Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 16, 1903, Page 6, Image 6

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" . ... ' . . iimibiiimm mm iw l inTTflTWI 'fl g1TiirTtfPllBBfMWWWCgIg3jMMWg!yy
.) i i ) H ( i i i t H f 'MH H i i l j N I I H t ! I M1 H I I ' H '
Spacious Counters I'luUr
I ! H n Ml v fin ft i
I ! h fin nn- i
I: U LIU I 1 11
Chicago Cottage
All will by mhu-id at this sale. Many
other articles to numerous to mention.
. .. . . .i t : . -
lock Keitiinllt's.4 nl cos! lo sitve the rxpenst' 01 moving,
1 nin izoinii to fiuenlioe my
ii l w i-.uii- tmii to snvi nio lev mil inriiiMi vuur iininc uu
A Fine Lot of Holiday Goods aro Included in This Salo.
A tireat Many Remnants in Carpets to he Sold at Any Old Price,
for your patronage in the past ami hoping to nee you soon again.
Thanking you
25 Drop Hoad
NOW $19.00
ii h l.iug uh they lunt. They lire warranted
for 10 years. It will pay you to look a then
rnHn wmi uci''a
Legal Notices.
Notice Tor 1'ubllratioB.
United State Land Otlic.
Orenton City, Oregon, October 14tti, li02.
'oiio U hereby given tlit in compli
ance witli lt)e provieioim o( the act of
Cotiitrew. of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
fnr th s)e of timber Umla in the
fctitmi of California. Oregon, Nevada, and L11Iltitj sli sul L'viin, uu ur beii.te rn
VaehinnriMi Tw ri t nr v . " an xiendel tol,i, tun liitu ul Jununrv, ttie awue
lo a)'r
tn, till nl
In the Circuit Court ol tin) Stale of Or
gun within ami lor the County ol Clacka
mas. , . ,
Maynie Ka"lftoii, latnlitr, )
William H. Knnlralou. .lefeml't. )
To William ii. KKietoii, tin above
named deleudant: ,.
In the nameol ihe ftale ol Hrewn: ou
a'e heret rnuireil t ai'iar and anr
iue coiiii'Uinl luea aiian.aiyiu m
all the Public Land states by act of Aug- j oei'i ix ka irum tu tirt put
8t4 18')2. Jbn E. Blazier.of Portland, ul tin. ..inunoin, anl it vou tail to
nty of.MuUno.nah. olOon. j --.
f.. thi i4v riled in this office Ins sworn
aiatement S'o. 5!'-Jy, for the purchase of
tbeN Si o(.NWi4 and Va of NK'4' ol
Section No. 32 in Township No. K, S
Jiange No. 4 E., and will offer prool to
show that the land eoiibt is more valua
ble for its timber or etone tlmn for agri
cultural iiirnnes. and to establish Ilia
ctaimtosaid land More the Register
and Receiver of this office at Oregon j
Cit, Oregon, on Saturday, the 2StU day j
of March, U03 j
He names as witnesses: Thos. IV-.
vine, of Poi tland, Oregon ; Isaac Vsngn, ,
of Molalla, Oregon; Albert Pasold, of:
MolalU, Oregon ; Frank Pasold, of Mo-1
lalU. Ort ij'n. I
Anv and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above describe 1 lands are re- 1
qneaied to lile their claims in this office
on or before .said '-'Sill day of .March,;
Ciias. B. Mookks,
Rrgisier. 1
' . ... . I'l.t luill.lM
Hi nli: cuuiplaii.i, io viii. nm -
: ol niatrimoiiy xi.-t "K belKeeii yuurseli
ami the I laiiuitl lie iiimuIvcJ.
! l'liis siiiiuiiui.a is puoiiheU by order 0
i Thos. K. Ryan, jmlge ul Ihr county court o
'tue biate ot Ongon, lor tne fount) oil
: Clackamas, in H' Oregon City hnitr, nr,
:aeral ne,fer ol gentr.l circulation
in I'Ucaamas toiii.tv. tirt i,,inlicilon of
, II. g on Krtuay, Jill lieceinher. l1,r-'.
j Aliomey lor fun, till.
r.rcmor' police l o Crrdtlan.
