Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 16, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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An ordinance ii k 1 1 1 k lvy j ul Id tlx
ailllllal Installment tlplill III" prilpl-rlT a
praaiil lur III cnal ol t It liiiiriiviuiiit uf
7 1 h ulrrrl anil I lie laying ul ina In Hwner
IMairh l No. ol Ori-unn ('liy, tin naiiera nf
wnlrli have mane aitli ailiiu in pay
tt a n a 1 1 1 ! I I H l V lUMillllirlila.
OimnilN ClTV llnM OHIitm All r'iil.l.o!
Ni'i lliiu I, That Whrrraaii rmln nriuiiia,
owniT" nl prnptrtv alius wiililn iIih cor
pnnli llnilia ol (In-gun ( liy. have hami
arail lur tin mat ol llm luipiiivrnit'lit nl
7ill alrei'l anil lor I Im I it hx nf aparra In
Hitr In.trirtNn 'J aid laid owners, nl
ro.iriv i nrait have hli-il wliii i ln r
(tunler llielr 1 1 ll e'lmia In pay audi aaaraa
Inn I y lint ll ihii 1 1. iiinlir llii In rum mi I
lirnvihl H nl Mil ai'l uf llm I.i-kinIiiIiiih III
lln hliu nl i urifiin, known Hik "linn
I'nill HiiiiiIIhx Ai t" ami .rinnll'm lur l ie
pnyinrni nl III iir ei-iit ul all aaaiaaiimtita :
A ii I W hi-ri . In riiiiliirniit 1 with paid
Ijw and tin mi lit anld ( li( lorin. Ilr
11111 I'HV I'" laalntl Im IiiiimU ) Hal III till
WK' aunt ill pu lil aaapaalnpiil ;
Nil. Tlirii'lnrp. ( ii rxilMi 1 1 In law, Ori-guli
i'li y il ' In r-liv I vy a eiarial lux iiiin
rm-n Inl Mini I'urrrl nl IhimI eiai-il aa nlur"
mil. (In i-wnriH n( w hlt-li have mail ilt
I'Ntlnn I i i V unt il aaeaiiiiiila liy Inaiad
iiii I , l 'II 'IT rant nl Hip miiitii nl nl mn h
ortfliial ea-eaaiiii'lil.
Ni'iIkiii "J llm aiiirlul Ki'i or inaiiill
i. ml. I v i I hy Una nriliuai in aliall Id iIiii
ml m a l In I'll t'ltv Trrnanrrr iiiiii
1 1 v i 1 1 (iv I nl Una nr llimii r, ami If ill'
e)M'ial lsxia ur HimIhI iiiiii t a In lint iull
Imiiii I'ii Dial liny ul Mnri li. I.'.'l t liar aame
ahatl In ilriMniil In tin tlthiupient tun pint
almll lie cinl'i-lv l at audi a ruvitil hy
hpitlnii :i. Tin KiTi.pli-r ahull diliver
leiilliiil i.i'V nl llila rtltiaaiitaa lugrl nar
w nil aiaii-iiirnl ahiiwlng the aiiiiiunt tine
1 1 1 1 1 rni'li lot nr parrel nl IhiiI on 7 1 ti
alri-rt ami In aalil hi-wit IHilrh I No. 'J In
tin I lly Tri-namer, whlt'li almll he Ilia an
HimUy ami wironl lur tlm cill.Ttniti ul
tall a i ml liinm Ina'allnieiite.
he. iiuii t Tim I lly Tri-anirar almll nn
' pm Ii rnll agalnal whiilli am h laieat
I r la ami met ta art levied hy mailing 1,1 turn
nl i a iioiiii ' f v 1 1 itt tin miinniil ul
hia ur t'.i-lr an ul tai ami Hie tlnni ltt.lrr
will h llm aniiai may i pain.
rwrlinii Hiiiin.ilmily alter lln tat alrt y
nf M iiri-li , Itsi'l, tin Treaaiirrr' almll maki a
rnrl anl return In tun 'ilv I'minril almw
ln tlm aiinmnl u( ani'l I I t lira cul
liMli'.l an nl tlm amniiiil un.al..
lira I Hint ilum ami nr Irml illillln-l at
n Irifiiinr un-i'iiiiKiil llm ny I '.hi m U ul I Ire
(nil t'lty Iml l Jan. 7. I ' " '-'I In i-"ine ii. lur
e I i aillti ami lliuil paaaaKe at a api-cial
inerlliiK i'l llm I'ny ('uuurll In lie Imlil
January '.", I'm'., at H n'rlm-k I' M.
Illtt 'U'.i: t l It It Y .
4 II ,1 I !.
In tlir (' intilv I'uurl nl Ilia Mile of tire
Kim, lur Ihe I uimlv ol ( lai'kauiaa
In the Mnlt.T Of Ihe Kuie of Hoiliiu
ii. HHip, llrn-aarit,
('nation In lle.r. anil l'iir Ira inlereali-il
ill aala ul Kf.il l'ruierty ul aanl Laiat .
