OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 23,1903 J 4ftirtn i"ifv IntmttiPf lis TOLD IN SIDEHEADS. Wil l. It Piiomotkii. Ivy Pttrk, llni rustling Insurance man who Into been running mi liiNiirHiii n Ij um rn-Mn in (Inn cliy, attended III" reglllsr i'larleily Itii nt iihM meeting ill llni Parllhi Mill mil In- miranceC pany, In I'orl Uml Halurday night niwl hss Is-eu iiiniiiHii k pinum tillll III ft ll'W lllnlllllH lo a larger llnlll a.iuiewhere in Utah. Mr. I'nrk Is wide awake I lisihcs niitll uinl his hiin i m IN an-med. To Hkiii un I k I'M.vr Ja I'. livett, ilin !' man, whl shortly lehulhl liia .o plant, wlii.h I'M Ini'l mined swuV (r us ul. I stand next to the, M iiir mill for Hih ni'w inili mill mw under li, ,n. The new hepl.int will probably I r t-i t I In IIih ill, I ("barman store j.i.n l'ti iil iiml I'm ii tl i mnl la In he e. pipped with fVi'iy new Improve- K a i n.'i i"i,irv lur lui tit it iC oiii a nisi class aril. hi. WnllKIV" I V K H TlMI!. Kef-older Ili-iiiy S i-v"ii has been moie limn kt-t-1-ii,g ,.i.g hours In III" "III " Hi" !" week lln in-h l woik la due lo two reasons, inn. i.l w hu ll being tlmi li ran mil nl lioks and had lo wall lur the new mil' I , I v , the other riM"ii being 1 1 L Woik has I ti cmiing ill laaier than Hi" (order and h s i leik" aie able lo attend In It. Nearly every every evening last wei k Mr. H.-u-ns was at In" dek till right u'.-Uk mi, I 1'ila wok lh rush con tinues hIiiio 'I 'I" I11'. Hubert Wli khaui, tin I'M soldier, m l..wlv iiiiiri.vn,K Itiim Inn long ll Mr. Wiikliam Ima I -! eoiillued lo liia ,H, nl t r.iiitliiiioinlv (or the. past two yeais fn in severe stnnui' li troubles Mini it will In i,( deep interest lo his iiimiv (rii'inla to know that this g I old "'" u i.m mend. Ml. Wlrkhain I M i- who ha Mil lewoVable n-cnid lor biav.-iv I n tin- War ol Hi" Rebellion. Noiik I' until more bravely tliaii li", mnl j li, i , inolu palleliliy tl'" limiMilpl , ( war. Fm.s IImThoi una. A mm I'.v Hi" lisuie.d William Wainer, who liaa been ,,t a.uun ill Alaska employed ly Capfaiil J. 1. ''-y "' "'" Yukon Sll-IIUI I,,,. Is, ended Ina troulili"! Ill" I"' Sl"r .lay minium; I'V taking mi overdose o( ,,,r i". Tli" poor l.'llow Iiml come from I'ortliinil Hi" 'I'lV Ih'Ioim W illi Hi" intention ol obtaining woik soinew here in tl." c.niilv. Being disappointed III thia uii.l mIiii.wI penniless, li" sc.urd room in Hi" I'lnlip I1"""' moon mnl tin li" t liioiini'il, w Inl" foinini! ilow n ataira, Ml to ll,., IU,r ili'ii'l. Soul" miirpliili" wua in liia poi kri nl tli" rnroimr'H jury ,ionoilll.f,l iri-atli Hi" M-ailU o( Mil iiver (im. d( mnipliiii". II" ' miitil" noin hii.I Iml v.'ty lilUn Hniiiiiiiti"l in tin-Mi ,.irl. Pam mii: Si it. IVrlmpH lln inoal in-ti-n-f I itic milt t ll.i ti-"n ol tli" rirrnit l oiirt waa that IIihIIIHIi',1 l.y tli Kill'lorf Ihivh MkMH"" Hi" ' W. I'. & Ky- I ". ,.r iliiin.H"" iinan.it from rilimiiiK lln-ir mil way liii" iliioiuh tln'ir larin in nr l.i'iit", ('liirkiiiiiaN 1'ouiiiy. Arilnir Kimloil, mi., nl Hi" pluliilitl lo III" r.iM", H of- fin-.l fT'Kl I. v Hi" ritilway ioin.,iny T H E a OLD COUNTRY If you wish to (tend money to the "Old Country," you can do ho cattily and cheaply through this bank. We Ihhuc draftu pay able in ncurly a 1 1 countries fcj Hank of Oregon City it! OKI-COX CITY. OKI:. IA I'M V. I 1 I "ll. ' i . ... limit Mi(o mi M rompli-l" fiiui-oii- ioo 'i liiintt'. Iml III" "inn wua r..ili,l.'rf. lliii,i-.ii,it" .in,l mil Wiih lir,'iil,t l.y tin-Hk-k'i ii'Vi-il partit a to r.-.-ovcr liili.-r iliim-iiiit-a. A II .lay M.ni.liiv Hi" i-oiitt'Ht waxi-il warm Hi,, I l.ii" III" aiini" lillit ll Wi lli to tin. jury. Kulv T.i",liv iiioMiinu Hi" jnrv rum" in wild H vi'iilut of flll'illtl mi hi;." I.,r III" pl.lil.llll-.. 