Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 16, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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it Rmnilsd Clearance Sale &
,')0 inch Dross Hoods, gray only, per Cfjp
Sale Price
Winch All-Wool Henrietta, colors
dark brown, medium brown, olive,
Myrtle and tan. reduced to ... per yd
Our entire line of 50e Fancies in AOn
?r yd. TUU
Press Goods go, now on sale per yd.
Men's heavy tleeced shirts or drawers,
Regular price 50c, sale price
Men's all wool knit underwear, rg- ftftp
ular price $1,00, Sale pries UUU
Men's dress shirts, f.V. values. Sale OCp
price dJU
Men's all wool suits, Oregon ('assi
mtrs, heavy weight, $10 to $1'2
values, during sale
Men's all wool pants, Oregon Cassi- fl Cf
mere, heavy weight, during sale JU
. . i .
7th and Main Streets,
Oregon City, Oregon.
r m
m ww,www &
heal estate trafeks.
Furnlhed Everr Werk by the Clacka
max AWs.ract i' TrtM Companj.
A B Rwh-irdson to G I Brown, nw
of sv ot s-ec i, l 1 . r I! e $ 6W
8 J Kuiknun to U I Brown, of
i,ul s.c;!li.tlt,r2 CO
K A I'adg-tt lo F Way, lot I, fee 1.
tftsr.'e ,
F Wav to U ' Cooper, lot 4, w -',
t 5 r 2 e
P Mi -lot ie 'o 1' R Davidson, ew of
t.w oi i-ee 1, , l 4 s r 4e i-'"0
C T 1'ix'ze lo W r YouiiU, n.'.j oi ne
hc li), t 3 8 r 1 w 5' 0
C D Tnoiiipsuu lo F Myers, i.77 A (
in 'flioujpion I 1, I 6 s r 1 e -')
J Haugii to S Haugh, acres in
wW.l6i.rle ..... . 2000
M E B.trlow to a titiuntz, lot blk
OC "
L M Hedge to C I' Hedg. ee of De,
nc 2!). t I a r 3 e - 1
M S Zvifel to F Shaw, part of Clin
4. t5sr2e 2-D0
M s B Lawion lo E J .Maltoun, 2. 3
acres in Ile xes -'l -'o'J
O Ueuie to K j Aiattoon, 17 acres
in Hedge CI
the groat
Tbedf jrd'i Jilack-Draucht has
saved doctors' hills fjr more than
sixty years. For the common fam
ily ailments, such as constipation,
indigestion, Lard colds, bowel com
plaint, chills aud fever, biliotu
iieHS, headaches and other like
complaints no other medicine is
necessary. It invigorates and reg
elates the liver, agists digestion,
stimulates action of tl? kidneys,
purifies the blood, cud purges the
bowels of foul accumulations. It
cures liver complaint, indigestion,
tour stomach, dizziness, chills.
rheumatic pains, sideache, back- I
ache, kidneytroubles, constipation, 1
diarrncea, biliousness, piles, hara
colds and headache. Every drug
gist hasThedford's black-Draught
in 2-) cent packages and in mam
moth size f;jr tl.'jo. Never awryt
a sitae tute. In i: t on having the
original made by the Chattanooga
Medicine Company.
I believe ThedfortTs Black-Draught
is the best mtdLine on tarth. It is
good for any and everything. I have
t family of twelve children, and for
four years I nave Mpl Uiem on iooi
and healtriy wKJi no sector but KUck
Draught A. J. GREEN, r.;wra, La.
21 i
500 '
v") j
lso ;
37 .
2'0 !
4 1,
05 1 1
A L Christopher to M Clemens, lots
4 A 5. trad t)3, Oak Urove O'H)
J W Koo'B to A Palmer, ir .cts 4 A
22 in Bonnes 200
O A IMmer lo F S Mr. tracti 4
22, Uo.intf
b,' C Mower to J S I) vie, e'.j of nw,
?t-r 2i. ' 1 fl r 3 e
J )f Join s m l ) lle l.- A Urif-
tith, lois 1, 2, 3, 4, t.lk ti7, A blk
50. O. C ,
W H Fauhh n to T F llynn, w'.. of
kw nf -ec 1, i 2 s r3 e
J K Sieier to I. liefer, k'.j I p'j "nil
20 A in ne ot se, eifi: 2, t 2 h r 2 e
J ti Odell to . Ileanlui!!', tie of bee
25, 1 1 8 r 2 e
G W ProHs-r to MiHer, blk 13 t
14, Oswego A blk 12, old town. . .
J Miller to .) P.irhiier, lot 10, 11 &
12, blk 15, CMwe.ro
T F Kvan to F A .Schmidt, I 1
18, b;k 13, tjladstonf
Hun et l.md Co lo M Wecton, lot
11, blk 5,Smisei city
J I'.u hm-r to T J Whi'ter lots 10, 11,
12. blk 15, 0-leM
( w Ciifinii in I, Tmnlilvn. 32 A
in Toiihi Claim. I 2 r 2 e
Proctor & lieerH to M Iiall, 1 50 A in
Kec 2li, t 1 s r 4 ?
