Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1903)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY JANUARY SO, 1903, rM.iinviiii1lritrM' ' Correspondent ate r-tpies-ted to r tew their work. We will supply nil etrssary Mationery. lhe new from jour neighborhood should appear ii IheMM-olumna evcrv week. 'Hie husv teaon is past yn should renew your orrespondence wmk. I.'if an. The I.oc.m Hancit-n ac hool. which as H5nifil atwnit two weeks atto, had i f rt lesson lat KrnUv evening About twenty-five vour men L1 usshik lileil j kir i nut ruction but had Wen o ah.soilrtd ill thought llml l hey lu:lec(ed lo l-rni Wdies, and consequent y the bo 0111 umlieted them lour to one. Willi.un town, the reut violinist, furii'sln d the untie and Prof. J. K. Arthur instructed (lie da", which, it i-eetns, in further d nccd in expeiience than vears. and mill, undoubtedly, soon graduate v. it !i kih honors. Mullnu. Mike Pendleton was visiting here I. st week. Mr, Hounds and family have nioveil to Lil-ral. Mis Addie ('litiMeii a is at ,oine Hi is w inter. Adkins Imis. were running; their lns tint) week. Mis. Bin-lay is rook for the piling m p near Union Mills. A IVmirun is woikinn for the Tioliin gor hoys in the awmill. Mta. I.vons ?H'nt a lew Jys at Lvonn. ear Meliama week. Airiies Wa'Hu-e spent a few days with Kmy Lyons this week. We w ill try o renieent our li'lle hur: in i lie Knterpri-e in the future. A;ne8 wallaee was thrown from a hoise l-t Sunday hut not i-eiiously hurt. More rain, more ret, hut the Ore."n us are used to that so there's no kiek (rout t hf 111. Mrs. Minnie Gibson and daughter, Kutti, of S.ilem, are visiting .Mrs. I'an it'ls at present. Mri. I'aniel", who l as heer visiting ber daughter in I'tali the past month. Ikis returned home. Kred Woodsnle has rented Mr. Sirzer's fanufora year. 1 lie plce was foruit ily owned by I la 1 Vrry. Our school liis an excellent strt toward a Iihrary. A number of choice b uks have been pur- based. Mis. Ida Iodi:e and son, Alfrel, nre fluting at the home of the former's Bn'tber, Mrs. W. A. Wo"iiide ('.' T. How ard has purchased rpert of Hen Keller at Mil iiu. It was owned n ine years ao hy Win Wallai e. Fred. Kva and Airnes Wallace a e all hie to be in our inid-t iJiiin, e are f Ui to say, after a long siege of typhoid fever. An as:ent for fruit trees pistil inrouj;li re a few davs huo. lie is n-ent fur a oursery at Salem an 1 Hold a number id trees in this vicinity. Mnlino Spelling and Literary society was organized last weik. A'ter spelling 'ie hgiir the tirogramnie is rendered. They meet every .aluiday n;glit at the choolhouse. Maple Lane, (i. sclinule hasj tone to (Eastern Wasl B'ton lo look for a location. Consumption is a human weed flourishing best in weak lungs. Like other weeds it's easily dc-troytd while young; when old, sometimes im possible. Strengthen the lungs as you would weak land and the weeds will disappear. The best lung fertilizer is Scott's Emulsion. Salt pork is go'td too, but it is very hard to digest. Th.