'Hi" pl.iii'tiir iihk". in tlinr t- tiii -I ui ii (or Koin.'iliim; lik"i,HHI. Tax I.kw Madi: Tim H,mnl ol CiilllliV ('..lililiiaMolirlit lui I ' li'l".V till)" Innt W""k, tlii'ir tilli" l."ilik' "liii-llv oi-i-n- ll'.I K I I I lit lilHM in .ii-i t-r mi i mi nw I'liia i. Ill, " oarrii-a III atui k M "oinpli'tn linivof l"tl lil.mka of evi-ry viirmty, Mii'l w" r" ,r.-p;iri-'l to llll or.liira l.y mall on aliort notlr". (liKHKlia Koit Urn tillAIIK. I,at Krnliiv Hi" ll'li !ru,is lutM llni liaiiul i-li-clioli ol i.Mi.'.Tit lor III" riMiialiil"r if tint V"r ; for prt-aiilmil. III rlinta dio-i-IliMilni liiiiioinz ; for m-rri-lMiy, 1IIU i.'iiii"r mil I lor IrfaaiiriT, l(,ilpii .M.-lln, I III! L'Iiim w ill liol.l M lili-i-lliiK II lllll" l.iliT hint il.-i'i.l" on rl.taa rolora hii, make Ilm prnllniinary MrXii','MO'iiU lor Ilm rniiimiini't-iiii-iil fxitrtirca ni-xl "pritiK. IIai K Kiiom San I'ham iito II. K. Croaa l"tiirii". thia wn-k lioin A W"k'l viait at Smii I' rain'iai'o wlmr li W"lil mh I a ri'pr.'.-nUii v.. In lint iih-i-Iimk of lltf I'mi-I Iiir 1:ohI l"liailMil'l I Aaaia iatloll. M'. ('roan wiih d"i". to tin) ollire of pr"iil"lit ul Ilm ttuar.l of MmiuK.-ra. A" pn-ai li'iit of lint Ixianl .Mr. I iota will li.iV" laiKt-ly iiiiil.'r liia iimtrol Hi" Work o( M"l"CiinK tal"i.l (or tli" four Raaocia lioiia on Una i-ohhI. I' Iihh !--r il"ri,"l thai Ilm Willaiimil" Vull.'V (1iiitMiiiiM AaaiM'iiiiion will n.""i Ml (iIhiIiIoii" park oh Hi" H'li .1 iy of July in'Xt hii.I roil tinmi lo Mini mi'lti'ltt Hi" '.'i',i 1 1 day of July. NotmoMvsy Aktkk All.. A voiiiik la, I hr th" n.imo ol riioalrr K'M'ly waa uiri'ait'.l In tln I'i'V on" il.iv lat w-i-k ly Clni'f o( I'o.i. " hurii", (or raoipinir from j.nl at ('irviillia. Tin' younu ffllow wiih iwootlu-r va'ruitM ha, I i-nmniitl"l un iiKrt inli mi M younu' fi'How Hi I'orvallia hy III" nam" of t ii-ori;" Kli-k", a aiinlflil ai O. A. ('. Kt-a.lv tin, I h""ii nnprinont'il in Hi" '.'oiviillla jiil t.ut hiii-rt-cl",l in iniikini! an cc:i," ami lui.l i-otii" lo (In- oni" i ,.oii Ciiv ihiiikiint that h" w,ni, "IT.Tt mi HM'.iat : li" ri'iirlit'.l l arkplarit ami waa milking W"o, projii'a lowur.l liia "fcapi wi "!i tl," vigilant l liii'."' c-tiiiftit him ami Hi-lit him hark to wIiito lie ihiii" (min. i la to la. tlm t,i l"vv lor tint yi'iir l!ki:l Tim total ia W'l iiiiIIh. tlm aaiim aa yiar. lh" iippoitioiiini'iit ia an (ollowa; atal" tl nulla, roiinty 12 mi I It. atattt atliool I nulla, roi't II inilU, t itul .'!- tii-llw. H"-ai.ti-a Uiia th"l W ill h" M,,l"il aperinl achoul tax In "ili'h ilialrirt. Ill li"k!oli t'lly thia will I," 7' miHa. Tim taxpav "ra in Or.-Kon City will pay a toul tax of ahont lo1.. milla, th.t i-ity iax to lutahont 7 millH. Whil" lh" l"vy ia ll.' milla. ilm a nni' iin last yi-ur, ll ii up 01 li. li"'l it littl" ililli-ri-nt. Th" Hint" lax im 1 mill l"a than hint v. ar, mm lh" valuation of Ilm propi.rly in 1 rff iiml lh" mnouiil in-(mri-, 1 , r tli" H'atit ia Ice. I'lai kilinaH toiintv'H shari-of th" Hlal.t tiix thia year ia J.'.,lnn. Tkai'IIiii io Mki;i" A wi'i'k from Salnr.lay ilm toarhi-iH of I'larkainii" ciiiiiity lint lo liohl li-ui-hi-m' iiu'etinu at Mihh I irac" (. MarahaH'M Hi lio.il lioiia", Nw Kru. Th" proraiiini" will h" of Hpi-rial IiiIiti'hI hm all of tlm fimlri ImlorM are nn'l api-aki-ra ami well inloriii"il in tlm Hiilij.