OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, 190.H CORRESPONDENCE 1 SS tttx jtvg nfr .A. Aj&jft A -KV v .v- t'oiresponihlUs are leqiestetl to re ap their work. We will supply nil it-rn-Kaiy stationery. I lie new Iroiu j nr neighborhood elmiiht appear in Il cse eiiliiniiis every week. Hie hnsv i a. on is past yen slumUl renew ycur vt ripomlence woik. BEST FOR THE BOWELS I If y ktwo l rtiUr. hHlihr miTaiinl of the lww.lt rr dvr.yoa'c tUnrwtU b. K'i'r fc..wl. oi'n, nj b troll. ir In tho hj n( i violent ihjitf or (till poUim, l ,Liirrviit. Tl I nuHitho!. OMtcat. m.tot ttorfoot wav uf bMiUu tht bow.li olru ftiiJ rloon ! to tk pi out Is to ttlrtin Iae all manufactures lier of young folk alien Itiil, nil report that nisy btiiltl up Oregon. In short, ill njovahle evening. support hum ImliiKtrv. Th Uratigem i ,, , of l.niiaii, treated llieir visitors moat1 Mia Jeesiw NttUoii was ralliM 10 Ortt- royally a ii'.n.l repast IhhIi for dinner , 1 "v ",Hl t'r'".v y ' serious ami supper was hail. Wllholt U. T. Slaughter is on the s:ck list. I'. H. Vorlu is is busy lur.itling atVtiie A Wylaml made a trip to Silveiton I It W days fO. Mrs. Ann Kurneson in veiy low at the piesent writing:. Orlan Thorns has k'rtatlv improved tie looks of his ranch by binhling a new cellar. Frank Yorheie who has been working in lonland lor I lie past year i visitinjt fi tends in this section the past week. John liruehont: who has been sutler ii k' wilh pneumonia the past month, we glad to report is able to Ik- up ami an uml. A Willioit has not h-'en rcpreented in the columns of the Enterprise for t me time, I will emleavor to send in a ft w note to let Mr. West.iver know that tin Kmerprife is still alive ami the old I p. rty if he noes say not. CANDY M QJ CATHARTIC ! illneat of her giamliinither, Mra. who lesides on the Went Sldo, iKnlgtt, Mulallk. Molitlhi is to bv a telephone t enter in the near future. l'uvi.l Vox hua Hoi. I his saw mill to the I Mtirvin tiros , who will move it to liar aiville. EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY PtoMn, PaUUMe, Pntont, Tn.to Hood, P flood, h.r Sltk-n, Wain or ()rit 10, n it to null iwr bo. W rlto tot trw tuuil, ami book. Utoa health. AdJroaa tn Hwllag RMNdr Comotmy. ChlttM er Htm York. KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN I he new aiilewalk to .ion eemelerv ia eotnpletetl to tint home ot Mr. Ihilscliel. The line ne.it her the past two Weeks hus I n a great hell) torla tho work. Several of the membeia of the 1. O. I). K loibe went to Anioia TliniHtlay even I ing to visit the lo.lne, the oi'tasioii being Mis. Pavia an. I Mra. Lemon, t iar-' 'nstaiUiion ol otlieoia, tlegiee Work ami lieM. are visiting their niollier, Mrc. J, ; iipfr aliei w ai ili. I'Iiohk going Weie M. Mo.-re, for a few weeks, A.linn Knuht, An.ly Knight, V llnr- ...... i Mimlia, tV IUu'h, II. lUir, O. Kvaim, K. i ii" linn n er ih a-f iimiuaiing iH)iisii- ias ami lr. It ilitian. I erahle liniber at Wnghi'a luiilge Log ! . uiiiiii:oi a ifiuoiia operuilon oil the Molalla. Ilailli'lil. K lloring ia tlituiug his potato clop. '. Stir lace ia Improving hia fjiiu very in u l . Wetlnesil.iy, the HM.. There w as a latge attenilaiiee aiul an ei j ivahle time. On Sainrilav evening, January St, at the piibhf hall, the Orange will have a basket micihI with annronriale liter.nv exercise. Kverybotly is inviieil ee i ' Mias l.eona Ki rgbuiini is lionso keeper allv the Utiles, who'll elteei (till v meet ' lor M r.. How mull. Horn ; to the wile of Mr. Itowinan a .ton, Willi a luce lunch for two. The Starhuck-M.Kire debate S.tbhatli otiestio hi the I .