- time to treat consumj lion is when you begin trying to hide it from yourself. Olht-rs see it, you won't. D-jn't wait until you can't iefxive yourself any longer. B:giu with the first thought to take' Scott's Emulsion. If it i-n't really consumption so muoh the better; you will soon forget il and be better for the treatment. If it is consump tion you can't expect to be cured at once, but if you will begin in time and will be rigidly regular in your treat ment you will win. Scott's Emulsion, fresh air, rest all you can, eat all you can, that's the treatment and that's the best treatment. We will send you a little of the Emul sion free. I'e fire iat tlii picture 'm tlie lorn, ot a ldod it on ll, wipr of every tiotllt f SCOTT & BOWNO, Chemists, 409 Pearl St., N. Y. rry- an1 f f aT! rlrurrist. i BEST FOR THE BOWELS KmivvrT4T.ou'rUloriUb. kt of tolnt ihylo or pill Ktmt, U iWnrtvu. Th ratHUht, 4Mlt, mol MKoot wy ut kMpl&tf CANDY CATHARTIC EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY PlfMUM, PtUt.Mo. JVtxnt, Tali Oooit, P Oihv.1, tiever Siekn. W,.li(-n orl)rliH-i 10, m kn4 ii ent wr boi. WrltA fur fro Miupl, and bix let on ho.llh. AililnM til ttwilafl Rwnd CMpanp. Calcaf r Tor. KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN liranduu IVIto-i, w ho h is been sn k fur Mime tune is impro ni) very slowly. Miss Annie Mint, went, lo Portland Saturday to spend a wtek with lela ives I'larem-e, of Portland, is vis-itin.- his pi.ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. I". Williams. Mr. and Mrs. .I.ihn Surfin, o' Hrerfon City, are the i-ili-ts ul Mr. ainl Mr.-. Paiuel Williams. Mr. an I Mrs W place, w. re i ul i in: in !' is vicim v lust I". l'ra ton. of Park u tlo-irohl iii ighbuts er k . The new -grange ha' I at tins nlare t lies rU cninpleteil a- i!l en liuisbeil w ill prove a credil to the cian gets. Mrs. C'lira l'linrpe and daiiLhter, of S l.i-ei-b, M ., ri ibe guests i.f the former's parents. Mi. and .Mr-. N. W. Kichards. Ihiring the absence of Mr. ami Mrs. I ilr-li'ti h tr.iin their hinne nlie night lust j week, thiever. eutr'-ed and among other llni gs cnied otl" two Valuable e:lk ' Ires-rD Mr anil Mrs. Win tiailey ami rlaiigh- j ter ami. Mis. Win I'mii; and children, j .I1 id riiit Split gs, C'oo., Who have i tieell visring at Th is lUvies' h it Ibe I latter pirt ol the ,'ik for their Eastern hone. I I Lmrellce Mail'z a highly lespecled j young genih iiian if ibis p me. an I Miss I llianche .Mi'l'oril, ol M'. i'lea-aDt, were! married Sunday the 2;!rd. The yumig: couple have tile tu-.-l wir-hes of a bu.-t cl iriends lor n long and happy hfc. Miss l!ird:e Pi. kt rs o.i was tendered a pany I'V a nniuher of her Mends un tin- I7 b lust in honor of her eighth birthday. . The time was Very pleasantly 8;ent w i ll sanies and nther ainiiseiiieiita and relieshinents Were served. Tlio-e present were: llittie t'.ethke, l.elha ami Otis lacksnii. Ilenrv Heard, I'er'ha Agnifl ainl .Mamie Wouiins, liulwrt rw. vn, Carl and liny l xsuii, Paul tie and ainiii:c Koun'2, Ma-y ami liinl e IhckeiBoii. Kac'e I'reek. Mi-s Lily Hiiirini'ister is home with her parents Ibis w mt-r. We Lave been httvii soine very ra:n westlier, bill it 18 siioAli g here today Mr. and Mrs. Win. Pal mateer, ol lone, O .. will start loii.orro on their home waul tiip. Mis. Paliualeer is a daugliier of Mrs. tiibsuii, ili'i eased Mrs. Kniily (iibson, wife of .lames Ij'bsiui, iitrii las' 'Ihur-day night a' weive o'i'lock, a ter an tl nesH of i nly a few davs. She was 'aiieii serious y sick Sunday evening wiili pneuinotiia, and lived uiilv nntii Thursday night. She was buried at the,,n cemetery. Sunday, There was a lare attendance of relatives and friends to fubow her to her last resting place. A ipiiet wedding took place iiesr Fag'e Creek at 11 A. M Sunday, .lan iith The cnntracling par'iea were Mr. V. ti liawson, of Portland. Or., and Miss Myr tie.M. Wineset, of Kule Creek. 