-i tH w hirh thny art) to liamllii. Tim fnlluwiiiK will tin tlm proj;rHiiiiiii', HiilijiM-t, of ronrsit, lo oliaiii!" : Kli-t-tion of ullii i.ra lor tlm itnaiiiiiK yar; a papi-r on Klitini'ntury Hi'ii-nrit hy llarohl A. Kanila, a latu Krailimtii from Uorimll Univt'raity ; ri'port of I'onnnllli'u on pri'iiiinma for in iliiatrial work : intcniii-Hii n ; lmkt't mak iiit;, Mih Ti'HHa I.arkina, of M iritiiiii ; "Nfhool room Dttroration," Mihh Mary S. Harlow, of Harlow; "Attention," A. T. Whii'Ih'h, C'anhy oiiool; "Tlm Recita tion, KuiiIih to Im 'Avoideil," ('liarlen HaiiHon, Hood View mmool ; "Thn Art of (itiHHtioiiinjr," J. (1. Noe, l)ryUml Bi'liool ; "Sonm Klenmiila o( a (iood Kei'ltation," Mrs. Kliiulietli Ituck, of l'arkplaeu. Hknkkit Kntkrtainmknt. Tlm yonni; people of Mt. I'luamint are uolhteliiiK money (or a library ami on laat Friilay evening they liulil an ptitcrtainment at the Ml. I'leaaant Rcliool honmi for the lienelit of the Bame. The program con Biated chiefly of soniffl, retutaliono, dia l iliiieg and reailinua ami in every detail it reflected credit on the partic-ipantH. The niimher which nerliapn deaervea special inetition was the mirth provok ing drama in three tela entitled "Dia monds and Hearts." This wad very funny and kept the audience in laughter moBt of the time. Another feature de serving special mention was the instru inental mimic furnished by tile Telford boys vho played triii?ed inBtrunienta and played ao pleaainnly that several hearty encores were given thorn. All the yoniiK actors in the play were dressed up and diPguiHed in a manner highly gtmiHing, all of them wearing wigs and varigated coHtumeH. The proceeds net ted a goodly sum and with one or two more such entertainments good library w ill be started. Home time in February another entertainment will be given of a similar nature lor the benefit of the side walk fund. Mmii' Ai' I. ah, ii:. Umoois am out that a in in dill hei'il Been on ill the in, , ll i.t .i ii h al, out eiiihl mil. -a limn Mo ulin, m ho-" conduct liiduali-t ii.xaiiity. II" has liet'ii Been aevernl tiuit't hy the people of that Hi'ction and he m"a all the time ai il he dure not see any unit and aa if lie was afraid ol lna hi". He apemla liia time in a liltl" onl of the way hut. What Im livea on ia mvaterv. aa IiihI I no oiih tir i iiif h him foil. I and he never ap- i.eara at anv of i'io country aloies for aiippliea. A Uv or bo ago people eiilim into town mid Informed th" nlieriirahoiit tlm ipieer arlioiiH of the man nini if he I'oniiuiiea Ioiil' to reniain in tlice parts, Mr. Shaver w ill m ike a trip into the mountains and hriii.' the had man to town. To I.iii'ri iik ox OiihiioN. tieori:" II. Ilimes, aecielaiy of the ' rcon Hiftoriral society, will appear in Oregon (My in the very near future and deliver a lecture on Oregon City and its very early his tory. Mr. Iluims has been (or a long limit very deeply interested in Oregon City history and has collected much valuable information about tlm little city hy Ilm falls and his lecliiro promises to be of rare interest to tint public. He will tali of Oregon City before it was any more than a few InitH, before the while man i.ml demonstrated his suprem acy orsel up Ma authority over the place. He has collected inn. b choice data re lating buck to this antiquated period and all who feel an interest in the romantic past of the beautiful little burg will have a splendid opportunity to learn new (acts. The time and place will be an nounced a little later when and where this address is lo Ihi given. It will be miller the auspices of Die Mothers' Club of this city. rilKSIIIKNT BUOWNKIX. If Oil. Geo. C. lirownoll, of Clackamas county, was elected l'resident of the Oregon Senate, over Hr. Andrew C. Smith, of I'ortland, The contest was close and exciting, w ith the odds against Hrownell, for the reason that