I n Ihe ii nit e ul I m Ktnle of I lieKuti,
In llm I irvi. i- ami llira-al Law ofaahl
ileoi-a-e'l, lu a it :-Iti-i.Jamin IIm, 10 1 Ix it
Jane Morgan. Kiank A. K.h'I', K-I.IU A.
Diake, h avT Hen). I(nui, N ilium A.
Ituui. ami tu M aiaoti llxnry, lime Hul l
rr.lii- Wainer. Iti riha llul Ireili 1 1 ii;li Iir ut,
ami Vienna Hunlii-ile, liiialiaiiil au.l clill
ilri'ii ol Marv Jini'htim tin ilrfennctl
laii;llir ol aanl ilrin-iieiil, anil if any l-e
ileail, Hint In the iiriia ul aui'li, ami In all
Qthria titiktiup ii.
Vmi ami eai'h ul ynll are Itrrehy cilril tn
he ami appear In llm iiImiVi naineil I'uurt.
al the ,Mr It term tln reiil til llm Cuiiiiiy
t'uitrt lCiiitu In the I 'mi 1 1 llmiai ul aiiin
( until t. no It e .'u.l ilay ol M mi ll. A. 1'.
I'tll. al Hi u i lii. k A. M . nl aiu.l ilny, then
nnil there t i ahu ran!, il am, im ur
i-ll in r nl ymi hae. liy an nr.lf r nl aah ul
i'i nam Ural property of, ami tn-lun-iiif; tu
aanl i-'latr, almiinl nut tie turtle liv thia
C'linrt, aa in tin pi till. in ul llm ei i nlur ul
aniil i ilnti prnv-il lor, w In Ii aunl peiiliuti
lia In i ii pn -i mi I 1 1 Una I 'unr. anil la nuw
on llli ttii'ii'iit, an il -ni l r iyi't la lur an or
iter ul 1 1 1 1 1 t'nurl ailttuiMiiii( aahl execumr
In tell Urn VN'eat in. e liali '.jtul Hie nnullt
I'inat nne 1 iniili ,; ami Ilia Wrat one
hall I 'j I ul the l.i-l une hall ('! of Ihe
.Suiitn i-.nai nne Iniirlh ( ) ul hii iniii fnur
I I) in Tow nalnp live ( ii mill, K uik'e mn
(IM'iihi of tin Wiliatni-tie Meihliait anil
t:iiiitiiiiiiti arrea.
Alan lii-'iiitiinit al Ihe Nurlli Ivi-! enrtu-r
of hi-i'tnm iiitm (It) tit aanl lniiliti a'il
raniie ami ritinuiii! Ilienin huulh twenl
eirlit (-) rmla . thence w-( t eiily-aei en
( Ji'l rnila ; llii'tire amith t ii va (IL'I r..i.;
tlii'tn e weal tweitiy-aix ami nne Innl (.''.'al
roila ; thence nortli twenty nine ('-"') roia;
llience wel twenty lmr (.'0 rmla; (in n e
null h eleven ( 1 1 ) rml : thetirt eaal aevetity
aeveti ami iiiii hall (77' jl rmla j p!tiru uf
lii'iiiliniK, cunt aiiiIiik l.t acre.
Witnesi, llm Hun. I una, K. Uvam, Jiul;e
ut the I'.i'iti'y ('unit ut the Stale ul t Iri-uu,
Inr the ('utility nl I'l'irkanuii, Una Till ilav
ol Jiiutiiirv, A. I). Pai l.
Atleal: K. A. Sl.KKIIIT, Clerk.
Kt rat puhlii atlun, Jauunry I'itli, I'm.''.
l.ai piml, l atum, l i-hr niiy I ith, I'HI.
III the Circuit Cunrt nf the Slate ol (Ire
Hun, Inr Ihe Cutiiitv of Clni kitinaa.
Ihihiel KliiT, I'lainllll.)
Anna K. I . r, I lelenilnnl
I d Anna Keller, ilcfemlaiil :
In Ihe iihiiii ol the .Siale ul (In'L'un ;
'iiu are heri liy reinri'il In unpeur ami
anawiT the cnmphiint liieil niratti! you in
the aliine ehtitleil auit. wiililn aix weeka
Iruiii the ihile ul Hie litat piihlli Htiun ul thia
ailtnmiiiia, whli li lime explrca im llm Until
ilny ul Kehrnnry, 1!I. ami il yun an full In
an appear ami nnawi r, llm pliitnliU will ap
ply In tin Cniirl fur (he reliel prayeil lur I'i
1 1 1 1 hi 1 1 I il 1 1 1 1, to Hit : a decree ilinanlvitiK
the lunula nf m ii I r i n i i'i V aiihialiit iM'lweeli
philntill ami ili'lrmlant anil fur aiich other
ami lurther reliel 111 In tin Court mn V aecm
jitat. ami eipntiihle,
'linn Hit in tin mn in pnhliilieil hy onler uf
linn. I'lioa. K. K yun, J mli.-i-ul the Coiitily
Cuiirl of the Sltitt of (Iri'iton fur (Jlai kamaa
Cuiiiiiy, ilnli'il Jniiiinry II, lini.'l,
hale ol lira! piitilication Jan HI. I9u.'l;
dale ul laat ptihlicattnii Kehruarv -7, 1'. i;i.