I. h.ml.v iriven that that the tin- 1
ileisuned lias heen apfoii ttfd KxrCulur of
the E-ltle ol Michafi Long. lvawl. tiv
Ihe Cmitcy Court ol the 8ial ol Oreg.ih lor
Clickanias County. .
All prions having lUuna anani't sanl
K-tate are hereliv noiilieil to rresent the
same to me for .vmnt. rtrly enltl,
nt the utile ol tioi.loli K. Hayes. Oregon
Oiy Orrgnn. willnn i months Ironi Ihe
ilate'ol Una notice, crtliey will be torever
Puled this Itith dv of llecetnlier. Vi
Kxecutor of Ihe estate ot Mnhail Long,
tiOlinoN K. II AY KM,
Attorney for Kstate.
Circuit Court for
In the
Oiunty, Slate ol Oregon.
Cbail-s Hill. Plaintitl, )
v. -Elizabeth
M. H il', Pefem'.ai t.
To EI zsJietb M. ll:Jl, the iUHjve named
In ti,e 'none ol the -"la'e nt Orfiron y.ui
are herein r-'!iire, to a;..-ar dint answer
the conii.iiM liie.l acuiirt yon iu the
above entitled suit, within six aeeks alter
the date nl lir-t .ub.ic-t"Oi of IliM sum
nions. t i- it, a'er the Jtim dy of Iiecem
ber. l!r-. si d it von Ih'I ' so ii-,er and
ans'er. for nt there.. f the Inn, till' i l
apply to llie Court for tne r- liet demanded
in the complaint, to-wit, lor a decree i'is
aolving ttie rfiids of matfi'no' ' now exiit
ing hemeen you and tne 1 1 liniill.
This suinnio'i" is put li-i,ed ly crhr of
Hon. T. A. McBride, Judge l 'he an,,ve
nli led Court made and entered LeC. Z'.rd.
Dale of first publication fl-c. y.th, I'M.
.1 N. I'K Ri;Y",
Attomej s lr plmniilT.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
con lor Cla kuuins County.
Maud Klla Whlllle. plailitill.
vs. .
Ed A. Whlllle, defendant )
To E l A. Whit le, the above naine.l de-
: tenuaiit.
I In me name ol tne State of Oregon, you
' are In reb iniiited lo up enr ami anei
me com, lamt liled a:l.,s. ou in tne aboe
i entitled court anil cuue on or tielore llie
' lilui day ol January, l'"''!, lhal being the
dj preVcrib d m ihe order ol put licalioi,
I ol this summon, and it ou Uil lo so up-
peur and ansaerraid fiini Unit the Umiill
wih appiv lo me cu. t n,r i..e re.lel iiiriein
r, tO-lMl. II'OI me lltaixnc
,.l,d i till III lie ins-
i .unlilo-d lor si
I lion. 1MI-.
hi t ol in,-
I ri.vtd I
ltlug belween
so.ved. I Ills j
i ol,ei U'lve werki hv or er
V Umn. J 11.IU." ol II, e ( oil' tV 1
aie' ol i iri-'oii, lor I .rkainas Count), m
the Ureiioii i ,iv hit r?n-e. a i.e.vspa,,et u
general rir, uiiiti n. in tni-cniinly an I
,r ill i, 111 du illim mile Nov. -
piiolli'nt.iin, Per. olli, 1:'"J.
Al.Khlll Ii. rl-KKEILA..
.Uion.ev l..r 1'miniiil
t lie.
In Ihf Circuit Conn ol the Slate of Ore
Hull, fur in e I'oumj ol Clai krtinas.