Smith had the solid support of the live senators from Multnomah county. Hut Hiowne.ll is a fighter, who has been elected three times to the Senate in the face of tremendous opposition, regardless of all sorts of calumny in some of the newspapers. No combination of politi cians, in or out of bis own party, with wholesale lying and Blander, lias been able to beat him at home where lie is best known, and he always gets just about what he goes after in the Legisla ture, as lie has ostitis occasion. Mile? is one of the ablest of the politicians ol Ore gon, and has more grit and slaying quali ties than any of them. He is good na tured, not to men'ion good looking, as his pictures in the papers show, obliging, kind and extremely devoted to bis friends, who are numerous and powerful. Like men who have any success in busi ness or politics, he has some enemies who have magnified his little failings and misrepresented him on all occasions. He has supportnd the referendum and nearly every measure in which the peo ple generally are interested, bat has sel dom received any credit for so doing. His success is a striking vindication. The Oregon State Journal. Hai.ic or t'HoeKHTir. Last Haturday tlm saloon property owned by John Cook, the ea. aped debtor, w ill be sold in execu tion of Judgment. Mr. Cook has not been seen nor heard from since his de parture several day ago, ConsuinkI) to AavLi'M Mary (ireen, who live up on the Clackamas river, was examined in-fore JtnlgH Kyan Mon day afternoon and adjudged insane. The unfortunate woman lias aiilfcred from ill health for a long tune and her inenlul downfall bin been expected. Ikai ii or Chu n Mry, tlm two-year old daughter of Mr. and Mia. Chailea O.loni.ell, died at Saturday at lh" par eiita' residence on Kleveulh and Jackaon stieela, ami the bun ml occurred Sunday afternoon from the hou.e. Itev. Mr iriiiiin olliciiiled mii.I the leiiiaius were iulerred at Mountain View. Kkhvii.-kn Nor IUi.d. Sundiy last liolh in n ning Mini evening .-i vices at tlm I'resb) terian i hiircli were dirpensed with owing o Urn fact thai Itev. Mr. Frank Mixsell was ill and routined to his room. His illness not being serious, Ilm usual services will in all p,ol,al,ilrv he held i.ext Sunday to which the public is Invited. Is Ir a Thoi tTmah' CoiiNt.ible Harry Moody made a flying trip to Needy Tues day and arrested one Isaac H. Miller for aetiinu up w hat the complaining witness, I, ihn dickey, claims is a lioul trap Hi lioi k Crck. Tl.it kind of Mconlrivance. MS everyone kliowa, is linlaalu! :n the stale on ai cunt, ol the fact that it gitti ers In mIiiioI all tiie lish III the stream, p.-rmi'ting none to pa s. The defendant, Mr. Miller, caum inio Oregon (My Wed nead.iv and tliioujb bis attorney, (iranl It. Ibuiick, repl.e I to the complaint w itb tlieMiiswerlhatltietro.il trap was no trout irap st all I nr. rather a tiah ladder Mr. Miller further alleges thai there are no li-b ill this part of Ihe stream at this seiiMoii of the year, Miiy way, and that a trap of any kind cannot do anv damae or injure (he rights of other parties. The case will not be heard till next week and possibly not then, as the dittrict attor ney is now at Salem. Aiuinii(i Ixt-AXK. One Fred Wat kins was examined belore the county court Wednesday for insanity, adjudged insane and sent lo the asylum, lie is a had man and wave tlm men who cae lined him a hard struggle before I hey succeeded ill subjecting In in lo their will. The man has been cutting up stranife antics for a long time, lias lieeii living n eipmatered life, eating only occasionall" ami begging for what lie then ate. The people in tint Wilhoil