W. 11. 1'tiiVKI.I,.
Attorney fur l'liinitill.
oiiiin t.v i:
x An iirilinatice ilelimtiK ceriain dutiea. of
the Chief of l'uliie regunlliiK the cullec.iun
if hcenaea
titiKuiiN City imiks uiiiiain as mi.i.nws:
That it ia liereliy nmue the duty ol t e
Chief ol I'ulice ol tlretrun (Tly tuin,ient th
licenae ol every pernoti, linn, cninpHiiy or
cnrpunilioii eiii;ii!itiir in or oarryinn hi any
pmleaaiiiii, Irmle, calling ur oci-upatloii Inr
which a licen e ahull lie rrnttireil under Or
(linaiice No. 207 uf (ireKon ( liy, and il he
aliall BKi-rrtiiin that naiil perann, llrm, com
pany or corporal inn so eiiKairing In or rar
ryiiiK on auch profesaion, trade, c iIIhir or
o citpatton has failed to ohtatn licenae aa
provided hy aald or.linBiK-e No. 207, the
"hlef of I'ollce shall immeiliately collect
the amount of audi licenae and pay the
lame In the City Treaaurer.
Head tirat time and ordered ihliahed at
reKiilnr meeting of the nil council ol'
Oregon City held Jan. 7, I'.Ka'I.
Tu come up (nr necond reading and dual
paaaa;e at a Spei-iitl meeting of the Citv
(.'ntincil to he lit-Id January 2Hth, I'.nfl at H
o'clock 1". M.
I have plenty of money to loan at 0
per cent interest on real estate security,
also money to loan on chattel mortgages.
Gordon E, Haves'
(('untliiiieil from pKK 1.)
Ill I'lei linii anil tn tie Jnat anil liuriint in
Ilia rilllliKi Wlllioiil (ear or lavor.
T'lin hiTiale iIikii iiriK:niiii willi tlm
I 'Iwliim nl tlm ollmr nlli ira ol Unit luxly.
rnr Clilrl (Ilrrk, Hinlnr r, I'. May, ul
MiiIIiiuiiihIi county, ilai l in niiniinulinu
M.I,. MuurlifHil, nl hum county, ami
HurmlDr Hwcck. of Miilltiuumli, plared J.
N, l.nlliroi, of MultnoniHh conuly, In
luiliilliHlioii, Tlm tin llf it at kuvb MMirlnail
IWKiily-lntir votea ami I.atlirui aixunl
Hik Iuiiiiit wua ilrcliirinl i-li-itleil cliiul
Tin' ni-xl pliii'e tliat of ralemlHr
cli-ik. ami rraiik C. MMillfiuii, ol Mult
tit ii ti m 1 1 I'uiiiitv, wua eli-i l-l ly IIih full
piulillriiti vuim (twenty (mn ) aa wem
alen K. II, J iir k huh a Ural aMilant
nulling i-lnik j K W, liuwan. aeiKaiit
MlHruiH;J Calvert, ilumkei-per ; ami
Win. hmilli a iiihiIihk rlerk. Nuiiih In
III) liirriiiiient waa oiranioiieil In Oil) lail
iimlanre w lien Senator W. II Welirniin.
of Waaliiiiifioii riiiiuly, mnn ami rei
(rank llnrliin, ol Salftn, in nuiuiiiatiun
aa a rainlliliilo for inailliii; rlerk ami Mr.
tllirlilli f' five. I tlm lull vote .an) of Ilia
party ili'i (iilca. Aa llm i 'Hit-era were
elii-leil, Kiij,riiiiH Julire K. A. M'eire
ailniiiimli'teil tin natlt milii tlmin Mini
tliev uaaiiini'il their reeie:-tiv ilutiea
'('iiiiliniieil from patJHiiiie.)
your Hilniiiiletiatiou.
Thank ynil, thank you," reapomleil
(ioveruur t liamherlaiii
(ioveutor ('hamlH-rliiin then enli-n.
Ihe private olllt-e anil immIi. hiiuaelf at
the, l-iriilive ilt-aK. .Mra. (ieer waa
preaent ami wili'iinieil Mr. Chatnl.cr
Iniii, ami when the new governor hail
taken hia aeat Mia. (ieer clappeil her
hamla ami w iHheil him a very pleaaant
ti-rni in tlm expt-utive olllre,
Tlie llrat ai-t of (inventor ( 'hamlierlBiti
waa Ihe appointment of John Maiiiiiiii
to Hin ceeil IiIiiiki-II aa ilmlrii t attorney ol
Mtiltnuiiiiili iniiiily.
