnck Milaical uli'l l.ileraiv chill waH hehl lift' Muniluv eveiiinn at the reaiilcncH of Mm. 4 'tilth. i. Miller. The follow Iiu pruraui wit iilven : Ki-aililiii The Life nl Mnxkowaki Mra J. K. lleilnea. Ihlctt, Siniinali Iliiuci-a Mu.kowaki Miaaen l.ulii an. I M illie I'mper. Keailmit, "rulyphnnic Koruin" from the li.i'.k "Wlinl inliuuil .Mn-li'7" Mra. T. K. Kyiin. "The Jimiflereaa" ..... ... Muzkow ki M ra. I,. I.. I'orter Two Heli'Cliuiia on the pi.mi) were (iiven hy little Mihh Marinu I. aw lence, ul I'ort laml, which a'hle.l ifie.itly tu tlm i-vimi-inii'a euleilaiumeul. The next iiieetini,' will he hehl at the hi' 11, nil Mia. Thua. ( . Kitli,nn the Utli of I'ehrnary. Oieftmi CUT Market lii'imrl. (tlorreclei! lo Fri'luv.) When! No. 1,7i1cnt luiahel. Klinir i'liriliiml, $:l.Ki a-r Mil. $1 per ak. Ilownril'a Heal, 1 per suck. Oii'h in aiu ka, while, 1 to 1.15 per cenlal, Kray, Il.tO liny olil Tiinuiiy, hiilea, f!l per Ion; lunae, 7 In fl .''It per ton. Clover $10 ( it, H). Mix.'il hay, fs. Millalntra Itran,' fl'.MH) per ton. ahoilM, Jil nil per ton ; chop, (111.50 per Inn, Parley, rollril, K'' o0 tier Inn, rulntoea fulc per hiimheil His. 1' "w'l!" Orepin, ;!llc per iln.ell. liutter Uiinch. 4."n; t.) TiOo per roll. ( iniiina, rhoice, il.ic lo 70c per cut. 1 ir it-tl applcH, 7c per I". I'mnc. (tlriivl ; pnle, lie per lb; Iml inn, lati!e. 4c per lb. ineiliiiiu, ii'c; Silver. 4'.... Piiranipa, lieetH 1111. 1 CnrrulB, li'nr. per am k. l'nhbin;e (new ). 40 to 4V per ilnz. A pplea, uOc tn llilc. Dieaaeil criickena, 10 to ll" j e per 111 . l.ivealiN'k ami ilreaaeil meniaj la'el, live, I.H0 In $.!.7" ar liiniilreil. Uol'K, live f cIh; lni!, ilrea-eil, 7c; aheep, 3 to ll'.jc; aheep, ilres.-e I, (ic; Mi'itl, ilreaHi'il, 7,'ii,enta; Inmba, live, Ii'jC ; IntuliB. ilreaaeil, IV.ji: to 7 lie.' Icr T.i 1 .iistt-r A id of llinnel dauipened with lierlaiti'a Cain Hultn und hoiitid on ilm uil'ectnd purla, ia better than a plan ter fur 11 lame back and for paiiiH in Hie I aide or cheat. 1'nln It.tlin hna no miper. ior aa a liniment lor the relief of deep . aealeil. niusclilar and rlieiitnatto Piiins. for aiile by (i. A. Ilaidini!. l.cltiT Mat. The following ia the liat of letters re inniiiin' in the pnatollice at Ori'Kon City, Ore., on Jan. 15th, 1003: womkn's I.IHT. Falun, Mrs. Maud HtauUV'r, Mias Mary Ilaynua, Maryn Mdiitinii, Mrs. Ueu SIKN'a I.IHT Itrown, A. S. l.ampnian, W. U. Brown, T. K. Min, Mr. Carpenter, S. D. Mc(in(or, Wm. Cook, la Turner, J. M. Kdmonila, Mr. Freeman, Iewia Kirk, rioyil Foreman Yoeman Kmle (5F.O. K. HOKTON.P.M. A Nclenllllc IHacorerj. Koilol due for the stomach that which it ia unable to do for itelf, even when but slightly disordered or over-loaded-Kodol supplies the natural juices of di gestion and does the work ol the stom ach, fvlixinn the nervous tension, while the Inflamed muscles of that oran are allowed to rest and heal. Kodol digests w hat you eat and enable the stomach and digestive organs to transform al food into rich red blood. Geo. A. Hard' in If you don't get the Entkiicrisk you dou't gut the cowl. T. i. Ilnyd t'lnrd. T. J. Iloyil, a iiHiitlnman from Texas, puaaeaai'il of a liltlt) more I'miibailviumaa than