Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1903)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 1903 flew Tc-Day. Il;lit h i .mi v, row i nil ll.Ml Ml. H ll,K lllil H P.Y . W. Il 'I ll li III wif I A T i I'l.KNIY HI- lort.vt III , Mo.NKY l.d.W II l'i uhi-y In i ! U II 111 Inwr III I I rnliK nil iV ( it i f r i t il mhnky mr i rlil. hi'iiiini, It) I.DAN AT Imiu nciuiiiy. AND 'Itl.N ni:i(i:H .V l.lilr H I II, I" till" H Wi lnliiiril IIiiII'Iiiik.) hitvr th rliiilri"it rliy. miliiirimii mnl rniinlry properly nr iiuilli'il rilif". MONT.Y TO I .IMS' ON Ur.AL IliOl' rty security al II lr cetil, nlo nil n I proved clnlicl re. ti'lty i II. liiMu K attorney at U , Stevens lluihlitiK Oni' gori t'lly . - - - - I MoNKY TO I.OAN-1 IIA VI'. SKVI'.HAl. MllllHOl IIIIIIII T ll-IIHHJIIIB HI ll"l iiiilivnltiyU wlm li 1 mn Hinliiin.i'il to Inmi, on lung limn it I II mnl 7 "T I . Com nl Sum will I'e iimiln veiy trillion- hie. II. K. ( hum, Httiirni')' at law. Personal Mention .Imiih'N 1'in iili y. of t'miliy, ' ,,IB (jnti I'r.v Tlniit'liiy. Ktlun llpiluf. of Smnmn, k viBitor to Hit' -it y rlunUv. Tom I". lUn-UII li rHnrni-il Iroin fuw iU) vIhII up the v1ly. Mr. Ilrownrll mnl mm Ainhrow WKtit to Hull-in Tm-wUy to Irifinln. I'. O. Ktmirkfr, of Nfi-ily. in Ore gon City on hiinitii'n Tiii-mliy. IiiiIh llniiimn, of Ne Kr, wb on tlm mrwlii lii'ieoiie tUy thii itk. Mr. hftinv, jiiBlim 1h ' VInU, wim in Ori-giin Oily Tliiiri'lny. M i:..,,r.f,. Jl.llllHon. of (ifOtlfl', WM Ort'unn i i iiiih ol I tin iiiiiiiineiit Imini'" in City MomUy. ' J. V. lir)i'r. tlm UmlnllW ultornfy, In l.t.l'ii this we wiih frioim tlircmt troulili". lir C. II. Smith mnl wllr. of r.Kl I. , ,.. kl.M. TllLUlliV til Vlill"' rri'n, win n .-.".. - j - tlm li-Kinlnturi'. Wnltcr Mi Krutif. yoiinc KHnifUl nl Fiirfm li'ov. w viHitintc with l"lirlf Cimlke HmnUy. rhoiiim CUik. of thi '!. retiirniMl tliiK wi'ik limn Ifw ' v"!1 fiii-iulii in Alhny. jHiiie Knot, of Clm kmiiH". i hfk fr fhorl tV l "li 'rii hf ti'liilril tliu i-nifltuif. lli'il.iTt liiHrii. who live l CuriiH. mnl I'.fli Kh'I-I, of tlm Mini) iIhi wuh in Hi" city Wi'.liunUy lli'nxl Clm4ii. of Klllol'. 1'rmiii', a iiroinineiil Inruier ol thai ilace, wa ln',i,lt,., I'hreni'lotiHt, of Portlanil, will treon lily on lniKii.ei.. Il.ui. lieu Mcllriiti' mil 11"' . T A. .Mcllrl.le are iiit-i.iii the Oregon hililie at Sul till" Week. C. I" McWhoiler, of SpokHlie, who Inia I n a newpnper in.ui l"r ""' ti , wa in Oc-n .ii t ity lliiiii-'l'iy. Max Ii. Co lull. attiillll'V IIH' I CUIllfel-lol-iil-law , ol I'uillaliil, H" in the cily Thlir-ihiy alti-nilli iz to lec.ll hiiMliea". Ail-lili Cm K. "I Whitney, Oiril'in. a pronniiei t newi-pip'-r iiiiin. wb In lie Knii City I'd ll i tl.t V liHikliiit alter lullliei-c Hon. W. S. C'lleii letiiiiuil Thtirail.iv f rum Silem, wheie he alien. le.l the Iiijih hitur III the inleleht ol the IlilliilUVe ami eh' reiiihini. The concrrl that tn h.tvt' heen Kieii hy SI I'oiil' chnn h on 1'ii.hiy rvi'liliiK ol thiH week in potpnieil until Inrther notice. J A. U. IWo.lliMck, ol lliinovr, I'enit., in 1. 1.1 M'houl fiieiiil of Hev. K. S. Ilu: Innrei . Hpeiit il lew iUv Una wm k viHtt iiiK Mr. ami Mra. I'.olliniier. K .liinea, who urn a ranch at Heaver Creek, anil lleiirv llomi'hiich, one ol the tno-l well to-tln (annera of Ciirim, wax in Ori'iton City Weilneaihiy. Mr. Clarence Kiii1h, ol Pai-co. W'ach., l hrother of MeHnn. llnl ami Krnert Kanil, of thi city, waa In Oreunn City Sum lay viaititiu brother anil parent. 