((HI. tllViri FltKK.
Cimareaa I'aaaea III 1 1 Miiapeml lug
ne. Tliraiiish In One Day.
The lull
L'riiutitiK a redale to tlie en
tire irii
ipurt duty on coal for one year waa
pUHhi-.l l.y In it 1 1
liotiae ol colt)(riaa ye
An ameinlmelit waa added in the ecu
aln repealma' tlie duly on anthracite
coal, ami win adoptnl IiV the liouae
wlllioiil a ilivinioli.
Only live meinliera, all reptihlicati'.
voted uK'i"i"t tlm hill in the hotiau, ami
it iiaeneil IheaelialH lllianiinollal) .
The fetiate aiiietiilmeut ia the point
t..m ui.:..i. - 1. .. u I ......i: I
I I'll vi nil il irni nun iii-cu I inn I 1111 llli , anil
i" ij'iivaiciii to hid aiiupiiou oi ma rea
oliilion. A reaoluliun will he inlroilticeil in Ihe
houae anllinniiii imtnry iulolhe power
ul the uviTlllin nt In take puaesainti of
dial liilin-a and iiierate litem ill tlie pub
lic iiilc teat, where evidence of cuiifpiracy
exia a.
F.viilince of cutiKpiricy tniiiitm coal
dealer haa lnen (ntiinl in Chiiiii;o, Mil
waukee, Ih-truil ami Culuuiliua, (1. The
Ifovcrmir nl tlhioliaa IiikHii piureeilnii;
Id ford-it Hut chnrleia of fix cnnapiriiii;
coiil i-iitiipiniea. Thin v dealer III I e-
! troll liavi heen imlictcil.
In hen-1 ii I low i in men arrenled for
Mealing i-nal linve licen iIihi luirii.'il, ami
tohliiii of cinil car on railiunda ia cdiii
iiiiiii. I I'd roil uml Cliicaiio have tifti n the
atili or tree diHtilliulliili ol coal.
The l.uli William Knh-rla.
Mr. Keherla died at Ida home
lli'iivnr ('nek, Thuraday, .l.inuaiv
I'.HI.I, ot the ago ol ixty eeien year,
lie had a liml cold a couple of Weeks
hefori and it luriifd itilu piiiieinoniii.
Me fell (ruin a w iihiiii couple ul veam ao
and wua never pen'eclly well alier that.
Mr Kolierta waa lairn near l.liimllo.
Suiitli Walea, ami when a voting man he
inoved to the coal iiiineH at A lierdiirc,
liliiniiiiirganaliire. It wa Iherc lie
marrteil. Sume tune afterward, he ami
Mra. Kola-rl einlrated to America, anil
lived lor aeveral year ut lleavnr, Mo.
alterwarda moving; to Nuitonville, Calif.,
and tn nit nineteen year au lit tiuiiiilit
a farm at Heaver Creek, ami lived in
that place till ,'im dealh. Ily heiiitf in
iltlntrioua ami i-cnmuiiii al, Mr. ami Mra.
KiiIiitIh tiiiuln a roinfiirialile livini; ami
raised live Htroin:, hcalihy, inlellietil
Mr Hoherla waa an Iioiu'mI, trutlifnl,
relialiln in it i) , hia word I'ciiiK a yond
aa hia homl. Nearly all weatnin people
Hie liimpilalili', atld Heaver Creek i nut
lieliiinlj in Ihia U'ni'c, lint there waa no
latnilv mure ho than Mr, and Mih.
Uolieit. The unaiiiiiiniiM leitiinuiiv of
hia lieiUliliiirH is thai he w hh one of the
iieal men of the community. He wua re
ceiveil ii metiilier ol the Conureifiitional
cliiirili at I.IhihIiIu, Walea, when a mere
hoy and remained faithful to hia
ii'h-iiiii lur lilt v yertra - lie waa one
(he fit it Ii f 11 1 chinch niemherH In keep tl
lainily prayer morning mid evening,
every day in the year, and in hia nick
ih'hb lie waa ever praying and aingin
hymn, ami Haying he waa going home
to JefilH. lie waa mined laal Snndav
at Heaver Cteek. Ilia old friend Hev. II.
M. Jones olliciiiting. Tlm w hole neigh
horhooil turned out. It wita one of the
largeat funeral ever wituesned in 1 1)0
Mr Uoberla in Hnrroweil liy a widow
and live children, ahe and the ulilcHt eon.
Pave, living in the old home, luhn in
Yakitna, VVaah., Mm. Auntin in Moialht,
ami Mrs. Mill in Cilfax, California.
Tliey are till doing well and a great com
fort to their w idowed mot her.