'I hey were married at the home of the bride's mother, Mr-. L. A Wineset t. Mr. J. P. Wnoille, J. P., ftlii'iatiui!. Their many friends wish them a long and happy journey through life Mr. and Mrs. I'awson will re-ide in Portland. Union Hall I'ipka is hiol. ling a bouse C Cra. Edmund Snyder visited relatives Aurora last Saturday. Martin Kii-hter and familv called Mr. and Mrs. Pinka last Friday. John Hums visit'-d his mother Mr. Nancy liurns one day laat week. J. D. Wilkersori was thp gii'-ut of J.I. L. Thomau and family last .Sunday. m. i i.'. :. . i. ,.f s.',..,. i' , ;u;i..,i her kin'.er, Mrs. Martha Items, lat Sat-! unlay. ' j fl A Tbr.mss was a nailer at the resi- I dence of ('has. Spangjer, of Cams, last i Sunday night. i J. Grader who has been visiting rela- ' Mr. Hoyland is tfoing lo move away tiveB here for some time returned to .New for a short time. Mr. Stimuli is (oinu Fa last Saturday. J to move on hia place. Charlie Thomas and Johnnie Mcintosh j Mr. in busy clearing ami inak werethe Kiiests of J. II. liurns and j inn fence on his farm, family last Sunday. Rmw imj im.lie(j Uje Henry Strcjc, of New Kra, has, moved sun (thinea as bright as ever, out to hi father's place He and his ,whinf t(lfl firHt ,Smillay in Fehru family intend to live with h.H parentH , , , K j , (j J , yj , during the w inter. ' 1 ' The youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. J'J HeShazer hai been improving hill Chan. Pinka died last Thursday al noon. iar'n putting up a picket fence around The child has been verv delicate and I hia orchard. feeble from the time oi ita birth. The ' ' baby was one year old. Its remains i were laid to rest last Sunday. Ibe be-1 reaved family have the ayinpatby of the 1 J entire neighborhood in the sad loss of i , their child. l i i t I i Go to thy rest fair child (jo to thy dreamless lied While yet so penile undefiled With blessings on thy head. Yap sin had sear'd the hreaat, Or sorrow woke the tear; Kims to thy home of changeless rest In your celestial sphere. OASTOTIIA. Bnanila Ite Kind Yw Ha Always Bcitfl ftgnatut of Thy upward win lUin No' ptMitlt nntfil, pik thy pUre A in lit the t licrilh tniiu. 'pi...... :n i ... i tMH'lttl Hhu H llu tflVl'U III llllOU lull !rt'iirliiv. Keh, 7tli. The proceed t of the entertainment w ill he used to liny a hell (or the n-houl Iioii-c. Kvcrylodv i-oiue anil all cf the :irln ho niiio ami hriiin well tlllinl baskets. All are- cnrdi ally invited to come. Wllll.rlt. It. aile and son are still in toe worn! business. Abeit and Ih-lhert rinnuas, of Sco'fa ; Mill. u einnhiyo I by C 1). Slaiightcr to slash biusli, i Mrs. Anna Ferguson, who h. sheen very low tor tome nun-, we aie glal to rei'crt is improving ( ,nt s possilile. A special Hihool toi'i'tiiig was called lat Saturday lor the purpose of voting a ' live mill tax (or the purpnso of coiili-iil-; ing Ibe spi liig, teilll of si'hool, bllt defenlcd. 1 arriucatrr. Sin w two inchcH deep. Meicuiyoil. ! Mrs. J. M. Seenii'Heii will return home : from Arn na the Hist nisi, llerilaiigliler : ill n main in Pbo iux. Her health is j improving. I The young people of the grange will give a programe at grange hall Sxlilnl iv veiiiiK, Kebiuaiv 7 Ii. Proceeds lor ; iiuihling hoise shed. I Iu-v. Match preaclied at Heaver t'n-i-k 'Sunday ainl contemplates preaching there In two weeks ag i n. He was very mill Ii missed at Springw a'er, N ' ''i .pi., iy l' his to :.'.'