-.infant question is on in nil n ast. 1 lie moil enjoyable tlanee of the sea-j r.ight si't'echen on each sitln have al son was given at t lie resilience ol Mr. I re.ilv been maile ami as each speaker James II. 1'irowii last rrelav eve. Alanil hamlle the scriptures very eleverlv the fony Aliens were present ami everybody ! people have hutl opporlunity to her tiie deolaretl it was li-ie. M's. lirown knows ! word pretty thoroughly eMioiuiiletl eon- Sh ubel. Tom Puffy mile a business trip to Oregon City Saturday, Mrs. Fred Moehnke i visi ing her d milliter, Mrs. Chris. Blnlim, of Oregon City. A number of young folks attended the Hance given by Fisher Bros.. Saturday at CI trkes. Miss Klnora iiinther spent Saturday nsuinu her sis;er, Mrs. C. lirasier, at Oregon City, M:ss Lvtlia ll.irniluih spent Sunday Willi Ijer Irien i, II tzel liiniher. U io uml Albert llorushuli have me to Salem. Fliuira and Fra'ik Giienlher were ten-tler-d a pleasant s irprise last Tuesday night by their numerous fueuJe. All i'j yed themselves. A pleasant siinoi-e was tendered Mr. ami Mrs. Albert M .iehnke last Thursday n:!it by a number of their friends. Tde evening was pa.-sed in games and dane ii.g until a late hour, when all returned home feeling hettei lor having been there. how to enter'aiii her guests. Mrs Wal'er Kircbein, worthy lecturer of Marilnik' Orange, has oiganized a con test amoiii! the youniT peoi-le of I lie I giange, lo run until Jtilv, the losing side loiuuiislian otier supper Tl.ey are known as the l.octin I.ookoiita ami llartl ing Huitlers. The I.ogan Lookouts car rim! off t he honors hut time. Ilinry up, Hust'ers . cerning ihe "SahlHih. And the hel I'HM o .lie ilisi-tis.-ion ia thai holh tin piliants conduct themselvea as gintie men slioultl. Union lhtll. J. H. (turns is clearing land Charlie Thouus is ou the sick list. T. J. Cirimes is c-uuing wooti for J. Mattock. Otto Striker is working i i the Adkins Several Loviinites eompliiln that they Bros ' saw m 11. have had night victors in their chicken- . M'MMes. une p.niv savs ins nocK is re 'lOl- ; , . , ,. tin rti one nan. l,"tii ami Mime. Mr. ,, Hattou, of Stone, is very nick this week. Those lovely days of lust week are a thing of (he ptft now Mef-srx. (. riiik-lutiiks, of F. tst I'oitland, have purchai-ed the (. L. Clarke farm. M'S. 1' Smith, formerly of this place, hut w ho has resided in Kansas, ia here ak'in to reside ami is looking for a locution. John I.a'iih was a vij-it r at John z ins' lait Sunday. Frank Hilton made a hiiMiicss Canhv last Friday. of Joseph Perrim:er was ihe guest Mike tl turns last Saiurday l ihi. Mrs. J. L. Thoiims visited her daugh ter, Mrs. Netlie Kiggs, Ian l'uestlay. Horn, to '.he wife of O'rin A lkins. a h . Orrin is proud of Ihe tact that he