I. aura K. Orautliam, plaint 11.
He'liert L. (iratilliari. defendant t
ToHerbi ri I.. Urautham. delendaut:
In the name ol Itie Stale of Oregon, von
are hereby reiiiinsl to appearand answer
Hie complaint tiled against you in tne
above entitled anil, within six weeks Ironi
Itie date Ironi tlie lirsi publication ol mis
.nun , w hich tune pires on tlie 7'li
di.v ol February. l:rt. and il ou so lad to
o am, ear and ansaer, tli plaiutill III an
I ly In llie Conn h r lie rehet riyed lor In
Hie complaint, lo ait ; a del ree dissolvina
tlie bonds ol matrimony sub isiing beiweeii
Ihe plaiulill and the tlelemlaut, thai an
may resume her inaideti nameol l.aura K
Sriiiih, and ,r ani'li other and lurllier re
li. f as to the Conn msv seem meet ami Just.
Tills sillnllioi s IS piibllslied by orih r ol
lion. I'm, tins A M, llri.ie. Judge , I I ie
anove eninled Colirt. uat d peretnb r Pi,
P. ''..
pate of tirst 4.lihca'ion Her. l'
dale ol iut ubhcallon Feb li h. I'' l.
W. II. M Kl.l..
A'tornev lor I'l liunll'
n.t )
In the circuit court ul t'i Hiat ol Ore
lion lor tb County of I'la, kama
Annie smith, piainliii
.1 .lues S. riilllltl. itefeudai
I'o James S Miillli, the above name, I de
lendaul :
In II' nam ol the Mi'e of Oregon, in
a brrehv required lo appear and answer
II, e Ciiiui Un t tiled against you In llie above
entitled anil, in Ihe aimv name I court on
or belo re January Sat ft. part, the same being
sis weeks from Hie linl publication ol ml
aunimoi.a. ami you w ll lake nolire it you
Inil so to lupear ami answi r ai,l comphunt
the plamiill will apply I" tne c uirl lor the
rehet demanded in saiili'onipiaiii town : mat
in bonds of matrimony eii-'ing between
you and the p.Hili'lll h ilii'lvd, lor an
un ivived one third ill ei-l In and to t'ie
liiliwmg pro, i r v. to wit : - - A 1 1 ol II, e S.'j
of llie N.W ol sr.'. Js, . R. I K. V ,
l.. UingS ol the Sandy road: All P,
N I, ol llie M VV.', ol sl l sec. JS. T. '.' M ,
K. K. lying N i.i Hie San.lv rial; Ail "I
tne K ', ol Hie N K ', see :".. I. S. It i
K. ol tne W. M . anil also all ot III O ,ort..ll
i, li e K . 1 . ol Itie is. I'..1, ,.' arc. .11. I
Annual Report of tho Board of Water Commissioners.
K (K. 01 W. M. lying N. ol lh Sanely
mad, in all coniaiiiing I IT ai r. s id I in. I.
Alo tne ninlivnle.1 one Inir.l ol Pie deleml
ant's llilerol III and In , t one hi
Sunset addliloll to Ureoii
caie, cusi.niy ami ro'" r i
It live in
City. For I ie
I llie minor i Inl
ireli, Itei Uiulll A. Sinllll. ldi Mil Siuilli and
F.rnet Simt'i, ai d h r ber cul and .lis
burseiuei l. I.ereli,.
I his simmi,li is served 11101 you ' V or
iter ol Ihe lion. I lni". K Itian. Judge "I
t',e County Court ol ( Urkama County,
Oregon, hi Ihe Oregon C ly Erne' pri-e, a
weekly newspaper o.' general cirnil .tion. In
Clackamas County, for i J socc e weeks,
conioieiiclng Frid'av, N..v. -'s h, I'tf.'. and
I'.illtllllllllg lo and il.l'lll.llug J.iiln.ity :itn,
1 ""' i"iti: ,t- scnri:r,i:i..
Att. r.,ei s lor I'laintill.
Oregon t'ity, Oregon, January 1st, l'i.t.
To the Honorable the Mayor and City Council,
Or -guii t ity, Oregon, (j(in(liiiiin W,, herewith aii'imll Hill lh tleventh Annual
Itep.irt of the Hoard. The loilowmg eihiliita will give a detail.! report of III rereipl
am) pishur ei.tt l,,r lh past an mo tha; alto inoar lh approiimala alu ol the
wair woika and other lleina ol Inlered.