. I. M il'.i tl Is Hi, 'i . -I llltolll-l. Ii men uhty ll"- ! ..,. . hy 1 ! v s I . ai oii ..i r.W. Oil !: , . I- M ',,11, i:ni bl .1 I..II c ut i. ' tin in.:: .ii Il ( ill! t -' v To BlVO III til" Us.' o into lb. i... t-'tn, ii- " liipiid :'n. in 1'iirli .1 h-ini.:- 111 11 , t. r l 1 vn "r ,'! ..i 1 : - i ; tl.n I aim I i i.i.nA u ua H i-: 'luiLlif! tl.- ill I li l.iip. mriv in-' thl-e is 7" .'C!.!s. 1 'ni'-'ista it I mail. The liijuid form eiiihinl.ea the iciaol fropertica ut '-ho si l.d l ri puratiuu. (leaver Creek- Snow is Ibe order of olie tin vr. Mrs. I. Helling is on the sick list. The I. W. Thomas A Co. 'a wood camp lias begun again. Mr. And-rsoti and family left last week for Salmon. The eighth grade ex iiiiination is h.-ing hehl in the si n. Mil Una Week. John l'eiry, of U'aidtii-r, is visiting the ll. W. Pei iy litniii) ul present. II. W. riiomaa was in Portia, id this weik buying a stock ol seeds furfe seusur. W,i.. Daniels made a trip this w eek and bought lulu to I'oriland a new disk harrow. Mr. and Mis. ll. Hughs visited Mr , KuhiTis ui.-'j Mr-, peny and repotted that Mra. Unbelts im g-tttn woise. J tiin-M Slialilian, tin) llr-aver Creek phuiograi'h mail, took a picture ol the Heaver I'reek school ami pupils this Week. DR. FEVER'S KIDNEY and Backache All dlBeam of Kidneys, f T V 1 Bladder. Urinary Organs. I l III. Al-.i Rheumatism, Back I I I V r" ache HearlDiaease Cravel.i Dropsy, female Trouulea. Don't become discouraged. There ll I cure for you. I f w uv rite I ir. I emu r i Hi- has hpi'lit ll life l.ltiin Turing iu-l sucll cases u-sjutirH. Ail coiisiillations Free, "rijrht no ni t lis In tied, l.'-avy l..ii l,ai'lie, : pain anil snrriii'ss aiTo-s kiilii'- s. ai-o i In u frjr J. !li,aliiii. cnhir ri-nn ilii-s faih-il. Iir. l-i'n-riir s Ki'lney ,'iinl llai'l.arlie I tin' ciim 'I iiic eiiiti)lelely. II. WA'I'KKS. t. .N. V." Iiriiisl-ts. Mir.. l. A'-lf f.iri'iu.k l!o..k Froe. iST.VITUSANCE:::;,:;:'!;;'.;:!:: For Sale by Huntley Urothers Dnver. Clatk liowiuaii ia getting, better. Mr. Seward was at his home last Sun- ,iity' Mr. Kit.tniller and Mr. Woorli-I are h Hhingles. Mr. Wolf made Portland lust week. htisinesH trip to Carl A. IMatzlafT Cha. M. Much nke City irfW "6. CO. V ILU1VI BERi I ?.S..S?.2..2..f.2 wm There? have turn tuuea when the wild la-asta have lieeil more k"j merciful than human hritii-s, nnd sNirnl the woiiinu cast to tlu-ui in the arena. It la astonish ing, how lilth- svinpnihy wouirii have for women. In the home the inistresji vers the maid with the sinsol millet iii)( ahe recognuca no well, but ahe tloea not lighten the sick nil Pa liMrl liy a touch of her linger. In (lie stoic the forewoman sees the pallor and rxhnustioii which wolii.inlv wcakuraa, hut allowi liitluii lor thriti. Il la woik or cpiil ItiH-tor Pieive'a l'avorite Piesciipllon makes weak woim-u atroui and sick wonieii well, by curing the womanly ilisean-a which undrruiiue tile lienllli and sap the strcui;tli. " l'avorite Pre unption" eslabhhhea regulaiily, dne wciikctiitig drains, hi-ula iiillaininatioii and ulcrialiouand cuiri female weak ties. "When 1 fii-t roinmpiii-tit titing lr rtru-i-'t ni-.lh uir, wtilr .lr (.eoiiie A Slr.niK, of (.Aii-i-viHiit. Saran.,:', in , NY Wltv mll (irt. Iu4 II m true i: ivr.ikih s-. n itlvty'irr.thlr ilinlti. t'i'.ulliiJ I'.iMtti (i am, attit Inr.l In'liiig ul) 111- tl up I iti.iif.-cl hi. am, I tit i,a lur liu v,sr. Ilirvl I t,tl; ,M meillilllr. AUi't ukiin; I lie lust Uailc I ts-tmu l, Irel K.ur I i.k.k I. mr l-illrn.i in -i, r,r I'mnr llr l-ir-.vitiiti.iii Ivvn ,. ' Col. trit Mr.lual lU r.