Ii. M. J.
rut clcurimre lanle on every
nrlif-lo In the hliire, MU C. I.old
1'lnal .oll-e.
In ths County Court nf the Slate of Ore
gon for the County ol Clackaniaa.
In the mailer of the estate of Eleanor
Samson, deceased.
Notice ia herehy given, that the Under
signed Administrator of the above entitled
estate, will aell at private sale on the 21st
day of February, A, I)., Unci, at the hour of
10 o'clock In the lorenoon of said day, or
on any day thereafter, on the premises, the
following descrilied real property belonging
to aaid estate, lo-wit: The North M of the
West i ot the North Kaat 4' of Section II
T. r. M. K. 1. K. of the Willamette Meridian.
Term of sale cash in hand or approved
Dated January 12th, I'M.
Administrator of said estate.
0. 11. 1)1 MICK,
Atty. for Admr.
Tlm itirfuilier of Clarkauia Cliapler,
No. '1, K A. M . have aent inviiaiiona
tn tiieiiilinra nf I'iuneer ('hipter No. 2H,
to Im preeent at an oimti iiieitin on
January III, at llmir liall in thin city
An inlrri'iiiiiK iiruyiaiii will lie, rmlereil
ami a lianiii't aerved to llm iuviteil
(In 'I uilay eveiiinu at the reaiilence
ol llm lirhli-'a t'areiita in thin city, Will
in in R. JCowaini wan unileil in the holy
lunula of iiiiiiriiiioiiy to Mia" Kuiiim
I la via. liulli yutiiiK Huile ate fitvornuly
kunwii In iliene piirm. I hey will real. I
in (lrinii (,'ily where; Mr, Kowati'1 I an
tiuijiluyi'M in Ihetlreiou C'ily Iron SSorku
The cuiitrm lura w lri have cliare ol
the work on lm ,M. K. church are umler
ImiiiiI to have llm more loom coiupletnl
hy llm lat ol April ami the church amll
luriuin coiniili-ti-il anil realy lur uae I
Ilia lat of May, Tin; men art) now lining
K'Kitl work on ll-e airucltire, ImvinK al
inoHt finialieil llm cement work ami if the
lireaent Ifnoil Weather favniH them llley
will net through at llm time auree! ou
rioneer Chapter, No. 2S, (). K. H
nlalle! their ollirera fur the enaiiinu: year
Tneatlay eveniiiK. A Imtkh liilinlrer of
iiieitiliera were preawnt anil alter the
work !ur the evennij; waa f i n i h ti k1 ao-i-iitl
tune wua eniuyeil. Mra, Kr"l Miller
ia the riewlv electeit wortliv matron, ami
,a a IIiih culpa of ollitrera ami llm future
ouilo'jk ol Ihe loilife la certainly p.eaaini
Miaa Myitle Ihii lianan waa the retiring
ollit er, ami he liaa aerveil llmorili-r well
in tlm lat year, ami wan kivi-ii a vole of
thuiika l.y the lixlue for her kooI woik.
A NO Ith Kit A.Mr A I'KKAtllEIC
I'urilutid I'rel))(er I'ri'aeiit anil Three
Alile lllxmiiraea llellnrcil.
Monday night, at the l'n-livlerin
lunch in thiHcitv. Hev. Krank II. Mix
aell, llm new paalor of the church, waa
iiiatalled at paalor to till the place made
vacant liy the leaignatmn uf the former
paalor. Hev. A. J. Montgomery. The
cuininitlee conipoing the liolv elected
to repreaent the I'reHliyterr waa Hev. A
i. Moiilgouierv, Hev. J. H, Mctilade
Hev K. I'. Hill ami Chaplain (iiltiert
all leading divine iroui I'urilani. Tlie
Ural and tierhapa moat ideaaing iiiitntier
mi Ihe programme was a nolo hy Mint
Koater, w lio aug with fine effect that
mimi heautiful Heleclion "Thv Will He
hoim. Hev. Mr. Hill followed and made
a uiaaterltil addieaa on the Htlhiect which
(tie Hung auggeiileil. He aanl that he
had come to the meeting intending to
Npeak ou an Xher tupir, hut after hearing
the lunching nolo he aunt lie had changed
Ina nl,tu and would apeak tn "1 liy W ill
lie Dune."
Hev. A J. Montgomery delivered the
charge to Mr Mixaell and In remark
Were highly pleaning and to the point.
Mr. Moiitgumery will alwaya he a lavor
ile in Onvun ('it v and aa long a lie lives
in tlteae pa'i w ill hia fneml be glad lo
tiear and nee him.
Chaplain (iillart, alwaya so popular
ami ititeri'Hting, delivered the charge to
the people, ami hi talk waa full of good
I In lua and helpful giiggeatiumi. He aaii
"Don't expect the paator to do it all ; you
iniiat hear Home ul the reaponaihilily and
do votir par'. Another remark wtf
"Make allowan-e for your paator am:
nun l look lur a gteat hitiiioii every Sun-
lay ; reiiieinher lie ia not inlallthle atld
can t 1 e alwava at hit hett.