l- papa. Andrew (iraeshabor wti a uleaiani caller at the residence of John Burns last Monday. Logan- A Johimton !ia moved into his new liun-e on the corner. Pini-es see n to be j,e chief anuse-ui-'nt in Logan now. los got among Mr. Kerr's geese the vtner night nil I kil.e 1 lour. I .lames JI. Brown, on going lo his straw j si a k last Frid ty noon, (jural one of his j be-t cow s dead. Mitt Mary Swales has returned hom j from Oregon City, w here sba ha been working lor llm p.i-t six weeks. There is somebody w ho likes chickens, j turkeys and potatoes in our burg and; takes them at night. Belter be careful People are not always asleep. The many friends of Bilph Tricy ten v.i ...... I ... la.. 11 ....... ....I i.. lr't' i.hte fr u,,.l ll..r.lin.. i: Pomoiii Orange met at the MardiiiK (range hall in regular session on said day. Che hall was parked until wen standing room was bard to find. Two hundred and forty were in attendance, of w Inch a class of tK were initiated in the liti h degree of Pomona. The hall was h tndioiiielv decorated with ever greens and Oregon grae. The Mute master, C. 0 Leedv, ami oilier late tlignitarieB were present. There was a double installation of nll'lcers, both Hard ing and l'"inona cllicera were iustalletl llenrv Knight, of Cunby. is hauling I ')V Mrs A Nitlm, of Fvening Siar cedar uoits from riioins linmei l.laci. ! l,r""ie, the beautiful service being per to Canhv. 1 1"'1 1,1 every tletail. Mrs. Niblm baa all ihe work iiimnorined. A bountiful re-i Past was eerved at noon, ami alsostipfa-r I son, January 10 h. Mr. S.trver has iputn a lot of ground plow oil ready lor aeeiliug, Mr '. S. Iliiiruian in tile a tup to Cur ruisvibo olio tlaV laal week, 11. II. Andeta w fit and lam.ly were Ihe RUi sis ol I'M Bates, Nun. lay. Pock I'alinu'ecr ia liol so well. This weallier does not ugiee wall him. Win. Porter an I mother were the iie.-ita ol Mrs. Chit'. Sai vui Miuduy. The Mm. lay sclnsil is progressing ill. -ely. .Uts.llold.il m Htioei iiiuuitleiii. Win. Palmateer and wife, of lone, tiille.l on his mother, .Mrs. Sarah I'at muted . II. Kpperson who his been absent Ir.uii home on huiin-s, relurned ului- tl.t night Mrs Manila Pavis has gone to Port- lund to vtnil her ilailglilei , Mis. 1.1. Piliikin. Miss Mmjoriii Ki igb.tiiin baa none to Oh i llirVi I le lo t ale for Mra. Jin. O. l inn u ho is ipillo III, W. P. SiniHiii and wife, of Mount lilhor, spent the past a-,. It at Pork Pal- III . h er a u i lil relumed hulne Alondav. "Open Your Mouth and Shut Your Eyes" Tluil ii ii iiiiiil rtilo in some drujc utorcs lr.it in ntlirrn vim It iivo tti keep your even ivitlo tipru. Otirn ih it httiro in wliicli you nmy luiy lilintlf.iltletl. ICvi'ry tjtmlity in right. Ami wo give you what you iiHk fur without argument, Ytiu urn iih hhA1 wilh un ns nro with your ilnctnr. Ask him ho knows uk. you HOWIiLL & wlONI:S Reliable DrujjKl-ts (Inrde Itulhllng CIIAMBFIM IIOWKI.I. I.I N.N P. Jii.NFS Miss A. Ilitkeii'-ioihein, our ellicieut school lea. her. ia boar ling al John Pans during Mrs. Irvuu's ahneme. Mrs. K. Pavn ami her sister, Miss C. Lemon went lo .Molalla to 'pen. I a fort night with their nun her, Mrs. M. Moore. Wm. Holder killed Ihe