I h plant la now- In llrst elta working order and coinplrt- In all II Var una hrancl.e..
On luiproveine il made during Iue summer the pltrtug o( an ig'il Inrti I ntrl 11.
gal I'iiiiip the duplicate of lb one aupph lug th sellllng lanka, th aam lo b uss-.l .
clu.lvelv for waslili.g llltera; although It 'a arranged thai It can pump Into tne . ling
lanka in' case ol .11 emaig.n. y. Tlil tak. tne place ol lh proposed lanka on the Mull
(..r which tn Hoar I had a ke I Ilia C nine, l a r miaslnii M use a part ol Second t.
Hit pump proves I be all that Is re.pure l an I baa coal lea than the tank .ro.o.i
be.nl.-. adding to ihe water aupplv a.id being a.r 10 t tae rare or. There has been ins
luierb reure w lb the pressure on Hi malm since ta In-t tllaliuii
Two blocks ul lour Incli ra-t ir 111 mam w is ls.nl 01 Taylor 'treel t 1 r.l tre t'ie id I
lap-wenled main pial lit I liegnn I give out. Fi'tv lt of one and on l.iurlli Inch cal
sainted iron pip was laid on I'enih aire!, and .' leei ul I Inch g.il vanled pip III
tll V ol hlo k :i. I'en tanpings hay been mad during in year.
I lie llller plant has una been lu coii-tanl op.-rat on lor nearly a yar and In all thai
time the wall r di li- ered Into lh mama has been c e.ir ami apaikllug and lh plant ha
given the la-at ol satislacliuti.
Kin rin.
July. wa'er cnll.viiona ... l
A llgiial. " ' - 1 no
September, - - I. '
('tour :
V""','"'' " " U
Pecellllwr . . .
Total M, v.
Sale o! I, '7 feel of IS Inch pip '
total pal I CUV I'reasnrer 'lu'i't ri
llalame ts oii'stam ing aarranls 1
I, rand toial . . ''
Ml 't(1
lu l!:e (
lor It
Ivnlin H.
ir -uil 1
r ('.Ulll
Poll I,'
r.'e II. Phi. Up
, .ii ,r.e It P
.I II Sr
f Ihe :
,u t
i' ol I' ll ka'iri-.
! Pian till, i
, ..n.liinl '
ll iiis. pelelill.Oit,
I ite of "r-
In I I.i- (in 10 C
gil, loi t ni kaln.i
Will Jin 11 ihem w
lit' ,,l the !
( iilinly.
A 1
In the Circuit Court of the State of ire
Hon, lor Cackariias Conniy.
XI. K. Stitilh, l .1 a 1 1 1 1 1 1 V, (
vs. r
Nelson Smith, defendai t
To Nel-on Smith, said defendant
In the name of Ihe state of Oregisn yon
are hi renv reipilred to appear and answer
the coinjUint tib-d against J'uU i" the
above entitled tint and Court uu i r bef. r
tne 2nth day of February, 11J3, t .e same
being seven weeks Ironi the ti ret ptibhca
tion ot this suniinoi s, and you i I tBke
notice that il you lail so to appear and
answer naid cum pi dnt the plaintifl ap
ply lo the Court tor the relief demanded in
Che said cotni Uint to wit: Eor a disjoin
tion of the bonda of uiatriino' y now exist
ing between plaintiff ami defendant and for
oosis and dlabursenienta ol t'.e suit
Tins rjiininiont it puljuhed by order ot
the Hon. Thomas A Wclinde. Judge of
the fifth Judicial Di-t id of Ihe State of
Oregon anil dated January Ht ,, PSj.'i, and
which said order uir-cts t iat publication of
this tuinni ,na 'ie made lo- seven succes
tive weeks co"i"'e'fcing with ihe issue of
January H h, l'1'1
" ' uuKDON F. HAYES.
AO' r ey f. r I'l si, td!.