00 00 00C0 00000 0000 00 00 ATTEjNTIO jN Q The only firHt-cla83 SoconJ-IIaiHl Dealer in Furniture Q Stoves and Utensils. It is worth your time to come Q and examine the stock. You will find a full line nf New and Sccond-IIand Furniture, Stoves, Crockery Q Hardware, Etc. . . J llighcat canh price paid for Becon.l hand goodn. o o I. To I o o o MAIN SJ-TIT One Door North of Ccmmorical Bank C, 0 A M www M'. Hurley Hii'iiliHiK mnl two child ren leive to.Ut, KuiIhv, lor Sun Kriiti I'lpni where ln will j'lln Imr htifbimd, M lio Iiiim hern Hrriminly III for two weeks. Mi. .loliooui. who rici li-H lit linll'iii. Ih r 1 I id In' Hi'i.iiily ill hi her I i ii j r . ii til Mi Nor ii I.jllniHii, ill I j 1 1 1 1 in win iv liiiiiuviiK iidi'i illni""i. I il'.'lyi' ( i. I l', lit Sllllll', tt IIM l. till eilv Will ! In v. Mr lli-n In .niiiiiiiK In iiioVi- In lli-ilVi'l lull, in ' a-1 i n l' 1 i II I'iiimI y, hern he. vtill I'lu'iiitii a Kin-k mm Ii. ('I.rli' Hroll, ill WihiiIIiiimi In Hit' illy I lnriny. Mr. HcoU Ion b"en fur quite n tllllll III till' lllltH'S III M-'Xii'il, 1 1 i hii.i. to Ori'H'in IIiIh liniH tn Htli-ml In hti.iliilili'iiinii iii Inn (iilli"iii otulu Hi'il will very shortly return tu Mrno. Mr V. Webster, ol I,ewiMlon, Malm, mi tin x'iii t "it v Tiii'mliy mi Inn wy Iiiiiiii- Irmii 'lilliiiini;ii. Mr. Web Mer oiiii ol Hi" Imivh wlio worked for I' iirln in in the late war mill he in now ciHiiinK home 'nr the ll'-t tiiim since 1 1' hii. IIh roiyn thai llii- rinliii!iif iilmiiln nir.inl h ifiiat lli'lil l"r IuIuim imlunirr nnil will probably K.ruw rapidly in ioil- hni.m from now on. I I...T.,. U..I...1 l.v i 1 1 Ih wif. mi'l mother, arrived in Ibis ri'y liii'mlny, where they will reside. M I'Kirci.x jn iili-nlilli'il with tlm OtCfon City KntiTini'f mnl ii a thoroiiKh news paper, man IIh linn lieeil eiitfiiKi'd ill ni-w iKtH-r wink Int 1 1 1 H 1 1 V yearn in Cln i huh, Nrw Ymk Htnl rvcml of ilif Ihii'I riiK'N ol tin- K.jct mnl lil vxlFimivn rx-I't-rii-iiii' will n iidi r ! t n mi lnvlunliln inmi. 4Jri'Kt I'tritruiirit mtlr on ll mill Inrrf. .mi :milUinllb Sellinu Hone t Imlf pric. Km ket Store. HlmikK , Slmkpr Klunnel, Ontinit Hmnifl, lihli' Linen mnl Curvet it rout. JiK'krl Hi. ire. Ahliott, the Opilt'iitn. of I'ortUn.l, will l,e m tl.e Klectiir llotul, Oreun Ciiy, HiiHir.luy, Kehy. 7h. Olnw uronml to rorrer t the tlt-d'Cti of whlrli the hiiinmi eye ! heir. The thriiie it th ConK'eifd'lon! i hini'li next Siimliy will he "LifeV Kijui 1 1 tjr i " n. 'Snin Secret of lUppi The imlille in 11101 cor.lmlly In- ileil to ill the iwivioe. J M. Pre, the up to lt clothier himI (iirniHher, i iimkiiitf "ine ilici.le-l liiiprnveiiieni In hi tr. A UrK )Iihk wull rA i on" of Ih new novel tie w hich i heiiK IiihuIIpiI. Kei'ort i rereiveil l-om Sn Krncini'o ttiHt Mr. Ilrlev Steven, who tin lieen rioniilv ill l tint pUre for vevernl ilnye, i pit kinit up cnimulerHlly in.l IiIiIh (nir to r covi-r very noon. Hi wife ;il cliiUlreii will i-tart for San Francimo in i Ii iIhv Profen-or liriflith. the. well know n mnl i l.mrt Veiy m-t rnt-t 1 vh enure of li'i-lnre ' SAttinuy rvehiiii;. Mm au'.jHi t will lie ! '"Love, I'onrthip an.l Mriiit!e," I he j tno lei W eil. line ill he a li iiliire worm'Neiut!. At Willitini'tte Hull, 8 I'. M. 1 w ieh to Htnl.