M Coiuntto H SColton, lotH 5 to
18, tract 04, Oak lirove
M C S'ri. kland to M H Strickland,
lota 3 & 4. bik 53,0 0
Will l.d i o to It Garde, lot 20, b k
9, Parkplai'e
J A Buck to Wm S Irwin, e of ue,
t2 of se, h-i: 1, t 4 s r 4
L (ieibnger to W Sbaad. 13
A 14,0 chard Hill
G G Hes to C Co , lot 3 A 4, m-c
21, t 2 s r3 e
J DeV Jobneon to J T Api rion by
Kbtf. blk 51 A 50, except lo's o
6, Oregon t'ny
E Allen to M Pmcell, lotn 1 A
of 2, blk 7, Parkplace
TRUST CO. a.e the owner i ihe conv
right to the Thome syuiem o ra :
indexes, for Clackamas county, .od .ave
the only coiniilete set of ab-tra -ts in the
county, can furnish inforinalio as to
title to land at once, on p i icalion.
Loan", investments, real es'aieahstrarls,
etc. Office over Bank of Oregon City,
Call and'inveHligaU..
(irrat rlearasice nnle on rvTjr
article lis the More. .11 lux ;. iloll.
i;ncosicliiiit from Croup
Dnring a sudden and terrible attack of
croup our little girl wan nn.:oneions from
strangulation, says A L. HiBffjrd. ryint
msster, C'liesler, Mich , aid a dope of
One Minute Cough Cum was adminis
tered ofien. It red'ii e-l Mie swelling and
rfl.imination, cut the in'iemis and soon
the child wa renting ea-y and sjieedily
recovered. It cures Cough", Coldn, La
irii e, and all Throat and Lung troll
blep. One Minute Cough Cure lingera in
the throat and client and enables the
I ings lo contribute pure, health-giving
oxygen to the blood ieo. A. Harding
Use llromo Lax for coughs, colds and
s grippe. I rice 25 cents a box at
Chartnan & Co. Kach box entitles
ou to one g iess on the guaranteed gold
lip Klirn Sump C'oljr Ohm.
In ordgr to discounige the use of ob
Jii'tioiiiihle words. .:i'S the ChlengO
Post, the f.itlur hiid evolved a sysli-u)
of lines, sunu'wluit after this fiiHhiou:
Hung it. I relit.
Ii.irn it. '' rents.
( lin-h. 3 cents.
;:!i dint it. 5 cents.
The boy who v;is to he reformed by
this method studied the tarifT with eon
KllIiTillile intei-est. hut It wuh some time
b. fere he spukia.
Well." he said lit hist, "i guess I
know some words Unit would cost It
To f lean Mekrl ClorUa.
Cheap nickel chirks that have proved
ti'eir conveuieiiee through much popu
lar use play trii ks with their tiuiekcrn
iliX occasionally for want of clran.n'.
This fault may he quickly remedied
Tilth naphtha. The barks should be
'unscrewed and the works taken out
nud Immersi-d In the fluid, a treatment
tuat will speedily restore their service
unless some more radical defect than
10 j
1-4 V, -. 'O
AHf the Kind
1 r I I i : il -nl r.
I I 'Mi ( M r il Annual
1 l;- l I
Jt er.lpl.. I l.ri. j lUi
0. W. F"ry r, Co.
U .lroit. M.ch.
iirftt clenranre niilr on all inlll
Inery. Mls C'oldiiillli.
If (be lllble I'rrUhpdt
If every complete copy of the Tllble
were destroyed, would It lx' jioNslble of
reproiluctlon by ministers, theologian
and others?
The probability Is that it would, even
If. as the question HupjioHrN, all the
ryp kept up by the various printer!
of Rlbles and Testaments nnd prayer
books were nlso destroyed. In the first
place, such n vast number of commen
taries have been published In different
languages on various portions of the
llible that It would almost be possible
to rei-onslrurt the Srriptures from
them, und such deficiencies us existed
wouid be supplied by undent writings,
mainly controversial works, which re
produce the tr.U very fully. Sermons,
homilies n ml kindred works would also
be of great assistance, nnd hik U de
ficiencies as mlflit si ill ii main would
certainly be M:p,ilid from the memo
ri'"s of the vast numbers of I'iblical
Biui!. h:s ho Lave studied the Scrip
tures III so many different languages.
Y .
o yv. is i o n. xa. .
Burs tU 1fl6 " I' BoojtH
lllouel ller NhoiiMcr.
Mr. I ihann i S i lerlejlin, of Feigns
Falls, Minn., fell slid dislornled liei
shoulder. Mm Iih I a suigeon net it bai k
in place an noon as possible, but II was
quite hOie and p-tmed her veiy much.
