Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 23, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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Okttiox Cuy Enterprise.
CITY AM I'Ol'XTY Ml'l'lUlL l'Al'KK.
Published Evpiy Friday.
Subscription Rates.
iTourt of t!u United States, whieh is now ottered him
as an alternative to tln governorship.
I It is certain that his wishes have the. same direction
lHtiU and that he has remained in Manila as he went
j there, from a sense of public duty impressed upon him
'by two Presidents and confirmed by his own intense
j desire to promote the cause of good government in the
I islands.
m j,0!ir $2 W It is easy to understands therefore, liw completely
SU months. 1 lK.Vhe has won the atVections of the peopto. lie has been
Trial subscription, two months -'absolutely free from the suspicion of self-seeking, and
A discount of r0 cents on all subscriptions for one vuxiWi, vrwmVAy, his ca.acity
xmr. '2" cents for six months, if pant in advance. , , ' 1 i i,- , n,., l.n;
jhi.. urn.. i 1 aud his cbtiracter have conuneiuleil luni to the rill-
i pinos as they did to the citizens of Cincinnati who
'bade him godspeed upon hi dillicult mission. Kvents
rr-t !j have justified the feeling of his friends that the np-
Subseribers will find the date of expiration stamped ; pointinent was one of the best ever made by a Prcsi
w their papers following their name. If this is not f t, I'nited S'ates.
rhange.1 within two weeks after a payment kindly no-,
tifv us ami the matter will receive our auenuou.
if inn
.! Tuk prelimiiuirv report just made by the director
I of the mint shows that the gold production of the
Untered at the postofiiee at Oiecon 0r,,Pon a i'nitl.vl States in the calendar year l'.'OJ was close to
second class matter. J $S-J,0HUH)0. while the silver output, commercial value,
'was :f7.1.(HX00O. This is the highest point ever
touched for gold in this country. The silver produc
tion has often been surpassed, though in recent years
j there has not been much of a variation from the tig-
A Bill That Should Not Pass. jures of 1"'02. It is us to the gold output that the
Kepreentative Martin, of Soulh Dakota, in remin-jcountry will have special reason to felicitate itself,
ivontn.'ood.thether.l.iv introduced the following The highest joint reached when the rahfor.ua pro
little bi'l in Coivn ' ( duction was at its maximum was .n ISC-C. when the
Pe it enacted bv the Senate ami House of Kepre-, country s output was nut mai wa nr r,
nontutives of the i'nited States of America, in Congress all from California. Then there was a decline, which
assembled. That the "Jlst day of tVtoU-r of eachyear, ; brought the production down to f .".li.lKUI.Otlw in 1SS.'!,
the anniversary of the discovery of America by Chris-1 w j,;, 0aiue t, iUt.rt'ase which has sent the
topher Columbus, is hereby made a legal public holi-; s-W.U. In almost everv
dav under the name of Columbus dav. to all intents ( u r . . '
and purposes, in the same manner and etlect as the partumlar IW2 was the greatest linanc.al year in the
first Monday of September, known as Labor day, is ! country's history. The aggregate money supply of
now made by law a public holiday. I the I'nited States in the year was larger than ever
This is such a little bill and combines so large a ln-fort'. So was the per capita of the cash in active
proportion of sentiment with such a modicum of use- j circulation. 'The gold held in tjie treasury, the gold
fulness that it may inconsiderately Wallowed to add! owm,j (,v t lit? government, and the gold in actual cir
another to our already long list of National holidays. J culatiou was, in each case, greater in VMV than in
Let us hope that it will not pass. The discoverer f ! any previous year. The number ot the national
the Western World, though slighted when it came to j hanks wfts larger than ever before, and so was the
the naming of his findings, has still been gratefully ca;;h j their reserves, ami the cash biddings of the
remembered as its discoverer in many substantial j lnk in the country's ultimate reserve center, New
wavs. Quite a number of monuments have been f't Virk. The loans by the New York banks, as well as
up in public places to his memory and to the honor of ( the ,-jMsits in those institutions, were greater than
his achievement. The tract pet apart for and dedi-; n ;111V previous year. It was a notably favorable
cated to the uses of the (Jove rnnient ts the seat of its j v,.ar j the country's financial history. The year
capital and the center of its power bears his name. which has just begun, however, stands an excellent
Few if anv states in tin A meriean Union are with-0i1;in,.,. to surpass l'.lD'J in that field. In the neigh
out a county l eariiu the name Columbia: two capital l,(,rU)od tf t'00. H l.i H M ) is in process of distribution
cities bear the same name, and the smaller cities' and j at this time in New York city alone for dividends and