-to tl e tinhli r Hint "c ' i'l i r :i 1 1 in ho. l v A. Mi l.i'oil lor Hep- Hii.tuii; Imtii r frntn . if iui nml which he r'rtiin-. I Imv rii. o'mneiiih'il, iH in mi Hhut I." flaiiim fur it 1 I have put no iii 'iit'V in il . j ('. K. Sl'KM K. It will be of internet to the many (lieu, Ih of Mra McMillen to know that nl.e ia hul.l im her own and ptmnihly liainnm a hlile ntieliK'li. Mr. McMillen Iihh bilt-n Hiillerini.' with enncer lor a lontt tune and for tiiuiiy week hit been tnak M'U a ki illni t Htriiniilii au'aiiiHt the ad vuncea ol her dreaded ilinenae. A ureat many ol the citizens ol Oregon Cite have intei-teil m.inev in the I.e Koy Mining Ciiini'iiny of the liuheinia inuiinii diHliict, ami own K lo recent ileveloie menta and I true hndie of ore w hich hate been recenl'v uncovered, the stuck Iiun been taken t If from the market and all of lln.-e who have inveRted will he pleaat'd with their investment. The Pcrthic Munical club met at the reaidence of Mr. and Mr. C. ti. Miller Monday evening ami a very inltreRtinu program wa enjuyed. The club is o o o o pola r oocoo wwww wr IrIcm'IiIv iiiowIiik ami iu'ereftl tnkei. in the wnik hy the nu n, i . i A 1 . . '. i i . i 1 icnorim nai lect'iiiiy i.'n l'irill'l nun ill anon h heiir.l III public iullreuoil U'liy. linriet ri'ifiilur in.'Mii. wi'l he ' In I'l at tlm home ol Mm. I'. I' . K van. j Mr. M.iikwi'11. ol Wallace. I I Ii " j lii-en in I I ry tic w'-k In .k Ilii; ll.l'U In if'i tn .ili.l. e wl'li I. 'in i ami wink In Ma mine . Mr. Maikwell I need loell III li e near f'Huie ami he I Wiii.Ii only khIihi ii ii . I r, liable mill. II'1 rut a Unit III til paal llil tllllll l.llVH III ell Ineu ol ha. I hahila ami unreliable, mnl from now on he innai enlini inen in Inn wmk whom he call ilepeml tlimn. H'tiii'liiy. I.inuary JM, lil'.'l, Warm-r Vaunt- I. a. I iiiMallallnn ami tin-I..H in i. ollii era tiiKUlleil : Maater, (ieo. I.axeli; Ovrrneer, A W Fmm'e; Lecturer, en. Kamlall; Steward, Marnhull l.a.ell; A. Stewart, Tom Kellaml; Tieaaur.-r, Mir- It II. Fram e; Si cietaiy, Ibiv Mi: Arlher; liate Keepr, Mr. (ianluei ; Pninnria, I'.Iiiih Iih McCoril ; Flora, Kmiui Wilrhart ; Cre.. Ollie Frnlerirk, I. A. Stewart ami Fannie France; Chaplain, Mr. Ihck. The nilicei were iiiHialh-d hy Hrother f'.ot laml, of OaweKo, after which followeil the hamjii.-t. On the evening of February 'l the firemen of Una city wi'l liel.l their an ii ll. 1 1 hall al the Armory, hi wlncb time l(..u'l iuiihIi: ami a happy crow.l of votir.K I i e will be prenent. Kvery yer on iienrx Wanliinirion'a I : r 1 1 . I y theae toiiiix men xiv their hall ami thi one il pnnnihln w ill anrpaa anythiriK of for mer time. The be t of uniic will he hiinirl.t' I ami a uiont tlelllitliil time la aailretl Ki'ery youi'if man in the cily in iiiviletl ami requeeieil lo come ami liruiit a or two. Keiueuibir the lliuu ami place. A rneclal meetinir of the city council waa hehl Weilneaday evenin: for the piirpone of paaaina' three onlinaiicea, one lor the annual city levy, ami oi.e lor the purpuae i'Oiupellini the chief of xilice to collect ami inapect all licciii-ea of recon.l haml Ntorea, hillianl anil pml rnouiK. ahowa, dray, expren waarun anil iem wixal nwa ml all other ocrupa linn which re reipiire.l to pay licence. Aino an oi.linance tiiakina an annual levy under the "iiaiicrult K'imlinK Aci" for Hie ihiril annual pat uient on ewer ai-Beaaemeiit fur Rewer iliatrlt No. 