largest pork jet killed III liartield. Weight, .'it III Ihs. net ll was of BuiksliirH bieetl, J years old and from Ihe I. "Id farm. Lloyd Luna has his dwelling finished an I is ipnte a neat lnile building. What la lacking in si.e la made up in neaiiiens. N Xl IS a boilHt-Keeper. Ij lite a number fr itii tiarli -Id Oranga S. J. V A IH. UN IPUJMDINCCHAPCrs F.ivery, Fi'ftl uml Sal Stable ' ORECON CITY. I.OI'ATEU BK1WKK.S Til E BKIUUK httroT. Duuhle iirnl SiiK'l" ilim. uml sad U horsen ulwiiye on hautl at Ku ! IowfM iriiT.H. A corral I cDiniiH'tt't! ! with the Imru for lnotte Htuck. ' Information regarding any kiml m i slot k promptly attended to by person . ; ;ciht. I Horsos Douir-ht and Sold. BUND- FOLD. Blindfold woman ami s!ie loses all conli (lence in herself. Her step is slow, hesitating ami uncertain Hr I hands are raised I to ward the im I aginary blows dered him a g trj rise last Friday evening. which threaten Dancing was the feature of the evening, her. When a Pomona Grange held its regular meet ing with Harding Orange, No. U'2, last TW.W'?:..1 I I , . . ' I... I 1... '..... ... i. I .v... .... .. f ...... a. I 111 I lie evening, line important question j voie.1 on was in favor of the $.-,0.1 00 ae i "tM,rl H t,M nj.iyal.lt, nine. Ihe j iiropristmn bv the sla'e for the Uw js weather was hue lor the trip. I nil. I Clark expoM ion. "K)ositiona are Mr-. -s. P. livan is til Spi ague vontiiig I the time keepers o progress." Let us 1 '. er iLiughier, r. A Foli nil Slot ha the ex i-it inn, hv all means. i lo"k her grain I -daugiiier w o h her as she I ' : expei IS to h i gone noine lime. Horses Itoartled ami Fed hie terms. (-)ELLOH in reaaon KetlUutl ' , The new pastor for the Viola circuit lias urn veil. Smith t Stone's, saw mill whistle can ; now lie heard. The liltle sin am of Linns Funk are ' bad colii the I'lile li'tle daughter ill with veiv sic It woman seeks the means of htiltii she is often like a woman blindfold. She has smi connuence. Mie cannut tell what her effort will lead to. She turns now to this side and then to the other in uncer tainty and ihniht. The sick woman w ho uses Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription mav do so with absolute conhOence. It invites open eyed investigation. There need la- no -pt it . , v.l hesitation ia following the hundreds of 1 ne i.niKinpj' SICK, Wnatj thounds of women who have found a a crowd of them there are: I SiJinrewon,il,,ly i,ls '" lhe use PerSOnS Who are thin and! , ".Favori,te Prescription " cures irregu . , I lanty and dries weal:i-nin;; tlrains. It Weak bUt r.Ot SICK CnOU'rh ! llea! inflammation and ulreralion and to go to bed. "Chrome cases" that's : ;-n'"h,-'f-" what the doctors call them,," Avhieli in common Knglish means long' sickness. To stop the continued loss of llc-h they need Scott's JimuNion. i:orthe feeling of weakness they need Scott's I:mul.-ion. It makes new flesh and gives new life to the weak system. Scott's . i t mm an.