-vrr v ' oiii' ul ttir ' I'l-.i-atit I'rllrl ' n!o ll-iil.iilr. tMllli- ul pi ss lutntitl Now I tret like a nrtv i-tt I run I Ihstik vm it, hi . -It tut v.iiit kin I a '.vt.e anl I tic giKl im Well, me h.i il mr iiic " "l'.ivoritc Pnsi-iiptiiin " iniikea weak woitK-n sti'iti, sick uutiieu well. Ac cept no sul' tmiti- fur the medicine which winks, won, wis tor ui-.ik women. Dr. Pierce's Pica-, on Pillcls are the most dc&u.iMc Ualuu lor ilchcato wonn-ii. lireeiiwnuil. F!ltna McCormli'k left for Sun Francisco Thursday evening to he ahsent soinn time. Jack (Irindslatr, of Pleasant Homo, passed through (iruenwood Sunday on bia way home. Mr (iregorv i clearing a piece of land w hi, Ii, w hen tiuisbed, will imptove the looks nf hia place very much. The first snow of the season full yester dty, hut the ground being so Wet it niched nearlv as soon as il It'll. Mrs. McCorinick and daughter Pearl were visiting Mr. and Mia l L. Mc Corinick, ol (Inon City Friday, Kdtia Armstrong and Hessin Clark spent Siiinrday in Portland. Thee re turned Sun lav accompanied hy Fdlth A rmstrong of Portland. The heave rain of Friday and Satur day cause I Ih-aver creek lo overll iw its hanks. The wagon road was under water fur a short ilietauce which made it. rather unpleasant lor thosu who were obliged to cross. llollle ol 4 hit in lierln I a't iiukIi Itcmeil t'iirriiiil'l. We guiiantee everv bottle of Chnin Oi'ilain's Coiigh llrini-dv and will it-fond the inoncy Ii an wn e who la not satislied alter using two -thirds of the roiiti-nls This is the best p-nn-dy in the World for la grippe, coughs, colds, croup and w hooping rouli and is pi, a-iinl and s tie lo take. It preveiils any tendency of a cold to result in pile loi'inia. li. A. Hauling. KM'ira'lii. Jim I'irk is at W. H. .Jones,' on visit. Al Jones bought half of C. Smith's straw. I". I iviwmau has the school Wcllliouso coiiipleted. It is line. f The work on the llelvy roinl is im proving it very in i li 1 1 . The hull at Paiin-'s hop house. Kalur niglil was a grand success. Pert Lyons, ami Karnest Jones were coon hiiniiiik, one day this week. They killed a ven. J. li (ioip her and wife and Al Junes and w ife called on Will .Joiina and family Sunday evening. stiilturd. Anna Ilaker is on tint sick list. F'rcd Waehlte has relurtied from Oswego. Chns. Polivka has returned from the lin-tiopnlis. There has been a rumor of a landslide at Wilsonville. August Delker is shipping some of his spuds to Portland. Jennie Keichle win the ii'-st of M rs Weiseiiboru laat Sunday. (diss. WeiHeiihorn is digggng up some of his Dalian pi tine trees. Grandma Rentier is at Iho home ol Mrs. Schaber, who is very hick. Hev. Cluis. Waehtle, has returned from Portland where he has been attend ing to business. F'. F'redricka, of Tualatin, passed throuih this nlace with a load of onions euroute lor Oregon City. Mr. and Mrs. John Aden and little .1. Vfvrlti, nf Frre I'otlil Were spending Sunday with Mrs. Oldenstadt. 