'I in Oreon City, One of the Htavi atone that w ill ever remain hi roiiK ami true to audience in "I'licle Tuin'a Cabin," RUmptiioti pro duel ion of which, under the able man nkj. lU nt of Leon Wanhburn. will he Kiven al the Shivelv Opera Hoiik on January when evert one who ha the oplKirtunity of witiieHhintf, the name will ci'lann it a one of Hie Im-hi yet tiiven hy any co. pan. Time, i flort amlexpenae have not been npared in it RtainK or ni lection of cant ami I he tuinuieni detail ha heen carefully prepaied. There ia no ntury of Ixiuk or ataiie that to delight Ihe juvenile mind, and It ia to tie hoped t n hi every boy and nil may have their wihIi to nee it Kratilied. Several year B'i there a protiiiaed the public of Olefin City a rie of lec turea which waa remarkably w.-ll patro-inl'-d no far a the piumine cu.ild he fill lined, ilul the u;ont attraciive nuuilieri uf fbe cottrne never appeared. Some pernnua have been annociailiiK that courne ofe ut rtainiiielili! with Ihe I'oniiri ntnuial church liecauae the lecturr weie Kl veil tlieie. The Saturday Clun hereby an iioiincea that any perautia nec n n u course In keta foe Or. 1 1 .m-c'ri lei tur.-B will have their m.inev reiuiided if the entertain ment a announced will n it he iiivi'11. 1 lie coiiim- will open in xt l iiesday even ,HK with "lino Yidia." SI i. SI try K. Convera ia in iking prep aration to Kive a concert in this en v on Tin-d-iy evening, Febnury "4, in Wood men hull. The program will he given In Sli. Waller Heed, 1'ortlitnd'a favorite contralto, SI r. I loin, who nai in concert here hint full and SI ma Veda SI. Wilhuu.H, of thin city, the Deillm k Clnh churiiH will make ita tirnt appearunce at thin concert. The clioru ia composed ol lo if the heat voice lu Ihe club and will add much to t lie ull'air. Little Marion Lawrence, of Portland, will ap pear on the program in an inrtruniHiital nolo. She ih hut neven year old but piitya Willi gnod style and much expren nion. Much interest ia being iiianileated in thi in u -1 cm I treat and a very pleasant ! ev.-ning ia anaured. Ijtnt week, owing to the fa. t that tve were unublu to obtain inloiniation about the Into Aimer Hart, there wa little t-ai.l alniut him. We w ih now to write fact or two about liim a he wa well kimwii in thene parts. Mr. Hart war horn in Ohio. Feb. 16, 1818 He re inuined in Ohio, fanning principally, till he turned hi Rleps westward and settled in .Southern Oregon and continued to puratie his trade of a husbandman of the soil. In 1884 Sir Hart moved to a farm five miles from town and here he married Mr. Porter. Mr Hart ha heen Buffering from ill health for quite a while and recently was obliged to un dergo an operation from which he never fully recovered. He leaves to mourn hi death several children, among whom are Mrs, Peter Nehren, Mr. J. R. Slveie and Sirs. S. Green, All kinds of underwear it corI. Karket Store. Dm Maklnir. For first class work on ,ylor and dres suit' call on Miss Coi," recently from the Fast, over Mra. Sladeu's mill iuery store. llow'a Thlx? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Ciiknky A Co., , Props , Toledo, 0. SVe, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney lor the last 15 veura, and he- lieve him perfectly honorable in all bus hies transactions and financially able to ' carry out any obligations made by their i firm. Wkst ifc Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, U. Waloino, Kinsan A Marvin, Whole sale Druggist, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly npun the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Price Too per bottle. Sold by ill druggists. Testi monlals free. Hall's Family Pills ire the best. TI' l lrnl SUnlern. It la ti,.y il,,:,;,u ululi r.'ice In -.t '!:atc l. for lr; a Ihi vi- l.i-i-li liui'ilr pli-l.'.'.l r:c H i :;i!i:'i ill if, i r l.'.i ll,. rii I. i ':, .: I',,.! W.v ii tt i ,i ' - I ' ; p -..;.!- -i. T h I .ii, 'i i ;' -, l.i t.i-.. I i,.ii i'i nre Illm ft, in I in I. t:i p .- . -inn of run in i l f ; I'l .i '.. i. I i.',!ie. !"'l .'il.:.:; i - n. .. .in d I.;.- n Jl.iiiin'i hi-- hi .il 1 1 I. i, i I FilTsti-ph- Ill li.-i .ry i.f I.., i. I in" na.VH t'.nit 111 the tile. i;. i i.,!..M toiil.g In. ll fiiKti'iied I in- I. In. nfn of iiniimila mi ller Ihi-ir f. i l !.;. mens i f tliona in order to i;l. ii." t!i- Ice. 'Ih: MUili'iiient la i'.,i:i-!' Iv the piilr of bone aUntis of tic p i ai l tent- in the Ih'illnli iiiiineiiiii. in J.U'-l.". however, tlll'M- I I ;n I,,- I. o, i s got til'.' Idea fionj Ii I . i; !. pi'oiiiibly via Lin colnnliire, . .,i re .,:.: ii a have hei ii lined on the tin, a l.-i.a from very re mote. I. in- a. I'nul Ilie lrnnl. Paul I. of IImxmj tva vtry deaf nnil olso very tyriiiitiical. One day uu Hid de cniiip, to pleune lillil, upiiroiiclieil ui.d iTiitl lu hi ear, "I inn 'Kl-nl tn Hi t', your luiijenty, that your hearing In nmcli Improved:" "What la that you nay V" growled the czar. K.iinhi hia -(,:ce. th" n!d de-camp mild, "1 am t uj, y.,i;r innjenty'a hearing; Is so nn.cli n.,;ii .n t d!" "Ah, that's it, cii:'- tiiii.'!.lcd the war. and ti;i u iin.l ii. "Say it once ttiori'." Th aid ile-i amp repeated the tvoids, whereupon Paul I. tiiuiuli l i d. "So i.U Ui.rc tu innl.e fun of ii. c. do you' Just wait u while." Next day the uld-de-oiiuip wua on his way to the mines of KiUrlu. rbanrlle RpelllnB. The teacher of a country school was "hearing" her upelllug clans recite. She had Junt "ifiveu out" the word "Aaron," which, according to her In struction, hud been spelled lu tbia funhiou: "Illg A, little a, r-o-u." The next word was "gallery." The pupil auld: "U-a-L gal g-a-1, gnl," two or three times aud halted. Then, after hard thought, he added: "Hlg gal, little gal. e-r-y, gallery." New York Times. ranalra. "As for ptuislc, every one you pick shall have a different 'character. Some are perverse, like hashf jl liable, and will not look you lu the Home are confiding, ami ouie ure even bold. Co and stutiy them if you ure au un believer, und you shall tind that many things thut we call human truits be long lu almost eiiul proportions to j plants and anlinnlH. Eipmalve llrndcrar. Father (exumniing his noil's expense nccoittit ot collcgel Young mnn, whut do you Lieu n by charging up half u dozen tattles of whisky to wearing ap parel during last term? Son-Oh, that's nil riuht; I used that Muff for nightcaps. Town and Coun-iry. FRANK BUSCH g FRANK BUSCH The Fousefurnisher Remnant Sale Our Carpet Sales were very satisfactory the past season and as a consequence of many sales