-i weak persons out of the rut. It makes new, rich blood, strengthens the nerves and gives appetite for ordinary food. Scott's I-mulsion can be taken as long as sickness lasts and do good all the time. There's new and flesh in every dose, Horn to Ihe w ife of Herman Shaslinger on the 1 Iih, a hoy. School Put. .No, is steadily growing. I Ii. r. Linn la busy logging aith his ; donkey engine w hich Iih linds a great i improvement over oxen. I . P. II. Mosher, who has been under uie doeior s care lor Hie past two mouth J mc.visit. Mr Slev.-ns returin r, .... ,, , ir.n , .n uiiiovoig itiiu e.- leaving .tirs. Mevena an I son tinte a inini'i -r ol the ciu.em ol H tr- ;'.eid, are sull 'iiiig wnh a severe cold I whn ll seems to he epidemic. Archie I Voiiliii was so sick that I hey had lo tall ; a phy-of Mil. Fred Covey took bis two oting-sH umlherlt'sH children over to I'.oyd to Ins ' fithi-ranil inoiher, leaving the oldest son for coiniauy to J. P. Irvan, bis. giiludlatber. ! (iarlield I irangx is to have an enter-' lain nun t and Im-ket so. nil in the near future Ihe proteeiln to be il-e. in budd ing the new hall. All are welcome. Come spend a pleasant evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stevens of l Portland, gave Mrs. Stevens' cures female wenkne'-s. " With a hrdrt lull . -r.o-n int: nut over tl:- I i w lit)--- I nn wmin wi;I t- rll- Mrs i . .rn I. I nre. Wash v.---. ii O, frrffl v-verlv fr.iTi frr t in l-'l h trr-al ' . ri' he barica. he aii'l n'.wti. I ..in in. in . ! t il ile l-rw-rii.M'.n. soul Im-ivh-n I wa. . h.- if w.rk wilh l.ul l:tta- t.:. I hin(f an'i it ii. v. T ' r I t;ik-ii .vn h..:tl ' 1 w rijae.Ti mill i.w .1 hi Srnart W'i fl rtn.l ..-- l'-ll'-l.' l-.-Hn-c r bail'l sav 1 li-k r r i In. I'lerc-'s I'l -a,.-. nt I'eilets cure Lil iousness and sic- he-nhicht-. - lo von for n'-Tid- l'l r.rul ii..- ;u nir I that ..mii- r .nf- 'ir-rt.'- - .ii.lll.-i " ' . r - r ri -; .r i ii,; - ur- i iml " 1 li t-! mif i'-- i: .iri'l h-wl to .( I...- l:m- tl.fi h.n.l n hi h it M. V wliMi 1 irijf :t!' Ijt I'.-r' f l-avi.r-I lea tak-n two U.ttVs " ... I ' 11 all'! ll'j mv on. Can fen eat nnv- n.f ;.-iv ii..,:.- Have I'e ,i i- -, I ..v. nlr It . f.mt '.iiTi'! Keini r,f l .i .i hi I'. a.-oit v. .!:,. My h.l. J pects soon to be out. K lward Morgan is repairing his sep arator. This will till a long felt want as , it ha been several years since there was i machine owned hyVir own home poi , ulace. ! Our vicinity is being canvassed by a ! representative of the Oregon Nui-ery Co. This company has good trees, as i your corrispondent viiited their packing ; hoii-n this winter and can speak from I observation. j Clarence H'.ilenstine, w ho is employer! I as clerk in Fellow 's grocery store in ! Portland, spent Sum! ty vi-iling his grandparents. He also called upon your corn-hp indent. tirain sowing and plowing has been . the occupation of our busy farmers dur ing Ihe past two weeks. A very large aceritge lias I eeu plowed during the good weather. tst i parents a 1 I home ! at her I She and her halm have, a severe I par-ills. cold. tj'iite an enjoyable candy pull and p.tiiy was given the young people, of 'iarlield, hv the Messrs. (irover K rig h.iiiin an I Millard Sarver assisted by M'n l.eona K righiniiii ai the result-nee of Mr. and Mm Conr id Krighauiu. All report a pleas ml tun" A surprise party was given by the young people to the. Mies Lou and Nora 1 1 il