ilini rHllun, wa lianlixl up be'ure Jiiatirn ritipp late Tlnira'lay nviinin,' ami flni"l ten ilollura (or thrnaiiutf III" Hnt jiilolliH fneii (if M. W.llreyluaa, preaiilent ol I Iih printrra iiniuu uf Hum city. There am, of con r ae, tnimaiii a inan'a lif when It ln'1'nniHa liia aacre.l iluly to aliow hia apliiniliil IliihtiiiK iUalitii'it, when t'i rH (r.iln from iIoiiik no in iuohlt) ami -f T 1 1 1 -inai", anil Mr. Iloyil, it kihuih, con milereil that liniment to have arrived in liia career when on tlm uymnuM" iiihii tioneil Im acleil in an exceHilinifly nn Kenllemnnly nianimr. Tlm fai.'i Iha, 111K up to iIiim eiimiiiiliT i:an Iih hrii'My tnii 'I Hiua: On tl.e lunrmlay iilnht ie i'T"il 10 liar Howell, Iure11m.11 ul Hm in(uriii"i I'l.'-iilHot Drevfiia 1 . t 'On rn r that Mr. linyil, tnuetlmr with Mr. Went- over, wan runiiiliK nil llm tourier, coli tnr lo hin ;llcii)H'a) orilora. Tnin, of couri-e, an every 01m known, exi-ept, poanitilii Mr. liny. I, la ilirecilv in violation ol llm llrl piinciplHH of the 1 iuia i.iitti ll I .1 11 .( 11 i.riiiiurV littaY 1 , . . . ,. . .. .. , . . , lo tlm cliucrin ol I'reHi.letit llrylim. When Una tut ol information had been conveyed lo I t"yfnaa Im immediately for aiaik Inn 011 dnlien ill Ilia own ulli 'e and re paiied tu tlm Courier wlmie the above mentioned t f i 1 din took plni'e. ArrlviiiK at tlm olll.'H of tlm CouriiT PriMi'l'iiit Ibeyluaa tiied toahow Mr. Wealover and the man Ihiiii 'I exit w herein they erred, hut lo no avail. Mr. Iheyluna reipienled lliat llm lurtlnT printing u tlm paper lie ilelerred until the m-xl 'lay when the 11 11 1 1 n lune would run it tff iliirini! ttie r.-iiular wmk 11 if lioura Iml Hie Hiit'iiealiun met wnti the dinlavor uf Mr. Weaiuver, and alter arifiieinu the tnalter and taith aiilen hnd told ull they knew and exhaii-ted their Heii'imeritii tn no pfltpoM) H h above mentioned fractl look place. Mr. Hon) 'a lilond wa up ami I'omitiK up in the rear of Preylum wlm atmal lalkiint to Mr. Weatuver, Im landed a aliurt riitht tiluw on t lie aide of llm preaideiil'n face. At tl uioment tlm "other a" fearlul leat their leading man prove tmeminl to the taHk aaatimed a ti(liiiiiK Httilu'l" ami drove the preai.lent into the curner. Willie thia aceiie wnn lieiiw enacted. Mr. Dick Hull, a Inyul member ol llm printera iiiii'in. and who Imn the nia ri((lit eye, aeeini; lliat the president wan Kientlv uutnnmhered came bravely to the front, and heinic a lieller printer than a pnr.H fl'ilnr wnn anon maile the recipient ul a left lian.ler ill Dm blind eye from ihin shiiih lloyd. whoa immieni la-fore had lliru-t an unfriemlly lit into ilm preniilent'n face. Willi pnor Mr Hull iiablei and rreanlent Dreyfua cornered bv the "other a" and guarded by the hd man trom Texan, Mr. Ilny. I, the cumbatanln deviated from lurtlmr ilevaalnt'oii, and when the cur U111 lift- next we nee the penitent Courier force, headed by ll ivd and the Wealovera repairiiii lo Hie jilliceH nllicH where a len dollnrhill w exuded from I hem an a aettlement for tlieir trouble. It might be "aid in justice lo Mr. Ilreylii" lliat Im in a ennacientona union worker, ami Hint hi vinit ii to the lioatile camp al thin time