! I'M. II .
; In the Circuit Court of li.e Mite of Ore-
j goti tor t ! ki.ua-. Co.inty.
I T Ii Wallice, l'lair t.ir, f
j vs. -
j Martha A Wall, re. Defendant)
To Martha A. Wallace, the above nameo
; pelendant.
1 in the name of Ihe fj'ule ol Hr-gon, Y'011
' are herebv leipured lo appear mid answer
! li e complaint tiled sgam-t y.m in tlie
i above entil ed sun, w ithiu six weekt from
1 the date ol the tint publication of this sum
! inoi.s, which tune expires on the 1 l'h d .y
1 of February, VM, an I it yo i"d
appear an. 1 answer, u.e plaint 11 '' ap:j
to the Court fur the relief pray.-1 I r in i n
complaint, to wit: a decree 1 l.it gthr
t bonds of niairiniony mtifi t.ng ' leen
plaintilt and delendant and I ,r Mich other
and further relief as Hie Co r- may teem
jusl and aq'iilable.
This summons is ublished byor lerolJ
Hon. Thos. F. Kyan, Judge ot the Louniv v
C "irt of the Stale ol Oregon, lor Clackamas
County. Dated December u,. i:r.
Dote of first puhlicatioi, Ja uiary 2
Daieut lad publication Februa'V 13. I'J .'I
Attorney for Planum.
In Ihe naiiie ol t ie ,-ta'e of "regno vmi
. r,-herenv reoinnd to appear at.d an-wer
u.e complalt t 111. 'I aal
er, tilled suit on ol
nth day of February,
hunt p. the t uie pr.
st y.i 1 In llie ab ,ve
la-lure Friday, tne
pi 3. iluii In-P.g Hi
lined lor llie publics
MO" ul tue summons, the day ol Ihe tu-i
puhheadon ol I bis summons liej. g I" 1 ida ,
pe. embi r Lti. 1'aiJ, and if v "' la I 10 s,, ap
pear and ans A! r. me plan till will apply to
ihe court lor tlie n li. l .i)-iiih::.I-.I hi Ihe
sanl complaint, lo wit : that Hi bonds ol
iiiBirinioi.y now existing hetwaen vou and
plaintiri be .lis- ld
Ihissumi h is pnl li.hed hv the order
nf tue Hun. Thomas F. Hym, Judge
ihe Cuiiiny Court ol C'larkama- County and
Stale ot Oregon, in the Oregon Cuy F.nter
prise, a weekly newspapir l general i i'i u
laitou in CI 11 kainiis Countv. H ate ol lire
g.111, fnr seven consecutive weeks cominenc
ing Fridav, Deremlier -'ii. !'2. and contin
nig to and including Fridav, February
(iEo, C. HIMW NKi.U
AH irmy lor Plainti
In the Circuit C .ortof f' e State of
eon for Clackamas C ""ity
Ttiekla A. Schneider, Pl.untiir, )
Rolrt F. Srhreider. Defen lant. j
T Robert r. Scbnei'ler. the above named
In the name of the State of Oregon : You
are h reby required u ap .ear a d answer
the complaint bled against you in the aliove
eniitled couri and cause on or before Satur
day, the Hist 'lay "f Fet ruary, V.KI. which
It eix weeks alter January ' V.(:, the
dte ordered for the lirt j ut, jc ttoii of this
notice, and it you fad 1 1 so app ar and an
swer the plaii till w ill a lv lor the nlief
pravel lor in the c mi hint, town: for a
decree di-i lying t'.e 1 'Is of matrimony
now existing betwe n love named plain
till and delendai t, t'n the re-turation of
her maiden name and lor such other and
further r lief as lo the court seems meet
and just.
Tni" tunimot.sis published in the Oregon
Citv Enterprise hv order of ihe Hon.
Thomas A. MciJride. jurlge of the above
named court, made and entered 011 the loth
day of December, 1172.
Attorney lor Plaintifl.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon, lor Clackamas County.