Hers n mentioned Hut be liml seen
f iiamherlain'a I'ain I'.ilm adveiiiKid f r
spuiins and aurene-H, and sbe ai-ked him
lo buy her a bolt I-i, it, hi,h he did
It ipiickly relieved ber in d enabled her
to sleep which i-lie b id liul dune for n-v
eral miys. The son wssso uiucb ileaed
Willi the rely f it five I . i - m iilier tat be
has since reciiimeeiled ii lo many
olhi ri-. For sli! by (j A. Hard, n.
To all whnin it m concern. Know ye
that the Comity fi.iiri of Hie l.'.nnrv of
Clackamas and Sta'e i f Oregon did. on
the lOlb dav nf la:eincer, I1IH2, grant
the pe'Pioii of William ForsMhe w
gras' tint his imiiim he I'lni'itfHil lo Wil
liam Franklin Sun rt. Published by or
der ol Tlios. I- liisn. 'Jude of said
Court C '1. ks iV. St in hih.,
f iin-.unii'l oi
Is often no mote or less than a neglected
case of ca'arrh, w bich in time creates a
hacking cough and nature in her en
deavom loget rid ol the luberculeH, sets
up all iiiflamuiali jii, matter is secreted
and the luls-rcules is ropen-d. It then
comes lo a head or siipura'es and the
mittel is discharged in'olhe nearest air
tubes. This the sllll'erer raises and
allays the count, to mine extent, but as
the air cells fill up with tubercu er mat
ter the blood cannot circulate perfectly
through the lungs, hence it becomes
more impure for want of air, which
lesaens nature's power to throw olf the
disease until at last the disease becomes
more general, the cough gets greater,
followed by night sweats and bleeding of
the lungs, finally the sufferer gets
weaker and weaker, until de-itl. ends
this dreadful disease. Smith tiros'. H.
H. Catarrh cure acts on lb glands and
mucous surfaces ol the system through
the blood. It promotes (he action ot
ahsorlwnts, then removes the deposited
tobercules and speedily allays the cough
and cures catarrh, no matter where lo
cated. Never (ails lo cure night sweats.
For sale by all druggists. Book on
Catarrh free. Address Smith Bros.,
Fresno, Cal.
For Young Men and Young Women.
There is nothing that will arouse the
ire of a young man or woman so quick as
lo have inferior laundry work put ofT on
them. They may dress ever so well,
but if their shirt front or shirt waist is
missy, their neat appearance is spoiled.
The Troy Laundry makes a secialty of
ladies' and gentlemen's fine work.
There ran be no better work than is done
at Ihe Troy. Leave your orders at John
son's barlsir shop,
i:rry Iloffl ol I'liniiiberlnln's
Cough ltmely Wnrriilel.
We guarantee every bottle of Cham
berlain's Cough ltemedy and will refund
the money n anyone who is not satirlied
alter using two thirds of the contents.
This is Mm best remedy in the world for
la grippe, coughs, colds, croup ami
whooping cough and is pleasant and safe
to take. It prevents any tendency of
cold to result in .pneumonia. U. A.
,k Fou Fink ('anhii s, Ni ts,
!m Finns, Kir., Call Ox th
in tiii: City. Also ( -ioai;s
ULrffKV A sandllrj inJ jnraihlc cure for kHFUMATISM and COUT,
COLCHICINE I cnu''!i--u hy the hiRlicst nicilical authorities or r.urnpc ana
rillPVI ITT I nlllCIItl. uispviisiu tuny in nfiivi ., v.. .n...v ., .....
jALICTLAIL 1 kolve in liquids of the stomach without causing irrit.itinn or
si:iT7 dlsaRrccahlo symptoms. Price, l per bottle, bold by
SUV dniKirists. De sure and Ret (he Rciiuine.
WII.I.IAMM M.U. .. (I.1H;UII, OHIO. SJolt, l-rov.
For Sale at II I,' NTI.F.Y'S
The only (irst-clasH Second-IIand Dealer in Fnrnitiiro
Stoves and UtenHilfl. It is worth your time to comu
and examine the stock You will find a full line
of New and .Second-Hand Furniture, Stoves, Crockery
Hardware, Etc
Highest cash price piid for second ham! good"-
I . T o I p o I a f
o coco
One Door North of Commorlcal Bank
mn ttftf f fiust tvwfiw ttf firi'siuwsj is a Rurti? rnRB
lib WkUAs iHUiM fislsj miUm tor llllud, Hired-
it iiiu iiiiik m !" j iimmu" tun iiiuior, mumyn hid .
Ilcliintr atonoe, mvrn limUint relief. Kvery ttox in warranted. Sold '
bf dnirKlft- Si-nt hv m;tl on receipt of price. nO rnU and f I 00
pur box. WILLIAMS MFQ. CO., Props.. ClTolndt Ohio.