country where this straiiL'" man has been living for some tune, have naturally been fearful of him, not knowing at what moment lie might do some violence or commit some crime. When the boys ileliiai.ded his surrender he n-rihied and undertook lo use an me and a butcher kittle in self .If It-tint-. Kr nei Itiisscil, who i Heeled bis captuic, was obliged In shoot Ilm .nan in the left arm to protect himself as Watkins came mailing at In in with tlm knife and was ahoiit to do him harm. When being brought into tow li the pur man talked in a iiesullory wav about the M.isons and kept going bom one siilij.-ct to an other, talking all the lliuu incuht-icnlly and very foolishly. A Fink Law 1'oixr. A matter t!ul has been of much interest to lawyers was decided by Judge Mcl'.ride laat Monday. In June, hi HI, II. O. Junes procured a divorce from his wife, Cather ine, and was given the custo ly of their laughter. Vera K. Jone", a child live yens of age, b;s wife making no appear ance in tlm sun. Lust October Mr. Jones died and the gralldl.it her. J. A Jones, through his attorney tiled a s-Ution in the Coiiutv Court asifing lo be appointed guardian of the child. Mrs. Jones, who lias since miiri ied, tiled a niotioii in the Circuit Court asking the court lo modify the (lectee of divorce and aw .ir.1 the child lo the mother, thus ignoring the petition for a guardian entirely, lioidon K. Hayes appealing as counsel (or the mother ol the child. A spirited legal discussion was had in the Circuit Court upon the million. Jiiilg,. Mi-Bride took the matter under advisement lor shout tell days ami rendered a decision holding that the Circuit Court still bad jurisdiction of the child notwithstanding the death of tlm plaiutill in tlm suit and that the de fendant had since married another man Judge Have cited ileeisions which con vinced the court that it had not lost jur isdiction of the child by the dealb of the father, although the opposite opinion has l.ereioiore been entertained by Judge Mcllride. WILL SEND $4.00 FREE. To F.ach Iteuili-r Fmiklin lllle, M. I)., I.L. II , the Wfallliy ( hlciign Kuedal. M, Will Si-lid .'..i Worth or ills Nrtr Imllililual Ireslitient Frte. That I)r. Miles is one of the most suc cessful and reliable ol physicians is proven by bundled of testimonials from well-known people. One pa'ieiit cured after fail, ire ol eleven (irsu.l Itapids physicians, two sfter having Ih-cii given up by six or seven Oicavo hysicini.s, another after nine of tlm leiding doctors in New York City, rinladelphia and Chicago tailed. Thousands ol testimo nial sent on n 'pifsl. The late I'rul. J. S. Jewell, M. ).. ed itor of th" Journal of Nervous and Men tal Illaeutms, ijhln-hed at Chicago, al vired 1 1 r . Miles to ' hy all meana publish lour surprising results." 1'rof. J. I'. KnsB, M. I J., l'resident of Hush Medical College, wrote in 1K74: Ir. Miles lias taken two comses of my private instruc tion in diseases of Ihe lieail slid Innga." Col. N. ii. l'Hiker, Kx-Treaaurerof South Carolina, sa : "1 lielieve I'r. Miles to he an attentive ami skilllul physician iu t Meld wlii.li requites the lest qnallMes of bead and heart. " Oil. A. M. tucker, late (iciiera! Manager of N. Y , L. E & W. system ol railways, says: "Dr. i Miles' success as a nliyaician has been plieuomii.a'." ('ol F. I! Spileinan. of the Dili H'-gulars, L'. S. A., San Diego, Cab, says: "Your Special Treatment has worked wonders when all els.- f.nle.. 1 bad employed the l,.