Annie I.. (Towner, Piaintifl.j
T. f
John Clowser, Defendant. )
To John Clowser, the above named De
fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, yon
r. hurehv rmnired u apiiear and answer
! llie conialaint lil-d against you in the above
entitled tun, in in aoove imuir,, ....... v,n
or before F'ebruary L'lsi l!i. the same be
ing more than six weeka Ironi Ihe first
publication of this miminon". and ynu will
lake notice, that if jou f. 10 so appearand
answer said complaint, '' l1 ''lill will
apply tn the court lor the -e! ef . mended
in eaul complaint, t Tnal - ndt
of niatrimoiiy now exis i,' tween you
and niait, till lie dissol ve '.
This siimmona is . ibhshed h, order of
Thomas A. Mcliride, ju ge ot the Fifth
Judicial district, .f the State ol Oregon, ill
the Oregon City Enterprise, lor six siicces.
nlve weeks, commencing January !lth,
and c,,i tinutng lor each week therealter
to and including 1'el rusrv l i. Iffl'i
OEO ''. lill'iWNKU..
Attorneys for Plaintitl.
.otlce ol' IfUxolulloii ol I rl
The linn h' r 'ofore existing under Ihe
name and stvle Wal ace ,t Madison, con
ais'ing of J. J. Wallace and F. It. Madison,
c.-partuers 111 t ie mercantile business al
Highland, Oregon, i this day dissolved by
nioiual consent. All .tent- of -aid partner
ship will he paid by F. It. Madison, and sit
hills due said partnership ars payabl ) ti
J J. W A I.I. At F .
Highland, O'egon, 2"ilh November, Pr2
oitiiinv i: o
An ordiiiance fixing the amount of the
Tax levy for the vear l!Xl'2.
OkkuokCity Do as OuUAtN As KoLWiwa:
Tliat there be and is hereby levied for tlie
year V.fl t tax of seven mills on each and
liar of assessable pinierty. both
real and personal, willnn the limits ol Ore
gon Citv, Oregon.
Read first time t a regular meeting of
the Cilv Coiiiu-.l of Oregon Cuy, Oregon,
hi 1 I January 7, I'.f and ordered pnfilished
To come up lor second rarling at.d final
passage at a Special meeiing of the City
Council 10 tie held January 2S h, at h
..lock P.M. URCCE C. CJ'RRV.
Bean tbt Ha'8 ""
police oi riiinl li-lll'iii ii.
Notice is hereby giveri that the under
sun.. I. administrator of the estate ot J.
FC.itly Faulkner, decea-ed, has filed 111 tne
County Our' ol the State ol Oregon lor the
County of I larkaiuBs his linal account a-aduiini-iran
r ol the said i-tite. a'"l Ihi.t
Mondav, the J ul dav ol F br miy Itn'l, nl
the hour nl Pit'ill o'i I ,ck A. VI. ai In.- court,
room ol said Conn') t;..nrt, in the dimly
Court House at Oregon City, has been hxe.l
by ihe said court bs llie time and place for
hearing objections 10 said linal "i'''-
Administrator of the Estate ol J. Early
Faulkner, deceased.
Atiorneyt for Administrator.
WllahniP.e R,Ih-iiow 11
ecutri .. in. i-sLceol
lu I 11 Rahem. ih 1 en-e I,
liu I ..me K.il'.-i.ow . Kirn.
11 r. I Italic i.iw . A mm U el-", I
and Em I W--i-s n, r bus-
hand. I. ulna 1, in.h rs. an I I
John l.amli rs; 0. r lui'ti ind, 1
Mary hbrent.it and l.oil ;
pen tv.rci. tell. her liii-lmini, 1
Augu-la Kid et, p. nle- .
mine Ko 1 1 '..' Paul Kol I
leliu. tier husi.aud. An -nsl i
Ko. 1 11 and Allien Uu 1 in,
peli-ndau's. J
To .lolin l.iipl'-rs, M,i'v Ein.niei'. Ootl
lieh F.,.r.-nl" it. Aogus'a Km i-Mi. W il'eniitie
K. Il' l'ii a d I'aol Kolleiin, P en lauta
lu Hie name ol tue Sialeol O egnn: You
arehir lv require lu appear and answer
iue linn-no'" coo. 1 un. 10.. "
emi 1- d suit on or 1 e..,re the la-1 nay 01 tne
lime 1 r-scribed m memoir lor punucanou
ul this 11111 minis. l'i-wi, wit n in or 1111 or ie
lre -It weekt Irom me nine 01 nrsi. puiui.