post towns that perpetuate it literally absurd. Our . intere.-t on shares of the various sorts. This will all
great Columbian Exposition was ordered in honor of j i,e seeking investment, and in the present condition
Lis discovery and called after him: every schoolboy j ,,f industrial activity, all of it will probably find prof
iu the land, through all of these hundreds of yearsj j table employment. The monetary outlook in the
ha? been drilled in the glory of the great navigator, j -utv, States has never been brighter than it is at
and on all of our festal days the strains of "Hail, Co-, this moment,
lumbia." are given to the winds by hundreds of brass
bands in commemoration not only of his name, but of, Tiik legislature is apt to go to an extreme in trying
th grand results in liberty and expansion that his ! to protect the forests and settlers from such Cues as
,1',-ei.verv made i.os.-ilile. : we had th- last year. The dang- r is gn at from these
True, we have no special dav of idleness and noise ' fires and the damage caused is very hu;gi still reason
and general suspension of businesi called Columbus ! must be used In restricting these (ires. To kiv that
UT, but, to say the truth, we really have not felt the j the farmers of the state shall not, burn slashings dur
need of it. N'or is there any great or pressing de- j ing the dry season would be working a great hard
inand for it now. What with Christmas, New Year's, 1 ship and so increase the cost of clearing land as to
Fourth of July. Lincoln day. Wa-hincton's birthday, 1 practically prohibit the clearing of large tracts and
Arbor day. Memorial day, Thanksgiving ami Labor ! retard the ih velopiuent of the state. In an average
day, we a':- gretty well supplied with National holi- j season the ground is not dry enough before the middle
davH. and in he "stress of modern life we may well ! of August to make any great danger from forest tires
ak to be excu-ed from having anymore add-d to the, after that time the danger increases rapidly. In our
calendar of idleness under the specious plea of honor- ! opinion any law passed by the legislature should take
ing somebody who s-rhaps in life was a strenuous j into consideration the fact that large areas ,,f the
worker and ti'-v-r himself took a holiday. state are not cleared and to clear them the farmers
The American people are in the habit of taking all ; must burn slashings or bo put to a greater expense
the holidays th-y want without waiting f,r or asking ' than they can stand in clearing the land. If the
the con-u-of Congress. The ''day off is a regular ; farmers are given until the middle of August they
institution in most, or at least many, vocations; the ! could take care of their slashings with little- or no
Summer vacation is an institution that has come to danger of forest fires. To prohibit them from setting
stay; Sun. lay is still secure from secular pursuits and j fires in clearing land from June to October is to re
has become for thousands a simple weekly holiday, j tard the development of the state.
And w!i'-i, we take into consideration the fact that the "
ordinary ii dividual never needs rest so much as on Clackamas Coi.'.vty gets some good places on com
the day flowing a holiday, with ''celebration" feat- j mittees in the House. Huntley is on Railroads, As
ures and accompaniments, practical people may cer-: fiessments and Taxation, and Medicine and Pharmacy,
tainly be excused if they are strongly disinclined to j Webster is chairman of Fishing Industries and on
have another National holiday added to our already j .;nrolled Bills. Paulsen is chairman of the commit
lonj li.-t. Oregonian. J tee on Agriculture and on Roads and Highways, and
"" Internal Improvements. These are some of the most
The Popularity Of Governor Taft important committees of the House and very import-
The remarkable demonstration at Manila which was ant measures will come before them to be considered,
intended Vj express the desire of the people that Gov- It is in the committee room that legislation is largely
ernor Taft should remain in his present position was made.
undoubtedly of popular origin and thoroughly (sincere.
For thouga it ie possible for politicians to get up such Tim.max, the Lieutenant-Governor of South Caro
demonstrations in their own interest the Huggestion j lina, and a cousin of the pitchfork Senator, has allow
ofany contdvanceofthe kind would be absurd in this j ed ! vengeful temper to make a murderer of him
case, since it is known beyond question that the gov- j Apparently without provocation, and like the cow
ernor did not go to the Philippines to gratify a per- ardly assassin that he is, he shot down a man on the
sonal ambition; and that his plans have never con- street, witnoui warning or excuse, oecause ins victim
Catarrhal Diseases arc Most
Prevalent in Winter.