waa not lo alir up tlm Texnn'n bluml, but atniply in I Hie interest nl duty lo aee to It that Ihe broil. I principle of unionimn Im enforced and carried out . SKM FOK 0K TOD VY. l lm rim-at Org.nia In Hie Wnrlil, Al innt (iiu'ti Air.iy. We lutve now on hand a Iarm number uf that clii-a orijin a only Hlihtly lined, ihut have la'i'ti turned in to u aa part pavmeiit on new pianos. Theae oriiana have all been thornu'hly renovateil and put in pel fed onler by our expert woik men, w ho have made them in every re aped 11a Kiiuil nn new. We are however, aellini: all uf them, aimply aa Hecnnil hand inatrumeiita and our prices on them will ! fori n I amazingly low. A in., ilk' Ihein are a tine Chii'njo (.'uttane Kfid aa new , for only f 14 ; one lutndaome M.iann ft. Il tmbn, with lnrx uiirmrand hi'h tup fur fill; ld ell'.'.lllt Cornish, ill Inir condition for $l.r) ; one of the cele brntcd A. II. Whitneya, for but ; a heaiitiful Ciitlai;i' Queen fur iiii; Katey lined only two iiininha, $12; a Kimball, iiund aa new in every respect, $40; a tine Smith American, $'.'H ; one of the popular Weatem Cottage, $40; A Crown, Kiinran teed fur 10 yenrs, W1 1'iickard, fancy ciie, if l , nml a ureal bnritiii in a tine, new $00 Kimleill, whoecnai wnsa little daimiiieil in ahipuieiit, w hich wo will sell lur only $5S. Juat think of it, only $0 down Kccuie anv one ul theae organs in your home and $:l a mouth complete your paynienla. Thin ia 1111 exception il chance toeectne a fine inatrtiment (or money Vim would fritter away and never mias. One nf them will afford your children a itnod musical education ami any time within to years It von desire to purchase I'liinn, we will j:ive yon creilit lor jnat what von have paid lor it on anv piano you choose. II yon want a is.itnl niusicul instrument, and do nut feel like p.iyitiL.' much lor it, you cannot do better tlinu take advantage ol tins opportunity. May he you would be interested in the fine pinnoa we are selling. Wo are oll'er ing this seuson an elegant new piano for $l;!7, the same kind that Eastern de partment atores and mail order houses advertii-e so extensively. Shipping our instruments in carload lots, and under our harness system, which does away with boxing, we are in position to save at least $-0 on each piano and give you the benetit of the saving. Our terms of payment are exceedingly easy, as little aa"$ti down secures a tine instrument in your home and $0 monthly completes your payments. Kvery instrument we sell lias our written guarantee and If after use, your instrument does not suit, we will cheerfully take it back and re fund the money you have D.iid on it. Write us immediately if you want to be certain of securing one ol these bargain. Filers Tiano House, 351 Washington St. Other large houses at Spokane, San Francisco and Sacramento. llcuili Mioultl rr Ache. Never endure this trouble. Use at once the remedy that stopped it for Mrs. N. A. Webster, of Winnie. Va., she writes "Dr. King'e New Life Pills whollfy cured me ol sick headaches I had eu ferered from for two years." Cure Head ache, Constipation, Biliousness. 25c at Goo. A. liarding'a drug store. 