..1 mis suiomuiis Ihe dale ol Hie
nr.l, r lor a, ivute ul this snmiooiia by publi
cation is Janiiai y loth, H'l'l. and aald order
was made by Hull. iu"i r- '
Judge ol Clackamas Colony, ori-goii, and
said or ter preai rnii'i niai una i
uubii-heil in O'i newspaper once a week
fur six weeks, and U.al )i"i and each of you
appear and answer on or beh.rethe last day
ot Ihe time therein prescribed (or publica
lion to-wit, within or on or oelore six
weekt Ironi Ihe day ol hrst publication,
and the dale of lirst publication of tint
suiftnoiia it January Hiih, IhU't. If you do
not appear and anawer wiihin the lime re
uireil judgiiienl will lie taken agamal you
d eac.i ol you by ( l ilnlllt Inr want thereof
'or the rebel demanded in the complaint,
town: lodgment agalnat Wilahlmlne Rabe
now aa tne executrix ol t ie estate of Wil
helui Rabenow. deceased. Ill the .11111 of
I7i 0 00 with interest ihereon Ironi the 2Hlh
dav ol Mav. PKJl, al lh rale ol 7 lr cent;
Ibefurli.ertuiii of l').0U attorney leet
ud the costs and disbursements ol thu
nil - llie loreclosure ol the mortgage de
untied In the complaint given to tecure
said nole, and executed, delivered and re
cord.! in Clackamas County. Oregon, tue
ttiUiday of May, 1MLW, and upon and cover
ing the following described real property In
aa'd county and state, lowli: liegliudiig at
tne South East corner ol the bouth ha-i
uuart. r. d Section 2H in lownthip 1 Somh,
Range -a East ol W. M., running ihei.ee
North to chain lo a stake; t ,e.,ce 10 Cains
West to a stake; thence S chains Hollih to a
Hke- thei.ee East 40liaiht U. the phice. of
hegiuing. coi.iaih.uK lJ astres more or
less: that said real property be sol in sal-i-facion
of said ludgment, cos s and .lis
burseioeiita, and attorney lees, and that
the delendanta and each of them, and all
l,..fsoi,srla.mingtl,ronglithei.i be lor lureyer
lurei loaed and barred of all right and equity
in .d to said real pr-peny, and every par
cel and partlhereof. R. W. I '
Annuity "ir I laiinill.
Date ol first publication, January Hi. ',
Date of list publ.i atiun, l-et ruiir. 2., 1 "...
in -1, i mrviMi.
(is-ild A Klp e C . gtingi
i.r.noi, .V Kmghl M'g. Co.. n atiirr la'Pa
W I., Ill k. ile-k am t sha les
.luiip'rman - We I. M iciiln, r. Co , I enirif igai pu.np and runner
Coagulant, so lp.. sulphate elununa ..
Si ii ,,,.1 1", in tct. on hotels t I an. I. I''".
M,,!. nke ,V Hell. lu.u". r lor p ui , r em
John lliilu. r. is' i-i,i. r ,,.i, pn.np m v u.enl . .
I renkmim A'W, pipe wk..
I. ,. i A ii,i.,i-v. 1,1 ,i' k - ii , 1 1 1 , 1 1 , ....
I'a, I lie- SI lies I . I,", Iclie A lei Co.. I
Portland '.. In ral Ele, III Co , llghlm
I. I,. I bar num. si.i.iry us letaiy, f
I eleplione line account
Oregnii Citv found, ry, castings
Pi,,,,,. n Ilni kl ". C. Iron wnrks,
E Slory hlai ksinltliing . . . -
I'rinlllig. nolices. re. elp's and ch i ks . . .
vSil.o.1 ,V Cis.ke, leal .'.'..'.'. lubricating Co., Il.'i'ai l'la. , .