-nl medical talent and has spent U.UIO." When an rxperieu I and wealthy iiliysK-ian ofC-ia to prescribe In-e $eTiMS) wortli of treatment for dp-eases uf the heart, nerves, stomach, or dropsy, it is conclusive evidence that be has great faith in bis skill. And when hundreds of prominent men and women fieely testify to his tniiu tl skill and Urn sup eriority of bis New Individual Tieai meiit, his libeiHliiy is certainly worthy of serious coni,er,ition. Tin Doctor's tie svstem of treatment is thoroughly H,:ientific and iiiiineiisely uperior to ordinary methods. As ah atllicted readers insy have $4 00 wortli ol treatment especially piesciilied for each case, free, Willi full dneclions, we would adv'ae them to send for a Copyrighted Kxauiination Chart al once. Address Dr. Franklin Miles, ar. to Slate "treet, Chicago, III. O o O o o o o o o o o Q O o o J o o o o o O s a o o 0000 WWW WW WW WWWW 9 o ) O O O C) o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o CG0D THE FINAL WIND-UP of the Great Sacrifice Re modeling Sale ia nearly at hand and it would pay yrni to call and look over the bargains in Clothing, Nats, Shoea, Furnishings, Ktc. prices that no fair huyer can afford to let go by. Call and examine. J. M . PRICE U P T O -)q ATE CLOTHIER COCO O00O CO GC30 Dkatii or Jamks Haut. --Monday night at 7 ::1U o'clock, James Hart pissed aaa at his home near Arthur's Frairie, aged I'kS years. Th deceased leaves a wife and several grown Up children. Mrs. I'eler Nehren and Mrs. Sieve (ireen are Btep-dailgblers of the decease-l. The fu neral wh field Wednesday and tlm le maius were laid to rest at Arthur's I'rni rie. y AwNi.siiS t i KTTi.NG Oi.ti. Many of our good people in Oiegon City need lo re plaee iheir old awning with new one", especially in the snitb end of town. Some ol the awnings in front o' ilm busi ness liouses are a sight lo behold, ere ragged and be.." binned with dirt. This condition of slf.irs ni ght do for a town where tlm business men are not s ri t.y up-lo-ilute but in the village wlice ail the store building are attractive ulilice and where the business men know bow to do business the fiont of their stores ought to be in keeping wi'h tlm enter enterprising spirit of the men who run them. AliMITTKD TO PRACTICK. J. H. WeSt- over, editor of the Courier went to Si lem Tuesday in company with Grant B. Dimick and was admitted to practice law in the state on the recommendation of Mayor Dimick. Mr. Westover has been for many years a law practitioner and tbe only requirement necessary for one ii) the case is to show bis credentials and be recommended by some one familiar with hisrecord. He declaies that it is not his intention to practice law much but wants to be able to do so if the occasion requires it. Si'IRItkd Revivals. Kev. Daniel Shepardaon and wife are holding a pro tracted series of gospel meetings in the baptist church in this city this week and it it-justice to thi talented gentleman to sav that never in the history of the church have such pleasing services been held. Mr. Shepardson is a man of fine talents, a speaker of great force and best of all is in every sense of the word Christian man in deed as well as in pre cept. He is delivering a series of lec tures eveiy evening and every afternoon and the auditorium of the church has l.