'I'lie Het-rel l I.oiik I. He. Consists in keeping all the main organs of the body in health, regular action, and in quickly destroying deadly disease germs. Fdectrie Bitten regulate Stom ach, Liver and Kidneys, purify the blood and give a splendid appetite. They work wonders in curiig Kidney Troubles, Fe male Complaints, Nervous Diseases, Constipation, Dyspepsia anil Malaria. Vigorous health and strength always fol low their nse. Only i')e, guaranteed by Geo. A. Harding, druggist. JOHN YOUNGER, Near Huntley's Drug Store, FORTY YEARSlXPEKIENCE IN Great Britain and America. i "Open YourWIouth and Shut Your Eyes' Tluit is ii ooi) ruin in Home lrii(t .torc., in iillii-rn von Imvf to keep your i-m h viii open. Ol-ra is a Htiiro in which you in a y Imy liliiulfulilcil. Kvcry iiuilily in rij;lit. Ami wn pi vi ymi what you usk fur without UI'HUIlH'tlt. You nre hh ciifc with us iih ymi nre with your tlm-tor. Ask him -ho k mows uk. HOWELL & J0NI:S Reliable DriiKKiMs (Inrdc Itulhllni: CIIAMl! iU-l IIOWK! I. S. J. YAU(i!IlXJPLUMRINCCHARC" Livery, Keeil utul SiileStuhli ORECONCITY. I.OHATKU BK1WKKN Til K UUIDOK AM tKI'OT. Douliln urul Single Rijjj , t u I -t.i tilt) horxfM iilwayn on IhiihI :it t: , lowi'Mt iirict'H. A ciirruil cotiiit'tti i with thf hum for hnme ctni-k. lufortiiiitloti regarding any kind o Bha k promptly attended to ny pernor. ' 'eller. Horsos Douvht and Sold. Ilorae Hoarjo 1 and Fed on reaa..n. hie lerma. ELLO .,l'o0 miles nf 1'iiitf ,l.r-' tiinco ti li-ihiMie n ire 'ii , Ori-;oii, Wiishinnti i ,('.i!i- fnriiin ami Malm nmv in n(M'rnti(iii hy the I'm-ilic Stiitiiui 'ri'lcplioiii; Coin tiany, ciivcriiin 'J,-.ii' toWllH . Quick, in curate, clie.ii All thti satisfaction of n titTHiiinil cniiiiiiiiiiiciitioii IliMtance tin i-ll'i-ct to ii clear uii'IiTHtiiiuliiiif. Ski k a n mnl San l-'raiu'isco iih easily iit-nril in 1'ort ' lanil. Oregon City ollico at Hjiidmirs Druir Stoiv. i: If. Greeiii PICNCER m$kf and Epfe, Freight anl purei-ln (h-livcrct! to all piirtH of the city. RATES - REASONABLE Physicans Trcscrilie it for thuir most Dolicato Patient. Old and Pure. FOR SALE BY . E. MATTHIAS -Sole Agency for Oregon City Bttn Hi M K'nl M MM Always Bought I -rn LINN lv .H (NKS ate no higher ban ilio-e i t any o'her 'rime, no I oars ate mi higher than rr- i-'e lelnh-re'l ih-lliallds, Wh tl we on hit alo-1" do hi a limn nigh and iin-l.ici"tv iiiHiiin r. Iln-te will i,, it he f.ruii'l tilt,-r "Or workman g,t il.t.iiiL'li with a j 'ham d.-lei tive -inta, ies pipe", loose nninei lions i r olher i' , ide in'es t .f " Kim m I ' ' wnk. Fvery ; :t t Mill I pi-rle. I. slid look pi'ifecl," i' I when Ibe hill conn s In you'd not ; (or any d'-ibic'ion. F. C. GADKE THE PLUMDEK .To mill, H a iii 1 1 y fviiiuo . CALIFORNIA V WINE H 0 U I ii jMtin S r e II t. I ii 1 1 1 t i t 1 m-mm ('alifortiiii I'.irt U ()) I. t I -t 'I II tl V Kxtra l'l I'.nt 1 "J-' I irli.-a 1 1- iin.l Mt ll.iw Hu prri'ir )I1 Port ainl Sherry 1 Nrlrrtt .l f--r Mt ilual I'm p..M t Kxtra Ultl Califoriiiii Sln-rrv. 1 ()" MmIhiiu, I'alr, Mt lH itlr ji ml li y Califoniia Tukiiy 1 ' hmilhill l.'i Mr nil- Sivi-.t Mn-i-.-iti-l , 1 ! lone U In. Sivecl (lata wh:i H It-It Angelica I ().") riofl, I'nli mnl l-liir l'.'xIiu'Mil (o-ilifiiriiiu Ani-lii-a 1 l't Siiin ti nhl ihj-i't t wine Extra Dry California Fnmnns Wines Siarkliiii; lliirgiiinly Hoc A t'U'itr MpitrkliriK w Inr SllllOlll'a (,'lal'l't (i.10 K It'll, fruity wlnr ICxtni Sonoiini Ziiifatidcl . . . . 7i! Nunc In-ttrr, u wrll mul urril wi lie Kxtra Sonoma IticHlinn 7fc A whir Hint will plrisr yntl Sonoma I lock Ooc Oilatlly ttiiNtiriiiHrit'il Sonoma Satiternn 1 00 A line otl white wine Fine dil. (irapn liriunly 2 7.r) Tile Kt-lluiiit', K""il 'ol lllipol tfil City Orders Delivered Free. Order Through Your Grocer. C E- Q A. iiliAJJ Y H A X -V A -v E. I. SIAS DKALER IX Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Fjiectacles. All kintla of Repairing nnatly done and warranted. CAN BY, OUEUON