At nine o clock me riBtora were
obliged in leave or Portland, which (act
waa regretted hv the audience, who were
uetirou ol nieetiiiis iIumii in uersoti.
Oregon lltr Market Kcport.
(Correctei! to Friday.)
Wheat No. 1, "Do per htmhel.
Flour 1'nrtland, f.'l.SO (ar bh. $1
per ak. Howard's Heal, $1 per tck.
On! in Hacks, white, $1 to . 15 per
cental, gray, Jl.'ll
Hay old Timothy, hales, $! per ton;
looae, f7 to !l f)0 per ton. Clover fit)
(Ul, Mixed hav, fS.
MillHtiit!' liraii," li(H) per ton.
aliorlH, $.'ll ."el per ton ; chop, fill. 50 per
ton, hurley, rolled, fL'5.50 Per Ion.
Polatoi-K 50c per humlteil llm.
Kgg Oregon, 28c tier dozen.
ltntter Hunch. -Tu: ti 50o per roll.
Oniona, choice, t!.lc to TOcpercwt.
Dried applea, 7c per D.
I'rnnca, (dtieil) petite, 3e ler II) ; Dal
ian, large. 4c per lb. medium. ;;c:
i Silver. 4
Paranipa, Heel ami Carrots, (i5c. per
Cahhage (new). 40 to 45c per doz.
A pplea, 50c lo liOc.
Dressed cfiicki'iiH. 10 lo 12l9' c per III
Livestock ami dressed meats; beef,
live, f ). DO to f 1.75 (a-r hllii.lred. Hol'S,
live 5 cla; hogs, dres-ed, 7c;
ul, .,.! 1 I,. 'Il ... mI. ...... i- ,. i .'..
pro- i " " a ""1 r, uuwc i,
s . f!eal, dressed, "'a cents; iambs, live,
uitiiij. ure-8Hil, (i'l.i: to 7
t 'roup.
Tlie peculiar tough which indicates
croup, ia usually well known to the
mother of croupv children. No time
hIhiuIiI he lost in the treatment of it, and
fur this purpose no medicine has received
mure univerral approval than Chamber
lain's Cough Heuiedy. Do not waste
valuable time in experimenting with un
tried remedies, no matter how highly
they may be recommended, but piye tine
medicine a directed and all symptoms
of crnup will quickly disappear. For
sale by U. A. Harding.
Notice of School Meeting:.
The attention of the legal voters
School District No. 02, Oregon City is
called to the fact that the meeting for
levying a tax for the ensuing year ami
the consideration of the question of
building of an addition to the Fast ham
school house will be held next Monday
evening January lllth. 100;! at the county
court room in the court house at 7 :.!(.
C. O. T. Williams,
A Kelenllllc lUicoterj.
Kodol does for the stomach that which
it is unable to do for itself, even when
but slightly disordered or over-loaded
Kodol supplies the natural juices of di
gestion and does the work of the stom
ach, relaxing the nervous tension, while
the Inflamed muscles of that organ are
allowid tn rest ami heal. Kodol digests
what yon eat and enables the stomach
and digestive organs to transform all
food into rich red blood. Geo. A. Harding.
'r -
10 per cent.
reilui'tion on our
entiie nVnk of
Toilet Articles.
25o fiol. Violet Ammonia.. .14
L'-'c Lyons Tooth Powder... .18
25c Htihifoain .1
47TI While Hoae Soap ...... .12
Cashmere H xi'piet " 14
Cologne " " 8
Williams Shaving " 4
Castile Soap 3
I'ears ' yt
Carnation Soap ,l()
Swan Down Powder 12
Talcum Powder 7
Hozodunt 18
Pure Iiorax, pound pkg ... .8
Hind's Almond Cretin ,'57
Soap lioxei '2
Kaatinan and Lundberg per
fumes at reduced prices.
Unit la What a Piano or an Organ
Will .Mnke It.
All our Oregon industries have been
isiied by l'ro.H'riiy dating the year jiiHt
loeed ; wheat vield was pheiioinen.il and
found readysale, frtiitabiinilaiit, lumtier,
lodging innl Uml business boomed.
. ,. .1 . :
minea tianned out tine and manufactories ,
.. ... J 1
i:..i -..i : i ;iu
Ilill) emu ui-ra in iiinni lannir ai luiiui.-. 1
... - . .