II ma n at Ihe new residence of Sam Iliili'mau. '1 here were about ,'! present ; afu-r spending some hours in social chat intei-.nTi-. wild iniistt: and games, the gin-siM parloolt of refn-sh-ments and ba le their ho-tt g aid night hoping to enjoy many iu-li parties. , 2,HKI miles if l.ino ilir-- tance ti'li'iilitino wire in Oregon, Viishiti(.'ttiii,('ali. fnruia uiul Itlalm imiv in opiriititui !y tin' I'ni-ilic St lit ii ill Tt'li-iliiuie ('tun puny, cnvirin L','J.")U towns . Quick, iu citriitc, i heii All tlii Hfitisl'.ictitin of persnii.al cotiiiiniiiicatioii I'istanre no elli-ct to ttli-itr tiiiiltTstiiiiiliiij. Sio. kaiin ntnl San Francisco hs fitcilv iii-anl m l'ort- l.i.i.l. Orenon City oHici- nt Hani hi js Dru Store. are no higher 'hau ih.n in anv other Iraite, and oon ate no higher than se. v ice remlered ihoniirida. Wbal we iiiideiliike lo do iii a thorough Mild til i(.iC(m v manlier Theln will i.mI be found alter nor wnltmaii git Ihriiiigh w t b a j ih anv deli-ci jve j mil -, leaky pipe. Ioiimc cuiineci imm or ollnr I'M'I ' S of "scamped" w ok. L'vi I V put will be ptole I, and look pifecl, mi. I Ih n I he hill 1 1. in. k l n you'll i i ak (or any i i i- I hi-' u m. F. C. GADKE THE PLUM0ER .f.r.T.r.'T'r.'rr.T'r.'r.T.'T'.r'r.'q Family Wines3 i t, V I, . Mulii St f, IM. Mi 1 1 1 ',i t w CALIFORNIA N E H 0 U C. I Cnni PIONEER m$kf and Epreg ! Carl A. (Jhas. riatzlall Moi.ln.ku Hmulsion ,1. gets strength 1 tis We will be glad to send you a few doses free. Tie ?-jre that W pirture in the form of a m on ,e rai, per ot t er y bo 1 1 1 e of tuiuiaiuD yji Luy. 5C0TT & BOWNE, Chemists, 409 Pearl St., N. Y. 50c nd $1 1 til drujjhu. ; i: t-rr Itollle ol liiini Ix-rliii na I tf'itii'rli lei.fBK.tflr lVnpi.i,i.l..a j We guaiantee every bottle of Chum-O-car Striker is slaying at home this . herhiin's Coiiirh Uemedy and will refund ping fug lather tlo the the money to anvone who is not pat it- lied alter using two-third of tht; contents. , This is the best remedy in the world for la grippe, coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough and is pleasant and safe to take. It prevents any tendency of : cold to result in pneumonia. lj. A. 1 Harding. j winter and he work on the farm I Our school is progressing nicely under the able management of our teacher, Mr. i K. Snyder, of Aurora. ! the Hat- ; -n Citv .. ajar -". CO Mr. AVilkiriHon, of Canby, was guest of .Mr. T. J. tirimes and wife urday night and Sunday. I will try anil give you a lew Ileum of news (rum thi8 place, as I see it is riot represented in your paper. ILU1BER! Bpringwater. The Smith family are convalescent with the mumps. (Six or eight wagon loads of machinery passed through here last week for the power plant. On the 14th inst. I'omona or County Grange met at the Logan hall. Over 200 mem hers and 00 visitora and children were present. The installation was per formed by a lady. The following resolu tions were adopted : That the legislature that is now in i-ession appropriate foOO, 000 for the Lewis and Clark fair that is to be held in Portland in 1!H)5 and the assessment levied should m so amended that the corporations nhould pay their eq'ial and just proportion