10 per cent. reduction our entire ntak of S II 0 K S yv 11 it' Yv, !?! Toilet Articles. 'I':'- l. it. Violet Ammonia.. .14 t'n: Lyons Tootli l'owder... .1H 'J5; Kubiioain IH 47T1 While Hone Soap V2 Caahuieie Buii'i'iet ' 14 Cologne " " 8 William Shaving " 4 Catile Suati 'A I'ears ' U Carnation Soap 10 Swan Down l'owder 12 Talcum l'owder 7 Soz'xlunt. 18 Pure Lo'ax, pound pkg ... .8 Hind's Almoin! Cream 37 Soap Muxes 22 Kaatnun and Lumlberg per fume at reduced prices. m m GOLDEN heal etate tkasfek. FutuMieil Eierj Week hy the Cl.uliH 111 iih Ahs:ract Si Tru-t Cmiipany. W Buckmnn to 11 K Comer, n'i of sw 01 sec 30, 1 1 , r 3 e $1200 J Biickninii to II F Ci mer, e,1, ofsw ol see :;ti, 1 1 s, r :f e.. W K Inalev to K ll Williams, ' of ee. r-ec 32, t 1 8 r J e C D D.ckeifon to. I W Loder, agent, lota 7 and 8, bin 4. Oanemah S A Campbell to C U Huntley, lot 7, b,k .'iti, Sregiu City.V; W li Wiggins to A Goetling, lots 2 and 7. bin 4S, Oregon City 1200 1 100 350 .MX) 1 J Newlanda to U T M Ditliti, 31 aca 111 sec 5, t 2 s, r 4 e R Al Morris to J 0 Mc.Miihoii, 10 A in Bee 22. t 2 s. r 2 e 1000 1 100 1 J Kaucli 10 M M Davis, lots 15 snd Hi, blk 70, Uladatone D Dorcbeater to K F Rilev, lots 2.1 to 20, blk 80; 1 lo 12, hlk 33; A 14 to 35 in blk 84. Minthorn F Ouerai l-er to J Hre.itl, w H ol n1.. el nw of sec 'M, t 3 s, r 1 e W A llolibie to I J jiinson se of nw. I'V nl aw of ne of aec 3, t 2 s r 2 e 3000 H S Colter to C Bii,T, lots 5 to IS, hlk 04. O.ik Urove 1500 J Kingsbnra ro F Kmgshiirv, n of ae nt sec 17, and w irl of Lamb CI & 38 acres 111 sec 10 m t 2 e, r 3 e 3)00 J B Miller 10 C D Laton.ette, lots 1, 2, & ne ol ne ol Bee 13 ci lots 1, 2, 3 & 4, & sw of nw, A 4.44 acres in sec IS, t 2 s, r 2 e 1500 J D to C ! Litoiiretle, 4 41 acres in see IS, t 2 s, r 2 e 0 M Uranthiiu to A Beers, 3 acres in (Jiurett CI aluuble M Kedy to W C Alloway, 11 of ne sec 32. t 1 s, r 3 e 3200 J Mohn to K J Loiwoy. 5 acres iu the Wadsworih CI, t 2 s, r 2e.. .. S K Gregory 10 A Schorhecicer, 38 acres in sec 33. t 2 a, r 2 e Win Bisaell lo F KjiIi, 1 1.' J acres in CI 50 . t 3 , r 1 e ... I R Mcintosh to A Wameiiinaclier, 5 acres in sec 2. t 2 e, r 7, e. . ... 000 807 1000 1 1000 1 J F Schneinerto P J Schneider, 70 acres iu sec 18. t 5 6, r 1 e.. lOOo' Merchants Invectiueut & T C too M B Rankin, ne ol sec 30, t 2 9, r Oe A C Fairciiild to (J Reynolds, 5 acs in sec 28, t 1 s, r 2 e A P Brlow to W B Tull. lots 4 A 9, nlko, Barlows J Goerz to F Friedrici, 45 acres in sec 4. t 3 a. r 1 e 1 500 50 500 A Units to 11 Brand, '4 acre iu the Holmes CI 500 C K Gross to J F Bin9on, lota 9 & 10, blk 11, Gladstone B F Felger to C T Howard, 2l acs in sec 17, t 4 s, r 2 e C B Hall to T M Small, part lots 15 1 130 150 750 90 A 10, blk 33, Oswego It I Yrnpg, et al, to 0 Calkins, lota 3 4 4, tract 57, Oak Grove J Miller to L DKeyzer, lot 18, blk 8 Osweiro S A Lvnge, A 8 Baumgartner, Iota 17 to 24. bin 87, Minthorn 12 F Sc hroeder to C Uettman, a acres in Orow Claim 1250 Sellwood Ld I Co to C A Bries, tract 11, Oak Grove Will Falls Goto L Werner, lot 3, tract G, Willamette Falls Sellwook Ld A I Co to W Wkkline, tract 49. Oak Grove 500 00 500 THE CLACKAMAS ABSTRACT A TRUST CO. are the owners of the copy right to the Thorne