Knl I1411I1 Hccounta alone do not conatl- I
lute prospentv. It is. the manner in
which these surpluses are expended
w hit h indicate prosperity and the kind
of people who enjov It. So don't pi'e up
bank account while your cluMren e
minds run to weeds Spend it in giving
them a g Hhl educ itlon and miking cred
itable citizens of them, (iive tliem the
ailvatuages of mmic. All nationi and
II tribes from the lowest tn the liijlicil
love uiusie, the savage his hi tom-tom,
the millionaire bis piano, his pipe organ
and the opera. Now, while your ilul-
treu inr.v uot have w hat the uiulioiiaiae
ha", vou certainlv do not want ttiul tliev
should have less tli.in the suv.ige. You
Id not want them to grm- up with no
know ledge whatever o' tnn-'c and w b-
out the culture w hich it all' ml. You
want Oregon's prosperity lo be indicated
in the education, the culture am' the re
tini'i;:nt of you children, and one of the
beit avs tu start them along these lines '
is to give tlieni the advai.tages of a inns-
ical education. So send to u for our I
atalognes and prices an pianos and or-
gans. 1 on can get a tine organ Irum us
tor on v in ami pav m i m now n, wueui
1 i: . . 1 -i'i . . Li I
we ueiurr 11 10 yon. 100 ir!ii o. ",..
payments are from f.'i to fo monthly.
And any time within three vears, when
your children have acquired a knowledge
of music and want a piano you can turn
your organ back to lis atld receive credit
or just what you paid for it, on a, new
pimio. W rite us and tind out aoout tne
new piano we are now selling foi $lSti,
flli down ami $8 a month. Filers Piano
lloife, 351 Wasbinglon Street, Portland,
Oregon. The piano house whose instru
ments are tho finest, charges the least
and terms best of any store on the Coast. I
Case Ptidioneil.
Owing to the fact that A. MacLeod,
has a contract to take some logs down
the river from Albany, his case against
Morlev lias been postponed and will
be some time next week.
1'IikIm Way to I. Ire Long.
The startling announcement of a Dis
covery that will surely lengthen life is
made tiv editor O. U. Downey, of Chn-
ruhusco, Intl. "t wish to state," he
writes, "that Pr. King's Xew Discovery
for Consumption is the most infallible
remedy that I have ever known for
Coughs, Colds ahJ Grip. It's invaluable
to people with week lungs. Having this
wonderful medicine no one need dread
PniWionia or Consumption. Its relief
is instant and cure certain." Ueo. A.
Harding guarantees every 50c and f 1.00
ottle, and give tria bottles free.
Use Brotno Lax for coughs, colds and
a grippe. Price 25 cents a box at
Charman it Co. Each box entitles
ou to one guess on the guaranteed g)ld
Ilreryllilne mut co before the
hvllflayn. KTrr thing reriiire'
MlM C (a'olllMUllth.
: : '
Golden Rule Bazaar
'Oregon City's Dig Cash Store."
Our Annual Clearance Sale still continues.
Our already low prices have been still further
reduced to move the stock more quickly before
taking our annual inventory. . ,
Flannelettns, 12, 15 and 18c
value, latest patterns Q
50 Dor. Ladies' lloae, regular
25c, Hegent Brand Fast Iilaclc
Seamless 1 7
F.ider Down Iiresamg Saques
Hlue, Pink ami Red, regular
11.85 69
.Men's Hibbed Underwaer Med
ium Heavy, white with neat
stripe 29
Odd Pieces Crockery, Cups and
Saucers, Pitchers, Bowls, etc.
Quarreled In a Flame.
I Tuesday morning as J. Gaskell
anil i
W. Smith were working in a flootu I
I aimii iHiiiri ino aa-ir aairi Hum un -
, der the new pulp mill which is under
wliicti carries tlie wate water I root un-
constrtic'ion for be trown Paper Co, I
some (lillii-nltv arose heiween the men
which resulted in blows leaving M.
Smith with an ugly gash over his right
eve which look three stitches to repair
:." 1 l- j- ,.l.:n .1-
u inu .nr. oiea waa cooipicieiy u-
, . . . ., '
moraliz.'d bv a stunning blow on the
, head from a hammer hurled by Mr.
. , , . .
Sitntlt ultliniit.li at u-frlr .ifuin
fatal re
lating are anticipated as the gentlemen
' .7
: declare their troubles are not yet at an
1 end,
1 Tench els' liiiiiiiiatiiin.
N it ice is hereby given that the County
Siipe'intendent of Clackamas County
w ill hold the regular examination of ap
pltc tnta ft r state and county papers at
Oregon City as follows:
Commencing Wednesday, February 11,
at nine o'clock, ami continuing until Sat
urday, February 14tb, at four o'clock.
Wednesday Penmanship, arithme
tic, history, spelling, algebra, reading',
school law.
Thursday Written arithmetic, theory
of teaching, grammar, book-keeping,
pbvsics, civil government.
Friday Physiology, geography, men
tal arithmetic, composition, physical
Saturday Botany, plane geometry,
general historv, Knglisli literature, psy-
fob conxrv ihpers.
... , . r- 1
Commenting Wednesday, February
,: ....l.. ,! ....ntimiin j
Friday, February 13, at four o'clock.