F. C. Oa lke. pipe and gaivaui.ed lr..n work
iiregon Cuy I' aiiing mill, lumner
Oiegon lion A Sleel ... cast iron pipe and spfl lsla
I ipi-nse. siiiuiriea utl. w I ''"
Charm!- .V Co.. ceuieni u li. ml f-'-l'iu. sundries 'l
Pope A Co., I". I- Ml I". inalirialM7"l
l abor ai'coui t
W. II. llo' I . sl'l'l . ' '
E A. In It-, assistant
J Sager, ii'ghiwa chinau
lieu. R.'.hhiAay, piiintuig tank hou r i if ami III I. Her house
Crane Compauv, valves, pipes and lilting
C.N tireenuniii, Ir-lgbt and drayag
Interest paid liy Cuy I reasur. r t . dat
eh -phoning
Clilllllllssliti,. t .'
utk and maima!
Family Wine.
1 UrUe ..Mirleil lotof wih" )'
n . ,. p - "
arrived in town from the Rhine Farm,
Sonoma, Cal. helecled lor n.e.i.ci.ia.
piiHteB. Kor Bale at E. A. Rrady ,
Main atreet, bet. 4 b and 5tb ata .
Total ..
Oiittianding warraiils Ju.y 1st, I'.Si.'
I I T'
,'ln'l III
I.' ial
:n,i ii
. 1 1 v.
; i i i
lo .,1
1 1
i :
in :
:t' '
:i.;i .
:h.i .'
II :
.v. I
l-" nl
I -M 'J-'.
:,t'i is i
:;i; .si
no in
M u'
:i.'s ;.i
I'l S.I
-'7't i:
I'M lo 1.1
Grand total !1701 1
Ptimping slalion. including Humes and wat r wheel
Worlbinglon pump, million gall in rapacity
I . .twin i,ii in I. Ill I Hum gadoii capacity
Centrifugal pump lor settling tanks, and attarhnienla
Centrifugal pump lor walling Hlleri, and a I ictimelts
Water mains on hill
Water mains on Main street
Water ll ains on Madison street ...
Reservoir, at Kly villa-. million gallon rapacity
Reservoir, grounds, Kly villi
Telephone line. .'
Tools, as per Inventory
Inventory ol pipea and Ifttlngs
Material on hand
Extra pattaol machinery
intake pipe line
Filter plant ,r ninils, ftlxlM, op Main street
Cost of llller plant t J date
Tank bouse
Claim pend ng lor freight rebate on car alum
r HUM) Oil
,'aH) Do
,vaa) tm
mat on
l.'IKI id
MI.'S) (X
1IHU 1)0
7ia OA
pi I.I on
174 lil
407 H.'
4.11 !1
KT.'i 'ff
TM Ik.
ax) no
2l inn 01
.ft no
4"0 on
l.'it DO
i 31
nraasTiH'i rxiKSiM and rixsn ciiakom roa l!K)i.
redeemed warrant a. 'VM "!
Interest, on bonds, V
Hal iriea
Rentol telephone and measages
Pilnting ;
Station expense, on, waste and repairs
Gross receipts for Pi' were
Gross receipts for Rail were .
Net increase lor PSJ2
001 70
in on
1,11 IH
2:i2.i Ml
:iH H7
21 ai
'-' IS I
4070 OS
; :hi"I 4:1
7'"! i:i
lionds hearing 0 per cent Int-reHt and having one ear to run
Floating debt at 0 per cent interest as iiulstanding warrants
. cpsa O On
...loi.ll I'.i
$.".H.il 40
In prolec ion
SixT.'undred cohsumersa're'su'pplieil through mil -s of mains,
it lurnnhed Ironi 00 Improvee nyrains.
ResHrifully submitted,
T. K CM ARM AN, Secretary.