-en well filled. These sermons will continue all this week and through next week to 3 iturday nigh'. Mrs. Sliepird g n is a talented musicuu and her efforts together with her husband's are very effective indeed. The public is inyited snd no one will regret attending. Prifekty Sold The desirable lot owned by V. B. Wiggins north of the Wiggins residence nas been sold to A. Uoetling, and already Mr. Uoetling has commenced to erect a sightly eight-rooia cottage on it. Moved Shops. F. A. Parker, the popular loosorialiBt, has moved his bar ber parlors from the old Jaggar building into the store room formerly occupied by Howell & Jone. Tbe room has been divided by a partition making two rooms out of the one, and in the oilier depart ment will be moved the firm of Cramer A Freytag, cigar makers. These rooms are considerable of an improvement over tbe old stands and an immediate increase of business is e peeled. Yocno Debaters Meet. Tnesday night the Academy debators met at the schoolhouse and held a rousing debate of the question of "Resolved that the reading of fiction is a detriment to stu dents." The speakers on the affirm live were (i. W Pogue and Alvin Mack ; negative Ivy Park and George Califf. The discussion was spirited and close and ended in a decision in favor of the negative. The time set fo' the debate with the Thursday Night Debating Club, of Portland, has not vet been decided, it remaining for the Portland club to ar range tbe same. Fine Black Petticoats at cost. Racket Store. The Futerprise $1.50 per year. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. life J ..I 1ST Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor ana cheertulness soon disappear when the kid neys are out of order or diseased. Kidney trouble has V sal-l i become so prevalent l thai II le nrtf nnrnmrnnn I for a child to be bcrn iKlJ afflicted with weak kid- 1 nt,e If h .KIM i,rln. ates too otten, tt tne urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it, the cause of the difficulty Is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble Is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect ol Swamp-Root is soon realized. It Is told by druggists, In fifty- nl mnA An Hnllar V... k.... . V- ft'W I UU.ui.luJ sample bottle by mall ifiJU f... alert namrli 1 lIL v iMmvllnnL ' .. .... . . . ,. - -M tUm I lng ail aooui li. including many ui u thousands of testimonial letters receive from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kllmei & Co., Blnghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. "Don't make anyJmisUke, but remem ber tho name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and tbe address, Bing ham ton. N. Y., on every bottle. maM. i I BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN IK WHITE SEWING MACHINES Possibly you may be interested in the pur chase of a Sewing Machine. If so we would like to have you come in and look over our machines, - -1 - The finest and best adopted for family sew ing is the new Rotary White. Below are some of 'the recent improvements. , SIMPLICITY and DURABILITY of J the Shuttle Driving me, hatuam BALL P.KAUIXGS It is fitted with Ball Bearing in Stand Wheel Hub and Tieadle. assuring light running THK TENSION RELEASOR Oierating with the lifer instantly removes ail tension from the thread SPEED By reason of the rotoary principles embodied in the inaL-hine, it is capable of running at a very high rate of speed FEED All the motion of the feed are absolutely positive, n springs being used iu connection with same TIIE TENSION INDICATOR shows always the state of tbe 11 n at a glance PATENT DUST CAPS on needle and press bars, which prevent the ingress of dust ' , . 8 THE BOBBIN Is very large and can be readily removed and replaced in a few moments. - - . .... STITCH INDICATOR It can be changed without loosening c' tightening of a thumb screw. , SPECIAL ATTACHMENTS We furnish a full set free with al' machines . We have Machines at different makes and prices Our Drop-Head Is the best $25.00 Machine made We sell Sewing Machines on the installment plan. . . BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN THE OREGON CITY JEWELERS. OREGON CITY, OREGON.