system 0 .nstrac' indexes, for ClacUmas county, and mve Golden Rule Bazaar 'Oregon City's Big Cash Store.' Our Annual Clearance Sale still continues. Our already low prices have been still further reduced to move the stock more quickly before taking our annual inventory. SPECIALS. Flannelettns, 12, 1) and 18c values, latest patterns ,9 50 Doz. Ladies' Ifo'e, regular 25c, Regent Brand Kant Black Seamless . .17 Fider Down Dressing Saqties Blue, Pink and Ked, regular 1.8.5 69 Men's Ribbed Underwaer Med ium Heavy, white with neat stripe 29 Odd Pieces Crockery, Cups and Saucers, Pitchers, Bowls, etc. .9 RULE - the only complete set ol abtra"ts in the Miuity, can furnish informal! 1 fas lo itle 10 land at once, on apnica'ion Loans, investments, real estate ibstracta, etc. Otlice over Bank of Oregon City, Cell and investigtte. ( atari h or the Bowels. Cannes blotting after im-a.s, and large quantities of gs which cannot be ex pelled ; cau-es diarrhoea alternating wiili constipation. S. B. Catarrh cure baa a tonic and curative eff-ct on the bowels and restores them to a natural and lieallhv action and condition and re moves the cai.JB of that dreadful disease, catarrh of the bowels and constipation. For sale by all druggis's. Bwk on C Urrh free. Add ess Smith Bros., Fresno, Cal. UNDER FOREST FIRE ASHES. Umler forest fire allies the blossoms are (deeping, Never a petal unliirl-d ti the brneze. Imprisoned, ea 'I. rootlet asli tetiem ure keeping. Ashes is king now ami firm I119 decrees. Under forest lire ahe, like Death in tier slumber. Nature is stilled iu tlie niglitof the year. Xo toiling nor spinning for one ol her nil ruber, Not even a bud to bespeaK us good clieer. Under for.-st tire ashes Eirtii's treasures are waiting Spring's gentle sti numms to service again, Her loving smiies the tuiipe-tn abating. Under toresl (ire allies a heart that was weary We folded awiy in tlie night of the fire. Gone were our hopes., and torlorn an 1 dreary Our souls knelt in anguish and cow ardly hi sr. Under forest tire ahes Love's idol is alepmi, Nevermore hearing uur as inized prayer, N t t ag in to answer our plea.lirg. Aljne we return to our toil and care. ( Under forest tire ashes, O mourner that tettrest, List lo the pie ins His couriers bring When ttiey take trom your casket the gem ttiat is clearest, And set its bright ligtit in tlie Home ol , the King. A. M. Shihlet, Springwater. Consumption ts often no more or less than a neglected case of catarrh, which in time creates a hacking cough and nature in her en deavors to get rid ol the tubercules, sets up an inflammation, matter ia secreted and the tubercules ia eoftened. It then cornea to a head or aupura'.ea and tlie mattei is discharged into the nearest air tubes. This the sutlerer raises and allays the cough to some exteut, but as the air cella till up with tuberculer mat ter the blood cannot circulate perfectly through the lungs, hence it becomes more impure for want of air, which lessens nature's power to throw oh the disease until at last the disease becomes more general, the cough gets greater, followed by night sweats and bleeding of the lungsi finally the sufferer geta weaker and weaker, until