there is a good number of Remnants on hand. It is our in tention to sell all remnants at reduced prices and we ask you to bring the measurements of your rooms so we niav give an estimate of cost Warranted Sewing Machines go for $18 00 as before HUNTLEY BROTHERS POf'ULAR PRICE DRUGGISTS BOOKSELLERS STATIONERS CHARACTER J . :. i n . . . DRUG STORES Tin; other jiy a drurnmir came in ant! offered uh wliat hehaid wan rate Sub Nitrute, of . Lir-inulh at ll..r5 I r 11. We are jiaying if2.I5 for Stiibli' Sulj-Nitrate of II i h in ut h. lit re was a chance to nave 'JO cents per Ih. on a much preBcrihed drug. Lut Sijuibh's Drugs have the confidence of all jihyHiciatm, and juntly; they have proven their nuperiority and there fore we stick to them, because we know that they produce the bent medicines Almost every day we turn down just such proportions offering cheaper drugs; as we did this one. Hunam safety is too important to ri k cheap drugs on juht for the saving of a fewcenis. We fill prescript ions right or not at all. There are grades and qual ities in drugs and chemicals, just as in fhoea and dry goods and clothing. One druggist buys one grade, another buys another grade. It depends entirely on how high a stand ard of excellence the druggist eets for himself, and main tains. You see, a man may, through force of circumstances buy a $2.00 pair ot shoes in stead of a 14. or 15. pair, knowing that he is not getting the best shoe; but with drugs it is different and he doesn't have any opportunity of test ing the drugs, and could not tell their therapeutic worth even if he did examine them. He must rely implicity upon the character of the drug store. Our Drug Store is known as the Quality Drug Store If you want the best let v.s put up your prescriptions and serve you as your family druggist i o Through some unaccountable delay by the transporta tion company we received a lot of Morris ( hairs after the Christifcas rush. Now as we are in need of lloor we will close all of them out for $7.50 Each IWOW is the time to look after your Kitchen Utensils if you need any pots, pans or kettles. Come and inspect our Warranted Tin and Graniteware. There is no equal in the market. LAST DAYS .of.. JANUARY SALE Friday and Saturday will be yonr last opportunity to supply your wants from our big stocks of lirug gists Sundries, Hooks and Mation ery at a discount of 20 to 40 per cent. Extra Specials for Friday and Saturday I quire Box of 1'aprr and En velope ... 5 quires Writing Taper for ... 5 Hunches of Envelopes for Atlas of the World latest Kd . Contains 7a mans Uxll and .c.R J2 3 55 aj6x6o map of the United State Decorated Crepe Tinsue per roll 15 Good Pack of Playing Cards . . ,o Crokinole board 67 Checkei Board and Checkers . .12 Don't Suffer a Cold To make yon miserable till yon wear it out or pet so sick yon have to have the doctor. A 35c bottle of Huntley's White Pine Balsam Will stop the cough heal ihe sore Ur,at-gie you a good n jhts rest. It it doesn't come back and get your money. Best of a'l it cures harmlessly Nothing in to injure a baby. ALMOND CREAM Our Almond Cream is a delight ful preparation for healing and softening the skin. It is some thing more than that It is a skin food. It builds up the tissues and restores the beamy and color of the - . . . complexion , . 25c. I! TS 3 'The Housefurnisher 4 4