Pc-ru-na Never Fails Jo Cure
Catarrh Wherever
Tliero ro Home lloiu-' which r
r.iro us futo, iiiul cim In- retled mi nxM'cur
to nl leiixt one Imlf of tlie hili uoi finally
unlt'im mi nils tire t:ikcii to (tv i nt.
Tirt, tin eliiuuto ut wluier i mini
brlii); enliU.
Smuiul, imIiU net iriiiitly eurd r
urn to can-" cniiiri h.
Thiol, cuu.iili iniiroiirly IitiiIihI In
ill In to llllll.i' Hie nllol'1 ll. ul lilli'i'l lll'li'i
t'KUirrli i.o..ii :t nn i rt.nl m funellull nf
(he IukIv. ll l ea:nlili' nf ili'slmylliu
HiKhl. I;iste, hiunl!, Iu':irli!!,1 illui'sllnll,
I,.. rrOi.n, ii -mi. I: Oi'ii anil vretlnti.
It ii-rv:iili rurf I'.u I ( Hie liumiitl
IhhIv, ll. .. I, f.ir..:.!, M-m:-h, l-'WelN,
linuu-lieit li.:- s Inn liver, kiilllejn,
IjIiuI.Iit mill i.iln'i' pi'l iii nru-iuis,
Thai I'l l': -i eni'.'H eiiOin h M le'revnr
IniMleil is I.' -Oil t.y Hie fulhiwuu ''
liinnni;its ill in: rrlv unsnllelliil In
I r. lliuiei l.y k r:fct-f itl tm n pint Wi
moil l:i!i:i. I n "-ii rut hy IVruitu:
,s,st.-ii.U' tat.iirli.
M. K. I! 'll . 'Ii, K;.'!rimiul, n.,
HTii-: "I I. ul i-.il irrh nil lliriiuth niv
..Win f'T lrt Vi :irs tin. I ennlil n-t im
r. i :t f. I ,i. ml . i-nl tn try 1'eriiini uiul
I lii.ve l:i'... u !' Ih.I'I.'s nf ll unit ma
m .1 mnl N lli r tinw Dim I luiMi lii'U
f ir yi'iirn. 1 run iu'. i : liny i'M w l'
luiM'.il.irrh of uny p.irl nf Ihe liily lo
tike firiu'ii. My Imh' ii I rl wlm U
rli-veii yeiirii nl.l li.nl ia!irr!i, Iml
rnie.l l.y lVriiiiii. r. 'furi' t l'Cim to
t.il.e I'i'run.i t was si' U nil tin- time, hut
ii.iw I inn entirely eurnl, Hint ul! nili.n
laaue lVrtii.a." Mrs. M, K. Itiium h.
Cularrh nf tin ims
(r. llenn.iii r.hlUe,u.JlTi liariliitriK't,
MilwuiikiHi, I.-., write:
T inn entirely eureil nf my 'tiirrh nf
the in wo hy yur l'eriinii. My oiwm
ft tuvrro nrn ." IIitiiiiiii lihlhi'.
4'nl.irrli uf tit 'I'tirimt.
R. It. Kiunuii, Saiesvilh'.O., write-:
I Nil fieri il it Ii ealarrh nf the thmat
fur live yearH. I was lint ;i--il tn try
l'ei una. I have Um il live l.it'li s mnl urn
perfectly v. II." II. II. liunvmi.
'totnrrll of i lie l.nr.
Wr. Aiehin (iiKlill, lv Iletwll Btreet,
l-'itehhurj:, M lss., write:
l'l run t hiw eunil Hie nf ealiirrli nf
tne inldill'jcar. I fcel l tler Ihmi IhUV'o
for .vell J'MUTII." Arehlu i.ndlu.
7 1 "!v:N
i 7
i lira iuh'
I ll II Vfc VWYil
11 J V..v.
4 utarrh i f 1 k
Mm. Kiulliu KinU.li.itT, Aila, Minn.,
" riiiniiKh a vlnlent enlil fimlmeteil
last winter, I Ue-iine iitllleti-il with eii
tiirrh nf the in.-e, w hleli III it Hhnrt time
atTeeteit my lun-. I imk I'eruim IiInIi
eunil me thnrn-.n-hlv. I llnW feel U tter
I luiii 1 hae f..r fnrty yeurN." Mtn.
r.uilllo Klri khufT.
i In rr Ii of IIik llln. liter.
Mr. Ji.hn Smith, ;ill S. Thlnl triet.