deitli ends this dreadful disease. Smith Bros'. S. B. Catarrh cure aclB on the glands and mucous surfaces of the system through the blood. It promotes the action of absorbents, then remove the deposited liiKarntilua anil aiteMilllv albll-R the COIlifh and cures catarrh, no matter where lo cated. Never fails to cure night sweats. For sale by all druggists. Book on Catarrh free. Address Smith Bros., Fresno, Cal. 10 per cent. rednetion on our entire ntoek of CLOTHING Stationery. Bnx of ptper and envelopes .8 250 XX envelonn 30 Steamb iat Plavlng Cirda. . . .7 Bicycle " " ... .Hi Princess Note Paper, qi.lre .3 l inen Papr, tl I eheets, liO envelopes 25 Receipt Bonks 4 Pencil and Ink Tablets 4 Pocket Diarys 20 Toilet Paper, 1000 sheets, roll or pkg 9 Crepe Paper, per roll 6 Decorated Paper, per roll.. .18 Simlf Paper 4 Cabinet Letter Files 20 "Li;ico!n" Fountain Pens.. 1.15 Japanese N tpkiii. 10.) lor.. .15 1 - BAZAAR -..... .yt LOOK OUT For Colds La Grippe I Protect yourself, and don't trust to Providence. Considering the harm done, "neglect" before and after taking' a cold is" a physical crime. You may prevent a cold, or, if too late, you can insure yourself against the "after ef ects," for there is the greatest danger, by using Dr. Harter's Iron Tonic Few die from Colds, or La Grippe, or Ca tarrh, hey die of the after effects. These diseases all weaken, and to at weakened body come flocking a host of diseases that fasten on weak lungs, heart, stomach, kidneys, and other weak parts that we seldom think oL The easiest and best thing to do is to fortify the system so that you will not catch cold, but if too late to do that, then you must see that no lasting in jury is done. Medical authorities all agree that iron is the fighting elementof the blood enabling the system not only to ward off disease, but to fight it after YXr toid. Dr. HARTER'S IRON TOfJIC is just the remedy needed, as it sup plies the blood directly with the iron it requires to combat Colds or La Grippe. Take it before, during, or after. If taken in time, it will prevent ; if taken during, it will shorten the course ; if taken after, it will prevent all bad after effects, AVomen are especially benefited by Dr. Harter's Iron Tonic, as they seem to suffer from the weakness of Colds and La Grippe longer than men, and they are particularly susceptible to the action of a blood builder such as this is. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. i Imiir.loials tfney to L;)in. At ti and 7 per cent. Call on or write Jso. W. Lo!KB, Oregon City Oregon Stevens' building. I'lud Way to Me 11115. The startling announcement of a Di covery that will sorely lengthen life i m ide liy editor O H. Downey, of Chrr rubaco, Ind. "t wish to state," he writes, "that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption is the most infallible remedy that 1 have ever known for Coughs. Colds ahi (.trip. It's invaluable to people with week lungs. Having this wonderful medicine no one need dread I'tieumonia or Consumption. Its relief is instant and cure certain." (teo. A. Harding guarantees every 50c and $1 00 yd-i, and giva tru bottles free. 5-.H, lhI.Cl(fOBHaKwrjBOi:rl B'foatu of