of taxes; third that the citizens ol Oregon invite and OASTOniA. Bean th t IM Kind Yon Hnw Always Boefit Bignatu I Canity. The M. K. churidi has been holdiiiL' I revival meetings this past week. Mrs. F. Patch and Mrs. C. Durgoughs were visiting in Uervais on Friday. Mrs Ktahlnaker had a paralytic stroke last Thursday. At last acounts she was resting easily. Mrs. V. Bridenstcin and children, of Currinsville, are visiting her mother, Mrs. Fletcher, for a few weeks. A. A . Porter has moved from across the river to the property he recently purchased from Mr. Wilcox. Canby was ligh ted by electricity fo the first time last Friday evening. The lights are giving good satisfaction. Miss A. Larson, of Oswego, and W. Gower and Miss E rn rn a Clayson, of Con cord, were the guests of Mr. and Mis. K. Sias last week. K. Schilling, one of the steam-shovel men, was injured by being struck with a railroad tie. He was taken to the hos pital in Portland. There was a dance given in the city hall last Friday evening. Quite a num.- CO O CO o DR. FENNER'S KIDNEY and Backache CURE All disease of Kfdneyi, Bladder, Urinary Organs. Also Rheumatism, Bar. ic ache, HeartDlsease (travel, bropsy, Female Troubles. Don't become discouraged. There Is I cure for you. Jf neri-xsary write lir. l-eiiner Ile has Se-nt a life time rnrhig Jtn.t bucil cases ua yours. All consultations Free. "Eight months In bed, heavy backache, ptiiri and aoreues ocron khlneys, also rheu mutism. Other remedies failed. ir. 1-en-ner s Kidney and Itackache Cure cured rue completely. II. WATKICS. Hamlet, N. V." Irtiptnlsts.50c.. II. Ak forf!ik llmik-Free. CT VITIIC'nnMPCureCure.rnrciilarT Ir Ol'lllUO UAilUtrcuuer, i'redoula.N. V Aii rreilit and juirwlH delivered tn u 1 1 i.i, rl u ..I" I I... ...I W j w" ... i.i iini k.iij . J RATES - REASONABLE ?k ! I O l L IPS. 1 1 1 n ni m t'r'i ii m h u u aifiuaa lid ii ti 8 1 1 unumnrfi I I riiynicans 1'reHcrihe it I for their most Delicate l Patient. Old antj l'lire. FOR SALE BV I - E. MATTHIAS - I Sole Agency for Oregon City California I'nrt rl (X) t in 'I ii w it v l.'xtri Ohl I't.rt I j: In II. lite jiii. I M, ll.. iiicrior Ohl I'lirt .iml Sln-rry I ' X, le. le.l f..r M. .Ii. at -ni, Kxtrit lllil Ciilirnriiiii Slu rry. 1 0" Mfiliillll. I -: 1 1 -. li lit ale Mini li'iy Califiirniii Tnkiiv 1 til l.t.rllnil 'I iil.lr W 'in,. Swct-t Miisfatfl , 2- I'llii- Woo Sw fct Ciitawlnt ,', If),', S'.ll, l-'ntl uml ' i , i . KxtniUlil Califiirniii Aiioflic-i I 'J.'t Siia rh "I.I ili h i I ir Extra Dry California Finn o ns Wines Si,'irkliiig Murp-tiiiily A tli ai Kifirl.liiit: wtiit- SiiiKiina Clari't Kh li, fruit y w im- Kxtrit Soiitiinii Zinfanili'l ... Nonr bi tter, it wi ll unit un-ilwl nr I Kxtra Soniiiiiii Kii-Hlinn A Willi- III, It will plinsr ynti Kononia llnck tjlllllily IIMNiiriJlnsril Stiiiiiina Sau term; A liur il. I llllr w ltir Kiln; (ini! Ilrainly Tlii'K' mum', Komi un linporlt il fi.'lC 70f 7rc Ooc 1 oo City Orders Delivered Free. Order Through Your Grocer. OABTOrtlA. Bean the ) "'"d Va JtawAlOTfJ Bfll'l1 Bigutnrt Sli A. liKADY U E. I. SIAS DEALER IX Watcht'B, Clocks, Jewelry and Spectacles. All kinds of Repairing neatly done and warranted. CANBY, OREGON