Ati liii.ii, Kan., nl. :
"I wan tniulilnl wllh rnt.irrli of the
urethrit uiul hlail.l. r fur two jer. At
the tline I w rote tn ynii I w uiuler the
e an. nf my limne il'i'tur, uiul had Ixvn
fur four month...
"I followed your dlreetlon but two
month, mid en uny I'uuiia en red lue
nf that troiihlti." John Smith.
Catnrrh nf 'I hi HemU
Mr. I). II. Il:imey w rite In rii'etit
letter from I'lnn lllutT, Arkn tho fol
low ini;:
" My nun, ld-nn llniusey, four yearn nf
ui;e, HiilfVriil with ealiirrli 'if the head
fur eighteen or twenty niuiith. lie louk
one Imttlu of your l'eruua mid could
llear U Kood NOi r."- l. K. lUuuey.
(Rlnrrli uf 111 Hliliify.
l'eter J. I nuerJIaw ley. I'R.,wrllM l
"1 think that I am Mrfei-tlv eurmlol
ealarrh of the kidney hy l'erun, M
I havn no truiihlu of ony klnii.'
1. J. Unxer.
Cntitrrh uf Till Mluiiinrh.
A. WraVe, nf llaliimond, In,
w rttluK to lr. Ilarliuaii, nyt
"I am well of ealarrh nf Ihn htoina.'h
after nuir.'iiii two ymir. I have taken
live UiltleN of l'eruna and nlinnf Mana
lln and I feel like a uew matt now.''
A. V, Ciruve.
IVUIa Urrli. "
MUrt Katie Ixn'hinan, Lkftyrttfl, Iui'n,
w rlU'i
" I luul dvli' ealarrh, jmln In tho t..
doiueii, haek, h ul Ntoiuaeh truiil.leand
heatlaehe eaiineil hy ealarrh. 1 fnllowii'
your dlris'lloii: tk rernnaand Mana
lilt aeeorilir.i; lo illreetloii, and )ioW
happy I f.tl that I f til relieved of
iieh a dutrei,. .Inn ailment." M Imi KlU
l hmiitl.
( Kliiri ll of 1 lie llnwrla,
Mr. ll. nrj i:utioii, Soulh lleiid, Ini,
write :
Tin- duel ir al.l I had i-'ilnrrh of th
UiweU iii.iI 1 t'H.k h i e ilieine, bill
with no f. 1 w a ; ' t :.U'-Wurim all
the III"".
" Itef lle 1 Im.l t ll n a 1
rerun i I f-'ii l.i.e i i -.v I.
tf ynii do ii"i r iv j.r.
Ifaei.rv r.- nil i (... . i i
Imtlhl (if
- Henry
w rite ut i nee l.
fllll ll'l' lli III
ll.' plell.e l .,
Vli'" V'rilt..
A1 li I'r.
The I l.u t iinti
In. Ii
It ir!
.oi l Hat
. I'i riina,
I In' WlU
i il lo ad-
tent ot
Enterprise and V. Oregonian $2
teii)iIate'l a long official residence there.
At the inception of the Philippine war he was an
anti-expansionist, and when he was i-elected for his
(' present jost the choice waa determined by President
McKinlejr'H knowledge of his sterling qualities. There
was never a clearer case of the office seeking the man.
The career to which the appointee had devoted him
self was a judicial one, and for this he had the highest
qualifications. lie was exceptionally well versed in
the law, was distinguished for his breadth of mind
and fine iise of character, and though young he had
already had a long experience on the bench. His
ambition was directed toward a seat in tho Supreme
an editor, had ventured to oppose the murderous
savage in politics. Tillman supposes this is a speci
men of Southern chivalry. He should be taught that
it is detestable, dastardly murder. Telegram
Wagxek's heirs got royalties amounting to $1 15,00f)
from performances and sales of his music last year
They have probably decided by this time that if Wag
nerian music is a joke it's a good one.
Kixo Leopold and the czar start in with the fond
hope that this may be a bombleBS year.
This is
Your Chance!
To luy good at jiices to
suit your purso- V! have
just finished stocktaking and
must reduce our stock to make
room for Spring and Summer
(ioodH. J'ijj .Reductions in
Shirt Waists, and Skirts of the
latest Styles, Dry Good,Under
v wear, Hosiery, Shoes and etc,'
of the best make and quality..
Men's and J'oy VClothing,
Hats, Gloves and etc. at prices
that no prudent buyer ever
jThe Red ppontj