Wednesday Penmanship, history,
orthography, reading.
Thursday Written arithmetic, theory
of teaching, grammar school law.
Friday Oeograpiiy, mental arithme
tic, physiology, civil government.
I'KIMAKY ckktifioatks.
Wednesday Penmanship, orthog
raphy, retding, arithmetic.
Thursday Art of questioning, theory
of teaching, methods, physiology.
J.' C. Zixser,
Superintendent of Schools.
Oregon Citv, Ore.,
January 9. 1303.
Experience Convinces.
Prove its value by investing 10 cents in
trial size of Ely's Cream Balm. Dnwista
supply it and we mail it Full size 50 cents,
iXY BUOS., 66 Wai-ren St., Kew York,
Chiton, Arizona, Jan. u, iwii.
Messrs. Elt linos.: Please send me a50
cent bottle ot treata isaim. x ddu your
remedy ths quickest and most permanent
enre for catarrh and cold in the bead.
DellM. Potter, Gen.Mgr. Ariz. Gold M. Co.
Messrs. Elt Bkcw.: I have been afflicted
with catarrh for twenty years. It made me
so weak I thought I had consumption. I
got one bottle of Ely's Cream Balm and in
three days the discbarge stopped. It is the
best medicine I have used for catarrh.
Froberta, CaL Frani E. Kimdlespirc.
Ileadi Salionlil Srirr Artie.
Never endure tiiis trouble. Use at
once the remedy that stopped it for Mrs.
N. A. Webster, of Winnie. Va., !m
writes "Dr. King's New Life Pills whollfy
cured me of sick headaches I had su
ferercd from for two years." Cure Head"
ache, Constipation, Biliousness. 25c at
Geo. A. Harding's drug store.
10 per cent.
re lnction on our
entire itoi:k of
Box of pap-r ami envelope .8
250 XX envelotin 30
Steamboat Plavlng Cfrds... .7
Bicycle ' "... .Hi
Princes Note Paper, qi.be .3
linen Paper, til theels, IjO
envelope JZ't
Receipt Hook 4
Pencil and Ink Tablets 4
Pocket Dury .20
Toilet Paper, 1000 sheets,
roll or pkg 9
Crepe Paper, tier roll 6
Decorated Paper, per roll.. .18
Shelf Paper 4
Cabinet Letter Files. 2!)
"Lincoln" Fountain Pen.. 1. 15
Japanese N ipkim, 100 for.. .15
-.'J AC,
Mnlth's HainiruiT Pi mail''
stops itching sculp iiion one application,
three to six retnovea all lUodrotf and
: .1 ... f . 1 1. . i. . :. ii.:.... e,i .... -
jmo nop lainoi; nan. I in i- ,iu rrina ai
i druggii.
Letter 1.1st.
The ollow tug is the list of letters re
maining in the postniHi-e at Oteon li y,
Ore , ou Jan. 15 Ii, I'M'!:
WllllKN's i.i r
Buchanan Kiie .Mis Juhnsioii A Mis')
Bair Carrie Mim iooieil A Mrs
Uodga Stella Mrs Melrrm Haled Mits
Holnna in K I M.S'
mkn's i.i.-t.
Akin Dr Hunter X
Betue F.lha Ilk-key M J (Rev)
L'asiidav K F Handy D R
Dunn (iny Marlin I M
Ekitrand M Sclileich Ed J
Edwards Archie Jmith J S
Frost Hoscoe Smith Oeo W
Falun J W Steiner Fred
(iiihens John Towie J U Dr (2)
lluil.-ou M Wilsjn J M
Women Need
a constant supply of blood-making ma
terial or their systems will break down.
The complicated female organism is
so delicately adjusted aa to be easily
thrown out of balance. As a result,
health and strength are affected by
divers diseases. Motherhood, family,
society all levy such drains upon her
strength that most women break under
the nervous tension. The demands)
upon her nervous strength are much
greater than similar demands of the
opposite sex. Heuce she must be sup
plied in greater measure with the ele
mentiron that gives strength. The
reason women feel tired and worn out
and suffer from headache, pains in the
back and limbs, etc., is because they
! have used up their supply of Iron.
! Menstruation trouble ia largely caused
by lack of iron.
Dr. Harter's
Iron Tonic
supplies thia element. It enriches the
blood and restores what strain has
used up.
Augusta, Ark., Mar 190L
"After having sold Dr. Harter's remedies
for thlrtyyeara I fan cheerfully rwom mend
tliem. I niigni ana inai i
hold In speeial favor I'r.Hur
tcr't Iron Tonic, and would
recommend It as tn r
bent preparation of Iron I am ac
quainted with. To weak, worn -oat
women, and thoM troubled wltb nerr-
ouaneaa, poor digestion, and pale, tb.Ua
blood, 1 believe It to be a panacea.
-. R Wiumso, Dnnglit"'
0i,M isarsttM tUL tktr ttataralal Is iiariwj